LOCAL INTELLIGENCE "SATURDAY, MAY 14, 1881. "society directory. pwalahx Lodg No. 81, A.y.41 M. Regular meeting every second and fourth Monday nights. irvrKLSlOB Lod6 No. 261, A.F.4A. M. Reg ular meeting every first and third Tuesday nights. rnRLOTTK Chaptxb No. 89, B. A. M. Regular meetlngevery second and fourth Friday nights. m a rlottk Command abt No. 2, K. T. Regular meeting every first and third Thursdays. v nights of Honor. Regular meeting every Jwnd and fourth Thursdays. kniohts of Ptthias. Regular meeting nights flrst and tnlrd Wednesdays, 7 o'clock p. m. at Ma sonic Temple Hall. I. O. O. IF. CHAHi-oTTK Lodge No. 88. Meets every Mon diiy night. MKCKIiKHBUBG DECIjARATTON LODGK NO. 9. y.ttiis every Tuesday ulgot Pixik Lodge No. 108. Meets'every Thursday o'g'it- c tawba Rtvkr Encampmint No. 21. Meets Y r t ;ind third Thursday nights In each month. I lie Weather To-Day. For the South Atlantic States, loca ! tins and partly cloudy weather, north cast to southeast winds, rising barome" tei- and lower temperature in the north" ern portions. VARIOLA. THE S.TIALL, POX SCARE CORD. HW COX- Wonder of (be Microscope. Church Union. A thousand wonders in nature are Index to Mew Advertisements. tt anted-P. V. D. lust received -Alexander & Harris. HiKirRlliig Catawba Sprlngs-Dr. K. O. Elliott The Irwin lands for sale-J. P. Irwin. HOME PENCILINGS; Of locust and it may well be to become of us. Rev. Mr. Cheshire, recently Chapel Hill, has accepted a call to ! Tder's Episcopal church in this city What with Yennor.no blackberries, prohibition, the 17-year small pox threatening, donbtea wnat is "The saltatory orthopterous insect, of the family locustidae, and the genera aeiidium," is what the learned bugolo gist calls him. We addressed one in that way prefixing it with the Eastern phrase of Oh I mighty, in order to avoid i urn nine it on him too soon, but he simply cast on us a reproachful look, turned over on his back, held his limbs up in a pitiful, appealing manner and then died. "Revelations" Coming:. Eev. J. F. Butt, who has been travel ing South with the panorama ".Revela tions," for a year past is in the city. The panorama will be here in a few days. It will be exhibited in the opera house on the 24th inst, when, the two new scenes recently painted by Mr. A. L. Butt will be unrolled to the public gaze for the first time. The Devil Turned Loose. A country magistrate said: "You might say in the paper that the devil seems to "be turned loose among the colored women in the country. A great many of them are leaving their hus bands and I have had a considerable number of amplications from the for lorn spouses to assist them to reclaim their strayed wives. They seem to have imbibed a privilege that it is their duty to rule their husbands, and when they fail in the attempt they pick up their "duds and leave." Tlie Fact Ascertained that On Ci of Varioloid Haa Been Discovered, and Quarrantlned. Early yesterday morning reports were freely circulated that a case of small pox had been discovered in Con cord. It stirred up our people, and very- many sought out the doctors for the purpose of being vaccinated. The Con cord Register, printed in the evening gives the following particulars : By virtue of authority vested in me, and upon the advice of the board of health of Cabarrus county, I hereby give notice that a case of small pox having developed itself in the vicinity of the depot, all persons are hereby fore warned to avoid going into that neigh borhood, or visiting in the locality in which the patient resides, being a small white house on the east side of the railroad, near the old tank. All persons residing near that building, ex cept those who shall obtain a permit from the County Superintendent of Health, are required to refrain from visiting in the town of Concord. Anv persons viol atine this order will lay themselves liable to the penalties of the law. P. M. Henderson, M. p., County Supt. of Health. Approved and countersigned by W. G. Means, Mayor The public are assured by the under signed, the board of health of Cabarrus county that all proper care will be taken to prevent the spread, of the disease ; that vaccine virus has been ordered, and all persons are required to apply to F. M. Henderson, M. D., or some other physician for vaccination. W. G. Means, Mayor of Concord. It. W. Allison, ch'n board co. com. F. M. Henderson, M. D. J. L. Henderson, M. D. W. H. Lilly, M. D. At night the following special tele gram from the mayor of Concord, was received: Concord, N. C, May 13, 1881. To the Editor ol The Observer. There is no case of small pox within the corporate limits of Concord. A case of varioloid has developed near the town limits. It will be moved to-night to an isolated place two and a half miles distant, and all precautions have been taken to prevent its spread. Busi ness is going on as usual. Y . lx. means, mayor. lost to the human eye, and only reveal ed to us through the microscope. . Think of dividing a single spiders web into a thousand strands, or count ing the arteries and nerves in the wing of a gossamer moth. Yet, by aid of the powerful lens of a microscope, it is found there are more than 4,000 muscles in a caterpillar. The eye of a drone contains 14,000 mirrors, and the body of every spider is furnish ed with four little lumps, pierced with tiny holes, from each of which issues a single thread, and when a thousand of these from each lump are joined togeth er, they make the silk line of which the spider spins its web, and which we call a spider s thread. Spiders have been seen as small as a grain of sand, and these spin a thread so fine that it takes 4,000 ef them, put together, to equal in size a single hair. More Nominations Wa'shington, May 13. The Presi dent sent in the following nominations to-day: Postmasters F. B. Pratt, at Canton, Miss.; Elizer B. Harrison, at Fayetteville, Ark. Chas. E. Henry, of Ohio, to be United States marshal for the District of Columbia, vice Frederick-Douglass, nominated as recorder of deeds. Frederick Douglass, of the District of Columbia, to be recorder of deeds in the District of Columbia vice Geo. A. Sheridan, resigned. Frank Thompson, of Louisiana, to be chaplain in the navy. The Senate Sleetsand Adjourns. Washington, May 13 On motion of Dawes it was ordered that when the Senate adjourned to-day, it was to meet on Monday next, and then, at 12:05, the Senate went into executive session. When the doors were re-opened at 1 o'clock, the Senate adjourned until Monday. No motion was entered at to-day's executive session, as it was rumored reconsideration oi game week last year 89,270 Total exports to this date 8,927,426 Same dale last year 8,813,542 Stock at all United States ports. 665.541 Same tline last year 481,488 Stock at all Interior towns 102,683 Same time last year 97.287 Stock at Liverpool 974,000 Same time last year 696,000 Stock ol American afloat for Great Britain Same time last ye-r 209,000 LrvxKPOOLr Noon Cotton market hardening; middling uplands 5d; mid. Orleans 5 13-16d; sales 10,000, speculation and export l,OOU; re ceipts 2 050, American 600. Uplands low mid dling clause: May delivery 5al8-lttd, May and June do, June and July 513-l6ad, July and August 5 29-32al5-16d, August and September ftnfi i-39d. September and October 5 29 82al5-16 October and November , November and Decem ber 5$tL Futures firm. Lttebpool. 4 00 Sales ol American cotton 8,350 bales. L'pland low middling clause: May delivery . Sales for the week 55,00 American 47,000 Speculation 8,400 Export 3,600 Actual exports 6,800 Forwarded from ships' sides Imports 43,000 American 87,500 Stock, 974,600 American 78.000 Afloat 258,000 American I4.uuu FUTURES. Special bargains Again ! ANOTHER LOT OF THOSE PRETTY CALICOES, v Running Trom 5 to 20 yards, D D D D D D D D D D OUR STORE D D D & TO BE & B B B REMODELLED B B B B B B B BBB FOR OCR SUMMER BUSINESS. JTJ3T RECEIVED, JLL THE CHOICE BRANDS OF STANDARD PKLNXB, rpHE BEST-FITTING CORSET IN per yard, per yard. 5 CENTS 7 CENTS :PHce, 50 perdozeri, $1.35 JUST RECEIVED, ALL NUMBERS OF THE CELEBRATED PEARL SHIRT, Oj i A A HIS - W w v THE CITY, For Ladles and Misses, CENTS jgEAUTIFUL DAMASK LINEN TOWELS, At the old price, Lais', Misses' and Children's Slippers k Sandals, THE CHEAPEST IN THE CITY. H. MORRIS & BRO. mayl2 NEW STORE ! Nxw York Futures dosed steady. Sales 66, 000. May. 10.22a.23 June 10.28a.29 July 10.37a.88 Bash. Virginia Bolted Meal, RODDICK & CO., August. September October.. . November. December. January... 10.45 10.20a.21 9.87a.88 9.75a.77 976a.77 9.87a.89 IN WHITE SACKS. TRYON STREET, FINANCIAL. Nxw York Money 1.03a4. Exchange 4.85 Governments strong: new 5's 1.03Mi. Four and a half percents 1.1 61. Four per cents 1.1 7. State bonds In light demand. Nsw York 1 1 a. m. The stock market opened strong and higher for the general list, and In early dealings an advance ranging from 14 to 3 per cent was recorded, the latter In Hannibal and St. Jo seph common, which sold up to 77. Canada Sou thern, DeL, Lack, and Western, Lake Shore, Mtchigan Central, St. Paul, Ohio Central, Ind., Bloomlngton and Western, and Central Pacific, being also prominent In the upward movement. Later. Stocks closed strong. Desire to Inform the general public that they will open on Tuesday, ancy uooas, etc. ; also May 10th, with a general stock of SPECIALTIES IN DRY GOODS. Patrons may rest assured that no pains have been spared to bring together everything that Is use ful or desirable. Our prices will speak for themselves. Our variety Is too numerous to mention. A visit only will cover that ground. We will add dally to our stock, as our resident buyer In N Jw York will attend all sales of any importance. Our object Is to make this store headquarters for bargains at all times, and by giving our business close personal attention, we hope to merit a liberal share of pat ronage. Nothing will be misrepresented. Everything will be sold for J ust what It really Is. Our terms are TUE LOCUST INVASION. there would be. for t.hA vnt.A rwrohirri ax-Spti atnr Matthews j ; . , . . 1 . , . , A (Ml. was yesterday confirmed as Associate ew xorxcenirai s&Z Justice of the Supreme Court Erie. Lake Shore.. Illinois Central. Nashville and Chattanooga Louisville and Nashville Pittsburg. Chicago and Northwestern preferred. Wabash, St. Louis & Pacific Do preferred ; Memphis and Charleston Bock island J-?g25 Western Union 1-1 oj Alabama Class A, 2 to 5 72 " Class A. small 72 " Class B, 5's 98$ Class C, 4's 86 Sub-treasury balances Gold 867.5fi4.384 " Currency.... 6,680,026 Confirmations. Washington, May 13. The Senate in executive session this afternoon, con firmed the nomination of Don A. Par dee to be Circuit Judge for the 5th ju dicial district, and Geo. H. Gilmer to be postmaster at Richmond, Va. W. W. Lambert to be postmaster at Bracketts-" ville, Texas. MARKETS BY TELEGRAPH MAY 13. 1881. 300 BARRELS Family Flour, Just received. We calu the especial attention of the Char lotte trade to the BRIG E WATER FAMILY FLOUR, Which took THE FIRST PREMIUM At the Paris Exposition. It is the best In the maiket. STRICTLY CASH AND ONE PRICE. Everything marked In plain figures. We purchases have been unavoidably delayed, may lO expect largo additions to our stock this week, as many RODDICK CO., 1 Wholesale and Retail. THE SEVENTEEN YEARS APPEAR IN MYRIADS A Good Movement. The police made a raid on several dens for the nightly collection of col ored people, last night, and arrested twenty of them, under the vagrant act. Those arrested are well known to have no occupation or honest means of sub sistence, it being their custom to lie around the city in the daylight and dis turb people in their neighborhood by licentious brawls and carousing after night fall. One or more were arrested ulso for keeping gambling houses. Second Appearance of the Juveniles. The Juveniles, it is understood, had another splendid audience last night, and played their parts better than upon the former occasion. The O. B. Club appeared in costume and lent variety to the performance by the rendition of a number of beautiful songs. The un dei taking has proved very successful, and doubtless by the two performances combined very materially replenished the treasury of the Little Worker's Aid Society, for the benefit of which it was given. Election of Officers. At a meeting of the Hornet fire com pany last night, the following officers were elected for the ensuing year: President W. R. Cochrane. Foreman Jas. McGill. 1st Asst. Foremaui P. C. Eagle. 2d " " J. H. Means. liec. Secretary O. F. Asbury. Fin. " S. H. A. Daougherty. Treasurer R. A. Myers. Surgeon C. F. Brem. Chaplain E. A. Wingard. Driver I. H. Wilson. False 'reports. Some trouble has been created among the colored washer-women in the city by the report which has been spread among them that the new city charter imposes a tax upon their labor. On this account many have refused to take in the usual washing from their patrons. It is a foolish credulity which will blow over without much difficulty. It is on ly one, however, of many false re ports that are circulating about griev ous provisions in the new charter, and unaccountably so since it has been pub lished and is open to the scrutiny of all men. The fact is, the charter does not impose a tax on anything; but simply fixes a limit which the board of alder men Arc nrnhihitpd from exceeedine in levvine taxes for citv purposes. The A Serenade to Blxa. Jackson. The New Orleans Democrat says: Last niarht at 11:30 o'clock, headed by a band, the officers and members of Mississippi Fire Company Ho. 2 march ed to the St. Charles Hotel and there serenaded Mrs. T. J. Jackson and daughter. The company formed on the portico, whilst the band discoursed pleasant strains. When the music-had ceased the door of the ladies' parlor was thrown open and the company filed in. Forming a crescent in the parlor, with their flaz in the centre, the com pany halted. Mrs. Jackson and her in teresting daughter with Gov. Nicholls were standing within thecrescent, and Judge W. H.Rogers, bearing a beauti ful piece ofHoral work stepped forward and made a graceful address expressing the pride of the people of New Orleans to have them in their midst and paying a splendid tribute to the memory ! Stonewall Jackson. "Mrs. Jackson showed how sensibly she appreciated the compliment so gracefully paid the memory of the great chief tain, and during Judge Rogers's speech nodded in silent approbation of the sentiment'' , v ' ' : For eollc, dysentry, teething and other diseases of babyhood, always use Dr. Bull's Baby Syrup. A LOSING JOKE. ' A prominent physician of Pittsburg said Joking ly to a lady patient, who was complaining of her -continued 111 health and of his inability to cure her, "Try Hop Bitten." The lady took It 1 earn est and used the bitters, from which she obtained permanent health. She now laughs at thedoctor lor his Joke, but he la not so well pleased with it, - it cost him a good pattent-Barrlsburg Patriot. And Give Rise to Any Amount of Dis cussion as to Wnat They Will and What They Will not Do. Beyond a peradventure, the dreaded, far-famed locust, is upon us. He is no lenger an Eastern fable, but a living, working, pulsating reality, springing from the ground with life, health and vigor renewed, casting off the shell of the old grub, singing in the sunshine after his long wintery sleep of paraly sis in the cold bosom of the earth, feed ing on the succulent foliage of the trees, covering the landscape over with his yellowish-brown-damask wings like summer dusters on parlor furniture. They come, millions upon millions, they come. From every direction they call to each other, "Come over and help us eat them up." The woods are filled with them; the ground alive with them. Farmers from every section of the county bring reports aoout tnem. They do not seem to be alarmed, how ever, the only expression of uneasiness being the remark, made by one of them, that the noise they make annoyed him. It is like the sound of escaping steam. There are conflicting opinions, however, in regard to their destructive tendencies. One man, who has observ ed their effect on a former occasion, predicts that in several days the trees will begin to assume their late aspect of wintery barreness, but that the crops will not be hurt hy tnem. some iew say they will eat up every growing thing. The majority view them with curiosity merely, and anticipate no damage whatever. As to the locust himself, and his historv, the name is derived from locus a place, and ustus, burned, from the resemblance of districts ravaged by them to a regeion desolated by fire. An authority say: "The males make a loud noise by rubbing their hind legs across the protecting veins of the wing-covers like playing upon a violin, the sound being intensified by a sonorous cavity in the first abdominal segment. The hind legs are very powerful, enabling them to leap mucn oetter mau mo grasshoppers; their strong wings give them the power of rapid and long con tinued flight, accompanied by a loud whizzing noise, compared in their im mense swarms to the rushing of whirl wind, the rattling of chariots, and the crackling of burning stubble. It will be sufficient to allude to the devasta tions made by the locusts, destroying as they do everv trace 01 vegecaiinu in the districts visited by them. Their numbers are so incredible that rivers have been blocked and many square miles covered by them. Locusts are used as food in countries where they abound; the legs aud wings being pull ed off, the bodies are fried in oil, and are considered a delicacy; they are some times dried in the sun, pounded up and used as flour for making bread." If the worst corner to the worst, this will be some consolation, me acwuni. kudj on to say : "Locusts were considered by the eastern nations as the avenging armies of the Deity, and it is asserted that a statement to this effect exists in good Arabic on the wings of the in ject." We haven't perused any Arabic vet, but, curious to say, there is a plain- ly marked vv on ea6ii wing ui tuo in sect, which is generally interpreted to be "War on Whiskey." The history of the locusts in this section, as gathered from old citizens, is that they appear only at long intervals. It is thought they are the seventeen year locusts, It is a tradition that the eggs, after be- i-nn riarvnaiferi in thft PrOUnd. WOrK downward, for half of that period, and work back the other half, the insect in. the meantime developing into the gruo and then into the chrysalis state, from which it finally emerges from the eround. This seems to be substantia ted by the depth of the holes they leave behind them, for you may pour as much sand in them as you please and can't fill them ud. and when a stick is run into them and reaches a stopping place by a little twisting it will slip down further, showing them to be winding. This is all we know about the locust, but the First Presbyterian church yard furnishes an easy resort to those who desire 'to investigate for themselves. They are not so numerous there as in the country, but numerous enough to illustrate what has been said. 1 PRODUCE. Chicago Wheat No. 2 Chicago spring 1.02Vi cash, June. Corn 42a44. Oats . Pork at 16.55. Lard at 10.50. Bulk meats shoulders 5.80, short ribs 8.45, clear 8.85. Baltmors Night Oats Western white 52a53 do mixed 49a51, Pennsylvania . Provisions mess pork 17.00 forold;new 18.00; bulk meats loose shoulders , clear sides , ditto packed 6a9 bacon shoulders 7, clear rib sides 1014, hams llal2. Lard refined tierces 111. Coffee Rio cargoes ordinary to fair 9J4alHfc. Sugar. A soft 9. Whiskey 1.10. Cincinnati Flour family 4 95a5.15, fancy 5.40a6 00. Wheat No. 2 red winter l.lOall. Corn at 47. Oats at 40. Pork at 817.00. Lard at 10.50a.50. Bulk meats shoulders 5.62, ribs 8.40; bacon shoulders 6.75. ribs 9Vi, clear sides 9.62. Whiskey at 1.06. Sugar hards 10i, New Orleans 7a8. Hogs common 4.50a 6.00, light, packing , butchers 5.50a6.80. CITY COTTON MARKET. omoi or thu Obsxbvxb, Charlotte. May 14. 1881. 1 The market yesterday closed qnlet; unchanged. Good Middling. 9 Strictly middling 9$ Middling Strict low middling. J2 Low middling. ,t Tinges 7t Lower grades a' RECEIPTS FOR THE WEEK ENDED FRIDAY. Saturday.-.- Monday Tnesday Wednesday . Thursday . . Friday bales Total. 13 86 47 76 44 95 811 bales isctllauje0tts. THE FINEST AND FRESHEST LAGER BEER In the United States, from the famous Bergner k Engel Brewing Company, OF PHILADELPHIA, Can be had of their 'own agents In this city, at shbrt notice and reasonable rates. This beer bore off the FIRST PRIZE IN PARIS and also at the great centennial at Philadelphia In 1 876. It has no rival and is fast becoming the great family beverage; and is greatly valued for its tonic and invigorating properties by those in need of a mild strengthener In the way of a harmless stimulant. It Is elegantly bottled at the branch depository In this city, and will be delivered at any residence on notification at the Central Hotel Sa loon or with either of the undersigned. Your patronage is solicited, ana satisfaction 19 assured. W. R. COCHRANE & MUNZLER, aplS Agents. Nkw York Southern flour quiet; common to fair extra 4.75a5.25. good to choice 5.30a7.O0. whnat nneTRdfid red Sl.16al.27. Corn ungraded 55a6l. Oats 46 for No. 3. Cof fee Rio cargoes 9al2. Sugar fair to good refining 7a7, prime 7; refined standard A 9a9. Molasses New Orleans 30a55, Porto Rico 85a50. Rosin 1.85al. 87. Turpentine 88. Wnni-Hnnuutin fiflppfi H I ft4f. nulled 20a38. unwashed 12a80, Texas 14a26. Pork 1 6.00 for old; middles long clear 8, short clear 9, long and short 9. Lard at 10.9011.00. COTTON. A tried and trusted remedy, always ready for use, is St. jacoDS uu, me nousenoia duulu Habitual costlrenesa. Habltnal costlveness Is the bane ol nearly every American oman. From It usually arises tooae dlsoTde-f ci 't surely undermine their health and fltrcinsiu. i Jivery woman owes u 10 ueraeii ojm to her family 10 use mat ceieDnueu weuuauo, juu ney Wort. It is the sure remedy for constipation. and lor an Q isomers 01 me iuuucjs nuu u,n. w it in liquid or dry form. Equally efficient In either. Boston Sunday Budget . A Safe and Sure means ' of restoring the youth ful color of the hair Is furnished by Parker's Hair Balsam, which ta deservedly popular from Its u pertw cleanliness. ; ;', 1 . Galvkstoh Dull; middling lOUj; low mlddl'g 8c; good ordinary 8c; net rec'ts 1.660; gross ; sales 148; stock 65.051; exp'ts coastwise : to Great Britain ; continent Weekly net receipts 4,855; gross 4.869: sales 4,497; exp. coastwise 2.903; to Great Brltlaln 6,089; continent 3,609; France 1,480. Norfolk Quiet; middling lOfec; net receipts 602; gross ; stock 11,515; exports coastwise : Hales ; exports to Great Britain. Weekly net rec'ts 4.264; gross ; sales 998; exp'ts coastwise 2,689; Great Britain 2,870; channel ; continent Bamtjkork Quiet; middling 10: low mlddl'g 9c; good ordln'y 8c; net rec'ts 524; gross 570; sales ; stock 9,538; exports coastwise ; spinners ; exports to Great Britain ; to Continent , Weekly net rec'ts 2080; gross 4,465; sales 261 : spinners 241; exports Great Britain ; coast wise 2,521; Continent 1,539. Bostoh Dull: middling 10c; low middling; 10c; good ord'y 8c; net receipts 663; gross 961; sales : stock 11,285; exports to Great Britain ; to France. Weekly net rec'ts 3.193; gross 4,429; sales; exports to Great Britain 1,616. WnjaH8TOH Quiet; middling 9c; low mid dling 9kc; good ordinary 710; receipts 51; gross . sales ; stock 2,345; exports coast wise ;to Great Britain. Weekly net receipts 829; gross ; sales ; exports coastwise 823: to Great Britain. Philadelphia Dull: middling 10c; low middling 10ic: good ordinary 8c: net receipts 120; gross 238; sales ; spinners ; stoc ? nrnnrtii to Great Britain . Weekly net receipts 2,551; gross 3,914; sales 2,057 ; spinners, 1.700; coastwise ; Continent ; to Great Britain 546; stock 12,926. Savannah Firmer ; middling 10c; low middling 9Ujc.; good ordinary 7c; net receipts 647; gross ; sales 400; stock 22,625; exp. coast wise : to Great Britain : continent Weekly net receipts 4,965; gross 4,972 ; sales 2,450; exports to Great Britain 1,517; France ; coastwise 5,279; continent . Nw Orleans-Quiet; mldd'g 10c; low mid dllng 91A; good ord'y 8c; net receipts 2,565; grosi 2,802; sales 2,500; stock 202,676; exports to Great Britain ; coastwise. Weekly-net receipts 12,608; gross 14,950; sales 25,000; exports Great Britain 13,98 1 ; Chan nel ; coastwise 2,924; France 7,509; continent 7,169; channel. Mobile Quiet; middling 10c; J mldd"? 9c; good ordinary 8c; net receipts 280; gross ; sales 500; stock 19,067; exp. coast ; channel. Weekly net receipts 3,036; gross ; sales 8,550; to exports Great Britain ; coastwise 3,115; channel. Mxkphis Steady; middling 10c; receipts 365;shlpments 2,138; sales 4,500: stock 54.995 Weekly net receipts 3,884; shipments 6,813; sales 10,625. AU8USTA Quiet ; middling 9c; low mid dling 9Ujc, good ordinary 8c; receipts 79; shipments : sales 554 . , . Weekly net rects 789; chlpm'ts 193; sales 1,734; spinners ; stock. Chablwton Steady; middling 10c; low mid dling 10c; good ordinary 9&: net receipts 105; gross ; sales 1000; stock 16.544; exports eoastwlse ; Great Britain : continent Weekly net receipts 2,497; gross ..; sales 8.300 coastwise 1,490; Continent 4,090; Great Britain 1,226; channel ; France. Nkw Yobk Cotton steady; sales 1,030; mldd'g uplands 10c: mlddl'g Orleans 10c; net receipts l!236 : gross 2,497 ; consolidated net rec'ts. A'- ' - & . r- . - t A erne. uvnAvfa Wekiy neiTecw o,ouo;iuo 1 to Great Britain 5,869; France 750; continent 6,632; sales 8,303; stock 183.831. Mootgokkbt Steady: mlddlng 10; low mid 9c: good . ordinary 7c; receipts 190; shlr ments673; steck, present year, 5,250; stock, last yaar, 5,544; sales. Mmw-Dull: middling 9c; low middling biv eood ordinary 7c; receipts 57; 130; stock, present year, 5,378; stock 1,824; shipments aao. , COLUMBTis-Qulet: middling 9c; low middling 8c; g(od ordinary 7c; receipts 829; ship ments 3,060; sales 274; spinners 84; stock 7,253. NASEVXLLB Dull; middling 9c; low mra flc; good middling 7c; net receipts 727; shTpmeSts 1,687; sales 694; spinners - ; stock, present year, 9,414; stock, last year, 10,016 Post Royal, S. C Weekly net receipts ; stock 409; exports coastwise ; Great Britain. Pbovxdbhcx. B. I. Weekly net receipts ; stock 8,000; sales 650. . . 8ix3ttiVALA.-Dtill; middling lOlec; low mid- ruH nKllnarr . - Weeklv recelots 220: 8hloments642; stock, present year, 4,035; last year. tu rtniAt- middling 10c: low mid- QUtc: eeod ordinary 8c Weekly receipts 898; shipments 2,416; stock 1.591. - OOHFABATOT COTTON BTATXKKHT. SPARKLI1W Catawba Springs, CATAWBA CO., N. C, Near the Western North Carolina Railroad. Open on the 20th of May for visitors. White and Blue Sulphur and Chalybeate. Best Medicinal Mineral Waters In the State. Good Accommodations, Baths and all the amusements usually found at first class watering places. . 1' 0 -r7 " r.l Alum St Xt, AND- fl IE A ILL TERMS MODERATE. Address, may!4 5t DB. E. 0. ELLIOTT, Proprietor. FOR SALE: THE IRWIN LANDS. 1. FIFTY ACRES, bounded by the Cemetery, Carolina Central Railway. Myers tract, and the Ir win homestead; at $100 per acre. 2. THREE BUILDING LOTS, half acre each, In a line with the residence of Mr. Wm, Clarkson; at 8150 each. 3. ONE LOT, adjoining Mrs. Sally F. McAuley; at $200. 4. ONE LOT, adlolnlng Mr. Jos. Boss's; at $450. 5. ONE LOT, opposite Mr. Wm. Clarkson's; at $250. 6. LOT adjoining Gen. R. Barringer's vacant lot; at $250. 7. LOT between Mr. Earnest Williams's and Mr. Malcolm McDougal's; at $100. 8. TWENTY BUILDING LOTS, next to the property of Mr. Henry Severs; at a total of $1,000, or $75 each if sold singly. 9. PRESENT RESIDENCE of J. P. Irwin, in cluding a lawn of four lots, extending to the pub lic road; at $3,500. J. P. IRWIN. 3 Doors East of Court House. TO ACCCOUMODATE THEIR INCREASED AND INCREASING TRADE, WILL SHORTLY BUILD A CONSIDERABLE EXTENSION TO THEIR ALREADY CAPACIOUS STORE-ROOM ON TRADE STREET, WHICH WILL BE FIT TED UP IN AS HANDSOME A MANNER AM ANY GROCERY STORE IN THE SOVTH. THEY ALREADY HATE ONE OF THE LARG EST WAREHOUSES IN THE CITY, WHICH THEY WILL BE COMPELLED TO USE AS HERETOFORE, BY BUSINESS TACT AND INDUSTRY THEY HATE SUCCEEDED IN BUILDING UP AN IMMENSE BUSINESS, AND THEY ARE DE TERMINED TO CONTINUE TO MERIT THE J aysge PATRONAGE HERETOFORE SO GENEROUS LY BESTOWED. i;:i:-:ri:K... ". This is the only Lottery ever voted on and en dorsed by the people of any State. UNPRECEDENTED ATTRACTION! OVER HALF A MILLION DISTRIBUTED. Louisiana State Lottery Company. Incorporated In 1868 for 25 years b the Legis lature for Educational and Charitable Durposes with a capital of $1.000.000 to which a reserve fund of over $420,000 has since been added. By an overwhelming popular vote its franchise was, made a part of the present State Constitution adopted December 2d. A. D. 1879. It3 GRAND SINGLE NUMBER Drawing will take place monthly on the second Tuesday. It never scales or postpones. Look at the follow lng distribution : GRAND PROMENADE CONCERT, during which will take place the 133d GRAND MONTHLY AND THE EXTRAORDINARY SEMI-ANNUAL DRAWING, At New Orleans, Tuesday, Jdne 14th, 1881, Under the personal supervision and management of GEN. G. T. BEAUREGARD, of Louisiana, and GEN. JUBAL A EARLY, of Virginia. CAPITAL PRIZE, $100,000. TO THEE I GIVE HEALTH. Diuretic "- Diph- Apply to mayl4 2weod WANTED. A PROMPT-PAYING tenant wants to rent a small cottage, containing four to six rooms, centrally located, or to engage board for a gentle man, wife and three smaU children. Address for one week, P. F. p., mayl4 dtf Observer Office, Charlotte. In order to get room to make tin changes contem plated, for the next THIRTY DAYS they have concluded to make a SWEEPING REDUCTION In the prices of all goods BELONGING EXCLUSIVELY TO THE RETAIL DEPARTMENT. They have now in stock a large and well selected assortment of FLOUR LOUR mi ClOFfEE 'OFFKK RECEIVED OUGiR OI 5UGAR "Excellent Tonic. Alterative and Medical Association, Lynchburg, Va. "Used with great benefit in Malaria and thArln " s V. Dunon. M. D.. Ga. "Successfully used In dyspepsia, chronic diar rhoea and scrofula." Prof. S. Jackson, M. D., Univ. Perm. "Invaluable as a nervous tonic." Hon. L C. IfaiilAr Tflnn. "Recommended as a prophylactic In malarial districts," D. R, Falrex, flL u st. u. "Restores debilitated systems to health." T. C, Mnr M T. Tnd. "Art anted in enronic aiarrncea, scruiuia, buu .Anam-" nan 'i nam soil. ai. u.. . I. .nrawiufnl in dinhtherla and neuralgia. "J. P. kmsa m n.. N. c. "Excellent for certain diseases peculiar towo- mm " Tr .1. j. Moorman. M. v.. va. 'PromDt In relieving headache, sick and ner- on Rav. ft C. Tkwlsnn. "Used with great benefit In dyspepsia." J. Mc- Ralph, M. D., Fa. . 4, "Suited to bronchitis and diseases of digestive nmynnaT F. Uniiffhtfm. M. D.. Ala. "Most valuable remedy known for female dls " Inn P MAtteRiir. M. D.. L. L. D "Of ereat curative virtue." Thos. F. Rumfold "RAnAflAin.1 in uterine derangement and mala rious conditions." G. M. Vail, M. D., Ohio. "Charming on the complexion, making it smooth, clear, soft and rosy."-Miss M, of S. C. "The prince of mineral tonics." Francis Gil liam, M. D., N. C. , ,, "Inestimable as a tonic and alterative." Hun ter McGuire, M. D., Va. "Fine appetizer and blood purifier." H. Fisher, M. D., Ga. ! , "Very beneficial In Improving a reduced sys tem." Bishop Beckwlth, of Ga. 'Trinoiiii h. ni wloomft and nealtn. Kev. John Hannon, late of La., now of Richmond, Va. "Has real merit" Southern Med. Journal. Pamphlets free, upon application. Water. 84 $ case. Mass and Pills, 25, 50, 75 cents. Sent post-paid anywhere. Sammer season of Springs begins 1st June. Stf o V month. Addrew AvnSi of 78 Main St., Lynchburg, Va., P. O. Box 174. SOLD BY 1 1 1 2 4 taT'NoTicH-TIckets are Ten Dollars only, $5; Fifths, $2; Tenths, $1. LIST OF PRIZES : Capital Prize of $100,000 - urand iTlze of Grand Prize of Large Prizes of Larce Frizes of 20 Frizes ol 50 " 100 " 2d0 " 600 " 10,000 " APPROXIMATION PRIZES : 100 Aproximatlon Prizes of $200..., 100 " " 100.... 100 " " 75.... Halves, 50,000. 20,000.. 10,000.. 5,000.. 1,000.. 500.. 800 . 200.. 100.. 10.. .$100,000 50,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 25,000 30,000 40,000 60,000 100,000 $20,000 10,000 7,500 11,279 Prizes,, amounting to $522,500 ftS5tfES& Ya-La- Co-mlss'n-r, Gen. Gen. Application for rates to clubs should only be made to the office of the Company In New Or leans. Write for circulars or send orders to M. A. DAUPHIN, New Orleans, La. Or same person at 212 Broadway, New York. maylO LARD, in all sized packages, MOLASSES OLASSES SYRUPS, Of all kinds, WILSON & BUR WELL, 3. H. Mo ADEN, and L. R. WRISTON & CO., mar27 Charlotte, N. C. YINEGAR AND piDER x 5bls Wa 4 iai LNEGAR AND VOIDER ln DULS' w'a ANOTHER LOT OF ICE CREAM. "OIGLER'S Is the place to get firstrclass lce rS. maom flainnn nnAned for the season. Par ties furnished at reasonable terms. maylO POTATOES OTATOES PPLES LPPLE3 BANANiS ANANAS WANTED. PARTIES having milk to sell regularly, by the Louisville, Ky., taSon quantity, will please callaj Broadway New POPULAR MONTHLY DRAWING OF TH Commonwealth Distribution Company, AT MACACLEY'S THEATRE, In the City of Louisville, on TUESDAY, MAY 31, 1881. These drawings occur monthly (Sundays except ed) under provisions of an Act of the General As sembly of Kentucky, incorporating the Newport Printing and Newspaper Co., approved April 9, 1878. f-Thls Is a special act, and has never been re pealed. The United States Circuit Court on March 31. rendered the following decisions: . 1st That the Commonwealth Distribution Com pany is legal. 2d Its drawings are fair. The Company has now on hand a large reserve fund. Read the list ol prizes lor tne- - MAY DRAWINGS 1 Prize $30,000 1 PriS;.. 10,000 1 Prize,.' 6,000 10 Prizes, $1,000 each,. 10,000 20 Prizes 500 each, 10,000 100 Prizes. 100 each, . 10,000 200 Prizes, . 50 each 10,000, 600 Prizes. 20 each 12,000 1 nnn "Pi-ims r. 1 rt each. 10.000 9 Prizes, $300 each, Approximation Prizes $2,700 9 prizes; 200 . r. - v. 1.890 y razes, iuu " 1,960 Prizes,...,:. $112,400 Whole Tickets, $2; Half Tickets, $l l 27 Tickets, $50; 55 Tickets, $100. Remit Money or Bank Draft ln Letter, or send by Express. DON'T SEND BY bjsuihtskbu LETTER OR POSTOFFICB ORDER. Orders of $5 and upward, by Express, can be sent at our ex pense. Aaare8B bu oraers 10 . Louisville, Ky., or T. i. COMMERFORD, 809 I OrK. mojj. maylO LEMONS EMONSfl O RANGES RANGES FRUIT3 RUITS TVTUTS i.1 UTS AND AND CANDIES AN DIES DRESS MAKING. tt a vraammomd my residence to Sixth street, rl lust below the Methodist church, I desire to announce to my friends that I am prepared to do all manner of Dress Making lor ladies ana cnu dren, ln the very best style. Thankful for past . m . 1 1 w w, r a Tf anil patronage, 1 reapecuunjr os& mi uicuuo favor me with their work. maylO-dtf MRS. C. B. MURTISHAW. To Railroad Contractors. sales last year, Net receipts at all United States ports during wee.... I Same week last year . . . Total receipts w una uue ........... Same date last year . . . . . . .... - i Exports lor tne yfees...... 48,742 to 24,958 HUM .411 i4.A07.A57 65,447 ALL GRADES, -AT- Alexander 1 Harris. To the Retail Trade WE OFFER SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS IN FRENCH PEAS, MUSHROOMS, ARTICHOKES, CANNED GOODS, Of every name Style and Condition, OLIVES, CHOCOLATES, And every article miually found In a first-class , grocery store. ' " BRICK ! BRICK! DAVIDSON & BEAU. mail4 Bl2J rpHE undersigned respectfully Inform the public I that thA huM Anmiend in the brick business. A - ma bin or n. stinAXlor OUalitT Of h anU- made brick, xney nave in wu"cv"yu- "" yard an improved uompn mw;iiiiiP,yniuu miat makA Pressed Brick eaual to the Richmond brick. Any one desiring to build will find it to their Interest to give us a call before purchasing ?S,m, T. & ALLISON i Fresh Butter and Eggs, AND- Peerless and Snow-Me Potatoes. ALSO- SWEET POTATOES FROM EASTERN N. C. ' rto VTaoI inrl TfnrlT VAffAtafj'PJL " At SggrT.-T- - .... 8. M. HOWELL'S. f TiATTTTi A set of false teeth. In good I H I I I I f I J""" MmiHiinn. For farther hl- I'larmaiion aorty at ttds office. - - -. may&B WESTERN N. C. BATLBOAD, I Company's Office, Salisbubt, May 4, 1881. S o EALED PROPOSALS will be received until 12 . i ill t m. May 18th, 1881, at the office l Com pony, at Salisbury, N. C, for the grading and dry i masonry of a portion ol the Ducktown Branch be tween Ashevllle and Pigeon river. Profiles and specifications can be seen at the office of the com- pany at Salisbury, or the Chief Engineer at Ashe vQle. The company reserves the right to accept or reject any and ail bids. may7 tt A. B. ANDREWS, President. THE ATTENTION Of the Trade generally, and alio the consumer, la called to oar special brands of saleable and staple Smoking Tobaccos Sitting Bull, Durham Long Cuts and Rival Durham to which w are now addlBg a run une oi uw latest styies m ma most staple graaes oi r-mg ana awis.-iouaceos. we can, ln a few weeks, offer Inducements ln Chewing TODaceos loa u outer manuiacturera can equau Our salesmen will make regular trips to Charlotte, and tne traae oi an goou mercnanu is respecuui- ly solicited, . j t ? js. u. fogu. may I - uuruain, n.v. .V 'P-S: