""local ustelucknoeT SATURDAY, JUNE 188i. SOCIETY DIRECTORY Phalami Lotmm No. 81, A. F. 6V A. M. Regular meeting even second and fourth Monday nights. : SxoxuaoB Lome No. 281, A. T. ft A. M. Reg alar meeting every first and third Tuesday nights. ChakijOTt chapter Ma 8d, R. A. M. Regular meeting ever? seoond and fourth Friday nights. Chaelotti Cokjiamdibt Na 2, K. T. Regular meeting every first and third Thursdays. KHiesTS or Honor. Regular meeting every second and fourth Thursdays. Khiqhts or PrrmiB. Regular meeting nights tirst and third Wednesdays, 7 o'clock p. m. atMs sonic Temple Hall. I i. o. o. 3. Charlotte Lones No. 88. Meets every Mon day night. mxcxlkhbubo Declaration Loses Na ft Meet every Tuesday night Dixrs Lodgx Na 108. Meets'every Thursday night Catawba Rrvnn EKCAXFirFirr Na 21. Meets jt and third Thursday nights In each month. Index to New Advertisements. Strawberries, etc S. M. HowelL For sale-Mrs B.Y. Taylor. Fortune's favorites Louisiana Lottery. HOME PEIfClXINCS. Ex-Judge Schenck was in the city-yesterday. lCourt house circles were barren of interest yesterday. tTThe duty of tax listing has been ureity well attended to bo far. EThere are but seven prisoners in Mecklenburg jail at present, Qve of the number being county prisoners. jTMiss Julia B. Morris left the city yesterday for an extended visit to Rich mond, City Point and Old Point Com fort. E3T Several freight cars off the track on the C, C. & A. yard, yesterday, de layed the starting of the passenger traiu about two hours. r?TThe meetinc of the Gounod Club last night was without a quorum, and it is understood that another meeting will be called for next Monday night. A pleasant place to ooara in tien- dersonville, North Carolina s "land or the sky," is at Mrs. B. Y. Taylor's. The climate there at this season of the year is delightful. Mr. W. M. Warlick, a young man well known in this section of: country, has started a paper called the Seneca Herald, at Seneca City, S. C ntThe invitations are out for a mar riage Monday night in colored high life, the contracting parties being two of our most lavoraciy Known coiorea peopie. tw Police duties in the city for the past few days have been of a merely nominal character a cood set off acainst the severe trials of the winter. The efforts made in truck farm ing about the city have met with high ly satisfactory results this season, and will no doubt stimulate an increased effort hereafter in this direction. SSF"The King's Mountain gold mine property, with all the mining appli ance's and fixtures, is advertised to be sold at public auction, under deed of trust, on the 2nd day of next July. -i W In distributing the prizs for the best SDelllnsr for the session of her schooSt flos'ed Miss Hattie Moore' !Mft? Vi Pnw. awarded the first to Miss Maggie Pow era, and the two second to Misses Mag gie Maxwell and Jisteiie uuis. nr"The sanitary officer reports the citv in a better condition than it has been in years, and notes an especial im nrovement in this matter in the atten tion eiven it by colored owners of propeety. kss-Mt. K S. Finch, aeent of the Car olina Central Railway at this place, did a good work in filling up that cesspool near the depot, and his prompt and efficient action reflects credit on management of the road's affairs. his g"There were 202 students in atten dance upon the session of Biddle Uni versity just closed, and of that number between 35 and 40 were theological students, a portion of whom are being especially prepared for missionary work in Africa. E-f!harlotte is represented in the anti- prohibition association-of- the State by Col. Wm. Johnston and Mr. J. J. Sims, the former as one ottthe vice-presidents and the latter as a member or tne execu tivecommittee. . ' esr Soartanbure is the place above all others for editors. An Obsebveb representative called at i the offices of both the Herald and the Spartan, yes terday, and found both Farrow and Petty "gone to a picnic" The Spar- tanbure Daners have a way of their O ST A - own. sw An Obsebveb representative Baw a strine of 23 carts going through Henderson ville; Henderson county, Thursday evening, on the way to the nronoaed Ducktown branch of the Western North Carolina Railroad, This hno-ina to look like business at last r-Mrs. Gen: Jackson and her daugh tar .Tnlia havft returned home from their recent trip to New Orleans and Mobile, at both of which places the wAra t.hA rftfiiDiflnts of "distineuishe rnnrtsifis from the friends and admir ers of the dead, but still remembered Confederate chieftain. tarA letter was received at this office yesterday, from a business firm at Hart- weil, tja, witn tne iouowmg compre hensive card printed on the envelope? 'Return in 10 days to John Smith & Cn ' dealers in everything except liquors, playing cards and tombstones," irom wmcn it i mierteu iuab iuo tlemen hold no cemetery stock. fc-The Temverance Herald is the nam a of a new Daoer -iust started in Cnnnnrd. and as its name indicates, is devoted to the cause of prohibition. It is published by the Cabarrus county pro hibition committee, and is said to be the enterprise of a number of the best citizens ox concord-. rar Tt is impossible to keep news paper men from meddling with almost everything that is going on. at iuo liauor dealers' convention this week in Raleigh we find the committee on reso lutions in the hands of editors being composed of four newspaper men and one West India necro. - Perhaps this was the result qf necessity. !. ESTOne of onr employees, who. has since been kllleg; made ft ".slip W other day In speaking pf fte stopping of the trains of the trains on the caroii- na Central railroad; at Cleaveland Sta - tion" instead of Shelby, -whereupon the Aurora man comes at us Hlike a thou sand of brick ' TTnen .cool .BabMKtOn, this hot weather if you can and if you can't keep cool, keep as cool aa you. can. 139 Thfl Aritartainment to be ffiven in CoL Bryce's yard, on the evening pf the lOth.bythq ladies of St. Peter's Epis copal chnrch,will furnish a splendid op portunity for an evening of pleasure to our people of all ages.? The grounds are all that could be desired for the purr pose, and it Is to .be hoped that the pro lectors will meet with: the success thO cause merits. The proceeds are to be expended on a new enclosure for the. church edifice. - -" 30,000 Vte4 te tke KieUand A njspondent at Statesville Writes that at the election held in that place last Tuesday, to rote on the proposition to subserihetit50,000 to the Virginia Midland Railroad, the vote stood 205 for the subscription and none against. This subscription, of course, is condi tioned eh the road going by Statesville. DeatholaUMtanLady. Information has been received of the death of Mrs. Nancy 8towe, which event occurred at her home in Gaston county yesterday. The deceased was the widow of the late Abram Stowe, and had a large circle of friends, be sides a number of relatives, residing in Charlotte. Invitation Accepted, At a meeting of the eompany last night the Hornet firemen accepted the invitation to participate in the coming firemen's tournament at Greenville, and appointed a committee to confer with the railroad authorities and report to a meeting to be held next Tuesday night. If suitable rates can be obtained the company will go. Mr. S. Wittkows ky was elected an honorary member of the organization. - Fnneral Notice The remains of A. B. Springs, Jr, who recently, died near San Antonia, Texas, accompanied by his father, A. B. Springs, Sr., and E. B. Springs, reached the city yesterday. The funeral will take place from the First Presbyterian church, at 8 o'clock this morning. The hour is fixed thus early because the Rev. Dr. Miller, who will officiate, is re quired to attend morning services at Steel Creek church to day. Double Dally Train. Two daily trains will be run on the Atlantic, Tennessee & Ohio Railroad after to-morrow, with a slight change in the schedule of the mail and ex press. The accommodation will leave Charlotte at 3.30 p. m. and arrive at Statesville at 7 p. m. ; returning, leave Statesville at 6.30 a. m. and arrive at Charlotte at 10 a. m. The mail and ex- nrpss will leav Charlotte at 8.30 d. m. and arrive at Statesville at 12 o'clock at night; returning, leave Statesville at 2.50 a. m. ana arrive at Charlotte at 6.15 a.m. more Bare to be Closed. Chief of Police McNinch yesterday visted several bar-rooms located in the vicinity of the city and gave the own ers notice to close up their business. These Darties were within a mile of the citv. and consequently came under condemnation, as the ordinance in rela tion to the matter covers all territory within one mile of the corporate limits in every direction. There is to be no foolishness in this matter, and if the injunction case now pending is decided in favor of the city, we will all realize 1 Ull w uL a uiv wnu jo, auu 11 uio article is obtained it will be by "ways that are dark and tricks that are of ten practiced, - About a "Uoasu" Dav before vesterday the proprietor .of one of our livery stables furnished a horse to a party who wished to go on a short business trip, and on his return the animal showed unmistakable signs of severe abuse, beine. literally covered with welts raisea by a too vigorous ap- Dlication of the whip. The owner of the horse made some remarks to the Uriver which are not necessary to re cord here, whereupon the latter at tempted to strike the former. The proprietor of that horse theiLorganized mmseii into a committee iow tne pun- ?'ty to animals, and the horse-beater will to 1 the mayor Mon- day morning what the resolt was. o A Small Smasn up. Yesterday morning, as the freight train on the Charlotte, Columbia and Augusta Railroad, due here at 8 o clock, was coming in it struck the shifting encrine and smashed things up consid erably. An Obsebveb called down, and after hearing several different tales told by different parties, asked a rail road man who is in a position to know, and probably does know the particu lars, to give-a correct statement of the affair, so that it could be reported cor rectly. "We don't want it reported at all, was tne repiy we got. oo we gaye him up as a hard case, toddled around and collected this information: The shifting engine had been up about the tank and was returning, running back ward. When about fifty yards from the tank it was struck by the incoming frnicrht encrine. which sent it on with increased momentum, throwing several cars from the track and jamming one into the platform at the depot Nobody was hurt however, ano tne oniy aam- suta Anna was the tearine up of a por tion of the platform, breaking a bumper or so and knocKing on tne pilots oi tne two engines. It is fortunate that it happened just where it did, otherwise serious damaee would have been the result A Charlotte Boy's Invention. Charlotte possesses a young mechani cal creni us who bids fair to attract at tention snortiv DV tne patenuiiK ui au invention of more importance and utility than many out of which large sums of money have been made by in ventors heretofore, l ne party reierrea to is Mr. Chas. Adams, a young man of modest demeanor, not at all calculated to let the public know what he is doing, but as soon as his first effort is secured to him 'by the patent which he will shortly apply for and no doubt obtain, The Obsebveb will give a description mm i i i- m U I or Lne arucie in a uesuou. j.u iu voli tion is burglar-proof door bolt which is decidedly the best and simplest thing of its kind ever seen in Charlotte. This invention, he aavs.is the result of read- in or a description of the manner in wmcn iiarney jsacuamay was ruoueu - . 1 lt 3 sometime aero in one of the western citieg. He is alsq engaged in an effort to apply electricity w a watmuu ciwn with a view to improving on tne gene-, ral unreliability pf hotel porters and . .l..m nliVo onil thorn ia rtf doubt but that he will have this accom- niishert in a few days, as a test made has demonstrated to his satisfaction that it can be successfully done. The Grand Chapter Jt, A. M The Grand Chapter of Royal Arch- Masons in the iurisdiction of .worth Carolina, closed its annual session ror the current year at Asheville, last Wednesday evening. The following were installed as officers for the ensu ing Masonic year: James southgate, Grand -High Priest, Durham, N. C; TCnorMiA OrTsaom. DeDutv Grand Hieh triest, itaieign, jn. u. ; oamuei xx.ouii.u, Grand King, wmston, j. urew J. Blair. Grand Scribe. Asheville, N. C; WiUia.ro Simpson, Grand Treasurer, Raleigh, KC: Ronald W. Bain, Grand snttmS; HMSrS 7i ? 'crli Aronrt TnanrAin 1 the wUmington.N. c. ; Francis tt iovr Orand Princinal Sojourner. Charlotte, N. C. j Isaac Patterson, Grand Royal Arch-Captain, Newbern, N, C.; it. M. Htrnuae. Grand Master of the 8d Veil, Qoldsboro, jh.u.? s. w ait, Grand Master of the 2d Veil, Raleigh, K. c. i D. P. Mast. Grand Master of the ! 1st Vi-H, W inston, N. C; B. G. Bates, Grand Tyler, Wilmington, N. C. ' ? Wednesday nignt an eiegant Danquet i was tendered the Grand Chapter by the Masons of Asheville and enjoyed 'in royal siyie oy tne meinuera. t mm v-rr.Tm vxraa Dibtbictb no risks are w.r. h. Th N&Hmiai UntuAl Bentnt Association. nor are sppuoaaons soccinou uvui tw- ms in the sea coasj eroaHea. -. . . .uKva-u. COMMENCEMENT DAT J . . i m - ; AT TUB STATE TTPf I YE BS IT fteu&tor Hansom' Great Speech Other Incidents Special Correspondence of The Observer. Chapel Hill, June l.-To-day is commencement. The pleasant effect of vesterdav's shower continues to be Xel. The day is one of surpassing love liness. The sun never rose fairer. milder, and, at the same time, emitting a more genial influence. Over in the campus at 10.30 o'clock the band strikes up. it is composed of musicians select ed from various parts of the State by Prof. Neave, of Salisbury, who was jriven a carte blanche for the Durnosa. Mr. Simeon Sehloss represents the Char lotte cornet band. A little before 11 o'clock the bell on the hill gives the signal for the ex ercises of the day and every one wends his or her way thither. Beautiful young ladies in their bright spring muslins accompanied by smart dapper maie escorts; old exay haired men. young thoughtless boys, all tend to one poiuu At 11 o'clock. Hon. Kemp P. Battle; president of the University, accompa nied by Senators Ransom and Vance, Gov..Jarvis, and a Ions line of other distinguished gentlemen, prominent among whom is Mr. W. J. lates, of Charlotte, enter the chapel and take their seats on the rostrum and benches reserved for them. The first thing on the programme to day is Senator M. "W. Ransom's address. He is a grand man. (Srand in manly physique, grand in eloquence and ora tory, grand in the grace of his gestures, in the tone of his.voice.andinthe consis tency of his morale. One cannot help drawing a parallel between him and tneotner united states senator irom North Carolina, Z. B. Vance, our own beloyed citizen, as they sit upon the stand, the observed of all observers. The one from the eastern part of the State, polished, smooth and persuasive, in all points resembling Walter Scott's description of the Saracen. The other blunt, powerful and uncompromising, like the same author's creation of the Western crusader. Gen. Leach was a true prophet when he said that Senator Ransom's address would "stiffen the backbone of the State with pride." It was such an ef fort as does not depend merely upon its local bearings for importance, or the moment at which it was delivered for interest. It was cosmopolitan in its character; it deserves to be ranked with the immortal productions for its results. It wits in the nature of an epitome. It comprehended in its heads subjects which comprehended all other subiects. The orator ntiy expressed it when he said it was the work of a life time. He made the personal expe rience of near three score years his chief resource. The effort was as ex cellent in its kind as an iEneid or an Illiad. An attempt would gladly have been made to report it, but the pencil was arrested at the nrst sentence, it was seen even at this point that every word was so studied and fitted in, that to make an imperfect report would but mar and misrepresent tne wnoie. l cannot help, however, reproducing the heads or tne subjects discussed. Senator liansom said ne could not express his feelings at being a second time caiiea upon to aeiiver uie annum address before the literary societies of Chapel Hill. He would have proved ,un worthy of the honor if he had not written an address ior tne occasion. He had done so, but the manuscript was in his room, and it would remain there. Walking under the trees in the campus the nieht before, baring his the coo! night M? through the corridors of those an- cient andweii rememDerea ouueungsand listening to the old familiar sounds, prominent among wmcn was tnecoi- lecre bell, he had become inspired anew : he had determined to throw away his written address and to give them a man of flesh and blood, instead of a la boriously finished statue of marble. Thirty-four years had intervened since he had stepped from those halls as the eraduatine class did to-day. In that time he had witnessed a war in which men had shed their brother's blood. He had known what it was to be a defeated man. He had experienced many vicissitudes, and he spoke to his audience to-day as a mend, a Drotner, a father. He would tell the young men of their duty to their country, Oh. that he could impress upon their hearts upon the heart of a single one of them the subumity, tne virtue, tne duty, the beauty of patriotism of love for their country. He admonished them to give no heed to the bitter pas sions of sectionalism, "tjnerisn not tne feud of your fathers. Let not that leg acy of fire and blood rest upon your young shoulders. It has been a curse to your fathers; let it not descend up on you. I and those who sit around me on this platform are old, war-worn and scarred. They live not for the fu ture but in the past They are like the mii?htv oaks, once stricken bv lieht- nine thev are blighted forever. You are young, vigorous, hopeful. Your feelings are not seared by strife or dis appointment, upon you rests tne nope of vour country of the South." He then gave a powerful out oriei exposition of the vast natural resources and advantages of this section of the eonntrv of the superior progress made by the North, and said: Every portion of this great country should be co equal The South must, shall, ought to rA ennai to tne xxonu. xiilv years might intervene before it was realized, but it was mevitaoie ana as certain as the decree of fate. She had expen Anced adversity: gall had been held to her lips, and they themselves had tasted of its bitterness, ne tnansea uoa tnat it was so. In all. the six thousand years since creation, the lap of luxury and ease had never fostered into life a sin gle great result In the hour of adver sity tneir iatners naa raisea tneir coun try in the admiration of men by their faith, their justice, their honor and their integrity. This faith he desired them to cultivate. What saved Rome and vanauished the CarthageniansY lt was not scipio s war-use skui; not Cato's speech ; not the integrity of Fa- bricius. but the faith of Regulus. A captive of the Carthagenians. they sent mm to xiome iu muurceue iur an ex change of prisoners, relying upon his promise to return ii ne iauea. ne went to ltome. aavisea tne oenaie against the policy of Carthagenia and, in spite of the tears and entrea ties of his wife and children re turned to Carthagenia and died a martvr. The Carthagenians never won another Dattie. xney were Droxen . . . . mi . in sDirit and succumbed to the renew ed vigor with which this extraordinary instance of faith inspired the Romans, Ttie faith, justice and honor of the South saved Iter in the dark nour or her misfortune. As a vanquished people vre were no less admired for this exhibi- tipn'thathe conquerors 1 victory. were for their victory, He next impressed upon them the value of work. They should not rest upon the laurels of their ancestors. The laiirnl was a flower that crrew for but one man. When once plucked and placed upon the brow of the wearer-it was even men Bear,; ana coaiu nut transmitted. ' He said 'he aDProacned a subject which, of all others, was most dear to his heart rHe was not prompted to.it by the wiles-of an orator but for pure lova of it. It was only necessary for him to name it ' to . conyince them of the truth of thi3 assertion. And when he did so name it, he knew they would riRA nn in a bodv and; cover him and the stage with a mountain of flowers, if they had so many. Thus he went oh for niany consecutive xninutes wreathing the beautiful but unknown subject in garlands 4of- rhetoric, putting here a nosegay and there'a nosegay of word flaw ers.. , Sometimes: advancing and again retreating. ., Holding his subject almost in view of the greatly excited auditors and then ' quickly withdraw ing it until it had the effect almost of totalization. The manner of the ora tor at this point cannot be described or his words recalled. AH sensation and memory ' was suspended for the time and only the effect can be remembered. When the word "woman" finally burst from his lips the applause was wild, continued and indescribable, requiring, at last, a deprecating motion of his hand to check it He then launched forth into a eulogy of the women of the South citing their self-sacrificing devotion in time of war, and concluded by saying : "If he was asked to point to one illustration, more than another, of the virtues of his section of coun? try, his example would be the honor in which the men of the South have ever held their women, and the devotion with which, it had been repaid by them." ( . The press next engaged his attention. It was a subject which excited his high est admiration. He could only com pare it with the sun. Nightly the news was gathered from every quarter of the globe, and just as certain as the sun rose in the morning and diffused its-rays over the earth, hundreds of newspapers were issued all over the country and laid at our doors bringing intel ligence of what whs going on around U3 as well as of things transpiring in the remotest parts of the world. The press had superceded the orator. It was the proression. He appealed to the grave men around him to confirm him when he advised students to adopt it stndv it elevate it and when the South could boast of a thousand more newspapers she would be surpassed in greatness by no country on earth. The orator next touched upon and con demned the atheistical theories of the age and finally concluded his address with a magnificent appeal in behalf of education. After the address the North Carolina Historical Society held its annual meet ing and transacted the usual business. The following officers were elected: Hon. Kemp P. Battle, president ; Mr. R. B. Creecy, first vice-president; Mr. J. A. Graham, second vice-president ; Mr. W. J. Yates, third vice-president; Prof. G. T. Winston, Maj. Robt Bingham, executive committee; Rev. J. P. Heit- man, recording secretary. A Timely Warning. At the last session of the State Leg islature an act was passed requiring merchants, hotel and boarding-house Keepers, livery stable Keepers, and all dealers in business generally, to take out a privilege license under which to conduct their business. It is stated on good authority that out of the one hun dred and seventy-five or one hundred and eighty persons subject to such tax in Mecklenburg, not more than about one hundred have complied with tne law and secured the required license. Tne penalty attacned for failure to do so is a fine of twenty dollars for every day on which business is transacted after the expiration of the time speci fied to take out the license. From this showing it is very plain that some seventy business men in this county are in a fair way to incur the penalties of the law. For their benefit we will state that at the last term of the Super nor Court, held at this place, the grand jury called for a list of the delinquents, and unless the taxes are paid before the next term of court they will undoubt edly be required to settle with the soli citor. All the trouble and expense of such settlement can be avoided, if attended to in time, by the parties pay ing 75 cents and obtaining their li censes. BP" Mr. J. 6. Fisher, of Concord, was m the city yesterday, lie reports the small dox scare on the decline. He says all the German immigrants that he has heard of, with a single excep tion, are well pleased with their homes, and that their employers nnd out one objection to them, that is they can't speas: .English. Ileum. Hutcnuon A Bro.: It Is with real Treas ure that I add my testimony to the great virtues of your "Meuraifiine" as a specinc ior neuralgia ana sick headache, such a remeay is a messing, an an suserers snoma keep u on nana. 1 8ft Cathedral Street Baltimore. Sold by T- whtqton CO. ' Suicide anfl Dyspepsia. A most remarkable cure for drsneDsla. "Well's Health nenewer." The creates; tonic, best bu llous and liver remedy known. SI at druggists. Depot, j. a. McAaen, unariotte, jm. v. 110 gdmertiSJemJetltB. CABBAGE, BREAKFAST BACON STRAWBERRIES, SNAP BEANS, TURNIPS AND ONIONS. joni S. M. HOWELL. MOUNTAIN HOME FOR SALE AT HENDERSONYILLE, N. C. 1TRS. TAYLOR'S BOARDING HOUSE, comer 1x1 Main and Depot streets, Henderoonvllle. N.C., is onerea ior saie to a Dona nae Durcaaser ou very favorable terms. The house Is pleasantly situated, and has nine teen rooms; and on the lot are all necessary out- nouses. If desired, it wfll be sold furnished: from the cooking store in the kitchen to -the piano In the panor, or it will be sold uniumianea. possession given lmmeaiateiy Address, lun4 MBS. B. Y. TAYLOR. nenaersonvuie, a. u. WANTED. A RELIABLE PRINTER, capable of taking XI. charge of an office. Address. THE BANNER. jun2 lawktf Sutherf ordton, N. C NOTICE. I WILL SELL at publte auction at the eourt house door in Charlotte. N. a. on Wednesday. Jnne 22d. 1 881. all notes, accounts and evidences of indebtedness doe the firm of Walter Brem & Martin, remaining in my hands, unpaid. An item izea list oi ine same in tots in wmcn tney wui oe sola, can oe seen at me conn nouse aoor. w. w. UAJVMN, Trustee of Walter Brem ft Martin. Charlotte, June l, 1881. : unna King's Mountain All-Healing Springs. CURE Dyspepsia and all digestive derangements are a specific for all skin diseases. Good fare. Comfortable rooms. Hot and coW baths. Verms $26 per month or 57 per week. Hacks at the -Piedmont House to oonve visitors. Address, Dr. 4. n. uiuuii Jul d2w Manager. Qiagcr, Backs, Mandrake, StllHagla and bined so skillfully in Paxkxk's Gntcsx Tome as to make it the greatest Blood Parifier and the BestHsalthaadStrengtkBsstorsreTWisoaV ; It cons Dyspepsia, Rhsamatitm, nsarsigia,, SltsplstmsM, and all diseases of the Stomao,. Bowels, Ums, Livsr. Kidneys, UriMryOrtw land all Fomslo Complaints. - ' If are wasting away with Consnmpaosi erf rroar symptoms may be, it will surely help yoa. , f I Remember! This Tome euros dronksnnosS,! any tun omic to-day. Komattarwaat is the Bst rasninf KHiirai era wuK,iuroi '.) (ma Bitten. Gwsmt PitDUlbou and1 ert5 ofSlT'aoeMxrttle of yoozdraggist! Moaa cenoiao without emr stgnatnre on ootsidof wraoeer. Hiseox Jt Co. . Chemists. Wcw Yorlc PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM TWtetalMa noaawlHilrPfiiiiH marl--tf WANTEP. IffTOSH!?: - V--' ?iGiJfiKtrijes. GROCERIES! D D D D D D D D D D OUR STORE D D D & TO BE & B B B REMODELLED B B B B B B B B B B FOR OE SUMMER BUSIN -JUST RECEIVED CAB LOADS FINE FAMILY FLOUR. 150 60X18 L1JM0Na WX CALL TEX PARTICULAR ATTENTION or THS RETAIL TRADE TO FERRIS'8 MEATS: HAMS, BEEF-TONGUES, BREAKFAST BACON, AND OTHER GRADES. DAVIDSON AND MAILIL TO ACCOOWtODAIB THEHt INCREASED AND INCREASING TRADE, WILL SHORTLY BUILD A CONSIDERABLE EXTENSION TO i THEIR ALREADY CAPACIOUS STORE-BOOM ON TRADE STREET, WHICH WILL BE FIT TED VP IS AS HANDSOME A MANNER IB ANT GROCERY STORE IN THE BOVTH. THEY ALREADY HATE ONE OF THE LARG EST WAREHOUSES IN THE CITY, WHICH THEY WILL BE COMPELLED TO VSB AS ! HERETOFORE. BY BUSINESS TACT AND INDUSTRY THEY HATE SUCCEEDED IN BUILDING UP AN IMMENSE BUSINESS, AND THEY ARB DE- j TERMINED TO CONTINUE TO MERIT THE patronage heretofore so generous- i LYBBSTOWBD. In order to get room to make th) changes contem plated, for the next THIRTY DAYS they bay concluded to make a SWEEPING REDUCTION In the prices of all goods BELONGING EXCLUSIVELY TO THE RETAIL PXPARTMXNT. They have now In stock a large and well selected assortment of FLOUR LOUR lOFFEE VrOFFXK OUGAR JUGAR MOLASSES OLASSE8 ARD, i In all sized packages, O YRTIP8. O Of all kinds, VinIgar iSS CS1I to w TJOTATOE8 JL OTJ OTATOSS A PPLES i.PPLE3 BANANAS ANANAS LEMONS EMONS ORANGES RANGES FRUITS RUITS "NT UTS AND AND CANDIES AN DIES Al UTS To the Retail Trade WE OXTER SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS IN FRENCH PEAS, MUSHROOMS, b ARTICHOKES, CANNED GOODS, Of every name Style and Condition, OLIVES, CHOCOLATES : And ejery arUole astulty tamdt In a fifst class . grocery storn. - DrVIDSOH & BEALLI Mil TOEOWM! ' ' ' - - U- -v rj. f J- f'j f WE HAVE JUST RECEIVED ANOTHER CASE OF Otm- CELEBRATED 50 CENT C011SETS,T2 Far superior In tat afid quality to an? other eref Introduced In thjs dry, sites running from 18 to SO. ALSO, A BEAUTIFUL Eaadies' Eainen Ulsters, In various styles si Look at oar beautiful PRIM'S, lost recelred, only 7c per yard. H. MORRIS & BRO. Jnn2 NEW. STORE! R ODDI CK & CG . , TETON WE dwjire to call the attention of tne public generallj to the following list of goods added to our stock In the past week: POKES DOT MULL TEES, 25 and 80c lne newest thing In the market 42-INCH BUCK TOWELS, 12tte, worth 20a 9-4 SHEETING, 25c, worth 885. VICTORIA LAWNS and MOUSSILINE D'ISLANDE, below the market r&lue. MISSES and CHILDREN'S HOSE, in a large variety, very cheap. 4-4 CONTRACT MATTING, 15c, worth 20c. PERCALE, 9& worth 12 tt& I ULL ASSORTMENT OF PIQUES, from Roup. JXTST RECEIVED, Another lot of those SUMMER QUILTS, price 51.2(5; tKe j are 8 decided drive. LINEN, for ladles' and dots' wear, very cheap. FULL LINE OF CROCKERY ON HAND. We are still nddim ; new goods to our FIVE and ex. CASH AND ONE PR may29 I SELL AS CHEAP As Any House in the State ! My store Is 145 ft. long on the first floor and 140 ft on the second, and I carry an IMMENSE STOCK -OF WELL-SELECTED- FURtiMLTBE WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. A full line of COFFINS OFFINS AND AND CASKETS. A8KETS. Thos. W. Andrews, formerly with Mr. B. I Nichols, Is now with me. E. M. ANDREWS, (Successor to E. G. Rogers.) WHOLESALE & RETAIL FURNITURE DEALER apr25 CHINA PALACE OF J. Brookfield & Co. JUST RECEIVED, A NICE LINE OF BIRD CAGES, FLY FANS, FLY TRAPS, REFRIGERATORS, ICE CHESTS, WATER COOLERS, BABY CARRIAGES, FLOWER POTS, Etc. A large stock of TRIPLE-PLATED TRIPLE-PLATED SILVER-WARE SILVER-WARE qqy of all GRAdes, WHOLE3ALE AND RETAIL. SPECIAL BARGAINS IN Crockery, Glass and Tinware, AND LAMP GOODS. TO COUNTRY MERCHANTS AND DRUGGISTS. msy22 :HONEST7: Twist Chewing Ttbacco Beware of imitations. None geolne unless ac- i eompanled with our "Honest 7" copy-righted label which will oe iouna on neaa oi every dox. Manufactured only by HaUWH A Bnt, mtv Sim Wmston, N. C. THE ATTENTION Of the Trade generally, and also the consumer, is called to oar special brands of saleable and staple Smoking TODaccos Bitting uun, irarnam ixmg Cuts and Rival Durham to which we are now addinz a full line of the latest styles of the most staple grades of Ping and Twist Tobaccos. We can, in a lew weeKS,uaer maucmnema m baevui I Tobaccos that no other manufacturers can equal. Our salesmen will make reeular trios to Charlotte. and the trade oi an gooa mercnants is respectim ly solicited. E.H.POGUE. nsayi innun,fl.u CHAS. WILSON, Ag't, CHARLOTTE, N. C, FOB LOUIS COOK AHD TBM ' COMPANIES, rsMtTttg SAL 0 CARBIACIS, PHAETONS, WAGONS, AA, BpSGIES, SPRING '" WHOLESiU AND RETAIL. . OPEN BUGGIES, $55. TOP BUGGIES, SOS. - Crnapondence solicited, mar25 - ... - ., . " . - . . . ASSORTMENT OP exceedingly km piloes. STREET, . , . . TEN CENT COUNTERS. Terms, 8TRICTLT RODDICK ft CO; 1881. SPRING STOCK. 1881. Drags and Medicines of every description WHITE LEAD -AND- LINSEED OIL. MGRESS AND SARATOGA WATER -ALWAYS ON DRAUGHT.- PrescrlptlonsicarefullyJJpreparedlbylexperienced and competent druggists, day or night JOHN H. McADEN. aprU2 L. R. WRISTON & CO. DBUGGISTS. OUR FIRM." OMOKE O. P. M. ft CO'S "Our Firm," the best O 5c cigar In the city- Try it. L. R. WRISTON A CO. may 19 Ice-Cold Soda Water. DRINK 8parkllng old reliable at Ice-Cold Soda Water. The L. B. WRISTON & CO'a PRICE'S FLAVORING EXTRACTS USE Price's Flavoring Extracts Lemon and Vanilla. Strictly pure. L. R. WRISTON 4 CO. starch. TRY Satin Gloss and Bon Ton 8tarch. We re commend it with confidence. L. B. WRISTON CO. OILS ! OILS ! ! MACHINE, Engine, Straits, Lard, Kerosene, Safety and Linseed Oils, for sale in Quanti ties to suit customers. Ask for nrli ces. L.R. WB RISTONJtCO. ( t TB. F. SCABS has made us wholesale Andre- jL-f tan agents mts for his fruit i Preserving Powder and Chill Pills. All orders filled promptly, i - T T W ITQTTiM Xr OC JL. . YY XiJLO JL Vll VJJ Dr. R. Vampiil k Ma A. J. Vimpill PHYSICIANS '4 . AND EELCTRtCI ANS FOX BOW, CHARLOTTE, N. C. 'f-S ii .1) - H NERYOTJSNESaDcbDlty, Innervation, Paraly sis, Deafness, neuralgia. Rheumatism. Affeo- tlons of the Eye, Larnyx, Retina, Rectum, Uterus, etc., are happily most susceptible of euro by HHHOiVt . J There are many diseases that we do not mommr I to cure by meant of electricity - - ' neb as IndpIeTit (Xmstrmptlori, Catarrh, Asthma, Bcroiuia, larer, sjaney ana man Diseases. . - .i . , and all Disease peenHar to the Bo- . . f-. .'-produotlvo Organs, - , y Bach affections w treat adentiniriv hv tM best agents or medicines known to the profession DRUGS READY MIXED PAINTS cm r nuties uying at a dlstanee can consult either of nsby letter. Consoltatton free, -. . mailt '-lawodwl - " - - r