)e Charlotte bscroet. LOCAL IMKLUGK.MK. WEDNESDAY. JULY 6, 1881. SOCIETY DIRECTORY. Phalanx LoDei Na 81, A. F. & A. M. Regular meeting every second and fourth Monday nights. Excxubiob Lodob No. 261, A. F. & A. M. Reg ular meeting every first and third Tuesday nlghta. Charlott Chaftxb No. 89, R. A. M. Regular meeting every second and fourth Friday nights. Chahlotti Command abt No. 2, K. T. Regular meeting every first and third Thursdays. IC. OP EC. Knights or Honor. Regular meeting every second and fourth Thursdays. IKI- OIF IP- K nights or Ptthias. Regular meeting nights first and third Wednesdays, 7 o'clock p. m. atMa sonic Temple Hall. I. O. O. IF. Charlotte Lodob No. 88. Meets every Mon day night. Mbcklenburo Declaration Lodge Na ft Meets every Tuesday night Dixie Lodgk No. 108. MeeU'every Thursday night. Catawba River Encampment No. 21. Meets Fiftt and third Thursday nights In each month. Index to New Advertisement. Roanoke College Secretary of Faculty. Knights of Pythias D. P. Hutchinson. Attention, Independents W. J. Harrison, Setfy. Lost Return to this office. Watermelons, etc S. M. Howell. HO .TIE PENCIL! NCS. tW There are 120 visitors at Cleaye land springs. The Gounod club has suspended for the summer. 13T CDorus of police: "When constabulary duty's to be done, A policeman's lot is not a happy one." JST" Mr. W. N. Prather has just re turned home from an extended tour North. ZW Rev. J. T. Bagwell and family have gone on a vist to Goldsboro. Mr. Bagwell's pulpit will be filled in his absence by Rev. Dr. Mattoon. E. At a meeting of the Pioneer fire company held last night they deci dred to make an effort to attend the Yorktown celebration in a body. JQIDrinks are 15 cents now with an invitation, to repair to the next bar whenever the bibulous one manifests an inclination to calcitrate. U"A young man in the city, who re cently contemplated going to Texas says you couldn't hire him to leave here now. "It beats Texas to death," is his remark. JET Jerry Lynch, Frank Morrow and Freemam Lam, colored, got drunk and took in the "glorious Fourth." They were assessed $5 and costs each at the mayor's court yesterday. fgr The storehouse on Trade street adjoining Wittkowsky & Baruch and occupied by H. Morris & Bros.,was sold yesterday at public auction for $9,000, Capt. V. Q. Johnson was the purchaser. HSIA special train to convey the stockholders of the Atlantic, Tennessee & Ohio railroad, to their meeting to be held at Statesville, will leave the Air Line Depot, at 7:30 a. m., on Thursday, July 7th. lEfMr. It. M. Miller, Jr., is spending the heated term on the Sound at Wil mington. There are others here who contemplate joining him. In tact this promises to be a favorite resort for the young people of this city. EST Brigadier General M. P. Taylor, of the Second Brieade has issued an order to his command urging company commanders to have frequent drills, in view of the approaching celebration at Yorktown. The business of the McSmith music house has increased to such an extent as to call for the services of a traveling agent. Mr. A. W. Bacon, who has re cently renewed his engagement with this house, will be on the road most of his time. IWA gentleman in the eastern part of the State contemplating moving his family to Charlotte, writes to a friend in this city to inquire into the truth of a report which he says is current there, that scarlet fever prevails here. There i3 no foundation in fact for the report. tW Cases against Mr. W. R. Coch rance for the retail of spirituous li quors in vialation of the prohibition ordinances were called in the mayor's court yesterday morning, but removed for trial before Justice R. P. Waring. They were set for trial Friday morn ing at 10 o'clock. W The school commissioner of the county together with the county super intendent of instruction will meet to gether at the court house at 11 o'clock this morning to devise measures in the interest of ; public . education in the county. Mr. J . C. Scarborough, State Superintendent of public - instruction, has written that he will be present at the meeting. . .. - '. . VW The registration books for the August election were opened yesterday in the several wards in the city and townships in the country. The -books will be opened at the following places in the several wards of the city ; First ward, Brown & Weddington ; Second ward, at the place of business of Mr. H. B. Williams, the register ; Third ward, at S. H. Hilton's mill ; Fourth ward, at 11.- L Waring's office at the court house. The Poetical Rogers la Our.IHidsU The name of Mr. W. K. Rogers, vv asmngton, 1). C, appears on tne cen tral Hotel register. He is the same gentleman who became known all over the United States as the private secre' tary of President Hayes during the term of his administration, lie is in terested in the Rudisill mine, near this city, and has been here for several days loosing after the property. He return Pd to Washington day before yester day. Double male Quartette. A double male quartette with Dr. A. Bidez, as musical director, has been or ganized among the young men in the city. The following gentlemen com pose the club: Georcro Jordan and Frank Blair first tenors; W. P.Pegram, J r., and J. A. Solomons, second tenors ; P. S. McLauchlin and E. L. Martin, first bassos; Q. W. Badeer and Benja min withelTB, second bassos. The first meeting will be held' at the residence or ur. Bidez, to-movrow night, A Legal 4ara4ox." cAuef of Police F. A. McNinch and Officer L. A.BlackweJder were arrested yesterday at the instance of. Mr. W- 3. Cochraue, on the fiharrft of fnrnihla trespass. Under the direction of the mayor they had stationed thAmafilvns iiv Mr. Cocbrane'g bar-room f ox the pur noseof taking down the names of thnne who drank at the bar in order to sum mon them as witnesses against the pro prietor. The officers were carried be fore Justice Davidson for trial, which however was postponed until 10 o'clock this morning. . , . CONGRESS WATEB. CathnrttA fbiA AltArAflvft. 'IS a well lfDOWn IDC cine fo constipation, indigestion, and all dlaor- rbn nf li. itAmMh. lfwAF mnA kldlUIVS. Ninety years' popular use attests its pnrttT. ty and superiority to all waters of this elnss. ItnM .11 Ana nut Irritating HAtarft. fYmnlim and dO mestlc: they Impair thrdlgestlve organs and kid neys, inereDy inducing irreparaDie resuua. . , None genuine sold on draught marl d2mo,eod PUBLIC MEETING. Censure of Tbe Observer." At a meeting of the citizens of Char lotte at the court house to express their disapproval of the article in The Charlotte Observer of to-day, con cerning the attempted assassination of President Garfield, Gen. Thos. F. Dray ton was Called to the chair, and Wto. B. GriffiCh anU Thos. M. Pittman were requested to act as secretaries. Gen. Drayton stated that the meet ing was called to express thedisap- Sroval of an article in this morning's B8EBVER, regarding the attempted assassination of the President. Ilev.'E. H. Harding said that he had read with much regret the editorial re ferred to and that while he entirely ap proved of the meeting he hoped that in passing resolutions condemning the views expressed in The Observer there would be no discourtesy express ed to Col. Jones. That he was sure Col. Jones had written the article with out forethought as to its effect He thought there should be decided disap proval of the sentiments of the article which was so contrary to the feelings of the people, but no censure of Col. Jones further than the condemnation of his editorial. S. Wittkowsky, said that before go ing farther he hoped the meeting would hear CoL Jones in explanation of his article. That he had known CoL Jones many years had been with him in many and varied circumstances in public and political meetings and in festive and social gatherings that un der all circumstances he had found him an earnest and warm worker for the interests of this city. That he believ ed that Col. Jones had no intention of making the mistake he had and that he was sure that it was an error of the head and not of the heart He there fore! requested that Col. Jones be heard in self defence. F. A.McNinch said that as he under stood the object of this meeting Col. Jones was not here on trial that he was entitled to speak just as any other individual in the meeting. That the question was the views expressed in The Observer and that any explana tion or defence of those views should come through The Observer. Col. Jones was called for and said : Mr. Chairman : As a citizen of this community on last Saturday I cheer fully and heaitily endorsed the resolu tions of sympathy and condolence with President Garfield in his present afflic tions, then presented and adopted, and I now reiterate my sentiments as then expressed by a rising vote. For the ar ticle in this morningrs Observer I de sire to say that no human being is re sponsible except myself, and were I called on to re-write it I should perhaps on reflection not allude to the political record of Mr. Garfield before he was inducted into the high and responsible office of President, and I desire to say now that it was perhaps impolitic, and yet during the campaign, which ended with his election in last November, I stood in the position now occupied by the chair, and addressing a political meeting then assembled, referred to the very same facts, which I believed then and believe now to be true. I recognize the power of this community to draw me up before the bar of public opinion, but I did not consider it a crime to allude to the record made by Mr. Garfield in the matter of the Louisiana election when he more than any and all others gave that State to Hayes instead of to Tilden, thus re versing the verdict of the people of these United States, in their choice for President in 1876. In my article this morning I spoke for myself and myself only. The people in public meeting assembled, I with them, had already been put on record, by the resolutions adopted Saturday, and in writing up my reflections last night I did not do so with that care which the importance of the subject demanded. If I am to be hung I have come here to be in at the hanerinEr. and to sav. as sueeested bv Mr. Wittkowsky, who has just taken his seat, that if I have erred my errors have been errors of the head and not of the heart I have published nearly 3,000 daily issues of The Observer in Charlotte, which day by day, week by week, month by month and year by year, have been hand in hand with the people of the city, and this is the first time I have been arraigned before the bar of pnblic opinion for anything I have said. I do not now acknowledge that I have done anything wrong, but the size of this meeting to night indicates that in the sentiment of the community I have been indiscreet and I bow before the verdict Mr. R. N. Tiddy moved that a com mittee of five be appointed to draft res olutions. The chair appointed R. N. Tiddv. S. Wittkowsky, Rev. E. H. Harding, A. W. Ludolf and R. Y. McAden. The committee, after retiring to consult, re turned and reported the following reso lutions: Whereas, the Charlotte Observer in its issue of to-day has expressed, editorially, views and opinions regard ing the attempted assassination of the President so far removed from the feelings of this community as to be in direct opposition to the real sentiments of jtne citizens of this city ; and whereas, the people of this city, in a largely at tended meeting, held Saturday evening last expressed by a unanimous vote their sincere regret and genuine sorrow tor tne murderous assault made upon the life of our -President, and tendered Mm through the . Secretary of state their deepest sympathy in his affliction and their earnest, heartfelt hope for his speedy recovery: and whereas, the same meeting without a dissenting voice expressed their abhorence for the vile deed done upon the person of the President and through him upon the people of the entire country ; therefore, llesolvec(,t That we in no wise endorse the editorial in to-day's Observer, but dirrir totally from the views therein expressed, which are entirely contrary L ' i 1 if t i 1 - -. io mp Beiiumems oi una wuoie com munity; and Resolved, That in; offering to the President our sympathy and hope for his recovery, we but gave yent to the real, genuine and heartfelt feelings that pervade the entire city; and further Jiesoivea. That we repudiate and con demn each and every sentiment ex pressed in the said editorial, save the regret for this attempted assassination ana ina nop,e ior pis. 6Peeay repQvery l a m . ' . ' auu i. ui met . Resolved, That the proceedings of this meeting with these resolutions be published in the Charlotte Obser- Home, i It was moved and seconded that they be adopted. Mr. R. Y. McAden said that he had read the article in this morning's Ob server with as much regret as any one. That in approving of the resolu tions he desired to say that he knew the value of Col. Jopes to the city of Char- lnt.tA nnri mat in p.nitincf a aaiiv naner it was difficult to be always right He felt satisfied that Col. Jones would sec himself right He (pol Jones) was not the urst man' who naa maae a mista&e. Said the opinions expressed in vested day's (Monday's) paper were all wrong. while those of Sunday mornmrs issue were in full accord with the public Bo this morning's Daner was all wrong, but he was sure to-morrow's paper would be right again. The resolutions were unanimously adopted and the meeting adjourned. Thos. F. Drayton: l r . Chairman. Wm. B. Griffith and Thos. M. Pjtt- jfAN, secretaries. ProKftritioa In Salisbury. A large prohibition meeting was held in Salisbury on the 'glorious fourth which w as largely attended by both white and colored people. The meet ing was addressed by Judge Dick, of Greensboro, CoL J. P. Thomas, of Char lotte, and a colored man of the vicin age. Our informant reports the pro hibition cause as prosperous in that sec tion and that D. A. (banker) Davis is grimly in earnest. SU-Mclt by LlybtmUig- Mr. W. S.'Brown, a prominent farmer who lives about three miles south of the city, made a trip to Pineville last Thursday and on his return, not far from the latter place, was caught in a thunder storm. He took shelter under a large tree near the roadside, and his horse becoming restive he dismounted and held him by the bridle. Soon an unusually severe clap of lightning struck the tree and glanced from this in two forks, one of which struok his horse, killing him instantly. The other passed through the rim of Mr. Brown's hat and striking over the right eye crushed him to . the ground, where he 1 i j tt. 1 lay in au uncuiiHUiuus uuuuiuuu. no was found by the roadside about dark and carried to the house of Mr. J. T. Downs where measures were taken to revive him. In a few days he was re moved to his own residence where he now lies m a critical condition. The physician in attendance expresses hope of his recovery. Bitten by a, Snake. Mr. R. H. Lavercombe, the gentle manly manager of the Singer sewing machine office in this city, was out funning with some mends on tne "ourth of July when, in passing through the woods, he suddenly felt a stinging sensation in the calf of one of his legs, and on investigating the na ture of it discovered that he had been bit ten bv a snake. In a minute the lee was swollen nearly double its natural size and tingling all through with the sen sation that usually results from one's extremities "croine to sleep. A pint of whiskey, with which the party were supplied, was quicKiy swauowea Dy Mr. Lavercombe without perceptibly affecting him. He was driven to the nearest house where another pint was obtained and swallowed, still without having any effect upon him. On top of this he was given some "cherry bounce," which made him sick, and an tidote and poison were let alone to fight it out The anti-prohibition ' measure in this instance, was successful and Mr. Lavercombe was out of danger yesterday- from the bite, though his leg was still swolen and an ugly black spot marked the place where the fang of the snake had cut it RESOLUTIONS OF THANKS. Hall Hobnet Steam Fire Co. No. 1, Charlotte, IN . (J., J uiy 5th, ii. ) At a regular-meeting of the Hornet Steam Fire Company No. 1, held at their hall on Friday evening, July 1st, the following was unanimously adopt ed: WnEitEAs. The Hornet tire comnanv. during their recent visit to Greenville as the guests of the lire department of that city, met with splendid treatment at the hands of the firemen and citi zens generally ; and whereas, They desire to put on re cord some evidence of their apprecia tion of these courtesies ; therefore be it Resolved. That the thanks of the com pany is due and hereby tendered the Pioneer Hook and Ladder Company, the R. E. Lee Steam Fire Company, and the citizens of Greenville at large, for the elegant hospitality extended during our visit ; that we will ever remember with pride and gratification the very many individual attentions shown us; and in this connection desire to return special thanks to Miss Minnie Elkin, for the handsome souvenier that now decorates our hall. Resolved, That the secretary of this company he requested to tor ward a copy of these resolutions to each of the Greenville companies, and also to Miss Elkin. with the hope that we may be able to reciprocate their many courte sies at an eany aay, anu wiiu vue as surance of our warmest friendship. 0. F. Asbtjry, ) C. T. Walker, Com. 1. H. Wilson. ) Greenville papers please copy. Mr. James Daley, who resides at No. 551 Ninth avenue, New York, says: About five years since I fell from a scaffold and severely injured my back, and have been a sufferer ever since. A short time ago I slipped and fell on the sldew&Uc, and greatly aggravated my old trouble. While in this unhap py condition a friend recommended St Jacobs Oil, and I was Induced to give It a trlaL After apply ing It for a short time I was completely cured, not only of the bruises and effects of my last fall, but of those consequent upon my first hurt, and which had lingered with me for five years. I can, there fore, conscientiously bear testimony to the won derful curative properties of St Jacobs OIL "MY BACK ACHES SO, and I feel miserable." said a hard-working man. The doctor Questioned him. and found that he had been habitually costive for years, that now his kidneys were disordered and his whole system de ranged. Kidney Wort was recommended and faithfully taken and in a short time every trouble was removed. The cleansing and tonic power ot this medicine on the bowels and kidneys is wonueriui. congregauonaust. A ROMANCE OF A POOR YOUNG MAN. A reporter of the Philadelphia Record recently sought out a young German cigar maker in that city named Delaware E. WenzeUe, of No. 869 North Ninth steeet and found him with 85.000 tn greenbacks, preparatory to opening a bank account and eolne Into business lor mm sell on the river front. This came from expending SI for a half ticket in the May drawing of the Louisiana State Lottery. There will be over SI 10,000 dis tributed in this manner July iztn a venture oi- ten wins. TROUBLESOME CHILDREN, that are always wetting their beds ought not to bs scolded ana nunisnea ior wnat tney cannot nei. They need a medicine having a tonic effect en the klaners and the urinary organs. Such a medicine is Kidney won. it nas specinc aenon. vo not fail to get It for them. Exchange. PILES CURED by Llebiz Co's Amlcated Extract of Witch Hazel. Prof. X. M. Hale, M. D., LL. D., or tne cnicaeo Medical couera. sars: "it nas ex traordinary power over mat disease." roressor bldney Binger, oi the university Medical college, London, says:"! nave rouna it smguiariy success ful." Beware of worthless Imitations. Also cures the rheumatism, catarrh and neuralgia. Sold la nny cents ana aouar sizes. EDWIN BOOTH. "It did me much good,'' ' says this celebrated ac tor, In speaking of the Llebig Co's Coca Reef Ton la Beware of Imitations. Ask for Coca Beef Tonic BURNETT'S OOOOAINE. A LADY'S HAIR SAVED BY ITS USX. Burnett's Cocoslne will keep the hair In a strong and healthy eotfdltlon by stimulating the roots of hehatrqnd restoring the natural action upon Which its growth depends. Twenty years ago a single bottle saved a lady's hair in a desperate case where every other treatment had failed; and since that early success thousands of cages of baldness, dandruff, loss of hair, and irritation of the scalp, have yielded to this remedy. The superiority of Burnett's Flavoring Extracts consists In their perfect purity and great strength. Bxdford auk and Ibon Spriuga Watxb and Mabb. The great tonic and alterative contains twloe as much Iron and ftftr ner cent, more alum inum than any "alum andiron mass" known. tust tne tning ior tne "spring weakness" now so enerau aoia dj au druggists oi any stanamgk noes roauoea cue ami. msjll-tf FOOD TOR THE BRAIN AND NERVES that will Invigorate the body without intoxicating is what we need in these days of rash and worry.. Parkers umsnr Tome restores tne vital enemes. soothes the nerves and brings good health quicker inananruung eise you can use. xnoune. pee other column, ; . , . Beat en Bats. . The thine desired found at last Ask druggist I ior "Bough on Bats." 11 clears out rats, ' mice, annhM- fllAa. twvlhnm. IRe nArtmT. HABKETSBY TELEGRAPH JULY. 5. 1881. P&GDUClt. Chicago Wheal No. 2 Chicago spring l.OSlfea 1.09 cash and July, 1.11 August. Corn 45ak cash, 4a4tt Aujpst. Oau at 87 cash. 28 August. Pork at 16.45. Lard at 11.55r Hum muau shoulders 0 00. short ribs 8.70, elea. 8.90. Whiskey 1.08. BjJurmoBa Night Oats Western Khtte 88a39 do mixed 8738, PennsylTanla' . Provisions mess pork 17.50 for old; new 18.00; bulk meats loose shoulders . clear sides , ditto packed 79 bacon shoulders 74, clear rib sMes 10& hamslUfeal2. Lard retined tlereea 12. Goflee B o cargoes ordinary to fair ftyfcallU. Sugar A soft 1014. Whiskey l.lUfea.12. CraciKHATi Floor family 5.35a5.50, fancy 5.90a8 5a Wheat Na 2 red winter 1.18a20. Corn at 48Vaa49. Oats at 40. Pork at 816.6a Lard at ll.Uoa.10. Bulk meats shoulders 6.25, ribs 8.75; bacon shoulders 7, ribs 9.60, clear sides 10.00. Whiskey at 1.08. 8ugai hards 10ialiais. New Orleans 7ta8iu Hosrs common and light 4.50a5.90. packing and butchers 5.85a e.15. Nkw York Southern flour dull: common to fair extra 5.25a5.75. good to choice 5.80a7 50. Wheat uneraded red l.OOa 1. 26. Corn ungraded 48a57. Oats 42lfca43 for No. H. Cof fee Bio cargoes 9al2. Sugar fair to good refining 7a8. prime 8; refined standard A 9. Molasses New Orleans 80a55, Porto Rico 86a55. Bosin 2.062. 10. Turpentine wool Wool domestic fleece 84a45. pulled 20a40. unwashed 12a80. Texas 1430. Pork new at 1 7.25. old 16.60a. 62; middles lone clear 9tt short clear 9, long and short . Lard ll.65a.80. COTTON. Qii.TKsroH Holiday; middling ; low mlddl'g -c; gooa oroinary c; net rects 481; gross -: sales : stock 27 804: exD'ts coastwise ; to Great Britain ; continent Nobiulk Holiday; middling; c: net reoeirtts 510: stoss : stock 10.122: exnorts coastwise 90; sales ; exports to Great Britain. BAimnOM Oulet: middling 11c: low mlddliV 10 9-16c; good ordln'y 9c; net rec'ts ; gross 199: sales : stock 4.869: exnorts coastwise 25; spinners 25; exports to Great Britain 951; to continent . BOBTOH Dull: middling 1 lSfaa: low mlddlln: 10Ac: KOOd ord'r filAc: net recelDts 20H: gross 869; sales : stock 9.890; exports to Great Britain : to France. WrumreroH Steady; middling WVic low mid dling 9c; good ordinary 8UC; receipts 17; gross . sales ; stock 786; exports coast wise 302 ; to ureat Britain. Pmr,tT)T.PHxt Steady ; middling llc; low middling 10c: good ordinary 9iac: net recelDts 869; gross 428; sales 216; spinners 204: stock 0,044; exports to ureal Britain . 8 at asm ah-Quiet: middling lotto: low mldd'g 9c; good ordinary 8a; net receipts 42; gross 50; sales 798: stock 8,820; exp. coast wise ; to Great Britain ; continent . Nxw Obusabs Firm; mldd'g 10Ae;low mid dling 9A; good ord'y 8c; net receipts 1,025; gross i,u2; sales ,')00; stock 111,006; exports to Great Britain ; to France 1 ,881. MOBni-Oulet; middling 1014c; low middling 9iAc; good ordinary 8Uic; net receipts 99; gross sales 100: stock W.0Z4: exp. coast 4; France . AueuBTA Quiet; middling 1014c; low mid 8fcc; receipts 25; dllng goud ordinary Shipments ; sales zzi. CW abt.totoh Qnlct ; middling lGtftc; low mid dling 1096C; good ordinary 9c: net receipts 103; gross : sales 50; stock 3.745; exports coastwise : Great Britain; continent . Nxw Yobx Cotton ; sales ; mldd'g uplands c; mldd'g Orleans c; net receipts gross ; consolidated net rects 4os; exports Great Britain 4,41; continent ; France 1,381. Liverpool Noon cotton market artlve.fUmer middling uplands 614d: mid. Orleans 6 5-16d; sales 15,000, speculation and export 1,000; re ceipts 1 1,300, American 10,200- Uplands low mid dling clause: July delivery 6 5-16all-82d, July and August do, August and September 6al8 16, September and October 6ia5d, October and Nov ember 5 15-16d, November and December , January and February 5 16-16d. Futures firm. 5 p. m. Futures weaker. FUTURES. No report FINANCIAL. Nxw Yobx Money 1.03a6. Kxchange 4.83. Governments weak: new 5's 1.021&. Four and a half per cents 1.14- Four per cents 1.1 6. State bonds Inactive. 8tocks closed heavy. New York Central 1.46 Krie 46 Lake Shore 1.25 Illinois Central. 1.88Vfe Nashville and Chattanooga 84 LoulsvUle and Nashvuie l.UbVs Pittsburg. 1.40 Chicago and Northwestern 1 .2814 preierrea i.348 Wabash, St Louis & Pacific 57 Do preferred 9384 Memphis and Charleston U4V Bock Island ... 1.41tfc Western Union 894 Alabama Class A. 2 to 5 76 uiass a, small m Class B, 5's 95 Class C.4'8 83 Bub-treasury balances Gold S Currency CITY COTTON MARKET. Onriox or thx Obstrvkb, i Chablottb, July 6, 1881. 1 The market yesterday closed Good Middling. 10 BtrteOy middling 108 Middling. 104 Strict low middling. 10 Low middling. . .. 9 Tinges 8a9 Lower grades 4a8 Receipts yesterday, 21 bales. Charlotte Produce market. JUNE 23. 1881. BUYING PRICES. Comr, per bush'l 80a85 MXAL, " 7JJ5a75 Wheat. " 1.10al.25 Bxaks, white, per bushel 1.25a.50 Pas, Clay, per bnsh 90a 1.00 A-aay, 1.50 White. " 7fia80 Floub Family 8.26 Extra..... 8.00 Super 2.76 8 ats, shelled. 50aS5 bud Fruit Apples, per id.. ... 4V6 Peaches, peeled..... lRa20 " Uapeeled 7al0 Blackberries . . 8afi Potato ua Sweet B0a75 Irish 1.50al.75 BUTTXB North Carolina 20a25 Eaas, per dozen. 15al8 rOULTBY Chlokens 25a30 Spring 15al8 Ducks 25a27 Turkeys, per In tteese 85a40 Bxkf, per lb., net 5a6 mutton, per id., net JrOKK, " " WHOLESALE. Bulk Mxats Clear Bib Sides 9UaQ Com Prime Rio. . 14al6tt Good... ,. 12iAalS Stbdf ' Sugar-houso. 80 MOLA8SS9 Cuba 82a35 Sugar Syrup. 36a50 Choice New Orleans 50a60 Common 40a46 Salt Liverpool one I.00ai.25 Coarse 1.10al.25 8UQAH White. loaiug Yellow 8al0 Vsmn corn, per g-auon 91.sua.4u Rye. " S1.25a3.00 Brandt Apple, per gallon. 82. HJa2.Z5 Peacbl ? S2.60 Wihx, ScuppernoDg, per gallon. 51-00 RETAIL. Crbi 20 labd, perm. ijsm Tallow, per lb 8al0 Baoow . N. C. hoe round luai 1 Hams,N.C. mM If Hams. canvasseL 14&15 BlC.. 8al0 Fbutt Arming. Nortnem. dot ddi B.z&a,&u " Mountain, " 8.00 Mackerel no. 1 i.zo " No. 2. 1.00 " Naa. 7ft Codfish 15 Cabbaok. per Bx 6 DENTAL NOTICE, THE State Board of Dental Xxarniaers wiu meet in AshevWe. N. C Monday ana Tuesday. July 25 and 20. All persons aesinng to enter ute prac tice 01 asnustry. who are not graauaieev are nou- nea w appear, oeune bam ooara ior examiuouyu. Tilhiuiuuuai ' Chairman Board Dental Examiners. June 22, 1881. uuraovaimo (groceries GROCERIES! JUST IN, 3 Car Loads Fresh Virginia Meal. 3 Car Loads Flour, All Grades, Including Brldgewater and Waverly Patent which excel all other brands. In addition, we have weekly shipments of Motfs Celebrated Sweet Cider, NEW IRISH POTATOES. ASPINWALL BANANAS, GA WATERMELONS, FRESH PEACHES, TOMATOES, ETC. JUST RECilVED, A hEW LOT OF MACKEREL, IN PACKAGES OF ALL SIZES. WE KESP IN STOCK A COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF FAMILY GROCERIES FROM WHICH MERCHANTS CAN ALWAYS BE SUPPLIED AT SHORT NOTICE. On Hand: 1,000 Bush. Corn. AND IB IE A IL Uj TO AOCCOMMODATS THEIR ISCRSASED AND INCREASING TRADE, WILL SHORTLY BUILD A CONSIDERABLE EXTENSION TO THEIR ALREADY CAPACIOUS STORE-ROOM ON TRADE STREET, WHICH WILL BE FIT TED VP IN AS HANDSOME A MANNER AS ANY GROCERY STORE IN THE SOVTH. THEY ALREADY HATE ONE OF THE LARG EST WAREHOUSES IN THE CITY, WHICH THEY WILL BE COMPELLED TO USE AS HERETOFORE. BY BUSINESS TACT AND INDUSTRY THEY HATE SUCCEEDED IN BUILDING UP AN IMMENSE BUSINESS, AND THEY ARB DE TERMINED TO CONTINUE TO MERIT THE PATRONAGE HERETOFORE SO GENEROUS LY BESTOWED. In order to get room to make the changes contem plated, for the next THIRTY DAYS they have concluded to make a SWEEPING REDUCTION In the prices of all goods BELONGING EXCLUSIVELY TO THE RETAIL DEPARTMENT. They have now in stock a large and well selected assortment of FLOUR LOUR COFFEE OFFEE SUGAR UGAR MOLASSES OL ASSES LARD, In all sized packages, 01 Of all kinds, VRSStS flffiS m bbls, W. 4 T30TAT0ES J. c OTATOES A PPLE3 ill lPPLES BANANAS ANANAS T BMONS JU KMONS ORANGES RANGES FRUITS BU1TS AJUTS AND AND CANDIES AN DIES UT3 To the Retail We WE OFFER SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS IN FBENCH PEAS, MUSHROOMS, ASTICHOKES, CANNED GOODS, Of every name Style and Condition, OLIVES CHOCOLATES, ; And eveiT article uaallytoand in a flnt claai ' grocery stort DAVIDSON &BEALU WE HAVE JUST RECEIVED ANOTHER CASE OF OUR CELEBRATED 50 CENT CORSETS, Far superior in fit and quality to any other ever mtrodooed In this city, sizes ranting from 18 to 80. ALSO, A BEAUTIFUL ' lainen In various styles at exceedingly low prices, Look at our beautiful PRINTS, lust received, only 7c pet yard. H. MORRIS & BR O. Jun2 KEEP COOL ! NEW STOEE! RODDICK & CO., TRYON STREET, We have without any exception the CHEAPEST LINE OF FANS EVER OFFERED IN THIS SECTION OF THE COUNTBf. SHEETINGS. Just received, another lot of that 9-4 and 10-4 sheeting, which we continue to sell at 26 and 86 eents. PILLOW CASE COTTON (WIDE) 16c. MOSQUITO NETTING, WHITE AND COLORED, COLORS, 10c KID GLOVES. A few sizes In 2. 3 and 4 buttons. PIQUES. A full Coats' SDOOl Cotton. KKc ner dozen. OowIat'h eocu. yjuiy a sm&ii lot oi tnat ioc Matting leit. Junl9 Sew flwevttsetuetits. Iunl4 d&w4w EVAPORATING FRUIT. SENT I Treatise on IMPROVED METHODS. Ta FREE I Dies, yields, prices, profits and general statistics. AMERICAN DRIER CO., Chambers burg, Pa. jun!4 4w FREE Sena to MOORE'S BUSINESS UNIVERSITY Atlanta, . For Illustrated Circular. A live actual Business School. MaUUhed twenty iwort, Junl4 4w iealwark,warrutedthbwtaad weapon, inaupenaabls to mn,ntiUd "th Scitnc of Tsry mfieUJhtmerntie ;" bound in foil gilMOO pp.oosUina bMatifui tool anvinn, 12 priori p- M,vm muw MDl Df mmu: maatniadaunnla.Seita. OOW THYSELF. mMffS0ffi, unl4 dw4w rirVTL, MECHANICAL AND MINING ENGI J xn?TFTTTtT a. V a Titruaaun sum rvt v TECHNIC INSTITUTE. Trov. N.Y. The oldest engineering school in America. Next term begins September 16th. The register for 1880-81 con tains a list of the graduates for the past 54 years, with their positions; also, course of study, require ments, expenses, etc. Address uni4 ow davld XL UREEMB, Director. I SELL AS CHEAP "ouse m e ' My store Is 145 ft long on the first floor and 140 ft. on the second, and I carry an IMMENSE STOCK -OF WELL-SELECTED IFTOMIUI1E WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. A full line Of COFFINS OFFINS AND AND CA8KETS. ASKETS. ' Thos. W. Andrews, formerly with Mr. B. Nichols, is now with me. E.M. ANDREWS, (Successor to E. G. Rogers.) WHOLESALE St RETAIL FURNITURE DEALER apr25 Watermelons and Cantaloupes. C1 L. ADAMS has perfected arrangements wun j. a Georsls. nlanter to shin him Watermelons and Cantaloupes, and In a few days families can be supplied Dy mm. uunou St. CHARLES HOTEL STATESVILLE, N. a ruma house has been leased for a term of years X by Mrs. Dr. Reeves, whose intention Is to keep a strictly nrsi-cass nouse m every respect. Commodious sample rooms on first and second floors. . The patronage 01 tne puduc is solicited. lulyl.dtf. 'gXfXftSBlQXVXL Z. B. VAKGK. W. H. BAXLXT. VANCE & BAILEY, Attorneys and Counsellors CHARLOTTE, N. C. Practice in Supreme Court of the United States, Supreme Court of North Carolina, Federal Courts, and counties 01 atecjuen burg, Cabarrus, Union, Gas ton, Rowan and Da vidson. W Office, two doors east of Independence Souare. - manstf RO. D. GRAHAM. IN the 8tate and United States Courts. CoDee timi. Home and Fore urn. solicited. Ab stracts of Titles, Surveyi. &C furnished tor eom TwmoailnTi- UTFIOa J H. Jfc wonwr inw a aitvu mrrw Charlotte. V.C ijmn.n. THE OXONIAN, A JOURNAL OF LITISATUKJS K XDUCATHW published monthly at Oxford, N. C, at Om Dollar a year in advance. - s The Oxonian aims at increasing the Interest for Literature and Education, and gives original ar ticles on subjects oi vital tapooance as well as ertfleisma ef the newest and most valuable publica tions. - . . . Ofers deciea advantages 10 aaverasen, uign. average circulation. Advertisements are shown prominently, are free from errors, and are taste fulff (HsDlared. Its advsstlslnK rates are not In excess of its value to an advertiser. Advertise ments, intended, ior pumicanuon m aay aaouid ds mine omce orjrae orre ASSORTMENT OF 60c APIECE. LACE STRIPS BUNTING. ALL PER YARD. 50c a nalr. assortment in latlcs. stripes and ptalds, verf cheap. Naa11a 5c a Daner. Pure Linen Towels, 16c IV8TRICTL1 CASH AND ONE PRICE. ins rtuys. RODDICXicO. grttgfl nn& 'gXt&ltiuzs. 1881. SPRING STOCK. 1881. Draffs and Medicines OF EVERY DESCRIPTION WHITE LEAD AND LINSEED OIL. CONGRESS AND SARATOGA WATER ALWAYS ON DRAUGHT. 6hled Prescriptions carefully prepared by expert and competent druggists, day or night. JOHN H. McADEN. apri!2 L. R. WRISTON & CO. DKUGGISTS. "OUR FIRM." a MOKE o. P. M. A CO'S "Our Firm," the best k? 6c cigar in the city. Try it. L. B. WRISTON 4 CO. mayl9 Ice-CJoId Soda Water. TRINK Sparkling lee-Cold Soda Water. old reliable at L. R. WRISTON CO'a PRICE'S FLAVORING EXTRACTS TTSE Price's Flavoring Extracts-Lemon and U Vanilla, Strtctly pure. - L. B. WBIBTVa w- STARCH. TBY Satin Olossand Bon Ton stares, we tw commend it with confidence. - OILS! OILS !i U to smt customer 001 v aruKB has made as wholssaie man 'nts for his Fruit Preserving fowuer 1 tall ajreum and CbUl PBla. au eraers um vivuiy. L. R. WRISTON & CO. DRUGS READY MID PAINTS

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