h;t . ... . . . ... - . : ' j-..i,.B-ar.; i , s.i - ... - ' i . - . . ! . .. v - .. .- - - , " , nr ii ---..- f-jjv .-'.r,-,"? --.!;: TI ARKETS Bf TELEGBAFH OUR STOCK OF- To V.T' HIT 1S9I i-i 4 all Nurtlk GuteUmlaO at Uosne w 3DBf o of n? my tss jhl u is "mMBMD at isn vanvwmm mousum. r.c. as rTM.i imi ... i SEIf ATOBIAIi DimWSIIIOlW B B 2 S Oa the Subject of ibe l; ; Washington, May 3.-The EepuWl lq Senators met in caucus this mora le Receive the report of their com mittee on the scope and order of - busi nwsto be transacted the proposed executive aesfctons. .A? discussion en SSedrwhich had not been completed ?Srr' JVnr rf um aasemblaee xf the Senate arriveandtha journed to meet agam LU,. tr "X The attendance Was small this mora ine. The discussion is understood to have been confined mainly to the ques j on t orhnf. ahall be considered con- tested cases to oe neia irum iwu eJr- Thn Vice-President laid .tn 4ho ftonat.ft t.he unfinished busi- ness, being, the resolution iui uj civ, tion of officers of the Senates Davis, or west virgmiw, iuru the floor with a speech upon the debt auestion between the Virginias, pre mising his remarks with an expression of regret that the speeches made ;by the Senators from Virginia and Ohio, Mahone and Sherman, shou d have compelled him to discuss in this cham ber what he considered to be purely a local matter. The; debt question in West Virginia had never beeir made political one, and he regretted that the Republican Senators should make state ments reflecting upon the action of the Democrats of that State orvthe ques tion. Little or nothing had been done looking to an adjustment of the debt t;l hf.irAn Virsrinia and West Virginia until 1871, In the early part fc7, vyEDNESD AY. MAY 4, 1881. The Bepablican caucus in wh-ux" fn la thfl tyjwer that controls And die- f tth nartv of -modem -rtgr, 8H;aUed, and Conkling runs, the cau ens. They are in this predicament. a fpnfl hetween Blaine, Secretary of State, and Conkling. the representative of the Grant wing of the party. If the caucus yields to Con kling it arrays itself against Mr. Gar field's administration; if it opposes him it arrays-bim and those who fol low him against the administration, thus making a breach in the party, and a breach that it will be impossible to heal. This is whercrthe trouble comes in As to who may be Sergeant-at-Arms,Mahone's man Kiddleberger or some one else, is a secondary question. and simply affords an excuse ior mm ?t, t.n irive time to effect some compromise . between Conkling and Blaine, some mutual concession which will prevent an open rupture anu ue olargfinn nf war. nnnklini? know's his power and has thus far wielded it mercilessly, and un- "fnVa had, upon his motion, agreed ready for the ceremonies of v ;nuA.: T I rctnnH or misrenre- Kinfftn for the appointment of on the fourth day of July next. him well he is not of the yielding ordei Sgichmond but had met no- of men. By nature he is (in politics; body wifcn ybom to treat. Since that aggressive, pugnacious, and up to this time nothing had been done to the best tSehis "CS- a?lyknwTr have won and given lam the leader ge yuestion In 1871 Virginia had ship of the Republican party. Je asse(f wnafc Was known as the fund- . . Tf - nminiofratinn and f. v:n u;nV. oTifr!rilv Sfit". aside whipped it out in New York, making Cornell Governor, and followed it up The General Assembly bf North 00 Una at its late session nessed an act ao- .propriating five hundred dollars to build a monument to taememurT uiuuc uie constitutional Governor, Richard Cas well. This sum is entirely -inadequate for the purpose and was only intended to assist the patrioric citizens thft State in their efforts to build a monu mpmtftmmAnsurate ' with the arreat deed done by hinv whose- memory it is intended to perpetuate. We know that every true citizen of the State, adopted as well as native, will be glad to have the privilege of assisting in raising the legislative abpropriation te a sum that will nearly meet the require ments of the case. s Therefore we have iasned this circular, hoping that every one whose eye it may reach will for ward to the Treasurer of the Associa- tihn any sum which may attest ms admiration of the great many and noble services to the Old North State by that sterling patriot; intrepid soldier and wise statesman whose memory; we wish to hand down as a riclR legacy to our posterity. ' ' " . . His Excellency, Governor Jarvis, is in full accord with this object; and has notified the Caswell Memorial Asso ciation of his intention to further its ends. This Association is permanently organized and now vigorously at work. The citizens of Lenoir are already com ing forwad with their contributions. It is earnestly requested that the honorary vice president ofthe C. M. A. will nush the work of collection, so jpeoducx C Spirits turpentine steady at 91.45. I WrrjUNOToif. N. 83c. Bosln steadr: strained Si.4fi. irood strained SlJiO. Tar firm at Si.flO. Cmda turoentlne quiet at J1.251orhard,jeUowdlp$2.25and2 60 lorrlrglo. j ' CmoASO-Wneat-No. 2 Chicago spring 1.01a 1.02 cash, Iga 8 o 91 a97. Corn 42 cash, 44t Aiucast Oats" 87U cash. 2SUi Atunst. Porsr ash. Ai at 1 7.fi(ia.B5. Lard at 1 1.2ft. Bulk ments shoulders 6 80, short ribs , clear &80. Whis key . BumxoRS Night Oats Western white 46&47 do mixed 45a48, PennsrlTaoia . Provisions mess pork 18,00 tor old; new 19.00; balk meats loose shoulders r-, clear sides , ditto packed 6a9 bacon shoulders 7, dear rib sides 1014. hams Hal 2. Lard refined Ueroes 1214- OoCee Bio cargoes ordlnarj-to fair 9all. 8ugar. A soft 9. Whisker 1.10. CrHormiAii Flour ramUr, 4.90a5.10, lancy 5.40a6 0a Wheat-No. 2 red winter 1.10a.l2. Corn at 47. Oats at 4a Pork at S17.50. Lard at ll.25a.80. Bulk meats shoulders 6, ribs 8.65; bacon shoulders 6.75, ribs, clear sides 9.75. Whiskey at 1.04. Bugar naros 10, New Orleans 7a8. Hogs common 4.50a 6.00, light .packing .butchers 5.40a6.25. Nw York Southern flour dull; common t fair extra 4.75aJL20. eooa to choice R.25a7.O0. Wheat ungraded red 81.17al.28. Corn nntmulftd R4aKn. OatH AdRlli tor No. 8. Cof fee Bio cargoes Bal2Vs- Bugar fair to good rAflnlmr 7Ua7-1ft. nrtmfl 7 Lb: raflned standard A 8a9. Molasses New Orleans 80a55, Porto BJcp 8oafia Kosin 1.7277. Turpentine anwav, Wool domestic neece 82846, puuea unwashed 14aH2. Texas 14a80. Pork! old; middles long clear 9, short clear long and short 9 Lard at 11.50. milled 20a40, 16.25 ior VVt, FOR THE SPRING AND SUMMER TRADE, 9 N OW being received, is err attracave, and embraces a great variety of goods of the best makes, all of which we warrant For Ladles' Wear we have the Choicest seioOOOns oi Deauunu sua bctukhibvio bwuo ui muu( w uur mm or LAdlfs' line Hand-sewed Button Boots, wmcn ror Desuty au uegoacew miveinnnj ui wunuuouiuiii u uumu, aim tpm qutnny or material used be surpassed. - Gents' Machine and Hand-sewed goods. Boots, Button and Congress Gaiters, Nary Ties, Oxford and Strap Ties. Prince Alberts. GOOD GOODS AND IAJW JrHiuKa. ooys, msseeana uauuren-s duobh iu kivu yhtiowj uiu ui iao ucoi, yuiuii, auu oi neavy uooas a mil and lines of the best grades. marA Please give as a call. cannot Ac. Ac complete A. E. RANKIN & BRO., Central Hotel Block. Trade Street. grogs attjft t&iciuts. DRUGS-. 1881. SPRING STOCK. 1881. of Jfiat w the Xedrt wf -MTest that, U possible, the monumeat may be S8 ,.nTi motion, acreed ready for the ceremonies of unveiling with the greater triumph by maKing Arthur Vice President. By a very nice piece of political strategy, in which he carried New York State for Garfield, two-thirds of the debt to the old State and one-third to the new State, lne of Virerinia had uni formly since the passage of that act held that they had no power to an swer the calls of West Virginia for the ootiomont. nf tha debt Question, lne commissioners appointed by the btaie which no other Bepubhcan could have q Wegt yirginia had reported the f ol- done. Garfield knows an mis auunr cognizes it. He knows, too, that the prospects of his election were as flat as flat could be, until Conkling, Cameron and Logan took him in charge, and put Gen. Grant up as a figure-head at the Republican meetings. Then the Grant men fell into line and Garfield was sav or lowing facts: That nine-tenths of the improvements, for which the debt had been created, had been located in the State of Virginia; that Virginia had contained 41,008 square miles, . West Virginia but 20,000 ; that at the time of the separation Yirginia contained a population of 1,122,000, West Virginia that of 374,000 less than one-fourth ; that the taxable property in Virginia had amounted to ft3.90.000, in West zlA XT a Vnnwl this tOO. The priCO - i . : . . . i ii n this suDDort is what -Conkling now de- Virginia to but sb.uw-iesa uiu tnis support is wu b w b f thege f actg ould lt manris and what Uiaine won C ieb ju. v rin i -nras do mands and what Blaine field pay. Blaine or Conkling must yield. The nnpatinn is. which' Will do it. ThlS is what troubles Republican leaders now. If Blaine yields it practically means turning over the portfolio of State to Conkling, and the shaping the policy of the administration by Conkling, mak ing him virtually President. JNeuner, Blaine nor Garfield like this aspect of the case very well, so that they are in trouble as well as the caucus. How all this is going to terminate it is hard to tell, but however it may ter minate at present it holds out no very cheerful prospect for the Republican party. iii i DEATH OF GEIf. PRESTON. South Carolina's honored son, Gen. John S. Preston, died at his home in Columbia, last Saturday night, of cir rhosis of the liver. He was conscious to the last, and passed away calmly and peacefully. His wife, two daughters, his brother, Col. Thos. Preston, and Beveral of his nieces and grandchildren were present during his last moments He was buried in the family cemetery, in Trinity Episcopal Church yard, yes terday afternoon at 5 o'clock. South Carolina will mourn him, for among all her honored sons no name was higher than his, and none held in greater esteem and veneration. DEATH OF DR. BOIflfER. Rev. J. L Bonner, D. president of the Due West (S. C.) Female College, and editor of the Associate Reformed Presbyterian, died last Saturday even ing. He had been for a long time in feeble health, and his friends have for a month past despaired of his recovery. A suitable tribute of respect to his memory appears in our columns to-day. Several enterprising Vermonters are now in Austin trying to secure the contracts for furnishing tone from the Green Mountain State with which to build the Texas capitol. This is about the worst deal that this State has had yet. Inexhaustible quarries of the best kind of stone for building pur poses exist here. The people in Ver mont are certainly not posted in regard to Texas. Galveston News. It is nroposed to locate the monument on the public square, in the town of Kinston. All contributions should be forward ed to JAMES A. PRIDGDEN. Treasurer C. M. Association, Kinston, N. C. W. J. Yates, Esq., Editor of The Dem ocrat, will receive and forward dona tions. Nahhrille Races Nashville, May 3. This was tne second day of the races of the Nash ville Blood Horse Association. The weather- was clear and pleasant, but the track was heavy from last night's rain. The first race was for Young America stakes, JNo. 3, nair-mne, ior two-year olds, and was won by Babcock with Glenmore second, and Major Hughes third ; time, 53. Second race was for the Railroad Stakes, miles, for all ages, was won by Bancroft, Kimball second, Jim Ma lone third ; time, 3 :16. The third race was for all ages, mile heats, and resulted as follows : Boule vard l-l. Blantoa 2-2, Goldbug 1-0, Ur- silla 4-3 ; time, 1 :52, mm Arbitrary Arrest In Ireland. London, May 3 In the House of Commons to-day, Mr. McCarthy gave notice that he wolild. move on an early day that the action of the Irish execu tive in arbitrarily arresting a member of Parliament and proclaiming the city of Publin, is an abuse or powers grani- COTTON Galvkstom Irreg.; middling 1014; low middl'g 9c; good ordinary 8c; net rec'ts 158; gross 544; sales 600; stock 74,087; exp'te coastwise ; to Great Britain 7,831; continent 850. Norfolk Quiet; middling 1014c; net receipts 1,076; gross ; stock 12,114; exports coastwise l,Uoo; saies a ; expons w oroo nnam. BiiiTDiOBi Quiet ; middling 10; low middl'g 10c; good ordln'y 8c; net recis zo; gross 114: sales : stock 8,056; exports coastwise 25: sDinners 15; exports to Great Britain ; to Continent B08T0H Steady middling 10e; low middling; lOUsc; good ord'y 8c; net receipts 986; gross 1,449; sales : stock 11.285; exports to Great Britain ; to France. WrLMiireTOH Quiet; middling 10c; low mid dling 914c; good ordinary 714c; receipt 22; gross . saies : bwck z.ivxi exin Dms and Medicines 3 ij lls I gtU' - : aft U BURGESS NICHOLS. WbolssalesAdEetagDsvlnki . ALL KIND! Off FURNITURE, BEDDING, &C. A FULL Ull 0 Cheap Bedsteads, AND LOTJNQ1S, Parlor & Chamber Suits. 00FTIN8 OJff ALL HKDB flit VAXB. HO. i WEST TKABI SRRT, CSAlLm.l. OF EVERY DESCRIPTION Great Revolution in Prices READY MIXED PANTS WHITE LEAD KiVSS BIWB ow wise ; to Great Britain. Phtuldilfhia Dull ; AND 5 A YARDS OF THE BEST QUALITY OF PRINTS, short lengths, running from Uvv 5 to 25 yards, at astonishing low prices. per yard. 1 A AAA YARDS OF ALL THE LEADING PRINTS, Including Arnold's, Simpson's, IvUUv and Manchesters, at first cost. per yard, 4.-4 BLEACHING OB SEA ISLAND, good Quality, 5 CTNTS 7 CENTS rpHE BEST-FITTING CORSET IN THE CITY that X with. middling lUfec; low t T T C T? T? Tl f T T I 1 j middling 1 Owe; good ordinary va; net receipts jxxjxusux vx xv - oiinuw vn ojiAuiiv, ,w; 250; gross 983; saies aaw; spinners svoc 10,564; exports to Great Britain . Hivi wwih Onlet: middling lOlAc low middling oxbe..: irood ordinary 8ic: net receipts 780: gross ; sales 800; stock 28,243; exp. coast wise ; to Great Britain ; continent. Niw Obijuhs Dull; mldd'g 1014c; low mid dling 916; good ord'y 8lcv net receipts 1.793; gross 2,713; sales 2,500; stock 217.864; experts to Great Britain ; continent. Mobtu Quiet; middling 10c; low middling 9c; good ordinary 8c; net receipts 194; gross ; sales 400; stock 19.629; exp. coast 527; Great Britain; channel 1 ,77 1. competlton cannot compete Price, only CONGRESS AND SARATOGA WATER ALWAYS ON DRAUGHT. let; middling 101c: receipts 7 ii ; sales buu ; sioca ob.d&o . 10c.; low 8c; receipts mld- 124; .rtTitonrioH that-. Wast Vircinia was raannnaihlA fnr onfi-third Of the debt? Continuing, he said that while the debt of Virginia was large, it was not very considerable less than $20 per capita, while the debt of the United States was double that. He predicted that t. nrnaneritv. ot1h uermiri nav hftr d fibta.andhe re- fid bv the coercion act and is calculated TMftoi wnr much that his friend from to arouse disaffection and mar results Massachusetts (Dawes) should encour- of remedial proposals. age a party in the old State that does not want to pay ner aeDt at an. After a short debate on the question of the debt of the Virginias, the Senate adjourned until to-morrow. THE WESTERN FLOODS. Mnmrra 1 Q15;shlpmi AosuBTA Dull ; middling dllng evc, good ordinary shipments : sales 79. CHARLKSToa Dnll; middling 104c; low mid dling lOtoc; good ordinary 10c.: net receipts 731; gross: sales 800; stock 19,919; exports coastwise ; Great Britain ; continent Nxw Yobs Cotton Quiet; sales 555; mldd'g nplands 10 9-1 6c; Orleans 10 13-16C: net recelrts 1,000 ; gross o,V2u; consoiiusuM ueiiwui 1,400 , exports Great Britain 2,831; continent 739; to France ; channel 1,771. Liverpool Noon Cotton flat and irregular; middling uplands 5 13-16d; mid. Orleans 5d; sales 8,000, speculation and export 1,000; re ceipts 41,000,American 86,000. Uplands low mid dling clause: may aenvery , nay ana rfuiie o 20- 32d, J use and Jul PrescriptionsScarefully prepared .by' experienced and competent druggists, day or night JOHN H. McADEN. april2 LANDRETH'S per yard, 8 13 CENTS per yard, CENTS 50 CENTS Large and Varied Assortment of Best Quality of Lawns, -AT 7, 8V3 AND 12V2 CENTS. A large assortment of Slippers and Sandals, Laces, Edging, Hosiery and Neckwear, all marked down to bottom prices. Special attention is called to our large and complete stock of Boy's and Children's Clothing, selected witn great care, wmcn we oner at immense Bargains, uive us a can auu ue convuiceu. H. MORRIS & BRO. apr6 RICHMOND TO NORTH CAROLINA, GREETING: Determined to deserve the patronage of North Carolina Marchants, we ask an order for our Still on aBen- Tb Father of Waters der. St. Louis, May 3. The river rose about seven inches yesterday, and is still rising quite rapidly. Most of the wharf above the bridge is submerged, and in some buildings the. water is standing on the first floor, necessitating the removal of goods to second stories. All the cellars along the river front are nearly full of water. In the southern part of the city, below Chateau avenue and between the Iron Mountain Rail road embankment and the river the land is all submerged and the business operations of various establishments are suspended. In the northern part of the city more than a dozen factories, Dlanine mills, elevators, and other es tablishments, have been obliged to stop work. The Usual Texas Bulletin. Galveston. Mav 3. A special to the News from Dallas, dated May 2nd, says John Preston, a notorious horse thief, was arrested there yesterday. Another News special from Dallas says a heavy rain storm swept over that section Sunday, inundating streets and seriously damaging buildings in course of construction. The rain was accompanied by vivid lightning. The residences of Rev. Mr. Smith and Webb Greenlaw were struck, sustaining con siderable damage. Two wood choppers were slightly injured while seeking shelter under a tree. A horse was struck and killed in East Dallas, and a gas pipe In the mayor's office was struck during a session or court, caus ing a momentary commotion. Railroad Consolidation. Galvestos Tex., May 3. Arrange ments have been consummated for the consolidation of the Missouri, Kansas & Texas, and Texas and International & Great Northern Railways, and the St Louis, Iron Mountain and Southern and Texas Pacific will be consolidated from the 18th instant. uIt 5 27-82L July and August 5 ugust and beptemoer e 6 si-sza, eep ua October 5 15-1 6d, October and No- lMcemDer . 29-32d. Ai tember am vember 5 27-82d, November and Futures nat. LmBPOOL. 5.15 Sales of American cotton 7,050 bales. Upland low middling clause : March delivery , Futures dull FUTURES. Sales 104,- Postni aster The Philadelphia Record says tha the Grand Jury's report of the mortali ty among the foundlings sent to the almshouse is a sickening showing, and makes this remarkable statement: for ten years past all the foundlings and deserted children who have been left continuously to the keeping of the almshouse authorities have died on their hands. Something wrong up there in the "city of brotherly love." It was very considerate in the Re publican caucus committee to go to Garfield and ask him to surrender to Conkling in the interest of party, but they made a mistake in presuming it -was Conkling instead of Garfield who had been elected President Philadel phia Times. . '" . Vennor, the Canadian weather prog nosUcator, has been predicting snow, frosVetc, for the mqnth of May. Thus far be has sllpped.np. We have no un kind feelings for Vennor, but if he per sists in this snow and frost business, we want to see bim wound up. J. w Minturn, a prominent mer chant 61 KtWYoiir; jcommitted suicide James and Ex-Senator Dorsey. Washington, May 8. The Star to night says : "It is not the intention of the Postmaster-General to disarrange the methods of the Star Reute investi gation to attend specially to contracts in which ex-Senator Dorsey is sup posed to have an interest. The Post master-General contemplates writing a letter to Mr. Dorsey setting forth this in effect, but with assurances that not only his but all of the Star Route con tracts will be subject to an investiga tion." A Railroad in Luck. Wheeling, W. Va, May 3. In the case of the Chesapeake and Ohio Rail road Company against J. S. Miller, Auditor, of West Virginia, Judge Memn yesterday delivered an opinion refusing to dissolve the injunction heretofore granted restraining the assessment of taxes and collection on property of the road. The effect of the position is to sustain the position of the Company that its (property is exempt from taxation under the original act of incorporation. " ' HI The Tobacco Trade ol Danville Danville. Va, May 3. The leaf to bacco trade of Danville for April, as reported to the Danville Tobacco Asso I ciation yesterday, is as follows: Two million seven hundn il and s vMit.j nine thousand and twenty-iii!f iMui;cls were sold for $201,110.70, beiiijj ;a aver age Of $10.40 per hundred weight; from October 1 to May 1 Ui ro weii 1,j,724, 360 pounds sold for $1,457,479.58, being I an average of $9.26 per hundred. TUf. End ol the Case New Orleans. Mav 3. IsadoreLevi and Matt hi w Mav. on trial on the Another Democratic Victory. Selma, Ala-, May 3 The Demo crats elected their mayor and 8 out of 10 councilmen yesterday, for the first time in eight years. All the business interests united with them. Bell Binding- hj Steam. Railroad men just now are greatly interested in a novel appliance to loco motives whereby the neretorore laDori ous task of ringing the bell at cross ings and while approaching towns and Tillages, whish has devolved upon the fireman to the manifest neglect, in many instances, of his .other duties, will be automatically performed by steam power, easily, regulated and con-, trolled. The device consists merely of a small cylinder containing ft revolv ing piston, connected directly with the bell yoke by meahs TJf a shaft. The motion is regulated by a valve and cut off, so adjusted that, by a slight move ment, it is thrown on tne center ana instantly set in motion. The bell then rings continuously until checked by a similar slight movement It is in con stant readiness for use, steam being on continually after the firing of the en gine, and is thus instantaneously available in cases where it is desirable to give warning. The device is easily applied to locomotives of whatever make. :' There are'districts in the West through which, for miles, the firemen are required by law to ring their bells continuously, and at the same time are obliged to keep their fires up to the re quired standard. Nxw Tosk Futures closed steady. 000. . May. June . July August beptemoer ii-om- October...,.- 0.94a.95 10.02a.04 10.40a.41 10.47a.48 10.56 10.68 10.87a.88 SNOW DRIFT AND SEA FOAM FAMILY FLOUR, its, Molasses, and Everything in the Line of l. b. wriston & co. jmeaw orroceries- - RICHMOND; VA. 2000 GROSS CORKS, Garden Seeds' CLOVKB and ORCHARD GRASS SEEDS, Wholxsalx and Retail. HARVEY & BLAIR, mar8 ly ALL SIZES, November. January FINANCIAL. 1.47 47Vs 1.283ft 1.881$ 09 1.851A 1.26U 1.881& 48 Prohibition In Maryland. Baltimore Sun, 2d Inst The counties of Cecil and Montgom ery having voted at the November election against licences oeing grameu to sell liquor, prohibition in those counties takes effect to-day. Five dis tricts in Frederick county having vo ted, against licenses in August last, Drohibition also takes effect in these districts to-day. Prohibition now pre vails fn nearly half the territory of the State. The counties which are wholly without licences to sell liquor are Kent, Caroline, Calvert, Prince George's Ce cil and Montgomery. Prohibition is partial in seven other counties Som terset. Queen Anne's, Talbot, Dorches er, Frederick, Washington and Balti nnm. TTicrh linflnsft nrevails in Garret and Worcester counties.1 r r ' 7 Hxw.Yosx Money 1.02a 05. Exchange 4.8314 Governments quiet: new 5's 1.01& Four and a hall percent 1.14. Four per eenta 1.1 6Vfe- State bonds dull Later. Stocks closed generally strong. New York Central Erie Lake Shore Illlnola Central Nashville and Chattanooga Loolsrule and NashTiue Pittsburg. Chicago and Northwestern preferred Wabash, St Louis ft Pacific Do preferred Memphis and Charleston. Bock Island Western Union. Alabama Class A, 2 to 5 " Class A, small " Class B, B's ' " - mum C. 9 tnR 8nb-treasnry balances-Gold S72.158.135 currency.... o,oiu,mo - Cm COTTON MARXIST. Omoi or na obssbtxr, l CHARLOTTE) May 4. 1881. f The market yesterday olosed weak and dull; without Quotable change. GoodWddllM. 1W Strictly middling 1W Mlrlrtllnff. 1 BMntlM mtifcfltns- 0 Lowmlddllng.. g Tfnma imo T.nwer srrades oa Receipts yesterday, 50 bales. Wholesale & Retail. L. R. WRISTON & CO. 700 GALLONS Keady-Mixed Paints, Warranted to last longer and look better than W. T. BLAGKWELL & CO. Durham, N. C. MiniLfetTirri of tb Origia&l and Only Genulnt (ADC MARK. DURHA TOBACCO Pue White Lead and Linseed Oil. Our claim for merit is based upon the fact that a chemical analysis proves that the tobacco grown in our section is better adapted to make aGOOD,PTJllE, satisfactory smolce than ANY UAAili.it loDiicco grown in lae ; world ; and bcinrj situated in the HEART of this fine tobacco section. VE liave the TICK of 5 the offerings. The public ap-p preciate this ; hence our sales j EXCEED the products of ALlL g the leading manufactories com- g bined. $None genuine unlets ii bears the trade-wnrk cf J e Bull. Mar 22 ly 1.16 7V 94 84 Will give a written guarantee to this effect R. WRISTON & CO, I SELL AS CHEAP As Any House in the State ! THE "MAYFLOWER' ODORLESS OIL COOK STOVE AND PARL6R HEATER! A PERFECT MODEL OF COMFORT, MVEMM AM LUUiNUMi, Far Surpasses any Oil Stove let Offered to the Public. CANNOTj BE EXPLODED, AS IT DOES NOT HEAT THE OIL! Charlotte Produce Market. MIT 2, 1881. BUTINQ PRICES. ooperbusw. Wbbat, " 1-1S5Lffi Beams, white, per bushel f6? Pperbneh.. W.1.00 TumllT 8.25 Kxtra.. Super . .:: a.oo 2.75 jutru. in.tr gATs,sheuea wao Apples, per bb... zz 1MbH. neeled loaU unpeeled 25aS0 12U Blackberries flmcit eua Irish 75al. BOTTB ' North Carolina..... Xoea, per dozen. Poultkt ' Chickens Spring Docks..... , Turkeys, per EX.... Bur, per'fb.net.'.'.' MCTTON, per m., net POET, " . 7al0 8a& My store Is 145 ft. long on the first floor and 140 ft. on the second, and I carry an IMMENSE STOCK Or WELL-SELECT KD - WH0LE3ALS AND BIT AIL. Every Stove Warranted. The "Mayflower" Cook Stove will do the work required lor Cooking better than the Coal, Wood, Gas or other Oil I Stoves In use. Will cook three articles at the same timet No Sweltering Eeatl No Ashes to remove 1 No Fires to build! I No Dust! No Smokel No Dlsagreeble Smell! The only Safe and Sellable OH Stove yet Invented. Absolutely safe. 11 The Parlor Heater, (like cut) has proved a Great Suecess Gives a Beautiful, Clar, Soft Light! Will heat a room In a few minutes. 4 ample for heating any room In any Building. No Chlmey Flue or Pipe needed. When not required as a Heater, lt can be easily changed to a Cook Stove, making lt equally efficient fof the Kitchen at a small additional cost Gives entl-e Satisfaction. -Send for Circular. Manuiactureu au Prices of Cook Stoves from S3 to S8.50. Parlor Heaters from $5 to 812. bale uy nur x d, hxlUS jmu, 4 xsroaaway, xcw mar22 4wdkw 25&80 15al8 26a27 85a40 6a6 7 8 WHOLESALE. TThe Jetra ad the Hotels The Hebrew tetteli ""Zr?- -r-'. ' As for the Jewish people, this matter does not trouble them in the least "and they are making no fuss abtut it All the talk comes from outsiders, who are wasting aUrreat deal 'of needless and unsoueht svmDathy. The Jewish dot ulajJ6jiifteisily:spend.theii : money. fa I Bm, ut,- tlie manner tnat is most pleasing to I clear Bib sides., them, and they experience no difficulty Cobtm ( in finrlinor' ftAnnlft whn ftrA rAailv anS I : PruneBlO.. ...... . "V-11 if" -r T - - , , I Good. giaa to ia& iu ajou no misiaKes De i stbop . . made here. It Is time this senseless sosar-nonse... chatter about the Jews and the hotels 1 1 . 1 1 . were Btopped. The practical part of (TttVa WatXtlSttatTllS the matter amounts to just nothing at l- ail, and tne jews tnemseives hare no Complaint whatever to make. A full line of COFFINS OFFINS AND AND CASKETS. ASKKTS. Great and Special Offer lThirty Days Only! HORACE WATERS & CO.'S New FAVORITE " Organ, fcQfl Boxed and Shipped with Stool and Book for tJ W V Tliis Great and Special ims ib not ft nauvu. rv" . I ; xaii-u w mate one a case a eanens with a lift VPWaWpMtk watf ' entered in the; case ol, ! . s i . it !... ana aiai by shooting Dimseii . chaw, of arson in firmg their storeJbh 8aturdaTt' cm .-. j , I Jamiarv 1st. were acauitted bv &noiv i i- .. i Apr nr iii oonrr. 'itia. NtatA . navina none pros, LBwrenee same offence. Fut-il, ICxnlostest ml a. Soda FennUUia. Ikljdiirms; May M.l)rA Bay, iii leak ing; physician, was billed and Capt. ftrw lor druggist, fatally injured yes- tarA-xv hv thn ATnlnnirn - af A nnAa. Nearly 20)00 immigrants arrived In I fountain at the latter's place of busl- Is Time. 'A Olasgow,cotland,girl has not tast ed food since the beginning of the pre?: ent year, . 9a914 14al6M 12al6 80 ' Thos. W. Andrews, formerly with Mr. B. Nichols, Is now with me. E.M.ANDREWS, (Successor to X. O. Sogers.) W&OLKSALB & BET AIL fCBNITUBS DALB apr25 Shipped 5 OCTAVES, 13 STOPS, (all of practical use,) 5 SETS OF REEDS, (mazing a grana iomi oi AM .- To gtre your suffering rheumatic neighbor a bot ' de of St Jacobs ou, u true chanty: THE HUMAN HAIB. Hnw to Pfeserve and Beautify. It. ? irn. na.nn HtKW Aiinaia said beautiful Ornament by burning lt with alcohotf 0 waaues ana plastering lt wllh greaserwhlch has notBWaw' the skte, and Is not absorbed. BURNETTS eo DOinrt si eotfp&md ef cocoanot oil, fo,ls on-, rtaUedasatlrtssingfor tne' kO-i teaittyeh Borbed, and Is peculiarly adapted to Its ntons jcoidttlons, prerenUng its falling offhand promot ing its healthy growth, s .-j """ .ICA-vl ' riousekeepers should .insist upon obtaining BTJBNETT'S FLATORINO SXTBACTS, for they are the best ATTENTlOli INDEPENDENTS CCD .... r . ttrtBAs kwt IMS saw bwlMl. with tbta MT otkw HIU Ml VliBK war BtBM. : Jtoan X.. monthly Boeetlng ot ronr eonpanr ttto (wed-J -m. um 7n,MMatir m4 fc7 ;iw ' w Wimi i . m ' li MUirTMem i mini r . - . Becretarr. - I . - esos k. tat ttittrnwi. . lib. , IT ocUTes of reeds.) 8&8!y sm stops TWO SWELLS (full organ and knee swells,) OCTAVE -COUPLER, (which doubles the power,) SUB-BASS, Sent on trial for 15 days, and freight paid both ways If not satis-faotory. caution.-; Organ adrertised five sets of reeds unless it has IT clarea of -Bseds. . . - Bhutnted 'Cstalogue -maOedfree. L 4 I offer is on one of the haodiomest atd most complete Orrans in ou Catalogue. The CASE is solid WA1HUT, WXXL HADB ASU His Hrr nxiSHiD, and the jvHUM TONB is Bich and gwrE andFowxB. The thirteen Step8 are: Diapason, Dnlciau Principal, Hautboy, Flute,Clariont, Celeste, Octave -Coupler, Sod Bass, Echo, Dulcet, vox Humana and LaBrilimt We warrant this Ora-mn tm be fn1' elau in every re ect, and guarantee it for six yr to PTe entire satisfactiOD. Itis the Greatest BargaiiieTer Offerett. Bur of a reliable BOBACE waters has now been in bam- is tor.wnwx-n;- years ana so rinraus. and a" " lBCaatisrfaeton. . - . wrm u uuuiviuiHUMi nun mw, w.w . iron frame, Agraffe and i 0T23-i PIAHOS Dealers. mar , - - - . . 0 - : Tw VnV To of- wAPlr. , 1 ucoo.

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