SURE APPETISER VlEON'Bri id Kires new m w S?ld b?il druggLi. .Write for the A B C Book, 32 pp. of useful anr .musing chemicai, CO., Baltimore, 3VXd. ORGANS. 17 stops, 5 BetGold . imw xMwt nnlf JSHn. Ad- dns DANIEL V. BKATTX. wasmngwn, n. i. apritH-aawftw .- v-- OrMind' wii xratM 'WTwwIa. Wood WerHng in fMihtoiHWTiiV Mini OJrcntar Ssvr aprl9 dw4w Par Saw-SmUk Ppandries. and Machine Shops. For circulars, address THE TANTTE CO. BtTondBburv, Monroe Ocx.Fi. ORINDINQ MACH1NE8 aprl9 dw4w " loal Work. warran tad thai heat and lr. nhaapaat.faidiaTii ahlto erary aaeUedBoMioeofLifa r.BoaiLi lUaaanWiaarnnla ft vm L. , aaaul nrn II ilitni PmIuxIv MaL Sinn A TintlTU business men, ag'ts tUU A'fuUll I H and ladles taking or : - dersior .theJtte ozJEFFEBBsMl DAYIS, by Wm. , jr. Samfprd LL. !., of Alabama, lneluding a full , Aletery Of . the XQ8T CAD8E. Triusrrated. Now -iteedy. Send for particulars. K B. TREAT, .tdfliflher, 767 Broadway, New York. ; mtRaYED fATEHT LIVER PAD T W- " 6ti Raid. -4ar-a ataM amt Btkxmotx Diiius. liist ami;. owl vUkstfttefilst tit litja. LirtfXiBpttiflt, 1 . amUaM&walaMal IttrTVSIuVnt - Rci tKtmu TheM PUi Ciim an tHMtf by Abaorytka. N rtxiouPill,OUi, or Peiaonou Mcdictoea arc taken Into th BUnh Tha fad are worn ever the Pit of tha fflfiMMhi 4mrina; the Gnat Nat-re Centres, bo Um Llrer and Stomach. A gentle Vegetable Toniei akaarlwd late tbeeirealatton o f the Blood and Llrer. aarifTtng the Blood, stimulating the Lirer and j Kidnara to haaltlia' aetion.4rid atrenarthminr the BtaoMMk tmrt feod. Pricst Pads 1 and a I BACH. DPUS MX ALL VBDUTS.Or seat OWMWl nSeAI JfaTkifataredadforaaleat 92 Qermal treet eamnere, M d. For sale In Cbarlotte at tbe drug stores of L. B. WrJatoU ft Co., 1. searr, T. & Smith and Wilson 4 BorwelL ma;15 It- SILVER, LEAD, COPPER, AND ZINC FOR CASH rpHX New York and North Carolina Smelting. -a. uompany at unanone, wui pay tne Dest uasn races ever pau m mis country ror Kb charge will be Hade for sampling and as-f oresixirenasea vym. lorwoia ana surer, u.ou. -ANOTHER LOT OF- COAL STOVES. ALSO -A CAR LOAD OF THE- IRON KING COOK It i t ? 8HE1TIIR0N. TLRX PLATE, WIRE & SOLDER, - always on hand. ROOFING SPECIALTY. ;r ' i - f. i . . tin wortLotall klads promptly done. Hare In atoek a splendid assortment of RemiDgtoD, St Joba HouseMd SKWWO JflCHlNEC EWING JsUCIHINEO MACHINE WHTCTJLE3 On' nana 'tod REPAIRING Loeks, Halls, SlntMi ln larga supply, at tne flAxdwara, mtmSfa-? .v-.Si .- Hi'lfflnT and faTorabli S-lnaaaltf ttlla Tfeltr "?n,i tLintt I. n hri.. i i w . mm MmnD Majinin. said would -tMVleaW't nd pairona and aerra them as heretofore. " 4al jmmmw 5 ROi D. GRAHAM, avrn'ro'RisrJEiv rr ia.-w. lO'" a. RFJLTTY3 ui-ii i - w w STEHSBIGIllES 1 "BKJHI ttuiy6nifrLn MSlUQsV VAUAJA atRUE TONIC, , Tndisrestion. Dvs- . ; r, , i fj CELEBRATED WHY SUFFER NEEDLESSLY WWh the convulsing, spasmodic tortures of fever and ague, and bilious remittent, when Hostetter'a Stomach Bitters, acknowledged to be real curative 01 maianai ievers, win ermiicnio mo rauso ui au much suffering. No less effective is this Denign- n f BitMQHva in MoAa tt MmatlTUtHAn. rlvanpnslA. liver complaint, rheumatism, and In general de- For sale by all Druggists and Dealers generally, mayl OFFICE! OF A, 8tGHJB, OBDTKAKT, ' Hotjstoh Cotjntt, Pbbbt, Ga., Jan. 28i 1880. In the year 1863, there were two negro prison ers confined In the Jail of this county, who were very badly afflicted with that loathsome disease Syphlllls. In my official capacity as Ordinary, I employed Capt. C. T. Swift, then a resident of this place, to cure them, under a contract "no cure, no pay." He administered to them his now Justly celebrated Syphilitic Specific, and In a few weeks I felt bound, under my contract, to pay him out of the county treasury, as he had effected a complete and radical cure. in testimony oi tne above, i nave nere unto set my official signature and seal the date above written. A. S. GILES, Ordinary Houston County, Ga. Chattanooga, Tmtn., Feb, 14, 1879. Gknts: We take pleasure in saying that the S. S. a Is giving good satisfaction. We have had excellent results from a number of cases. One gentleman who had been confined to his bed for six weeks with Syphilitic Rheumatism was cured entirely with two bottles, and speaks In the highest praise of it. It also acts as well In primary as In secondary and tertiary cases. - Prepared only by the SWIFT SPECIFIC COM PANT, Atlanta, Ga. Sold by T. C. Smith and L. R. Wrlston 4 Co. Call on your druggist for a copy of "Young Men's Friends." may27 d&wlm. The Purl sat and Beet Medicine ever Had. combittnaiionofHoD. Buehu. Mandrake Piu pan aaenon, wiia su we oesiua moneara ve proper tlea of all other Bitters, makes tht B? r e a t e siBioolPiirlfir, Liver Regula' Hearth. Ho disease eanmpossibrj long exist where Hod Bitters are uaocL, so varied ana perfect are their 1 operations. They give nev liftaimi rigor to the aged and iafirm BTo all whose employ. mentB cause Irregularity ol the bowels or urinarykorgans, or who require an Appetizer Tonic and mOak stimulant, Hop Bitters Mare invaluable, withOUtQatBSWntoxlcatins mr ainwrr viuw mu ig vt j mpvuma arw what the disease ox ailment is muse Hod Bitters. Don't watt until yon are sickabutifjou odXt t eeifl load or Jniaerarjie, use me rsBtarssi onca. It may paw your in e. a uaa aaiuu nan $500 wClbepaidforaeaaethley will not Doalp. Do notsuffer nor let yoara.rriends snffer.batM anavrgetnemto use HOP Remember. Hop Bitters is no Tile, L. d r-u it ir a d. limit mi mill i um Iml Ifcn iiniii nil lSAj. Hi i Will H saMn.nMA.t1ui sru ' ,W.MV KraSoSonnt'0 perSOn 0TttJDii 1 J and! if lO. I. C. lsaaabsotateandirrsblemir iprumxeneavnaeof optamobacoo BoodnarootleaJ .-tn All sold by druggista, Send for Clicalar. Be Mtfars Iff. Ce BochesWf.K.1. DR.SflUFORD'S .i Only Vegetable Compound that acts directly upon the Liver, and cures Liver Complaints,, Jaun dice, Biliousness,, . Malaria, Cos tiveness, Headache. It assists di gestion, strengthens the system, regulates the bowels, purifies the blood, A Rrtot SAnt frp Tiri Sanford, 162 Broadway, N. V, .?0 aaVLS AXX. Z)B?O0XTS. i T Jan)18 deod,eowly. " . ..t -. T f. f -Ttt W-'4 J1 - : ' . T TaMaaisssMllslMa ini si I unrinrnEiic wiiwa,nryN Becwge It acts q the LTTEH, T6 dnES( aad KID5ET3 At the game time. X;y mummmmmm 1 mtTlmmmmM tU mm, I nf)l,.n... J ouahnmow that derelope in Sidney andtrt. 1 1 WarrTHl1aaii Ttnt nln 11 .Tr.4 ' rmmmm m . 1 ,w , .wiiiniii IMUSH. Tsoon, sues, or in Rheumatism, Neuralgia, ervoua Disorders and remale Complaints. t ' 1" j6mATTEOiT4! ftA.V ; arLh$ of Jmction City, Kansas, Cf I"Wort cured him after regular Phy iclans had been trying for lour years! Hn. Joan Jtrnnll a mi. SST.r" .l11 ?C die by 'our prominent Physicians and that he was af ferwardS xnmi bv SJdiunr.WAi f B.M.B. G knkam beVond lvelinf tw2f,Jt Jsrrett of Boath Baisaa, 1T says - i "A wiuormg AiAiii anoney irou Dies B.Lawreneeof JaclrAAii-Tenri;. (mffared - ' mmm , . ...F TAAM taasa'AaiK Ji MLAmJL hwv saKing ." Barrels t -tftbar " ' 7 " M.M. v saaaaj- SUU11CT HIV KM. from llTer nd' kitrheV tronfilM rid krouhtesShd ttaediujrice si war ell. .. tlrmriArr ajaney-w ore made nlm well. .. : j iU Wchael Goto of 1 Montgomery Center, Vt, IMI.aflait. i to erer v J 4" (MaaAamMBsaMMaKsataSBBBai tarf I P vwnsuuauun nna riiea, parelt. , w.acv.'i'--'o . .v-ti qr Jt aetM tcilh equal ttefeimH W-yWrai' 1 a.vuWawiu, A A, wn-irrnTiEWffl - n a mji iisa iLir 711 fa sc incii m 2-r -m immm. rSw STOMACH r mm a oodwut, ah editor is Ctafdoi Ohio CErBT-OO I - L-T-" il II MAtfn mm mm ffmiiont) of them Caught at Aroca- What a Western man Saw. and What He llelaien- Unexampled Success of the State Fish Hatchery. Raleigh News-Observer. Some of the gentlemen who on Mon day last left this city for the eastern part of the State returned last evening. These , WBre Gov. Jarvts,- Lieut-Gv. Robinson Auditor Roberts and Major Gilliam, Montford McGehee, Esq., com missioner of agriculture, having return ed a day or two since. Gov. Jarvis went I 1 m 11 A. . 1 A. - . A. 1 J to xyrreu court, dui was auxe to xeavp there and go to Avoca, where he spent Thursday in jCompany with the other gentlemen, who had gone direct to that point. Gov. Jarvis was, of course, thorough ly familiar with the fisheries and the fish hatching operations, but to Lieut Govi Hobinson the visit was a sujicesl sion of ; surprises. It was his first -visit to the extreme east, and he gained his first actual knowledge of the magnitude of the world-famous fisheries on the Albemarle. As he said, in a chat last evening, he was positively fearful that his people in theiwest would deem him' but a romancer -when he got back and told them what he saw. Of course fish stories are as plentiful as blackberries in July, but the fish facts as gleaned at Avoca are simply stunning. The party were met by Mr. Stephen G. Worth, the fish commissioner, who. with a force of about a dozen men, is at work at one, of Mr. Capehart'8 beaches, at Avoca. The United States steamer Fishbank had already gone northward. By the way, it should be remarked that Mr. Worth has been far more successful this season than the government fish hatchers. All the operations or impregnating the eggs. transferring-tuem to the cans, etc., were carefully shown and explained. Tak ing about fifty shad, Mr. Worth got from them about a gallon or eggs? These, soon after being impregnated, increased in volume so greatly that they filled seven two-gallon buckets. The number from these fifty fish was estimated at two millions. Mr. Worth's success is indeed cratifyinsr, say the visitors. The party saw the great hauls made at Mr.' CapenarFs nshery. Oh Thurs day they particularly saw two hauls one of 17o,000 herring in the morning, and another of 125,000 in the evening. The great seine, 2,500 yards long, was taken out and laid by two steam flats. The warp of the seine is 2,500 yards in length, making the total length nearly three miles. It was hauled in by steam, the rope coiling on immense drums. As it came in, the whole beach for a great space was white with hsh, pnea up in masses. The shad that are captured are taken by Mr. Worth that is, as many as he needs. The hatching house is about a mile from the seine beach. Gov. Jarvis only ;went to Copehart's fishery, but the others went to Page & Shepherd's and Ned" Wood's fisheries also. At the Coleraine fishery, further up, 300,000 herrihg?ei,e last week taken at one haul. VTher rarty of .Visitors was very hospitably "entertained. TheyTe- late 86 many stories of what they saw, and have so many pleasant experiences that they will probably form an ichthy- ological club and visit Avoca every sea son. tijieut-iiov.. ivoDinson is at once the most surprised and pleased man of the party. A ?IAN WITH A CHARGED LIFE. Shot a Score of Times and Carrying Half a Dozen ITIuakct Balls in His Body. Cleveland Leader, April 21. A man stopped at the Commercial Hotel, Newcomerstown," on Sunday, who has made the iournev from Little Falls, N. on foot. He is on his road to the Dayton boldiers Home, and his history is indefed remarkable and should place, him in the class as one of the bat tle-scarred heroes of the Republic. His life is more like a dime novel romance than real history. ie enlisted in the United States reg ular army in 184S, when only fifteen years old, and after serving in the war with Mexico, re-enlisted in 1848. '53 'and '58. He participated in tlie battle oi uuu nun ana other, severe engage ments in 161- 62-3. ana was taken dhs ofier by the rebels at Vicksburg, J vine 24. 1863. He served over five months Hm Salisbury prison, overeleten'months in Andersonville and several moaths in various other rebel' prison pens. ' At Andersonville he was shot in the mouth by the notorious keeper of that pen (Wurtz), and carries the bullet in his head at this time. In 1865 he escaped from the rebels under Kirby Smith, near Brownsville, Texas, and swam the Rio Grande under fare from his pursuers, receiving a sev .ere wound in his right hand, Which tore orr tnree fingers ana the thumb. On reaching the ODDoaite. shore he -was can- Jure by the Gresisens,", a JbanTof ?in- aians ana naif breeds who know noth ing but murder, rapine and plunder, and was a. prisoner with them till last September. -During all the fifteen years he was a captive jto suffered untold hardships, and his repeated attempts to escape were rewarded by his body being literally peppered with bullets. In his attempts to escape he was shot fourteen times, and now carries in his body two four-ounce silver balls, four lead balls -1 i. In mi i ana one copper Dan. xne latter ne re ceived while attempting to escape oh the 16th of last September. On tht day the band of Indians having him in charge were captured by the Mexicans ana an conaemnea to aeatn. lie ap- peaiea to uonsuuenerai oster lor protection as a United States citizen. and jhst as the Mexicans were adjusting the rope around his neck Consul Fos ter s orders for his release reached 'him and he u was spared. He was sent to IHw York on a United States steamer. and as he could find no relatives living a r till ni . -m . aa m 1 ao jiuie j? ans ne starcea ior tniff state on foot. He showed your reporter a four-ounce silver ball which Dr. Mott, of New York, extracted from,' one of his wounds. The wound rmade by the ooDDer ball which he receivm last Spn. tember is in his left breastand the flesh- ana SKin, as well as .his 'hnger nails, are copper colored. - Tne 'sloughings from the wound- are -colored green from the verdigris contained in the fluids, and the ,, physician told him that the acid fluids oi the body would gradually con vert the ball into verdigris and it would thus v-be expelled, from the system, al though ;the wound would never heal. Euormooi Steel Rail Production. J ames, M, .wank, Secretary of the AmericaMdn ianji efeei Association, has just finished his report of the pro duction of iron and; steel railatforii880 from figures furnished by the manufac turers. The aggregate" for the' country was 1,451,838 tons, a great increase over all previous years-1 and 'thirty-one per cent, above 1879.. The production em braced 9Zil4&& net tons of Bessemer steel rails and 493,762 net. tons, of. Irpn rails, and 13,615 tons' of 'tjrn Bearthf steel rails. The. .production. pt Besse mer steel rails w'as27d,'496'tbns, orforty percent, more .than that of 1879; that of iron rafla 73;602 tons, or eighteen per cent, more, and, .that -of., openr JJearth steel rails was 566 'tons, tt forty-nine rjec wt. more than In 1879. Of. the toV taTeonljlVania furtushed ' 690,198 nef tons ; : iumois, asttpsOhio, v 183,487 ; Mew- xjo; NEWS OF IHTEBEST. In tha naar. BirtAn vwir trrt Britlsh Iridiar4jbnflge:haftsIaOWJI'J,diflo ate-.: teen timeELand tha.aum total o& OT dtH USi.instipjfeHij- fiawicisyearsJ reacneoi o vet uiocooojouui -s tmmof js vn penditures bave; absorbed 45 per cent. or the revenue, :- ( 1 ' Thesilk iridtistry" U reyiving inJ JCou siana.' the 'rerjorts of i this sprihg hatching being very encouraging.' In terest in the culture is growing and inducements are offered to silk work era :'tocbme" from France and "engage in tho business . The flrsb exports of silk from Louisiana were made as far back as 1718. The cultarelof silk is al so being revived in South Carolina and Georgia, . . . . - The beauties of the star route mail service are. made apparent when it is estimated that the delivery of every letter in -certain localities must have cost from $300 to $500. And all of this for a thTee-cent postage stamp ! Bos ton Herald, Ind. Rep. The reports of the bureau of statist ticsr8how that '503 immigrants ar rived' in this country last year, the greatest ' number for ' nearly thirty years.1 There was'-a large increase in the emigration from every country ex cept China, where there was a falling off of several thousand. The Canadian emigration was three times as large as that of the - previous year, and that from continental Europe nearly as great.1 Col. Ingersoll does not represent the learned and calm neology and rational ism of England and America, of JFrance and Germany, but the wash- buckler infidelity of one hundred and two years ago. He is a healthy irri tant to" the churches who, when they see the common people hear him glad ly will do well when men ask for bread not to give them a stone. Brooklyn Eagle. M. Cockery, the French minister of the postal and telegraphic department. recently stated that the circulation of letters in France had increased from 382,000,00ft 1H 1877 to 522,000,000 in 1880. Telegraphic dispatehes had increased from 7,000,000 to 14,000,000. Cheap pos tage: and cheap telegraphy are wonder ful factors in this progressive age. we have' cheap postage in the United States, but watered stock- makes tele graphy one ot the greatest burdens .that afrea.peoDle were ever called u- Five hundred acres of land around" Yorktown were purchased by the', com mittee association formed to celebrate the centeaniaj anniversary of Lord Cornwalliss surrender. The land will be beautifully laid off as a parade and camp ground for tbe French and American soldiers. The new build ings will be erected hear the site of the village. .Virginia is .anticipating a live ly celebration of this anniversary. VIENNA'S ROYAL WEDDING. Tue State Dinner at Salzbarar A Re ception of Deputations with Wed' dins; Gifts The Arrival at Vienna and the Crown Prlnce'a, Meetlna; with His Bride A Hundred Tbou sand Visitors in tbe City. Vienna, May 6 There was a gala procession yesterday from the railway at saizburg to tne palace, on the occa sion of the arrival of the Queen of the Belgains and her daughter. Princess Stephanie, on their way to Vienna for the marriage, on the 10th inst, of the Princess andj Prince Rudolph. The town was elaborately decked with flags and decorated with triumphal arches At 6 o'clock last evening a state dinner was given at the palace. Afterwards there was a reception of deputations bearing wedding gifts. The town was brilliantly illuminated. There was a torchlight procession of students, who formed before the palace, making with the torches the outline of the mono gram of Rudolph and Stephanie Bea cons were lighted on the neighboring hills, and there was a grand display of fireworks. The royal party drove through the town to witness the illu mination. Prince Rudolph returned to Vienna at 11 o'clock last-night. The royal party drove to the railway sta tion to-day through dense and enthusi astic crowds of people. The train start ed amid the strains of the Belgian na tional anthem and the cheers of the people. Meanwhile the crowds were gathering in Vienna to welcome the royal party. A hundred thousand strangers are in the city to witness the festivities. The arrival at Schonbrunn of the train bearing the Queen of the Bel gians and the Princess Stephanie was awaited by the' Emperor Francis Jo seph, Prince Rudolph, wearing the Bel gian orders of -knighthood, the 'Stadt holder of Vienna and the President of the Police. The train, ,the' engine of which was wreathed with flowers, en tered the railway station, which was richly 6fajd, shortly alter 4 o'clock, to the strains:of the Belgian national anthem. Prince Rudolph aff ectkmately embraced Princess Stephanie and pre sented her to the Emperor, who -kissed her on the forehead. When the greet ings of the royal party were concluded, the Burgomaster presented - Princess Stephanie with a bouquet of white roses and hawthorn. The party then ehtereJ carriages, being .received with the deaf eningrcheersf of t the populace when they appeared at the door of the station. The -first carriage contained the Emperor and the King of the Belgians,- the second the Queen of' the Bel gians, Pri&cess Stephanie and Prince Rudolph: and the third the Princess admentine:ahd her governess. The carriages proceeded slowly down the street on which the station is situated to the Festplatz, where the represen tatives of six suburbs of Vienna pre sented homage to the royal party, then through Schonbrrmn street to the Cas tle. The route of the procession was lined with troops and the crowd of people numbered thousands, who greet ed th "'party, especially Princess Ste phanit), with the loudest and heartiest alternations. The party on their ar rival were affectionately welcomed by the Empress in the great gallery of the Castle. The Burgomaster will to-morrow pay a visit to the King of the Bel gians and. tresent him with a gold medal struck in commemoration of the marriage. . ' A qbgl schoolmaster. Boston Post. ' The old man approached the new school master with a bulldog glare m his eye. -"You got after my boy yester day, because he left a live nornet gm6d to your chair V"; at-did." ; "You licked him so he thought the - world was com ing to an endl" "That was the impres sion I intended toconvey to him. "I m his fatherland I've come to let you know1 what I think of your proceed ings., Then they clinched . Hair and blood fleVli the air, liiewlsta.dust.and fragments, of garments. Then it quiets W Mes ;3mdfne old manamT plored hixntto let him up, stop choking and take his teeth from that ear. "What do you thinK about my warning your Wbyf tasked the teacher; "I think yon did just right, and when I go home I'll give him a tanning that'll teaeh him to come to me wlthfajisj Complaints, and stories that'lJieAdolmaster can't fights a-jThe r parted, and'-tha school? win-peister toeS'ii j io mmwi hhi "A SAtn4rrt tBi4iiw-i:s-:ir' jrti. jAj!! jsiaUia'!aV fol mlnr r5 .C.f. pOTTJOT; reSTOTlIT um joucnr; THE POWER Of THE PBESS. , lnnewavla theobwerof the brees moTe alrreiy sbowa.tban In the universal knowledge! that ha less man a year oeen omusea iiiruuuy" Iffltma of beoole of the wonderful curative prop- srUes of that aptendld remedy ,! KWdeyiWort;" And. the people irpmthe AUantlo a 7uiei rwujo nave bIiowb ftelTfctelQgeboe and their knowledge of what M iri tbelnpera 1)7 already4 xdaklng Kidney won umv aooaenoia remeay fiar mu wseoseB oi tbe kidneys, liver and bowels. Herald. ADVEBTISINQ' ghxats. It has become so common to write : the bejrlri- nlBS of an elegant. Interesting article and then run It Into some advertisement that we avoid all ueb cheats and simply call attention to tbe mer its of Hop Bitters in as plain,- nonest terms as pos- BiDie, as no one wno anows ineir vaiue wui ever use anything else. Providence Advertiser. FOOD FOB THE BRAIN AND NERVES that will Invigorate tbe body without intoxicating la what we need in these days of rush and worry. Parker's Ginger Tonic restores the vital energies, soothes tbe nerves and brings good health quicker than anything else you can use. Tribune. See other column. St- a aw s asa A LOSING JOKE. A prominent physician of Pittsburg said Joking ly to a lady patient, who was complaining oi her conttnned Ul health and of his inability to cure her, "Try Hop Bitters." The lady took It la earn est and used the bitters, from which she obtained psfmanent health. She now laughs at tbe doctor for bis joke, but be Is not so well pleased with It, as It cost him a good patient Harrlsburg Patriot "Malt Bitters" are a brain, nerve and blood food, peculiarly adapted to, and warmly recom mended by, our druggists and physicians for gen eral debility, mental and physical exhaustion, hys teria, nervousness, sleeplessness, emaciation and dropsy. ' Neuralgia, Sciatica, Lumbaao, Backache, Soreness of the Chest, Gout, Quinsy, Sore Throat, Swell ings and Sprains, Burns and Scalds, General Bodily Pains, Tooth, Ear and Headache, Frosted Feet and Ears, and all other Pains' and Aches. Ho Preparation on earth equals St. Jacobs Oil as a xe, sure, simple and cheap External Beraedy. A trial entails but the comparatively trifling outlay of 50 Cents, and every one suffering with pain can have cheap and positive proof of its claims. Directions in Eleven Languages. BOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS ASD DEALERS nr HEDIOIIE. A. VOGEU3R tfc CO., Ealtimore, Md., JT. B. X. dec 80 d w ly A SURE RECIPE For Fine Complexions. Positive relief and immunity from complexional blemishes may be found in Hasan's Mag nolia Balm. A delicate and harmless article. Sold by drug gists everywhere. It imparts the most brilliant and life-like tints, and the clo sest scrutiny cannot detect its use. All unsightly discolora tions, eruptions, ring marks raider the eyes,sallowiiess, red ness, roughness, and the flush of fatigue and excitement are at once dispelled by the Mag nolia Balm. It is the one incomparable Cosmetic, Jan. 22 EXTRAORDINARY EARLY Emits i Vegetables In Those who may be worried over tbe blasted prss v pects ot early vegetables and fruits In this section will be fully consoled if they call at PERRY'S VEGETABLES: B E AN S, PEAS, O K B A. TOMATOES OKRA AND TOMATOES, CORN, SQUASH. FRUITS: APRICOTS, PEACHES, CHEBWES, PLUMS, PINEAPPLES, RASPBERRIES, STRAWBERRIES. Meats: Corned Beef, Potted Meats, Deviled Meats, Smoked Beef. Also, Oysters, Crabs, Clams, Lobsters, Mackerel, Sal mon, Shrimp, Codfish Balls. FINEST ASSORTMENT In the market of Pickles, Preserves, Fruit Butter, . Oranges, Marmalade, Honey, Olives, Jel- lies, Sauces, dec. Oat Meal, Wh eaten Grits, Snow-flake Hominy, Self-raising Flour, Buckwheat and Griddle Cake, as well as everything needed by housekeepers in tbe fancy grocery line. Qnality: First-Class. Prim: O.K. ; eiagsr, Bsehs. Maadraks, Stilliagfa and many other of the best medicines known are com bined so skillfully in Pakkkk' Gingxk Tonic as tomsJwttthsarMtsstBrsPariisraadths ' Bart Healtk aad StrsacU Xaitorer avar ased. ! It cures Dvananaia- BIi.iiu!. al fSleeplesmeaa, and all diseases of the Stomaefc,'! - If too art wastimt avav witk CansunrDtlon orl snyditeaie.mse tha Tonic to-day. No matter whatf your symptoms maybe, if U1 surely help yoa. f Kememoer! Xhu Tome cures drunkaancss. b th, fiMtFataily Msdielas ever sade, etirely sass 'a a m Nous tside mmmm. FOB MEDMTISM. r Charlotte dfennf froaa Bittm GinW.Preyansona andf A LARGE LOT OF- FLOUR, HAMS, BOUGHT SINCE THE DECLINE - TO BE SOLD LOW Mayei: & Ross. aprS A FEW BARRELS OF Choice New Jersey D otatoes -DIRECT FROM- Swtedsboro, N. J. R. M. lller & Sons. apr30 Druggist by Examination. Go to W. P. MARTIN, igent, tmd Successor to FScarr 4 Co. it Fresh Drugs and Pure Medicines None but the Very Eest Drags do I keep In my stock. Also, Toilet and Fancy Articles, Perfumeries, Combs, Brushes, Tooth Brushes, dx., 4. GAEDEN SEEDS of all the best varieties, and warranted to be good. Physicians' prescriptions are given spec ial attention. Hoping to receive a share of public patronage, I am, respectfully, feb8 W. P. MABVTN, Agt To k Pile ! HAVING ACCEPTED the AGENCY OF THE OF Erie City, Pennsylvania, For the States of North and South Carolina and Georgia, Hun prepared to furnish full assortment of STATIONARY AND POBTABLE ENGINES, STEAM HOISTING MACHINES, BOILERS, SAW and COBN MILLS, BOSS PRESS, COTTON GINS, THRESHERS and SEPARATORS SH1FT- jm,:PTiLITaa.. I can fill orders promptly and at most reasona ble prices and the machinery is fully guaranteed. Parties wishing to purchase are requested to call and see, me before they buy. Thanking my friends for the liberal patronage heretofore extended me, I am Respectfully, JAMES F. JOHNSTON, College Street. P. S. I have large assortment (good reliabl i work) of Carriages, Phaetons, Baggies,- Spring; Wagons. Also, several good second-hand six : seated Barouches, and one Clarence, suitabjs for1 livery men, whioh I will sell very low. If you want' bargains eaH and see my stoek. . janZB a taw ' J. L. HARDIN, MlBCHANJDlVl BSOXIB AND COMMISSION MERCHANT. t . " . , ; : COClMB 9t.t CHALOTTK, V: C, jl-i ' - -- fXtten for Grain, Hay, Meal, Flour, Lard, Bacon, V Tobacco, 0arar, Coffee, Molasses. to,, reepect- ere Mo Syrups Seet BAY STATE IRON WORKS GO TO iiliiillliilli'h AND LOOK AT HIS LARGE STOCK OF ChristmasGoo is, ALL OF WHICH HE SELU, LOW FOR CASH. All Goods Warranted as Rep resented, both in Weight and Quality. WATCH GLASSES 10 CENTS Eld deelS laitoatls. Condensefl Time TaMeNprtliCaroliDaR.R TRAINS GOING NORTH. Date.Dec.14 '80 No. 47 Daily No. 49 Daily No. 43, Dally Lv. Charlotte, " A-L. Depot " " Junc't " Salisbury, Arr.Greensboro Lv. Greensboro Arr.Balelgh Lv. " Arr. Goldsboro Lv. Greensboro for Richmond Arr. " Lv.Danvllle " N. Danville " Barksdale " Drak'sBr'ch " JetersvUle " Tomahawk Arr. Belle Isle Lv. " Arr.Manchester 3.50 am 6-05 ami 4.5o m 6.30 am 8.00 am (3.41 'pm 9.38 am 8.2fi pm 9.58 am! 8.B2 rM for hleh- .m'ndoiilr 6.03 am 8.05 am 8.22 am 1.40 PM 4.00 pm 6.20 PM 8.22 pm 4.88 pm ;. r ii.82 ami U.5 AM, . 12.01 pm. . 1.19 PM . 2.49 pm;. 8.45 PM . 4.20 PM1. 4.40 pmI. 4.43 pm 4.43 am TRAINS GOING SOUTH. Date.Dec.14'80 No. 42 Dally. No. 48 Dally. No. 50 Dally Lv. Richmond " Burke vllle Arr. N. Danville Lv. " " Arr. Greensboro Lv. " Salisbury Arr. A L. Junction " Charlotte Lv. Richmond " Jetersvllle " Drak'sBr'ch " Barksdale " Danville " Benaja " Greensboro " Salisbury Arr. A-L. Junction Lv. " " Arr. Charlotte 10.80 pm 2.24 am 7.11 AM 11.55 AM . 2.20 pm . 5.40 PMi. 6.00 pm 8.09 pm!. 8.20 pmi. 8.35 i 10.10 AM 10.15 AM 12.00 i 10.10 pm 12.00 m 12.32 pm 12.01 pm 1.52 PM 2.46 pm 4.28 1-m 5.68 pm 7.20 pm 7.46 PM 8.48 PM 9.18 PM 10.5(3 I'M 12.15 AM 12.32 am 12.87 am 8 AT. KM BRANCH. NO. 48 Daily, except Sunday. Leave Greensboro 9.31 pm Arrive Salem 11.30 pm NO. 47 Dally, except Sunday. Leave Salem 6.25 am Arrives Greensboro 7.40 am NO. 42 Daily, except Sunday. Leave Greensboro .. 10.30 am Arrives Salem 11.60 am NO. 43-Dally. Leave Salem 5.00 pm Arrive Greensboro 7. 00 pm Limited malls Nos. 49 and 50 will only make short stoppages at points named on the schedule. Passengers taking train 49 from Cbarlotte will get aboard at the B. 4 D. B. R. depot. This train makes close connection at Greensboro for Raleigh, Goldsboro Newbeme and all points on Wilming ton 4 Weldon Railroad. Passenger trains No. 47 and 48 make all local stops between Charlotte and Richmond, and be tween Greensboro, Raleiah and Goldsboro, No. 47 making connection with W. N. C. R. at Salisbury for Ashevllle (Sundays excepted), and also con necting at Greensboro with Salem Branch (Suit day excepted). Passenger trains Nos. 42 and 43 make all local stops between Charlotte and Richmond, except Query's, Harrlsburg, Cnlna Grove, Haltsburg, Llu wood and Jamestown. No. 43 connects with Salem Branch at Greensboro- A. POPE, Gen. Pass, and Ticket Agent. dee23 Richmond Va. o H i a H i H u il WE HAVE NOW IN STORE FOR THE Spring and Summer Trade The Largest, Finest and MOST COMPLETE STOCK OF- FDiE MILLINERY. WHITE GOODS, TRIMMINGS. NOTIONS, And all kinds of- FANCY M For Ladles and Children have ever had the pleasure of snowing We OUR STOCK OF- GLOVES. HOSIERY, FANS, PARASOLS, TRIMMINGS. NECKWEAR, AND CORSETS Is not surpassed in the city. We have- HATS OR BONNETS TO FIT THE Try. AD AND POCKET OF EVEUY LADY, MISS AND CHILD. Our Pattern Hats and Bonnets will be oin MONDAY, APRIL examination of our stock will convince any An lady that we stand neaa in siw uu prices in our line. MRS, P. QUERY wmbe foundjnthe store to wait on ber Wends and customers. - nt Mr. M i. toL who would be pleased to customers, MRU. r. we nave accurou ' r, apl2 Atlantic, Tennessee & Ohio Railroad ' . ".El "Skv i rro. me on sua aner awoar, JT. OLU., iiiiiuf anhAdiila will be run ( over this row: . 8 80 a . 8 15 a .1000 a m Leave Ststtsvine.. ..Davidson College, A,r,VertomONOBTH.- Leave Charlotte, . Davidson College.. 8 80 P- 5 18 P- 7.00 P-"" SPRING OPENING. GOODS f'l jfl t "'" if " jfennsyiyi t.hewholS I Balaam: dJ I Wrtortleaib ea.:xneeneapea paxun-ma reua- arnve a wawavuiw, . -v-v