' -cfrrl-"-.ii -'rr - BTrBamattioit hatub : jti. on vrr, (postjxrfcn ntwmr. ..$8 00 ix fA v 4 00 ftjw Month!.. ............ 2 00 tm Mouth... 71 , WMMKLT EDITION : wxtty, (in Ae eotmty) m advance. ... rd ofi cotri, pottpaid,.... .. ..... sixMoniTa .................. jar Liberal Eeductiontjor Glut. .....S2 00 a 10 .....100 Pttg 500fls. EeadM: -r . . 1 .. H'.-N r1. " And Study Tour Interest We have a full line of KID GLOVES Including the celebrated (FATSHTEO JUKI 13TH, 1876.) From 2 to 6 buttons. In all shades and. at ex tremely low pi Ices. Also, a nice line of Lace, Lisle Gloves and Mills. We are offering our magnificent Stock of Fans ' All qualities, at bottom prices. Cur very large stoek of PARASOLS at a sacrifice. Call early and secure a bargain. We have an elegant line of LADlEi', HISSES 'and CHILDREN'S FANCY HOSIERY. These goods must be sold, and now Is the gold en opportunity to save money and. get nice goods at low pi Ices. ft junlO $00ts m ghats We are dally receiving oar SPRING STOCK which will be more complete than ever before and comprises the LADIES', MISSES', CHILDBENS,' GENTS', BOIS', AND YOUTHS' FINE BOOTS1 SHOES A SPCECIALTY. Lower grades all goods In our line In variety and all prices. FULL STOCK STETSON HATS, and a pretty line Straw Hats, Trunks, Valises k Satchels, ALL SIZES AND RRICES. Call and see as. PEGBAM & CO. feb20 JUST RECEIVED ! ANOTHER LOT- Hoop Skirts, All prices. Anew lot of desirable LAWNS, at 6i Cts. PINK AND CREAM LAWNS. We aak special attention to i Bedded Laco k Pasmentry., CORDS & TASSELS, , ALL COLORS. ' f ' ' ; We are still offering bargains In Dress Goods, Parasols, And many other lines of goods. - . , '. . HOSIERY, GLOVES. ETC; A call win convince yon that we are offering goods at extremely low prices. t HARGfiAVES &;VILHELH. , THE,' OXQIAN,S A JOURNAL Of JilTKRATUBE 4 ETJUCATfOH--fx published monthly at Oxford, N. CyatOn, Dollar a year in idvanee. . The Oxonian alma i at increasing the Interest for Literature and fciuearlon, and give orlglnal -ar-Ucles on tnfrjfHrtifef vital lrpftrtanc H " criticisms of te nvfldnwt valuable publica tions. --v.g?V---t-X''ik -..Jt'-'? ! Offers deiaiWMvanttoiadTeriers.fh aaartIslD sass of m value .to a advertiser. A4mtJ; menu, intended not - pubiioaisson in any uaiv, should ben the office ty the fc.h tf mowU. klrnm Ham BOOTS iDIOf est Brands Latest-Styles VOL. XXV, t at Last No MoreBrokcn Whatebones. After spending over twelve thousand riniiamtn experiments, Dr. Warner has perfected a material ior Doning corsets called C O R ALINE Which is vastly superior to born or whalebone. ITS ADVANTAGES ABB: FIRST. It cannot be broken. A reward of 55 will be paid for every corset lu which the Coraline breaks with six months ordinary wear. SECOND. It Is more pliable than whalebone and adapts Itself more readily to the movements of the body. THIRD. It is not affected by cold, heat or mois ture. FOURTH. It Is the cheapest and most service able corset ever made. THE CORALINE CORSET is made throughout of superior materials, and is warranted in every respect If not found entirely satisfactory, the purchase money will be refunded. Ask for Dr. Warner's Abdominal Corset, With extension front Unequaled for beauty, ele gance and style. And Dr. Warner's Nursing' Corset, The only perfect nursing corset in the market. Ask for Dr. Warner's CROSS-BONED HIP CORSET. We have the extfuslve sale In this market of the above corsets, and will be nleaand to hiwa thn trade Inspect them. T. L. 8EIGLK ft CO. ono A DELICIOUS DRINK For Use in Families, Hotels, Clubs, Parties, Etc. Boston i 'C M. 6BATS A BOWS. r ,m Tb. "Hub Pnnch " has lately been introdnesd, aai mMts with marked popular favor. It is Warranted to Contain only ths 9 Be$t of Liquors, United with Choice Fruit Juices and Granulated Sugar. It it rsady on opening, and win b. found an agNatM addition to ta. enoie. things which undeniably enlarg. th. pieasorM of lif and anconrage good fellowship an4 cood natnra if rightly enjoyed. , , , GOOD AT ALL TI Just the Thing to Keep la Wini Cellars. Sideboards cot Complete Wlthcat Hull PkcL Milk, Ioe, Soda, or Hot Water, Lemonadej or with Hhe Ice, to Suit the Ta3te. "' Drat-gute everywhara. Trade sunDlled at manufacturers nrleea bv fWll son 4 Burwell, Wholesale and Retail Druggists Charlotte, N. C." Jan. 2a-eod-em. INDOR$ED'vDiTtfj.'f3MTi n PHYSICIAHS, CLiRGYT.KrJ, AriD THli GREATEST UttiMC TRlUnPH OF THE AGE SYMPTOMS OF A TORPID LIVER. jLoaaofa; attBea.bowle eoetlTe. T-J 1 iClrrm. A -rl. - Anil mnmU the back part. Pain under tha shoulder- ; blade, fullnasj after eattogt with a dlste- 1 Olinanon o exertion oi ooay or mma Irritability of temper, Low apirita. Eoia of memory, with, a feeling of having neg lected some duty, weariness, PlMiriesaX Fluttering of the Heart, jjois peiore tne eves. Yellow fekin. Headache, Beatlesl peas at night, highly colored Urine. IF THES1.W AXFUrOS ABJB TTKSXEDUi, SERIOUS DIStAStS W1LL8UUN Bt OtVtLUrtU. . TU1TS PLLLS are esweelally adapted to cuea eases,one dose ffeets suoha change . of feeling as to avatonleh tne sufferer. They anervaee ttae AppeUtevand catwe the . body to TaJto on f Uilj, thoe the ystem U iionrleliee1.nd by theUTeaileAetionoo the SucS: Price a oentfenM MerrretySIt lit ill 1,1.1 Black -m einiri. a imparts hduuiu marts a natucai coiort.aci 401 lauvauiruiMijr. . . Sold WWiWMtp Offlco, 3cs Murray t.t fw9riu Teb 23 deodlia a.St Ft oaitfstca 0:.1 Atlantic, Tennew'tjlir Railroai SmntniJiTJU burr's OmCT. I ' Charlotte. N, C.,- June 5th, 1881. f ; followintc schedule wlU be ruaarer thi? road dally (Snndaj s excepted) f " J" . 8 BO p. n, A m Mnnresville ,..,,....10 69 p. m. Arrive at statesvnle, 12,00 p. m. - GOING SOUTH. Leave StatesvUle. ........ s m. t ''' tuiwn TiinAM ........ ...... 81. a. m. infMAi Charlotte.. o 10 a, m. r A Perfect Corse s ( MBS ..j.-gMii4Mji--Aa rMse. 1 AS : pan- pwfgk '''MaHMHaMawil.! mmmvc t ..- .- --"-I.- -A -i it Social etiauette among the Indians Is confined to one trait They never let a caller go away hungry, If it takes the last dog.-Detroit Free .rresa. - - Josh Billings observes In His quaint way: "One Jiuart of cheap whiskey (the cheaper the better) udiclously applied, will do more business tor the devil than the smartest deacon he has got" - - k M The story is told of lb. ' Sessions that eneebel fore a legislative committee of Investigation, he disclosed the rule of his lite in diplomatic polities. ' At an early period of my career," said hev'I reamed when I went to suck eggs to nlde the shellv'-ButtaloNews. .. Do notlell a man he lies. It Is vulgar. Say that his conversation suggests to your mind a sum mer resort circular. -Philadelphia Hews. -i.i An Invalid wife "in "savannah walked the other day for the first time in ten years. Bhe walked far enough to-eatoh her. husband, kissing the nurse, ni shpcfceoinpletahT eured her ieuinatl2.t Detroit Freer PBesv.a,TU a .-.n -r-.,";, rir. After Iroqnols and FOxnaH comes Weston, and after him there should be some one with apis club. . Press workHugting r pretty girl Hajp want-ed.-8yracue:eandaiid,.i Is n posslblfr -4hat a newspaper mH ieaHarfjeW jsi such case, and wantsijjtStochBterpress.T . ;Therei?,r3eftis:3l5Ra thaflf a pMiultaaaV0T-.4: Photograpaj would loektoto the eyes of the oppoaltei aexyln stead otat an Inan imate piece ef baste: beards theires when pho toed would not loolf sexpressieniess Every ar tist now ought to keep s good stock; of -ttothers-ln-law on hand fer the benefit ofentlmen Wbjecta, There would be ho lack of expression lu eyes then. A medical Journal saysTTherrir -trrbe of halrless people among the Australian Aboriginals, living some 500 miles west of rBrisbane, near the Balonne river; iSeveral of them were bropgat to Queensland by Barorr Macleevyk the .Ruasttm ex plorerrwhe had them photoeraphed: Their heads and bodles'Were ntirelr free from hair, and the former were perfectly smooth and- shiny." Now we know where the baioheaded people spring from.. "."."".".::! naiv.-r 1 TirXS OF IMTRST. Such is the demoralization of agri calture;;jiiv; England, saya the London correspondent of the New York World, that-in many of the counties .oyer. 60 per Gent.-of the land is ; nofc in cultiYa tion. ' ; ; v : ; '-. - -: Trom such English census returns as are at present procurable, it looks as if th&: total. population ot the United Kingdpitt; would De 84,000,000, of which 25,000,000 are in England, 5,000,000 in ireiana, ana 4,000,000 m Scotland. Two physicians of Paris have for some time been experimenting a new metnoa 01 curing neuralgia, it con sists in causing vibrations in the nerves affected, by means of a succes sion of light tappings. They claim re markable success. Forty thousand wax candles are in stantaneously lighted by a sinsrle match in the Royal Palace, Berlin. The wicks are previously connected by a thread spun from gun cotton, on igniting one end or wmcn all tne candles in tne 700 apartments are lighted simultaneously. A cypress tree, 75 feet high, 10 feet in diameter, and more than 2,800 years old, was recently destroyed near Spar ta, Greece. This celebrated remnant of the life of the by-gone ages was de scribed by .Pausamas, 400 years before Christ. The Spartans mourn its loss. According to official return's 68 men were killed and 225 wounded the St Gothard Railroad in the course of 1880. Of these, 22 were killed in the great tunnel. Tnese accidents nave arisen for the most part from falls of rock and premature explosions of dynamite. It is reported at Bennington, Ver mont, that the Hon. Trenor W. Park will found an orphan asylum there, and endow it with half a million dol lars, as a memorial for his deceased wife. When the project is matured, aetaiis win De given to tne puonc. Senator Strahan, to whom little "Johnnie" Davenport offered the place of marshal for New York city, is a tall, oroad-snouidered Jew x oncer, with a pleasant face and straight cut mou stache. Strahan affects great neatness in his clothes, and with the possible ex ception of W. B. Astor, is the best dressed man in the New York State Senate. ! Three Russians created a sensation in Hazleton, Pa., on Tuesday. They entered a saloon Kept by a countryman and volunteered to show him how the Czar was blown up. In order to illus trate this, they procured three glass balls filled with dynamite. Qne of these they threw at a wheelbarrow, which was blown to pieces by the explosion They were immediately arrested and find for malicious mischief. ' The London Telegraph, referring to the late Robert A. Alexander, founder of the celebrated stock farm of Wood- burn, Ky, says: "It is well known that the Alexander family is lmeallv de scended from Lord Sterling, and it is believed that if Mr. A. J. Alexander cared to make application to the House of Lords, he would not have much dif ficulty in establishing his claim to that dormant peerage. The prairie dogs are playiLg havoe with the range- in an extensive scope of country in Western and Nortwest- efa Texas suited only for grazing pup. Sses. Old xexans, wno nave oeen ia iliar with that part of theState:for mafiy years, say that in many places the prairies have been rendered barren by these .little animals, where but a few years since the country was cover ed with a coat of fine, luxuriant mes- qmte grass as ever gladdened the eye of rich men. - f . Shop ITIodela. i A novel feature ofhe- season at Saratoga and Long Branch- ile iadVertising belle at -eactfi -of -those those places. Two handsome Virlsoi crood form and top-lofty-style have J been hired for the purpose They will be fashionably dressed, but their mis sion is not to display dry- goods. A dealer in .hair hair-dyes t washes for the complexion, and toilet articles of a beautifying sort, employs .them, and will pay their expenses. 'They will serve as models on which-to'ixhibit theUatest achievements, in. f ajse ,hair. andjiair-dressing. Their faces will be carefully "made up" with such prepa rations as he manufactures. The plan is a bold one, but entirely feasible. ;; f ' 1 ; - ; ijl i The Florence KlehtlHgale ef the Rawer. : The following is an extract from a letter written to the German Bef ornraLMesseneer, at Chambers- bUrg. P6DB.S ; A EElTXfACTBXBS. - Just open the door for her. and Mrs. Winslow will prove the American Morenos Nightingale of the nursery. Of this we are so sure that we will teach our Susy to say, "A Blessing on Mrs. Wins low" for helping her. to survive and escape the griping, cbllcklng and teething siege. Mrs. wins low's Soothing Syrup relieves the child from pain;' and cures dysentery and diarrhoea. It softens the gums, reduces inflammation, cures wind colic and carries the infant through the teething period. It Mrforma nrecisely what it. professes to perform. every Dart of it nothing less. We have never seen Mrs. Winslow know her only through the prepay ration of her "Soothing fiyrur for Children Teeth ing." If we bad the power we would make her, as she is, a physical .saviour to the Infant race. Sold by all druggists. 2,5 cents a bottle. ; 'o . CATARRH OF THX BLiDDXEU JH .: khihirinv. rmnrtinff. irritation of the urfnanr oaa saees, diseased discharges, eured by Buchnpalba. Druggists. pot,J.MnlfCarlotte. a.wv tacv ruffiu - WViTTTW. tnm fthA fialv nini : xjyjmM a ai. n. m... . Miins or fading. Parker's Hair., BalFani( suppUes CHARLOTTE, N . C, SATURDAtj STJNE 1881. trainikg; TODSG isCiiis. THE ClRLIsLE EDUCATlOfYAiV An Ixtterelnf Fab-lJc JExsasisuulon Complete; ' f locm , cI 5 the ; ' chpey . a WenBUrIaa cgynruM-The) Sctaoolsi Flatstncl&laVffsvlre , Thnaderphla Tses. Much to toei disappoiAtment of Cap tain Pratt in, .charge v of the Indian sehool at Carlisle barracks,, neither President Garfield. nor any .member of his Cabinet made his appearance at the examination of the pupils.; The closing exercises began in .the gymnasium con nected with ," the' Indian. Training School at .two o'clock, shortly ; after a ' delegation of about forty persons, con aisting tnoatly of members ,o( the) So? ciety of fiends from Philadelphia, ' had ariWKL ; The gymnasihm has'iin accQfir9aating pitpacity pf abon V one tUopcNivJt and , nearly every: available1 fw fori, wair. occupied. t The" sub jects were.thirty-three in numbei'i'And' considering the ignorance pf the In dians when thev came to school, and the short time they 1 have been under 1 Hiscrucwons mey acquiuea tnemseives. vith' great credit. The:Creeksr who' barticibated in the exercises. Generally I showed great advancement irr master-' JLiig me xogiisn laugwage,- uuii tne' ill owas, : Comanches, jPoncas and " other tribes gave evidence, of i great difficulty in! SDeakintr it ihteliieibiv. A brasa band of eight pieces, handled by ; lepre-' sentatiyes of as many different tribes, rurnlshed the . music. '. The address Of welcome was' made by "Amos Lone Hill,Bon of High Wolf.- ,; ' The nrineibal address was 'mad a Ky Almorine McKellop, a Creek, who is a 4 member or the preparatory school at Dickinson College. SpeeclieS were1 also made by Michael Barns,' an. Apache; Luke Phillips; a NezrPerce Maggie Stands Looking; a Sioux : iaiis Chil ders, a Creek ; John Shrelds, a Pueblo ; Howard Chanhip, a tJotnanche; Reu ben Quick-Bear, a Sioux ahd' Pred. Smith, a. Ponca. The other exercises consisted of declamations, j recitations, essays, singing and calisthenic perfor mances. The pupils were liberally ap plauded, and the more proficient re-1 ceivea Douquets and. otuer testimonials of appreciation. : At the close of: the in teresting exercises the Rev. J. H. Mc Cauley read the report of the examin ing committee and Capt Pratt made a: short address, in which he said that the difficulties which had been standing in the way of the complete success of these schools were the want of sentiment in their favor among whites and Indians, and the absence of the proper means and forces. He had selected pupils from the different tribes to show what can be accomplished. He declared that the object of these schools was to civ-1 ilizethe whites so that .Justice might be done the Indians. The crisis of their existence was upon the latter, and' the whites should come to their rescued They had claims on the whites which1 would have to be recognized. CONDITION OS" THK SCHOOL, ;i There arejiow in the institution 285 pupils, 197 boys and 88 girls. A consid erable number of them are employed in the various workshops. , on the grounds. In the tin shop, started in April, 1880,1 there axe ten apprentices, in whom five tribes are represented. There have been made 803 pails, 588 conee Doners, 4,304 cups ana pans.,; .in the shoemaker shops there are thirteen apprentices, taken from nine tribes. Since its establishment in 1880 no shoes have been sent outside the grounds for repair, , About 150 pairs are repaired montmy, ana iou new pairs nave oeen made since the shop was established. In the harness-making shop, started in April, 1880, there are twelve appren tices, in whom four tribes are repre sented. - There .have- been shipped to Indian agencies 118 double sets of har ness, and 40 remain on hand. 'The value of their, labor is $31rX In the wafirdn-maklncr shoo 10 wagons have been ohmbleted . and 8 are in -nrocess of jconstruction; This department started in October.' I8ft0. kml iias" tehTjWrfenU tlcesi' -An order Wars tecetyedjlfrbm WHAT'.TjrrBii;ii.: There is 4anndxy7xnnected. with the school, in-which, from .3 jK)0 ; to -4,000 pieces,, ar in deDactment. six Indian cirls are n ployed daily a new? set bewg supplied eVeryj dayv About -50Q pairof .stack; ings are darned in the dept)nent very t There nave been subscribed to the training school about $1,800 by people oi Philadelphia. nearly AUJ)v Jne soci ety of Fnends..The. scnool is now sept up by appropriations from the civilization fund, -which will be ex- hausted in about eighteen months, i ' Chicago Western Catholic. The latest man who has, been; made happy through the use of this valuable Jlnlment is Kj James A. Conlan, librarian of the : Union Catholic Library, of this city. The following is Mt jConlan's Indorsement: , . s . I wish to add my testimony as to. the merits of St Jacobs Oil as a cure f or rheumatism. One bot tle has cured meof tMji trpuDlesome disease, whinh mn' nm A rmaV '-deAT" bnfhAV for a Inn dme;butthajiksWlbe yeMftaik tail' siaiemeni m unsoucuea oy any one in- ne mtereeb -''i " Vai-W .tv'i. Lnfl. e:ti Kidney Wort moves the bowels reCTlarJyl clean- ses the blood, and radically cores kidney disease: gravel, piles, bilious headache, and' pains which are caused oy auoraerea uver ana Kianeys. rnou sands have been euredJwhy should not you try it? Tourdmeeut will ten vou thai it la one oi tne most successful mWiCinea ever knawn.nlt.ls Bold in both.dry and Uouid forn), and Its aetion Is posi tive and eure jfteftbjeagaafala; Is Renowned ai a Pure and -Effective 'Hair ttaeai lng in Every (quarter oi tne world. For thirty years it. has. been, "a favorite with the people and a , leader with the trade. The name Cocoalne" has become a valuable property. Bur- itt& Co. have established their sold right to Its use in several suits at law, tnus protecting the pub lic and themselves rrom imposition, The superiority of Burnett's Fiavui leg Xxfracts consists In their .perfect purity" and. great strength. c , rri) ,faetiN-OItF.SS WATER, u Cathartic and albinitlve. Is s well known sne clfte fo. constipation; 'Indigestion, and all disor ders of he stomach; river and kidneys, w w-, .,i . Ninety years' popular use attests its purity, gaie ty and superiority -to-all waters of this elnss. Avoid all coarse, Irritating waters, foreign and do mestic; they impair the digestive organs and kid neys, thereby Inducing irreparable results. None genuuie;eo OBoraugns. ""; 'aBaaiaaaK'Bterl BosiiieAt interrise lit Toledo, 0hlo.: !. Tntba MaV dlstribuUon of the Louisiana State Ttttan'.tiieTe were . thirty or more , luck ticket holders In that city. One ticket, Not Bll4ofo : talned from- MHOaaphln, New OTleaer-Lejq-e mall, brought for the $i sent by Mr. Fred Schroe- mall, brought for vd4 sens Dyau. reascnroe der, No. MioWwnJt and A. D. BJCeJ, of the Vienna Bakery, TJo. 838 roadt?ay, a prize of l BRILLIANT -SCHEMX. - Bo In and win and buy acketln the aextdrawr. lag of the Common weath , Dlitrlbutlen Company, ulioulsyllle, Kr., on the 80th Inst. Tickets 82 tad yi. .capital prize $3U Washington t ew days.a.mntttog; that two of the" jsdajns 'bflf of Warded to different agencies 1$ OreoirV r eiiWaaaegL iSM:ipnwo cmr: Indian girl are empiqyed lanndry daUyZathesewmg -,'.r?!-"t' ,ir- ; j ' A-tlTXKfeCASH DOWN, 1 , ; J - LOWEST CASH PKICIS, and balance ln' months, WITHOUT INTEEKST $10. & $25 CASH ON ORGANS AND PIANOS. yOTJCANBOx THB ; ; Cluttering Piano and "T wr auos, and Sheet mritiln anrt amnti,trn i. VVA Maan. 1M Prices, etcTaddresa " r ' ' l" U1US,C ime- 4r ST AT Biniu liMnTAIf fiTArnnninn 11m miTT nnn i mmm ujm ami hiw THE A Lo One llousand 11 , .- - r ii-..jiti f. ' f t - Xladies, Dress Goods and Trimmings, Lawns, Silk Handkerchiefs, Embroideries,-I0met6 I, and Hosiery, all the latest Styles and very Ready-Made Clothing and Gentsv Furnishing Goods, ive us a call-before buy inar. Heuai So ai-iy tiTfitr -3.': lt . STEAM ENGINES AND CONTRACT. eOfi CONST RDCTTOM AND ERECTION ,rr . - uAviujtus jjjaxoiU Auula;ultALAOTOBTABLEENlL, 1 ! r ? i ; 1 . v jsw xujijlu riua, & ar7. uuusTiwr ax. r ukauch ottick, charlqttjSi tLdi wokir$t apttwtav 'i.i--.- -, NO. 3,830.' ' 1)aflKIH:K . &SttWiF.: JSa .3MaJ" Ilason & Hamlin Organ. tne Mason and Hamlin Is the monarch of all organs. A good tuner and repairer always on hand.; For H. McSMlTH, Charlotte, N. C. Si inllEi;:f JJ 1 3 Sorrething Entirely New. LE8 IN and CMldren's Cassimere Sui i - .. . . . - , : REDUCED PRICES. L. BERWANGER & BRO. Hoop At Cents. OTHER A NEWXOT OF JUST RECEIVED A LABGB VARIETY Ot & Mcdowell;: -.ENGINEERS, IRON FOUNDERS & MACHINISTS, : ; -' '' '''' ' ' ' ; MANtTFACTUREBS OF M I N I' N OF l&ltlNO MACHIMWHV OV Ttff.V W , fa nynBtyBt joj" iastmetp - Has bera'thoronghlj euCTuedwta ererj needs' ' Tl - V want, and with the latest styles of Trpe, and every tr; PrKKSBAKMSSTHANCBILLfl. PAMFHIXnSCIBXXrLACSXrjI a .jsi' 1 nothine hnt from . SPECIAL fiUMMEaiOMTE. ' ' ' J CASH PRICETAND THBKK MOHTHS CKEDIT. 500 rlUHKy.iHD ORGANS ON: HAND AND CONTBACTKDIFOB THAT lfbsTBj ciJrjsitD out'bi oct. 14 JKBMe OISTE 4 s. GOODS. ill i-M '1- A iGheat. 1 1 J ELI AS Ac OOHEN. '! ' L: a Zl .'Mil li: hi G MACHINERY. in . ' -.i: 'Jl 3? 5 ,,-- . .j ., jivwy vsrs.. K V - -4 B tw..'.r L Vt i,c....s S3 Pijrv' J P - i btm - ignai .. SCARF, Skirts, , ' .... c .... : t .... . .... , PfTAW iVT f.lTT-att -nTfaTiva v Li iron V ' i .v ,'!-;l.U'- frsl.'.f-Kf 5i .ati:V. - V ' v-'V lanSJ "" ' 1 -v '" ' - . ..7 , - " k 'N

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