Scafo Tafitt" Calf fPftii . . . . - tiaofessra job c&isxzrrc . . JM been tbona&Iy KippUed wtSi trorr oeede :t max, km ma Um tatMt tOrlM at line, aod em? ' STJB80XIPTIOB MAIMM .: . .. jx jtfoU 4 00 j et jgfe fuses (am nov Mdact Sft no Month ..;............ ....... 71 1 " Wt OHitanr - WXMKLT MSZTZOW I urirw. (in V eottntv) m aOmmm. ....S3 00 Oil jfOOtAl..'. W."l.HMMHir' 1 00 I I f .XXV. CHAKLOTTE, C;BB JUNE '881 i pjucFEixiaciBcnLABa.cHxcxa,fta v " " .- 1 t if... f ' .1 M ,-fc f - . i . i n. pi8 5aatt& 98 -a0s, CIatMng, Ac. lead And Study Yourlntcrcst. We bare a full line of KID GLOVES Including the celebrated Perfect Corset at Last OBSERVATIONS. A profane editor calls the mock relirfon of the present daj "lioomargarlBe." Good oleomarKarine eannot be told from aver age batter when there is no hair in the batter. ConklbK new addresses aewnaer reoort m as "centlemen." bat he hasnt captured aai of them- jet 1j bis condescension; i. friend of the family exeoses the snMde of a Leuls eenUeman br Bhowlnx that 100 famllT dogs howled under his window every night It is said tbat Grant never deserts an old ehnm. even In JalL He deserted McDonald, and "writ" book showing up the trae Inwardness of Grant. - A TOtnur lad died with m. mltnr tit he hitnda. which la tilstreiatBg j bat few would ekject to hear oceaatonallre! some, fellow-drlng wlut an aecor- ucyu ui bib uouoa, ' ' r . a j SL ImOb sells koho: rjonrtds of false 1isir emrr year, all of which W Imported. Womenvand glrU 01 nearly au ages wear it How motih f it goes into batter is not stated. ThereaxeriMvmare thAB R.nAAwafesatonal bargiant InAmeilawaBdret toaeepihem out of ub ho0tetpfrtiM.KftMknna mrM toeka.. bolts ami faeneWlWtteaaaad dollars apiece a No-More Wen Whalebones. SKTf' 3-XaOX7TE!JB (PATENTED lUVM 13TH, 1876.) v,iu -i to 6 buttons. In ?ll shades and at ex tremely low prices. AUo, a nice line of Lace, Lisle Gloves and Mitts, We are offering our magnificent toclt of Pans All qualities, at bottom prices. curvt rrlargeBtotkofPABASOLSat a sacrifice. call eaily and bc cure a bargain, we have an elegant line of LADLE i', MISSX3 'and CHILDBEN'S FANCY HOSIERY. Thoiu Boods must be sold, and now Is the gold en opportunity to cave money and get nice goods at low pi Ices. Alter spending over twelve thousand dollars In experiments, Dr. Warner has perfected a material tor boning corsets called COR ALINE Which Is vastly superior to bom or whalebone. ITS ADVANTAGES ABE: FIRST. It cannot be broken. A reward of S5 will be paid for every corset In which the Corallne breaks with six months ordinary wear. 6SOOXD. It Is more pliable than whalebone and adapts Itself more readily to the movements of the body. x uwu, it is not anec.ea by cold, neat or moisture. FOURTH. It la the cheaDest and moat service able corset ever made. THE COBALDTB CORSIT is made throughout of superior materials, and Is warranted In every respect If not found entirely satisfactory, the purchase money will be reiunaed. Ask lor Dr. Warner's Abdominal Corset, With extension front Uneqnaled for beauty, ele gance ana style. Ana . rabllosMare oolntlnrf with rn-lde to the re duction of tteaattooaTidebt one-third of It hav ing been paidxXL It a&tbj .fee publican offlelals nave stolen hau teefl' appropriated id Darlne the debt ihe-whola-debt-would' hate Ueentyiped out Beioie now. 'v- (Heemarzarlnamar be ood anorieh tn ttswav but bow is a fellow going to send It Unouch a tele phone. As . we are getting pretty wen neauatnted .ernapstt would not taae "rana. ooense at He tamlllarltT.- liBt's call It marree. or some other pet name; f t- .:- . . 0 TT ' gance ana styie. ana Alexander Harris. Dr. wrae Mg tet, lun ' The onlv cerfeet nuralnff enraet In the mi Boats a fl gUozs I 881 Sp Stock 1 881 The only perfect nursing corset in the market ask ior jurv warners CROSS-BONXD HIP CORSET. We have the exclusive sale In this market of the above corsets, and will be pleased to have the trade Inspect them. T. L. 8XIGLX a CO. Juno We are dally receiving oar SPRING STOCK A DELICIOUS DRINK Far Use in Families. Hotels, Clubs, Forties, Etc. whlch will be mbre complete than ever before , and comprises the Best Brands Latest Styles LADIES'. MISSES'. CHILDRENS, GENTS', BOIS', AND YOUTHS' FINE BOOTS 1 SHOES A m w PUNCH. A SPCECIALTY. Loner grades all goods In our line all prices. FULL STOCK In variety and BeatOBi C. B. GXATEI A SOXS. Tha "Rnh Pnneh n has lately bB inteodnesd. sad BBMta with marlMd popular lor. It is Warranted to Contain only ths Best of Liquors, United with Choice Fruit Juices and Granulated Sugar. STETSON HATS, Itkraadroa addition to tha e iiid rn ha fomdaa aaravabla oica thincawhioh undeniably onlarfa and a pretty line Straw Hats, Trunks, Valises & Satchels, ALL SIZES AND BRICES. TIMES Cull and see ns. Ieb20 PEGRAM&CO, JUST RECEIVED ANOTHER LOT tha pieaaorea of Ufa and enoooragesood fallowahip and good aatore a ligauy anjoyaa. GOOD AT ALL Just tie Tllis to Kesp la Wks CeUaa Sideboards tot Ccsplris Witteat Hab Pcsclu It can be iised Cleivr or with Fresli Soclj: .Hot Water, to Suit; thd Taste SoU b laadinc Wina llerohanta. Groeera. IIotahaa4 PraswU avaiywhata. Trade supplied at manufacturers prices by Wll son ABurweH, Wholesale and Retail Druggists -6m. Hoop s: All prices. A new lot of de&lrable LAWNS, at 6i Cte. PINK AND CREAM LAWNS. BY We fck special attention to Bedded k&Pantry. CORDS & TASSELS, ALL COLORS. V e are still offarlng bargains In Dress Goods, Parasols, And many other lines of goods. HOSIERY, GLOVES, ETC. INDORSED PHYSICIANS, CLERGYMEW, AND THE AFFLICTED EVERYWHERE. THE iSREATEST riEDlCAL TRIUMPH OF THE AGE. SYMPTOMS OF A TORPID LIVER. Toaa of appetite jyaaaeaybo wis ooativy. Pain in theHeawith a duU senaanon S the beck pert. Pauaaaaey the snoniaer; blade, fullpaaa aflar eating, wltft a dlsirj. lfrttabmtr of temper. AiOvrspiTite, lKsa . of memory, with Tee W of baying neg Girted aomsaaty. wetnutw. -w--. muttering of the Heart. ,!? Detore tne aVaa. Yellow fekhh liPa Itche.esticss nesiai Wgh-ghlyoolored Urine. : iXTBXS2MAXS136ii& TJ1SIZDXD, SERIOUS OISEASESWHI SOOH BE DEVELOPED, seVasesToM doae aneh change ? of fMltarsato'atMA:ttrtar. to vmua wmmjnmm ia KirtaaAa4 by eTf 0Bth TUnlIAIR dye; OaaT Haraer Wotwbsj ehanged to msst ts natural eolor, ata Iantn( BLack in DTuruKKUu.t mmu vj r - ' w-- ITS. It eousir. 1U A ea'.l win convince yon that are offering goods at extremely ww pneea.-, - Offlee. 3t3 1Wurrayti Mew Vrlu aT Bn TtfTS suacalrar Valaabbi IiftrOJ aa . 'fpb23deodwiyV' ? HARGRAVESi&iVJIUIELM. V. Clutfkie,M.tV44n "There never were so mariy monsters of wicked ness and thlevea and raaeals anvwhere as la the Democratic party, until we look at the Republican gany ana nn worse ones. - xne iaw 01 malignity working everywhere, In both parties and In the whole community. 80 said Beecher, and be beared sigh as memory carried him back tp the white sooted Elisabeth. . .- 1 '' an lai a . tTESXS OF. INTEBEST, , TUe steamer Mary Powell makes 25 miles an hour and ia the swiftest steamboat in the world. She runs on the-Hudson. Bavariajllinois has 3,000 inhabitants, with absolute prohibition, without a drunkard, without a pauper, and with out a crime. The steamer Florida took on board on the 5th, over 3,000 crates of vegeta bles at Fernandina, and 1,500 crates were transferred at Callaban to the Waycross road the same day. A California millionaire, who a dozen years ago, was driving a street car in San Francisco, has just rented a cottage at .Newport ior the season, paying ren tal Of $4,500. The Freedman's Savings Bank has about $100,000 waiting distribution to parties who do not make themselves l known. Address Controller Knox, Washington, JD. U. An apple tree in LaGrange. 6a., has two or three apples upon its trunK. There is not a sign of a twig or branch, but they are growing upon the bark 01 tree. . Greeley, in Colorado, is a town of 3. 000 inhabitants and no liquor shop. It has no police force and needs none, and in two and a bail years, only $7 was called out of its poor fund ! The 'advocates of the liquor-traffic themselves admit that the use of liquor is liable to abuse. Did they ever stop to ask themselves why ? Of course it could never do harm, if it were harm less. New York is a terrible consumer of human life. The latest statistics show that it devours 10.000 persons a year, that being the annual excess of deaths over births. It is immigration alone that prevents any ' decrease of popula tion. Prosperous pawnbrokers in New York are trying to raise the price of lisence to do business from $50 to 61,- 000 yearly, and increase the bond to be filed from 81 mo to &io,ooo. xnis iooks like our "Uncle" was about to corner on : bis part. The New York 8un predicts, as the end of so-called reforms in the Eemib lican party, that "on the first of July some of the small thieves will quietly drop out of office, but the big fish will manaze to escape into deep water. where they cannot be conveniently 1 01 lowed." The electric light is certainly going. rapidly into use in New York. A few months aeo there was not an estamisn mfint in that citv using this light: now thara are more than a hundred lighted by electricity. Gas was much slower in making its way among us. - A bov of nineteen shot a stranger in Vincennes a day or two ago in cold blood apparently in mere wantonness of devilish malignity. But a few days ago we were told of a murder in lien tucky by a beardless boy still younger. The most noted robber and desperado in New Mexico has barely attained his maioritv. and began at sixteen. . Even children of a dozen years have repeat edly shot and stabbed each other with the determined animosity of veteran brawlers.-?IA News. Escaped Salisbury Watchman, : Coroner Atwell was called to the country last week to look into the cause of - the death 01 t rant jcausv wiie, it having been reported that sne died 01 poisoning. After : examination, . he thought it best to extract-the stomach and have it analyzes, v ne men arrested Ellis, and they were riding to town tapftther. when the negro waae a sua riftn i iimn. attemDting-to spring from the buggr. The kroner aeied him by the coat sleeverthe! horse being, in a brisk trot but the negro, slipped . bia ' feat out and? Was dragged some, thirty yards, when his coat tore off. The horse became unmanageable during -the scuffle, which prevent the Coroners securing his man. He however- had half his coat and a large 011 or jus suii l, which be retained in ins grip, j use here Drporset rode up and jumping off his horse made a lively race with the negro to a fence, where he overtook him. Tableau X 2. Theuegro on one side of the fence, hanging by what re mained of his smrt, ana uie ?ocior pn t.h nthr aide, or rather laving on the fence tiblding to the shirt -which held the negro;::: liy; tinsr nmp i-pe coroner had subdued the horse and was corning to thev doctor's assistances when. Oie shirt crava wavnd the negro4 skipped nuae irom xne waisum, map w?;.ut v? tainlng the shirt. ; - . . 8ep Jlere. Ton are slckr wen,tlieiB to lupt W?ep20OTJbat consumption, dyspepsia, Angusta Chronicle, : : I ' Thit bronco lujraeau or Indian ponies. are exceedingly intelligent need; not be particularly stated. Weiave seen them perform almost incredible , feats of daring, skill. and comprehension, in the circus ring. All persons acquainted with the Indian s character, by reading or personal experience, must know that not even the ceieDracea. steeds pr tne Bussian Cossacks have; greater: endur ance, spirit and intellect , than the - In dian bronchos. We are led to. make these remarks by observing that : the Hedric Coach Company have introduc ed into the commercial life of Wash ington these wiry, vigorous and un daunted horses. They are to be used in pulling coaches. Th& Post says the broncho averages from about fourteen and one-half to fifteen- hands in height and from 700 to 800 pounds, in weight; the height of avensge American draught horse is fifteen, and ope-half to J sixteen nanas, ana nis average weignt about 1.100 Dounds. The bronoho is as - ' w . - A- -L tough as whalebone, can purl twice as 1 much as the American, horse, and - he asts twice as long He can live on the poorest and sicapleat.amountf fodder and does not exuectany greaca mount of kindness or ' attention. In appear- -ance he .is prepossessing; with? his neayv mane and tail. and. despite his low and doubtful origin, has the signs of a thoroughbred. In action he is as lively as a cricket; the drove that reached Washington, although in the cars for seven days at a stretch, were in splen did trim on being landed; one of them made a clean jumb of sixteen feet from the car door. Ever on the alert for what may pos sibly prove a benefit to this section, it occurred to us that the broncho horse might be very valuable here, not only in our street cars, but for other draught purposes, whether in city or country. We should like to have an investigation of the subject by those competent to handle it. if there are places in the South where the Indian horse can be favorably substituted for Western ani mals or the invitable mule, the fact should be known. If there be no room for improvement in our motor power, no harm will be done, in settling the matter. the daU A JOTJMil. OT OTTEB1TTJR SPCCATIOX-1 ToUowtng aehedtfe wll be run ovft A- poSUsfed rtronthlai .GsJte&Jt.. t Jpa I (Sandays feeped)jv Iaa year w advance: ' . P . QOlSfl SaBTH. will nire von beyond DOsalD: MMvfr lrlrlnAV trouble." eongumbtkm debllityWells' Health wr Is y to hope. fl Drugfts. Depot, onn u, Awaasn. nma, 1 1 1 derirywf th, Mteratum and itdusatlon, and gives original r uoles on anblaota nf witni imiwrtn ma well as . grltlelsms of the newest and moat valuable publlca- iCaameaMed: sxrvantagss ma adrerttsers. E2gb rw eueulatton. AdverUseinenta are shown 1 yPttt-Trner.. ........i. if; aiemefrota rrou, jmi ere e I 1 ooresvllle ......... tr ..IITn lntre-t Statetrllle, .60 P. '--,.r" ' GOINa 80UTB. h - . 2 00 a.m. - u acaat aB vjm ta O VU mam 1 asoii4b! l ana vsuevn j bousbt a battle naedalrner as at W. ang- apena sri. Charlotte, alPaxaeJwgefcToilOc' bave EhAii one ttotua and leei m well ohdreds need lust - w 3ufettiU&fc! 'aibJrtleeRt,- rfatnev Wort acts Brat br wrcbmtaglnllie mHd est manner all tendency- to constipation.; nwrdlaitayed,; ItsadverOstr rts are o ia 44rWi4onCntleU,...";. el ltsalue to an advsev: Adverase-1 .trharkiaa .::-.v. o rating properties ttre -2SS!fi?ntotts publics-' -1 11 iry 1 batauiabytl ictrai"- V - marl8-U, t. C. L.t- LLZi, U JunS s ' m ilAnVT W 5 i.ut tnniA inA InvtoonittnK m Mtorea to health- the. deltllltated and- weakened w, ham nunTreas ci ccrcrea cures, wnere aU else' bare failed, Use It ad no longer. Exchange.; 1 An estabUsbed fact: That the MoSMTH SiTTSlC HOUSIB me here to stay, o such word as fail. Ko suVagent a any; offers made by small dealers or agents, 10 per cent Never close a Planb or bave beard from the Mc3mtthi untnyoa House. No man llvlna can buriower tham we. asd tn atmnv a fair chance Is alt we ask; JEvery plane and organ guaranteed for 6 years. BTJTENO rROJt THS HOBTH most be stopped. Why de job send Northt Can yon buy cheaper f How do you know ? -, Have you tried us? t There's the rubl We compete with the world, and Jfew Jer sey tn particular The man does not live who can undersea bs. We keep the beetlnstrnmeots. We give- etoola, Covers and Books, i We warrant them lor A rears-- We aeU them on easv tenna. V, unf them: on 15 days trial. ' W We do everything: that a seasonal imaaeanasav '41 STi KZf vo PIAHOS: Cflkkerinc. Arinn. -fluiletcsOci, Matb er, aoutnern Gem.- 0EGANS. LMason & Hamlin. ewImperial.Pel- 6ubet&0o.& Ster ling. Only the Best Makers Represented. New schedule, new prices, new instruments. Send for rArlnonpa t1 i;fa a note our variety of styles. r n4 TT. McRMTTTT CW1ntf . "M.n -SV SJ -a-w-M- sw Jta a. a, a a sa sj -w ill :0:- Weavltai of Our Southern Senate r. A prominent gentleman of Tennessee recently gave the following summary of the wealth of Senators from the South: "Joe Brown leads off with over a mil lion, possibly two of them. Ben Hill can be set down as wortn a quarter as much easily. Both the South Carolina Senators are in very moderate circum stances, and, like Bansbm and Vance, have been kept busy holding on to tneir property that was so incumbered after the war. Mahone is worth certainly $500,000. most of it made in railroads. Johnston is comfortable, but not ncn. Pughand Morgan have property and excellent practices, and. I suppose, have easy pocket-books. Jones and can oi Florida are improving each year, but are far from wealthy. George of Mis sissippi is a thrifty man of business, owns large plantations, works them economically, and clears about twenty thousand dollars a year, but Lamar is just his opposite, caring for nothing but the booky and students side of life, and never would be anytning due a- poor man, unless he got the benefit of a will, if he lived to be a thousand years old. Jonas, of Louisiana, I understand, is moderately well off, and has a keen eye for snecnTation. Garland and Walker are both poor, because both resigned good fees at the bar to come to the Sen ate. They own some property, not much, and could easily increase it it al lowed to remain at home. Garland told me he made five thousand dollars his third year of practice, and had been on the increase ever since. I have no doubt he could easily clear twenty thou sand dollars a year if he devoted his time to it. Cockrell. of Missouri, is ex tremely frugal and careful, and is com fortably well off, but l doubt u vest will ever for he is not lucky in his ventures and .spends a great deal. Williams, of ' Kentucky, is .: Only comrorxaoie, out xtcck. is uuuuu w be rich before long, forhelhas made some fortunate ventures in land in the Northwest;' on the litre of the, new roads, and that land is gome to be im mensely valuable. : Maxey and Coke, of Texas, are among tne .rrugar nngaae, ana.u never ncn,. wm Always manage to be coraf pxtable, and-, that's about all they want. ' Mighty 431ad el It. BlllArp. "' Pm mighty glad Jeff Davis has waked up them incendiaries who burnt, our country. Columbia is one place and the Sherman belt is another, and its long and wide, and ten thousand wit nesses still live to testify, and he can't dodge 'em nor honeyf aggie 'em, and I want him to go down to his grave with a alo of shame around him; I do- that s a fact... Beckon he would , deny burning Cassville. close by where I Jive burning her churches and colleges. J 4 THE lilOiTTE Something Entirely New. STYLES IN ONE 4, Si AT REDUCED PRICES. L. BERWANGER & BRO. We Will OfFer for Tliis Weeli OUR $15.00 PARASOLS FOR $10.00 OUR 12.00 PARASOLS FOR 8.00 OUR 10.00 PARASOLS FOR 7,00 OUR 8.00 PARASOLS FOR B.00 OUR 7.00 PARASOLS FOR 5.00 OUR 6.00 PARASOLS FOR 4.50 OUR 5.00 PARASOLS FOR 3.50 THE SAME REDUCTION ON OUR IMMENSE STOCK OF WE WILL ALSO OFFER THE BALANCE OF OURrDRESS GOODS FORj NEARLY HALF THE JR VALUE. These prices will positively be given to customers calling for the above named articles. WXSm SPRING AND SUMMER G OOtS. JUST BXCnVEb A LABGX VASIXTT OV and every single dwelling and onthouBe. Ladies' Dress Goods and Trimmings, Lawns, Silk Handkerphiefs, Emjbroiderieff. Corsets Beckon he would deny tearing our cemetery all to pieces at Borne, where mv children were buried and taking the tombstones and monumentrfor his fortifications when there wasthous ands of rock close: by. Well, he did leave one. lust one. for it was a monu ment to an officer ottbe United States navy who died before the war. He made his soldiers protect that Talk about Sherman to me. He's got no more pity, nor mercy, nor sentiment than Comanche Indian. and Hosiery, all the latest Styles and very Cheap,. ALSO, A HANDSOafX STOCK or RQadyMa and Cents' Furnishing Goods. ELIAS-&, COHEN. -( v -v ' . . . . . (Jive m a oall ibeqajdg Way Not. At Bay Bidge supurb, I lately saw six little girls raceing away on bicycles like grown experts. I also saw several girls of full growth on, two' wheels. They were astridVthe venicles, man fashion, and one was using a machine: .so , t&U that heregs were stretched tttth tu most in reaching the pedalsfThe place was secluded, and they weranot abash-- ed by thescrutiny of onf of tjieir owij.1 sex. They naorbeen iraming m expecta?: tion of indulging frctlx ; ito sports at a retired White Mcuntain resort during the summer, and tUeyetsBotne probab- flity that their exam Wi war be exten sively follow 3 by fasiitiiKabia women. They wore wry loose 4joiIsert of thin. flannel, plaited a the aisrand ankles, and 'made net indeUCatjeaisplaV, the drapery being almost as fuft aathough the garment were not WfurCatecL' There s,eems. to be no reaoahxrmTSdesit j woman snouicmiriae a Dicyie,anariae 1 astraqdie.--uiars oeiie. - fenumdlnasaua 0QWty,Ila,V MarOb 29th, Q It A IY1 I8.8at hve nseaDF. 81mnns liver Begnlato I rxt and always, found it to ad what; is ojajmedtor if. TJie last pottle ana two packages did. me no good, ind were worse than nothing. " i 'see it is not pot npbyJ.H.ZellIn Co., and not genuine,' and a wasteef Btoneyto boytL-1 woold be glad to get the pore "and genuine, s fiend me some from hon est hands (with red Zand ZelUn Co.'s slgnatore on wrapper.) The. fietltloas staff sold win lnjare eome one badly. , ,r. - BEW. T. RICH. & Mcdowell;, ENGINEERS, IRON FOUNDERS & MACHINISTS, ' f 41 l e ' , " "-ltAirorACTuaiBS or- ' V7f I ENGIN E S AND Ml N I N G lyiACHIuERY. CONTRACT FOB CONSTRUCTION AWDKBJECTION OF MININO MACHETBBT OF SVXRT DESCRIPTION AKD LATEST DESKlNa; ALSO, UAN COIuuEGE STEEET BTWEN TRADE AKD i'lFTlIr ST. BRANCH OFFICE, CHABLOTTi, K C I WCfiks, ABLlKGTONy N. 3m' 7, ' : . . 1 - . mar27 ' NXW TO0jrnc647,C0yRTiaN0T ST. T i Ml I i J

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