- , I., a -- SURE APPETISER 0)s IRON BlTTiKS Me" hlgnlj recommended for all diseases requir ing a certaia.aiuJadetoiilc;;CspeciaUy Indigestion, Pys pepstInteriMttehlFcvei, Want of -Appetite, Xoss of Strength, Lack of Energy, etc. It enriches the lood, strengthens the muscles, and gives new life to the nerves.' It acts like a charm on the digestive organs, removing all dyspeptic symptoms, such as Tasting the Food, Belching, Heat in the Stomach, Heartburn, etc. The only Iron Prepa ration that rLl not hlacken the teeth or giye headache. Sold by alldruggists. "Write for the ABC Book, 32 pp. of useful an winging f eadint? free. . , . TSqV&,CHEMICAI, CO., Baltimore, Md. WESLEY PHILLIPS'S CASH. t Db. j. a. Skkbkah Dear sir : I am happy to in form Tea that I am entirely cured of my large scrotal rapture. It Is one fear ago to-day thai I reoiTou jvui treatment, x iiaye ujsibu me cure by going without the appliance. My business is that of a looomotlTe engineer. My rupture, as you wulrecantoyour -rnma, was similar to Mr. Jor dan's, In your pamphlet of Illustrations. I was ruptured in the year 1868, while in the army, I have Med spring and elastic trusses with great discomfort and Injury,, my .rupture always growing worse, Finding -I must get some relief or give up my business, I determined to try you as a last resort, and I must say that I found your treat ment a complete success. My Improvement and cure hare considering my terrible condition, sur prised my friends as well as myself. During your treatment I have worked hard in my business, en- . Joying both safety and comfort, and have not lost a day's work. - Mr general health has been also improved.' I will take pleasure In recommending - the afflicted to you, whenever ,.1 , have an opportu- You may publlsltau letteijftr the benefit of hu manity. My ' address Is 211 East 44th street With best wishes I remain yours respectfully, WESLEY PHILLIPS. OBirruMXMrlaasaSMtnc fmageawnldabUita'to dnom torn. inaTaaaad oroati vaaatloi itioa oi month, did not give rcbUla, Attliljttme Aiuunmt aUsad almost immadiata and wonderful reaulta. wu not paraaanantly abated. I bava naed three bottiaa bor that I aver did in the aama time darlns my Ulneee. maa vuer oi pod, baa oome alia a olearneM of thought work, I know not what, lglveittheoredlt. - MTho Mrott Tonio is a' M prmarmtii of 1V nnn i na. Pmim- Ivian Bark, nnd Jia pKato. 0aoeief wffn MHO JLrowuUi, Ml mi a Tonic to aiMNani,, IUIBFACTBIEI IT THE OR. HARTER MEDICINE CO., 10. 21S MUTM MAlliSTICET, SMQUi JuHl7-eod,d&wly 11s U 1 A LARGE LOT OF- FLOOR, DIMS. S. BOUGHT SINCE THE DECLINE. TO BE SOLD LOW Major & Ross. apr5 COB. COLLEGE 4 FOURTH STS., WE, SELL- AND Jul MOUNTAIN JOliyjALE ?AXHIMl4Ea90f4LK,N,!.tK . llf :,TA,SB01BtmGiHOUS, oerner ' rtwmSSMSms na.ade purchaser on very teenrooBttdtk! J5a?lrti fromjhe SKS?fn.?L A piano to the - SJilT611.1111 Address, a 1 1, Mere Syrup aSSuS WHOLESALE GROCERS THE GENUINE Piedmoat Patent (?.! V. FLOURS. .V ft & ' f; A TRUE TONIC Its Belief and Care as Certain as Say Follows j- ay. Since the reduction of Dr. Sherman's terms, thnnaanria ara p.mwdiner nnon him for treatment, DlaHlv thiftnrin awnv t.riAir BTlnnlnff. lTKSOme. ins piriting, and life-punishing trusses. His treat ment for this affliction makes the patient comfor table and safe In the performance of every kind of exercise or labor. It is a grand thing, and those who are ruptured and do not provide themselves nth it. must find urn the dancers of that precari ous affliction and the use of trusses all through life. Thousands of those cured give the most flat- terlne testimonials ol gratitude to ir. tsnerman. tta Ih t.hm author and laventor of his popular svs tem; he imparts his secret to no one; It Is applica ble to all classes and cases, and under his reuucea rata, within t.hn i-AA.n of almost everyone. Patients can receive treatment and leave for home the same day. Dr. SHERMAN'S book on rapture gives convincing proofs from professional ewntiAmnn and others of ma successful treatment. It is Illustrated with photographic pictures of bad cases before cure, and is sent to those who send 1 n cents. Principal office 251 Broadway, N. Y. Branch office, 43 Milk street, Boston. Days in New York Monday, Tuesday, Saturday. In Bos ton Wednesday, Thursday, Friday. .(,Junl4 4w MB&ors4l ami reeom-t lmndd by thontodiA Meal profit Dyspepsiu uttebUily,I profession, tori m, vonorat Mt'emalr Iia-1 eases, Want of Vital. 4w , Nov vo ti9 Ji &&tt'a I mtion,- and Csnvales-l ccncifromlTevers,A:c aach an extent thai my tabor was exceedingly bar- me ranch relief, bat on the contrary, waa followed by I beg i Deg&n ma nsa or your ibohxomio, irom wnicn i re- ' - . xneoia energy returnea ana i foana cnat my natural force of the Xonio, iace ualngitlhavo cone twice the la- and with doable the ease, 1th the tr&naail nerve never before enjoyed. II toe 7.0111c hai not done J. P. WatbOX, Faator Christian Chnrch. Troy, O. If the Tonic hai not done the , ; 1 r 1 FEEBLE ANB SICKLY PERSONS Recover their vitality by pursuing a course of Hos tetter's Stomach Bliters. the most popular lnvigo rant and alterative medicine In use. General de bility, fever and ague, dyspepsia, constipation, rheumatism, and other maladies are completely removed by it Ask those who have used It what It has done for them. For sale by all Druggists andfDealers generally. julyl Dr-SANFORD'S Only Vegetable Compound that acts directly upon the Liver, and Cures Liver Complaints, Jaun dice, Biliousness, Malaria, Cos tiveness, Headache. It assists di gestion, strengthens the system,' regulatesthe bowels, purines the blood. A Book sent free. Dr.1 Sanford, 162 Broadway, N. YJ ".FOR SALE BY ALX DRUGGISTS. . Janjl8 deed, eow ly. THE. ONLY MEDICINE IK EJXSER LIQUID OB DRY FOBH That Aria nt ttD taBy PMilliy laWV VMM, mSUfm,TES BOWELS, I WHY ARE WE SICK? waiBBaBaBaaBBBBBi BaBBBBM aBSBBBaaai aaaaaaaaiBaaaaaBaaaaaaaBB " 1 ' ,n nir n.. ..t ,J m. w' nmww wiw .y I V iiyuiw wi become Cloaned or imnnlii. nnt mrtismnnnuiX . '- " tnvmortare therefore forced into the blood uun thoutaoe epeuea naturally. WILL SURELY CURE KIDNEY. DISEASES, ; ixrrj PAutm'AitiTe' 11 aaiwton vvivirknui i PltEsT" CONSTIPATION; rBINABT 1UJSASI9, FEMALE WEAKNESSES, ' v.AJn KERTOU9 DISORDERS, by cawing free action cf these organ and mwnng wietr power to iurow off disease. I '- Whv suffer Bilious nalns and aiial tyij tormented with Piles, Constipation! Why frightened ever disordered Kidneys! I nnyenaareaetvons or sick headaches! Vtt KIDNET-WORTam rejoice in health. tt Ifl Tmt'nn In Upv VamIU "C., m iw I cans one package of which make atz quarts oil mrmmiiim. . &isu uutuaitra, very wmmi wwi urn cauiiot reaaiiy prepare it, I I ' tFIt acts with equal efficiency in either f orm. GET IT OF TOUR DRUGGIST. PRICE, $1.00 1 rw-m f I miiUO, UAVUA.UV3V CB IO., rnifl'l. I M (Will aenAthe dry port-paid.) - BUKIJIgrOa, TI. I A MarehtT dAw ly a .vi.. Sv -.aj J. L. HARDIN, MKBCH ANDISEBBOKBB- AITD I vSTobaeco.8nOT.'WflA.'fhiMa.r rJif 111 m m u r its ai as 11 x aw aw mat dm 11 w f Tirr-m! r yi'. n 11 ffjff. ' rrivr-' IX AW M it MAT ff A W f Ml AW AW A MAT It AWA I I IX AW AT I mr XX AW I X X I AW-M -II I W m. STOMACH INVIGORATOB :endersonTmers:&r7an8-vl,,pww-'.. f, - . - - THE 8TmY OF; THE ASS Ulsl CA? Facta, Rumors and Opinions, Where the Aawsusin Is.; - SCENES AT THE DISTRICT JAIL A FALSE ALARM AT NIGHT. Washington Post, 4th. Guiteau occupies a cell on the west corridor of the jail. He has, since his incarceration on Saturday, remained calm and quiet. His appetite is good, and the jail omciais say ne is extreme ly fond of fish. He apparently enjoys wnat ne eats, xi is reiatea oi tne pris oner that when he arrived at the jail he was directed to take his shoes off, to which he demurred, saying, "If I go in naked feet over those stone floors 111 catch my death o' cold." A prison er remarked: "les, you or a , you'll have a rope around your neck a d d sight sooner than you'll ever catch cold in bare feet. Guiteau being asked how the Presi dent acted on being shot said, "I'll show you," and throwing up his right elbow, with his hand hanging, shook his hand, remarking, "That's the way he did. But the next one got him. When he was first struck he turned and looked scared." Mr. Benton Kuss, the deputy warden, in obedience to orders from the Attorney-General, refuses admission. All day yesterday crowds of people, moved by curiosity, visited the jail in the hope of being able to get a view of the prisoner. The cell he occupies, how ever, does not face outward, and though many left with the impression that they had seen the prisoner, they were mistaken. Among those who called with the hope of getting an interview with the prisoner were many of the local reporters and correspondents, but all, save one, were disappointed. A Graphic artist, accompanied by District Attorney Corkhill and Chief Brooks, called about 3 o'clock and had an intervie w with Guiteau. The artist, however, was only given an opportuni ty to.make a sketch of the prisoner, who, in his presence, did not utter a word. The rumor published that ' a lady friend called at the jail to see Gui teau, while sensational in character, is doubtless inspired by the supposi tion that there is a woman at the bot tom of everything, lacks the essential element of truth. As a safeguard against any attempt atTescue, as soon as the prisoner was placed in jail a section of police, under jthe command of Lieut. Austin, was de .tailed by Major Brock to guard the riail. They are placed in front of the bunding, in tne rear or tne 3 an is isat teryH, Second Artillery, commanded by Capt. Niles, while in the immediate vicinity and in easy call are Batteries C and B, Second Artillery, commanded respectively by Capt, Graves andXieut. tjcantling. in addition to tnese pre cautions, the guard at the jail are on duty day and night, and all the ap proaches are covered either by police or military. The massive door that leads into the waiting room is also securely locked both day and night, and it would seem that no attempt to lynch the prisoner could be successful with out collusion from some of the jail guards or wardens. On Saturday night while the rumars of the President dying were flying around the city, and the jail was guard? ed by the force mentioned, two shots in quick succession were fired In the vicinity. This was about 11:30 o'clock. The night was still and the sky was studded with stars. The shots sounded right back of the jail and were thought to be a signal for attack. Immediately the troops were called to arms, and the police went out to reconnoitre. It was found that the shots were fired by some young men who were returning from a lark. The effect of the shooting was to cause much excitement for the time being. Guiteau' Explanation. DISTRICT ATTORNEY CORKHILL. TAKES IT DOWN IN niS CELL. District Attorney Corkhill was sent for in the afternoon by Guiteau, who made a long statement as to the occa sion of his attion. He made an impor tant statement, the District Attorney says, explaining where ha got the money to purchase his pistol, and giving other important particulars, but it was de cided not to make it public until veri fied. The District Attorney believes that Guiteau is endeavoring to add to the mystery and complicate matters to cover up his own crime. Corkhill laid the matter before the informal meet ing of the cabinet, at the White House last night, and was instructed to pro ceed to investigate as fully as possible. Col. William A. Cook, A. M. Gibson, the local detectives, and Chief Brooks, of the Secret Service, were on hand and had a .hasty consultation with Col. Corkhill in the ante-room. Immediate ly afterwards Detective McDevitt left the city on a train going east. It is be lieved that McDevitt has gone off to work up facts connected with Guiteau's statement Chief Brooks was with Guiteau a long time in the afternoon also. The latter stated that he shot the President because it was so ordained by God. He was particular in asking about the President's injuries, and when inform ed that the latter was a great sufferer, regretted not having shot him a third time, as the third shot would have cer tainly proved fatal. Notes and Ramon. VARIOUS FACTS AND STORIES REGARD- ING THE CRIME. "Washington Post. , Mr. T. J. Cutler, the countryman who made the remark on the street that he had seen two men, bne a large man and the other a small man, acting in a sus tricious manner in the Baltimore and Potomac depot a short time previous to the shooting, was yesterday confront ed with Guiteau at the jail, but he failed to recognize him as the small man whom he had seen at the depot. He was thereafter discharged from cus tody. A man in the Belt line car stables, Who heard a small man a few days ago say he would soon have $500, immeo ately coupled him with Guiteau, and yesterday the story was told all over the city as a fact. Bumors of the most improbable character about small men, all of whom answer the description of Guiteau, if their relaters can be believ ed, are afloat, and some papers publish them in sober earnest. Miss M. KKelly, a colored school teacher, living at 1416 I street north West, saw the shooting and will be sum moned as a witness. She is now in Philadelphia at 1014 Brainbridge street. Because of the precarious condition of the President the music at Abner's, Driver's and the Theatre Comique on Saturday was stopped. Ko music will be played at these places while his con dition remains se doubtful. y -. Mrs. Garfield, senior, will not coma from Mentor, as at first supposed, ;but will remain there, being kept constant ly informed as to her Bon's condition. jDetectives Lanthier. Cosgrove and Huntingdon; of 'the' New York city foree, are in the city; also several from Philadelphia: - , -iCapt. W. Boss Brown, the librarian Navy Department, has a lively recollection of Guiteau's visits there! uu one occasion ne advised him5 In re gaid-to Obtaining his consulate. Gui teau replied "I'm all ' right; Xogan is lookincrTDUt fdr,me.?He was at the tlibfary from April 7 till the4ay before Congress adjourned. t Senator Lozan is said to have called f'at Gitteau's boarding house two weeks K XI 1 - ainuc auu iiuiu uiauiuo ws iuscuio. . i The rumor was revived last night that Guiteau was removed from the jail and placed on board of one of the moni tors which which steamed into the river. Maj. Brock professed entire ig norance of any such thing, and said he was committed to jail and there he would stay until his trial. The Attorney-General has been im portuned tohave Guiteau photographed, but refused for the present. Guiteau's act is one involving capital punishment, whatever the result to his victim. All idea of Guiteau's insanity is scout ed by the best informed and those in terested in the investigation. No crime has been committed for a long time that shows more perfect preparation in every particular. The conspiracy theory has been pret ty well exploded by the later develop ments, though it is thought some crim inal negligence will be shown on the part of those who knew Guiteau's dan gerous proclivities and desperate con dition. It is said he made threats of "breaking the dead-lock in Republican politics with a pistol." Mr. Camacho's Statement. THE SHOOTING OF THE PRESIDENT DE SCRIBED BY TOE VENEZULEAN MIN ISTER. Simon Camacho. the Minister of Venezuela to the United States, who is a personal friend of both President Garfield and Secretary Blaine, was an eye-witness, of the shooting of the President. Mr. Mamacho arrived in Jersey city from Washington, on Satur day arternoon, on tne tram wnicn was to have carried the President from Washington. A Tribune reporter met Mr. Camacho, who told the following story of the attempt to murder the President: "I had made arrangements to come to New York; also to escort'some of the members of Gen. Blake's family, who were on their way to Long Branch. While waiting for them I saw the car riage containing President Garfield and Secretary Blaine driven up to the depot. They remained in the carriage talking until the bell sounded, an nouncing the time of the train's de parture, when the President and Sec retary entered the depot arm in arm." "How many persons were there in the room at the time of the shooting?" "Only three or four. At the sound of the bell all the people with the ex ception of myself went out upon the platform where the train was about to start. I was waiting for my party. A gentleman accompanied by two ladies followed the President and Secretary toward the ticket office. I had just bowed to the President and Secretary, when suddenly tjje man called Gui teau appeared, from where I could not see him. He took the pistol from his pocket, and, in a crouching attitude stealthily approached President Gar field, who was unconscious of his pres ence." Why did you not give some warn ing or rush upon the assassin and dis arm him V" "The man moved so rapidly that I scarcely had time to comprehend the situation befor the shots were fired. I endeavored to knock the pistol from his hands, but the large steam heater which separated us prevented me from reaching him in time to frustrate his murderous designs. When the shots were fired the assassin was not more than three or four feet from his vic tim. The first shot took effect just above the right hip. When the report of the pistol was heard Secretary Blaine jumped from the side of the President; at the second shot, which rapidly followed, he returned, but be fore he reached him the President had fallen. The assassin rushed to the door of the B street entrance of the depot, but I prevented his escape there. J'hen he turned and ran to the opposite oor, where he was captured. I imme diately gaye my assistance to the Presi dent, and hurriedly told Secretary Blaine that had it not been for the necessity of attending to my business J would remain in vv asmngton. 1 tnen went on board the train and came to New York, but had I known that the injuries would prove fatal I would not nave come. THE PRESIDENT'S CONDITON LATER DISPATCHES. 10 :40 A. 31. The anticipations of the President's attending physician last night, with regard to the probable transciining or tne unrayoraDie symp toms wnicn tnen mamrestea tnem selves have been fully justified by re sults. Col. Bockwell, who spent a large part 01 last nignt in tne Jtresiaent's room, says that he slept more quietly and tranquilly than at any time since he was wounded. He took nourish ment in the shape of chicken broth, milk and lime water1 and beef tea re peatedly and retained it. His restless ness abated, the nervous contractions of his fingers ceased, and he slept quietly ior as mucn as an nour and a nait at a time. . His improvement by this morn ing, so officials allege, is much. The physicians regard his condition with a feeling of encouragement The hours from 6 to 9 p. m. seem for the patient to be,, the most unfavorable part of the day. It is possible that there may be a reaction again to-night, as there was last night, but if so, it is believed that it will be transclined, since the symp toms this morning indicate a decided change for the better. The following dispatch has been sent by the surgeons in charge to Drs. Ag- new and Hamilton, two consulting physicians : 9:30 A. 3t After you left urgent symptoms continued. There was much restlessness: constant slicht vomitin&r. and by 8 o'clock p. m. the President's condition seemed even more serious than when you saw him. Since then his symptoms have gradually become more favorable. There has been no vomiting or regurgitation of fluid from the Btomach since 8 o'clock last even ing. The President slept a good deal during the night. This morning he ex presses himself as comparatively com fortable. The spasmodic pains in the lower extremities have entirely disap peared, leaving behind however much muscular soreness and tenderness to the touch. There is less tympanities and no abdominal tenderness whatever, except in . the hepatic region. Since 8 p. m. he has taken an ounce and a half of chicken broth every two hours Jand has retained it all. The wound was again dressed anti-septically thjs morn ing. Altogether but one-half a grain of morphia has been administered hy perdemically during the last 24 hours, and it has been found quite sufficient. His pulse, however, still keeps up. At 8:30 a. nwit was 114, temperature 100-5, respiration 24. Seventy-two hours have now elapsed since the wound was re ceived. We cannot but feel encouraged this morning, although of course we do not overlook any of the perils that still beset the path towards recovery. The course of treatment agreed upon will be steadily pursued. D. W. Bliss, J. K. Barnes,' -; J. J. Woodward, . Bobt. Bevbtjrn. Unofficial Bulletinllaa.m.Tlie. President's symptomsv eontkiuen to Jbe favorable..flAii:Mfo?tD tflefeoitwy are unfounded. ' ' 12 SO R'The favoraliridl6rf of theymptomifepdrtMlBhe Ias bulletin cuntfafoeWaTberebave:i)eeni no reeufrettcte df-1 yWe'Voihitinfptilse toe President lies at present in a nattt no, itjuiuerainreriyi respiration 24. ralaleep. No further, bujletuuwill.be issued till 8 SO p. m., unless in case of an unfavorable change. -. rt ! 1 :45 p. M.-The President's' svmiK toms are as favorable as at date'rf the last official bulletin. He has jusrnaa a natural and ierfectiy normal toeve-' ment of the bowels, which was ' not ac companied by any unfavorable indica tions. He has taken no anouvnes since ten last night, and his condition is re garded by the attendant physicians as very encouraging. lp THE GREAT if FOR Neuralgia. Scaiica, Lumbago, Backache, Soreness of the Chest, Gout, Quinsy, Sore Throat, Swell ings and Sprains, Burns and Scalds, General Bodily s Pains, Tooth, Ear and Headache, Frosted Feet and Ears, and all other Pains and Aches. Ko Preparation on earth equals St. Jacobs Oil as a safe, sure, simple and cheap External Remedy. A trial entails bat the comparatively trifling outlay of 60 Cents, and every one suffering with pain can have cheap and positive proof of ita claims. Directions in Eleven Language. SOLD BT ALL DRUGGISTS ASH DEALERS IN MEDIOIITE. , A- VOGELER & CO., Baltimore, Jtfd., 7. 8. A dec80d&w ly AN OPEN SECRET AMONG THE LADIES The brilliant, fascinating tints of Complexion for which ladies strive are chiefly arti ficial, and all who Trill take the trouble may secure them These roseate, bewitching hues follow the use of Hagan's Mag nolia Balm a. delicate harm less and always reliable article. Sold by all druggists. The Magnolia Balm conceals every blemish, remoVes Sal lowness. Tan, Redness, Erup tions, all evidences of excit ment and eYery imperfection. Its effects are immediate and so natural that no human being can .detect its application, " Jan. 22 txtttxts. A SPLENDID OPPORTUNITY TO WIN A FOR TUNE 7TH GRAND DISIBIBUTION, CLASS G, AT NEW ORLEANS, Tuesday. - July 12th, 1881-134th Monthly Drawlnf Louisiana State Lottery -Compy Incorporated In 1868 for 25 years by the Leips lature for Educational and Charitable purposes with a capital of 8f,O00.0QO-to which a reserve fund of over 8420,000 has since been added. By an overwhelming popular vote its franchise' was made a part of the present State Constitution adopted December 2d, A. D. 1879.- ' Its GRAND SINGLE NUMBER Drawings will take place monthly. It never scales or postpones. Look at the follow ing distribution: CAPITAL PRIZE, $30,000. 100,000 Tickets at Two Dollars each. Half-Tickets. One Dollar. LIST 0 PRIZES : 1 Capital Prize 80,000 1 Capital Prize. 10 000 1 Capital Prize., ., 6 000 g Prizes of $2.500 sloOO 5 Prizes of 1,000 5.000 20 Prizes of 500 l&ma 100 Prizes of 200 Prizes of 500 Prizes of 1,000 Prizes of 100 , 10,000 50...., 10,000 20 10,000 10: 10,000 APPROXIMATION PRIZES. 9 Approximation Prizes of $300 $2,700 9 Approximation Prizes of 200 1,800 9 Approximation Prizes of 100...... 900 1857 Prizes, amounting to...; $110,400 Responsible corresponding agents wanted at all points, to whom a liberal compensation will be paid. For further Information, write-elsarly, giving full-address. Send, orders by express pr Itegis tered Letter, or Money Order by mall. Address ed only to - " M. A. DAUPHIN, i, . .v. KewOrieam,Ixmlsian, or M. A. DAUPHIN, at ' vrr ' No. 212 Broadway, Ne York. All our Grand Extraordinary Drawings are under the supervision and management of Generals G. T. Beauregard and Jubal A. Early. POPULAR MONTHLY DRAWING OF TH Commonwealth " Distribution Com pa n y , AT MACAULEY'S THEATRE, to the City of Louisville, on SATURDAY, J.TJLY 30. 1881 ' These drawings occur monthly (Sundays except ed) under provisions, at an Act of the General. As sembly of Kentucky, incorporating the Newport Printing and Newspaper Co., approved -April 9, SThls 9 a sifieplaj apv and has never been re pealed. . ' . The United States Circuit Court on Harsh 31. rendered the following decisions; 1st That the Commonwealth iMstrfbution Com-: pany IsiegaL ' 2d Ita drawings are fair. The Company has now on hand a large resem uuiu. iwau uio iibi vi ynzea ior we JULY DBA LWTNG. II Prize, $30,000 10,000 fi.000 1 raze, . ; -1 Prize . 1A.TMM. A , AAA 1 . i- OA! IMauu. kSUV TlU . 4 aOOPrizeaw; 50 eaelv.:.,,..,...., 10,000 j-w- .M.7 . PfU'll.rf ...... ... . 1 9 Prl, $800 eMh, Approximation Jr$2,7 razes, luu " . "i.. ., J l,960PrisftBV-.r... ......,...'.,., flV .$ll3t00 .Tioie TlckBtai2; Bait Xidcets, $1 27 TlakeU, $5 and onward, byExpresaTcanT seBTat oar ex pense.' Address all orders te i it t lb iJf.8001 CourlertonnialBulidlne , Broadway. New Xorlv r f juY . r 0,000 .,.,. ...., GO TO - i ' - - Vj.- ' ' . , . . i " " Jo in T. Butler s AND LOOK AT HIS LARGE STOCK OF :!wlfes Jewelry ALL OF WHICH HE SELLS LOW FOR GASH. All Goods Warranted as Rep resented, both in Weight and Quality. WATCH GLASSES 10 CENTS EACH. de15 WE HAVE NOW IN STORE FOR THE Spring and Summer Trade The Largest, Finest and MOST COMPLETE STOCK QF FINE MILLINERY, WHITE GOODS, TRIMMINGS. NOTIONS And all kinds of FANCY DRY GOODS For Ladies and Children We have ever had the' pleasure of showing - OUR STOCK OF GLOVES. HOSIERY. FANS, PARASOLS, TRIMMINGS, NECKWEAR. AND CORSETS Is not surpassed In the city. We haye HATS OR BONNETS TO FIT THE HEAD AND POCKET OF EYERY LADY, MISS AND CHILD. Our Pattern Hats and Bonnet? will be ope? MONDAY, APRIL 4th. An examination of our stock will convlnoe any lady that we stand head in styles and prices In our line. MRS. P. QUERY Will be found In the store to wait on her friends and customers. 13?"" We have secured the services of Mr. M. B. Steel, who would be pleased to see his friends and customers. MRS. P. QUERY. ap!2 W OF THE As the name Indicates, surpasses all Ever soTd In this market. SOLD ONLY BY P E E E Y. junll iiV. JUST RECEIVED For Saturdays Trade, AT PERRY'S. Jnnll Gliger BneBu, aTandrtt, BtlOlaft iAi ianv otier of the bast nediciaea knoartf ara trim- ;t BtdiciB Imoaftof art COBUl PutKn'a GinCkS Tomic mam bined ao akillf aUrin Pakkkx's Gmcit Tomic aa to male it the greatest BUod Puriflar and tb- 4 IBrtHeaItkaadStRatliestertrevttaie4.1 Sletlattnt, and all diseases of the Stomeoti,, 1 If you are wasting away Hnta Coninmptwa vt, anvdtsease.setlMToiuCto-div. NomiturarW! . fyour symptonu maybe, it will surely help you. , I t -Remember I This Tome cures drunkenness. J if ram i it medicine erei maae. entirely m different from Bitters Ginger Prerwrauona andf ptJref Tonics, and combines the best curative prop-T ertieSof all. Ruv -ted batik f W 1 rNope twuietfiiutxwsimtejnrtjdej DAtHrTWtlAlV RAlnU Tkc-bntaae I niiu.uvinin tmburtnf iitrtfiimTtrT?rtiitiy ' mar 4 li JlrM l PJR01 A. BIDEZ IlnOW alMi)...tA ; lalra nn-ntla fn mnah nl lnn. I aaKSfbrJllelainjriner term. , Apply through post- Meofctjoxir. . , iiuniB 2weod. GBJ5EKSB0R0, K. a te5tst'seslbn bftBlswen known institution pW begin tm Wednesday Aogrist 34U1. 3PEBMS PER SESSION OF 20 WSSXSi Board andTultton tit foil English 'course. Xl& 1 For iajtlcalaa apply, for Clopne to . ' SPRINtr OPENING. lPeac ailrjoads. TBAIS3 60IH&.K0TB. Date,Majl5'81. : no. 49 - Dally T No. 43. Dally " sany Lv. Charlotte, ' 44 A-L. Depot M Junc't Salisbury, Arr.Greensboro ' Lv. Greensboro. Arraieigb. !V . v Arr. Goldsboro " Lv. GreensborW ' for Richmond Lv. DanvlUe " N. Danville " Barksdale " Drak'sBr'ch " Jetersvllle Arr. Tomahawk Arr. Belle Isle Lv. " " Arr.Manchester Arr. Richmond fJ.J5 AMff 4.15 PM 411 MM 6.20 AM 7.60 Am 4.-80 PM 6.07-PM 7ifW. 8J8 PM 5.56 All .Q8M 8.2&AX X.40rlK '1.4.K Fat 84J0A1 0.50 aj for Rich- m'ndomy .OjPK 10.31 an XT' 11.81 AM 11.88 AM - 10-27 am 10 58 i 121.01 PM 12 8T PM 2.24 pm a20 pm 4.05 pm 4.10 PM 4.13 PM 1.20 pm 25 PM 8.51 PM 4.28 PM 4.35 PM 4.88 PM 4.18 pm! 4.43 am 7.28 am trains eome south. Dat.Mayl5'80 Na2 No. 48 No. 50 Pallyv Dally. Dally Lv. Richmond ia45 pm 12.00 M Burkevllle 2.25 am 2.43 pm Arr. N. Danville 7.QQ am 6-05 pm Lv. " 7.25 AM 6.18 PM Danville 7.27 am Arr. Greensboro 9.26 am 8.17 pm Lv. " 9.81 am a87 pm ' Salisbury 11.16 am 10.88 pm Arr. AL. Junction 12.45 pm 12.15 am " Charlotte l.Ofl pm 12.20 am Lv. Richmond 2.65" PM " Jetersvllle 4.41 pm "Drak'sBr'ch 6.07pm ' Barksdale 7.25 pm Danville 7.51 pm " Benaja 8.55 pm " Greensboro 9.27 pm "Salisbury ..11.05 pm Arr. A-L. Junction , 12.26 am Arr. Charlotte v .lllillj! i '2,90 Alt SALEM BRANCH. NO. 48 Dally, except Sunday. Leave Greensboro..... 9.40 pm Arrive Salem - 11.40 pm NO. 47 Dally, except Sunday. Leave Salem 7.80 am Arrives Greensboro 9.00 am NO. 42 Dally, except Sunday, Leave Greensboro, 10.00 am Arrives Salem 11.80 am NO. 43-DaIly. Leave Salem. 5.80 pm Arrive Greensboro 7.80 pm Limited malls Nos. 49 and 50 will only make short stoppages at points named on the schedule. Passengers taking tram 49 from Charlotte will get aboard at the R. A D. R. B. depot. This train makes close connection at Greensboro for Raleigh, Goldsboro Newberne and all points on Wilming ton & Weldon Railroad. , . - Passenger trains No. 47 and 48 make all local stops between Charlotte and Richmond, and be tween Greensboro, Raleigh and Goldsboro, No. 47 making connection with W. N. C. R. at Salisbury for AshevOle (Sundays excepted), and also con necting at Greensboro with Salem Branch (Sua day excepted). Passenger trains No. 42 and 48 make all local stops between Charlotte and Richmond, except Suery's, Barrisburg, Cnlna Grove, Holtsburg, & ood and Jamestown. No. 43 connects with Salem Branch at Greens boro. A. POPE:, . Gen. Pass, and, Tloket Agent maylS .:, , Richmond. va. Commissioners Sale OF VALUABLE RIM1 BT VIRTUE of a decree of the Superior Court of Mecklenburg count?, I will expose for sale, at public auction, at the court house door, In thoolty of Charlotte, On - WEDNESDAY, JUL? 6, J88L That valuable city real estate known as the Rock Island Factory PROPERTY, With all thelmprovements ttiereon. This prop erty Is situated la the city of Charlotte. Immediate ly on the Uneot the North Carolina and Carolina Central Railways, fronting on Trade street, in said city, and the Improvements thereon are well adapted for. manufacturing purposes, having for merly been used" for a number, of years as a fac tary ior the rtiannf aetore oi woolen goofa. . ' ; TER JIfl? " Two hrred an fifty 4$280) dollars in cash andjthe balaneeun .two eoual tastalrroentt at six and twelve months, with security and Interest from date. The property) win first be offered In lota and then as a whole. . This sale is made subject to the ratification and approval of the eourt , ITot fall Inionnatlon In regard to the property, apply tothe 1 undersigned or to A. Shorter Caldwell, Charlotte, N.C.- may25- GEO. E. WILSON, : . ; : Tj.i- " Coramlsslonei. ABSOLUTELY HEALTHFUL ONLY ONE TEA8POONFUL to each auart of nour one half the usual Quantity required of oth er brands.- ' CHARM MANUFACTURING CO. , NeW York and St. Louis. We keep the "Charm" In stock, and can recom mend It to be far superior and more economical than any other In the market. DAVIDSON ft BE ALL, apT5,eod.8mo CharlotteH Draggist by i 0 A i I B rQ I, H il it I Go to W. P, MARVIN, Igenty and Successor to r. Scarr&Co. FOB Fresh Drugs and Pare Medicines None bat the . Very Vest Prijgs do I keep In my stock. Also, Toilet and ' fancy Articles, Perfumeries, Combs, . Brushes, Tooth Brushes, 4c, fc GARDEN SEEDS of all the best varieties, and warranted to be good. Physicians' prescriptions are given spec? lal aenttoa. f .v Hoping to receive a share of "pubTiir patronage, I amrespecttulhv. teb8 W. P. MABJIgg. mwthTehh attractlonrand airmsenlents.'u J-'Vtttt ' TStAtenl0 aTferatlve waters known; .iSfr??!??801 ars- indorsed by the- prnfea-y, wp, and theusands ol cures. More largeljr and widely njedthan any springs in the South. Water MUdlfled into salts, andt retaining all Its eurattv : properties, and sent byjaall anrvbere.- Salts per xectry soluble and easily dissolved, producing; nat ural vratejt rive gallons ol water In every ounce of salts, or mass. - - ,r.lt, , OmkgMmeotyisnri upon advice of arrival. Each statWA1 four miles from springs, over goodr road, vr' - V - -V: Address, Lynchburg or Bedford Springs, Ta." un24,deodlmo STATE. . I ll lit. Ill f 1 171 1 I I LJ 3 f r.r'iSJr1"7 bandV hunting and flsh. anaaou- n , - -1,, . , . L" ' " -' f -

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