Stye l)arl0ltr WbBZtvtt. SVBSOBIPTXOW XAXMM I txnlv, one year, (vtddi mIwhmi 18 00 ix Months 4 00 hrM Month! 2 00 One Mouth .......,. 75 WMMKLT BVITIOV t Weekly, (in the tounty) m atomet.. S3 00 out (Vutounty,vott9aid,.i..,.. 2 10 Six Month 1 00 py- Liberal RKUtcOoruor OImM. ffjjff! it a iff , ths oaaaavia job .toJJKnaonj'f, Haa bemthoroiBgiu mppileA wi&trf aiidr BH Md wfcfc tbftlafart itylM at Xnwand em manner ot Job Trimta en joo t ApQ jrP? iMtoeUr diipatek aod ehuymm.W ma turn Ub it tlKMt BOttOt,' . Tr,f 4 i-ryrJf f BIiANIB, BILL-HIADa,' :: K - ' IJtTTBIlXJLDyCUtDSi"'"'' '" " . I Mm BSC3PJ5 JPOSHBS. - PROflBiOTfEfl, rUrlPBTLTA. PAMPHIXr3JaBCUIR3,CraCX3,f&C. , 71 r.j):; VOL. XXV. CHARLOTTE, N. O., SATURDAY MAY 14, 1881. NO. 3,798. ' WmvV fl .... - I III - III A A' Jk. . I I. II II ll iTVyMy m III l III ulni jit" II SECOHD MAY 8th, 1881. In a few days we will have open for your inspec tion a magnificent second stock of Spring and Summer Goods PUECHASED BY MAJ. HARRIS, Who is now in New York. In addition to this, pur . imi st dally orders to All for goods we consid er a most flattering endorsement of our efforts to please, and duly appreciating this, we will use our best endeavors to continue to merit the patron age of our friends. Call on us early and often, and be convinced that IT 13 TO YOUR INTEREST To do so whenever you want anything in the Dry Goods Line. Alexander (6 Harris. The best Glove In Market. Every pair Warranted. (PATfirriD futm laxH, 1870.) ' may8 ALEXANDER & HARRIS. lriniMl881 We are daily receiving our SPRING STOCK which will be more complete than ever before and comprises the LADIES', MISSES', CHILDRENS,' GENTS', BOIS', AND YOUTHS' FINE BOOTS 1 SHOES A SPCECIALTY. Lower grades all goods in our line in variety and all prices. FULL STOCK STETSON HATS, and a pretty line Straw Hats, Trunks, Valises & Satehels, ALL SIZES AND RRICES. Call and see us. PEGRAM & CO. feb20 , - - - JUST RECEIVED -ANOTHER LOT OF LACE BUNTING At 15c Per Yard. - : , OItDS and CORDS and TASSELS In all Colors. RIBBONS, ALL' SHADES. A FULL STOCK OF Ladies1 and Gents' Gauze Underwear. Dotted Swiss, Unon:ff . And everything in the White floods Line. Come - and see ua. HARGHAVES 4 WILrlELH. mays-'-- - " ' xl. published 'monthly at Oxford, N. On, Dollar a year la advance., .. w ; , The Oxonian Btou at increasing the Interest for LlteratuxB and Education, and giree original, ar ticles on Sttbect9 ef Tltal importance as well as vritldaiqa ef the newest and most raluable publica tion. ,,v . ' . , . 08en dftaWed idyaiifagei to advertisers. High 'rage, octrculatlon. ' Advertlgements axe shown pwminently, are free front' errors, and: are taste lr displayed. Its edvertlsing rates are not In , sei t it talue to. an advertiser.-1 Advertise -Sl8 loinded for publicantion- In any -Issue, npuld bg in the oGSce V '2h of te month, atl6-tf J. KU,i,a Cord, N.C' MUMS Best Brands i Latest Styles WE CALL The attention of housekeepers to a superb as sortment of -PLAIN AND FANCY CANE M ATTIN Gr From 20c to 75c per yard. Nottingham and Ecru Lace Curtains LAMBREQUINS Upholstery Goods & Trimmings. SOME BEAUTIFUL Nottingham Lace Bed and Pillow Shams. A FEW ELEGANT LUNCH CLOTHS WITH NAPKINS TO MATCH. We keep constantly in stock a full line of Misses Corsets. A new lot of WARNER'S NURSING CORSETS, just in. T. L. SEIGLE & CO. apr25 A DELICIOUS DRINK For Use in Families, Hotels, Clubs, Parties, Etc. HUB PUNCH. Bottom C. H. OBATEI 42 BOXS. The "Hob Pnnch " has Utely boon introduced. m& meets with marked popular favor. It is Warranted to Cont&n only the : r m t rr .'l T T nesi oj Liquors, unuea wun Choice Fruit Juices and Granulated Sugar. It is ready on opening, and will be found an agreaabl. addition to the choice things which undeniably enlarn the pleasures of life nod encourage good fellowship and good nature if rightly enjoyed. GOOD AT ALL TIMES Just the Thing fa Keep in Wine Cellars. Sideboards not Complete Without Hud Punch. It can be used Clear or with Fresh Milk, Ice, Soda, or Hot Water, Lemonade, or with Fine Ice, to Suit the Taste. Sold by leading Wise Merchants, Grocer., Hotels aa4 Druggists every where. Trade supplied at manufacturers prices by Wfl son&Burwell, Wholesale ana Retail Druggists Charlotte, N. C." B Jan. 23-eod-6m. indorsed v PHYSICIANS, CUROYMEM, AND THE AFFLICTED EVERYWHERE. THE GREATEST F.1EDICAL TRIUMPH OF THE AGE. ; 8YNIPTONISF A TORPID LIVER. jjpjgf of agpetitoftnaeBbowels costive. - --Pain in theHead.with a dull sensation in, the back part. Pain under the faoulder ' Made, fullness after eating with a disiy olination to exertion of body or mind, C Irritability of temper, Iiow jytrita, Iiosa of memory, with a feeling of haying neg lected soma duty, weariness, Uiwneaa, fingering of the Heart, T3otbefore tho -,rr iin . f mi n 'i. A-, n x 1 eyea. x. euow Biin, jaeaaacna, ,&cBLit)- nesa at night, highly colored XTrine. .IP TEES! WAEMTJIGS ARB tlTBEEDED, SERIOUS DISEASES Will SOON BE DEVELOPED. TU TT'8 FILLS especially adapted to achcases,one dose effects ucbcfrang of feeling as to astonish'ttie .offerer. They Incnu the Appetite, dcause the -body to Take on JFleibj-thm ,tb. system is MourlaluMLend by thetrXoiUeAetlwiioo th DlfnUreOrran Bfntlarteol Mepro duced. Price ifl cento, S Hf array TUTT'S HMrfeDYEl Orat Hair or Whisk ebs changed to a Gixjsst Black by . single application of this Dye. It imparts a natural color, acta Instantaneously. Sold by Druggist., or sent by express on receipt of fl. Office, 35 Murray St., New York. CD,. TCTF8 HAKCAL of Taluble InfamatloB ssd Uwfal Imlptt will be sulbd FBEK am ppUcatien. Feb 23 deodiwly. HUGH SISS0N & SONS, Importers, Dealers and' laiufacturers or MARBLE STATUARY, MONUMENTS, FUBNITDBE BLABS, ! K. Tile, Mantels," Alters, Tombs, 140 West Baltlmore.Street, -ANDCORNKBNOBTH AND MONUMENT 8T3 Drawings fctLmates Furnised 1 iipsii OBSERVATIONS. They say a cat has nine Ures; so has abase ball club. Who is the only nobleman mentioned la the Bible? Barren Fig Tree. Might not the maxim, "a little learning Is a dan gerous thing," be applicable to the tramp? We could stand eren . warmer weather Boston Psi. Dont be anxious, young man; you will get all you want It Is now belloTed that the' oleomargarine facto ries put hair in their goods, thus rendering it more dimoatt of detection than ever. The Chicago Inter-Ocean, in a fit of generosity, says Gaaleld is neither a pirate nor a horse-thief. This is a sly way of reading hin out of the Repub lican party. An exchange publishes an article headed, "How to Tell a Mad Dog." We have nothing to tell a mad dog that we cannot communicate by tele phone or postal tard. Boston Transcript. "Inquirer" asks: "Is It wrong to flatter?" Maybe It is, but the man who doesn't do it won't get a partner at the ball when "ladles choice" Is the dance. Virtne Is not always its own reward. The New York Herald bewails the bad temner of the President. "Mother, make Charles steo erring. Every time I hit blut with the hatchet he Just bellows.' Millinery item: "Ma." exclaimed the dot. eazlns down Into the back yard, where the young lady next door was talking to his sister; "come and look at tne oon-nre." bne came and looked and inert exelalmed: "My son, that isn't a bon-fire; that's a spring-bonnet" Brooklyn Eagle. Art in Boston: Some men have hard luck. A Boston artist painted a picture of a bullfrog hav ing a spasm in a poi oi rea paint ana tne cnacs pronounced it a fine copy of Turner's great paint ing, "The Slave Ship." Boston Post A medical sportsman: At dinner the host intro duced to the favorable notice of the comoanv a splendid truffled pheasant "Isn't It a beauty?" he said; "Dr. So-and-so gave it to me killed it himself." "Ah. wihat was he treating It lor?" asked one of the guests. The actor who. on the staee. gets off a loke on the lost Charley Ross, should have a hole drilled in bis head and about a Quart of oleomargarine poured into the cavity. The vacuum should be fill.d with something, and oleomargarine Is cheap. Norristown Herald. This will also apply to the paragraphers who apparently find pleasure In making fun of the few lines poetry or other wise wnicn many persons in tneir griei tmnK proper to append to the funeral notices ol their dead. JUST FOR FUI. Genevieve Ward is shocked beyond all expression because men and women are compelled to sleep in the same sleeping car. It is dreadful. We have often worried over the same thing, and been afraid to go to sleep lest some woman should chloroform us and kiss us in our dreams. No man is safe in a mixed car. Burlington Hawkeye. During the Mardi Gras celebration, Mose Schomburg, upon returning to his store om Galveston avenue from dinner, round his clerk very mucn ex cited. The clerk said that a stranger came in, and, after asking and paying the price of a cravat, which was 81, picked up the entire box, containing a dozen, and went orr with tnem. "Did he pay you de dollar?" asked Mose. "Yes," responded the clerk. "Vel, den, we makes anyhow 50 per cent, prohts on de investment. Father: "Here you have only been married four weeks, and almost every day you come to me with complaints about your husfland. You ought to be ashamed of yourself ." Daughter: "But he fights me all the time." Father "Foolish child ! Haven't your mother and I been fighting every day for thir ty years, and don't we get along peace ably and quietly with each other r Judge Thatcher who succeeded Mr, Quincy on the municipal bench of Bos ton, was a man of stern and unbending temper. One or nis prisoners, in ad dressing the court previous to sentence, used the words "also"' and "likewise" in a way which implied a difference of meaning. "Do you know any differ ence between the words 'also and 'like wise ?' " asked the Judge. "Yes, your Honor," replied the prisoner, "Judge Uuincy was patient, kind, courteous and gentlemanly. You are a Judge, also, but not likewise. AFRAID OF NEW ORLEANS. The First Alarm from the New York SEonopolietfl. New York, May 11. The taoard of trade and transportation to-day adopt ed the report submitted by the commit tee on legislation snowing tne rapid in crease of exports from New Orleans and the corresponding decline of the same articles from New York. ;The report says that our port is to-day full of shipping, the greater part or which are grain vessels at present unable to obtain cargoes : while at New Orleans there are more loadinsr for Eurorjean ports than are loading here, and that steamships and sailing vessels are now almost daily leaving this port in ballast for New Orleans to obtain cargoes there. The cause of this, the report declares, is to be found in high railroad rates kept up by the pooling system. The committee say that the present railroad policy, if persisted in, will re suit in the permanent decline of the commercial supremacy xf this port, and the charging of a greater rate for short hall than for a long haul. To that "end the committee says ttjat an organized movement should be Institu ted among the business men of the State, without distinction of party, to secure the nomination for the next legislature of representatives of the people both in the assembly and the senate, and thwart the nominations of those Senators who at present repre sent only monopolizing interests of railroad corporations. Copies of this report were ordered to be sent to the members of the Legislature, and the chairman was authorized to appoint committee to take into consideration the suggestion contained in the last clause of the report and draft a plan of action in accordance witn it. In a Nuteliell.' St. Louis Post-Dispatch. The true inwardness f the Garfield- Conkling situation -is simply this jjiaine is a positive iorce. ie came within a hairs breadth of receiving the presidential nomination in 1876. He came pretty near it again in 1880. Both times Conkling was the man who de feated him. $ut lor conkling, .Blaine would be president to-day. COfikling declines to have any personal relations with Blaine. Their; feud is one of those that are irreconciliable and last for life. Conkling never makes up. Garfield wants to be nominated again. He needs juiame s following. $iame nas proba bly concluded that he cannot be presi dent himself and that the next best thing is to be the power behind Gar field. Men are human. Politicians with disappointed ambition are human. "To Set even" is as natural a desire with a im Blaine as with a Jim Smith. This is alt, Blaine, thinking of. T6 .and '80, is simply en joying the- rare" itixury s of getting even with Conkling Much valuable time Is wasted ta experinaenlimg witn uncertain remedlesi ' whereas,1 a bottle of Dr. Bull's Baby Syrup would at once cure the trpubie aomeaoilcor diarrhoea affllcttDg tha baby. t , ! ' ' U..-H. :4'. j " iOt" U,- -.,f f m ; ": Malt Bitters" are tv- brain, -narve and v&lood food, peculiarly, adapted to, and warmly recom mended by, our druggists and physicians for gen .Mi lAKfifw AvhtMiaHnn. rm teria, nerrousnessi sleeplessness, emaciation and dropsy, - . - BUYING "STRADDLES." A Decision of Importance to ETery- body Who Specalatee in Stock. Cer. Philadelphia Times. New York, jMay Uo-Several State courts are seen following the lead of Pennsylvania in decisions lately ren dered on a question of considerable in terest to mercnants and speculators. When an "outsider . orders a purchase of stocks or merchandise through a broker belonging ta a local exchange, is the customer bound to abide by all the unknown - usages of the exchange and to submit to whatever variations in his intended speculation they may authorize? The Supreme Court of Pennsylvania, in 1872, said that he is not. In England the course of decis ion has been strongly in favor of the brokers. , The courts there have said quite distinctly that an outsider who employs a member of the stock ex change to buy or sell for him impliedly authorizes the transaction to be made according to the rules and customs of the exchange, and that he is bound by these, where he is shown to have been acquainted with them or not. In America the rule is becoming estab lished that the customer is not requir ed to inform himself m or brokers usages in detail ; he may' stand upon the correspodence or - other contract between him and the broker. Decisions during the half vear cast in Massachu setts, New York and Kentucky strong ly support this view. The .New ifork case, which was in the Court of Appeals, is the more en tertaining on account of its Deanng en the notorious course of dealing of a class of Wall street brokers who have widely advertised to make fortunes with certainty and dispatch for any persons employing them. The story of the case was that during 1877 a Miss Harris, living remote from New York city, received one of the printed circu lars of the hrm ot Tumoridge k co , which described various methods of speculating in stocks andeproffered the services of the firm as brokers. It re commended purchasing "straddle con tracts as being the safest form ot speculating in Wall street, and it con tained a guaranty, in so many words, "that in a stock we select the fluctua tions will aggregate at eight per cent, on a sixty-day contract costing $400, and in case this does not occur we will guarantee no loss except commission.'" Miss Harris wrote in answer, inclosing $425 for the purchase of a straddle such as the firm might select, and say ing, in effect, that she relied on the guaranty. Tumbridge & Co. replied, informing her that they had bought for her account a straddle in Lake Shore and Michigan Southern shares. A straddle, as every one knows, is an operator's engagement that he will either bnv or sell, as a customer may choose, the stock named at present prices a month or so hence ; thus the customer makes profit if there is either a fall or a rise. This stock rose some what more than ten per cent, but Miss Haeris received, instead of a check for a profit, a letter, saying that just after buving the straddle. Tumbridge & Co. had sold one hundred shares short against it, and that on account of this, tne soecuiauon naa resuiteu iu net owing them $9. She, however, brought suit. The claim of Tumbridge & Co, was that thev had acted under a cus tom among brokers to use a straddle in this way; they did not, however, as sert that Miss Harris Knew tne custom On her part it was not disputed that such custom existed: her counsel rest ed case upon the single ground that the brokers could not, by favor of a usage of the street unknown to her, deDart from the contract indicated in the letters by which they were em cloved. The Brooklyn Citv Court, in which the cause was first tried, and the Court of Anneals both sustained the suit The law is said to be that Tumbridge & Co. could not under any usage or custom not known tq Miss Harris, or with respect to which she had not con tracted, make the short sale on ner ac count. They could not depart from the written engagement; nor had they any right to involve her in a new spec ulation distinct from the one which she had authorized. Their simple duty was to have closed the . straddle con tract bv exercising their client's option at the most favorable time for her; and for their failure to do so she re covered judgment for the profit which, under a DroDer performance of their duty, would have been realized for her, No Chance for Him. Detroit Free Press. He was coming down John R. street with a "cncic" in nis uacK, a wouuie in his lt-nans anrt ft t.hnmh tied UD in a rag Perspiration had wilted his collar and made nis nanneis crawl up. ana eacn knee carried the marks of dust. At Miami avenue he halted a pedestrian, nnst and asked : "Sir, do you suppose tnac ueorge Washington ever fell down stairs with a bureau after him and on top of him ?" "1 don't think so" "Did Daniel Webster ever turn an old ingrain carpet t'other side up, and haul it around, and pull his blamed arms off, and pound his thumbs to a mash in taking it down?" "I never heard that he did." "And, sir, do you believe that Henry Clay ever lugged a durned old bedstead all over the house, papered bedrooms, daubed around with paint, and lifted stoves until his eyes stuck out like lemons on a Greeley hat. "I never heard that Henry was any sach man." "No, of course you didn't, and yet you and the rest of the world wonder why I don't get up and perorate and philo sophize and theorize and thunder around like an ' earthquake. Look at me! Feel of me ! Go ache as I ache, wilt as I wilt, and then tell me what earthly chance a man of moderate means has in this world for securing the laurels of fame. Yes, sir, and be hanged to you, sir, and even now I'm" on my way down town to buy a white wash brush, two pounds of putty, a peck of lime four more papers of tacks." Oar merchant Blarine Of the total merchant marine of the United States, amounting to 4,068,035 tons, but 1,314,402 tons are employed in the foreign tradOi In 1861 we owned an aggregate of 5,539,813 tons, of which there were . engaged in foreign trade 2,496,894 tons. While our carrying trade has thus largely diminished in the last twenty years, our commerce has great ly increased. Our imports, excluding coin and bullion, for last year were $667,954,746, as : against, $28910j542 in 1861, and oar exports of domestic mer chandise, etc., were $8339446 in 1880, against $229,698,486 in 1861. There is food for .reflection inthese figures. Iltl j"HowAIOB,Hj014Frten4t" tr- Z. .. . "Oh, I feel mlsera- , ana my oacK is so the world don't you take Kidney Wort? That's what I take when I'm out of sorts, and It always keeps me in perfect tune. ; My doctor recommends It for all such trou bles.' Kidney Wort is the sure : cure for btUious ness and constipation; Don't fall to try it? Long Branch News. .---:' '.... ' -v fmYfiiirTi etg-pTJ L For the discovery of the Manufacturer, Dealer, Agent or Piano Pirate. North or South, in A - . Ti t -n T. 1 rs. m. . : America or jiiurope, wno sens renauie jrianos ana Urgans cneaper than they can be bought from us. NEVER CLOSE A Piano or Organ trade Until you have heard from the NO MAN LIVING can buy lower than we, and in selling a fair chance Is all we ask. Every piano & organ guaranteed for 0 jears. McSmithMusicHonse Only the Best Makers Represented. New schedule, new prices, new instruments Send for catalogues and price lists and note our variety of styles. 3HT. 3SiIcgs EE H may8 LEADING CLOTHIERS 11 Are the best in .the State .for Ve have the largest Stock of 8 T H W H A. T S At the lowest prices. A good Stock of Manilla and Mackinaw Hats at reduced prices. The Best Shirt in the Market for $1.00. Call and see us early and convince yeurself that the above facts are true. Very Respectfully, L. BERW ANGER & BRO., may8 CLOTHIERS AND TAILORS 8 Our Trade this season having been beyond our expectations, we find it necessary to buy a second stock. Our Mr. Baruch is now in the Northern market buying the The new stock is beginning to arri and will be complete in the course of the week. Silks and may8 SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS. Ladies' Dress Goods and Trimmings, Lawns, Silk Handkerchiefs, Embroideries, Corsets and Hosiery, all the latest Styles and very Cheap. Ready-IYIade Clothing and Gents' Give us a call before buying. mar2T BECKETT & MeDOWELl4 ENGINEERS, IRON FOUNDERS & MACHINISTS, Steam Engines and CONTRACT FOR CONSTRUCTION AND ERECTION OF MINING MACHINERY 01 EVERY Also, Slanafaeiare and Sell Agricultural and fyrtjiMe. COLLEGE :0: :0: OUR $12.50 AND $15.00 BUSINESS SUITS the money. We defy competition. Come and see for yourself. ECOND STOCK, Just Received, a Lot Eiiriroiis, Mewest $hak JUST RECEIVED A LABGZ VAEIETY OF ALSO, A HANDSOME 8TOCK OF MAlTOFACTtJKEES OF- DESCRIPTION AND LATEST DESIGNS. STREET, BETWEEN TRADE AND FIFTH. Baying from tie North must be stopped. Why do you . send North? Can you buy cheaper? ' How do you know? Have you tried as? There's the rub! We compete with the world, and NeW Jersey in particular. The man does not lire who can un dersell us. We- keep the best Instru ments. We give Stools, Covers and Books. We warrant them for A years. We seU them on easy terms. We send .them on 15 days' -trial. tay-vWe do everything that a reasonable Man can ' ask.- - ' ; s,. i :u -yyiMVy. "IT1 IHI9 CHARLOTTE, N. O. I I of IIJULIJUJLIjKJ WITTKOWSKY & BARUCH. Furnishing Goods. ELI AS & COHEN; Mi;:.- lillH 1 ; :.ttiv Mining M acuineff.y.

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