)c f)arlotie bserutr. Piatt iWBSOSJTTiqjf HATX3 i rytuv. w V'1"1"- (J"f'Vrtl twi. x ifonfw hre M(4)i One Month WKMKLT MDZTTOX i (fW.V, (n tto county) vt attvtmot ., out of tte county, postpaid,.... .. ....... $ix Monti Uberal Reductions for CUU. 93 00 - 4 00 Hs'bufogtlFsnpia3l ni ! lift if - - - .. a oo .. 78 tab at f ATTJTAM eaAXMrKi)C f 1 ..S2 00 .. a 10 .. 100 BLiSZ&alLIrSXATJfl. VOL. XXV. IM- CHARLOTTE, N. C., AVEDNESDAY JUNE 8, 1881. NO. 3,818. WMMJWrilflrM lllHillll IT - is if lilif 1MSIW We have Just received an elegant second stojk of goods wb!ch is READY FOR INSPECTION. The handsomest line of Ladies' Neckwear in the city. CANF MVTTINC lit :tll pliCi'S. I 1.1 VS (.0 DS AT A tACWHCE. EMb: OIJDKR1E8 clieapf i tlan ever. We h:iv the l',ST STOCK OF WHITE GOODS In the State. fall and get a chosp Marseilles Quilt. We ;ue efff rir.e everything at bottom. prices, and see us. Call (6 Harris. Boots a glxozs I We are dally receiving our SPRING STOCK which will be more complete than ever before and comprises the 1 LADIES', MISSES', CHILDBENS,' GBNTS', B01S', AND YOUTHS FINE -BOOTS 1 SHOES A SPECIALTY. Lower grades all goods In our line In variety and all prices. FULL STOCK f STETSON HATS, and a pretty line Straw Hats, Trunks, Valises & Satchels, ALL SIZES AND RBICES. Call and see us. PEGRAM & CO. fet20 grtj crofts. We are now offering decided bargains ra Spring DressGoods CHEAPER , Tliatt the same class of goods has everbien of fered In this market. Hwp Skirts, Hosiery, Lace and Plata Tucking, Ruffling, Dotted Swiss, and Nainsook Embroideries, THE HANDSOMEST and most varied line of Laces in town. JUST RECEIVED, A beautirul stock of Bugle Lace the bandsomest and cheapest ever offered In this market. Also, another stock of Pasmentrr. Our remnant nf FINE PARASOLS Are going very cheap. Wliie'.ve you decided bargains la then. Nobby Mackinaw Hats, At naanufacturer.g prices. Lace' Mitts and Lisle ?M0cand np, Ctorseta, Collars, Ladles' nd Gents' Gauze Underwear, flash Bib- . tons, Plain and Fancy Elbbons. Sheet i tags, Quilts, Towels mod House j Furnishing floods. ; Uain&iGent8' and Children's Hand-sewed Shoes; oandals and tJllppers, Buntings 10 and IBc. A U will convince you that we are joow t offering bargains. v ,-j.s ,(.y . -; ' si. HARGRAVES iMprM am M5 TJIE OXONIAN,' ', .' ' "M"Hf wwt jraluable 9bUe' &&&' taSft. fc?Sll-AdertlseiBeBtr are show are free from errors, sod are (teste-? W'ajed. Its advertising t arot Id S2. tL?" J10 to an advertiser. Advertise KmtfCfE? tratollopMoa la any-wtue, jWtaueotBcebytiv if'runrA i : ma) 15 Sprin Stock 1881 mwm M Latest Styles kTJflTlrt mdinia A Perfect Corset at Last. - - No More Broken Whalebones. After gnendlne over tvrolva thousand dollam In experiments, Dr. Warner has perfected a material lor oouiug corsets eailea COK ALINE Which Is vastly superior to horn or whaklone. ITd ATjVANTAGE3 ARE: FIRST. It cannot be brokftn. will be paid for every corset la which the Corallne breaks with six months ordinary wear. - SECOND. It is more pliable than whalebone and adapts Itself more readl'y to the movements of the body. T HlRu. it Is not affected by cold, heat or mois ture. FOURTH. It Is Ihe cheapest and most servlce ab'e corset ever made. THE CORALINK COR3KT Is made throughout of superior materials, and Is .warranted In every respect If not found entirely satisfactory, the purchase money will be refunded. Ask for Dr. Warners Abdominal Corset, With extension front Unequaled for beauty, ele gance and style. And Dr. Warner's Nursing Corset, The only perfect nursing corset In the market. ASKiorur. warners CROSS BONED HIP CORSET. We have the exclusive Rale in thin mark At nf me atove corsets, and will be pleased to have the iraae inspect them. T. L. SEIGLK ft CO. un& Ilctltcal. A DELICIOUS DRINK For Use in Families. Hotel. Clubs, Parties, Etc. HUB PUNCH. Boston t C. Tt. GRATES A, SOS. The "Hub Pnneh " bu Utelr been Introdaoed. sad meets with mukid popolsr f svor. It is Warranted to Contain only the Best of Liquors, United with Choice Fruit Juiees and Granulated Sugar. . It ia ready on troaninr. and will be f onnd an eareeeble addition to tke choice things which undeniably enlarge the pleasure of life and enoonrage good xenowioip ana goea nature if rightly enjoyed, GOOD AT ALL TI Just the Thin; to Keep In Wine Cellars. Sideboards not Complete Without Huh Punch. It can be used Clear' or with Presli Milfry Ioe, Sod oi Hot Water, Lemonade or mFinijlce,; ; to Buii tlie Taste.; Sold b leadins Wine Uarchanta. Omeerm. --- Droggiste everywhere. Trade supplied at manufacturers nrtees by WI1 son & Burwell, Wholesale and Retail Druggists Charlotte, N. C." . Jan. 23-eod-6m. Bt i INDORSED BY PHYSICIANS. CLERGYMEN, AND THE AFFLICTED EVERYWHERE. THE GREATEST MEDICAL TRIUMPH OF THE AGE. ; 8YMPT0W8 Or A TORPID LIVER. Iiom of ametlte,lffaasea,bowsls eostlTe. t'ain In thsHead.with t tb.sHead.wlth a dull seni sensation in ne peck i Pain under the shouiclsr- blade, fullness after sating with a dig to cllnataon to exertion or poay or nuna. :t . n m r . I . 1 , JjOSS nes m w wAawTtATaTlinlmABfl riutterina; of the Heart, Dots before the . eyes. Yellow Skin; HaaxshetHestlsia-: cess at nisnt. highly colored Jurtne . r j ui ..niAiia hilrlArnum, .nnunr A. F- Afirfi wCHiwue vi ola out niu. Quun k vf vi.ur tu, TUTTI P1XL8 aMesMBlejlydptdt.i saeh easeemedose ciTeotssMwMiehMs, . ox loouns; avs va aaioiuaa ine eojierer. -L,.r, . Thn I'll in Ihti A.e.Mte. sadeaoaeikav Dlr tiro itriiwu nrv . dooed. Pries bents." Nsmty Jf.T. TUTT'S HAIR OYE. Cbat Hatb or Whiskcbs chanted to jOtossT Black by single appUCation of this Drs. It Imparts a natural color, acts InsUnUaeOBSiy. ;; Bold by DruMiiU, or seni by espreas on receipt or fL. i OfT1o, 30 Murray 8 New York. . Br. TCTTS HAICaK ef Valaakle hneentlen aa ft tOMod SeeNft wUI he atteS tBSM. en aUcatN. Feb 28 deodwly. h.;'i.il :Jl!aiic, Tennessee Olfc anTMDMT's Oirm A -' ; m;v ' ' Charlotte, M. C June 5tivl88i-l . ..fiinr anl after Sundar June BtlLi 188L,'the foUowlns schedule will be run over this road daily 1 l 1W' " 1 . GOTHS KOBTH. . 1 1 : ' 'Jwf(Saotte,i.w:i'8 80 p. riu r i Dwrtdson couege-. a . . . . ...tlQ 24 p. av n tiMoorestille ...10 69 p. ; ArrlTeatStatesTiue,. ?m flonra. booth; liSave OMteiiruie..,,n.j,.i...fr 60 a. bv Mooresvme Arrive at Charlotte...... o i 1 IrritabilltT of temper, iiow spirits, of memorr. with a feelinr of hsviM I i.j ' L OF HVTEBEST. Chattanooga has a population of 15,' 164, an increase of 2,285 over the direc tory or last year. The thieves who robbed General Grant's baggage and stole his badges anaotner jewelry apparently did not Bucceed in capturing his bundle of dead neact. passes. -Iti removing two bodies from contig uous craves in the cemetery at Idayille. Indl ltveaa found that nothing was left of one but bones, while the other had turned to flint and weighed three hun dred pounds. xne Bireets of Philadelphia are so very filthy that the prediction is made that the Hon. G. William Childs will be compeled to employ a short hand man in the composition of his mortua ry lyrics. Atlanta Constitution. . . The; Shenandoah Vallev Bailroad Company has tai;en option on 700 acres or iana near isig L.ick, from 557Q to $300 per acre. These lands are: be sold by the company to parties who wish 'to build furnace, rolling mills, &c, at the same prices paid by the company for them. : .tungiana is getting- ratner more American rivalry than she wants. Our horses win her greatest stakes, Hanlan outrows her oarsmen, and Dr. Carver outshoots her best marksmen. She has a surfeit, and now on a technicality the Henley stewards propose to keep the Cornell crew out of the coming race. The Cornell boys will soon be on the ground, and if the British love of fair play is not extinct they will be allowed a cnance to snow wnat tney can do. A noteworthy feature, iti the con sumption of manufactured iron is the iron sleeper. In England it has only been used experimently, but in Belgi um aua Germany it has been employ ed for a considerable time. In the past two years it is calculated that nearly i3U,uuo tons nave oeen placed on tne uerman railways, it is only natural to suppose that its adoption will follow mother countries, and afford a large employment to mills engaged in its manufacture. .Boston seems to De m earnest in working up the World's Fair project, A second meeting to push the project nas been neid, and it was attended by many of the wealthiest citizens of the city, wno promised noerai support, Should Boston make this movement a success, she will have good cause to crow over New York City. During an existence of forty years lowa city has never had its houses numbered. The authorities had not the enterprize to undertake the work. although the city has something like ten thousand population. The other day a local newspaper took up the mat ter and nad twenty-nve nundred nouses numbered at its own expense. The newspapers are depended upon for a great deal tnese days. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Neiman were struck and killed by lightning Thurs day, while driving nome near Des Plaines, Hl during a heavy thunder storm. The horse attached to their buggy was also killed. When found they were both seated upright in the buggy, and Mrs. Neiman's dress had taken fire and burned nearly off. There were no mans on ner person. The following is a synopsis of the business transacted by the Texas Press association, at Houston, Texas, May 11, 12, 13, 1881, as telegraphed by one of the members of the association to his pa per: Reception Champagne Gas- Intoxicating beverages Taffey More champasme Speeches Ctears Anoth er alcoholic relapse More speeches a ree nack ride-Anti-Prohibition move ment Enthusiasm Business Texas Siftings. We are told that a California printer and editor, whose legs and arms are to tally paralyzed, sets type with his teeth putting his editorials and other arti eles in type without writing them. Of course he clips paragraphs with his teeth lso. There is a printer in St. Louis who is sans legs, sans arms and sans teeth, and he is a match for the California typo. The St. Lonisian sets type with his ear while composing an original poem with the other. The only person; in this country who owns a more , remarkable pair of ears is the man who believes the story about the California printer, and they are only remarkable for the size. Norristown Herald. . ; . 1 ' man iii Callforuia'u Wool Crop. Wilmlngtoii Star. Think of - California producing be tween fifty and sixty million pounds of wool.o Hw many pounds are clipped in North 'Carolina, . a State so admirably adapted to sheep growing? Possibly a miiaonjor so. The census will ten us after a while; To show that sheep can be raised with ease and profit, we may mentiou that Chatham reports some fourteen! thousand head, Union some twelve thousand, Randolph some elev en thousand. Haywood 6,400, . Macon 7.r 680, Madison 6,612,-Moore4,720, Orarjge4 7,580, uranviue ,6,362. . tjeming towards the ocean we find Camden with 900, Carterqt.1,100, Craven nearly 2,000, Du plin nearly 5,000, Onslpww 2,518, Sampson nearly 8,000, and soon. Let us raise more sheep. But how can this be done with a hostile Legislature to "prevent it? t When wUI the people study ' their . Mi -4 A rfcoroUfc-llly Merited Kick. Philadelphia Times."' ' The one thoroughly merited kick re ceived by CorJkling since the decline of his power is that given byx-President XX aj COe VVJJA.XAJJfe A11VVTO buau xiajco wasn't elected President, and Hayes knows ta; Coriklrng'' knows the fact and that; Coaling intended; to prevent the consummation of the fraud, but that he'betrayecj Vi'himself and his con Victions in weakness at the last mo ment. The Hayes kick at the wounded lion has the merit of retributive justice. Conklmg ; invited the contempt of a fraudulentPresideut.when he confessed the fraud and failed to crush it and its pretender,-- " -2 :: ; " Rnnen ef CreokedneiN . Numerous rumors were -afloat about the Treasury Department -relative to the probable outcome of the investiga tion Which is now in progress in the custodian's office. The committe is still at work and. W4ll be for -some tuner vet, d are verv.; reticent as to what has en disctoyeredi IfiyBderBtood tha ATflnrtrt Will be prepared and submits tedMSeeretil wmflom? tpoMiiisiefl iiuiu iruiu ute it von. u u dvbwu uuu one of1 the officials interested in the re sult of the investigation stated to the committee thatt)eorWglMi4rl iwi; thority than he w eiresponsible for5 ail f uresslon trivalts'that &veraiieiniTaXi win rtA rMVirnvnRTiTiHrx:) .tt&Ksm hhsjoo tn to.S.K4aefe'r.llle(:htoey-ai rheumatlsnt for eight yearaAslnge. , bottle f j BL Jacobs CHI rfhlm.Lli. x - - NEWS OF INTEREST. HUB PUNCH Is composed of the finest llauors I ' t '-' ;tTrtrrtrirt.!T?.ii.i t'liYftv irWWia-Utfii HUB PUNCH Is composed of the finest liquors and most exquisite fruit Juices. In winter ot snnv mer, with hot water er milk: as toddy, or wltK ice,, soda,te.Lthls, is' jcellenee, ' the .ferorjfe.' Keep It on hand. " , Sold byf all Grocers, Wine Merchants and Drug gists. . ' . Trade supplied at manuf actnrers prices, by Wil son & Burwell, Wholesale and Retail' Druggists, Trade street, Charlotte, N. C . Bedford Alum and Ihon Spkisgs Watmb avo mass. The great tonic and alterative ooBtalnS twice 88 much iron and fffty per cent mors alum inum than any "alum and toon mass known. Just the thins for the "sDrlns, weakness'? now so general. Sold by all druggists of any standlna femayll tf AJEBSJEYSTlaUPl.. Quiet old lit. Holly, N. Ja has had a sUr up-on-equaled In lts-9agnitude since WashlDKtcw passed through on his wsy to Monmouth, .Air. Charles Sailer, a . leading - cWsten' and president of the Yincentown MarlCo., sent dollar -to M. A. Dau phin, New .York, and got back $15 000 for his venture on half ticket ot No. 87.099 in the April drawlne of the Louisiana State Latterv. On .Tuna 1 4th over $500.000-wHl be divided, m sums -from 4 ww.duo aown. amonssc Mqse wno snail have followed hia example in sehdlng their investments to JL A. Dauphin nBKe.-2ia Broadwhy, New York, city, N.Y;, or sa4e person at;New QrlQans, La., Don't Die la the House. Ask druggists tor "Bough on Bals." It clears out rats, mice, bed bugs, roaches, verm la, flies, ants, Insects. 15c per boi. ... FOOD FOR THE BRAIN AND , NEB YES that will invigorate the body-, without intoxicating Is what we need in these days of rush and worry. Parker's Ginger Tonic restores the vital energies, soothes the nerves and brings good health Quicker than anything else you can -use. Tribune. See other column. Neuralgia, Sciatica. Lumbago. Backache, Soreness of the Chest, Gout, Quinsy, Sore Throat, Swell ings and Sprains, Burns and S califs. Genera Bodily Pains, Tooth, Ear and Headache; Frosted Feet and Ears, and all other Pains and Aches. ; No Preparation' on earth equals Sr. Jacobs Oil u a safe, surtu timpl and cheap External Bemedy. A trial entaiie trat the comparatively trifling outlay of 60 CestS, and .every ose snffering with pain can have cheap and positive proof of its claims. Directfanii in Eleven Languages. 80LD BY ALL DBUGGISTS AFD DEALERS IN MEDICINE. "... A. VOGHLER & CO., dec80dkw lj. ; ; : ' 3 A SURE RECIPE s.: Jii. Tosiiitorefaitai E t firom! compkii(mal blemislies mat pe fonnd in Hasan's 3Iag-r f r;. noiia' mum at deucate and ' harrnless nrtfcle. Sold try druff-, i .X aUllMW. Id AU7 AUUSJb WIUW1Wi;!0 and life-like tmts, an&uieekH . seal semtiny eannot detect tts use. Tin mmtamj i tipns, r mmtfp toarM :: under the eyesjSaHownesStred-: nessj rooghness and the Hash of fatigne- and excitement are1 at otodstteabrthe,,! nolialilalrS f It is the one incomparable .; uosmeuce . it; 3 Jan, 22 1 vsrt edi 7 Wi j P. MARVIfy ; igent, rand Successor bVF.;f(rr orOo2Kj4 Fresh Draffs and Pure Medidnes- 1 Konehuttha n do I keep In my stcjLisdi'ToBet arid f jsancy Araraes, jrerrnmenes, combSr X ,. Brushes, IoothBrnah;4c.,.i4,;- GARDEN" S$EDS y ' ml of all the best varieties, and -warranted -,; tO DC gOOd. i ix'n. .-rn r Physicians' prescriptions are given speo rifiivial attention. aa3 jsv: Hoping to receive a share ef puWle patronage, I amf respectfmllyi- -' .. Lii . feb8 W.P.MABVIN, Agt V 1 Z. B. TakcxJ iliiJ All ml B .' . s i- practice In ctapreme-Conrs ofthe-Onl ted Stat - - upteme Coart of North OuoUnay Federal ij Courts, and counties of Mecklen-, , - the -United 8tates, -1 f -rutMisrtiaifi4iiijin fcsifK I - i -t zrri ,T."r . . t, b jet 1 jrn n nrno n ourr 1 1 Ml Ihtt !l lH.I!il An established: &ct: That the MbSMITH MUSIC HOUSE came neife to stay. No such word as fail. No sub-agent , about this house. "We will duplicate any olfers made by small dealers or agents, 10 per cent t Never oIom a Plana nr O trade until yoa have heard from the Mcdmlth asic House. No nan living can bur lower than we, and In selling a hut cnance is au we ask. JSvery piano and organ guaranteed for 6 rears. v BUYING FBOM TBJC NORTH must be stopped. Why do yen send North? .Can yon buy cheaper? How do you know? Have you tried us? There's the robl We compete with the world, and New Jer sey, in particular. The man does not live who enn undersell vs. We keep the best Instruments. We five Stoeto, Covers and Books. We warrant them I ft 0jearf. We seU them on easy terms. We send toflnx onlS days' trial. W We do everything that a reasonable man can ask. PIAffOS: ::MeringfArion, jtsnei, G6 Boutnern OilJOBOAWS. Icason. & Hamlin. aw Imperial, Pl- vwxbet & 0o.& Ster ling. nSrofr' AT J 1 .1 I THE I IISORETTE SCARF, r i s in in n 1 1 1 1 1 ii ii ii ii i ii mi n n n ntmiwx a n-aw-ru a m m aim mmu vmm mm. We Will Offer for This Week KVM 1JARASOLS VOR S10.00 OUR; l;;EAEASOLS;,fOR 7.00 OUR 8.00 PAKASOLS FOR 6.00 9.M 7M 1'ARASOLS FOR 5.00 OUR 6.00 PARASOLS FOR 4.50 OUR 5.00 PARASOLS FOR 3.50 THE SAME REDUCTION ON OUR IMMENSE STOCK OF WE I. PI i.O-Jl:t, rRiese, Pfrce9 ;f ---P?yft:v .-.: .-'.'.: i-.' . 77 JUST R10ET7EB A LABGS TABHTYOF cs.'i jii.iu o;a ilx - ' '. , it - . -I ' l f Ladie8!.Bress. Goos. a Silk Handkerchiefs, jEmbroideriesr Corsets a ! andHos the latest. Styles and very Cheap. ; .:s: CHjl'L'. . ... Re9dyr!Vlade, Clothiiig and Cents' Furnishing Goods. Give us a jcall before Dtiying: r , ,mar2T: - i io i P A4J si Aim vf x wuia' 1: "eP2155GB & Mm ittonioBj m son si! , fv ' J ' " 'lit i Only the Best Makers Represented. nW inst Send for catalogues and price ig and REDUCED PRICES. ' .If t . 1 J WILL ALSO OFFER ; OF OUR IBESS GOODS NEARLY HALE THEIR & MeDOWEJl5 ENGINEERS, IRON FOUNDERS & MACHINISTS, I . J. STREET, BEWEEEADE AND mi LkiTSt Bill i'nnli - . ti Sl'oJc tmilmv.ot '' " ev -. v - 1 ::v. L. BERWANGER & BRO. THE VALUE; for the above named articles. -MANUFACJTUXSJW PP" STEAM J am jciuia ir5T ...vinous tJnir MINING fliisl ' ; ..i,-it4iwfl? i rial; ii-. k ' ' ' I '-Wis fc-aT .ii-;o5'.c-,'i 1. .t' CONTRACT FOB OOKSTRtTCTIOJI AVO EBEC TIONOFMINIii MACHINKBTO SVIBX , -... .; Also: Wniffeimiiid gett " '; ,.. - 3 -'fit. k7w 'il-i. -. ;. SAW MILLS, Aai ' ' ? 5 4 . PIFTH;;;. t'Jr.'X, li !. v r t i i 1! i i i "ft St i 3 f1 f -it 1 f -S n j