l)t ftf)ariotte Bbsmtt LOCAL INTELLIGENCE TUESDAY, MAY 31, 1881. SOCIETY DIRECTORY. PH1LijtiL0DeNa81,i:y.4l.lt-Begnlar meeting every second and fourth Monday nights. rxcklsiob Lodss No. 261, A. F. A A. M Sec ular meeting every first and third Tuesday nights. , chakloth chaptkb No. 89. B. A. M. Regular meeting every second and fourth Friday nights. . f .i A Mfc A w ITa A w tat w meeting every first and third Thursdays. IEC- out EC. Khights or Honob. Regular meeting every gecond and fourth Thursdays. op 3?.' " , Khights of Pythias. Regular meeting nights ttrst and third Wednesdays, 7 o'clock p. m. atMa sonic Temple Hall. I. O. O. T. CHARLOTTJ Lodgk Na 88. If eets every Mon day night Mecklenburg DkcIakatioji Lones No. 9. Meets every Tuesday night Dixrs Lodo No. 108. Meete'every Thursday night. Catawba Rrvra Encampment No. 21. Meets f pvt and third Thursday nights In each month. The Weather To-Day. For the South Atlantic States, north to east winds, local rains and partly cloudy weather, a slight rise in tem perature and stationary or slowly fall ing barometer. , , , , index to New Adrertiitenieiiu. Just recelved-Davidsoa & BealL Wanted Hopple Bros. 4 Co, N. C. Press Association 8am 1 H. Smith. HOME PENCILINCS. "Not extraordinarily hot. !3TDr. I. W. Faison, a rising young physician of Fulton, N. C, is in the city. 53P Senator Vance left this morning to attend the Chapel Hill Commence ment, which begins to-day. J3f The State medical convention meets in Asheville to-day. Dr. T. J. Moore will be in attendance from this place. IW There will be a regular meeting of Charlotte Lodge, Knights of Pythias Wednesday night, and every member is to be summoned. Cgr The Cavalry Mission Methodist Sunday school will have their annual picnic at Sugar creek church on the 9th of June, this year. ISP The chicken thieves are on their annual rounds, complaints of hen-house robberies come in from all quarters of the ci ty. Is there no "balm In Gilead V tJTThe bar-rooms and wholesale liquor houses will close to-night at 12 o'clock, probably to remain so. Now is the time, all the bar-keepers say, to get your little jugs filled. ' The latest quotations of railroad stocks gives the Richmond and Dan ville at 109 bid and 110 asked ; Char lotte, Columbia and Augusta, h1 bid and 60 asked; Atlanta and Charlotte Air-Line, 81 bid and 83 asked; North Carolina, 90 bid. Members of the North Carolina Press Association are requested by an advertisement in another column to correspond with Samuel H. Smith, Esq., Winston, N. C, the chairman of the committee of arrangements. IW Charlotte enjoyed a delicious shower Sunday afternoon, and all na ture felt glad. It fell so fast, however, that much of it ran off without giving the parched earth such a soaking as its condition deserved. It is not thought that the crops are injured by the recent dry weather. On the contrary, the absence of wet spells, so common with us at this sea son, has given the farmers an opportu nity to kill the grass as it came up. E3T The old Rock . Island Factory building, corner Fifth and A streets, is for sale. Let some enterprising compa ny buy it and fill it up with cotton mill machinery. It could be worked up in to a bonanza. EST "Are you one of the guard ?? In quired a venerable looking old man of a policeman yesterday. "Yes," replied the man in blue. "Well," continued the old man, "I want you to watch my 'tater-patch to-night;- a rogue got in it last night and jest naturally ruined it" It is not known whether the "guard" watched or not. A Charlotte cigar store man called yesterday to see a Morganton paper, with the hope of finding the name of some man in Morganton from whom he might purchase some Sally Mical pipes, which are known to be a "standard" article in Burke. The paper was found but it contained no Mor gantn advertisements, except a couple of lawyere' cards. Moral; Live men advertise. Killed at Winston. Last Saturday afternoon, while shift ing trains at Winston on the North Western North Carolina Railroad, one of the brakemen named McPhail at tempted to step from the platform to a flat car in motion, but missed his foot ing and fell under the car, which passed over him, cutting off both legs above the knee. IJe died from the effects of it within a few hours. 1 : .. Wanted. J.F. Lloyd, Esq., of Louisville, Ky agent of the National Mutual Benefit Association, with head quarters in that cicy, advertises for agents, in jxorcn and 'South Carolina, except counties on the sea coast The association is based on the mutual plan, with a permanent fund limited to 9100,000, and a guaran tee of the payment of the death claims of members in good standing. The plan is popular, and the association is endorsed by the leading men and bankers of Louisville, notably Judge W. B. Hoke, the present Supreme Dic tator of the Knights of Honor Society. Needs Attention. During his perambulations, an Ob server man yesterday met a stranger Who looked like he had lost something, "I say," said he, "can you tell me where Tenth street crosses this one?" We were on College street, , and near a cross street, but we didn't know whether it was Ninth or Tenth r we don't carry a map, and the ; finger-boards bearing the names of the streets are with a few exceptions, destroyed, hence we were unable to give the man the desired in formation. Now it.vcertainly is. or pqght to be. somebody's business, to see. rhat thege boards are , put op at the crossings of the different streets. , They are necessary and the matter should re? eiye attention at once. , Whose Busi ness is it? . , , - . .x, : ; . Award for Writing- , The Baltimore Sun contains a notice of the closing exercises, of the Chiro graphic Club of the Brvant Stratton & Sadler Business Coljege, of Baltimore, at which prizes; were awarded. for best specimens of nenmanshiD. The first award of honor for best writing' was given to R, S. Collins, who is a citizen of Berryhill township, this county. Mr. Collins is yourig'maii f decided tal ent in tiia rhhsfln art ana hks refrularlv taken the prizes awarded for the best penmanship at our. county fairs. His style is the Snencerian system, and much of his education has taken place under 'the tatorship' of. the 'Spencer SCHOOLS A2H COLLEGES. Dav'.dsoa I College ..Comi Exoretaeav t lencement The following order will be observed at toe J una commencement of this old established institutienof learning: Sabbath, June 12th, 11 a. m. Bacca laureate sermon by the president. Tuesday, J une 14th, 9 a. m. Annual ucoMiij ui me ooara or trustees. Wednesday, June 15th, 11 a. m. Ad dress befnra r.hn lifArura Senator M. W. Ransom, of North Card Wednesday, June 15th Meeting of the alumni association. Wednesday, June 15th, 3 p. m. 'Ad dress before the Alumni Association, by Hon. W. H. Stewart, of South Ck Una. ' Wednesday, June 15th, 8 p. m. Ad dresses of the representatives of the literrarybocieties. Thursday, June 16. Commencement day.. Arrangements will be made by which reduced railroad fares will be secured for visitors to commencement, On the 13th a "Fresh7 banquet will be given complimentary to the class of '81, and a farewell to the senior clas?, by C. S. Bratton. Diddle Vaivor-lty. The annual commencement of Bid die University will beirin Wednesday. June 1st The regular annual address wui ue aeuverea dv iter, jonn tiiiies pie,D.D,of Pittsburg, Pa at eleven o'clock a. mn and the commencement exercises will begin at 2 o'clock the same day. i The TliomaeTille Female College The twenty-fourth annual commence ment of this school will begin to-day, and the regular annual sermon will be delivered by Rev. W.A,Nelson, D, D.,of Shelby, and the regular closing exer cises of commencement will begin at 10 o'clock Wednesday, June 1st. The literary address will also be delivered by Mr. Nelson. During the commence ment a concert of choice music is to be given by the young ladies of the school. Yrlulir College. The regular annual commencement of Trinity College, Randolph county, will begin Tuesday, June 8th. The annual sermon will be preached by Rev. James Atkins, of Asneville, and Wednesday, at 11 o'clock, the address before the literary societies by Gov. Vance. The usual favor on the rail roads will be given. Address before the Alumni Jhy Dr. W. P. Mercer, of Edgecombe county. On the night of the 9th a party complimentary to the class of, 81. will be given. Charlotte Female Institute. The commencement exercises of the Charlotte Female Institute will begin Tuesday, June 7th at 8.30 p. m. The annual address will be made by R. M. Davis, Esq., of Winnsbero, S; C and on the evening of Wednesday June 8th, the regular annual concert will be- given by the pupils of the school. New Normal School. On June 14th, a normal school, to be established in connection with the Ca tawba High School will.be opened. No charge will be made for tuition, and the school will be conducted by ex perts in normal school teaching, assist ed by the faculty of Catawba High School, and such other teachers of the State as the managers may be able to secure. All the teachers of private schools who can conveniently do so are cordially invited to be present. Order for Jeff. Darin' Book. The Messrs, Thomas, agents for Jeff. Davis' "Rise and Fall of the Southern Confederacy," have just sent forward an order for seventy-five copies of the work for parties who have already sub scribed for it. The book costs $5, $6, $7 and $10 per volume, according to the style of binding, the two volumes mak ing about 1,500 pages. Additional names will- be taken for the second order and it ought to be in fever v library in the county. S. Watson Reid, Esq., is snb agent for the county and those who cannot see the Messrs. Thomas, the agents here, can subscribe with Mr. Reid. Tne Amatcun Lata N igliC The amateurs played the "pirates" to another good house last night. The exhaustive criticism given them upon their first appearance leaves little to be said except that every one did better than upon the former occasion. A lib eral share of the applause of the audi ence was bestowed upon Frederic, Mr. Willis Pecrram : the Pirate Kine. Mr. Ed. Martin ; the Major General, Mr. Arthur Bacon ; tne sergeant or .roiice, Mr. P. S. McLauchlin ; Ruth, Mrs. Geo. Bason, and Mabel, Miss Mamie Lyon. The latter received an enthusiasticn core. The ladies and gentlemen com posing the cast and management have reason to feel flattered with the un bounded marks of favor with which they have met, and will take with them the hearty endorsement of Charlotte whenever they shall choose to appear in another, or other cities. Killed bya Train V Yesterday afternoon, as the train going north from this point for Rich mond, was turning a curve on the North Carolina road, about a mile and a half east of Thomas vi He, the engi neer, Mr. Geo. Witherspoon, noticed a man walking on the track in the direc tion of High. Point, who proved to be a ripaf mntfl nampid Channcev. The engi neer blew the whistle and puton brakes at once, duo tne snortness or tne curve and the rapidity with which, the train was running prevented. Its stoppage in Hmn tn nave the man who was struck by the cow-catcher and thrown upon the front part oi tne engine, nis skuii being broken ana other injuries mulct ed from which he died shortly after. He was placed in a baggage car and carried to High Point, in the neighbor hood of which, we believe, he lived. The Agnm Xlerndon Company That sometime aw essayed to play at the Opera House 4ln this city hag come to ; grief..' Thei peculiar troubles unaet vwBieq ? iH I laoorea are uiutj no scribed in the New Yark Sun of the "The Agnes Herndon Dramatic Com pany 4 undertook a tour of the South, and were, overtaken by disaster at Nashville. Their experience shows the prosaic side of stage life. "All dee tumrinri nnan our. siiGPASfl in that, niftv." aavs the disconsolate starTs'we bad a Brood house at tne maunee. x oraerea . m a i. t -r the curtain to ring up, and was told that Miss Berthold had gone lor a walk and would not play. I' had to hurt rtodiv cat out her lines, and wnen this task was finished, I again ordered the curtain' rung up. 1 was men toia tnac onn of the. crentlemen was too inebri ated to appear, and was at the hotel. We had to send for him. Another een- tleman of the company was also aranc Rnrl feel asleen on the atacre. He had to be waked up to apeak his part That tjiflrht the trentlemen of the companTr disgraced themselves by guying their lines. - Where one should have' said, Mysore than-brotherr ionly- trust I may by lifelong gratitude the past re- pav. liv', My more than brother, I nr.ii, i.-.ur I jui .hv, wnlVinir ralr fn New York, the past repay and a great deal more such nonsense, which set the hnnM fn & roar.". The manager deser ted the cbmpanr at this point," and the tor's exDsctation of -: walkinr back to New Yorkmight hate been realized; if some Bmiantnrona resident oi ixasn? THE MONUMENT, BUETUfO OF Hf KiTlBKIM OF THE Assoc lATiorr, ' ; . ; A Few Sparkaof LU o Still Left Piano forlto Beortmniaatlon and RotItI- f Icaxlon. Pursuant to the call of the President of ' the Mecklenburg Centennial Asso ciation, incorporated by act of the Leg islature, chapter 124, of the private laws .of the session of 1874-75, a meet ing of a few of the ineoroorators wa held last night in the editorial rooms f Thk Obsebveb. There were present Senator Vance, S resident; Gen. R. Barringer, R. D. rraham, S. Wittkowsky and Jno. C. Burroughs, Esqs. The president de cided that as a quorum (ten) was not present, the proceedings oi the meeting should be informal, but took the chair and stated that he desired the reorgani zation of the association, and to that nd, under authority conferred upon the president of the association, by a meeting heretofore held, the following named gentlemen c were appointed an executive committee to consider the present status of the organization and its plan of future operations, and report to a full meeting to be called by the president, on the 15th June, proximo, to-wit: R. D. Graham, R. Barringer, S. Wittkowsky, Wm. Johnston, and J no. C. Burroughs. - In order that public opinion might be directed toward the objects and aims of the organization. The Observer was requested to publish the act of in corporation, which is as follows: AN ACT TO INCORPORATE THE MECK LENBURG CENTENNIAL, ASSOCIATION. Whereas, Our ancestors, moved by the most sacred love of liberty, and a deep-seated tyranny, did assemble in the town of Charlotte, on the 20th day of May, 1775. and with a boldness which challenged the admiration of the world, openly threw off and renounced their allegiance to the crown and govern-' ment of Great Britain, and declared themselves separate and independent ; and whereas, they were the first of the American people to take so courageous and important step, and made it good with their lives, their fortunes and their most sacred honor; and whereas, we deem the establishment and pre servation of our liberties as the most important of all earthly concerns to us and to our children, and desire to keep alive the sacred flame which they kin dled on this continent, as well as to honor the memory of such brave, pa triotic and virtuous men ; therefore, Section 1. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact, That a corpo rate body is hereby created to be known as "The Mecklenburg Centennial Asso ciation," for the purpose of celebrating, by proper ceremonies, the one hun dreth anniversary of the said declara tion of independence in the city of Charlotte, on the twentieth day of May, Anno Domini, one thousand eight hundred and seventy-five, and for erec ting a monument in commemoration of that event, which corporate body shall be composed of the corporators herein after named and their associates, and shall continue its corporate existence so long as may be necessary to accom plish the objects proposed. Sec 2. it is further enacted. That said corporation shall have power to sue and be sued, to levy, lease and sell real estate, receive subscriptions of money or otner property, create debts, keep and use a common seal if desired. and shall have and exercise any and ail powers necessary to tne accomplish ment of said objects granted to similar corporations, subject to the constitu tion and existing laws, including the right to prescribe rules and by-laws for its government. bee 3. That for the sake of efficiency and convenience, any ten of said cor porators meeting together in the city of Charlotte, may organize this asso ciation by electing officers and making other provisions for its operation. sec 4. That the toiiowmg prrsons. and all others whom they may asso ciate with them, on such terms as they may prescribe, shall constitute said corporation, viz: From the county of Mecklenburg, A. B. Davidson, R. Bar ringer, T. W. Dewey, J. H. Wilson, J. if. Alexander, s. a. Alexander, W. . Avery, Wm. Johnston, John Hunter, R. D. Graham. W. S. Hays. R. I. Mc Dowell, W. H. Neal, Thos. Grier, W. M. Shipp, D. H, Hill, W. J. Yates, W. R. Myers, M. L. Wains. J. A. Young. W. F. Davidson, R. D. Whitley, W. M. Mills, E. C. Kuykendall, Z. B. Vance and C. Dowd; county of Cabarrus, J. li. Henderson. W. C. Means; Union county, S. H. Walkup, S. M. Houston ; Iredell, R. . Armheld and R.F. Simon ton ; Orange, W. A. Graham, Sr., Thos. Ruffin, Pride Jones, Sr.; Guilford, T. Morehead, Sr., John A. Gilmer; Lincoln, W. A. Graham, Jr., J. F. Hoke, D. A. Schenck, R. Brevard ; Sampson, E. W. Kerr; Robeson, W. F. French; Jackson, J. R. Love; Henderson, T. W. Taylor; New Hanover, Robt. Strange, .Edward cantweii; wayne, W. T. Dortch ; Wake, C. M. Busbee, W. N. H. Smith: Bertie. P. H. Winston. Sr.: Craven, W. H. Oliver, M. E. Manly; Northampton, R. B. Peebles; Warren, Wm. .Eaton ; Richmond, Piatt 1). Wal ker.W. L. Steele ; Anson, R. P. Bennett, Thos.S. Ashe; Rockingham, W. M. Me bane, David Settle; Randolph, J. M. worth. Sec. 5. This Act shall be in force from and after its ratification. Ratified the 20th day of March, 1875. At a meeting of the association under this Act of incorporation, held in Gov. Vance's office, June 26, 1875, and by authority of section 4 the following named gentlemen were added to the original list of incorporators, to wit: Hon. R. Y. McAden, Dr. Jos.Gra ham,J. C. Burroughs, S. Wittkowsky1 Jno. is. Brown and Dr. t. j. Moore. The meeting last night decided that another meeting should be called to meet in the Court House at eleven o'clock A. M, on Wednesday, June 15th, to take sucn steps as may be necessary to carry out- the purpose of the original association, What may bo a Bonanza. The water from a spring recently discovered near Fort Mill, S. C is said to possess such medical value as that it may prove to be a "bonanza" in the way of health. At any rate Mrs. M. O'Gon nell. on whose land the soring happens to oe located, seems to minx so, ana she writes The Observer the follow ing letter; To tfee Xdrtor of tne Observer. I am inteceipt daily of a number of letters from Charlotte, asking what I charge for the mineral water on my plantation, and whether I take summt r boarders. I do not ask anything for the water, as I believe such a blessing, as it proves itself to be to suffering hu manity, should be within the reach of alL It has been pronounced by emi nent chemists to be superior to sarato- fa or any other mineral water in the Tnited States. I only ask that those who call will shut the gates on my Place as they pass through. I think Doara can do oDtained at x ort uiu at reasonable rates. 0OH6BXS3 WATER. . iSrfHavtlA anil BHafaftM Tsi nv vjssiTI Vtwwm -mv UUsjliwuiir TtTTf-i aw w tv ysa suivnu vsv - cl&e to constipation, indigestion, and all dlsor- ka ofAinsisih 1Im anil VMnAM UCIB VA. UV SWiUwVBi fws sw aiiuvB Ninety jean' popular use cVttMts Ua parity, nto tr and mpeiiorlt7 to all waters ot UiU clnaa, TA4e all jwAOMm fiprffranmir ntJiM fAMiIsm cnuf Ma. ATVIU m Will PW unvuwM wMtwi wvavibjH womvo w- mestle: they Impair tho digest! vo organs and kid- Beys.Vieraoy iiwuran ureyanuia iuuuiiu. Ur Kons genuine sold on draogkL j -mayl d2mo.ftod t v ' ' ' " . - " 1 -www WWW - J A fl-a mM Cb.M mttwa v. Milmlwg CIlA WwttH fol color of the hair Is famished by Farter's Hall Balsam, which U deaerrediy popular from Its so- IIABKETg BY TELEGRAPH MAT 801 1881.- PBOnccx, BTffrnqKMhfci0Bl-Wertani irhtte 4849 do mixed 4te7, Pennsylvania v Provisions poa 174)0 xoroia;newi&oo; ook tooie shoulders clear sides , ditto pseked 6a9libarj shoaiders 7Vi. ele&r rib sides 10U, flams Hfeil2tt. Lard leaned tierce 1214 OoOee mo eargues ordinary vo uur vail, oogar soft 104. WfalakeT 1.09. COTTUM. Liverpool Noon cotton la fair demsnl; minnung , Bpianaa o lo-iua; am. one&na oa: sales 10.000. speculation and exoort 1.000: m oaipts 1,100, an American. Uplands low mid- a ling clause: stay delivery a, May and June 5 81-824, Jane and July 6 3 1 -33d, July and August 6 l-32d, August and September 6id. September and October 5 81 -32a, October and November d, November and December 5 25-32 d, January and jEeoruary a. juuin nac. Litorpool. 5 p. m. Sales of American cotton 880 bales. Upland low middling clause: May delivery , uauoer naa aovemoer a. futures CITY. COTTON UABK1T. Omci or tbx OmrsTXR, i Chablotm. May 81. 1881. 1 The market yesterday closed quiet, steady. Good Middling. '. im 8trictly middling iqZ Middling. 18 Strict low middling. ou Low middling. u Tinges Lower grades gsf Beoeipts yesterday, 25 bales. OVJER $500,000 AWAITING OWKEfia Th Charity Ho. pital at Nw Orleans, La., is the recipient of over half a million dollars paid by the Louisiana 8tate Lottery for the grant of its fran chises; and K. A. Dauphin, No. 212 Booadway, New York Ctty, N. Y., or at New Orleans, La., has made the announcement that on - June ldth. thn next Grand Semi-annual Distribution among hold ers of Si 0 tickets, or fractional parts thereof, over half a million of dollars will be distributed, under the sole care and management of Gens. G. T. Beauregard, of Lonlstana, and Jnbal A Early, of Virginia, the commissioners on behalf of the tick et holders and the anagement. THE HUMAN HAIR. How to Preserve and Beautify It Many persons abuse this delicate and beautiful ornament by burning It with alcoholic washes and plastering It with grease, which has no affinity for the skin, and Is not absorbed. BURNETT'S CO CO UNE, a compound of cocoanut oil, etc., Is un rivalled as a dressing for the hair Is readily ab sorbed, and is peculiarly adapted to its various conditions, preventing its falling off and promot ing Its healthy growth. Housekeepers should Insist upon obtaining BURNETT'S FLAVOMNG EXTRACTS, for they are the best FOOD FOB THE BBAIN AND NERVES that will Invigorate the body without Intoxicating Is what we need in these days of rush and worry. Parker's Ginger Tonic restores the vital energies, soothes the nerves and brings good health quleksr than anything else you oan use. Tribune. See otner column. BacBSBiibs. New. aulck. com Diets cure 4 days, urinary affeo- ttons, smarting, frequent or difficult urination, and kidney diseases. $1 at druggists. Depot, J. H. McAden, Charlotte. N. a DIED, w4i Uld I UVW VI A 14 VlCDarTPlI) VU VUIUVU street, this city, yesterday evening. W. H. Cres- kt trta paaMaviaa A TT vcs otnal I Art s"rw welL The funeral will take place thlsevenlDg from the residence, at 4 o'clock. The friends and acquaintances of the family are respectfully In vited to attend. WANTED, HORSE COLLER STUFFERS. Address, may81 2t HOPPIE BROS. & CO., Atlanta, Ga. North Carolina Press Association. ALL members of the North Carolina Press As sociation who expect to attend the press con vention which win convene In Winston on June 21st, will please notify me at once. BAMUJSL 11. BM1TH, Chairman Committee Arrangements. Winston, N. C, May 28, 1881. may28-tf Perry ft GOoS The leading- Peat In England for cones pandence and commercial use. Four different points. Extra Furs, Fno, MxDnnc, Bboad. Ferry's Metal Sample Box,conUiiiafftea differ, ent rtyles of pens, for ten cents. Bold by aQ flat class stationers and dealers in fancy goods. Solo Agents, Ivison, Blakeman, Taylor & Co., HEW TOBK, may20 d2tawklyr OPERA HOUSE. ONE NIGHT ONLY ONE NIGHT ONLY TUESDAY, MAY 81. Blind Tom, The Musical Phenomenon of the Age, renowned tnrougnout tne world as ine Greatest ITatuial Pianist Living. At these performances Bund Tom win exhibit the marvelous gift which has gamed him world wide celebrity, and which has both astonished and delighted the greatest masters of music. Admission. 6uc; children, 25c; reserved seats, 76c Tickets to be had at the usual places. mayaa ot CHAS. WILSON, Ag't, CHARLOTTE, N. C . FOB LOUIS COOK AND THI Columbus Buggy COMPANIES, FOB THI SALX Or BUGGIES, CARBUGE8, PHAETONS, SPRING WAUUSB, ZU, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. OPEN BUGGIES, 855. TOP BUGGIES, 865. Correspondence solicited. inay25 -HONEST 7 Twist Chewing Tobacct Beware of imitations. None geulne unless ac companied with our "Honest 7" eopy-rlghted label waW ail tvM fsM-iVtl ATI ls.sltr1 Af gaWkW Iuit teWo-9w r vmstoft. w. c Z.B.YABCB. W. H.BAILXT, VANCE & BAILEY, Attorneys, arid Oonnsellors - CHARLOTTE, N. C. Practice In Supreme Court of the United States, Courts, and counties of MecktoB burjr, Cabarrus, Union, Gas- - ton, Rowan and Da- i. . - - .... tar Office, two doors oast oi Independence .RO.D. GRAHAM; IN the State' sod United states Courts, - Consa Oons, Homo - and . Foreign 'soUstfot. ' Aa Kzaekjof TlOws, Surreys, to tumiakod for eosn- net Steel Fens D D D D D D D D D D OUR STORE D D D & TO BE & B B B REMODELLED B B B B B B B BBB FOR OUR SUMMER BUSINESS. JU8T RECEIVED CAB LOIDS FINE FAMILY FLOUR. 150 B0XKS LKM0NS- WE CALL THE PARTICULAR ATTENTION or THK RETAIL TRADE TO FERRIS'8 MEATS: HAMS, BEEF-TONGUES, BREAKFAST BACON, AXD OTHER GRADES. AND RU1LIL IfO ACCCOMMODATS TEEIB. INCRBA&ED AXD INCREASING TRADE, WILL SHORTLY BUILD A CONSIDERABLE EXTENSION TO THEIR ALREADY CAPACIOUS STORE-ROOM ON TRADE STREET, WHICH WILL BE FIT TED VP IS AS HANDSOME A MANNER AS ANT GROCERY STORE IN THE SOUTH. THEY ALREADY HATE ONE OF THE LARG EST WAREHOUSES IN THE CITY, WHICH THEY WILL BE COMPELLED TO USE AS HERETOFORE. BY BUSINESS TACT AND INDUSTRY THEY HATE SUCCEEDED IN BUILDING UP AN IMMENSE BUSINESS, AND THEY ARE DE TERMINED TO CONTINUE TO MERIT THE PATRONAGE HERETOFORE SO GENEROUS LY BESTOWED. In order to get room to make ths changes contem plated, for the next THIRTY DAYS they hare concluded to make a SWEEPING REDUCTION In the prices of all goods BELONGING EXCLUSIVELY TO THE RETAIL DEPARTMENT. They have now In stock a large and well selected assortment of FLOUR LOUR COFFEE OFFER SUGAR UGAR MOLASSES OL ASSES T ARD.. JlJ In all sized packages, 'YRUPS, O Of all kinds, POTATOES 0TAT0E3 A PPLES Appuss B ANANAS ANANAS T EMONSS IjEMONSj ORANGES RANGES FRUITS XTUTS AND pANDIES RUIT3 IN UTS AND VANDIEH To the Retail Trade WE OFFER SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS IN FRENCH PEAS, MUSHROOMS, ARTICHOKES, CANNED GOODS, . Of every name Style and Condition, OLIVES, CHOCOLATES, Andmry aittess asuany found a Srst class :' '.' " grocery stor. DAVIDSOH & BEflLL ' 'mutt n: - ' -;' :,t -'' Special EBarganDS Agom-l AHOTHXB LOT OF THOSE PRETTY CALICOES, Running ALL THE CHOICE BRANDS OF STANDARD PRINTS, - T rvmrn per yard. 7 CDn? rpat BEST-FITTING CORSET IN THE CITY, Kf nrm A For Ladles and Misses, Price, OU JEAUTIFUL DAMASE LUiSN TOYELS, JUST-RECEIVED, ILL NUMBERS OF THE CELEBRATED PEARL SHIRT, A-f Aft At the old price, ipl.Uv Ladies', Misses' and Childretfs Sliprs & Sandals, THE CHEAPEST IN THE CITY. H. MORRIS & BRO. mayl2 NEW RODDICK & CO., TRYON Trta0ip8iTettW0fttePUCWIMrlll,t0tlie followln8 Its ot eoods added to our fSJMJQkSIPh ?5 80e - 42-INCH HUCK TOWELS, 12tte, worth 9-4 SHEETING, 25ft worth 88t5s. VaJHS&SSMV D'ISLANDE, below the market value. 55B!i'i PCSHOSE, in a Urge variety, very eheap. COTTTCTMATraG6c, worth 20a iULL ABUTMENT OF PIQUES, from 8c up. JUST RECEIVED, FULL LINE OF CROCKERY ON HAND. CA8HAra8ONEdPH?C",)t00arFrVK and TKN CKNT COUNTERS. Terms, STRICTLY may29 RODDICK 4 00. 5tiBjcjelIattje0ts THE FINEST AND FRESHEST LAGER BEER In the United States, from the famous Bergner & Engel Brewing Company, OF PHILADELPHIA, Can be had of their 'own agents tn this city, at short notice and reasonable rates. This beer bore off the FIRST PRIZE III PARIS and also at the great centennial at Philadelphia In 1876. It has no rival and Is fast becoming the great family beverage; and Is greatly valued for its tonic and invigorating properties by those In need of amlldstrengthenerinthe way of a harmless stimulant It Is elegantly bottled at the branch depository in this city, and will be delivered at any residence on notification at the Central Hotel Sa loon or with either of the undersigned. Your patronage Is solicited, and satisfaction Is assured. W. R. COCHRANE & MUNZLSR, PIS Agents. I SELL AS CHEAP As Any House in the State ! My store Is 145 ft long on the Orst floor and 140 ft on the second, and I carry an IMMENSE STOCK -OF WELL-8ELECTED - FUBNITCRE WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. A full Une of COFFINS AND BASKETS. OFFINS AND C'ASKBTS. V Thos. W. Andrews, formerly with Mr. B. Nichols, Is now with me. E.M. ANDREWS, (.Successor to E. G. Rogers.) WHOLESALE & RETAIL FURNITURE DEALER apr2S CHINA PALACE OF J. Brookfield & Co. JUST RECEIVED, A NICE LINE OF BIRD CAGES, FLY: FANS, PLY TRAPS, REFRIGERATORS, ICE CHESTS, WATER COOLERS, BABY CARRIAGES, FLOWER POTS, Etc A large stock of TRIPLE-PLATED SILVER-WARE TRIPLE-PLATED SILVER-WARE CUTLERY OF ALL GRADES, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL SPECIAL BARGAINS IN Crockery, Glass and Tinware, AND LAMP GOODS, TO COUNTRY MERCHANTS AND DRUGGISTS; may22 THE ATTENTION Of the Trade generally, and also the consumer. Is called to onr special brands of saleable and staple Smoking Tobsceos Sitting BulL Durham Long Cots and Rival Durham to which we are now staple grades of Plug and Twist Tobaccos. We can, In a few wesks, offer Inducements In Chewing Our salesmen wm make regular trips to Charlotte, BU U.V MUB V Ml WU IHKIUIU. its Is respectful-1 ttPOGUEVr : DaihJUB,X.(vV U SOUCUCU..- from (T to 20 yards, per yard. O Si 35 STORE! STREET, ..-. lhe newest thing In the market 20c. 1881. SPRING STOCK. 1881. Drags and Medicines OP EVERY DESCRIPTION READY MIXED PAINTS WHITE LEAD AND LINSEED OIL. CONGRESS AND SARATOGA WATER ALWAYS ON DRAUGHT. PrescriptionsIcarefullyQpreparedibyLexperienoed and competent druggists, day( or night JOHN H. McADEN apr!12 L. R. WRISTON & CO. DEUGGISTS. OUR FIRM." SMOKE O. P. M. & CO'B "Our Finn," the best 5c cigar In the city. Try it moylQ L. B. WRISTON 00. Ice-CJoId Soda Water. "pvRTNK Sparkling Ice-Cold Soda Water. The old reliable at L. B. WRISTON 4 COa PRICES FLAVORING EXTRACTS USE Price's Flavoring Extracts Lemon and Vanilla, strictly pare. JU U. W JUBTVfl a w. STARCH. TRY Satin Gloss and Bon Ton Starch. We re commend It with confidence. L. R. WRISTON CO. OILS ! OILS ! ! f ACHINE, Engine, Straits, Lard,. Kerosene, IM. Safety and Linseed Oils, for sals in a nan ti tles to salt customers. Ask for prices. L. R. WRISTON CO. DR. F. SCARR has made us wholesale and re tail agents for his Fruit Preserving Powder and Chill Fills. All orders Oiled promptly. L. R. WRISTON & CO. Dr. R. VaropiU & Mrs. A. J. Vampill PHYSICIANS AND- . EELCTRICIANS YOX BOW, OnRLOTTX, N.C NEBVOUSNE8S, Debility, Innervation, Paraly sis, Deafness, Neuralgia. Bhejmiaasm. Aflee ttonaof theEye, Larnyx, Reona, Rectum, Uterus, etc., are happily most susceptible of euro by means of electricity;' niAM BM IW1TW rtlTOlf Alt wyil hMfAA to euro by means of electricity. - : ' ;' i such as Incipient Consmoptlon, CWmh, AsthmaA Scrofula, Liver, Kidney and 8km Diseases. 1 .1 BnOpottf Oltans.f W?: ' " best agents or medicines known to theprofesskni. k wrwew uvuig a n oisuutcs can consult eitner ox tubyletten ConsuKaUon tree. T-T DRUGS f Yille naa not paia tne tares. .n? wwWQB0J5Vw " - " - " uutfio-iBWUdCWiy i; ! - 'y - - - 9

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