if IE i III a a II II . . . Ill i'J.TMH ..aUX4TK AS - .,.-.. !-,w,- , i 1--t-..liM'U SUBSCRIPTION RATXa : nmly. one year, past-paid) tm advance. ... 18 00 iz Montht 4 00 hree Montto 3 00 ill want, urn with ummmflmVTnAn UK UUMVSBgr-'?-- BlJ3isargrjia r f.-s? One Month 75 WEEKLY EDITION : Weekly, (in V ooumly) m advance f2 00 ou( of t?e county, postpmd, s 2 10 Six MontTu 1 00 VOL. XXV. gg- Liberal BedtuMonsjor Club. CHARL0TTEvN. iP SUNDAY MAY 8, 1881. NO. 3,793. CS00jcte, &l0tftittfl, Sen TUeHJU l VC : I III ill III Hi W A U UV : tLSZrtt Kn P1 . OJ. ." -Ow .vJsTkV La'. JAY II I, if J WVaA IIUVIIVJX " IVi!ka.ll VT -'t. -V V- . I IT: IVUI.r V,..., HCCl in 13 l:fSJ I rrw: ' , "8 -' . - ' . .. - . - .. . . . -. y. .... ' -'r;. . - ' 1 ' ' ' - . vi - - - ' T T-T" f AN ACT OF HEBOISJI. THE BOND SCHEME- J '""! mfii tZ?'L " " - V ' ' ' ' In TTT mmymmtmk'mmm''myS! -s pring MAY 8th, 1881. In a fewdajs we will have open for our Inspec tion a ma?iilfleent second stock of Spring aad Summer Goods PURCHASED BY Maj. HAREI3, Who Is now In New York. In addition to this, our aim st dally orders to nil for goods we consid er a most fluttering endorsement of our efforts to please, and duly appreciating this, we will use our best endeavors to continue to merit the patron age of our friends. C ill n m eany ana onen, ana De convinced that IT IS TO YOUR INTEREST To (to so whenever you want anything In tfee Dry Goods Line. Alexander S Harris. The best Glove in Market. ETery pair Warranted. as- maj8 (PAiKjrrw rexs IJxh, 18T6.J ALEXANDER & HARRW. WE CALL- The attention of housekeepers to a superb sortment of PLAIN AND FANCY CANE MATTING Trom 20c to 75c per yard. am and Ecru Lace Curtains LAMBREQUINS Upholstery Goods & Trimmings. Nottingh SOME BEAUTIFUL Nottingham Lace Bed and Pillow SRaras A FEW ELEGANT LUNCH CLOTHS WITH NAPKINS TO MATCH. We keep constantly In stock a full line of Misses Corsets. A new lot of WARNER'S NURSING CORSETS, just In. apr25 T. L. SEIGLE & CO. Soots n ft gUoe& Spring Stock 1881 We are dally receiving our SPRING STOCK iD II, which will be more complete than ever before and comprises the BOOTS Tbe Confederate Sharpshooters Cheer injf a Brave Federal at Fredericks burg. Frank H. Foote In Phlla. Weekly Times. The following incident of tbe battle of Fredericksburg is well tmthentica ted. It may -prove that, though the North and South were at wat; a spirit of chivalry did exist among the South era soldiers. . On the 15th day of De cember, 1862, the Sixteenth Regiment auix tnico wuipnnins or tne oecond Battalion of Featherstone's Mississippi Brigade were sent to the front to re lieve a brigade posted at the foot of, Marye's Heights, to the left of the plank road leading from the city to-' wards Orange Court House. Between them and the city was a tan-yard and many outbuildings. Much sharpshoot ingwas indulged in on both sides, op- poi Luniues oemg anoraea us oy squads of Federals, who in ;twos and: threes kept moving rapidry from 'behind ex temporized shelters to their rear, post ed in the city limits proper. While a squad of these were braying our shets one of them was seen to drop, wTiile all his companions, but one, taking ad vantage of our empty rifles, soon got to cover behind the houses. This brave fellow, seeing his comrade fall, deliber ately faced about, and, dropping his ri fle, assisted his friend to arise, and to gether they slowly sought the rear. As they moved oft a score or more of rifles, in the excitement of the moment, were leveled with deadly intent, but before a single one could be discharged our col onel, Carnot Fosey, commanded "cease firing; that man is too brave to be kill ed," and then, with characteristic ad miration for the brave fellow, we gave him a hearty cheer, to which he replied by a graceful wave of his cap as he and his comrade passed behind the protec tion of an outbuilding. I have often thought of this brave act and wonder ed if he escaped a soldier's death and lived to become an acknowledged lead er among men. Uw Secretary YVindom'a:piaiia Worklagw. interesioa the Sixes. Washington, May amount of six per cent, bondsf received at the Treasury Department to-day for con tinuance at three and a half per cent, amounted to $4,784,430, malting the aggregate amount received -since the decision of the Secretary to Hate $65 474,600. The final payment of interest on the outstanding six per cent bonds of 1881, which was recently anticipated to cover all such bonds which might be presented for continuance at three and a half per. cent, previous to May 10, has brought a large amount of the bonds in the aggregate, interest already paid thereon amounting to about flwno- 000. The five per cent hnnda whih were embodied in the one hunrirmi rH first call of the department issued by Secretary Sherman are now behur myiuiy lurwaixiwx. . ior reaemptlon, with interest to May 21-, the' date upon which the call matures. Treasurer Gilfillan disbure&fboMtwo miihons of dollars to-dar in paynofelrt ISHiliese already received. ' Xv In the event of the eritite amount ol the outstanding sixes nearly $196,000, 000 being presented for continuance at three and a half per cent there will be nearly six millions of dollars payable by In addition t this there 1805,700,000 in- note our variety of Btyles. f koi cou vu tuo uves m itsai, wnicn ien due on May 1 and is now being paid by the Treasurer, and about $14,000,000of bonds under the one hundred and first call remaining unredeemed, which are payable on presentation at the depart ment, makingin all more than $256w, 000 which will probably be paid but of mexieasury on tnese tnree accounts alone during tbe present month. For the discovery of he i Manufacturer, Dealer, Agent 6r Piano P'Kortli or South? w v "'"j ociio iciiame jrianos ana Urajans cheaper than they can be bought from us. in NEVER CLOSE A PIANO OB ORG All TRADE UNTIL TOU HAVE HEAftD TSOtf THE Mcii Music House. NO MAN LIVINCI Can Bu)' tower Than We And In Selling f AIR CHANCE IS ALL WI ASK. EVERY PIANO AND 0R61N Guaranteed for Six Tears. t ' Buying from tk' Norti nwst be stopped. Why do jou send JTortbr Can you buy cheaper? Howdo youkaoii? Hare yoa tried ua? There's the rub! We compete with the world, and New Jersey la particular, THE MAN DOSS NOT JLIVB WHO CAN UNDSR- SKLL U4 Wa keep the best Instruments. We glre Stools, Covers and Rooks. We warrant them lor 6 years. We sell them on easy terms. 15 days' trial. We send them on We do everything that a rea sonable man can ask. r: " r":'"?ZJ"'Fe-. s?nd for cWogne. and price ltats and vuiy me oest makers represented. JgjJ may8 Address, TT. MoSMITH. Charlotte. HT. C. SOUTHERN PliANTINQ. : ' - "yM"i'""W"M'''M"'IM''''M''",'l"l','l"asB LE1DII mmt& MB Tillf!! WklistzllvMzims. A DELICIOUS DRINK For Use in Families, Hotels, Clubs, Parties, Etc. Best Bran Latest Styles LADIES', MISSES', CHILDBENS,' GENTS', BOIS', AND YOUTHS FINE BOOTS 1 SHOES A SPCECIALTY. Lower grades all goods In our line In variety ajd all prices. FULL STOCK STETSON HATS, and a pretty line Straw Hats, Trunks, Valises k Satchels, ALL SIZES AND BRICES. Call and see us. PEGrRAM & CO. ETI Ji IE m Boa torn C. IX. GBAVS fe SOXS. The "Hub Punch" fcxs lately been introduced, and meets with marked popular favor. It is Warranted to Contain only the Best o Liquors, United with Choice Fruit Juiees and Granulated Sugar. It is ready on opening, and will be fonnd an agreeable addition to the choice things which undeniably enlarsa pleasures or me and encourage rood fellowship and a nature if rightly enjoyed. ' the gOOi feb20 ti00xls. JUST RECEIVED -ANOTHER LOT OF LACE BUNTING At lCcfer Yard. GOOD AT ALL TIMES Just the Thing: to Keep in Wine Cellars, Sideboards not Complete Without Hub Punch. It can be used Clear or with Fresh Milk, Ice, Soda, or Hot Water. T 3 M n t- uoiuonaae, or witn t me ice, to Suit the Taste. Sold by leading Wine Merchants, Grocers. Hotels anl Druggists every where. Trade supplied at manufacturers prices by WU CharfofWc .nolesale KetaU legists Fran. aa-eod-6m. WKste Forces. Utlca JJ. Y., Evening Retrlster. IIow to apply and economize the waste forces of the world are the prob lems which scientists and mechanicians are constantly trying to solve. It is an undisputed fact that the most powerful natural agents have altogether escaped, or but reluctantly succumbed to, the guiding hand of men. The force the young men expend in twnling their canes listlessly in the air, ir seizeu upon ana concentrated, would turn all the grindstones in the world, but it wouldn't necessarily sharpen the wits of the cane twirlers. The amount of breath blown through the lips of the world's wristlers, exclu sive of that which shapes itself into a tune, would make a continuous trade wind that would send all the shipping of this country, including the navy, around the world and back. The amount of wind "drawn in" on the off notes, attached to an automatic pair of forceps, would draw all the ach ing teeth of the universe, "without pain." If the quick, jerky motion the young men affect when - tiDDiasr their hats to. Ltheir lady acquaintances could be utili sed, it would furnish power for a cata pult that would send every circus per former in the country clean through iue canvas m search ot a 8200 prize comet. The time wasted by young ladies in preparing their toilets that they may make a sensation on the street, would give three days extra "grace" to every outstanding liability in the world. The smoke from cigars, pipes and cigarettes that is now all mingled with the atmosphere to its great detriment, if ,condensed and used would smoke all the bacon Chicago and Cincinnati cure. The morning "chin music" over kind ling the fire,, which always results in an unpleasant, cross breakfast, could be attuned into one grand anthem of dis cord that would establish shouting communication with the moon. The steady rise and fall of the mater nal' hand upon the rear basements of the young hopefuls of the land, all wasted, would furnish atrip hammer with force enough to forge an axle on wnicn the world might turn A Considerable Increase In tne Cotton Acreage Fear forhe Winter, with Dear Corn and Cheap Cotton The Atlanta Exposition. News and Courier. 'Ml Atlanta, May 3. Tour correspond ent has ebtained a large number of re ports directly from farmers in all of the Southern States, froma North Carolina to Texas, aira these ashdbv a considerable increase inrtfae acreagj planted id cot ton this season over that of 1880.- In this immediate neighborhood thn in. crease is about 25 pejr cent :0: :0: OUR $12.50 AND $15.00 BUSINESS SUITS , M.J I 4M Are the best in the State for the money. We defy competition. Come and see for .vouraelf. "We have the largest Stock of ST R A.W HATS lie M Shirt in the Market for $11. Call and see us early and coayince yurself that the above facts are true. Very Respectf ully, )Sw fltMAlSnU it. auu liii iiiiv li mit . nArtriarn on4 -irt34 1 .rf -i- I a . . lt2Vkvg? At "west prices. A good Stock of Manilla and Mackinaw1 Hats at reduced prick PAmmioain s yv-P I ...... - r ww vy uuiuuiiagivuu Ul agriculture vesterdatf it was asrtain. ed that the . amount of fertilizers in- mi oycicii in euigj. uns spring Das Deen 25 per cent, greater than that inspected last season.. Kearlyallof the farmers of whom inquiries iiave been made stated that they have 'applied the same quantity per acre that they have clone in previous seasons. The weather for the past fortnight has been exceptionally favorable to the germination of the crops, and all the farmers in this section report very fine stands of cotton and corn. In consequence of their devotion to the cultivation of cotton, and 'their comparafcfve neglect or that of com and of the production of their meat sunnlips. graveand rery reason able-fears are en-l tertained that it the price of cotton rules low, say aboutrthe basis of 9 cents for middling, ia Charleston,-next f all and winter, the farmers will experience very hard times, and bankruptcies will be abundant. The outlook for the ag ricultural interests is not promising. The Cotton Exposition is beingpush ed on vigorously, and will be ready for the formal opening on the 4th of Octo ber. Great crowds of -visitors will cer tainly be attracted, and faint hopes may be hazardously entertained that the majority of them may find places in which to sleep when they reach here. F. maj-8 L. BERWANGER & BRO., CLOTHIERS A&D TAILORS SECOND A Fight Between Army Officers. Arizona Democrat. A duel was fought at Fort Douglas, Utah, on March 26, in which Captain T J i . -r ir oatoiu auu ourgeon ijecompte were principals. Our Trade this season having been beyond our expectations, we find it necessary to buy a second stock. Our Mr. Baruch is now in the Northern market buying the LAV M MmTTDIES. MKSSr.t'rt: P1 stock is beginning to arrive ,and will be complete in the course of the week. The gentle swaying to and fro of the J f106,18..01. t?6 posk While the officers CORDS and CORDS and TASSELS In all Colors. RIBBONS, ALL SHADES. A FULL STOCK OK Ladies' and Gentf Gauze -Underwear. Swiss, Linon DMe, Atd eveiythiDg to the White Goods Line. Coin and see na. HARGRAVFS 'WHHFin HiaiB " THE OXONIAN, s .VC.0? a "inerea the Interest for o?l!tt,?L4 1w original ar k$Ji!Flk importance as well as t! I wtaBaestfaluablepnbUca- ass ZKWJ?.f i ore taster, are not in uDucantion in any Issue. Ulr 2ts, Jtende4 for YUTFS POLLS INDORSED BY PHYSICIANS, CLERGYMEN, AND IHt MfLKUO EVERYWHERE. THE GREATEST MEDICAL TRIUMPH OF THE AGE. SYMPTOMS OF A . TORPID LIVER. IjQss of appetate.Hapsea.bowels oostive. faiuiuiaexi.saa.wun a. nun annutinn in the back part. Pain under the shoulder lack part. 9t fullness clinatlon to exertion of ess after eating, with a disin- ' body or mind. Irritability of temper. Low spirits, Loia vi msmory, wnn a ieeung 01 naying neg lected some dutywearinesa, Diagineas. Fluttering of the Heart, Dote before the eyes. Yellow Skin, Headache, Restless ness at night, highly colored Urine. 17 THESE WASHINGS ABE UNHEEDED, SERIOUS DISEASES WILL SOON BE DEVELOPED. TUTT'8 FILLS are especially adapted to such oases, one dose effects auchachange of feeling as to astonish the anflerera They Kiirase tbe Appetite, and cause the body to Take ou llesk thus the system Is noarlalied.andDy IbetrTonlc Aetlenon the IMa-eatlve Organs, tunia Stools are pro duced. Price a cents. 3 Murray St., BT.Y. JUTT'S HAIR DYE. KAYnAiB or Whisk etrs changed to a GLOssr uj iugiB nppiicaiion or inis imti u fanby the women of the world, if har nessed into one grand hurricane would set every windmill in creation running at such a livery rate that all the corn md wheat could be ground in flour by them. The turning of the gates on their hin ges as Arabella and Augustus fondly lean upon them, would furnish power enough to saw all the wood in the country. This doesn't say that Augus tus had better be sawing wood; but-we think he had. j , The burning of needless gas afid kero sene, even though turned low, for the benefit of our courting population, is an awful -waste. ' If it could be concentra ted into one grand caloric furnace - It would boil all the potatoes and roast all the meat that the world could eat at a picnic. The continual steam of beer, gin and whisky that is pouring down the throats of our young men, would turn all the water wheels in creation, and we are not sure but it would, if applied to the Keel? Motor, staft the sdlaj svs- tem along at a mbre rapid rate. ' ' This list of waste forces could be ex tended without limit. We only droD these few hints in order to give a prac tical turn to the . minds of those thoughtless individuals who are, fpr ine most part, responsible for the great waste of power that is going on in the world. If vou imagine that vou werp. placed in the world for any purpose whatever, look out for the waste forces. and get about the business of your life in an earnest manner ; the quicker the better. and their ladies were dinino- nna Hav Dir. Lecompte awkwardly stepped on her dress an! received. a sham rAhnVn for it, whereupon he apologized. Capt. "Western was drawn into the quarrel which ensued, and he and the surgeon were placed in antagonism, and it be came noised about that a challenge to fight a duel had been issued, and that shooting would grow out of the affair the first time that they. met. After matters had reached this stage both went armed and on their guard, and after a word or two. while both were at close quarters, revolvers were drawn and fired. The Captain's shot passed through the Doctor's right hand and entered his side, while the surgeon's bullet missed its mark. At the next fire the surgeon's shot shattered the CaDtain'a arm, and the next entered the Captain's siae whose Distol hand was wounded. rH continued the dujel. Since that tim -o- mar8 Just Received, a Lot of Mlis and libbons, Mewest Shades. WITTKOWSKY & BARUCH. SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS. JUST RECEIVED A LABGE VARIETY OF TDtatf?fii' P"18 ess Goods and TrPmings, Lawng, Silk Handkerchiefs, Embroideries, Corset ana Hosiery, an tne latest Styles and very Cheap. Capt. Westerrrtras been practically in' capacitated for duty. ALSO, A HANDSOME STOCK OF ruislif 6old by Druggists, or snt by exprsss on racoipt of p." " umce, ss Murray St., New York. tM Receipts will be mailed s'KEB pacatiaa.JI Feb 23 deodawly. ' r Importers. HUGH SISS0K & SONS, Dealers mi Mannfaeturers OF MARBLE STATUARY I TOT nnhl , MONUMEKTS, FUENITURE SLABS, r :t.' - '. ' '. Tilpj Mantels, Altaic 'jjiSi .., . 140 West BaltlmoreJStreet, AND CORNER NORTH AND MONUMENT BTS mint s mmw tumisea nee.;.; BALTIMOBB.-MiO' JTIahone's Bargain Likely to Come to IVangbt. Wash. Special to Courier-Journal. A gentleman conversant with the drift of opinion and sentiments in Vir ginia said to your correspondent to night that th Democrats oi Virginia; the debt payers, feel terfectlv confident of beating Mahone and his Keadjusters text fall. Mahone cannot succeed without the assistance of nearlv all the Republican vote, and he will not set it. Despite the fact that thus far the administration has been usineand will probably .continue to use Federal pa tronage to strengthen the Keadjusters, Col. Wickham, the leader of the ReDnb- uuitns, win never consent to tnrow aia influence in favor of a coalition- with Manpne. ana. it ne should be avemow- wedpbjr Eepublicaffmanagers, Repul) lican Senators and the .admifiistrar.iftn Hn his effort to irunra separate Republi can uc&et, ne wiu support tne conser vative debt-payers and run a ReDubli- can ticket on his own hook," supported aytneoetter class orneDubiicana in the old Commonwealth. ' f . ' g' SB ' iw'g A Saw itm Rmrs'niflariH at toafnimi thawW fal color of the hair is furnished br Parkers Hair Balsaib, which ls deseryedl popular from its so- perioreaniiBess, , . . . Iocal Option Petition, The woman's Christian Temperance Union of Atlanta, is now circulating four thousand copies of the following fTCbiliuu bu uc poppuiwi lu tilt) JUcglSia- ture next July: "To the General Assembly of the state ot Georgia: in view of the mis ery, poverty ana crime resulting from intemperance we, the undersigned cit izens of the State of Georgia, residing in the county of , do most respect' fully and earnestly petition you in fa vor of the passage of a law allowing the qualified voters of cities, towns, counties and militia districts, at anv election held therein (except localities where the sale of intoxicating liquor is already restricted or prohibited by lo cal law), to decide by ballot whether they will prohibit the sale of intoxica ting liquors (except for medicinal, me- cnanicai ana sacrementai purposes) in tneir several localities. All persons in Georgia willing to ob tain signatures to this petition, will be furnished with copies Dy writing for them to the Woman's Christian Tem perance Union, Atlanta, Ga. Ready-Marie Clothing. and Cents' Furnishing Goods, EUAS fc COHEN. Give lis a call before btiyins:. BECKETT & MeDOWELL, ENGINEERS, IRON FOUNDERS & MACHINISTS, Manufacturers of CONGRESS WATER. Cathartic and alterative. Is mil known spe cific for constipation. Indigestion, and all disor ders of the stomaca, liver and kidneys. . i Ninety Tears' popular use attests Its purity, safe, ft- and sbDerlorltr'to all waters of this inm Avoid all coarse, lrritaitna waters, foreign and do mestic: toer impair mo oigesuTe organs and kid neys, thereby inducing Irreparable results. None genome sold on draught -. Biayl d2mo,eod - " ,-&. awsBtsBM s "sn sm Metsrx Httushuon Br&: , uu with raal niaaav iiie that I add my testimony to the great rlrtues of yenr "NenraUrine" as a. snedno for nmnnioia dim aicktaeadspbe. Sucn a remedy la a blessing, and aIsinierers should keep Jtoanand. T. Sfeaui lEngiues and lining Machinery. ' O : CONTRACT FOR CONSTRUCTION AND ERECTION OF MINING M.ACUtf&ftf'tftmi DESCRIPTION AND LATEST DESIGNS, ; - -" t - ' . .... r.,r , Also, Hanofacttra and Sell Agricnltnral and Portable Engines; Saw U &e. COLLEGE STREET, BETWEEN TRADE AND FIFTH. ' , 8oId W T. It 86thi8treet, BalttnotW tfBw; Tobk Office, 5 7.U6ubtlaott St. Beanch Office, Chablottb ? ' ":' ! 1 i i, r I I I i 'i i i hi! 1