Jfyy JjJ SURE APPETISER J IRON BITTERS areirfghlyTecomioended for all diseases requir in a certain and efficient tonic; especially Indigestion, Dys- Sepsia, Itttcrailttettt Fevers, Want of Appetite, Loss of trengtil, Leopfc of Energy, e$C It enrieb.es the blood, strengthens th nuiscles, iad fciyes new life fcfte nerves, It acts like a'charm on the digestive organs, removing all dyspeptic symptoms, such as Tastingihe Food, Bdching, mat in tJ Bumaih, Heartimrn, etc The only Iron Prepa ration that will not blacken the teeth or give headache. Sold by all druggists. Write for the A B C Book, 32 pp. of useful an ftrnnfnrar reading sent free. . :'.. , " BBOWN CHEMICAL, CO., Baltimore, Md. f " ' f ?' ' ---v " -" ' f '" :". 1- m m it WESLEY PHILLIPS'S CASE. Da. J. Ju Sbxbhak Dear sir: I am happy to In form yon that I am entirely cured of my large scrotal rupture. It is one year ago to-day that I received your treatment I nave tested the cure by going without the appliance. My business is thai of a locomotive engineer. My rupture, as you will recall to your mind, was similar to Mr. Jor dan's, In your pamphlet of Illustrations. I was raptured In the year 1863, while in the army, -1 have tried a pries and elastic trasses with great discomfort and injury, my rupture always growing worse. Finding I must get some relief or give up my business, I determined to try you as a last resort, and I must say that I found your treat ment a complete success. My improvement and cure hare, considering my terrible condition, sur prised my friends as well as myself. During your treatment I have worked hard in my business, en joying both safety and comfort,' and have not lost a day's work. My general health has been als Improved. I will take pleasure in recommending the afflicted to you whenever I have an opportu nity! r-sv . Tou may publish this letter for the benefit of hu manity.' My address is 211 East 44th street. With best wishes I remain yours respectfully, ' r X j- WESLEY PHILLIPS. New York City, October 25. 188a gfpmldabilitrto x. aia noi give 14, At this time aiiaaa eunoM uunadUM ana won idartnl reunite. waa Dot Danaanci ently abated. I ba bar nsad three bottle Jfu L"fJjrJbgJ iJr I Gnruuiot til was aarag iro dnsoffci&YA itcatioa if sTmtt bor that! over did In the aama Uni daring my Ulnaaa. and with doable the ease. ndTiaorof body, baa aomaalaaa olaarneaaof thought norer before enjoyed. Iff rof body, has ooma&Uaa clearness of thoaghtnarer before ei work. I know not what, t give it tha credit. The -Jrm Tonic preparation of Pro toacitle of Iron. Atni Ivimn Mark, ami Fnoo phot em, meooeiateo' teUH the Vegetable Arammtiem, Mimervem very purpeee tvhere m Tonie ieneeeeuarti. tUIIFAtTIIEI IT TNC DR. HARTER MEDICINE CO., MO. 8H MflglH MA14 Junl7-eod.dAwly IIS A LABGE LOT OF FLOOR, MIS, S. as BOUGHT SINCE THE DECLINE.- TO BE SOLD LOW Mayer & Boss. aprS R. M. Miller & Sons, COB. COLLEGE & FOURTH STS., WE SELL ill Piedmont Patent -AND f; MOUNTAIN DOME FOR SAlE f HT JUlKDEBSOSVIXLE, G kjix. A JL-' . . . i. i. i MBa TAYLOB'a BOARDING HOUSE. corWr Main and Depot streets, HertdersonvUle,-N-.C. -1 offered for sale W abona Mepureuaser ojf very : ttk noose Ls pleasantly situated, and has nine teen rooms; and on the lot are all necessary out fit desired, it win be sold furnf shed; from the ' MrLor. or it wW be sokt unfomiahed. a u,n V i . Fossessias dTen lmxoediatelr Address, K-.sl JunTT" T' MbTB. Y. TAYLOB, 1 . - - PendersonTille.N.C, ReceM 1 mm Syrup mm WHOLESALE GROCERS THE GENUINE V Mm FLOURS A TRUEiTQNIC ID Its Seller and Care as Certain as Day Follows Day. Since the reduction of Dr. Sherman's terms, thousands are crowding upon nlm for treatment, gladly throwing away their gripping, irksome, dis piriting, and Ufe-punishlDg trusses. His treat ment for this affliction makes the patient comfor table and safe in the performance of every kind of exercise or labor. It Is a grand thing, and those who are ruptured and do not provide themselves with it must endure the dangers of that precari ous affliction and the use of trusses all through life. Thousands of those cured give the most flat tering testimonials of gratitude to Dr. Sherman. He is the author and Inventor of his popular sys tem; he imparts his secret to no one; it is applica ble to all classes and cases, and under his reduced rate, within the reach of almost everyone. Patients can receive treatment and leave for home the same day. Dr. SHERMAN'S book on rupture gives convincing proofs from professional gentlemen and others of his successful treatment Ic is Illustrated with photographic pictures or bad cases before cure, and is sent to those who send 10 cents. Principal office 251 Broadway, N. Y. Branch office, 43 Milk street, Boston. Days in New York Monday, Tuesday, Saturday. In Bos tonWednesday, Thursday, Friday. unl4 4w Endorsed and fee mMi A ilia ttttl Mrifl 1 eat vroftiamion, 'fori tptpaia, Chen fat I etMilv, WewuU iW-1 eamee, trans or xtai- ity, Servottm JProetra-1 tion. ana Uawuca. cencefnfmJFeverBidcc.i sach an extent tbtttmy labor was exceedingly bur- me mocn rvuer, Dr on tne contrary, tu lollowed by the use ofyour Ikon Tonic, from which I re- 1MOU enarcvi nnomauoi ionna mat 1117 natural xorca of tha Tonic Siaoa using it I have done twice the la With t.Y fcrfinnnil Mm If the Tonic bu not done the J. P. Watsok. Paator Christian Chnrch Troy. u. frA 0J3 3 FEEBLE AND SICKLY PEESONS Recover their vitality by pursuing a course of Hos- tetters Stomach Bitters, the most popular invigo- raui aim mientuve meaicme la use. uenerai ae bllity, fever and ague, dyspepsia, constipation, rheumatism, and other maladies are completely removed by it. Ask those who have used it what it has done for them. For sale by all Druggists andTDealers generally. Julyl IMUIGORflTOR Only Vegetable Compound that acts directly upon the Liver, and cures Liver Complaints, Jaun dice, Biliousness, Malaria, Cos tiveness, Headache. Itassists di gestion, strengthens the system, regulates the bowels, purifies the blood. A Book sent free. Dr.' Sanford, 162 Broadway, N. Y. FOB SALE BY ALL DETJGGISTS. ' .JanU8 deod, eow ly. THE ONLY MEDICINE IS EITHER LIQUID OB DBY FOBM That Acts at the same time tT' mssidmrs. WHY ARE WE SICK? Because ice allow these great organ to become clogged or torpid, and poisonous humors are therefore forced into the blood that ahnilfl?iA fi?rne7Jjrl linlnvnllit r r JiWlLL SURELY CUtfE , Skidney diseases, , V -LIVER COMPLAINTS, PILES, COXSTIPATIOIT, TJRHTAET DDJEASES, FEMALE WEAKNESSES, JAJCI IfEliVOTJS MSOEDEIiS, by causing free action of these organs and restoring their power to throw off disease. I 1 Why svffer Bilious pains and aches! - J Why tormented with Piles, Constipatioa! nny rngatened over disordered Kidneys! Why endure nervous or sick headaches! VseiXirr.wOTlTandrejticeinheailJi. ,Itia put up in Dry Vegetable Form, in tin cans one package of which makes six quart of medicine. Also in Liquid Form, very Concen trated, for those that cannot readily prepare It t tWTt act with equal efficiency in either forxu GET IT OF YOURDRUaGlST. FKICE. tl'oo w WELLS, BICHABDSON & Co., rro. i WIH sens the lry)ost-pa.Id.). - SniXSQTOH, TT. -.rr-"?ojiifX'M BROKER - AND tXJMMLSSIOlf MERCHANT lan 281 111 ;jr?tTiLVy VwViOSN a J i, a1w f; T-am-,, 1 SUNDAY,- JULY 8, 1881. r . 1 One in wnlcn a Stalwart Candidate for Senator ia Involved. New York Times, Albany, June 3d. There ia great excitement over an alleged scandal, in which a prominent Republican stalwart is concerned. The Journal this even ing prints the following: At a late hour last night an occur rence took place at the Delavan House which has caused a great deal of indig nant comment. The facts, which are facts and not rumors, expose a promi nent politician to public odium, Tney make him guilty of an offense against law and decency such that his friends are filled with shame and humiliation. It seems that at a late hour in the even ins the cruests in one of the UDDer cor ridors of the Delavan House were dis turbed by loud rapping at the door of 113. The-noise lasted but a few mo ments, but attracted several cehtlemen to the hallway in front of that apart ment to ascertain u tnere was anv trouble. Among those who were pass ing by at the tune and wnose attention was called to something unusual were several members of the Legislature, numbering a dozen or more. Inquiry tailed to reveal anything out or order, but suspicion still remained that all was not as it should be in the chamber in question. Accordingly, as we are informed, it was suggested by the by. standers that the occupants be called out. Before any such action was taken. however, a step-ladder was brought into requisition ana placed so tnat irom the top round a complete survey of the room couia oe made, mere was a bright light burning and one of the hotel porters was sent op for explora tion tnrougn tne transom. Tne specta tor was evidently considerably excited by what he discovered, for he imme diately descended and called upon the oystanaers generally to loos for them selves, which they did. It is not our purpose to go further into the details of this unfortunate incident. It is enough to add tnat the demand was at once made that the prominent politician1 in question should leave the place. Ten minutes were allowed him to get out, and he made his exit on time, the by- .1 1- : i I 1 j; - BLanuejs unaiitituiy leixainiDg irom any demonstration. Various sensa tional reports in connection with the scandal are afloat to-day. Tbo3e who are in possession of the entire facts from direct observation assert that oth er details in the case are unfit for publi cation, and after hearing the atorv we agree with that view. Gossip says that tne man in question is one of the stal wart candidates for United States Sena tor and is not lioscoe Conkling. The stalwarts profess to be very indignant ana say mat tne story is a conspiracy and the natural outcome of the spy sys tem that has been in vogue for some weeks. . Distribution of Population. The St Louis Republican condenses an article from the International Re view, by Robt. P. Porter, giving statis tics that will be interesting to every one who . takes pride in the growth of the country, and is curious to know how the population has been distribu ted with respect to locality, etc. The article shows that from 1790 to 1800 the New England States increased in popu lation at the rate of 22 per cent, the Middle States 36 per cent, and the Southern States 39 per cent. The popu lation of these divisions was then re spectively 1.009,408, 1,337,456, 1,582,350. In the decade ending 1810 the percent age, of increase was: New England States 19, Middle States 86, Southern States 35, and the W estern States 474. In 1820 the increase in the four divi sions wa3 12 per cent, 24 per cent, 30 per cent, 193 per cent, respectively. In 1830 the increase of the three first named divisions was about the same, while the West fell to 87 per cent. In 1840 the Iew England States had increased in the decade 14 per cent, the Middle and Southern'States decreased to 23 per cent, and the Western in creased to 120 per cent In 1850 the in crease in the four sections was 22 per cent, 29 per cent, 29 per cent, and 57 per cent, respectively. In 1860 the in crease was 14 per cent, 25 per cent, 24 per cent, 57 per cent The civil war intervening, in 1870 the score stood 11 per cent, 18 per cent, 9 per cent and 43 per cent In 1880 the increase is shown as 14 per cent, 19 per cent, S5 per cent and 36 per cent, the total population now being 50,152,866. In the Western States are included the Territories. If States only had been counted the South ern States would have shown, again the most rapid rate of increase, the first time since 1800. The normal growth of New England has been 14 per cent. The States having an excess of males are. Mississippi,,- Vermont Ohio, Ken tucky, Delaware, Florida, West Vir ginia, Indiana Illinois, Arkansas, Wis consin, Utah, , Missouri, Iowa, Texas, Michigan, Minnesota, New Mexico, Kansas, Nebraska, Colorado, Oregon, Calif ornia, Dakota, Washington Terri tory, Idaho, Wyoming, Nevada, Ari zona and Montana. All those Ifave an excess of males. The nercentacA nf excess of males in the States range from 4.10 of 1 per cent in Mississippi to 49 per cent, in California. In, a&the terri tories the males exceed the females two to one. . The States 'havinc an atv nf fe males are .Maine, Pennsylvania, Ten nessee, Louisiana, New Jersey, Georgia, Maryland, Alabama. New York. Vir ginia, South Carolina, North Carolina, NewiHSmpshlre, Connecticut Massa- cnuseccBjiinoae island ana the xnstrict of Columbia.' The excess ranges from twoitenths. tf 1 per cento ia Maine to 12J6 per confer in the District of Colum bia. rThe states in- -winch; females are in excess, are in the Atlantic region, Tennessecr and Alabama being the only inland StatesAwhere this preponderance exists. '.f-Jii --'"..w-a.vrc. 1 ' ,Tneiaensest population exists in the vlfthea)elaware- river, ' where there, are cm to thagqtiaroiSiile. The Hudson comes next andLlhe Miami third. TiThere areirihflryalleT of the Mississippi 312154, -. population ' In itOie hottest-portion, of tne country is Ej!!!' while Southern Texas ajw4j$uthwesterir Ari zona como riext iriidgeoi. tempera trrre;. The jreatestfcrcrrasf iaWnla uon is in the medium temperature be tween 50 and: 55 degrees (i Thereare 1 28$ "tjes' whoselpopulation range between 8iO00and J00,X)O;i: - : , . . - , r GeiiilL Ai Walkeir, superintendent of Census, estimates; the, population in IS&Oait, about 65000,000. and I il&bc.at ff eeirit on jitfpoiaij taste of e&sUrm is experienced by any one WboOrlnks Hub Pun& UHMrtaterfine preferi Sold by Draggtatsv firooara .aoit Wine Merchants. .. .. .. . ? . , ., Trade supplied at mannf acrorers prices by Wil son & Burwell, Wholesale and Retail Druggists, Trade street; Charlotte, K. cV 1 The names oflUmni i rvn.vo v.uv. f- elson, two of the poor but honest nressmMinf ,f.11i,M' aJ "ri&VT bme fa- J-helr navtnf beeotte the nap 52. "r.""1 one coiiar - letter sent to MtJL ajia State iiaer?. ' "Trt "rmwMifria tvm viw'U. i-tli. .... i are inade strorrg and hearty br ltokert armm Sterlincvnrth. ; Vnn mm J iviilli. TTrV STATE NEWS. 'kkXeigjiNewi-Observer : We are in formed that bat few of the newly com missioned notaries , public havergone before the clerks of the Superior ubiirt in their 'respective counties and fcuaU fied. This they are required by law so to do. -rSeventeen drummers: licepses were issued during June fropijthe treasury department-1-- f bonds amounting to $82,000 came in for ex change at the State treasury during the month of June.T--Mrs. Bayard iClarke leaves to-day to take editorial .charge of the Oxford Orphan FrienKSift. a month, while Miss Anderson pXts a rest for that period. Collections Fand deposits of internal revenue iH the 4th district of North Carolina fot the month ending June 30, 1881:, Collec 'tion&xra list $62824; beer stamps 93c; spirit stamps $751.50 j cigar and cigar ette stamps ; $3482.9S;. snuff stamps $577.70; tobacco stamps $62,707.44; special tax stamps $2,997.08; total $70, 845.87. Collections and deposits of in ternal revenue in the 4th district of North Carolina for the fiscal year end ing June 30, ,1881,: from the. following sources, viz: Collections on list $7, 139.70? beer stamps $5,69 ; spirit stamps $22,287.60 ; cigars , and cigarettes $21. 443.1&1 snuflVstam $535& tobacco stamds $762,1W0&5 Special tax etamps $31,808tal$J89g7.3rr Statelviii4. aCafiaf i Tiring of answering questions on the subject, the clerks in onepC four business houses have, hung1 i tHeir ..banner on the outer wall emblazoned with tmssvensign ''.W bate, no chickens, butter or eggs. -r The careen tera. ; bnctiaveri, dhck and - bod; carriers are making Rome hotT Tbereia more building activity here now tha wa eter.Jtno.wn at &ny time before.rAhe dry kiln of Mr. v, A. Morrison, near Brady's X roads, was destroyed by an accidental fire, Wed nesday nisrht and with it 4.000 feet of lumber.- A son of Mr. BTm. S. Harris, of Concord township, was packmgoats in thls father's barn, Monday evening, when he was bitten on the fiinger by a spider. He at first thought that he had merely been stuck by a briar, but the rapid swelling' of the hand and arm soon gave the famljy to upderstand that it was a case of spider bite. The boy suffered excruciating pain through out the night, and indeed it was be lieved that he would not live until morning, but Tuesday the pain had in a measure - subsided, and a rapid re covery is reasonably expected. Wilmington Review: Two or three large dredge boats are being fitted up in Mew York lor tne river and harbor improvements of the Cape Fear. They are expected to leave for this port about the 15th of J uly.- -Glowing reports of tne condition or me crops in injs par ticular section continue to reach us, . With a few more fine rains they will be as good as made peanuts are, be it un derstood, the exception to thi3 rule. Montgomery Star . We learn of the death of Mr. John Dunn, Sr, of Mt Gilead Township. He died on the 23d, at tne residence or Isaac Mciendon, in Richmond county. Mr. Dunn was about 65 or 70 years of age. Wilmington Star,' A little son of Mr. Michael Dowlaod, living on Castle, ueiweeu six in auu aeventn streets, ac cidentally fell out of a tree yesterday afternoon and cut two severe gashes in his head, besides receiving other pretty serious uruises. Concord Sun; Last Sunday light ning killed one horse tied out in the grove near the house where preaching was going on, ana injured several. The Trutli About Prohibit iou. Here it is, and it corresponds pre' cisely with your observation in all lo calities wnere the experiment has been even partially tried. Head it and hand it to your neighbor : ko. 34. prohibition prohibits in vineland. In 1861 the Legislature of New Jer sey granted Vineland a local ontion law. Under this law in 1874. 753 votes were cast; of these 742 were for no license, and 11 for license. The town ship is 10 miles loner and S milea wirlo and the population in 1874 was 11,000. o-u uie a ui i me valuation or tne town was $128,500. In 1874 it was $4,500,000, with taxes $3.50 on 81.000. Th era waa no lockup, jail, house of correction, court, police, or fire department in town. Having no grog-shops, none of the agencies were needed. Tn urea an agent of the Massachusetts Alliance 7 i 4. J TT 1 1 1 v . . visueu v meiana, ana aiso JNewJiritain, Conn, and collected statistics th ulation of the places being about the same. VINELAND. Grog-shops Cost of paupers Cost of police Liquor sold Habitual drunkards. 00 .$224 00 . 75 00 00 00 NEW BRITIAN. Grog-shops, Cost of Paupers, Cost of Police Liquors sold, 80 . . . . $8,500.00 .... $7,500.00 $319,000,00 497 Habitual Drunkards,. Greelev. Colorado, named for Horace Greeley, was established as- a temper ance town. A grog-shop has not been known. The town has no paupers and ho criminals among 2,000 (1874). " There has never been a criminal case, and a 'fast young man is not known in the place. The Oxford Orphan AkyIuiu. Raleigh News acd Observer. Prom the. Omhans Friend we take the following: "Tha cnmmitfifl fn ln.ar.A anrl crot. a suitable building for the male depart ment oi tne urpnan Asylum nas made an arrangement to erect the building. The contract and specifications have been signed. The contractor will com mence work at once, and the corner stone will be laid hv the ftranri T.nri 'on the 27th of the present month "The president of the Oxford and Henderson Bailroad says he expects to be running a train over his road before that time, and will take all persons visiting the asylum that day from Henderson to Oxford. The contract requires the building to be turned over for use and occupation on or before the fiirst day of November next The Grand Master of Masons, Mr. H. F. Grainger, hopes that everv lodge in the State will be represented by one or more members in the Grand Lodge on the occasion. Everybodyjs cordially invited to visit the asylunv?uly 27tb, towitness the ceremonfepbjUaying the corner stone and other exercises of the day.'and especially tosee what the Ma sons and other cbaritable people are do ing for the indigent-orpbarisHnNbrth Carolina under the superintendence of Mr. Mills and his faithful and excellent corps of teachers and assistants," MY GOOD WOMAN, Why are you so out of sorta, never able to tell folks thai you are well? Tefi- to one, It is all caused in the first place by habitual constipation; which no doubt finally, caused deranged kidneys and livers. The sure cure for constipation is the oWE&ESSSZS&L! I? J? 'SS? rem- w miuuc uu urvr uiseues TnOHMfWH am flDTAti hT t itMn mnnth Trjltatonce,-7To- ledo Blade. ' - - FOOD FOB IB BRAIN AND NEBVK3 that ixicaung is and worrr. , - .wuH iuuwjioo uw TtUU QUOIKlOflb 'Ziif?18?01 XECIAXS &LXGANCX and iim mTigwiiwfvw ooay rtvunoTtt ante what we need tn Ahese dais, of nsh "As a oounteractantrto debilitating Influences (lassitude, nervous- depression, debintT.jnaJarta, dyspepsia, llrer eomplaints; heJt afletuons, drop sical troubleav derangements ef-tbe'torfrt(ib-and bowels) il ls invaluable,". sajp-Prot W-Bunti, Hi D., honorary member Imperl Mealfaloote-. tr, 8t Petersburg, Busstayfte. "Aov are rna down and debniiaieda8houIdJake.:rVk jBewarapf Imitations. ; ..... ..- ,,'- BSD BUGS ROACHES, JSt&l Bats, mice, ants, flies, vermin, "mosqultos. In sects, etc, cleared out by "Bough on Bats." 1 6ck boxes at druggists. ; -: 1 Ml 1111 miri.fi niiw . FOB; . - ... RHEUMATISM, Neuralgia, Sciatica, Lumbago, Backache, Soreness of the Chest, Gout, Quins, Sore Throat, Swell' ings and Sprains, Burns and Scalds, General Bodily Pains, Tooth, Ear and Headache, Frosted Feet and Ears, and all other Pains ant Aches. Ko Preparation on earth eqnali Sr. Jacobs Oil m afe, trure, simple and cheap External Bemedy. A trial entail but the comparatively trifling outlay of 50 Cents, and every one Buffering with pain can have cheap and positive proof of ita claims. Directions in Eleven Languages. SOLD BY ALL DBTJGGIST8 AFD DEALEES nr MEDICINE. A. V0GELER & CO,, Valtitnore, MO., XT. 8. A decSOdAw ly AN OPEN AMONG THE LADIES The brilliant, fascinating tints of Complexion for which ladies strive are chiefly arti flcial, an4 all who will take the trouble may secure them. These roseate, bewitching hues follow the use of Hasan's Hag nolia Balm a delicate, harm less and always reliable article. Sold by all druggists. The Magnolia Balm conceals every blemish removes Sal lowness, Tan; Redness, Erup tions, all Bvidences of excite ment and every imperfection J v Its effects are immediate and 80 natural that no human being canjietect its application, - 1 TO THEE I orVEf BEUlLTH. "Excellent Tonic, Alterative and Diuretic" Medical Association, Lynchburg, Va. "Used with great benefit in Malaria and Diph theria." S. P. Dupon, M. D., Ga. "Successfully used in dyspepsia, chronic diar- rhrpa anrl arrnf n)a "Twf fi .Talrann M n Uniy.Pean.. YA;i invaiuaDie as aviierfons tonic." -non. L C. In malavlfll districts," DBi gaireJl V - xveawres upuunJ Systems wjisetn." X. U. Mercer, VUJLj lM2aA3i5W. ..- dyspersia.r-Ge&Sarrisoni4a. D., N. J. Neese,M.D.,-N.p.itTfi- , "Excellent for certain diseases peculiar to wo men." ProL J. . Moorman, M. D., Va. ' Jfrompt in relieving headache, sick and ner vous." Bev. K. C. Dodson. "TTnerl with DTP at hAnnfft tn rlvananata T TUTn Balph, M. D., Pa. "suuea ro Droncnins ana diseases oi digestive organs." J. F. Houghton, M. D Ala. "Most valuable remedy known for female dis eases." Jno. P. Metteaur, M. D., L. L. D. -ui great curauve vinue." Tnoa, Jr. uumiold, X. D., Mo. "RAnaflMal In nto.m. rtous conditlons."-G. M. Vail, M. D., Ohio. "Charming on the complexion, making tt smooth, clear, soft and rosy." Miss M., of sTu "The prince of mineral tonics." Francis Gil liam, M. D., N. C. - "Inestimable as a tonic and alterative. "Hun ter Mcfauire, M. D., Va.- "Flne appetizer and blood purifier." H. Fisher, M. D., Ga. "Very beneficial In Improving a reduced sys tem." Bishop Beckwith, of Ga. 'Tnvnl1r1a tiaM fin4 aniMmA .nit h..nii n t. John Hannon, late of La., now of Richmond. Va. mu irau uioriik ouuuwrn sieu. journal. Pamphlets free, upon application. 1 Water. 9A 39 raaa. Muu inri puis or ki ik cents. Sent post-paid anywhere. Summer aAJunn nf finrlnma huHni 1 ne W month. Address mn A. M. DAVTlia, Pres't of the Co., 78 Main St, Lynehburg, Ya, P. O. Box 174. SOLD BY WILSON BUB WELL, J. H. MeADEN.and - T. Tt RRT4TnN Jr nn mar27 Charlotte, If. C. NOTICE. North Caholiha Bablkoad Co., i COMPAHY SHOPS. N. C June 2'J.1R81 f rTHH'K Annnnl VadHiis NnrTh rjimllnfl niiiMaii v.. held in Gpldsbero on Thursday, July 14,188U Stockholders desiring to attend can get nasses for themselves and immediate members of iheir fam Uies by making appUcatlon to me, stating to what station they wish them sent Applloatlon should - M J t lira UOUUW UWtO MM UB DanvUle Rall rFFlN.secTT . ' t or j xzrii?11' Jr. o. ttVMmlti, 'WMijUTTXiT AV AXTT.A XT , ! rn" enia? lraa increasing the interest fob Literatim Jtnrl MitMHm. 31 2!"$ 01 importoncewettS y"' u wirem ana most vaiuaoie ijabUca- izzjzritzz ii .- '""'"'"w ore snown' 1 wI-LiIT'S' ;.weruer.Aovert Kii'.li BK'.iTi. t w?i.e-.,n atcftjes awja senr elrgr m .TO. AND LOOK AT HIS LARGE STOGE OF JLTX. of which he sells LOW FOE CASH. All Goods Warranted as Eep- resented, both in Weight and Quality. WATCH GLASSES 10 CENTS EACH. decl5 WE HAVE NOW .IN STOBE FOB THE Spring and Summer Trade The Largest, Finest and MOST COMPLETE STOCK OF FINE MILLINERY. " WHITE GOODS, TRIMMINGS. N O TIONS And all kinds of FANCY DRY GOODS For Ladle and Children We have ever had the pleasure of showing - OTJB STOCK OF GLOVES, HOSIERY, FANS, PARASOLS, TRIMMINGS. . NECKWEAR, AND CORSETS Is not surpassed In the city. We have HATS OR BONNETS TO FIT THE HEAD AND POCKET OF EVERY LADY, MISS AND CHILD. Our Pattern Hats and Bonnets will be open MONDAY, APRIL 4& An examination of our stock will convince any iou? uioi. wo euuiu neaa in styles ana prices in our line. MRS. P. QUERY Will be found in the store to wait on her friends and customers. IS" We have secured the sendees of Mr. M. B. Steel, who would be pleased to see his friends and customers. MBS. P. QUERY. ap!2 As the name indicates, surpasses ali 5 Cent Cigars Ever sp'd In this market. SOLD ONLY BY PERRY. Junlt JUST RECEIVED For Saturday's Trade, at PERRY'S. Junll Uluer. Beeha; Mamdrake. StlllfMlA .nrll man other nf tKj. Vwc wnAirim V. .7T --1" 4 biaed so skillfully in Parkek's Gincr Tonic all lst Health amdStreagthSestonremued. ' Item. DvaMfiata BluaaiM li ti- SltepltstneM, andall diseases ofthe Stemash! If Tou r wastine away with Constmrptiott or ;aiTdisease,a the Tome to-day. Nosnatterwhat your sympepms may oe, it wjU surely help yoo. , Rentembert This Tonic cures drunkenness. ditterent froca Butars, Ginger PreparaUons and' .othce Tonics, and combines the best curativepsop-' tieof alLBuy . $oc bottol yonxdmggiat.. None genuine without our signature on outside .wrapper. Hiscox & Co.. Chemists, Hew York.' PARftTRHi UAIR Rll CAM TWM sal . j ' marl f n'il' .vi;d .. PROF, A. BIDEZ Ja now ready to taie pupJIs in music and'laor guages i for the-summey term. Apply through port. offlce,LooicBot 222.- - QuniegeodT GREENSBORO, NV C. Thh Rlat UHlm o9 thim n i . ... will ln onWoyT A"r 24m: msum . TEBttS Ptt SESSTON OF 20 t" 'wsvacucuuuB wij tot uataiogue to jftjasg-! jun28,dllWrt uli.liijs; t.- , ; Mew IPeacte, ttuvti 'awm jwBtfL rj?l. 1 Date.May 1581, No. 49 Dally No. 43. Dally Lv. Charlotte. i ,.i I 4.05 am 5.56 am 8.03 am , &25AK 8.15 ami 4.15 pm " A-L. Depot " JnncV " Salisbury f Arr. Greens bo ro -Lv6xeensboro . 6.20 AM 4.80 pm 6.07 pm 7.57 PM 7.50A 0.30 AM! 9,50jAM , 8.18 pm lo Bich m'nd only i.u rat 1.45 PM 4.00 PM a25 pm 10.21 AM Arr. Goldsboro Lv. Greensboro- for.Bichmejwl LvuDanvulB i s , -fe ll t 11.81 AM " .w. penvuie " Barksdale v Drak'sBr'ch " JetersvUle.- Arr. Tomahawk Arr. Belle Isle Lv. " . " Arr.Manchester Arr. Richmond 11.83 12-01 pm . 1.20 PM 2 55 PM 8.51 PM 4.28 PM 4.85 pm 4.88 pm 443 AM 7.28 TRAINS eOIHO SODtH. Date Jtfay 1 5 '80 No. 42 Daily. No. 48 Daily. No. 50 Dally Lv. Richmond Burkeville Arr. N. Danville Lv. " Danville Arr. Greensboro Lv. " " Salisbury 10.46 pm 12.00 M 2.25 i 2.43 pm 6 05 PM 6.18 PM "8.17'pm 7 00 AM 7.25 AM 7.27 am 9.26 i 9.31 AM 8.37 PM 10.83 PM 12.15 AM 12.20 am 11.16 AM 12.45 PM 1.00 PM, Arr. A L. Junction " Charlotte Lv. Richmond " Jetersvllle Drak's Br'ch " Barksdale " Danville " Benaja " Greensboro " Salisbury Arr. A-L. Junction Lv. " Arr. Charlotte 11(197 AMI 1058 AM 112-87 PM1 - 2.24 FM a20FM 4.05 PM 4.10 pm 4.18 PM 4.18 PM 2.55 pm 4.41 pm 6.07 pm 7.25 pm 761 pm 8.55 PM 9.27 pm 11. OK pm 12.26 A. i'2'.90Aiit SALKX BRANCH. NO. 48 Daily, except Sunday,. ft Leave Greensboro. ,v, ..v.v 9-40 pm Arrive Salem . .-7-.,. .-11.4,0 ph NO. 47 Dally, except Sunday. Leave Salem 7.80 am Arrives Greensboro...'..'. '. 9.00 ah NO. 42 Daily, except Sunday. Leave Greensboro 10 on am Arrives Salem .11.80 im NO. 43 Daily. Leave Salem ..,..,,... B30pm Arrive Greensboro 780 pm Limited malls Nos. 49 and 50 will only make short stoppages at points named on the schedule. Passengers taking trahj 49 from Charlotte will get aboard at the B. 4D.R.R. depot This train makes close eonneefton at Greensboro for Raleigh, Qoldsbgro Newberne and. all points on Wilming ton 4 WeWon Bailroad. ; : . r Passenger trains No. 47 and 48 make all lean stops between Charlotte and Richmond, and be tween Greensboro, Raleigh and Goldsboro, No. 41 making connection with W? N. C. B. at Salisbury for AsheytUe (Sundays escepted), and also con necting at Greensboro with Salem Branch (Sun day excepted). Passenger trains Nos. 42 and 43 make all local stops between Charlotte and Richmond, except Query's, Harrisburg, Cnlna Grove, Holtsburg, Lln wooa and Jamestown. No, 48 connects with Salem Branch at Greens boro. A. POPEv Gen. Pass, and Ticket Ageni, JPyl8 BJtohmond.Va, Commfesioiier's Sale OF- VALUABLE REAL EST ATI. BY VIRTUE of a decree of the Superior Court o( Mecklenburg county, I will expose for sale, at public auction, at the court house door, in the city of Charlotte, on WEDNESDAY, JULY 6, 1881. That valuable city real estate known as tho Rock Inland Factory PROPERTY, With All fhA tmnmvAmanfa rhaoAti mui erty is situated in the city of Charlotte, Immediate. ti "?i w mo mirui trwina ana uaronna city, and the Improvements thereon are well adapted for manufacturing purposes, having for merly been used for a number of years as a fac tory for the manufacture of woolen goods. TEBMS: Twn hnnrinwi nnl fifHr eorA ntin 1. . andahe balance la two equal Installments at six and twelve months, -wfth wmrib ?ta nianut date. 1 j . . Uifnaffwoll WU1 Br8t 1)6 0fferei to lote ancl This sale is made subject to the ratification and approval of the court. For full lnfnrmaHw fn u Charlotte N 01 10 A' Snoiter Cdwe"! mano GEO. K. WILSON, . Commissioner. UXisceliaucntts. ABSOLUTELY HEALTHFUL. ONLY ONH TTt A SPOOVSnT. tn aooh no nf , ww. m. w w (UUU T T Ul flOnr nrtA hnlf trriA naiiol mtortlf. mmi.im n.v. er brands. - - . CHARM MANUFACTURING CO. , New To and SL Louis. VP Irann trio "fflum" In mtnrir mend it to hn far annarlnr ptmI mn .n.u. than any other in the market. UAV11WON BKALL, apT5,eod,3mo . Charlotte. N. Druggist ly Examination. Go to W, P. iMlRViA, Ageat, and Successor to F. Scarr 4 Co. FOB Fresh Drugs and Pure Medicines None but the Very ; est Drugs do I keep in my stock. Also, Toilet and Fancy Articles. Perfumeries, Combs. Brushes, Tooth Brushes, Ac, &. GARDEN SEEDS of all the best varieties,' and warranted to be good. . Physicians' prescriptions are given spec ial attention. Hoping to receive a share of public Ptrpnae, I am, respectfully; w feb8 - W, P.. MARVIN, igL p Bedford Alni k Iron SDrinffs. TH RIGHT:' PTTR ;wt , " ' J . attracttODs and mtaamtmCT' tnf ni wmS-2,,mlu Md 3- t.irr?111 alterative waters known. ..Jhed 80 years. Endorsed by the profes- Wi1'"ei than any springs in the South. Water soltdlfled into salts, and retaining aU Us curative properties, and sent by mall anywhere. " Baits per lecuy soluble and easily dissolved predutekig nat- or aaite,ror mass... j- f .:r ( , -day.- As.oJ l-itij.i inuj3.li,.,l-ii.,ij"J!. ujnageanieeijrisimu -Fore-t or I Lawyer's, upon advice of anlvaiy ; -Xaehj staooa lour joUes from springs over goad reftd?- '. VV', - y. if, ti fj VlOCa Prftst. - Jim24,deodlm ?i ?r:i iu! .: t- it . tBfl I .. .... ;, j. .

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