LOCAL 1M TKLUl O MS. SUNDAY. JULY 3, 1881. SOCIETY DIRECTORY. ' Phalaitx Lodgx No. 81, A. F. ft A- M. Regular meeting every second and fourth Monday nights. - Szoxuhob Lodoi No. 261, A. F. 4 A. M. Reg ular meeting every first and third Tuesday night. Charlotts Chaptkb No. 89, B. A. M. Regular meeting every second and fourth Friday nights. Charlotte Commaitdakt Na 2, K. T. Regular meeting every first and third Thursdays. ZKZ. OF H. Knights or Honor. Regular meeting every second and f ointh Thursdays. 3C. OIF 3? Khishts of Pythias. Regular meeting nights first and third Wednesdays, 7 o'clock p. nu atMa sonlc Temple Ball. I- O. O. F- i harlottk Lodge Na 88. Meets every Mon- MSCXLEMBUBO DECLARATION LODGS NO. Meets every Tuesday night. Drxrg Lodos No. 108. Meets'every Thursday night. Catawba Rmcit Encampment Na 21. Meets First and third Thursday nights In each month. Tko Churches 'I'o-Oay. Young Men's Cdiustian association. Devo tional oerclses this afternoon at tJ o'clock at the First .Presbyterian church. Baptist Church. Services In the morning at 1 1 o'clock and in the evening at 8 by Rev. Dr. Theo. Whlineld, pastor. Sunday school at 9Va o'clock. St. Peter's (E.) Church. Services In the morn ing at 11 o'clock and In the evening at 6 by Rev. J. B. Cheshire. Sunday school lu the after noon at bVi o'clock. St. Mark's Lutheran Church. Services In the morning at 1 1 o'clock arid in the evening at 8 by Revt E. A. Wingard, pastor. Sunday school at 4 o'clock. St. Peter's (Catholic) Church. Services In the morning at 10 o'clock by Rev. L. P. O'Con nell. Vespers at 3Vs p. m. Catechism In the morning at i) o'clock. First Presbyterian Church. Services in the morning at 1 1 o'clock and in the evening at 8 by by Rev. Dr. A. W. Miller, pastor. Sunday school In the afternoon at 4 o'clock. Calvary (M. E.) Chubch. Services in the mor ning at 1 1 o'clock and In the evening at 8 by the Rev. J. E. Thompson, pastor. Sunday school at 9 a. m., and class-meeting at 3 p. m. Second Presbyterian Church. Services In the morning at 11 and in the evening at 8 o'clock by Rev. B. H. Harding, pastor. Sunday school In the afternoon at 4 o clock. Tryon Street Methodist (E.) Church. Ser vices in the morning at 1 1 o'clock and in the evening at 8 by Bev. J. T. Bagwell, pastor. Sun day school at 4:30 o'clock. Prayer meeting on Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock. Colored Presbttkriin Church. Services In the afternoon at 3 o'clock and In the evening at 8 by Rev. Mr. Wyche, pastor. Sunday school at 11 a. m. Index to New Advertisements Stockholders' meeting J. J. Gormiey. Insurance J. F. Lloyd. Excarslon to Morehead City A. Pope. Prohibition meeting J. Henry Wedding ton. h ygala Hotel Harrison Phoebus. 34th drawing -Louisville Lottery. 6. S. 8. Swift Specific Co. HOiTIE PENCIL1NCS, tW Monday being a legal holiday all the banks in the city will be closed. tW There will be communion ser vices at the St. Peter's Episcopal church this morning. tThere will be an important meet ing of the Gounod club, at Mrs. Dew ey's, to-morrow evening. tThe police were busy yesterday summoning witnesses to appear at the mayor's court to-morrow morning to testify against Elliott & Remley for continued violations of the prohibition ordinances. Tbe Central Hotel. Toles and scaffolds have been erect ed on the north-east corner of the Cen tral Hotel to be used in the erection of the contemplated tower to be added to that building, and it has been suggest ed that this would be a good place for a new city clock. The old one is in a comparatively out of the way place, and can be seen by a very few people. Mcetinjr of Stockholders The Statesville Landmark says : "The annual meeting of the stockholders of the Atlantic, Tennessee & Ohio Rail road will be held in this place next Thursday, 7th inst. We do not know that any changes in the officers of the road are contemplated. The road is officered now in a manner entirely sat isfactory to our people." We were ask ed several days ago to make no notice of the meeting, but as the matter has become public property there is no longer any reason why we should still withhold the bare mention of the fact. A Tax-Payer's Complaiut To the Editor of the Observer: What is the duty of the police of this city? Are they employed to stand around the doors ,,of wholesale liquor dealears and intimidate persons w ho desire to buy a gallon of whiskey for themselves and. families? Such seems to be "the case, as it was very manifest yesterday.- Ought this to be tolerated in a free country ? I think not. When men have paid their taxes the communitv sit large should protect them. If we have no rights that should be respected let it be known. Tax Payers. Charlotte, N. C, July 2, 1881. Who and What Guittcan Is, Regard ed in Chicago a Insane, a "lyfcter" by Profession and a "Dead Beat" Generally. . Chicago, July 2. Charles J. Guiteau who shot the President this morning has,been known in Chicago for the past 12 years, and for much of the time been considered as more than halt insane. He may have had French blood in his veins, but was to all appearance an American : he wore his hair brushed up in front, giving his face a startling look. When he first arrived in Chicago he began practising law. Ho married a sister of Geo. Scovell.a well known law yer here and lived about Union Place but beintr of shiftleoS character he be came a nuisance and was finally for bidden his house bv Scovell. After Uv ins: in a precarious fashion here for some time he went to New York only to return in 1878. He then professed to have been converted and began lectur ing under auspices of the Young Men's Christian Association. lie was next known in connection with a scheme to buy out the Inter-Ocean and run it after the pattern of the New York Herald. As Guiteau had no capital and no back ing, his scheme collapsed and he return ed to his former praptice of 'dead beat- ins. iis reputation has never been of the best, and his name was connect? od with several scandals. He sank so low that no notice was taken of him whatever. About six months aco he disappeared from his usual haunts and hasnotDeen seen in Chicago since. Guiteau is described by lawyers here as having been while here what i lrnnwn as 'shyster,, whatever practice he had being in the lower Criminal fVmrts. He was regardfri as of weak mind and at one time was fanatic on temner- ance. and delivered lectures at theFirst Methodist churcH on that subject Fail ing to pay the Tribune for its advertise ment of the lecture, that ' paper wrote 1Um nn as a fraud and was sued by him for libel. The suit never come to is- ' sua. ;TTa wrote a namnhlet on the sec ond coming of Christ which was pub- lished bv-Jansen & MCUiurz as a cur ositv. Very little is definitely known of the man. and that little is unfavor able in every way. ANTI-PROHIBITION. Organization of a County- Assocla tiou.Appolutmrii t of anExecatlre Committee. Pursuant to the call for an anti-prohibition convention by Mr. J J. Suns, as a member of. the State anti-prohibition executive committee, published in Thk Observer day before yesterday a crowd composed of about three fourths 2 coh red people and one fourth wnite, assembled! at the court house yesterday, at half past 12 o'clock. The meeting was called to order by Mr. Sims, who explained its object and nominated Col. Wm. Johnston for chairman, and Mr. J. C. Long for secre tary. These were elected and the meet ing thus organized. Col. Johnston on taking the chair ad dressed the meeting at some length, the well-known .arguments against prohi bition being elaborated upon, but no new points being brought out. ' ; . At the conclusion of his address a committee of five were appointed to draft resolutions to submit to the con sideration of the meeting and retired for that purpose. While they were out a call for speeches was made and responded to by several colored men. After a short absence the committee on resolutions reported, through their chairman, Mr. C; Walker, the follow ing: Resolved, That an - executive com mittee consisting of five be appointed to-act in conjunction with similar com mittees from -the different townships for the purpose of organizing a county executive committee. Resolved, That this committee be in structed to confer with the county com missiones and ask that in their appoint ment of judges we be allowed an equal representation as allowed by law. We suggest the following as suitable persons to constitute this committee with power to organize: J. J. Sims, President ; S. W. Davis First Vrce-pres-dent; J. W. Edwards, Second Vice president; J. A. Elliott, corresponding Secretary; J.CLong, Treasurer, A vote on the report resulted in the resolutions being received and adopted and the appointment of the committee recommended. Further speeches were then called for, but no one seemed inclined to re spond until the name of Manuel Lord rent the air. Remarksjfrom this quar ter, which appeared to be imminent were, however, averted for the time by a quick motion to adjourn on the part of the members of the State anti-prohibition executive committee, which was carried. The colored portion of the audience were not ready to break up yet, and they continued in the court house while any one could be found to speak. Manuel's turn finally came and he had his say. Gen. Longstreet took possession of the office of United States marshal of Georgia Friday. - i. - mm 1 The New York Herald says the in crease in that city of diptheria and con tagious fevers is extraordinary. T. Piatt says he "may be slaughtered but he can't afford to run." . Well, he ain't running much. Carl Schurz with his Post has swal lowed the Nation. This is a Nation with a big N, but that's the way Carl has been spelling it all the time. Philadelphia has had the one case of cholera, and now "clean up." civ ascends Some of the leading railway lines in theNorth ars having a lively time cut ting rates. There will be fifteen contested seats -thirteen from Maine and one in the next Congress the South, one from from Iowa. It is said that "me too" Piatt is out with Conkling and won't ride in the same car with him. If this is so who will carry Conkling's carpet-bag? An old colored woman aged 77, died at Pittsburg a few days ago and re quested that she be buried by the graves of the children of Judge Acherson, whom she had nursed. Qulncey (111.) Herald. In our observation, the most reliable pain rack- er in existence Is rheumatism; but better yet St. Jacobs Oil Is the most decided rheumaUlsm searcher and carer ever discovered. It has our signature to Its worth. CONGRESS WATER. Cathartic and alterative. Is a well known spe cific f o constipation. Indigestion, and all disor ders of he stomach, liver and kidneys. ninety years' popular use attests its punty, saie- ty and superiority to aU waters of this clnss. Avoid an coarse, irritating waters, foreign and do mestic: they impair the digestive organs and kid neys, thereby inducing Irreparable results. none genuine sold onuraugnt. mayl d2mo.eod Who is Mrs. Wlnslow T As this Question Is freauently asked, we will slm- Dlv sar that she Is a lady who for upwards of for ty years, has untiringly devoted her time and tal ents as a Female Physician and nurse, principally among children, she has especially studied tbe constitution and wants of this numerous class, and, as a result of this effort, and practical 'knowl edge, obtained in a lifetime spent as nurse and physician, sne nas compounded a booming syrup, for children' teething. It operates 'like magic giving rest and health, and is moreover, sure to regulate the bowels. In consequence or this ar ticle, Mrs. Wlnslow is becoming world-renowned as a Deneiactor oi ner race; cnuaren certaimy ao rise up and bless her; especially is this the case In this city. Vast quantities of the Soothing Syrup are dally sold and used here. We think Mrs. Wlnslow has Immortalized her name by this in valuable article, and we sincerely believe thous ands of children have been saved from an early grave by its timely use, and that millions yet 'un born win snare its nenents, ana unite in caning her blessed. Mo mother has discharged her duty to her suffering little one, in our opinion, until she has given It the benefit of Mrs. Wlnslow's Soothing Syrup. Try It, mothers try It now. Ladles' Visi tor. New York City. Sold by all druggists. 25 cents a bottle. jun80 d&wlw. SUFFERING WOMEN. There Is but very small proportion of the wo men of this nation that do not sutler from some of the diseases for which Kidney Wort is specific When the bowels have become costive, headache torments, kidneys out of Ox. or piles distress, take a package and Its wonderful tonic and renovating power will cure you and give new life. Watchman. MARKETS BY TELEGRAPH ' PJKUUCK Wilmington, N. C. Spirits turpentine dull at 89a Rosin, firm; strained 81.75. good strained $1.80. Tar firm at S3.15. . Crude turpentine firm at $9-75 for fellow dip, and $2.75 virgin. - -- - - COTTON. J - ' -.. . .'. GAiVJLSTOH Holiday; middling : low mlddl'g c: good ordinary c; net rec'ts 250i gross ; sales -; stock 28.568: exp'ts coastwise ; to Great Britain ; continent .' . i Nobvolk Holiday; middling c; net receipts 123: gross ; stock 9,028; exports coastwise 7 47; sales ; exports to Great Britain. BuvrrwrRx- Qalet; mid 10 15-16c: lowmlddli'g Wsex goof ordin y 9W; net retfta .87; grow 1434 salesl-r-t stock i 6.188: expmw eoastwtee fQi spinners 100? exports to Great Britain. i Continent Bostoh-DoII: middling llc; low middling; lOKtc; good rd'y QVgo; net receipts, 487; grosa 645. ... tock 9,890; exports to Great Bliw.ii. Oio.WJianCe. " ;, -i Wimin SToa Steady ; middling lOMc; low mid dling 91&C; good ordinary 8iAc; receipts 28; gross , sales : stock l.iai; exports ooast wise , to Great; Wto J -;-j PmiAnttpmA-Quleti middling j llo.;- l0 mlddllns 1 iwr: sndi oTttinarv fllic: net receipts ; gross ; sales-186; spinners 116; -atook 6,425; exports to Great Britain 1,400. ' Savahhah Quiet ; middling 10c; low mldd'g W4c; good , ordinary &.; net receipts 210; gross 210: sales 210; stock 8,531; exp. coast wise 6S3; to Great Britain ; continent --. .Ia f?W OBLaAsaDull; mMrg lOtte; low mid- dllng ptA: good ord'y 8e; net receipt 710; gross 845: sales 270; stock 118,871 ; exports to Ureal Britain ; continent. Mobilb Unlet: middling lOlAc: low middling Pi4c; good ordinary 8Vc; net receipts 2; gross 2; sales 200; stock 9,31a; exp. coast 49; France AUGUSTA Du'l; middling 101A-.; low mid ttng Wife a, good ordinary 8e; receipt 10; shipments ; sales 175. "CHARUrsTOa Quiet; middling 10c; low mid dling. 10e; .good ordinary 9c: net receipts 133; gross ; sales 60; stock 4,159. exports coastwise : Great amain; continent . Liverpool Noon Cotton market now quiet; middling uplands 6 8-1 6d; nikL Orleans UVld; sales 7,000, speculation and export 500 i re ceipts 1,400, American . Uplands low mid dling clause: July delivery 6 3 led, July and Au gust do. August and SeDtember 6 9-82L Septem ber and October 6 l-lod, October and November oeja, November and December, uecemDer ana January-. Futures firm. FUTURES. Turk Cotton Exchange was closed The New yesterday. FINANCIAL. NkW York Money l.OSaB. Exchange 4.83. Governments weak: new 5's 1.08. Four and a half per cents 1.15. Four per cents 1.1 6. State bonds inactive. Stocks closed depressed and excited on account of rumors from Washington. New York Central. 1 .44 Erie..... ' 44 Lake Shore 1.25M Illinois Central. 1.87 Nashville and Chattanooga 84 Louisville and NashvUle 1.04 Pittsburg. 1.8 jo and Nona western i .vso" preferred.... l.SfilA Wabash, St. Louis 4 Pacific 56 Do preferred 92 Memphis and Charleston 85 Bock Island '. 1.40 Western Union - 88 CITY COTTON MARKET. OmCI OV THK OB8KBVXB, 1 Chablottx. July 3, 1881. 1 The market yesterday closed quiet. Unchanged Good Middling. 10 Strictly middling 10 Middling 10$ Strict low middling 10 Low middling. 9 Tinges 8a Lower grades. ... 4a8 Receipts yesterday, 80 bales. Charlotte Produce Market. JUNE 23. 1881. BUYING PRICES. Cobs, per bush'l 80aR5 Msal, " 72a75 Wheat, " 1.10al.25 Bxams, white, per bushel 1.25a.50 Pas, Clay, per bnsh 90al.00 Lady, " 1.50 White, " 75a80 FlKJB Family 3.25 Extra..... 8.00 Super r 2.75 SATfl, shelled 60a55 RUED Fhuit Apples, per lb 4a6 Peaches, peeled I5a20 - '- Unpeeled . 7al0 Blackberries 3a5 Potatoes Sweet;... 80a75 Irish-. r... 1.50al.75 North Carolina. . . '. . 20a25 EM38, perdozstL ... . 15al8 k'OUL.TRY THERE will be a meeting of the prohibitionists, regardless of party or color, of Ward 1, at the Market House' (Mayor's Office) Monday night, at 8 o'clock, for the purpose of. organizing for the campaign. Let everyone interested In this great movement attend the meeting. J. H. WEDDINQTON, julyS Member Executive Commutes. Special Limited Excursion TO MOREHEAD CITY. Passenger Departjtxnt, B.4D.RB., Richmond, Va July 1st, 1881. In order to afford ample faculties to visit the sea shore, BOUND TRIP TICKETS, GOOD FOR TEN DATS, are on sale at Charlotte under the foUowlng conditions: For parties of twelve, $11.15 each. .. twenty-five, $9.65 each. " " fifty. $8 00 each. Parties to go In a body and return singly on reg ular trains within the limit For further Information apply to the ticket ag't at the depot A. POPE, uly3 Gen'l Passenger and Freight Agent Meeting of. Stockholders. rpHE annual meeting of the stockholders of the Atlantic, Tennessee & Ohio Railroad will be held at Statesville on Thursday, July 7th, at 11 o'clock a. m. stockholders and their families will be passed to and from the meeting npon the presen tation of their certificates of stock to the conduc tor. A special train for the stockholders win leave Charlotte at 7 SO in the morning for Statesville, and return immediately on the adjournment of the stockholders' meeting. July3,td J. J. GORMLET, Secretary. An overdose f dinner often deranges the sys tem, brings on flatulence and wind colic, and sub jects the patient to great bodily suffering. A sin gle dose of TARRANT'S SELTZKB APERIENT, will correct the acidity, relieve the pain, carry off the offending cause, and -save sometimes a long spell of illness. Its effects are gentle and tho rough, and Its general use would prevent much suffering. Sold by all druggists. Jun5 d&weodBmo POPULAR MONTHLY DRAWING OF TUB Commonwealth Distribution Company, AT MACACLKY'S THEATRE In the City of Louisville, on Saturday, july so. issi. These drawings occur monthly (Sundays except ed) under provisions of an Act of the General As sembly of Kentucky, incorporating tbe Newport Printing and Newspaper Co.. approved April 9, 1878. - IVThls is a viiecial net. and hts never txu re pealed. The United States Circuit Court on Mron 81, rendered the following decisions: 1st That the Commonwealth Distribution Com pany Is legal. ' i 2d Its drawings are fair. The Company has now on band a large reserve land. Bead the list oi prizes tor wo JULY DRAWING. - , I 1 Print SHO-000 1 Prize i. ...... i.... 10,000 1 Prize i-.--:- 6,000 10 Prizes, 81,000 each, . 10,000 20 Prizes, 500 eaoh, : 10,000 inrkPrlzea. '1DO each-.v. ....... J.. i '10.000 200 Prizes, ' 50 each,.........v. 1 10,000 600 Prizes, 20 each,. r 1ZA 1000 Prizes. 10 each.........,...; 10.1 0 Prizes, $300 each, Apprnxlmatlon Prizes $2,7( v imzes, iuo - - 1.96QPrizea,....M $11200 Whole Tickets, S2; Half Tickets, 1; 27 Tickets, .t. $50; 55 Tickets; $100-' Remit Money or Bank Draft In Letter, of send by Express. . DON'T SEND BY REGISTERED LETTER OB POSTOFFICE ORDER. ; Orders of I $5 and ni MUM.. iM iway! Hew York. Tulyfi Prohibition MeetiDg. Urn dtuertiacmentB. wnientPolicies, IN SOLVENT OR BAKKBUFT COMPS, PURCHASED. INSURANCE PLACED WITH BEST COMPANIES AT LOWEaT RATE3. J. F. LLOYD, Gen'l Ag I Central Hotel, Chailotte, N. C luly2 The Hygeia Hotel, Old Point Comfort, Va. Situated one hundred yards from Fortress Monroe. OPEN ALL THE YEAR. Equal to any hotel in the United States as a sum mer resort or cold water sanitarium. Send for circular describing hygienic advantages, etc. JulyS.dlmo HARBISON PHCEBUS, Proprietor; Perry & Cos Pens ElASUCITy .Sample box. 25 different styles of Perry's Pens sent fortnalby mall on receipt of 25 cents. Sole Agents Ivison, Blakeman. Taylor & Co., NEW YORK. may20 d2tawkl yr Meeting of University Trustees. THERE will be a meeting or tbe Trustees of the University of North Carolina In the executive office. In Raleigh, on Tuesday, July lHth", 1881, at 4tfe o'clock p. m., at which a professor of Natural History will be chosen in the place of Dr. F. W. Simonds, resigned on account of 111 health. Appli cations should be addressed to PRESIDENT BATTLE, July2,d&w2w Chapel Hill, N. C. PENMANSHIP. ON July 4th I will open an evening and night class in Plain and Ornamental Penmanshln at the Macon School house, corner Sixth and Pop lar streets, to continue 15 days. Terms, $2 60 in advance. Specimens of penmanship and pro gress can be seen at Wrlston's drug store. Julyl.dSt J. s. IRWIN. Bingham School, - Mebaneville, N. C. PRE-EMINENT among Southern Boarding Schools for boys In age and numbers; and Its area of patronage for 1880 exceeded that of any other school In the Union. The steady growth of the school Is shown by the following totals: For 1876. 103; for 1877. 123; for 1878, 142; for 1879. 168; for the scholasUc year ending June 2d, 1880, 189; for the year end ing December 15th, 1880,247. The 175th session will begin July 27th, 1 881. Address, Maj.ROBT. BINGHAM, julyl,d2w"' Superintendent CHINA PALACE -OF - J. Brookfleld & k During the month of July we oSer AT COST FOR CASH our surplus stock of Crockery, Glassware, PLATED WARE, Etc., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. Now is Your Time! FLY FANS, FLY TRAPS, ICE CHESTS, WATER COOLERS, BABY CARRIAGES. Etc. Julyl BRIGK ! BRICK ! ! THE undersigned respectfully Inform the public that the? have ensased in the brick business. and are now maklne a suoerlor ouallty of band- made brick. Tney have In connection with their; yard an improved Compress Machine, by which they make Pressed Brick equal to the Richmond brick; Any one desiring to build will find It to their Interest to give us a call before purchasing elsewhere. a. u. KAjtajsuu, mav8 d4mo T. C. ALLISON. Charlotte, N. C IRON-GLAD PAINT. NO MORS LEAKY ROOFS. AS a roofing paint and for damp walls it has no eaual. Bv nroDer aDDllcatlon of this paint and comparatively small cost, we nave repaired old roofs condemned as unworthy of repair; and, - extended their usefulness for years. For samples of work, references, etc, can at unariotte Hotel. Estimates carefully and promptly made upon ap plication. WM.n.-S.JSSTt,JBl,U. Charlotte. N. C, June 10, 1881. Junll d&wlmo THE ATTENTION Of the Trade generally, and also the consumer, Is called to our special brands of saleable and staple Smoking Tobaccos Silting Bull, Durham Long Cuts and. Rival Durham to which we are now adding a full line oi me latest styles oi the most atnnie erodes of Piatt and Twist Tobaccos. We can. in a few weeas.uuer inducements in vnewing Tobaccos that no other manufacturers can equal. Our salesmen will make regular trios to Charlotte. and the trade ot an gooa mercnants is respectful ly solicited. E. H. POGUE. ma 7 rmrnam, jn.u. P. C. WILSON, CHARLOTTE, N. C, Cole Agent tor LD'JIS COOK, Colnmbos Buggy AND THB WATERTOWN SPRING WAGON COMPANIES, VOBTHXSAXBOf BUGGIES, CARRIAGES, PHAETONS, SPRING wauuhs, au, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. OPEN BUGGIES, $55. .TOP BUGGIES, $65. 'Bpeclal inducements to the wholesale trade. uorresponoencs svucwbu, . REWARD. ' A REWARD is hereby offered for' the large old J family Bible of the late Dr. D. R. Dunlap,wlih th initials. MD. B D.." on one end. After his death in 1 po I a Decame mo propeny oi.ueseo ond wife ot the lata CoL Thee. H. Brem, and was publicly sola witn many otner oia dooks, who vne sameUutia8, t the sale of his effects several years ago. A suitable reward will be paid for its recovery ana aeuvery w waiier L"IS-,-. : jun2U . u,n,vuafar, , (I EiASucrry I House Furnishing Goods SEASONABL GOODS FLY FANS & TRAPS, BATH TUBS, SPRINKLERS, ICE CREAM FREEZERS. OIL STOVES -AND THE - For summer use,- Just In. THE FINEST LINE OF Cook-Stoves and Sewing Machines . IN IHK CITY. Orders and correendence solicited at the Hard ware Store and Sewing Machine House of RICHARD MOORE, Trade Street, Charlotte, N. C. CoL C. W. Bbadshaw, so long and favorably known In connection with the Sewing Machine business of this city and vicinity, Is now with me and would be pleased to see his friends and patrons and serve them as heretofore. may24 - ; For Sale. A SECOND HAND Soda Water Apparatus. Price low, terms easy. Will be sold separately, if desired. Generator and four fountains, hand some counter-piece, Tuft's Arctic, Tennessee marble, cottage style. For sale by Dr. T. C SMITH. Mineral Water. THE Celebrated Oswego Deep Bock Mineral Wa ter on draught at m. T. c. SMITH'S Drug Store. "Deep Rock." DEEP ROCK Mineral Water Is recommended for kidney and liver troubles, htuuiahn rheumatism and dyspepsia. 8old by Hi. T. C. SMITH, Druggist 1 Tobaccos. GRAVELLY TOBACCO, Durham Fine Cut, mild Cigarettes and choice Cigars, at it. r. u. BJHiiii'H Drug ore. Cool Drinks. VICHY, Klssengen, Deep Bock, Ginger Ale, and Ice Cold Soda Water, each 5 cents a flags, at Dr. T. C. SMITH'S Drugstore. Letter Files. BURLINGTON LETTER FILE 3, 50 cts. each. Will hold 3.000 letters. altihahAtlnAll nr. ranged. Best In use. Sold by Dr. T. C. SMITH. Cigars, PRINCIPE CIGARS, all Havana, warranted. Twenty for a dollar. At jun23 Dr. T. C. SMITH'S Drug Store. If you feel dull, drowsy, debilitated, have fre quent headaches, mouth tastes badly, poor appe tite, and tongue coated, you are suffering from tor pid liver, or "billlousness," and nothing will cure you so speedily and permanently as to take Sim mons Liver Regulator or Medicine. The cheapest, purest and best family Med icine in the world! An effectual specific for all diseases of the Liver, Stomach and Spleen. Regulate the Liver and prevent Chills and Fever, Ma larious Fevers, Bowel Complaints, Restless- jf ness.Jaundlce.Nausea BAD BBEATH. Nothing Is so unpleasant, nothing so common, as bad breath, and In nearly every case It comes from the stomach, and can be so easily corrected if you will take Simmons Liver Regular. Do not neglect so sure a remedy lor tms repulsive aisor der. It will also Improve your appetite, complex ion and general health. PILES! How many suffer torture day after day, making life a burden and robbing existence of all pleas ure, owing to the secret suffering from piles. Yet relief Is ready to the hand of almost every one who will use systematically the remedy that has perma nently cured thousands. Simmons Liver Regula tor Is no drastic violent purge ; but a gentle assis tant to nature. CONSTIPATION Should not be regarded as a trifling ail ment in fact nature demands the utmost regularity of the bowels, and any deviation from this demand paves the way often to serious danger. It is quite as necessary to remove impure accummulations from the bowels as it is to eat or sleep, and no health can be expected where a costive hahjt of body prevails. SICK HEADACHE. This distressing affliction occurs most frequent- ly. Thfi disturbance or me stomacn, arising irom the imperfectly digested contents, causes a severe pain in the neaa, accompamea wua uisagreeauie nausea, and this constitutes what Is popularly lrnnwn na ulnk headache. caution. Buy no nowders or prepared oun- MONS LIVER REGULATOR unless In our en graved wrapper with trade mark, stamp and sig nature unbroken, mono oiner is geuuiuo. Manufactured only by J. u. zjsijlin a w jrnnaoeipBia, ra. Sold by an druggists. Unnl8,eod,d&wly DR. JOY'S ELECTRIC DEVICES tor Kt.1-' " mm ran Miwirwnii offering from IVerroaa ffertiiimii ral Dvblllty, Loss of N.rre Force or Visor, or any disease resulting- from Asutis and Othm tUm, Neuralgia, Paralysis, Sprnal Difficulties, Jtioney or ijiver itwiish, uun ni Diseases of the vital Organs. Also womis trou bled with Diseases peculiar to their sex. Speedy reiieiana complete reiwraviuu tu uiu guarantee) DTlee appuinwi uuu www nlMHaBoii aelentlfla Irliac4- mia Tnelr uoroflga euuavuujr uh "7'ln; licaliy proven with the BM wmwni mb. and thw-havs the high .wmIoi - - - fmm th a hmI cmlneiit mMUali adentUle aes of AnMriat. Bend at onee for book giving au uuormauua uw. awui uw tnanunctarera. " Cor. XleUgam At. aad Jackson St., Chicago, Hi Junl7 eod,d&wly FOR HENT. HTHE store room in the -Observer building next 1 faiW.N. A inwiei 9 w Sl iiu wm mw i 1st. JNO. L. MORSHEAP otero rx TjOARD FOR-TWO; either two single rooms or -L one lam room. with two beds, near sooth ! end of Trade street. Meals at em a 20 ana 7 o'clock. Address, i. 131. junzo.uu FOR SALE ; -ii-j-i iiU j::,; iAKJ.'Jv-.i . . itwtb store houita and lot balortgmg to the estate I nf t h. Brami nam oecsDled by H. Morris n . ni k. MliriuuthMlMrsn TsmiIm. the 5th of July, 1881. Terms made known on the day of sale. T. L. ALEXANDER, iun28.tds Commissioner, Double Quick Cook Stove, W i - WS WIXJC BESTJ JFRlSlg. Betti Bands, 1 0. A. JOY, E.M..M.0. USJwJ ) ill ftLMDlsessMi WE HAVE JUST RECEIVED ANOTHER CASE of ouk CELEBRATED 50 CENT CORSETS, Far superior In fit and quality to any other ever introduced hi thto dry, sizes naming from 18 to 30. ALSO, A BEAUTIFUL In various etrlea at exceedingly low prices. Look at our beautiful PRINTS, Just received, only 7c per yard. H. MORRIS & BRO. un2 KEEP COOL ! NEW STORE! OD 131 CK &d CO., TRYON STREET, We have without any exception the CHEAPEST LINK OF FANS EVER OFFERED IN THIS SECTION OF THK COUNTRY. SHEETINGS. Jat revived, another lot of that 9-4 and 10-4 sheeting, which we continue to sell at 25 and 86 cents. PILLOW CASE COTTON (WIDE) 15c. MOSQUITO NETTING, WHITE AND COLORED, WLVXa, IOC KID GLOYES. A few sizes In 2, 3 and 4 buttons. PIQUES. A full Coats' Spool Cotton, 55c per dozen. Crowley's Needles. 5c a pap each. Only a small lot of that 15c Matting left tvSTRICTLY CASH unl9 isANIELK ORGANS, 17 stops, 5 Set Gold en Torurue reeds, onlv SREv. Ad- BEATTY, Washington, N. J. Junl4 d&w4w EVAPORATING FRUIT. SENT I Treatise on IMPROVED METHODS. Ta FREE bles, yields, prices, profits and general SmaSUCS. AAUUUUA.N DttLKtt burg, Pa. CO., Chambers Junl4 4w FREE For Illustrated Ci: Bend to MOORE'S BUSINESS UNIVERSITY Atlanta, ut. lustrated Circular. A lire actual Business School. Etiablithed twenty years. Junl4 4w Sie Author. Anew ucrrMt iL icd Work,mrrantnd thm bert and eheapMt, indiipensable to erery man.entitlad "th SoMnceof life or3elf-Prem-retion bound in VlflAat ITMlMh nnalin mmKa.. i faU sUMOO pihoonUhw beautiful . ngnvinn, IK vnmcrio- Uon, price only 81.3S cent by mail; Ulnatrated sample, teenta; and now.AHHrMM Pukwl, yL oow msELF.roouiSoH Junl4 dtw4w CIVIL, MECHANICAL AND MINING ENGI NEERING, at the RENSSELAER POLY TECHNIC INSTITUTE, Troy, N. Y. The oldest engineering school in America. Next term begins September 15th. The register for 1880-81 con tains a list of the graduates for tbe past 54 years, with their positions; also, course of study, require ments, expenses, etc. Address Junl4 6w DAVID M. GREENE. Director. fisceflaueotts. SELL AS CHEAP As Any House in the State ! My store Is 145 ft long on the first floor and 140 ft on the second, and I carry an IMMENSE STOCK OF WELL-SELECTED-WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. A full line of COFFINS OFFINS AND AND CASKETS. ASKKTS. Thos. W. Andrews, formerly with Mr. B. Nichols, Is now with me. E. M. ANDREWS, (Successor to E. G. Rogers.) WHOLESALE ft RETAIL FURNITURE DEALER pr2S V HARD-HEAD CABBAGE, N. C. BACON, HAMS, SHOULDERS, SIDES, NEW IRISH POTATOES & ONIONS, AT S. M. HOWELL'S. un30 Watermelons and Cantalonpes. rl L; ADAMS has perfected arrangements wiui . n oaoivia nianter to shin him Watermelons and Cantaloupes, and In a few days families can be supplied by him. uunsu St. CHARLES HOTEL STATESVILLE, N. C. mms honsA hAs been leased for a term of years X by Mr.. Dr. Reeves, whose Intention Is to keep a strictly first-class house in every respect. Commodious sample rooms on flr.-t and second W .... Mr xne patronage oi iue puunc a wiu ku. lulyl.dtf. IXBtzssiomtl. Z. B. VAHCK. W. H. BAiLxr. VANCE & BAILEY, Attornevs and Oonnsellon CHARLOTTE, N. a Practice In Supreme Court of the" United -States, Supreme Court of North Carolina, Federal Courts, and counties of Mecklen burg. Cabarrus, Union, Gas- , ton, Rowan and Da- vtdsoo. tsr Office, two doors east of Independence Square. . Jnaj2 tf RO. D. GRAHAM, IN the State and United State Courts. CoUes tkms. Horn and Foreign, MUetted. Ab- tracts of Titles, Surveys, 4c, tumiihe tor com pensaUon. OiriOTr N. X. Comer Trade 4 Tryon treeta' Charlotte. N. a flVkO. I 4 ASSORTMENT OP 60c APIECE. LACE STRIPE BUNTING, ALL PER YARD. 50c a pair. assortment In latlcs, stripes and plaids, very cheap. Br. Pure Linen Towels, 15c AND ONE PRICK. RODDICK & CO. 1881. SPRING STOCK. 1881. Drugs and Medicines OF EVERY DESCRIPTION WHITE LEAD -AND- LINSEED OIL. MffiS AND SARATOGA WATER ALWAYS ON DRAUGHT. Prescriptions carefully prepared by experienced and competent druggists, day or night JOHN H. McADEN. apriI2 L. R. WRISTON & CO. DRUGGISTS. uOUR FIRM." SMOKE O. P. M. 4 CO'S "Our Finn," the best 5c cigar in the city. Try it may 19 L. R. WRISTON 4 CO. Ice-Cold Soda Water. DRINK Sparkling old reliable at Ice-Cold Soda Water. The L. R. WBISTON 4 CO"a PRICE'S FLAVORING EXTRACTS TT8E Price's Flavoring Extracts Lemon and U Vanilla. Ct, lrt.lv ntiim. L. R. WRISTON 4 CO. STARCH; rrntY 8atln Gloss and Bon Ton Starch, we re X commend It with lnI3T0S 4 CO. f OILS! OILS!! Ues to sutt customers. Mjgg. - t c-iin , mAt rim wholMala aod re- I J tall aeento ior his Fruit PreservhlK l'owder and Chill Pill AU orders filled promptly. ".h'.,U L. R. WRISTON & CO. DH READY MIXED PAINTS