I- LLr :': ' ' ' ' 1.1... 1 , , , II! , I , I ' 1 , II . BVBSOBTPTIOir CAnte .. . 'TBZ OBSQTS3 JOB jaJEFASXS33TP U ifanAt...............i.....'...... 400 beentrumxighly nrnplted' wlJb avery neads' Am i 9 00 ow Jfow ...... 7f antrandvrlth toe latest ttxftsnxj2 Jttney-tt'jot FHnttBgi oaa-now fcye jgttn a vjjivi civ out fO tonmly. rottynfaf... ...... 9 10 tiz Jfowtt-........... v.. X 00 Or LtbtrtHnaetkmo data.' ...w ... A And Study Your Interest We have a full line of - KIDYES Including the celebrated (faxuxxd rcrw Ura, ms.) From 2 to 6 buttons. In all shade and at ex tremely low pi Ices. Xiao, a ulea Use ol Lace, Lisle Gloves-and Mitk We are offering our magnificent Stock of ITanc 111 qualities, at bottom price. Our very large stoekotPAEA80L8 a a sacxlOce. ' Cull early and ar cure a bargain. We hare anelegatitneof LADIE J', MISSJ3 'and CHILDREN'S FANCY HOSIERY. - 2 .-,: . These goods must be aold, and now Is the gold en opportunity to- save mcmey' and get Aloe goods at low ptwt " ' - rtl lexander & lunlO if spi stocklii We are allv receiving our SPRING STOCK vhipli will be more complete than ever before and ooraprUeetae 1 ; t UDIES', MJ33K3'. CHILDRENS,' GENTS', BOlff, aP YQUTW FINE BOOTS1 SHOES A SPCECIALTY. l ower grades all goods ta onr line to variety JfULL STOOg STETSON ' HATS, and a pretty line Straw Hats, Trunks, Valises & Satchels, btui aua spe ua, FRGRAM & CO. ftb30 JUST! ABRJT,., : Hoop all vr1 Cys-ff -j w em 9 -.1- m m WIS PINK AND CREAM LAWNS. We as( special attention ta Bedded Lac & Pasplry. CORDS & TASSELS, We are still ottering bargains in Dress Goods,? Parasols, I And many other iUie o( gooda, - A call will eonvinee you that we are offering goods " f fi. extreineff U v P.rtcelt -1 ! VtthWlladlctnBaw'riAT-r ',vr B " PatohtedXkiet o' m& 1 4a gorV '.' No nauseous (awwifetoelobaltw. or oil of gyejyoedi tt are certain to rodnee dyspepsia A Harris mmm. Best Mm UWStyte vjojuc " io r" "i er i 3 1 cn. . , tiitw r -liZm serlf-Tr r'7'7. i J SS OOflB, CIottttBsifet. No More Broken Tialebones. After soendlnz over twelre thmnxnd ttniiim in experiments, Dr. Warner has perfected a material for bODlng corsets called C O R ALINE Which la vastly superior to horn or whalebone. ITi ADf AKTAGK8 ABS: v WEST, r Tt mnnnt hii hmlran . A R will be paid for everr corset In wbien the Coraline breaks with six. month ordinary wear. Mwaiu 11 is more pliable than whalebone and adaDta itself more nuulltw tn th mnnmanta of the body. r -; Thma. It is not affected bj cold, heal wmol- tare. ' ' -.r . .;! FOiJBTH. It is the cheapest and most service able corset ever made. . THE CORALINK CftRMT ii.imuuthMn.hMit of superto matertala, and is warranted lriyery 3 tjcv t- uw 40011a :enureiy saasiactory, the purcjnue rnotrey will be relunded. ' XOf. for - Dr Wvner's AMonunaLCorset .. With extension front . TJnequatod for beauty, ele- Dr. WaraerVKimg rset, The only perfect nursing corset in the market. ;7'r-aatepvapr'r CBOSS-BOND HEP GOBSZT. We hUTA thA TOltldln nb In HilC n.t a imm u mm auczijivn VL tne iDjm miwutit-iind win h imsiuh a h. u! trade inspect them. v T. L SS1QLI ft CO. Juno ' I.. i- . For. U$6 in FamiUei HaUul BeatoMi i$BH. onxTxa a son. The "Hab Tnneh " hw Utlr iAfradW ?M ra JuiVe ana plewafM of hrt sad aqsang good f llewibip sac goodaataM it fightij enjaysdv ;i - GOOD; AT; ALL TI ' Jast th8 Tftlns to Keep la Wise CeUja It xm tewmMQtJftwJim Milk, Ic0 Ma, or Sot Water, ! Lesiona erwithnnsleei . Sold by leading Win Merchants, droeen. HoUlaadA DraggiMiTi7wtar. t Trade supplied ai manafacturers prices by IWI1 Ti,"flit .1 , , ni. INDORSED 43-T- ksyw"-- tajtlcimitttpri THRWFUtamRMfe; THE GREATEST MEDICAL" T SYMPTOM QW A TORPID LIVER. Paainthena.wlthadpasenaatfon.is elinanon r-mind Irritabi TJou of memory, with a fee i-ner ot b&vini leeted some duty, weariness. neaiTDuu neaa. TIu iPotaberorelc DISEASES WHLSOON BE DEVELOPED. -1 TUiT'l wtt.t m mrm inmaui roww sueli;esea,OM dose effects sneb a change ? of teellng sva to aatonleb- the aaffarer. They Iaeroaao CkoAvpotUo, and cause the body to Tko Wlmit, thea the system, la : ZSmJuMLva by hrtroM AotioaOD the '.' Imparts ertifturai or.-ctsipmtali on Feb 28 deaAawiy . 1 yu a . JOtW.IWSH ; fSKCfW? ONIONS, rf J S. SlVlIOWEtL'Si nn24 -ioTe'. : i SBlpIL tn mnian 01 doqt o ttertng 01 tne aear TP TEZSX w ABXUI ul AXK V9HOBDt SERlOUi 'Bold lwDnEglrrVW" SIX TO TTM good hoese jKrovc, work and good wages. - Atpiy to j -. mull Lw t n-t'"- '''-J'.- HMiMpiMjpeeMfMweeMwwi OH TEX Exlatlns; in Nor lis Csrallaa, Bead for Me W tni AiCea Gentlemen of the North Carolina Press miner ai, jpterefctu: of ,6arla,tafA; tefc be reaxt so information: fo-.jaemlrsoi Urtosation,jwho, to a very largaex wjuii, uuw wibum lluu grasp me aesxcay IOVMi11 riopresentatiyes of fhatraMlvtfcrf ha ttrrSrlrMecl Political econoiiisiatiiaihai; there are but three sources of wealth:, TJbe agricultural, the. meciianicaLlanathe nneiA PJpflSof agrjaoiture mMQM&m$&t eyfery Wahi'in the ceaaus rejor .'OuKincoilaiEClfxom agricijdpteryJ hav no' ttatisMcs uponiwhich. tb, base any" ciilcuIatlsMr'as- to'ttetrrvalue;'' I knowhow&ver that. wrthirilhe limita of the State , a . popijlation, of 1,400,000 souliia ein suppprted'jnainly by toe ptftfpjtiU, iO&ftM& that' besidea this, . lrMuatities iof . cotton, fey baccO," rice, dumber . and iaval atorea &Cn are -annually . shipped from- the State It is a part of our early history tlutt.mihjBL.main :purapeople were sel aupporting. and this was so from "the wuwjvui xortn uaroiina, 'the beoble otthe twb aectioiia State, eastand-west, were almost i wit' to Badi 6thet: ThrV Wrkffft' jifi&exrju. , an attemot trf designate our? CTeatp itapleavof ; produotioaj .thahhe' 6a$e, assertion of the f actthat Iiforth; Stm: noted for' ber tatfc pitthi lindiairpentine a cominoditv, of eom-i merce- almoet -if not altogether ria-, uuwp.o, Hea-eiguin3 or lot people, of the State.. Our maiL facilities werel in the main so tew that there was little inter&uree or commerce" between the1 wjpjeef-tbpposite. sections of tiiei State, and the inhabitants of the larger; portion of our territory were content to rest under , the epithet of the "Eip Vanl Winkle? , of. the Union, pur forests teeming with tile Aest timbers Known to commerce' 'ere either unknown tof the wprldt pr were literaliy "hewn down ana cast into the fire" before. the; axes of the hardy pioneers, who regard-i ed each tree cut down and destroyed k victory oyer a foe not ta be deanlsedJ nBnt it is not a these I would apeafe; to-day. The pastx with its follies, itsjBB-. lected opportunies, and its omissionai is gone. The present is upon us, witlj ita responsibilities and its duties. Brains; capital and enterprise demand that we let the dead past bury its own dead. A change has come over us, and that change, coupled with our earnest en deavors, can make our waste places and our "old fields" blossom, as the rose, and, under ita jtnmuse, we can inarch forward to a glorious prosperity. With our other resources the development of our mines and mineral treasures of fer to North Carolina a future as bril liant and ag fair as her own glorious climate, and as rich as the fertili ty of her own soil. Within in the past year or two, at least $200,000 have been expended in putting in machinery for producing gold, silver, iron and copper from the mines of North. Carolina, and from this we take courage 1 v Tho general, mpiesaion, of those who haye 'giyen the'question careful study and exapujnation, is that the business of mining for precious metals, will become ope of the largest and most important industries 6f the coun try . Important in its value as a pro ducer of a pioduot always in demand, always available, however depressed may be the prices of every other pro duction of farm or shop, of hand or brain, and is in a shape to be market able at full value even after exposure to the action p.f the elements which would utterly' destroy the commercial j value 01 eyerj ftter commodity, "The ifflPressjaiU that paining for gold and silver is to become one of the most valuable and prominent indus tries, is strengthened even by a dim comprehension of the vast and stable foundation upon which it rests. There is in all the works of nature, a change less law and system, The Treasure of duration and yastnesa w estimated by the ages of formatio'rind massiveness of structure. In nature mountains dp not labor to bring, forth a mouse. The flower that comes from hud to blossom in a night fades and perishes in the sunshine of the morning, while the firm, enduring stratum of granite, whieh the slow, grand march of count less ages have fashioned and hardened, endures without a preceptible loss & combat with the destructive elements of centuries. , u - ? Mining combines within itself in a large measure many of the mosTprom- permanen its asteKar-weaknew, assltew 6ditr and oundaon, wh&h indicate LbSUntiai jexistence eldrMMfliipaeeds inake no impression, With . . guohbasiawith such im mense resources,, its prodllcieinK in. srJchjregularJmdjjenejr there can birbut one future for such an in- f dustry.LiWbilB itagTJJWMifitustiDf ne- xounoatranst w a graiiiw JUUMHi P"f tance which no induatrifthe pres ent dayfcaa.ever. Jiopa equal. Tne de velbpment of "Jibe 'istrareessof 1 this branch of1 the -prodttetive forces is largely dependent upon capita! and en ergy wisely andkinfuliy-employed, and iff thioespecr differs from almost every other Hne ofbusines A dead J inert mass waits tp be acted upon witir no forcje of life within rtseir, to dios- BQm.Wltft nB" power wj?'uuuucu by tber requirea moni The seed Of ttie farmer carries future harvest, and wt som the d in the i earth aud nurturrapD) sunshine of heaven: lm finH nd perfects itself even when "ti WW sleeps, but the weal tb .thaV mer aeeka knows no resurri e dead effort Of an epoch which is. buried beneath the, crumbling; wrecks of een-r turies, Cold and dun, the germ of life crushed oat fn' the tumultuous chaos; when the giant forces were upbuilding a newxreation, it responds to no gentle toucnoteartU orMaf enCraated, pet- haps"by"tne imion or measureaxorces, it' yields to no rwer. but force, and a series of massive -forces are seqairedp-bx every step or change fyoffl iffiwwg to coining. " ' ' ''-":- l-: Capitalnls tajleyer thst .JQvea the worla.-jCapit4U3-fc tssertoii of con ctrcntb, to do' a master's . wilL? dWimn CTlreciueat iihaye-bwnrindttCBa-ito are shj?rtpapw,on.tbe mIriea.Shd Is nOfwaETR VElW itrnettirel fiierns of breadthof J aivenaarins-aaa; Ki ."',! --ft ft. . ,---t f a;eacb,irnU find a fiUinf? mate, s One enough. forr aJl ittentth, iahdJ the other. ;wiir-;ieet force toi'wrhicl it gra for each other, visions of such vastre sutatnac iney may- well question, when they-descend to the-blinded toil ers on tho plain. the trth.ot what theif eyes lehela,ofrttie"if uture teveaied., ; We--tak'special:'.State pride inka fcertintoM;he?gpW.pr NorSi iCarplt irov-aT)out I2jOOQ square miles and - contains, about 15Q tnirles ifi vaiooa ndittoiis devel opment, anS if also cbntams large areas of copper, silver Jrou and coaI,to Say nothing of the many other valuable substances, such as mica, biddenite, couad4iJiwietc.a,;A&tQ goWiiiJpthe 80th day of Ju&e; 877. aisjarly ;,000w products of our Mines. Siucttiaemhe at leastiotbe'mUlipft1 has" ifceaadd ed, and this, thought, lacks trbrfit one-half to one-third oftha amount aci tually irodufced bTol;..ji4uW'Of it finds its -way into .commerce without passing through the assay offices ami much of it tbat passes throttzh this avenue Js' credited to other-gold pro ducing sections. The ebld fieldirj.Nortb Carolina may tie prpperly said; to ex tend Irom.Moore . and rxahklin coun ties on the east, nearly; to the .Tennes- Bee - lme- on the -west.- Witkin-thfl limits may be found illustrations of every mode of occurreqca' of.; goM-r- j placers, gravel vrasbings,, beds veins and bottoms of streams.. Wjithin -this i area, too, are at least three different! geological tormatipns, each furnishing j ores with.peculiaj characters. : 1 The best known mines are upon the j central or jrranito , bek. tretchinc! .across. the'; State; in-a? northeast and southwest direction, with a width of, ten to twenty-five miles, the towns of, uriecusuuiu aua,ariotw pvwz nearly wu uie-iULus ui.;iiua, luic, iuiiij oy.jBeoto gists it is considered as amontriEe old est on the Nor,hv American continent. rrTA ""eVV.-. . . Jt 1.L1- t : r -11 niiy mues, wnere mines aDouna. iut wirapiorawonaaayejaecn.ieaswr,;, To te1 , west is a . still aaige area,' hiade up for the moat part of smeissoid ajd.scbAatose formations.' and extends ing newiyv or .quite to the Tennessee uofuer; mia area. 100, naa, large nuB)-: ber of mines, but the most valuable de posits are placers . and gravel wasa-j mga, ; It is highly probable that gold was mined in thjs State as early as the Rev olutionary war, but only in a small way by "Washing beds of streams. Thedis-i' covery of the famous 28 pound nugget at. the Reed Mine, in Cabarrus county i (then.; Mecklenburg) occurred "in,iWde, but regular operations were prosecuted not'until some years after ; by the yer 182&theCarolina gold mines hadbeconle trefl known at the North and'abroad! A legislative Keport of 1880 puts the; ascertained production at $500,000 per annum. Thus far work had been done only on placer mines, but tbe.- speedy ers to hunt the veins Whioh 'Kafl been the source of such riches. "" T . The large number of veins found put entirely new conditions to this now important industry. j Prior to the war, neither. the oircumt stances, the knowledgootthaskUi of that period were . f avwablto.V operai tipns plaimed on a' scale-oif"! with imS ern tertitonesj had they been so the enf tire industrial condition of the Stats would hay e ben completely : changed j to this day nearly all mining work has been of the most desultory - character. The veins were worked1 creherallv bvf farmers, who spent their odd time in tnese enterprises, using tneir slaves (otnerwise unoceupiea ; as miners tne waste attending" such, rsndpm. Work was enormous, but as. ores were abun dant and rich, easily and cheanlv treat ed. there .was ho incentive to ; economy; nen we permanent., water lines was reached generally at the-4enth of 4d to 60 feet the ore changed, to refraetof ry suipnurets. and as expensive bumDr ing and hoisting machinery was necesj-1 sary, and as au onerauons needed to be continuous, the work, then ooidiicted ceased to De prontaoie, and mme giter mine "was " discontinued the?bge-f numD'epma ai5&.e"d to this day,. Tpe five yra pjrsfleaiiig therwarwib nesseda revival of mining 'industry, and a real progress -Was made towards amastayof thamethodapf, dealing titbisiifphiir1sin M jeeoilomical,an4 thorough manner. But the all absorbing issues of tha struggle diverteof all ef forts, in tliisjiirection. and at Its close I but Ope Lmina ; wasirvperation and jtfrtt tinly ixifa ftulimatfnev j I yf r J ".vine aepenaence 01 me counxry nere af ter will be , on 4eep lying r -ores con taining 15 to SO per cent of Bulphurets, mainly iron pynteai ecasionaf.buochj es of copper pyrites are-' f oundi i in a large number of mines, which is .some times Present in troportloti large enougn to neimeiteaioi cmppjermne tnougb in aBy5"raoiai 'Conauetej treatment t contents m gold and sii ver are important enoughs tot give i good margin of profit. From :- a large number of analyses made f romores-OLf every variety andcffoiaj numerous mines, itmaybe 'said-that there is hwd one wWeh! yiUU wt yieldi ores ramrine in, -.valueiirom i&&0 .td S50D pet tohviandof fuently: nf nrAArA Tnpt : wtt.h. Which frre of ore aia :4net? itb, which inU;, f Or weeks average S50 per ton, but bv far the greaterquantity . of Ore mined wiirl mines running up to theiif capaoity, it' would be easy, by a simple picking, to obtain ores of $50 value. Galena oc curs in a few mines' in Small ouanti ties' and is generally richintgold and silver;- blende is a xxequeni accompaniment ox ralena; arsenic anranumony are rare y presentlnjnore than traces,'. tRieker m woaajwaproporaon naaneyw Deep t met wlteipgh mMWk Resent lhl minute quantities. BothT Vein ImbyaratmAnlng are j pracucea m me yafpuuas. At tne tieniress (veinminesiB the operations scale ; both of these mines, were, fox centjy hsa bcf tq s great PxtenfedltKct-t oi-e reiecf irf tbaforey otifiratJorih. t 1 The Conrad JilU mine, long disused, i is nowrto Dere-ooeneq tne worK.is re Ddrted to be In viarorons liands.and on a scale whiclt promises to pla jt amob ifl proaucers or Dmnoicwa.t'j a o i iCTha .fa Manf i and- the-Eorfeka'-mfeei. prppneracn -Mtv mountain .tops behold, Wth4ltomlni, jtoioalofcjesa , two? neV .elements.-Bo aonirablv fitted ,4uui, uaraner 11111,; uaiifor coir iv, . a, have been' uu "a small , near TIwmasyillernave alsbefcsfor.k-j7.x. to be very active at lsenif f? At the SilTer YaReyminK Ttwee raai4BxmgKHiuie open is welToenedforproduclngrore. - ! i ,, Much of the ore carries a considera- .'-.is1.t. - - ... ... .-i , . . f k a iasv rrSmiHTM?tvt. COmCCj JOB CONSTRUCTION Hi ERECTION OFHTMJTO ITACHIirEBtOT EVERY PES kawn-slnmilja auiandLroir - . u .7lw.f . . -uf actosx akd sell aqricultueal ako foiabls xnui ngtheores.hrShaft:lasi1een J" ' ' J V r:, aT ' - , . ' J- v 1 s?fr cornet? 1 Bog Orgaii,Maferi.at warr;.;' Sfra'lSpt,y and I- .: .! . . . , . - . . 1 L ' WKST.CASJj fSICXS, aad halaiioe I'M $25 CASH; ON ORGANS AND PIANOS. : . : . lUUUin Olibg ieada;the wrldfbr good.?lanos, and the Sheet miiRir. nnd Avxi-ctuir. in . i prices, erbiddfcgX: ' .it ; ' i -j : - r. . . 4 8T AT tor - - , VtMUl :. 0;'Jt , ii ifiiiii; i ii, Mot of One IMMENSE J)ll iEsBa9l Handkerchiefs, Embroideries; Corsets ji . and flbsiery, all the latest Styles and very Cheap. ReM-IVIade Clothing and Gents', FHrnishing, Goods. iQiWn$ loibre buyinp;, k lTp. : "SJ6 W?T ob j." ' ENGINEERS IRON FOUNDERS & MACHINISTS . i I.- , STEAM E N G I N '.V7i.l EC. ' '.5. 6 f it'...l;.3..f 'i.w i . .. h.'-..r ;';,:;.:., ... .iur.'i. rv.- .... .. : ... t.irw.v97 NEW comes In. Jin.Y. SSPTKMBEtt. 1n: 3 months, WITHOUT INTEREST ' BUI TUB (Jifflason & Hamliii Orffan. Mason -and Hamlin is the monarch of all orama, A. good tuner ahtf repairer alwayw on band. For . , H. McSMITS, Charlotte, N. C. i ill AH Something Entirely New. JL E 8 IN ' i mni 5 n s ai mmn immore w, REDUCED PRICES. L. BERWANGER & UEO. Hoop jt 25 Cents. i 1 1BER A NEW LOT OF JUST BECEIVKI) A LAEGS VARIETY OF. ALSO, A HANCSOUI STOCK Of an SUMMER E S AND MINING 7TCOEDEE;STEEET, BETWEEN .TIiA.DE 4AUp; FI?tH -7 : "lEflCTlTUU 834 1 A KiiiiHi rjr 'PAjgixrar.AiCTyTd.-, still 'nottog'bui:. . SPXCIAL BUMMEB . OFITB. CASH PRICES AK2 THSES MONTHS CElDITi MUSTBSCLOSXIOUTBy;OCT.14 f!. O N E 4 ELIAS & COHEN. MACHINERY. Skirts, If - raWatOJTICi;57fC0TTlDlJSI,iBair5CHOlTICB,CmBMTT