Stye Olljarloitc bsmier. SVBBOBIPTION KATS8 : Oaiiv. n Var, poxtmW in ulwnr ft QO ix Months.... 4 qq firee Monthg 2 00 One Month I.."."."!"!!!!! 75 WKBKLY EDITION : Weekly, (in the county) m advance J2 00 Out of the county, postpaid...... 2 10 Six Months f j qq liberal Keductionijor Olbt. ?00fc imfl S06 J?tltIB .. TBI OBSERVER JUB DEPARTMENT Has been thoroDghJy supplied with tmj neede want, and with the latest styles or Tin. and ever? manner of Job Printing can now be qoae wna Mataeea, dispatch and cheapness. We canton tabatahnnnoOov BLANKS, BILL-HEADS, LETTER-HEADS, CARDS, TAGS, RECEIPTS, POSTiaa, PBOGRAJtMJES, HANDBILLS, PAKFBXKTS. CIBCtTLAM. amerrff VOL. XXV. CHARLOTTE, N . C., SATURDAY, JULY 2, 1881 NO. 3,836. 1 a Just Received ! ANOTHER LOT OF con MUSMS FOR SALE BY Alexander t Harris. Jun30 We are dally receiving our SPRING STOCK which will be more complete than ever before ' and comprises the lies. LADIES', MISSES', CHILDRENS,' GENTS', BO?S AND YOUTHS' FINE BOOTS! SHOES A SPECIALTY. Lower grades all goods In our line In variety and all prices. FULL STOCK STETSON HATS, and a pretty line Straw Hats, Trunks, Valises & Satchels, ALL SIZES AND RRICE3. Call and see us. PEGKRAM & CO. feb20 JUST RECEIVED ! ANOTHER LOT Shirts, Al prices. A new lot of deslra&le LAWNS, at 6i Cts. PINK AND CREAM LAWNS. We special attention to Bedded Lace k Pasmentry. CORDS & TASSELS, ALL COLOR3. Wp are rjttll of ring fcarg dns ;n Dress Goods, Parasols, And many other lines or goods. HOSIERY, GLOVES, ETC. a call will convince yeu that wo are offering goods hi eneweiy lew prices. HARGRAVES & VJILHELM. Junl8 A POSITIVE CURE Without Medicines, IaLLKN'8 SOLUBLE MEDICATED BOUGIES Patented Oct X8, 1876. One Box. k, - . Zi in fnivriavs or lean. No. 2 will cart the most battoate caee, no mat vPrto8j$L60.- BoWbr all DruggtetBt or mailed on receipt of price. BOOTS IB, Best n 1 t 1 i a 1 1 hranQ I ntAOit Vtl For further particulars send for circular. P. O. Box 1633. J.C. ALLEN CO, decl7 eodttm 88 John fit New Tone, A Perfect Corset at Last. No More Broken Whalebones. Atter spending over twelve thousand dollars In experiments, Dr. Warner has perfected a material for boning corsets called COR ALIN E Which Is vastly superior to horn or whalebone. ITS ADVANTAGES ARE: FIRST. It cannot be broken. A reward of $5 will be paid for every corset in which the Coraline breaks with six months ordinary wear. SECOND. It Is more pliable than whalebone and adapts Itself more readily to the movements of the body. tuiku. it is not affected by cold, heat or mois ture. FOURTH. It Is the cheapest and most service able corset ever made. THE CORALINE CORSET Is made throughout of superior materials, and is warranted In every respect If not found entirely satisfactory, the purchase money will be refunded. Ask for Dr. Warner's Abdominal Corset, With extension front Unequaled for beauty, ele gance ana style. Ana Dr. Warner's Nursing Corset, The only perfect nursing corset In the market ask ior Dr. Warners CROSS-BONED HIP CORSET. We have the exclusive sale In this market of the above corsets, and will be pleased to have the trade inspect them. T. L. SE1GLK & CO. . un& pXedtcal. A DELICIOUS DRINK For Use in Families, Hotels, Clubs, Parties, Etc. Boston i c. m. obatis a soar. The "Hub Pnnca" has lately been introduced, ud meets with marked Doimlar favor. It is Warranted to Contain only the Di n-f T i-itA TwnVi7 Ttt"l Choice Fruit Juices and Granulated Sugar. It is readr on onenintr. and will be found an aereeabl. addition to the choice things which undeniably enlarge the pleasnres of life and encourage good fellowship and good nature if rightly enjoyed. GOOD AT ALL TIBS Just the Thing to Keep in Wine Cellars. Sideboards not Complete Without Hub Puncii 1$ can be used Clear or with Fresh Milk, Ice, Soda, or Hot Water, Lemonade, or with Fine Ice, to Suit the Taste, Sold bv lcadine Wine Merchant3. Grocers. Hotel and Druggists everywhere. Trade supplied at manufacturers prices by Wll son & Burwell, Wholesale and Retail Druggists Charlotte, N. C." ' Jan. 23-eod-6m. ' TUTTfS POLLS INDORSED BY PHYSICIANS, CLERGYMEN, AND THE AFFLICTED EVERYWHERE. THE GREATEST MEDICAL TRIUMPH OF THE AGE. SYMPTOMS OF A TORPID LIVER. Loss of appgtite,lTauaea,bowel oostiTe, Fain in tbeHead.with a dull aenaation la the baolc part, Pain under the ahoulder blade, fullness after eating, with a disin clination to exertion of body or mind. Irritability of temper. Low Bpinta, J-iOsa of memory, with a feeling of bavins neg lected some duty, wearineti, Elaalneaa, JTuffgring of the Heart, Dpta bejfdre the eyes, Yellow Blcin, Headache, Beatlegs ness at night, highly colored Urine. IT THESE WABJUNGS ASE UNHEEDED, SERIOUS DISEASES WILL SOON BE DEVELOPED. TPTT'S PILLS are especially adapted to such oases, one dose effects such a change of feeling as to astonish the sufferer. Tbey Increase tbe Appetite, and cause the body to Take on Fleatu thus tbe system is nourished, and by thetrTonleAetlonon the Ilg-etlve Organs, Secular Stools are pro duced. Price 25 cents. S3 Mstrray tit., W.T. TUTT'S HAIR DYE. Gray Haib or Whisk bks changed to a Glossy Black by a single application pf this Pyb. It tmnarta a pamtftl color, acts lasantafijusli. SoldjrliruggisUor ent'by exprees oo receipt of fl. Office, 35 Murray St., Nevy Yprk. CDr. TCTTS MlJilAL of Talutic Inromadoa and Cful Kttlpt wiU b naUMl rOBX apjJktloB. Feb 23 deodijwly. -HONEST 7: Twist Chewing Tobacco Beware of imitations. None geulne unless ac companied witn our "Honest 7" copy-righted label which will be found on head of every box. Manufactured only by RBOWN 4 BBO., feb'0 '. ( Winston, N. C. City Lot fff Sale Cheap. rrmt nn thA AnmAT of Ninth street and the X North Carolina Railroad, fronting 140 feet on Ninth street and 196 feet on the North Carolina Railroad, will either be sold as a whole or divided i Dunaing or.iactory purposes. Appiy w I un25,tf J.&PHTLLir A HUB mm MINING NEWS. Salisbury Watchman. J. W. England, one of the editors of the New York Sun; T. Frank Hoxley, of New York ; Joseph Fletcher, of New York: and A. S. Fuller. Mining jucl oi the New York Sun, were in the city several days last week. They are irt-r tereated in the Dutch Creek Mine, three miles from this place. V SOUTHERN BJEIXE. r' Superintendent Floyd says that they are down 55 ieet on tne vein, su teec down on main working shaft, and 50 feet down on a shaft at the upper end of the property. In this latter a drift, in ten leet, is expected to cuc tnree veins. Some of the sulphuret ores were sent to Charlotte and assayed $06.92 per ton. There was no free gold in the lot. .-.,.. OLD PARSON HARRIS MINE ANJ A LOT OF OTHER VALUABLE, MINERAL LANDS SOLD IN MONTGOMERY COUNTY Mr. Luke Blackmer has sold all his mineral lands in Montgomery County to a New York Company. Mr. E. 6. Hinckley is the leading man in the company. The property consists or thirty-three hundred, acres, oir -which there are not less than thirty veins of gold bearing quartz and slate. The old lJarson Harris is the only one on which any work has been done. Mr. Hinckley has intormea Mr. jsiacK- mer that fifty thousand dollars has been invested in machinery to be shipped immediately to the property. The property brought a handsome sum it is very valuable. It is mostly wood land. MINING IN CABARRUS COUNTY. Last Tuesday, in company with our friends of the Register and Sun, and W. M. Smith or Concord, we made a hasty trip to several of the mines of Cabarrus. The first we came to was the 'QUAKER CITY GOLD MINING COMPANY ' OF PHILADELPHIA." This property consisting of 95 acres, lies eight miles east of Concord. Wm. Treloir is superintendent. He has had long experience in North Carolina mines, having worked at uoia mil in this county, in 1844, and has been more or less engaged in our mines ever since. The Quaker City was incorporated under the laws of North Carolina, in 1880, and has a capital stock of &200,- 000, with as many shares non-assessa ble. The ores are, after reaching the water line, heavy sulphurets, with an average value oi 832 per ton. The highest assay showed a value of $117 per ton, The vein Irom which this ore is taken has an average width of two and a half feet, and is called the great "Eldorado vein." On this vein three shafts have been sunk; No. 1 eighty feet, No. 2 sixty feet and No. 3 forty-five feet. Ore are being lifted from No. 1. They are running two drifts from the 80 foot level, twenty feet each way. They have a five stamp battery with amalgamating machinery, two Raster mills, 'with other machi nery for concentrating the gold; one chilling mill, two horse-whims, black smith shop, mill house 24x60 feet, three frame dwellings and the usual cabins. The mills and stamps are going, and Mr. Treloir is much pleased with the prospects. They have about 1?5 tons of ore on the dumps. He says he expects the mine to yield dividends shortly. TUCKER GOLD MINING COMPANY. This property, 58 acres, is located seven miles southeast of Concord. It was incorporated under the general mining laws af this State, June 31, 1881. The capital stock, $300,000, is divided into 300,000 shares of non assessable stock. The ores are heavy sulphurets, sul phurets of iron, with slight trace of copper. The average value of ores out side of pockets, is about $22 per ton ; in the pockets the ore is worth seven hundred and fifty dollars per bushel has turned out that much. On the property are six veins, average width two feet. The widest 5 feet, the nar rowest, 14 inches. Work has only begun since June 3d, consequently no new shafts have been sunk. There are, however, three shafts down some sixty feet each, the result of the ante-bellum workings of 1848. They have up a mill house, 24xS0 feet, a new engine, 30 horse power, and boiler 40 horse power; a ten stamp mill 700 pound stamp; saw mill 52 inch saw; brickyard and blacksmith shop. Capt W. H. Orchard ia the superin tendent, and a pleasant, genial gentle man he is, understanding thoroughly his business. He says that the tail ings, or sands, are to be concentrated, and will probably be run through the Meares chlorination process their works at the Phoenix mine being con venient for that purpose. We next visited the Phcenix, which is a large mine, with extensive machi nery. A description of this mine will be given next week. The "Reed" and "Pioneer Mills" mines are also in operation in Cabarrus and we hope to ventiate them at an early day, President Garfield aud Probitlon, North State (Republican.) The President says he feels mortified about the course pursued by the Repub licans in North Carolina, and is grati fied to know that many of the leading Republicans of both races have refused to recognize the action of the-Committee and have repudiated it, His posi tion it rendered the more disagreeable because he is committed to the temper ance cause in. Ohio in the present cam paign, and must do something in North Carolina to show his Ohio friends that he is sincere in his expressions in favor of temperance, The Lynching: in Danbtiry. Salem Press. We learned that the lynching: of the two negroes was caused by the death of one of the victims, a little white girl, and the disappearance of the woman, the other victim supposed to be dead, but who has since been foupd1 however. There being up supposed living evi dence to -conyict those, guilty of the crime,-the Danbury. liepprter says: "The people have -shown1, bj this act that the guilty shall not go unpunish ed. Itissaidtbat ag5 men spent th0 night the colored prisoners we're; hufig searching for the white man who com mitted a similar offence on th6 south of the mountain, and had he been found he would have shared a similar fate. BKDFORA AUCK AITD IBOXT SPBIHOa Watkb A2TD MAss,The great tonlo and alterafiye contains twice a much iron and fifty per eent more alum lnum than laity valum toad lroU mass" known. Just the thing tor-the "sprtng weakness" now so general. Sold by all-druggists-of any standing Prices reduced one half . ; mayll-tt 1 : ' BBAIN AND NSBY& 1 - Wells' Health Renew.greatest remedy on earth f or Impotence, leanness, sexual debility. &c $1 at druggists.' Depot, J. EL Maiden, Charlotte. The Blowing up of the Detert. Panama, June 21. The Patria, of Valparaiso, publishes a letter from Pu ita Arenas, of May 1st, giving the following account of the destruction of H. M. S. Dotert at that place on April 26, at 9 a. m. : The English gunboat, Dotert, last from Montevideo, anchored in the road stead of Punta Arenas de Magallares. A few minutes afterward the captain of the port and the health officer made the usual visit to the ship, and were received by Commander Evans him self. At 10 o'clock the captain and the doctor returned on shore, and a few minutes afterwards a terrible explo sion shook all the houses in the place, causing, a profound panic The first moment" of consternation passed, and an immense column of smoke was seen in the bay, which remained immovable on account of the perfect calm which reigned at the moment. In the air, far above the cloud of smoke, could be seen objects of different forms and sizes, and an infinite number of projectiles were thrown into the bay. Comprehending the terrible event, everybody rushed to the beach, and in a moment twelve boats, well-manned, were bound for the scene of the disaster, as only willing hands could draw them. Two boats put off from a missionary schooner, which was lying in port. The Chilian schooner, San Jose, which was on the point of sailing to the relief of some ship-wrecked sailors in the- straits, despatched four boats and a pontoon. The Kate Kellogg sent an other. These boats being nearest the ruined vessel were first to render assis tance. All the boats were soon on the scene of the disaster, and the clearing away of the smoke enabled them amid the fragments of wood to seek those whom it was possible to save. A boat of the San Jose discovered two objects in the water, one of them striking out with the desperation of a person in last extremities. Hastening to the spot one of the sufferers was saved from cer tain death. The body was completely naked, and from four or five wounds blood was flowing abundantly. Wrap ping the body in a blanket the boat pulled for the shore at once. The wounded man was borne by five men to a house near the wharf. An exami nation by the doctor who dressed his wounds and wrapped him comfortably in blankets, and put him in bed, proved the suffer to be Commander Evans. Other boats arrived at about the same time with seven more individuals who belonged to the crew. All had received wounds. One of them, the quarter master, had a terrible wound in the head, and received several contusions. All were completely exhausted. They could not speak and appeared to be un able to realize what was being done with them. In a couple of hours all of them were able to walk about town except the captain and quartermaster, whose wounds confined them to their beds. On board the missionary schoon er of the bishop of the Malvina Islands four of the rescued sailors were taken, who, during the afternoon, were able to land and join their comrades. The boats remained all day cruising about in the neighborhood of the explosion, but not finding anything living to save, occupied themselves in gathering to? gether a great number of fragments of human bodies, vwhich were floating about. Only three bodies were found entire, and those were fearfully injured. The pieces were gathered together, put in boxes, and buried as soon as they were brought on shore. The three bod ies were buried in the cemetery at 5 o'clock on the same afternoon. They were accompanied to their last resting place by the naval and military author ities of the town, their surviving com panions, and all the principal persons of the town. Funeral services were conducted by the curate of missions of Terra del Fuega. The DcV-rt blew up at 10.15 a. m., disappearing almost in stantly. The cause of the terrible cat astrophe it is not possible to determine, SOUTH CAROLINA ITEMS, Greenville News: In consequence of the extra amount of building now going on in Greenville skilledjlabor is very scarce. The erection of a large two story brick building on Avenue street is delayed on this account.- Jerome P. Chase, recently elected by the Darlington Democrats to fill a va- cancy in the Legislature, is an old newspaper man. !fThe store oi Cun ningham & Tempjeton at Abbeville took fire on Friday night, but the flames were extinguished with a loss of $500 or $600. There is talk of a Clement attachment for Greenwood. Specimen of Southern Grain. Greenville, S. C, KeWs. Peter Wells, Esq., has just returned from a visit to the valley of the French Broad. He acknowledges to great sur- Erise at finding so fertile a region anq as brought back with him substantial proofs of what he saw, among them being three "stools" of rye that num bered fifty-five, fifty-three and forty nine well developed stalks, with fully matured heads, to each "stool." (A "stool" is the product of one grain of seed.) Some of the heads were nine inches in length. His samples of wheat were in proportion. These specimens of Southern grain, he intends to send to special friends North. He also ex pects to send some to the Atlanta Ex position. T&a; eall(tii Cloak. The Washington correspondent of the Globe Democrat, writing of the stoppage of the Treasury investigation, says : "A little further down, "beneath the overcoats and bay rum and lunches of forty-enndle power, would have been found still richer ore. So far, the com mittee have been surface-mining. A little deeper they would have struck a woman perhaps two women. There has been some surprise expressed that the woman in the case had not been discovered. The has turned up in a sealskin cloak worth $750; and diar monds and other trappings to matoh." I.iVfly TIfti- n. The jf'ifcs.o.i" IaavUlex uifoi-nvs its readers that they have a lively time working ori twa nulroada above that city the Novsh fait lina Midland and Col. Sharpy's. Thty run side by side and a number of hands are working on each of them, The Grading on the lat ter is nearly finished to Leaks vilie. There are between three and four hun dred hands at wdrk on the Midland, FOOD FOB THE BBAEN AKD :NERVE3 that will Invigorate the ho,Jy lthoul- tntoxrcaUng Is what we need ln theae daa- of Jiuah . and worry. Parker; Ginger Tonic restores, the vital energies, soothes the nerves and brings good health quicker than anything else you can use Tribune. , Sea other column. ' . , MY GOOD WOMAN, Why are yon so out of MrtY raw able to tell folks thai you are well? Ten to one, it is all caused in the first place by habitual constipation, which no doubt finally caused deranged kidneys and livers. The sore core tor constipation is the celebrated Sidney Wort. It Is also a specific rem edy for all kidney and liver diseases. Thousands are cured by It every month. Try It at once, To ledo Blade. 47 STOPS TES A. $GO Bogus Organ makerg at war ! McSMITH is happy and reliable makers. f WnymPfif a a A LITTLE CASH DOWN Andbal.a.,?h,e?Kj?mea,n- july. -s-'V T T XI , AUiJUdT AND SEPTEMBER. jiai cA&u rmcES, aud balance In 3 months, WITHOUT INTEREST & S25 GASH ON ORGANS AND PIANOS. YOU CAN BUY THE Chiekering Piano and Mason & Hamlin Organ. Chlckeiing leads the world for good Pianos, and prlcS mf"n,d rythlng in the music line. LEADING THE WINDSORETTE SCARF, Something Entirely New. 4 STYLE BIN ONE 4 A Lot of Boys' and Children's Cassimere SnUs, AT REDUCED PRICES. L. BERW ANGER & BRO. One Thousand Hoop Skirts, MM afe' Dusters and Ills SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS. JUST RECEIVED A LARGE VARIETY OF Ladies' Dress Goods and Trimmings, Lawns, Silk Handkerchiefs, Embroideries, Corsets and Hosiery, all the latest Styles and very Cheap. ALSO, A HANDSOME STOCK OF J Ready-Made Clothing and Gents' Furnishing Goods. Give us a call before buying. mar27 BECKETT & MeDOWELL, ENGINEERS, IRON FOUNDERS & MACHINISTS, STEAM ENGINES AND MINING MACHINERY. CONTRACT FOR CONST BUCTON DESIGNS. ALSO. MAN- COLLEGE STREET, BETWEEN" TRADE AND FIFTH. maj27 NEW YORK OFFICE, 6 4 7, COURT LAN DT ST. BRANCH OFFICE, CHARLOTTE, N. OJ WORKS, ARLINGTON, N. J.3 the Mason and Hamlin Is the monarch of all organs. A good tuner and repairer always on hand. For CLOTHIERS l. uewamiee & A.t 25 Cents. I 1 II OTHER A NEW LOT OF WIHR0WSR1 & BARUCffl. MANUFACTURERS OF- IMS-ART. still sells nothing but from SPECIAL SUMMER OFFFR. CASH PRICES AND THREE MONTHS CREDIT. 500 PIANOS AND ORGANS ' ON HAND AND CONTRACTED FOR THAT MUST BE CLOSED OUT BY OCT. 14. I mm. ELIAS & COHEN. r 1 i ! Very