LOCAL INTELLIGENCE. TUESDAY, MAY 10, 1881. SOCIETY DIRECTORY. ' Phalaki Lodsh Na 81, A. F. ft A. M. Regular meeting every second ana fourth Monday nights. ExcBLSioB Lodob No. 281, A. F. A. M. Reg ular meeting every first and third Tuesday nights. charlottb Chattsb No. 89, R. A. M. Regular meeting every second and fourth Friday nights. CHARLOTTB COMMAND AB T NO. 2, K. T. Regular meeting every first and third Thursdays. OIF Knights of Honob. Regular meeting every second and fourth Thursdays. IEC- OF IP KNIGHTS of Ptthias. Regular meeting nights first and third Wednesdays, 7 o'clock p. m. at Ma sonic Temple Hall. I. O. O- IF- Ohaklottk Lodge No. 88. Meets every Mon day night. MKCKLBNBtniO DBCIAEATION LODGK NO. 9. Meets every Tuesday nighL Dixrs Lodgb No. 108.-Meets'every Thursday DlriTAWi Rrvs.fi Encamfkent No. 21. Meets Fx t and third Thursday nights in each month. The Weather To-Day. For the South Atlantic States, warm er fair weather, easterly winds, and sta tionary or lower barometer. Index to New Advertisement. Ioe cream Blgler's. W'.nited Perry's. n , . . Kockbrldge Alum Springs Wm. Frazier, Supt lH'iid Drawing Louisiana Lottery. I iress Making Mrs. Murtishaw. New Stre Roddick & Co. IKPME PENCIL,! NGS. Memoiial Day. The first strawberries of the season made their appearance in this office yes terday, from the garden of Mr. Henry M. Meetze. Roddick & Co., a Wilmington firm, will open to-day with a general stock of fancy goods in the building next to Elias & Cohen on Tryon street. Their adver tisement will be found in another place. The Newton Enterprise says: "Since the inauguration of the prohibi tion campaign the price of liquor has been falling every week. "We are told that a load was taken to Charlotte last week, and not rinding a purchaser at any price was brought back home. Mr. William Battley, a young man who has been long afflicted with con sumption, died in this city Sunday evening about 7 o'clock. He was buried yesterday afternoon, the funeral ser vices taking place from Calvary Mis sion Church. The engine of the freight train go ing towards Wilmington last night, jumped the track at Mc Alpine's Creek and rolled down the embankment. No one was hurt. The engineer and fire man made a miraculous escape. The passenger train due here a little after u o'clock, was delayed about 5 hours. At a meeting of the fire department last night, it was resolved to turn out in full to-day to assist the memorial dis play. It was also resolved to observe the 20th of May with appropriate cere monies, and among other things to pro cure a speaker. The department will turn out in full and in uniform in hon or of the "Pirates of Penzance," on the night of the 20th. A gentleman residing in this city, who is materially interested in the success of the Keely motor, has just, re turned from Philadelphia, where he, with others, were treated to an exhibi tion of its powers and progress. Im mediately after the test, it is under stood, the stock, -which has been stand ing at $5 a share for a long time ad vanced to $14. Keely asserts that he will be ready for a public and final test by the first of July. memorial Orator The ladies of ttre Memorial Associa tion have been so fortunate as to se cure Col. Thomas as the orator this af ternoon. This greatly enhances the in terest of the occasion, as Col. Thomas is always a graceful and brilliant speaker. The roll will be called by Mr. Geo. E.Wilson. A Challenge by Telegraph and a ITIeet injr in Person A "cussing out" over the wires comes in such a round-about way, the words fall in such a cold and spiritless manner from the transmitter that the instance is perhaps rare in which the insult provokes a collision. An exception to he rule, however, we have to record. More than two years ago a well known and popular telegraph operator, stationed at this place, in an irritable moment received an insult from a brother operator in Greenville, S. C. Generous and liberal in everything; else he could not brook: a personal refleetlon and the sting rankled in' his mind. For two years whenever the two operators have been in communication the words have seemed curter, the letters cut shorter, until the unfeeling instruments themselves have seemed to espouse the quarrel. Last Saturday they broke out into angry bickering, hot words were exchanged for hot words, faster and more furious grew the war, the click click of the instruments was deafening when, suddenly, it reached a climax, the deadly insult was given and re ceived and the instruments resumed their ordinary slow and business-like tone. "Will you meet me and give me satis faction ?" was said in a cold and delib erate manner. "I will," was the answer, in a manner equally cold and deliberate. : "Where?" ' "On half way ground. The passenger train meet at Gastonia. I will meet you there to-night." "O. K." This wa3 all. The Charlotte operator closed the instrument, obtained leave of abseice, got into his coat and boarded the train for Gastonia. One o'clock in the morning, the moon shining bright, Gastonia, and the other train in sight. A few minutes interval and the antag onists confronted each other. The Charlotte man weighs about 130 pounds. The Greenville man 170. The latter had two friends with Mm evidently to insure fair play. A hundred yards were measured off, sufficient to take them from the range of observation, a suita ble spot was selected and the two men laid off their coats. . The Charlotte operator, quick and ac tive, but otherwise at a : disadvantage, made the onset and delivered several well-directed blows upon r- the : face of the other. The latter in hisrturn closed with him and attempted to throw him. The activity of the first again came to l'is assistance and hetfccessfally got the inturn on his enemy, but, in the tail, unfortunately struck his head against the corner of a ; fence, j His at tention was totally absorbed in looking at stars for tho nflxt tw Sftcnnds which his antagonist took advantage of to in- 170 ponnder now -' had ' it all his own way. He sat ortopof the Charlotte man and beat him till hi was too tired to beat any longer. The Charlotte man !S true eric. Vinwflvpr nVtri uirtrtflrv' mrtTW favorable auspices probably would have won the -fight,. No quarter was asked w given. The names are withheld by - - - t.I!v.RDy trouble Is attendant' upon'5 the baby's 'don't hesitate to use Dr. Bull's Baby By- v nu mvaiuaoie. mce 25 cents a Dome' PRIESTER CAPTURED. HE PASSES THROUGH CHAR. I : ffff1?! iif pa ruciiT. .. Ilecognlzed in a Street Car in Green ville. S. C Arretted and Incarcer ated .First Denies then Breaks Down and Confesses -Sends for His Wife -Interviewed by a Reporter- Is He insane 1 . The Greenville (S. C.) News, yester day m an extra gives an account of the arrest m that city, of Wm Henry Priester, the Barnwell patri cide; the particulars of which, crime appeared jn The Observer, of tU 6tK Inst. We condense from the News; Yesterday morning at about 5 o'clock JJ.h88w inE' Edwards, Geo. G. Allen and W. R. Parry returned to the city ,om, i .short triP in th direction of Charlotte, coming in on the fast mail. While coming down Washington street, when nearly opposite . Westfield, a man without baggage quietly boarded the car and took a seat after a short in different glance at the other occupants, lie was immediately recognized by the three gentlemen above named as WILLIAM HENRY PRIESTER, formerly a cadet at the Greenville Mili tary Institute, who killed i his father, Captain "Billie" Priester, at his home in Allendale on the 28th of April, and fled. The horrible circumstances of the crime are too fresh in the public memory to require repetition. The three gentlemen exchanged glances, butaaid nothing, and kept an apparent ly sleepy silence. Priester deposited nje cents in the box, and being remind ed by the driver that more was requir ed, drew a handful of silver money from his pocket, to obtain the needed amount; his hand trembling and jerk ing nervously as he did so. That was the only sign he gave of agitation. He left the car at the Exchange Hotel, and entered the office. Messrs. Edwards, Allen and Parry supposing that he had gone in to procure a room, rode down to the city warehouse, hurried to the guard house and notified Policeman Carter of Priester's presence, after which they returned to the Exchange to watch him. There they learned, af ter some enquiry, that he had gone to Messrs. Hogan & Hillhouse's livery stable, about a block above. Upon go ing there they found him standing in the office, waiting for a horse to be hitched to a buggy that he had just or dered. They walked quietly about the stable, and posted themseives about it so that he could not escape. Policeman Carter arrived in a few minutes, and walked into the office. Priester glanced at him hurriedly, reached around, and drew out a plug of tobacco from which he bit off a piece as he strolled off, apparently careless and unconcerned. The policeman laid his hand on Priester's back, and said : "CONSIDER YOURSELF UNDER ARREST." "What for?" demanded Priester ex citedly, facing around and looking the officer in the face. "Por killing your father," was the re ply. "You've got the wrong man," said Priester. "I'm my brother's brother." Mr. Carter turned to the gentlemen who had given the information, and after a moment's conference, was advised by them' to make the ar rest and keep the prisoner until his identity could be established. This he decided to do, and immediately started toward the guard house, Priester walk ing quietly with him, but betraying agitation and excitement in the tones of his voice. After having denied his identity, he betrayed it before walking half a block by saying that he "would like to fix some way to see his wife." Just at the door of the guard house he again asJSed "what's this for," but a repetition of the information was de nied, thebnly reply being a request to "come aleng. A few minutes after entering: jthe guard house he asked, the policemen if they knew whether his father was dead. Upon their reply that they thought he was, the prisoner burst into a passion of weeping, and from that moment seemed to lose all control over himself. - - He again asked if some way could not be found to let him see his wife, and amid his somewhat incoherent talk he was heard to say more than once, "I WISH I WAS DEAD," and that he would be ready to die if he was half as cood as his wife, to whom his mind seemed to turn constantly as a source of comfort and hope. The buggy that had been hitched un for Priester, had meanwhile been taken by two of the gentlemen who first recog nized him, and they drove up to the Military Institute and woke Captain1 Patrick, requesting him to come down and identity the prisoner. His services in that way were not required, how ever, as before he arrived at the euard house Priester had acknowledged his identity fully. He seemed to "let down completely, and wept and talked at random, his constant cry to every one of the several former acquaintances Deing, "ruAY for me!" He looked at every one who ap proached him imploringly and exclaim ed piteously "pray for me." This' was the burden of his cry. Rev. JGLIL-Hall was sent tor, who came and prayed with him. He. seemed to. have a dread of being lynched-, and looked nervously and suspiciously on every One who ap proached him. Later in thetday he was visited by-tbe Rev. Mr. Hudson, who also prayed with him. and by Captain x-HincK, nis proiessor wnne at tne ureenvme institute. now IIE LOOKS. Ili3 appearance certainly would not stamp him as a murderer. He is about 5 feet 5 inches high and rather slen derly, although strongly built, usually walking erect and holding Inm3elf welL i His; eyes. are dark: hazel, .-large ind kivthexf psoraiieut,; and his hairand light moustache black, nis compfexion being dark and apparently somewhat sun burned. Yesterday he was dress ed in the pantaloons and waistcoat of a business suit, with checks of quiet colors, apparently almost new, white shirt and collar that had evidently been worn soma daysv and no Cravat. His eyes were inflamed and bloodshot from weeping, and he trembled from weak ness, until he leaned against the win dow sill where the cool breeze could reach him. He seemed to be somewhat stronger after a while, but was appar ently unable to collect his ideas at all. After shakihg-hands-with the reporter, he did net seem to understand his name or business until it had been re peated several times, -after which his eyes lost their . Vacant . look, ceased to wander about the; floor : and ceiling, and. became fixed on : the reporter's f ttCC ' " "There Has been a?ood . deal said about your trouble,, Mr.iPriester," said the reporter; "and I called to see if you had anything to say about it, or any statement that you .would like to ha ve published." . ; : . . -' When this had been repeated twice, the prisoner said "No sir ; I'd like to sav something, but I I can't, nov.u "1 homey' fie Was asked. ' a a,M "You want to know-the'.ronte-rhe way T- took yod mean tdrT" replied Priester .hesitatingly, audi pressing his hands on his forehead, as if striving to collect his ideas. ; M : :' 3'1 "t A ' Beceivinz an : affirmative reply, ha again pressed his hands on : hia fore head andlooked rather vacantly, about can't," repeated in a despainpg tone, I m ay foHcfrixfwi pb 1 patrtrjq w." "W'lT'- trive'vou been' since you left him, as if he had tried to remember, and then relinquished the attempt. . "Were you not at Bainbridge, Ga. ? "Was it not therei yett- sold your horse jnd buggy??, asked the reporter, add ing, "a gentleman whom you met there wrote that you had been there and sold your horse. "Bainsboro; yes," said Priester, a light apparently breaking on him, "yes, it was Bainsboro." The place was Waynesboro and Pries ter's confusion was probably added to by the reporter's mistake. "Where did you go from there?" "I went straight through to Char iotte," quickly and clearly. ."Where did you go then, did vou come 'oh here ?" "Yes, sir; I went to Lincolnton, and frem there came here." " f ou got here this morning ?" "Yes, sir." "You were going to your wife's I suppose?" Again his hands pressed his forehead, and again he hesitated, but he replied. x es, sir : i wanted to get to my wife. "Did you think you could lie there until you could get off. "I wanted to get to my wife sir;" was again the response. "1 wanted to see my wife. "Have you heard anything from home since you left?" "No sir ; not a word." 'Have you seen anything of what has been said in the papers?" he was asked. ".No sir, not a thing," still slowly and coniusedly, Dut more intelligently than formerly. "I got hold of the Charlotte paper of the sixth, but that had nothing about after some hesitation, "about me." At the close of the interview with the reporter, his counsel, Mr. Williams, advised him to see no one but his spec ial menus, and asked the sheriff not to allow any one to disturb him, when Priester imploringly begged the sheriff not to let him be disturbed, the idea of being lynched deeming t press upon his mind. The sheriff assured him that he should not be disturbed, which seemed te relieve him. SENDS FOR HIS WIFE. Policeman Carter had been urged by Priester to go for his wife, and did so. Mrs. Priester received the intelligence of the capture quietly, and said she was not at all surprised by her hus band having come here, as she had heard from him and knew where he was. although she had not written him. She also said that it would have de pended upon how he came to house whether she would have been afraid of him. If he had come in one of his raving moods, she would have feared for her life, but if he had come quietly, she would not have been alarmed. She come nromDtlv. and while on the wav stated that young Priester's family had known him to be INSANE FOR THREE MONTHS, but that family pride had kept them from revealing it. She also said that after he had killed his father he said that there were two more he wanted to kill, meaning herself and his twin brother, and then he d kill himself. As soon as young Priester saw his wife in the hallway of the jail he burst into a passion of tears and inarticulate ap peals. With wonderful self-command she soothed him with whispered words, and and at his earnest request all of those present withdrew except the sheriff, who remained to make it cer tain that Priester, if he is insane, would do his wife no injury, although he certainly gave no evidence of any feeling but the most intense devotion and earnest faith in her. At the con clusion of this interview, he returned to his cell and cast himself on the couch, completely prostrated and ex hausted. Mrs. Priester seems to be the one to whom, above all others he re lies for comfort and strength. His conduct towards her is more like that of a child seeking consolation from its troubles from a stronger person, than a grown man. If he has not the most unbounded trust in and love oi ner, ne is certainly a most consummate dis sembler. Public opinion as to his sanity is di vided.. Some think that his coming to a place where he was so well known is evidence of insanity, while others re gard, it as a well-matured plan to es cape, which he would have effected had he not been recognized on the street car. Capt. Patrick, of the Green ville Institute, when at the Institute, regarded him as remarkably polite and gentlemanly and a fine soldier, but lacking in purpose and easily thrown off balance. He says that the feeling between him and his father was one of marked affection, and that he must have been laboring under mentalab beration when he committed the crime of parricide. The reporter of. the Daily News, who investigated this case, his, in the course of his professional'life, seen many men and women under the most trying cir cumstancesstanding under the gal lows, dying from other means, sudden ly hurt, and bereaved of friends and relatives but he has never seen a hu man being as UTTERLY BROKEN DOWN as Priester was yesterday. Functions of mind and body seemed to be entire ly paralyzed from excitement, and his moral and pnysical courage were en tirely gone.,. Capt. Patrick says that Priester "let down" completely while he was in the Institute, when it was thought that his brother was dying. lie does not think that he lacks physi cal courage, however. 9 A telegram was received last night from the intendant of Allendale re questing the officers to "hold on" to Priester until officers and papers can be sent up for him. m memorial Day The programme of exercises adopted by the .Ladies' Memorial Association, i9 as follows: ' Procession lo form at 5 o'clock, in the First Presbyterian Church yard, in the following order: uand, ' Cadets Carolina Military Institute, Charlotte Military Companies, Clergy, Choir, Speaker and Reader, Memorial Association, Confederate Soldiers, Procession of Girls Bearing Flowers, Hornet Fire Company, No. 1, Independent Hook and Ladder Com pany, No. 3, Pioneer Fire Company, No. 2, Male Schools, Female Schools, Independent Order of Odd Fellows, Masonic Lodges, Citizens. The procession will start from the church yard at 6 o'clock, and move down Trade street to the cemetery. At the gate the procession will halt, opeti ranks, and the clergy, choir, speaker, reader, and the, Memorial Association will, march through..,. Theranks. will then be closed and the processio.rf wiUE moveVon ; fcJ t&e speaker's stand in the cemetery. : 1 EERCTSES AT THJJ CEMETERY. t trayerv -- s--t--'-'i .r:&tiuiA ;m i -MUSIC, '..J-ns'U f - "r-rv-Annuai Address, s rcr s; ... :.nt: , tDoxoIocv: . t -. . ft exercise writ their Conclude Witl tHe me! cr m "iFievere'' Hytmf. durmst 19 jtortrf of twfcyMod la tamed into ae nsfiw estkl ktnrof prose When ene '.has to .wall the floor" all night to the oeaaeiui-maaie oi aue-euuennc baby. - Dr. Ball's Baby Syrup prevents. all. such scenes and troubles by its wfaing lnflilenoa, v Orframlzation of the Water works company' . The Charlotte1 City Water Work Company, chartered by a special act of the Legislature at the last session, held a meeting here yesterday and organized by the election of the following gentle men for directors : Chas. E. Robinson, Charlotte, N.O.; Theodore W. Terrey, Garwood Ferris and Robt. F. Mullins, of New York city. It was resolved to commence work immediately.. . THE ROCKBRIDGE (Va.) ALUM SPRINGS, And the late JORDAN ALUM, Now consolidated In ene property and under one management. A Joint stock company having bought these two contiguous properties to be known under the old title ot "uocrauGDi alux sfkings," win open It to thejrablle on Jura 1st, tinder the supervision of Ms. WnxiAK Fbazzsb, who was before the war, and for four years after the war, In charge of the original alum springs. We think the public win find him the right man In the right place. J. FEED. E PFINOKB, President Rockbridge Alum SprtngsCo. . After twelve rears' absence, I return to this post of duty, it Is hardly necessary to dilate to the Southern public upon the virtues and value of this mineral water. It has in the last half century made a record of cures In chronic diseases which for variety and aggravation of the cases brought under its Influence Is unitpproached by any known mineral water In this country. The professional testimony to this effect Is distinguished and unim peachable. But It is of the preparations now being made by the new proprietors tor the proper entertainment of the public I would say a few words. A great work of expurgation and renovation Is now going on at the old Alum Springs, including a thorough system of drainage, a new and abun dant water supply of pure freestone from the mountain, repainting and new roofing, a very large Introduction of new furniture, and in general a thorough overhauling of the entire premises. The elegance of the new "Jordan Alum," Its spacious and commodious "Grand Hotel" and cot tages, and the beauty of Its grounds, are wisely known to the springs-going public. My aim and earnest effort shall be to keep this now combined establishment In a manner to give satisfaction to all reasonable guests. An excellent livery is engaged, under a contract Imposing a reasonable tariff of charges. All the customary diversions are provided for, such as band and ball room music, bowling and billiards, and all that; but I do not "bank" much on these things. My main efforts shall be directed, with the aid of an efficient staff, to make the patrons of the place comfortable and "at home," and re gain. If possible, for this attractive summer resort Its old popularity and prestige. Please send to Purcell, Ladd & Co., Richmond. Va., or the undersigned, for descriptive pamphlet, with rates of board, reutes and medical testimony. WILLIAM FBAZIER, Gen. Supt. maylO-eodlSt ICE CREAM. RIGLEH'3 is the place to get first-class ice cream. Saloon opened for the season. Par ties furnished at reasonable terms. maylO WANTED. PARTIES having milk to sell regularly, by the large or small quantity, will please call at maylO PERRY'S. DRESS MAKING. HAVING removed my residence to Sixth street. Just below the Methodist church, I desire to announce to my Mends that I am prepared to do all manner of Dress Making for ladles and chil dren, In the very best style. Thankful for past patronage, I respectfully ask my friends to sUll favor me with their work. maylO-dtf MRS. C. R. MURTISHAW. BRICK ! BRICK ! ! THE undersigned respectfully inform the public that they have engaged in the brick business, and are now making a superior quality of hand made brick. They nave in connection with their yard an Improved Compress. Machine, by whieh they make Pressed Brick equal to the Richmond brick. Any one desiring to build will find it to their Interest to give us a call before purchasing elsewhere. H. M. RAMSEOR, may8-d4mo T. C. ALLISON .1 Charlotte. W. C. To Railroad Contractors. Westxhh N. C Railroad, I Company's Office, Salisbury, May 4, 1881. j gKALED PROPOSALS wul be received until 12 m. May 18th, 1881, at the office of the Com pany, at Salisbury, N. C, for the grading and dry masonry of a portion of the Ducktown Branch be tween Asnevflle and Pigeon river. Profiles and specifications can be seen at the office of the com pany at Salisbury, or the Chief Engineer at Ashe Tille. The company reserves the right to accept or reject any and ail bids. may7-tf A.B. ANDREWS, President. Contractor Wanted. THE LUTHERAN CONGREGATION of Con eord. N. C, desires to erect a handsome brick church at once, and Invites bids for the building of the same; the material to be of the very best quality, the work to be first class In every partlcu lar, and the whole to be completed by the 1st of October. 1881. Bond and security required. Com plete plans and specifications can be seen by ap plying to the undersigned, to whom all bids will be sent Bids desired immediately, the same to be closed within three weeks from May 8, 1881. Rev. S. T. HALLMAN, may5 dlmo Concord, N. C. THE ATTENTION Of the Trade generally, and also the consumer, Is called to our special brands of saleable and staple Smoking Tobaccos Sitting Bull. Durham Long Cuts and Rival Durham to which we are now adding a full line of the latest styles of the most staple grades of Plug and Twist Tobaccos. We can, in a few weeks, offer inducements in Chewing Tobaccos that ne other manufacturers can equaC Our salesmen will make regular trips to Charlotte, and the trade ot all good merchants is respectful ly solicited. E. H- POGUE, maj7 .. Durham, N.C. Fresti Butter and Eggs, AND Peerless and Snow -ALSO-SWEET POTATOES FROM EASTERN N a Oat Meal and Early Vegetables. At may 6 8. M-HOWELLU Mines, Mining and Mineral liinds WANTED IN NORTH CAROLINA. ADDRESS, with full particulars and samples of ore, prepaid. Mines visited, reports made, etc. CLARENCE M.BUEL. Mining Engineer, 176 Broadway, N.T. mayl law.lmo A POSITIVE CURE Without Medicines. ALLEN'S .SOLUBLE MEDICATED BOUGIES! Patented Oct. 16, 1870. On Box. No. 1 will cure any case in four days or less. - No. 2 will cure the moat obstinate ease, no mat ter of how long standing. Mo nauseous doses of eubeba, copaiba, or oQ of sandalwood, that are oertalq to p reduce dyspepsia by destroying the coatings otfhe stomach. Price. SL50. Sold by attuDragsisU, ot mailed on receipt of price. " ' ' " For further partlcntars send for etreular. P.O. Box 1538. J. a ALLEN CO. decl7 eoddm 88 John St. New York, IF ANY SMOKER Does not wish to buy a package of TRIED AND TRUE, let him ask his dealer for a sample pack age, and if he has it not, let him send to 8COTT ft COMPART,; ' Mebanevllle, N-C.. Manufacturers of Smoking - Plug and Sweet Tobaccos. may wlmo ' NOTICE. JN PURSUANCE of Beetton 18, of the School Laiinof 1881,- the Justioe of the Peaee of eckWwrg otmAtf-are na with the County Board of Education, at the court CtaSbtt on, the 1 st Monday ta June, 1881. for the jmrpeee of electing a County Super intendent of Public Instruction, and for the trans action of such other business as may eome before the session. All the Justices are earnestly re auefted to be present. , . . , . i . . - . .. Bj order of County Boar of fgfJWETx,1; " maf-w2t " - tvpretary D D D D D D D D D D OUR STORE D D D & TO BE & B B B REMODELLED B B B B B B B B B B FOR 0E SUMMER BUSINESS. 800 BARRELS Family Hour, Just received. We call the especial attention of the Char lotte trade to the BBI6E WATER FAMILY FLOUR, Which took THE FIRST PREMIUM At the Paris Exposition. It is the best in the market. DAVIDSON AND B IE A ILL TO ACCCOMMODJLTE THEIR IS CREASED A.XD IKOREA8IKG TRADE, WILL SHORTLY BUILD A CONSIDERABLE EXTENSION TO THEIR ALREADY CAPACIOUS ST0R3-R00M ON TRADE STREET, WHICH WILL BE FIT TED UP IM AS HANDSOME A MANNER AM ANY GROCERY STORE IN THE SOUTH. THEY ALREADY HAVE ONE OF THE LARG EST WAREHOUSES IN THE CITY, WHICH THEY WILL BE COMPELLED TO USE AS HERETOFORE. BY BUSINESS TACT AND ISDUSTRY THEY HAVE SUCCEEDED IN BUILDING UP AN IMMENSE BUSINESS, AND THEY ARB DE TERMINED TO CONTINUE TO MERIT THE PATRONAGE HERETOFORE SO GENEROUS. LY BESTOWED. In order to get room to make th changes contem plated, for the neit THIRTY DAYS they have concluded to make a SWEEPING REDUCTION la the prices of all goods BELONGING EXCLUSIVELY TO THE RETAIL DEPARTMENT. They have now in stock a large and well selected assortment of FLOUR LOUR COFFEE OFF EE CUGAR 5UGAB MOLAS8ES OL ASSES T AR.. In all sized packages, SYRUPS, Of all kinds, T30TAT0E8 X OT. OTATQES A PPLES ill PPLES "DAN AN! 8 ANANAS T IMONS XJEMONS i "VRAN6E8 RANGES FRUITS AND pANDTES RU1TS IN UTS AND lANDtKS To the Retail Trade WE OFFER SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS IN FRENCH PEAS, MUSHROOMS, ARTICHOKES, CANNED GOODS, Of every name Style and Condition. OLIVES, CHOpOLATES,. . And every aiode usually foun jba'.a Jtftfrettse : : DMIDSOn & BEAU. ; i apta" " INtW ro dd i a: u . TRYON ' - ' :?.'! rv -S3 . ' - Desire to Inform the general public that they wta open on Tuesday, May,.10thwUh a general stock of Faney Goods, etc also - -: ? t s ? - - f SPECIALTIES IN DRY GOODS. ' Patrons may rest assured that no pains have been spared to bring together everything that is use ful or desirable. Our prices will speak for themselves. Our variety is too- numerous to mention. A TUtt only will cover that ground. We will add dally to our stock, aa our resident buyer In Nw York will attend all sales of any importance. Our object is to make this store headuuarters for bargains at all times, and by giving our business close personal attention, we hope to merit a liberal share of pat ronage. NoUiing will be misrepresented. Everything will be sold foi just what it really is. Our terms are STRICTLY CASH AND ONI PRICE. : Everything marked In plain figures. We expect large additions to our stock this week, as manjf purchases have been unavoidably delayed. . . .-RODDICK. k OCX, maylO Wholesale and Retail. . .?wl AIM Fro TO THEE I GIVES HEALTH. "Excellent Tonic. Alterathre and Diuretic" JUI.U1MU AOCWUMIlVUl i;uvuwuigi TO. "Used with ereat benefit In Malaria and Dtnh- inena. o. vupon, m. ua. "Successfully used in dyspepsia, chronic diar rhoea and scrofula." Prof. 8. Jackson. M. D.. Univ. Penn. 'Invaluable as a nervous tonic." -Hon. L C. Fowler. Term. "Recommended as a nroDhrlactlc In malarial districts," d. k, irairex, to. 1)., n. o. - "Restores debilitated systems to health." T. C. Mercer, M. D., Ind. "Adapted In chronic diarrhoea, scrofula, and dyspepsia.-" Geo. T. Harrison, M. D., N. Y. "Successful in diphtheria and neuralgia." J. P. Neese, M. D., N. C. '.Excellent tor certain diseases neculiar to wo men." Prof. J. J. Moorman, M. D., Va. 'Promnt in relieving headache, sick and ner vous." Rev. E. C. Dodson. "Used with sreat benefit in dvsDensla." J. Mc- Balph,M.D..Pa. "Suited to bronchitis and diseases of digestive organs." J. F. Roughton, M. D., Ala. most vamaDie remedy mown tor iemaie dis eases." Jbo. P. Metteaur, M. D., L. L. D. Ol great curative virtue." Thos. F. Rumfold, "Beneficial in uterine deraneement and mala rious condltlons."-G. M. Vail, M. D., Ohio. "Charming on the complexion, making it smooth, clear, soft aad rosy." Miss M., of S. C. "The prince ot mineral tonics." Francis Gil liam, M. D., N. C. "Inestimable as a tonic and alterative." Hun ter McGuire, M. D., Va. "Fine annetlzer and blood nurlfier." H. Fisher. M. D., Ga. "Very beneficial in improving a reduced sys tem." Bishop Beckwlth. of Ga. "invalids here find welcome and health." Bev. John Hannon, late of La., now of Richmond, Va. 'Mas real merit." soutnern lied. Journal. Pamphlets free, upon application. Water. S4 93 case. Mass and Pills. 25. 50. 75 cents. Sent post-paid anywhere. summer season oi springs negins isi June. $ao '. month. Address A. M. DAVTSS, Pres't of the Co., 78 Main St, Lynchburg, Va., P. O. Box 174. SOLD BY WILSON & BUS WELL and J. H. McADEN, mar27 Charlotte, N. C. THE FINEST AND FRESHEST LAGER BEER In the United States, from the famous Bergner & Engel Brewing Company, OF PHILADELPHIA, Can be had of their 'own agents In this city, at snort notice and reasonable rates, xnis beer bore off the FIRST PRIZE IN PARIS and also at the great centennial at Philadelphia In 1 878. It has no rival and is fast becoming the great family beverage; and is greatly valued for its tonic ana invigorating properties dj inose in neeu of amlldstrengthenerfn the-way of a harmless stimulant It is eleeantlv bottled at the branch depository In this city, and will be delivered at any residence on notincation at tne uentrai noiei sa loon or with either of the undersigned. . your patronage is solicited, ana saasracuon is assured. W. R. COCHRANE & MUNZLEK. aplS Agents. MASTER'S SALE OF VALUABLE AND DESIRABLE REAL ESTATE. 'TATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA ) gkkxxyxllx County. Ex parte., G. Tupper Swandale, committee, etc., etc., against v. . swanaaie ana outers. Bv virtue of a decretal order in the above enti tled case by his honor Judge J. B. Kershaw, pre siding, and dated April 8th, 1881, I will sell on the 1st Monday In June, next being salesday, at Subtle outcry, in the city ef Greenville, in front of le court house, during the legal hours, the fol lowing property, to -wit: Four Lots on Main street, with the storehouses thereon, each measuring about 25 feet front and 162 leetmaeptn. Also, one Lot with the bulldlne thereon. front- Ins; on the nubile square, measuring 52Vi ft front and 100 ft in depth. Also, lour vacant Lots in rear or tne aDove as sert bed lots, fronting on Court street measuring 46 feet front and 187 feet in depth. Also, one vacant Lot on Rutherford street, ad joining lots of the estate of J. A. David, and eth ers, and containing two acres, more or less. Terms: One-third of the purchase money tote paid in cash, and the balance on a credit of one and two years, with interest from day of sale, with leave to anticipate the credit portion, the credit nortion to be secured br bonds of the enrchasers andmortgagesef the premises, with assigned pol icies or insurance en me Doiiamgs. rurcnasers te pay for all accessary papers. A rare ooDortanit is offered in this sale to par ties desiring to invest in valuable and profitable real estate, loeated in the business part and in the heart of the growing city of Greenville. The nroDftrcr can be imrohased at private sale at any time before the day of sale by communica- noa with . x. ewanaaie.or myseir, mays dlawzw a. J. poutjut, Master. Dr.:, R. Vampill & Mrs. i J. Vamjffi PHYSICIANS AND- EELCTRICI ANS FOX SSQW, CHARLOTTE, N. a NERVOUSNESS, Debility, Innervatlen, Paraly. sis. Deafhesa. Neuralela. Rheumatism.-Afiee- uons oi tne ye, JLarnyx, veuna, uecsum, uterus, etc., are happily most susceptible of cure by JDJliJCiUlIVAVAll f- There am manr dlselses that we do nef siiboae to core by means of electricity, , - rx 1 such as Incipient Coosmptto Catarrh, Asthma, and all Diseases MeuUar te the Be- ... . predoottw Ocgaaa.- i Such affecCiona we treat seientlfisally by, the pest agents or medicines mown to tne pron ihil Parties llvrnc at a oistanee can eonsalt either nsby letter. Consultation free. marl6-lawdkwly --iii T nCnT Key. . nndet JUUOX wmteare at tl.oflce for re ward. -'"- Iman-tfil rUUll U eondlttoot Tec farther & formation apply at ttiUoOce. t may5 J-'i .-!.' ... - - M. ; 1 s-.... .1.- ? k .' ; ."!... . : .; ".JS. --. -. " - J ... - . .'. ' ' !. ' v , - i. 1 1 " t " v . i. J - """'-' v STORED ?1 - . STREET, :a-.- potteries. This ts Ittary wvir voted ea tad en- dened by the people ef any sute, UNPRECEDENTED ATTBACTION1 g H A OVER HALF A MILLION DISXBJBTTTED. louiaana M..Mery Company. .SSPlS 'B I868"fer 25 Ws by tin Legis lature for Educational and Charitable Dumeses fund of over 420,000 has ataea beea added. By an overwhelming popular vote its franchise was made a part of the present State Constitution opfed December 2i I D. 1879. Its GRAND SINGLE NUMBER Drawing will take place monthly on the second Tuesday. lt!P72L 8cales 01 Postpones. Look at the follow ing distribution: GRAND PRO M X Xl 1 oVQ t B T, during which wm t&M plape t&e $ 133d OBAim HOJfTHiY AHtTmrN : EXTRAORDINARY SSMI-ANNYAL DRAWING, AtKxw Oklians, Tuisdat, Jpiqi 14thl881, Under the personal supervision siidmjiiaaferiMnt of GEN. G. T. BEAUREGARD, and GEN. JUBAL A EARLY, of Vlrgiala. ; ' INornOT-Ti!ketjareTfiie"r Halves, S5; Fifths, $2 j Teaths, fl LIST OF PRIZES : "'..- 1 Capital Prize of 1 flOOJl.itlOflroOO 1 Grand PtIm a 1 Grand Prize ot 2 Large Prizes of 4 Large Prizes of 20 Prizes of 50 ' 100 " 2B0 " w,uw ou.wu 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 25.000 80.00ft 10,000..;. 6i000.... 1,000.... 500.... 800.... 20O.,.. 100.... 40,000 10,000 " 10... 100,( APPBoxruATioir nnxa i 100 Aproxlmatlen Prizes ef 100 ' i 100 " 'r.'. foooo 75.... 7,500 ii ,270 Prizes, amounting to &522.EM) Gen. G. T. BEAUREGARD, Of La. I a 1.. ., Gen. JUBaL A. EARLYTof Va. f nifato8 " Application 'for' rates to dubs- ehetld entt be tade to thn affWt m tv, rMmn, U r leans. - , , ti Write for circulars or send orders to . M. A. DAtTPHttf, New Orleans, La. Or game person at 212 Broadway, Mew Yerk. maylO ,v . iSOnd I ...- i POPTTIAB; MONTHLY DRAWING OF TH CociEicawealth Distribution Companj. AT MACAULETS THEATRE, In the City of Louisville, on - TUESDAY", MAT 31, 1881. These drawtars occur monthly fStmdars except ed) under provisions ef an Act of the General As sembly of Kentucky, moorporatlng the Newport mnung ana newspaper uo., approvea Apru v, 1878. fThls is a BTjedal act and has never been te' pealed. The United States Circuit Court on March 81 . rendered the following decisions: 1st That the Commonwealth Distribution Com pany is legaL 2d Its drawings are fair. The ComDanv has now on hand a lartfe reserve fund. Read the list of prizes for the ' : MAY DRAWING. 1 Prize, 1 Prize 8S0.C 10.C Mill fl l raze,. r Ann 10 Prizes, $1,000 each,. 10,000 20 Prizes. BOO each. 10.000 iuu razes, iuu eaca,,.,......., u 200 Prizes. 50 each........... It 600 Prizes, 20 each i.12 1000 Prizes. .10 each -Jc 9 Prizes. 2300 each. Annroximatlon Prizes 12.700 0 Prizes, 200 " " s" " 100 razes, ioo " , . oo 1,060 Prizes, w..... J i.. JJlSJoO Whole Tickets, 82: Half Tickets, $1) 27 Wckefc, ? 85055TTicTtets,'$1004 V Remit Monev or Bank Draft in Letter, or send by Express. DON'T SEND BY REGISTERED LETTER OR POSTOFFICE ORDER. Orders of $5 and upward, by Express, can be sent at our ex pense. Aaaress au orders to R. M. BOARD MAN, Courier-Journal Bonding Louisville. Er.. or T. J. COMMERFORD. 809 Broadway New York. mayl China, Crockery, Glass & Tinware Lamp 4 House-Furnishing Goods, ; WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. Have received 9 full ltae ot , SEASONABLE GOODS. REFRIGEEATdES, tCB CHEST, WATER COOIRS, BABY CARRIAGES Ig. -lAN ICE CREAM FREEZERS. ... terEetoekof ,,f tripple-itWbtlyebwabji ? TBIPPLS-PXATjaXSILYER-WARE Guaranteed to gt .kioacadeir ot'kll grades. Lowestiaarker prices. Wd will sen,, . goode MlowasRortheni hmalul - 1 tti'idi 'r. turn WILLDUPLlCATE.-fllfBIU. A ltf dlrhtlr ImMTfeet fitone CMnk Tthhet jruues, joe per aoz. xtaouieu xmrn, pvrpew Other goods equally low. ., mayl .. ;.. .... y x. p'-'ifi -honest Twiit Chcirlng Tobaeccr Beware ef imitations Rone geuirie imleie a? eompanled with out "Honest 7" eopy-rlshtedlabet which will bo found on head ef every box' - -' tl m I 1 - . Maa ff. ' feb20-aw . r iMtoSTHfa 'ft 7 3., . I- -''J I Broolfi & Co. 't :

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