,MaswsMe'"'""B,""awssssawSWaiiaaMa .' "1 ... J ? . t r ' ' r t ... ' - -. . ' -! ,-, V. - W; f . - ; suBaoxiptauf matmm s Tea osssfto 103 crpurmsr . . -'." 1 Mli ; 1- : . .- ', " ?. J ftrtt Mont rm Month---' WMMKLZ MB ZtJOS ovtoftht ecmntv, 4.f...... S 10 suMontM ....;..- .........f.. 1 00 VOL., XXV. 4 1 No.3,8ie. We have just received ftnTelegant second stock of goods whlchr is READY FOR INSPECTION. The handsomest line of Ladies' Neckwear Perfect Corset at Lit M: In the city. CANE MATTING at all prices. DRE3S GOODS AT A SACBUICKr EMBBOIDEEIES cheaper than ever. We haye the BEST STOCK OF WHITE GOODS In the State. Call and get a cheap Marseilles Qoitt. We are offering everything at bottom prices. Call and see us. Ko More Broker Whalebones. Alter sncndlnf over twnlvn thntiaMii aaiim in experiments. Dr. Warner has perfected: a material xur wiling curse is eailea COR ALINE Which is vastly superior to born or whalebone. lender & Harris ma) 15 1881 Spring Stock 1881 We are dally receiving our SPRING STOCK ITS ADVANTAGES ABE: uT- It cannot be broken. A reward of $5 wiU be paid for every corset is which the Corallne breaks with six months ordinary wear. SECOND. It is more pliable than whalebone PJ, ' adapu ltsell more readily to the movements of the body. THIRD, It Is not affected by cold, beat or mois ture. FOURTH. It is the cheapest and most service able corset ever made. THE CORALINE CORSET is made throughout of superior materials, and is warranted in every respect If not found entirely sattsfnetory, the vurcoase money win De refunded. Ask for Dr. Warner's Abdominal Corset, With extension front Unequaled for beauty, ele gance and style. And Dr. Warner's Nursing Corset, The only perfect nursing eerset In the market. Ask for Dr. Warner's CROSS-BONED HtP CORSET. We have the exclusive sale In this market of the above corsets, and will be pleased to bave tte trade inspect them. T. L. 8EIGXE ft CO. Jun5 A DELICIOUS DRINK For Use in Families, HoteU, Clubs, Parties. Etc, M Brands Latest Styles which will be mofe complete than ever before and comprises the LADIES' , MISSES', CHILDRENS,' GENTS', BOtS', AND YOUTHS FINE BOOTS I SHOES A SPCECIALTY. tower grades all goods In our line In variety and all prices. FULL STOCK STETSON HATS, and a pretty line Straw Hats, Trunks, Valises 4 Satchels, ALL SIZES AND RRICES. Call and see us. f PEGRAM & CO. Ieb20 m f UDtfCH. The Arab and Hl Aeokey. An Arab eame to the river side, Tyith a donkey bearing an obelisk: But be would not try to ford the Ode, r For he bad too good an ' Boston Globe. &e be eamDed all nlirht bv thA rivar KidA And remained till the Ode had ceased to swen,' I uo w ouuuiu uie oonsey irom me suBeide He would never find nls Salem Sunbeam. " In the morning he sought to ford the tide. When thA HnrtlrOV atanviA m. Ka -tn- The riyer fen oiT, let the obelisk slide, quaff, Thus affordlBg a newspaper 5 -Rome (N. T.) SentlneL At length, however, he rescued lus load, And the di nkey began to stagger, The Arab, meanwhile, ahead in tbe road miaaaugiy ana ponderous t j Palmetto xeoman. Some editors at a loss for work, -And doubtless, too, at a loss for cash. . Ar.d disturbing the bones of Arab and Tu k. By trying to cut a poetical Sunday Times. The Times man certainly has some cbeejr, . - On a very large and ugly face, Thus of uts brother editors to speak And of the same opportunity himself -. r'i J. 4i Nutshell. Thsse donkeys and papeisareso mix'd ' ' That the Southerner a on m hop; " Consider you are nxed, " , This thing has got to. ' , -iTaiaro Southerner. Bold on with yjar imperious stop, ' We want these rhymes to roll on; For we are bursting now to drop In with our little r It is now learned tbat - Burnside first suggested the match to the sea i. 1 as a Jastica st , :-roitmo. Court , was agatast jtlitf -railraacb..;: ,Ke ruled that riVers be nats Taltrbada ifre hhiitirT Nearly-a '.-Jrandri i w&tihan&ttb from, tbe finest 'herdsxrt England and Scotland are;; ontheirl wawtothis country. ; At tiiis nuttie angular, os seous "iong horn peeuliar to America, will soon be ad hard to find as the buf- wto bib uueat styles of Type, and every op wa bov tte done MtHk - iwatdeieVea cpneea,we eaatora v lab at abort nodes, -.rrrrr BLAMa. wff.tSeif ) T. V riV : LBTTXJDCADSrCAKDSi w -7i r!?A6S,tECrPt8,K8TXaS, . . - , . ftmxmnti HirnBrLTj. - PAXPHLZTS. CJBCULAS3. CHXC0.4tC, An established fact: That the MoSMITH MUSIC HOUSE came here to etay. No such word as faU. Ko sub-agent about this house, We will duplicate any offers made by small dealers or agents,10 per cent. , Never close a Piano or Organ trade until you bave heard from tbe Medmttb Tluslc House? o naa Urine can buy loner than we, aad in selUnr fair chance is all weast Kvnrr -BUYINS FROM THE NORTH must be stopped. Why do yeusend Nortb? Can you btweheaper? How do vou knn. ? Hum nw twiZ ...o <$Ik."iai world, and New Jer- . xne cQtton.cwp.qriree utooramount- uiutjyer ritiear.Ber .layerjr .wasrrn ae and fert ifi2ina.1siaverir ' dohtd tiAvtfl: '&lftf$Wir$WV leasoBawe MimSL i iAuraoam o&; tie wito ibaws ; that lie lore tne war Lhwe- iWas&t jk lime an circulatiou,ouirtiUKrall bank bills and specie, as much as $3(HMW,(m: Now1 counting Natkmuli -Bank ii lis, green backs and coin, there is ftver 1,200,000,-000. How do you know t Have you tbe rubl We eomrjete with thAi sey m particular. Th mn Ma tSU underwt us. w, kr. , iS rXZJZZZZr .grwHools.CoTers and Books, ; We wStSS? inZX W.ft years. We seU them on easy terms, w nH WflBMWttal' J3T We do evemnin. Boatoai c h. BAvxib aoir Th "Hob Pnnoh " has UMy bean introduced, aad ntaata with nmrked popular favor. It is Warranted to Contain only th$ 9 Best of Liquors, United with Choice Fruit Juiees and Granulated, Sugar. It is ready oa opening; and will ba found an fgnesbter additfam to tho ehoioe thins which nndaniablroalatcfA tho ploaanrM of lifa and aneonnga good fellowship ana eraoaaacare u ngnuy anjoyea. eOOU AT ALL TIMES hit til Tiling to fee? la Wins Cellini siseDoards not Complete Wltnoat Hob Pcsck. It can used Clear or with Fresh vrvifiwai vvwrwa HARGR&VES & WIIHELM. Trade supplied at manufacturers prices Retail son Burwell, Wholesale iBanooe. . v." Jan, 23-od-m. and by Wil Druggists LAPPET NETTING LAPPET NETTING TABLE DAMASK TABLE DAMASK NOTTINGHAM LACE NOTTINGHAM LACE CBETONNES CRET0NSrS j; J CRETONSIS CRETONKS , i . .CTHNEa' ; ' CINS DOYLIES ; TOWEL T0WEL8 NAPKINS 01 MARSEILLES QUILTS DOf LIES' ign n L5 - 1 "I? PARASOLS PARASOLS SILK UMBRELAS BILK UMBRELAS LAMBBEQTJ1N3 LAMB&EQU1N8- DRESS GOODS U(E HUNTING, IN BLACK AND COLORS, At 10 and 15c - - -. ALL WOOL BLACK BUNTING AT 15ft Ribbons and Silk Fringes, All Colors. A HANDSOME STOCK OF t... - -ue e i.ace, Bugle Filna. Pasmentry, and a com plete stock of Neckwear. We are now closing out our remnant of Nobby,StrBV Hats, VERT CHEAP. - " be&utifQi unc of g,)k itnd .jlace. MUtF, Gauze' derwear, etc .Give us a eaUV may27 ha nan avm awtlHELM. INDORSED BY PHYSICIANS, CLERGYMEN, AND THE AFFLICTED EVERYWHERE. TNE dRbTEST! nEijlCAL TRIUMPH OF THE AGE. 8YMPTOM3 Or A TORPID, LIVER. Ijoss of appetfte,r7anse.bowels eostire. Fain In tneHaad.with a dan aaneatlon In tha hafik BarftTFain iindn tha ahoui(iai blade. fAiUneae aJter matins;, with a disln ; cllnataon to oxertion ef body or mind. Irritability of temper It&w spirits. Xtoia - pf memory, witbt a, reeling haying negC ' looted some datr wearineiy. IJisslnessI riutterins: of tatfgVtflPota before the eyes, f elfow fektge WllestJaM- aaeb , do e fYt. aTchohBga offeUa; Sb tO'MtABlia thm rafCsree. - to82armtt: jjaaual,ndbthTtteAeilawon tba jMaatlT Ormmm IM)a)aa)a)jro- TDITSflfuYEi Obat Haib or WmsxcnbaQged to aGwasT BL4by a alngia afopiitkin of this Drah ,11 ioaparts patarat color,acM Inatantaneoasly. Sold by DrUggi.U, or ieht bf txpri on raceipt of ft. Qfflce, 35 Murray jSxMw York. Dn TCTT8 HAKCAt af Valaabln latoamtiaB aaS CMh, KaWlarwU kt UH aaaUtattM ; Eeb.asdeddMriy i:lWM IfhTifir 1 IlUIUlllllUa SS."? "iae6Tatal toboiuinee;-- On and after Wednesday. May 55ttL,188TXth i'- faet uam . iwojor inaf'ar- wena valuable ntitllca- teadrerCsers. High t following schedule will be run over this road dally i (Bund) s excepted): ; r j v::, j I r (,'?.; !.,.. uanrwa Wortft. " ". . '1 - 8 IB p . 10 05 p. 10 40 p, li fe P. ants are shown rare-taate- JeeaTlii TB0L ,aiicalrr r are not in a)anS 5L we to an ader..ser. Advertlse- owd sfffv? w jubifte'-"'-'! fit vy -av GOING KQBTH. ieateChsrlottttv, Ji.v.w.ki-. 8 IS p. m. i : Davidson College. 10 05 p. m, 1 " MooresvUle 10 40 p, m. Arrive attHateswie, .....11 bi p. m i:-j-:mimm4K)iQIQ SOUTH. ' Leaye statesrule... r V Davwatm Coflege;v,.t. ;f-;;i r'f f f C irrfteW CiiartoOW, Else Low Eatate of Women lis Ger many. A letter from Stutttrart in the SDriner- fteld Republican gives this picture ot tne condition of the peasant women of Germany: I would not like to be a uerman peasant woman. I would much prefer to be a German horse, for ueruiiui ii ureses are wen ireaiea ana' well fed. Women are treated as if they were of a species lower than the brutes, with no reelings and no souls. What the camel is to the Arab, woman is to the German. She is made to bear the heavy loads, and be the workinsr slave of her master; she is not only "the hewer of wood and the drawer of water," but she is made to perform every kind of degrading labor. She prepares the fields for plantinsr. she drives the oxen and holds the plow, and not untrequentiy she takes the place of the ox before the plow. She sows the seed and tills the soil, she shovels, she hoes, she reaps, she gathers the harvest, she threshes the grain and carries it to the mill, she grinds it at the mill, she markets the products of her small strip of laud to buy bread for her children and beer for her lord and. master, i She does the work and the drudgery in the factories ; she is the scavenger for clean ing the streets and for gathering offal in the cities and the highwavs for en riching the land. She does everything but play soldier and hang around beer shops and drink beer from early morn till late at night, like the German men, and these occupations would be assign ed her, provided they required hard la- oor or drudgery or any kind. This pic ture of the degradation of tbe German women is no work of imagination, but a living reality. Who ever has travel ed through Germany has noticed the bronze-faced women, scantily dressed, toiling in the fields, tottering beneath neavy loaas on tneir neaas ana shoul ders, climbing ladders with hods of brick and stone for the builders, saw ing a spliting wood in the streets, drag ging milk carts and engaged in num berless menial occupations of such a degrading nature that a Rocky moun tain savage would disdain to nave his squaw perform them. And for all this life-long labor and toil the German woman is miserably paid. It is the pittance that is doled out to the beggar. The few pfennigs that are paid her for her day's or week's hard servitude are scarcely enough to supply her with clothes to cover her back, or buy bread to keep her from Starving. They are strong and robust, and perform what is called a ".man's labor" While at work in the fields, and; it is only during the warm months of of the year that they can, they are only paid & 10 or 12 cents for a day's labor of 12 hours. When they board them selves they receive from 20 to 28 or 80 cents a day. The men, when they can be induced to work at farming are paid from 28 to 45 and 50 cents per day, and find their own food. With their board and lodging they do not receive on an average more than $1.30 a week. it is a wonder that the emigration from Germany to the United States is so enormous and increasing so rapid ly ? Women domestics are worse paid than those who labor in the fields. Thousands of them go into families and toil like slaves for their board, which is poor enough, and the cast-off clothing from the backs . of their mis tresses. Those who are paid receive but a mere pittance for their labor. Common house servants, chamber maids, etv only get 8 or "10 marks ($1.92, $2.50) per month, and cooks who are considered extra good, and cook for very large and wealthy families and for boarding houses, seldom - receive more than 12 or 15 marks ($2.88, $3.36) per month. Although the wages are so insignificant, yet the law.overning tne relation between 1 master, ana serr vant ara.verv tdrirt and 'AfwaVft ' an- fprced. The master cannot . discharge his servant, nor can the servant leave her master without a month's warning, either- iWay. All servants are .nude the espionage and the protection ,of tbe police, and are furnished books which. are; numbered and: registeTeofvandVin' whicbithe laws; are printed. ' Mi thev. Buougo vmar- jHee ut nHBEVipe,,- tueyr must report to the police,, and they are under the necessitv of producing a cer tifieate- of good character f or ' honesty, faithfulness etc from their last em ployer which has to be inscribed in their book. may24 I hft mgfnh m'knnfafhiM . i i.imn ... . ,ui - ltstwmt United States TfiSve jgiyen ' a Canadian start a .manufactory in ttu3 , country a. ins uiuicatea a prosperous cpnaiciOQ; of the match mannfaeturiiig .interest here. : ' ; . The Dallas Herald Mtimstrw t.hnf. there are in Texas 6,000,000 nead of eat-1 tie, 2,000,000 head of horses and- 4000: 000 head of sheep. Thi3 estimate i3 lit tle, if any, short of the mark, and yet for taxation only 8,709,507 head of cat tle. 9S0.431' head of horses and mnlM Jahd 2,8153 head of sheep were assess- eu lose year. - . Mr. Taylor Mandlin, on the border of Texas, has perhaps the largest pasture in the world. On one side there are forty miles of rock fence, and yet it will require 200 miles of fencing to in close it. He intends to sow for 1,000 tons of oats. He will feed 100,000 bead ofcattle on his pasture. . , An epidemic of kleptomania has late ly: broken out in New York, and a nam" ber tit ladies of : good standing i have been arrested ;f or petty thieving and shoplifting. The Judges-before whom tbe cases came were severe on the fair delinquents, notwithstanding tears, hysterica and fainting 'Spells,: and the spread' of the disease appears ta be checked by the , vigorous measures adopted by them. o In San FranHiscC with' the houses nearly all of wood, and with a popula- uationof all property, real and person- I al, is $253,000,000 i in Hamilton county, ; j umu, wiucn .jnciuae umcrnjtattt, ana has a inucb larger population than San'. Francisco; it is s $207,0)0,000, and in St. Louis, with a population of 350,000,: it is only $16500,006. ; The Scotch landlonds have exhibited the proverbial Scotch shrewdness and common sense "by reducing agricnltural rents from;20to 50 per cent, , s44;thus averting a collision with tbebrctenants. Had 11IrisliiaMloras adopted a sltn ilar policy they would, not only' nave been just but would have profited pe cniarilyAs it is, the date when they will receive regular returns from their es tates is problematical. In the mean time, Scotch landlords will continue in regular, reeeipfrfe There is a strikinclv close approxi mation in the; total Value of impacts ot merchandise into the United States for the periods of nine months endinir re spectively March 3L 1880.anAMarch 8U 1881, the amount beipg $468,J9X048 f qr ue zormer penoaana $469,058,317 for the latter. An increase of $8,622,759 appears in the value of dutiable mer chandise importey, while there is a de crease in the value of merchandise en tered free of duty, of $7,161,490, that on the single item of coffee being $5210, 424. In the import of tea, however, the falling ofi is only $l(57,05LThe total val ue of exports of domestic merchandise for the nine months ending March 31 . 1881, was $694585,&93,as against; , $618 806.S54 for the : nine months ending March 31, 1880. - aea i ' ' Aaje ef tbe EaVrtb. Frofessor Proctor, ' . . Tbe age ; of the. earth is placed by some at five hundred million years, by others at one hundred million years; and still others, at later times, among them the Duke of Argyll, places it at ten milUorx years.-; None place it lower; than ten miifiohs, knowing . what pro? cesaeshirve beei one thojigh -'OttfeT-Wanets gft through, tbe satoe .prbcess.f The reason that other planets differ so' much from the earth is that they are in so much earlier or later stage of exis tence. Tbe earth must beceme old. Newton surmised, although he could give no f eason f or it ? that the earth:; would at one time lose all of its. water and become perfegtlyrf. r Sice then: ithabeen fptibdtat rect . As tbe earth keeps cooling it wilt become porous, and great cayitfeji wifV be formed in the'interior,' which" will take in that water. It is estimated that : -f -ft T ; f hi IV PIANOS: ickerin?. A Ntuuoagcuo.r Jnata aihak; A Southern 8 U.iAWia'i. fUiava:. "St Hamlin. ewrltirperialel ;ot A 0o.4 Ster ling,: . a: , . Only the Best Makers Represented. New schedule, new m-icea. nw ;nEt,.. note our yarietv of tvlp Send for catalogued and price lists anJ H. MoSMITH, Charlotte, Ke'Ct' T 'T1"'.'.I TV Tl T J - ryt L. ' ' h IL. MIWAMEE & IBM, IWOITTE S CARF Something Entirely New. STYLES IN ONE 4 AT REDUCED PRICES. L. BERWANGER & BRO. Will Oiler OUR OUR OUR OUR OUR OUR $10.00 8.00 7.00 6.00 5.00 4.50 3.50 Week STOCK OF for This $15.00 PARASOL'S FOR 12.00 PARASOLS FOR 10.00 ' PARASOLS FOR 8.00 PARASOLS FOR 7.00 PARASOLS FOR 6.00 PARASOLS FOR 5.00 PARASOLS FOR SAME reduction: ON OUR IMMENSE AVE WILL ALSO OFFER THE OF OUR DRESS GOODS FOR NEARLY HALF THEIR VALUE. iThese prices will positively he given to customers calling for the above named articles. & mmwm. SUMMER GOODS. JUST EECEIVED A LABGK VAEIBTT OF i BALANCE mssm mm Lt is estimated that I T j: t -. , - . . this process is now in progress, so far MauieB ress uooos and TrimmiDgs, jLawns, Silk Handkerchiefs EmbroifW;pfl cata that the water diminishes at about the tt: n r.. , , 1CUIH.. -moroiaeries, Corsets Tin Senatorial Situation New York Herald. HUB PUNCH, prepared by skilled hands of Dure The third day of the balloting at Al- oldUqaors and aromatic fruit Juiees is delicious, bany fori the vacancies in the United I and surpasses any punch or toddy made on the States Senate closes with a practically I spar of the moment Taken hot at night it win unchanged situation. Both partiesto J 'wreaknpacold. Have tt ready. rate of the thickness of a sheet of writ ing paper each year. At this rate, in 6,000,000 years, the water wiU have sun a mile, and in r 43,000,000 years , every trace of water: will .have disappeared: from the face ot the glebe. ; - The nitro- kcii Aim is js. v k wsw m- in biin nsiiiiuaiiiiHrM hitibi r . also diminishingLall the time It ialn jivrive, US a Sall before buvinff. will come when the air will besp thin. mat no creatures we know could breathe it and live; the time Will come when the world cannot support life: Then will be the period of old age, and then will come death. s ' and Hosiery all the latest Styles and very CheaD ALS6,JJtHANDS0M3S STOCK OT ' Ready-Made Clothing and Gents' Furnishing Goods. ELI AS & COHEN. & MeDO WRT r . ENGINEERS, IRON FOUNDERS & MACHINISTS, oorrow a muitary- pnrase,. are sun on the. skirmish line, exchanging shots, getting their guns in position, and awaiting reinxorcements. as at Wa terloo and it wilUte ai Waterloo for some partyrrthetivaljaptams'; are. ooking for nightofc Bireir-JTowhich What, riirpfc- nartv Blucher is comuic.ia tioin he is nkTinjf':nwfieilisv:are I the great mysteries!; iS:;c&miidtr 1 oi me uustom iiouse iroops imnKa ne sees the conquering battalions march ing from Wasbingtdrr, 3 The rival cap tain is looking in another direction-r-no jone can tell whereexcents himself, for ail nis pians are yeueu iq mygiery. As It stands now the battle' Is one "of the moat interesting in the checkered: Jiia- tory ofour iitate pontics. J3ut what ever the event mar be it. will , be a vie fcory 1 xt the spectators-rthe great masal of the people who in mis game, of political chimrft apparent!? Qf no ac count whatever. Mr. Conkling mav be defeat:and:senttefiEibai TBut the march to Paris :.fpllowed : and allied Europe - had to make and find a St Helena.? ';IS' the ' lieimblican partv trc?5.esw.tSAmfollow the parajiel.?., Sold by all Grocers, Wine Merchants and Drug gists. : Trade supplied at manufacturers . prices oy Wil son & Burwell, Wholesale and Retail Druggists, Trade street, CliarlbtteK. a . ".Iftat'l Wet ajPiastev ' . . said a xc'i man to e draggUU "can't you gite me something to cure me?'7 His symptoms were a jaiue uacK ana aisoraerea urine, sua were 8 sure Indication i klrlneyl'nese. The drusglst told him to use Kidney-Wort and In a xhorttlme lt aT- iepted a complete cit rHave ) on thesRsymp- rou beoome incur irti ure.-KnoxvUie Rpub!ioai.: : Bkdfohd Uaju akd Ibqh Bbikqs Watzb AHD- I0A88. The .great toxue and alterative contains twice ss much iron and. fifty per cent, more ahim- -sioni' ana' iron mass" Known. t, is we cure: sala and I inom than any . Jaattha tbmcfo general. 8ow aff druggists' of any standnn Prices reduced one half : :-;.c .i- v.-: animp. t , ' ; v m i .'.--5 f ! -ri-etL FOR KENT. fPBl store room to tbe Observer boOdli ,JL'.aow..rramersis lot tens after Jsarcj 1- ..-saSSS 0 3 cz& O- -MANUPACTUBKBS OF STEAM ENG IN ES AND MINING MACHINERY. CONTRCT ROE OONSTRUJTION (Nn nvvmu mining machinery o EvtsY Ms3iSwH ANli LATEST HB-ilGXS. ' i OF ALSO, MANUFACltJSS AND 6ILt ' Agricultural & Portable Eunices, SAW MILLS, Etc. COLLEGE STREET, BETWEEN TRADE AND- FIFTH. IsL S3 tt next NBW YOIOPIJS & 7, COTJBTLANDT St. rBBANCH OFFICE, CHAilLOTTEN;; i a-.n j saSsft8e&! x ' t tri.i ,-s?i's6.iWMf.',- . - t: i. ;: . : . , : . , ' aj27 u , i i r WOBKS; ABLDrGTON, N. J. . . r-ls;. "" ; r -'! j - - ( ..-.ill i!1! r H I i. 1 -J .1 t ! j "Iff I ft! I i. t 'A M jfl , 5 tff . V v. i ' , V -I