Stye tfljarkrtte tetrwr. SUBSCRIPTION MATES I MM, one year, (JH WW MM 2 22 m Jfontt WEEKLY WDlTIOlf : Weekly, "V wo W 00 SixJtfonMs 1 w Li?er Reduction for OUOt. Matt iZtrrfOTn. xsv . Tdl ) T 1 1 In i ."-TT- VOL. XXV. CHARLOTTE, N. C.HIJIISDAT APRIL 21, 1881. NO. 3,778. X JAY GOULD'S LAST SCHEME. SPARTANBIrttG'S MOVEitlEWT. SMW fflMtti ;S wKfiffl- - - - - Jew f. - cr.i air-.: ,.(.i-!avri a,i--. .s.i- , - ...... r -t ' 1 ' - t" . ' " v. - ' r i ..... . , '. ' i . --r- , J- ii i.i.i. I. ..t. a, , . -I., i. r in .. I. .1 . -- .mi.. i n - " - a TT. n,P best Glove In Market. Every pair Warranted. (TAXXKTXD Jjm VHM, 1876.) Fuday, March 29, 1881. OUR STOCK OF iv oua WHITE GOODS Denartm.nt will be found Barred, Striped. Lace and Plain Nainsooks, Barred and Striped Muslins, Victoria and Persian i .,un. Plain. StrlDed. Dotted and Lace Muslins, Mull Muslins, French Lawns, Piques, Tucklngs Linen Lawns. Maaalia. Lluon de Dacca, Bishop i awns, and. Indeed, ANYTHING wanted In this line. We have an unusually large stock. 01 Laces, Embroideries, etc., etc We have a tremendous stock of DRESS GOODS, Buttons, Fringes, Satin and other Trimmings to 10 maicn. OUR STOCK OP Ready-made Clothing and Gents' Furnishing ; Goods is large and cneap. we nave me best Unlaundried Shirt In the market for the money. AL 4 mar29 00ts a a Jtft0jes We are dally receiving our SPRING STOCK wlilch wlll'be more complete than ever before and comprises the LADIES'. MISSES', CHILDRENS,' GENT8', BOIS', AND YOUTHS' FINE BOOTS 1 SHOES A SPCECIALTY. Lower grades all goods in our line in variety and au price. FULL STOCK STETSON HATS, and a pretty line Straw Hats, Trunks, Valises & Satchels, ALL SIZES AND RRICES. Call and see us. PEGRAM & CO. feb20 ' ' -OUR STOCK OF- SPRING GOODS IS COMPLETE. Wp havn all Naw Novelties In Dress Goods, viz., French FoullE Plaids, Brocades and Stri ped Buntings, Tinsel Brocades ana riaias, aio- caae r'laias ana fiam banns, in mi suimwa. 1 CASHMERE9 I I CASHMERES I IN ALL SHADES AND QUALITIES. TAMI3B, HENRIETTA AND EMPRESS CLOTHS SUMMER SILKS AT 45c PER YARD. We have one of the lamest stocks of Laces ever offered in this market, In fiulpures, lentelles, Mechlin, Vermacellas, Bretonne, Torchon. Lan guedoc. etc. The Drettlest line of Cretonnes ever offrfi in this market at 25c per yard Lace Curtains and Lambrequins, all the Lew designs, extremely cheap. i WHITE GOODS I WHITE GOODS I This Line Is large and varied, comprising all the new Novelties, viz , Llnon D'Indle, Organdies. Thread (lamhriM. Lawns. Mulls. Plain. Striped and Barred Nainsook; Swiss. Nainsook and Hamburg Edgings, Dotted Swiss, Indian Elnbrl- uerg, msn urocnet L,aces, Jiitc. OUR STOCK OF RIBBONS Ha h.fn pnlartTBd vArv mnnh: almost every Shade In Hatln or Gms firaln. A beautiful line Of Sa.h Ribbons. We now have exclusive control of two fact iries manufacturing Ladles' and Gents'. I HAND-SEWED SHOES I HAND-SEWED SHOES -EVERY PAIR,' WARRANTED.- We keep a large line ot Sheetings, Damasks. Mar seilles, Quilts and House Furnishing goods at bottom prices. We have just opened a beautiful stock of I MACKINAW aAd FUR BATS I - I MACKINAW AND FUR HATS PLAIN AND FANCY. KID GLOVES, SPRING SHADE3, 85c PER PAHM Parasols, from the lowest grades to the handsoni eat fahriM. niip mttwv of Hosiery. Notions, Frtnees. Naekmnr. Pasmentrr. Eta. IS com- i Dletn. and m inn to ari it a aareful exami nation before purchasing, as you can save mon ey by doing so. Staple lines as low m wo m- est. tar Prompt attention to orders.- ; . HARGRAYE3 :"WILHELM, Smith Building, Trade Street, Caar'.otte, N. C aprlO .. , ,.; . .FORWENT, A NEWLY finished Srroom otUg,"eomer;of SpiinpnJ Summer Goods is now Complete. EXANDER HARRIS 881 Spring Stock 1881 MM INI, Best Brands Latest Styles xtinin ana unurca ettwue. - , , T1 rftfrl-tf DC P. HUTCHISON. 01 COUNTERS Are now laden with new and fresh goods In great er variety ana me cnoicesi seiecu.n that we have ever offered to the trade. EVERYTHING TO BE FOUND NEW IN nrvBEsa GOODO BENGALINT7 ENGALINJJi SHOODAO HOODAia BESS GOOD BATONNAIO AYONNAIO rBEPE FOUL T7 FOULXU SATIN ATIN SURA SURA H SATIN DK LTOAT ATIN DX LYOl TVTADRA8 SUITING XIX ADRAS SUITIN WHITE, BLACK & COLOSXD GRENADINE O With TrlmmtruH to Match, O AND PLAIN AND LACE BUNTING. A very handsome assortment of WHITE GOODS Embracing all grades, from DOMESTIC PIQUE TO THE FINEST FRENCH AND PERSIAN LAWNS. Parsols nd Silk Umbrellas. Something new to Table Linen setts. Ecru Lace curtains new and popular Some beautiful Scotch Ging hams. Everything new and stylish will be found In our stock. We will be pleased to have you Inspect our goods. T.I (6 ap!3 A DELICIOOG DRINK For Use in Families, Hotels. Clubs, Forties, Etc, Boitoat c. h. exAvcs Jk soira. The "Hub Punch " has Utelr been introduced, and meets with marked popular favor. It is Warranted to Contain only th m Best of Liquors, United with Choice Fruit . Juices and Granulated Sugar. It Is ready on opening, and will be found an agreeable addition to the choice thinn which undamabiT'enlarce the pleunrea of life and encourage good f ellowahip and anion to we on e Dleasaree of lii good nature if nxhtv enjoyed. GOOD AT ALL TIMES Just the Thing to Keep In Wine Cellars. Sideboards not Complete Without Hub Punch. It can be used Clear or with Fresh Milk, Ice, Soda, or Hot Water, Lemonade, or with Fine Ice, to Suit the Taste. Said hT leadin Wine UerehantA. Grocer. Hotels aaet Drage-ista everywhere. Trade suDDlled at manufacturers nrtees by Wll son 8c Burwell, Wholesale and Retail Druggists Charlotte, N. C." Jan. 5Jt-eod-em. TUTT'S POLLS INDORSED BY PHYSICIANS, CLERGYMEN, AND THE AFFLICTED EVERYWHERE. THE GREATEST MEDICAL TRIUMPH OF THE AGE 8YMPTOMS OF A TORPID LIVER. Ijoss of appotlto.W anaea.bow-8ls coatiTe, Pain in a dull lensation in the back part, Fain under th. shoulder blade. after eating, with a diain clination to exertion of body or mind, Irritability of temper. Low apirita. Iioga of memory, with a feeling of hying neg lected tome duty, wearineaa. PiaainoM, blattering of the Heart. Dote before the eyea, Yellow Skin. Headache. ness at night, highly colored Urine. n THESE WAK1TLN0I ASI XTKHEEDED, SERIOUS DISEASES WILL SOON BE DEVELOPED. TUTT'S PILL r pecleJly adapted to such casea,one dose effects such change of feeling as to astonish the sufferer. They Inereaee tbe Appetite, and cans, the body to Take on Flefb. thus th. system la onrUbeel, and by b elrelArt lea on t he IMareatlve Onisju, BMralw IU ajfepro duced. Price S ctnts: SB Mnrry St N.T. TUTT'S HAIR DYE, " Osat Hatb orWirrsTCFsa changed to aGioesy OfYtce 35 Murray St., New York. pn ITJTTtf BUJClt I ytok! InfotTealloa UU Keeelpfe will k milled FKE& mi apBl!eatloe. Feb 23 deodawly. ' 7 ; , ; j HUGH S10r& SOSS, orters, Dealers afid : Manutacturers MONUMENTS, rUBNlTDBE SLABS, Hie, Mantel pis, limbs, -' . 140 WestBalmowjaeet, ' - : t INS CORNER NORTH ' M) MOHUMXNT ATI SMI 11 IB pf! UiuH. MMIBLE STATUARY Jrawingsi W& Funusel -"''BAMIMOmiSfl " I ' -febl2-a7&c&wl , m3 i A New Venture on Hie WesiernRoad -which Concerns the Travreller. . Jay Gould's latest exhibit in railroad ventures is the introduction upon his Western roads of a new car seat, which may result in revolutionizing the whole system now in vogue of seating and sleeping the travelling public. His purpose, snouid the experiment prove satisfactory, is to place upon his pas senger cars a seat which will serve for the present day coach and at Right can De converted into upper ana lower sleeping berths, with the eomfort and accommodation now provided on the ordinary sleeper. This improvement will eventually be used for all classes of travel, f ronrthe first-class passenger tdrtrre Emigrant, "the only- drfferebcfr be ing in the upholstery and finish, which will or course be regulated according to the rate or fare paid. To first-class travel Mr. Gould sees a way of supply ing seating and sleeping accommoda tions with the present extra and rather heavy tariti for sleepers avoided, ana at the same time he seeks to gain the pecuniary advantage which will natu rally come to tne roaas introducing tne new system. The new idea known as A. J. Smith's reversible sleeping car seat was brought to the notice of Mr. Gould a short time ago. The principle adopted is the same as that employed in the ordinary iron car seat, occupy ing no more space than the common seat, and therefore can be introduced into old as well as new cars. The re versible upholstered backs are high and soft, and consequently are very com fortable for-reclining upon when sit ting up durine the day. Each seat has a aouDie cusmon, wmcn more i . i i . i.t i i ii. desirable for dav travel. Under the cushion is a folding box, giving ample room for bedding of all kinds, curtains, head and foot board, and other para phernalia incident to railway sleeping accommodations. An adjustable table is provided for each seat, which, by the use of a neatly; executed bracket, fas tened upon tne side or tne car, can De used for a single or double seat, so that one, two, three or four persons can sit at the one table at will. When the berths are to be made up the box belo'w is unfolded and supported by movable rods to form the bottom of the lower berth. tThe cushions are then opened, placed upon this rounaation ana tne lower berth is complete. The backs of the seats are next turned up, each over its own seat, and being brought togeth er or a horizontal line in this elevated position are joined together by a bolt, the arms of each back being fastened securely at the same time by an auto matic sprine-bolt or sleeve, me parti tions are made of fixed wooden folds, those for the upper berth dropping from the ceilinc and those for the lower berth being drawn horizontally from the side of the car. The curtains for each berth are separate and distinct, whereby a passenger above desiring to retire can draw his curtains without inconveniencing his fellow traveller below. The change from a day car to a sleeper is complete, and were all on board to retire at the same time, that change would be almost instantaneous, so simple and easy is the contrivance. The bed of the lower berth, when made up, is ten inches, and the upper berth three feet and eight inches from the floor of the car, bringing all the weight below the middle line of the car and nearer to the trucks, and lessening the swaying motion which is so annoying to travellers. The occupant enioys the advantage of being able to sit upright in either upper or lower berth. Every person occupying a seat is supplied with sleeping accommodations, and on the receipt of a comparatively nominal anm a corrmanv could supply a passen ger with a single berth to himself should he desire it. TJnder orders from Jay Gould the in ventor is shipping from Philadelphia a number of the new seats to the Mis souri Pacific Railway Company for use on first class cars, while a lot is also be ing made for trial on other Western roads. ST ICIJE. Prominent Lawyer at Whitevillo Blows His Brain. Out. Wilmington Star. Intelligence was received here yes terday of a very distressing occurrence at, WhiteviiLe. coiumuus counoy. kju Snndav morning last, about 9 o ciock Cant. w.J. Stanley, a prominent law yer of that place, requested his wife to leave tne room in wmcn tney nappeueu to be at that time, and sne complied soon after which she heard the pop of a cap in the room she had left. She ioH tr t.hA dnor and tried to ooen it. whp.n she found that it was locked frnm thfi inside, and while vainly en deavoring to unfasten the bolt she was shocked by the report of a pistol in the room where sne naa just paneu wiui her husband. She gave the alarm and a crowd soon collected, when the door was forced open and Capt. Stanley was found prostrate upon the floor, welter ing in his blood.which was flowing free ly from a wound in the temple ; and, up on examination, it was found that he was quite dead, while a large navy, pis- tnl was Wing bv his Side. Capt. Stanley is represented to have hfin a man of some considerable mfians. was in no wise pressed firian cially, his domestic relations were of the most pleasant character, and the onlv cause that can be assigned for the desperate deed is the course of dissipa tion nnnn which he entered, particular ly during the past two or three years of his life.. He enjoyea a goou yraeuco m his nrofpssion. and had a fair share of the business at the late term of Cohim bus court. He was much esteemed n the community, ana out ror nis unror tunate habit, which hampered his ener irirs. he might have risen to distinction He was about 40 years old, and leaves a wife and six children to mourn nis un fate. The terrible affair has naturally cre ated a great deal of excitement in Whitftvillfl and vicinity, and much heartfelt sympathy is felt for the fami ly in their sad oereavement. After Fourteen Year, Jprnmfi Wilson, brother of Dr. R. B. Wilsnn nf "Wfiw York, and Henry Wil son, proprietor of the Honesdale (Pa.) Citizen, ieit carDonaaie, ra., louneeu v.irs aero vesterdav. giving no informa tion of his wanderings, and nothing was heard of him until his return there yesterday. He was given up-as dead vAaTs ago. but his wife believed him to be living and remained true. Wilson, srifint his vears among the Indians in tne wilds of Texas and has made for tune. "Malt Bitters'' are a brain, nenre and v blood food, peculiarly adapted to, and warmly recom mended by, our druggists ana pnysictans ior ami HnMittv. mental and nhrslcal exhaustion. terla,nerTOU8ne&. sleerenesa; eniMlatlon and, dropsy, iiMi. i:i.-ji itl ti . tii J i. vAmii a H n cr the liver and' Kane! the blood there Is nothing like It, and .this is the reason why it so quickly -MinirrdmpleBand A Smooth Complexioh can be had by every 1 wbe will use trantmm .wuiKct. x vuiv. .vyiuyn- rs ana Tjunmnjr What wae Done att the Late HallrosWI meeting-. Spartanburg Spartan. - There was a meeting of earnest and enthusiastic citizens last Saturday who came together in, response to a call made in the county , papers. joi. a. Cannon, our veteran railroad man, was called to the chair, and Charles Petty was made Secretary. After the object of the meeting was explained there was an interesting "discussion as to the proposed roads. The following' resolu tions were unanimously adopted : - - Whereas tne people or Spartanburg are deeply inerestedin the extension ef the Virginia Midland railroad from Danville va., via ctatesvme, Lincoln ton and Sheblyville, NC, to Spartan burg also in the extension of the Au gusta and Knoxvuie railroad from Greenwood, S. Ufla .Laureagville, to Spartanburg andJfuso in the contem plated line of aiiroa4 from Spartan burg via liutherf ordton and Marion, N. C., to the Cranberry Iron Works. Resolved, That our people are ready to help by every means within their power to co-operate witn tne section in terested in these railroads. Resolved. That a delegation of six citizens be appointed to represent the City and County of Spartanburg at the railroad meeting to De neia at otates ville, N. C, on the 20th of April in the interest or the extension 01 tne Virgin ia Midland railroad from Danville to Spartanburg and on to Augusta, Geor gia. . ; Resolved, Tfiat a aeiegation or citi zens also be appointed to attend the railroad meeting at Butherf ordton, N. C;, on the 18th or May next m tne in terest of the proposed railroad from Spartanburg via Rutherf ordton' and Marion, N. C, to the Cranberry Iron Works. The following delegation was ap pointed by the chair to attend the Statesville meeting ; Hon. J. H. Evins, Major J. S. R. Thomson, Col. Joseph Walker, E. H. Bobo, Esq., Capt. S. S. Kirkland and Col. T. S. Farrow. The following persons were appoint ed to go to the Rutherf erdton meeting- r G. Cannon, D. R. Duncan, l,. a. Mills, J. S. R. Thomson, E. H. Bobo, Chas. Petty, A. B. Woodruff, R. K. Carson, Joseph Walker, J. B. Cleve land, W. K. Blake, John H. Evins, S. J. Simpson, G. D. Carrier, J. E. Black, H. S. Farley and T. S. Farrow. It was ordered bv the meeting that if any of the gentlemen thus appointed could not attend the Kutnerroraton meeting, that thev would notify the chairman at least three days before the meeting, so that he might nil any va cancies by appointing other- dele gates. THE NEGRO MODUS TO KANSAS. One Hundred Thousand Blacks Said. to Have Settled in Kansas and One Hundred Thousand In Other States. "Httrlingame. Kansas. April 18. The Rev. G. W. Henning. of the State board, having in charge the case of freedmen coming from the States to Kansas, says that the board have re ceived, cared for and distributed over 100.000 of these people since the exodus began, and has been the means of turn ing 100.000 more into other States. Mr. Henning also reports that the board has done all in its power, but without avail, to check the incoming of colored people from the South, and are spena- insr much monev in the effort. They are bound to come, they say, to Kansas, the home of old John Brown. Henning further says that the exo dus has begun again, and that large numbers of these people are now mov ing or preparing to move. The board has received tenders from Southern commercial centres of unlimited means to check the exodus, but this, Henning savs. is bevond the board s power. The New York Tribune says there is a movement on the part of certain per sons who profess to be governed by a desire to improve the condition of the colored race in America, to found a colony in New Jersey, where all the industrial pursuits will be taught to colored men. with a view of their be coming Qualified to fill responsible posi tinna in factories of all kinds. The originator of the scheme is Edwin H Fitlz, a real .estate dealer of Boston, who says that he has met with great encouragement from many capitalists and well known public men. Apromi nent colored clergyman of New York, whun in in regard to the matter, said he had but little faith in the scheme, and intimated that it was a real estate speculation. Take " BLACK-DRAUGHT " and you will never be bilious, apflll Tor sale by Dr. T. G. Smith. Smith's Scrofula Syrup and Star Curtae are pure ly vegetable. Why wfll you 'BBgJz White Swelling, Catarrh, Bheutnat, Kidney and Liver Diseases when a few bottles of these two OUT tewton county. Georgia l-Acemmendlnz to the pub- ha tx rhr.o.a ir.TOArtnrant and CrouB' Preven- ttve. My little son had been a great sufferer from Spasmodic Croup during the night Dr. Cheney, about twoyears ago. prescribed for htm his Croup Preventive, which has most miraculously cured bun. I find it equally benficlal In all cases of Coughs I consider n. a oiessmg m my nuuuj, every one should keep it in their nouses, by Dr. T. C. Smith. ect2-6m. For sale A CARD. t -ii nhn ata Rufferine from the errors and In discretions of youth, nervous weakness, early de eav loss of rnanhood. teu I will send a, recipe that win SyoXTFREE, 01? CBARE.;jhls eat remedy was tuscoyereu vy a luusiuun; m wuu America. Send a self-addressed envelope to ttie Rev Joseph T. Iriman, Station D, New York Cfty. apr 27 eoM.jBw ttv smith's 8crofula'Symp for your blood. ; It ail skin eruptions and will give you a beautiful and clear complexion. Wmr.CT WVANTTRI. CO.. GA.. OCL 10. 1879. Gentlemen : While attending the General-As-semblv this summerj I tried your Star Curtne pn it hAinir nffficted with an old sore caused by a innn'ri received during the late war. Alter .hav ing thoroughly treated It I am compelled to say it a muwwui. for I have had exnerlenca with different physicians and remedies, andloupd noth- ftiir to cure me unm wi ymu omr wuuioi ""j- mired a remarkably bad case. .Wlshlpg you success, I am yours, resrjectfully, johhkbxl. For sale by Dr. T. C Smith. : oct2-6m. ; , ; : WINE OF CARDUl" maks rosy cheeks and dear complexions. ?or sale by T. C SMITH, aprill : J bo not fcdl to can on your druggist for a bottle of that pure, sweet and.. delicious blood purifier, Smlttfs Scrofula Syrup, . . . " ' T fTstar Curtne cures all cliTOrnores andjs a snre Jfonjouf druggist before tt is too mte and Ret hAftiA nr miin a Bciviuiit oiruv iu ouu vnuu.. flnnthem Business UnJVersuy, At PiSmfSavAused DrJ CJ Mntta mv family tor several yeariCJmd caa je- r ommend it as-an Invaluable .remeay rorvougns, FrztXJaimmd. tt Riiixrforto anv otherieme- Uitritl.'pAQk'age oV 'BLACK-DRAUGHT" i t j&ee of' charge at , A)r't v!" - lf ,..' , AND THE apl5 If D O IP5 ES Es3T IE EST (23- CLOTHING L. BETiWANGEE , , . t . j - The general revival of business has had a cheering effect and given encourage ment to every branch of trade. The increase of pur sales during the toast year ha inspired us to make extensive preparations for this season, and we shall offer the most varied and attractive stock of Pine Clothing, Gents! Fur nishing Goods, Etc., ever exhibited in this market. Special attention ii paid to styles and the introduction of novelties. The excellence of our manufac tured clothing has characterized our efforts to eclipse previous productions. We make special efforts to always produce the latest styles of Hats and Nov elties in Neckwear. "We solicit an inspection of our stock. apr9 WHITE LINEN LAWNS. JONES'S CAMBRICS, PRINTED LINEN LAWNS, PRINTED LINEN LAWNS, HEAVY NAINSOOKS, V ACIT I C LAWNS, SHEAR NAINSOOKS, COCHECO LAWNS, MULL MUSLINS, PRINCESS LAW.NS, SWISS -MUSLINS, PANAM;A L WJtfS, . FRENCH, PARISIAN AND VICTORIA LAWNS, MARSEILIA JACONET, LINON DE LYRE, ... jO . A FULL AND COMPLETE LINE QE -w HIT m GrO O D s- And to trim them we hate AN ELEGANT LINE OF LACES, OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS, Together with the grandest line of EMBROIDERIES ever shown iri thts mafet; ' f FANS, PARASOLS AND SILK UMBRELLAS, In the newest and most superb styles, patterns and qualities. DRESS Men's and BoysV Cloths, Ffe Yonr Bpecial atttention is called to the above, and we solicit an early call.! J5yery advkntage to make selections wili brMl" - WITTKOWSKY & BARUCH. SPRING AND Ladies' Dress Goods and Trimmings, Lawn, Silk Handkerchiefs, Embroideries, Corsets and Hosiery; all the latest Styles and very Cheap. Ready-Made Clothing and Gents' Furnishing Goods, Give us a call before buying. mar27 THE ORIGINAL AND GENUINE DURHAM LONG CUT ZHT-A-S ISTO EQUAL. ' This, together with Sitting Bull, Durliam, & Durham Twist IS MANUFACTURED BT E. H. POGUE, DURHAM, N. C. For sale by all dealers In Charlotte. ' mar8 eod2m J. L. HARDIN, - MERCHANDISE BBOKKB - AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, Comcex St., Chaixjttk, N. C. larders for Grata, Hat, MeaL.Klour, Lard,Bacon, J Tobacco, Surar, Coffee, Molasses, c, respert tallr solicited. The cheapest markets and relia ble houses represented. Jan 28 - G SILVER, LEAD, i COEPER, AND ZINC r.- ; ORES PURCHASED FOR CASH rrax-Kew To no North Carolina &! 1 rmnanv sl Charlotte, vrtll nav the bes: M7mrld to this Sonnta iOt'"' i'i Ko charrawui be made tor aamnilTit infl a- . gmcfmn assays for uoM ana wntt A Emu t 1881. I Fill le Shown firomUnr Counters. IBS 333) Saturday, April GOODS IN GREA T VARIETY. A FRESH SUPPLY OF j . SIlaKS jQlBI$ CASBiaERES, JUST RECEIVED X LAJtGX VAETETT Of ; ALSO, A HANDSOME STOCK OT . arXaAGO-'S ;--lH PROVED PATENT LIYER PA0I ;:'--- Narn OxTeHAitiw- OAKM MjlB ajv StaaTcoTBj !. Xast . . a wick Aa xiNiai MMiM0o4tltkutSra3iift Ckifljairmr, liltlESdlCSi 6kt4Ienw Eniaeu. Thiei M 0sm alf Mill 1 XmfiBK-IC Toniaii abbInteU,cirenladm3)oolan4 u Lhrar.mTfyhcaaitiaiaBgUTrani v BtoBaah to elceH foodTPilci 0 TAM ft AiroS f xACBvSeM it au. Dxveeus-syoe tenAlaa erBuBsn,.;. ii-ir;a?mimriijr:-. ' " MaanfaetBred aad for saiaat iCB9amal treat jrorsaioinwianotieai tneanifswxe- n i :- a4 m-ya imi ria ml J ixmjm w. .- TwIst'drewiagaTabaee M' MittaiHL VAM eitlne neWas: ae- eMBpanled with oar."Hanest7" ceisshtediebel 44 t v U - J WhteVnn be found on head otTrev bcx ' , J CtffWISW.yfiT? 15. O-IF CLOTHING & Bl La BERWANGER & BRU., ! CLOTHIERS AND TAILORS ss 3H .El ELI AS Ac COHEN. Druggist - aim -Goto- --"-" W. P. MikviN, igent, ; and Successor ' W 'V.Vm'Bi (01t tOBr- 9, if I'Jiltifi SO Fresh Drugs f cry tesv ifCHs..-j-i: do I keep In mi, ste Alsb, ToOetand ; Fanlrtlde,PeThiJetls,CimbSiii! I of all the best eOea? and wafraatod areidven spee ; Hoplac toree' a shar 01 pnbll AFOSITOTETiGiaRE WlthootMedletoea. ALLEN'S SOLUBLE KETfCATJES' BOUGGBS Ko.lwmeyealWdtileej. ; Ma awiBjwtlaeiat eesttaaHJMM mat- ZZ'SZttxi eehoa.i en of wdalweMiQut are certain to.prlaee iripeptU bTdestrejlBf the eea&ikf'ei tha aicmadi . Bieceietof price. .l'z' . . ret laruet iwaoawi sena ier err:-". tlx. and fare Medicines Koraf baf th

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