afye (Eljarlotte QDbstmtt. SUSSORIPTIOir MATMM : paly, one year, (pott-poUt) i mlvtmce 18 00 ir Month....... 4 00 firet Month 2 00 one Month 75 WEEKLY EDITION : Weekly, (in the oounty) m adtmmc .S3 00 put of the county, pottpaid, 2 10 Six Month 1 00 liberal Reductionsor CluiM. -SECOND- Spring MAY 8th, 1881. Inil few days we will have open for your Inspec tion a magnificent second stock of SpriDg and Snmmep Goods PURCHASED BY Maj. HARRIS, Who Is now In New York. In addition to this, our ilnv st daily orders to fill for goods we consid er most fluttering endorsement of our efforts to please, and duly appreciating this, we will use our best endeavors to Continue to merit the patron age of our friends. Call cn us early and often, and be convinced that IT 13 TO YOUR INTEREST To do so whenever you want anything In the Dry Goods Line. ft" Harris. The best Gloye In Market. Every pair Warranted. 11 ctMfo (PATEjrrtD rcKX 13th, 1876.) ALEXANDER & 34RRI3. ma) 8 )0: We are dally receiving our SPRING STOCK 9 which will be more complete than ever before and comprises the LADIES', MISSES', CHILDRENS,' GENTS', BOI S', AND YOUTHS' FINE BOOTS! SHOES A SPCECIALTY. Lower grades all goods In our line In variety and all prices. FULL STOCK STETSON HATS, and a pretty line Straw flats, Trunks, Valises & Satchels, ALL SIZES AND RRICES. Call and see us. PEGRAM& CO. feb20 5nj (broils. JUST RECEIVED -ANOTHER LOT OF- LACE BUNTING At 15c Per Yard. COHDS and CORDS and TASSELS In all Colors RIBBONS, ALL SHADES. A FULL STOCK OK Ladies' and. Gents' Gauze Underwear. Dotted Swiss.; Iinoa DMe, ' v .7- '! Ad everything In the White Goods Line. Come and gee us HARGRAVES & WILHELM. mays THE OXONIAN, "ffi1 0F UTEBATDRE & EDUCATION jar a year in advance. 7-- j . . LtteZSS"118? Si?8 Rt Increasing the Interest for ttittciSLmSte!t c rttai Importance a ell a tioni hewest and most valuable public Often!! i ' ui ii'Krta'."f m.i ;jf ".!-i verS2 e 4wntage to advertlBers. - High P)mSS?!ulat'29 tAdwteeinentt r shown aX'' trom' errors, and ate taste eifii18. -to adverttolDg ratem aw not In mQti. inrU6 w Mertiser, . Advertlse- inSfiiSS V office oythe 2oth of the mqntiu .. . I k.r"1 tor puDiicanuon m any wsuo. I t Spnn Stock 1881 it n mp U V V X Kf lAli MfK UUVUU Best Brands i Latest Styles Put to VOL. XXV. WE CALL The attentloa of housekeepers to a superb as sortment of -PLAIN AND FANCY CANE MATTING From 20c to 75c per yard. Nottingham and Ecru Lace Curtains LAMBREQUINS Upholstery Goods & Trimmings. SOME BEAUTIFUL Nottingham Lace Bed and Pillow Shams, A FEW ELEGANT LUNCH CLOTHS WITH NAPKINS TO MATCH. We keep constantly In stock a full line of Misses Corsets. A new lot of WARNER'S NURSING CORSETS, just In. T. L SEIGLEI&ECO. apr25 A DELICIOUS DRINK tor Use in Families. Hotels. Clubs, Parties, Etc. T 7 Boston: IX. QBATES fe SOXS. The "Hub Punch" has lately been introduced, and meets wna inarKea popular iavor. It is Warranted to Contain only the ' Best of Liquors, United with Choice Fruit Juices and Granulated Sugar. It is ready on opening, and will be found an agreeable addition to the choice things which undeniably enlarga the pleasures of life and encourage good fellowship and good nature if rightly enjoyed. GOOD AT ALL TIMES Just the Thing to Keep in Wine Cellars. Sideboards not Complete Without Hub Punch. It Can te used Clear or with Fresh Milk, Ice, Soda, or Hot Water, Lemonade, or with Fine Ice, to Suit the Taste. $ Sold by leading Wine Merchants, Grocers, Hotels mi Druggists eTerywhers. Trade supplied at manufacturers prices by Wil son&Burwell, Wholesale and Be tall Druggists bJan. 23-eod-6m. INDORSEES BV PHYSICIANS, CLEt.QYMEN.AND THE AFFLICTED EVERYWHERE; THE GREATEST MEDICAL TRIUMPH OF THE SYMPTOMS OF A TORRID LIVER. Ijowof KCT3ettU,Ntrtet,bowel costive. Fain in tneHead.'vrith a , daD . aeruiation in : the back part, Fein under the shoolder blftde. rfaly ew after eating, with disin clination to exertion of body or mind. Irritability of temper. Low Bpirite, JJoie of memory, with a feeling of having neg; leeted some dutyywearinegs, DiMiness, , nattering of thi Heart, Dots before the eyeSj xeilqw Binn, aeadacne. testieg neas at night, highly "colored vJriny.rj ; ,; IT TEZSEWAXHTJrGS LBX TTKKEEBSB, SEKI0U3 DISEASES WILL SOON BE DEVELOPED. TU'IYB PILLS are especially adapted to , neb. easea,one dose effects such a change of feeling: a to astonish the sufferer. They Increase Uie Appetite, and cause the body to TaJke on Flean, thus the system is noua-iabed, and by theirTonle Actios. oo the ItceUve Orscana, Bernlaw Stool ere pro duced. Price cents. tnnrraylt, N.T. TUTT'S HAIR-DYE, Gbat Hatr orWmntm CBaTigwrto b3ixst Black by a single application of this Dye. It imparts a natural color, acts Instantaneously. Sold by Druggists, or sent by express on receipt of f 1. Office, 35 Murray St., New York. CDr. TCTT8 HASCAL or Tslnabl Inforsiitlon and k Uieful HeipU wlU be BaiM FKKI em apBllntlen. Feb 23 deodAwly. HUGH SISSOfl & SONS, Importers, Dealers and Manufacturers OF MARBLE STATUARY, MONUMENTS, FURNITURE SLABS, Tile, Maniels, .Altars, ; Tombs, 140 West Baltlmore.Street, AND CORNER NORTH AND MONUMENT STS : Drawings & Estimates Fu 1; BALTIMORE,-!!) ebl2-dewwi7 JR HUB MM yirfM (it, jfiri OBSERVATIONS. May Is one of the unlucky months for marriages The other unlucky months are June, July, August, September, October, November, December, Jan uary, February, March and AprlL . A Kentucky man nas written 33.363 words on a postal card, balancing the odd 8H3 on its edees. Some folks have a grand Idea of life and its re- sponsiDnmes. ' Jay Gould's income is onlt Sft.nnn.nnn rter Tear: but he manages to get along by "scrimping" his contorts a little. Whei the tmes are made to say that ah honest man Is the nobbiest work of God. it Is ttme to throw glass. bombs Into the composing rooms. Liquor Is no longer considered an antidote for snake bites. It Is more aDt to be an Inducement to snakes to bite. Wash. McLean, of the Cincinnati Knanlrer. says there is not an efflce on earth he would have. Perhaps in heaven he may be induced to be trumpet-bearer to the angel Gabriel. The editor of the Bosto Globe was startled the other day' when his telenhona sudden I v broke loose with: "Doyeuwant those bags of flour Dut up full weight?" Gen. Benl. F. Butter having announced that he 'feels like a bor aealn." the Boston Herald is wicked enough to suggest that he probably means me "oia noy." , The young Jersevman who married a girl in spite of her suddenly becoming blind after the en gagement, will get his reward. His wife will nev er see him do anything that she can oect to. The State of Vermont makes the boast that It never owmed a slave, and that no State In the old thirteen can say aa much. The Green Mountain ooys oia not think slave-holdlne would be Drout- aoie. Song ' of the bee "Hum. hum. sweet sweet bum. Bee It ever so bumble, there's no place like num." The Rochester (N. Y.) Herald is level headed when It remarks: A man can get along without ad vertising; a wagon wneei win go without grease, out aiter a wnne yeu'u near it squeal. ITE.Y1S OF INTEREST. Gen. Buller averages $200,000 from his law practice every year. Ili3 polit ical onsiaugnts in Massacnusetls are merely his diversions. inis24 L,nensn manuiacturers ex ported to the United States camets to the value of 1,619,511. In 1879 the trade had fallen to 565,401. The Woman's National Christian Temperance union numbers 50,000 members. Hie women ot the South are taking up the work, and the member ship is rapidly increasing in all the States. It is estimated that the internal rev enue receipts will aggregrate this year !3i3o,uuu,uuu, or aoout 3510,000,000 more than last year, The increase is due to the increased production of cigars and cigarets. Some Texas farmers will try the ex periment of importing the Lubbock beetles trom Russia. These beetles are very voracious, and live on grasshop pers, locusts, cotton worms and every- irung else tnat destroys crops. A citizen of the nieghboring State of Ohio says: "Gen. Garfield is an Ohio man, proud of the fair fame of its great mames, ana ne nas long Durned witn passionate indignation over Conkling's trailing .Hate Ghase s reputation in the mua. c is a reeling tnat has given lien, uarneid s noble neart many a pas sionate throb, and has long made him dislike Mr, Conkling and anxious to see mm take a back seat in American poli tics. The first telephone was finished Jan uary 15th, 1S76. During the succeeding nveyearstne wonderrui little instru ment has come into daily use in civil ized countries, as well as in Egypt. Chi na, and other places not usually inclu ded in the term civilized. Only one city in the United States is now with out a telephone exchange. There are 408 of such exchanges, and 132,692 in struments in use in the country. Speech was recently transmitted from lours to isrest, a distance of S00 miles. Several weeks ago a remarkably beau tiful model was posing before the "life class" of the Corcoran Gallery of Art, Washington. She as all the models are, was provided with a mask to hide her identity. She, was posing as "Psyche" wnen suddenly sne ten torward in a faint. Her mask flew off, and the stu dent recognized the features as those of the widow of an ex-General in the Union army. She is possessed of a large fortune, but her vanity about her spledid figure induced her to appear as a moaei. The latest novelty in the building line, says a London letter, and one that seems to top all others "before or since. is Mr. Sassoon's whim of constructing a stable on the top of his housej ust built in Belgrave square. Ground is. of course, very valuable in this aristocrat ic locality, and is a matter of consider ation to a man or even Mr. Sassoon s wealth, and a double purpose is achiev ed by puttiug the horses up-stairs. The smell ofstables is avoided. So far the experiment has succeeded admirably. rne horses are hoisted ud to their skv- parlorina shutterclosed lift, and do not seem to object-in the least to their novel move of ascent. "Gnth" and Pottmastcr James, 'Are votrless rumpy here than when postmarter of New 1 ork r asked Gath of Jrostmaster-txeneral J ames. "In one respect I am relieved. Mv financial responsibility as postmaster of New York was so terrible that sometimes at night, while in my bed, I wouia uegin 10 tmnk it over, and it would make me so sleepless that I would get ud and put on mv ninth en arid come down to the post oflice at night. You see, the money-order busi ness 01 tne .New 1 ork post olhce is over $50,000,000 a year. For every cent pf that I was responsible as Long- as it was in my custody. Then I was responsi ble lor all the postage- stamps sold to me as postmaster. My securities were bound to the government for every thing that could be stolen. There had been some defalcation lust.previous to my time, out of which my predecessor only escaped by the sacrifice of his prop erty, though some of the mere clerks were at fault. 1 have to give no secur ity as post-master-general, and there- tore have only to think or the adminis tration of the department and not about the weakness of human nature." A North Carolina Cotton Picker Memphis Appeal. O. R. Smith writes the Raleigh (N. C.) uoserver uiai ue nas woriteu nis cotton i.1 L. 1 1 1 J 1T i 1 picker for two years, worn it out and proved that he is the first man that ever picked a bale of cotton with machin ery, and sold it for the same as hand- ?Icked cotton, and never touched it. 'he machine -gathers three-fourths of ,the open cotton in going over once, and snows a Deuer sample or cotton from the same field than hand-picked, for it gathers nothing but the perfect .cotton. It-can be made to gather a bale an hoar, 'where the cotton 13 well opened...SmitB says that he will have one of . his':ma chines on exhibition at the Atlanta; ex-': position next Ocberr Pitfte conid'ntt:- send one to tnis city 1 or exhibition at this convention fair on the 2.5th, : 1 .:",: -. tm "Mult Bitters" are a . brain, rim- fcnri! ' Mrwwl food, peculiarly adapted to, and warmly recom mended fey, our druggists and physicians for Ken-, eral debility, mental and physical exhaustion, hys teria, nervousness, sleeplessness, emaciation and dropsy, ; v 1 ., . ' " CHARLOTTE, N. C.r FRIDAY WAIF' FKOYI ,L CHANGES. OUR .... The narn of the lady to whom James Gordon Berrnett is said to be engaged is Amelia Caroline Gasparine Leopoldine Henrietta Louise Elizabeth Francoise Maximriienne. "When Jim asked her to be his, he had the name set up in small pica type, and a proof of the article ta ken; Then when he came to that part of the decralation where it was necessa ry to call her by name, he handed oyer the proof slip. A gentleman met a rather "uncer tain" acquaintance the other day, when the latter said : "I'm a little short, and wonld like to ask a conundrum in men tal arithmetic." "Proceed," said the gentleman. "Well," said the "short" man, "suppose, you had $10 in your goeket, aad I should ask you for $5, ow m uch would remain V" "Ten . dol lars," was the prompt answer, Shoe and Leather Reporter. Correspondents are notified that the sentence, "This sad event has cast a gloom over the entire community," is kept standing in this office, so that it will be unnecessary to include it in re ports concerning the demise of agricul turists who fall from mowers or care lessly feed themselves into threshing machines Chicago Tribune. Norman Lockver. the astronomer. has discovered that the moon is getting off its balance and will some day . pay our earth an unexpected visit. As if there are not enough moon-struck peo ple on tnis earth without sucn a catas trophe! Anyhow, we shall "not be at home when she makes her visit. Norriston Herald. The population of Rhode Island has increased so much within the past ten years that the bootblack there has been obliged to hire an assistant. Philadel phia News. The immigrant who has caused this rush of business is probably irom bt. .Louis. Of the cultivable land in this country only per cent, is in use. And yet lots or young men had rather brace up against the side of a brick block and decorate the pavement with tobacco juice" than to seize the plow and go snares witn it. - ine uakiand girl never resents a slight or injury inflicted by her lover sue is tranquil, sen-centered and su perior to temper, but with sleepless and impatient malevolence, she awaits her opportunity and marries him alive. San Francisco Wasp. "Oh Lord," prayed a Methodist minis ter, "keep me humble and poor." Ob, Lord, if thou wilt, keep him humble." said the deacon, who next prayed, "we will keep him poor." aalveston News. m 1 ' Brady and ilie Campaign Soap. A Washington paper prints the fol lowing, which the friends of the Star route gentlemen claim represents the uorsey and ijrady side or the story about the letter from the President in regard to raising funds : After the government clerks, mes sengers, scrub-women and common la borers had been assessed three times, and tne money wa nearly all spent, congressman nuDDeii bethought him sell of the Star mail contracts, and with the industry and sagacity for which he was noted, made his way to the office of the Second Assistant Post master General, Brady, and laid the case before him. The committee want ed money. All branches of the public service had been tapped but the mail contractors, and the demand for soap was still urgent. Indiana had to be bought, and the army of negro colonists and black and white ballot box stuffers, precinct workers, detectives, clerks. stump speakers, and special agents, supported for nearly two months. Bra dy knew who could afford to be tapped, anajust now mucn 01 a dram they could stand, and consequently Mr. Hubbell expected him to co-operate with him immediately and efficiently. To his great surprise Gen. Bradv re fused to comply with his request. Hub bell urged and Brady consented to act, provided the President, Mr. Hayes, au thorized him to do so in writing. This Mr. Hayes declined to do. The method was too notoriously illegal, . Gen. Bra dy was again appealed to. and again refused ta act, either directly or indi rectly. The pressure grew stronsrer as the need for money became more ur gent, and it was at last agreed that if he candidate, Garfield, would write to mm (rady) to do so, he would in some roundabout way undertake the job. The amount required, or at least ex pected, was $25,000, although at one time $40,000 was the figure contem plated. lhe next step was to induce candi date Garfield to make the request, and accordingly a letter was written him by Congressman Hubbell, in which he informed him that if he asked General Brad in writing to raise the money required, or any part of it. out of his department, the request would be ac ceded to. Gen. Garfield held the matter under advisement for a few davs. and when the actieg chairman. Dorsev. next vis ited him at Mentor, laid it before him and asked his opinion. Dorsey's opinion, as now reported, was that it was a dan gerous proceeding, and hence, instead of writing to Brady, as . Hubbell ad vised, the result was that Gen. Garfield indited and sent to Hubbell the letter that yesterday was made public for the first time. Divorces in Georgia. . Columbus Timef. We have more than once adverted in these columns to the rapid increase of divorces among the people of Ne WOEng gland, amountinglast year if we remem ber rightly to over ten per cent of the marriages, in tne states of Connecticut and Massachusetts, and to a still larger per cent in Maine. But, unless our own people improve in their ways, we shall not have occasion to go to New Encland to find texts for lectures upon the laxi ty of matrimonial obligations. The dockets of our own courts are begining to show an alarming increase in such cases, and while many of the parties are negroes, the fact is scarcely less deplor able, for as we are to have these people among us, it is best that they, as well as the whites, should live faithful to their marriage vows. We notice in a late Atlanta Constitution that a list of 31 couples, is published, who are apply ing for divorces. We are sorry to see these things. It ought not so to be. The state, the church and society in its home life should find a remedy for so great an evil, and apply it One of the mostfreouent troubles of earlv child hood Is imperfect digestion, causing colic dlar- rncea, etc. xnese uiskressuig turn uiteu danger ous ailments are promptly relieved and cored by jthe use to PR Bull's Baby Syrup. j Prica 25c. j 5 .j "How Are ion, Jtj oil Fries r asked a bright looking man. "Oa, I feel misera ble; rm Miaous ana can't eat, ana my back is so lame I cant work." "Wny in the wofld don't you take Kidney Wort?, That's what I take when I'm out of sorts, and it always keeps me in perfect tune. My doctor recommends It for all such trou bles. Kidney Wort is the sure cure for billions ness and constipation Dont fall to try it?-Long Branch News. - ,---;: , . ,, - I ' I - WITTY MAY 13, 1881. For the discovery of the Manufacturer, Dealer, Agent or Piano Pirate, North or South, in America or Europe, who sells reliable Pianos and Organs cheaper than they can be bought from us. NEVER CLOSE A Piano or Organ trade Until you .have heard from the NO MAN LIVING can buy lower thin we, and In selling a fair chance is aD we -ask. Every piano & organ guaranteed for 6 years. Only the Best Makers Represented. New schedule, new prices, new instruments Send for catalogues and Drice lists and note our variety of styles. IHT . EfiC o ISSE 31 may8 Effl OUR S12.50 AND $15.00 BUSINESS SUITS Are the best in the State for the money. We defy competition. Come and see for yourself. "We have the largest Stock of STRW HA. T S At the lowest prices. A good Stock of Manilla and Mackinaw Hats at reduced prices. The Best Call and see us early and coavince yourself that the above may8 SECOND Our Trade this season having been beyond our expectations, we find it necessary to buy a second stock. Our Mr. Baruch is now in the Northern market buying the LMEM -NOVELTIES. The new stock is beginning to arrive ,and will be complete in the course of the week. Just Received, a Lot of s Silks and Ribbons, fewest Shades, may8 SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, Ladies' Dress Goods and Trimmings, Lawns, Silk Handkerchiefs, Embroideries, Corsets Ready-IVlade Clothing and Gents' Furnishing Goods. Give us a call before buvinsr. mar27 " BECKETT & MeDOWELL, ENGINEERS, IRON FOUNDERS & MACHINISTS, MANUFACTURERS OF-j ,; ., Steam Engines anil Mining CONTRACT FOR CONSTRUCTION AND ERECTION OF lINING MACHINERY OF EVERY DESCRIPTION AND LATEST DESIGNS. , Also, Manofaeture and Sell Agricultural and Portable Engines Saw llillsS &c. COLLEGE STREET, BETWEEN TRADE AND FIFTH. New York'OfficEj 5 & 7, Cotjrtlandt St. sr.- apr23 NQ..3,797, "mmmbsbbb 1 aJBaajBBajBaVflBjBjBBjajBjBjMSastl II -:0: :0: Shirt in Very Kespectf ully, WITTKO JUST RECEIVED A LARGE VARIETY OF le Market for 11. STOCK. and Hosiery, all the latest Styles and very ALSO, A HANDSOME STOCI.QK JiRAKCH Works f Arukgton, IT. J. HMbwOicTOSihtorsmjrle inanner-et Job FMriMni ww anrbedone with rmmm. atspatek mua etoeemesa. - Wean tun lab, at short notice, ,.. -BLANKS KFTT-rmTW, -: . uma-ggADg, mm,- ;. - TACfflJfflCKaTfkJEffla PBOGRAHMXS, HANDBTLLB, FAKPHLXT& aaCUlAlLg, C&XCTsV&C. Baying from the North .mast be stopped. Why do yea send North? Can you bay cheaper? How do yoa know? Have you tried us? There's the rub! We compete with the world, and New Jersey in particular. xue man aoes not: uve wno can un' dersellus. We keep the best Instru ments. We give Stools, - Cover nd Books. We warrant them tors yean. We sell them on easy terms. We send them on 15 days' trial. $WT We do everythlng-that a Epaapoabl man can . "01? 3HC C HARLOTTE, N. C. TA i facts are true L. BERW ANGER & BRO., CLOTHIERS AND. TAILORS WSKY & BARUCH. Cheap. ELIAS & COHEN. MahineKy. UFFICE, UHABLOTTEj JN J.-:i?,tM ' :' "'''' -fUta KlS .4.. -1 t ! -! ! vf1 li I It. i lit I ! 3 ' 9. ! ! V .1,1 i t

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