i ftt)e l)arlottc bsmtr. . axTBaauirnoir mates ; rnty, cm voir, (jxwfrfwid) W. 00 is Months 4 Rf Mw Jfontt 3 00 Or Month 75 WEEKLY XDITTOW : Weekly, (ta the county) m advance S3 00 Out Qft Jit county, pottpaid,. .. 8 10 Six Month. ..........1.. .... 1 00 B" liberal Bt&uMont for (flitlM. . . . i :ibm oBsxHfjca job MeitifTrmt, j HMbwouwKwcWy mmued wttb ma nee mot, ana wttto fee tate itfe, of ft, pod M ac rat ranana Ma m wtai' tOg dMOHKr-Wiinfii a-w awn Dcope fix uwyy P y cLMggagnjyBin)a CHARLOTTE, N. 0M THURSDAY, JULY 7, 1881. VOL. XXV. NO. 3,840; - jPttlf i I I I ' I I , A renect Corset at Last ANOTHER LOT OF i3MT-'- f .... i -'-I 1 OBSEttrATIONS. "There is always an ass In every Legislature," Mkmarlra an Alnftnv lunar An AAA? WaII. f a&.t S letting the other forty or fifty fellows down mighty easy. Fret Press. , . Mary had a little lamp And tried to blow It out; The papers state that Mary went Bight op the golden spout John B. whether alcohol that in his i opinion It is very much like sitting down on a hornet's nest stlrnulatlBg, but not nourishing." , . The nnklndest cut of all was when she told him, "John, I lore yon for your generosity, respect you for your Intelligence and admire youlor your persistency, but l am engaged to BHl Jones, and we must part. Coiumbu (O.) Capital, " . COUKXLHG AND AKTHI7H Cough, in referring to the Question thol Is a food or a medicine, remarks No More BroK Whalebones. MUSMS After srtendina over twelve thousand dollars experiments, Dr. Warner has perfected a material lor boning corsets called CORALINE Wblcb to vastly superior to horn or whalebone. FOB SALE BY Alexander & Harris. JunSO $00ts anfl JFfcaoes 881 Spra Stock 188 1 IT8 ADVANTAGES ARE: FIRST. It cannot be broken. A reward of $5 will be paid for every corset in which the Corallne breaks with six months ordinary wear. SECOND. It Is more pliable than whalebone and adapts Itself more readily to the movements of the bodv. THIRD. It Is not affected by cold, heat or moisture. FOURTH. It Is the cheapest and most service able corset ever made. THE CORALINE CORSET is made throughout of superior materials, and is warranted in every respect If not found entirely satisfactory, the purchase money will be refunded. Ask for Dr. Warner's Abdominal Corset, With extension front Unequaled for beauty, ele gance and style. And Dr. Warner's Nursing Corset, The only perfect nursing corset In the market Ask for Dr. Warners CROSS-BONED HIP CORSET. We have the exclusive sale In this market of the above corsets, and will be pleased to have tl trade Inspect them. T. L. SEIGLK A CO. jun5 Who sftva it's nfthealthv to BlMft"4ikeathers? Look at tact spring chicken, and seiT&Hffffugtf he L Is. Boston Sunday Courier. . j&&' . Miss FeatherfuB. sitting la the frorlW in her gorge oh s new bat? was totally oblMouasjr the in nocent little tag mat told to the congregation inai : that stunning sprgy Dfflow9rs cost her fast 0e." wnere ignorances cms, ticmmon lransenpti 'Describing ihe aiorrof a erotne in oneof "his novels, Victor Hugo-said: "She-pUlowed her head on the breast of the lntoxkwtM young man.'f xnia is not c&icuttttM u m&M onnr men awes Xew Orleans Piewta? ; When the young man of the period Is asked by her for a dish of ice cream, he now replies: -"Ah Bella, my love, do you wish to put a 'hard finish' on your insider" Which, to explain the figure. means that tee cream Is often adulterated with plaster of parbf. . Watertury American. A French maxim : If you ever find yourself confronting the dreadful alternative ef living with your mother-in-law -or- shooting your head: off, shoot sway itrtmcn journal. STATE NEWS. We are dally receiving our SPRING STOCK A DELICIOUS DRINK For Use in Families, Hotels, Clubs, Parties, Etc, BflOWP, which will be more complete than ever before and comprises the Best Br ands Latest Styles LADIES', MISSES', CHILDRENS,' GENTS', B01S', AND YOUTHS' FINE BOOTS 1 SHOES A SPCECIALTY. Lower grades all Roods in our line in variety and all prices. FULL STOCK STETSON HATS, and a pretty line Straw Hats, Trunks, Valises & Satchels, ALL SIZTES AND RRICE3. Call and see us. PEGRAM & CO. feb20 . v Ill t j 1 t3!71tn 'tCTLiTTi hC- AW Boston i Th "Hu &wadxn hu ltoly t)en Jntrodnod. aftd mi.U with mteked doboIat W. (l is Warranted id Contain the " Best oflimtorsi -umtea ww . " CMceTmit Juim aM; i I Granulated Sugar. It i ready on opening, and wiB be fonnd an agreeable mAAiiinn f.h. nhniM fcllinffH which nnd AXliablT enlarM the plaamref of life and encourage good fellowahip an4 good nature if ngntly enjoyed. f J GOOD AT AIL Just the Thin? to Keen la Wins Sideboards Hot Complete Without Hpipli, It can be used Clear or with! Fresh Milk, Ioe, Soda, or Hot Wft Lemonade, or with Fine Jcei; ! to buh tne iasxersy H'JIiS ma Piedmont Press: A. little daughter of of Mr. Gilbert Echard, of this township was bitten on the arm this weeK Dy a snake. The wound was painful. Mr. Charles Hildebrande had a leg crushed in a threshing machine this week in the vicinity of Icard station. -The Catholic school Mt St Joseph, closed this week and the young ladies and Kirls have returned to their homes. The past session has been very pleasant the students made rapid progress in their studies. Raleigh News-Observer : Did the comet give warning of the terrible event which befel the nation yester day ? is a question many ask. The National Cemetery is now particularly attractive. The new summer house: and speaker's stand is graceful. provements are are being made about the keeper's ; lodge. Mr. Dichtl, l the keeper, is an enthusiastic gardener. r The total receipts of cotton this season, up to x riday, were 72,225 bales, against 46,410 up to the same date last season. This gives an increase ot 25,815 bales. Golcfsboro Messenger, Sd: Mr. Best and his associates arrived here by spe cial train from ftew Bern yesterday, and left for the North on the 10 A. M. train. Mr. Bests private secretary, Mr. Caddagan, is here awaiting the arrival of Mr. Bests' chief Engineer.when they win go over the Atlantic noaa tor the purpose of taking an inventory of its propei ty . We learn that the new man agement is in full charge of the Road and that for the present Col. Jno. p. Whiteford has been designated Gener al Manaerer of what is termed. "The- Atlantic Division of the Midland Hail- way." - -j , ASouth Carolinian on the Virginia midland. To the People of Mecklenburg : It is a source of pleasure to us in South Carolina to notice that your journals are advocating the extension of the Yirginia . Midland through the city of Charlotte on to Camden and Columbia in this State. If the great railroad projectors, who have control Of the extension of the road mentioned, will look at two important facts Which stand out in bold relief, they cannot hesitate a moment between the route through Charlotte and that through Spartanburg. If the yirginia Midlapd should be extended through Spartan burs on toGeoreia.it will run parallel with the Atlanta and Charlotte, Air- Line all the way froth a .point before it enters this state . unui it react Georgia thus having a great comi mg line the whole way at a short arif-iaea being a muchnoiigej ; The Ex-snatsr tuumoaed lo Look Branch Fear) of Personal Vio lence. fjeciai Dispatch to the Philadelphia Times. . New Yoafc, July 4. Mr. Conkling was telegraphed for by General Horace Porter this evening to hurry to Long Branch. The inference is that a con sultation is to be held with Grant Mr. Conkling sent back word that be could not go until to-morrow. There is much quiet excitement in town over rumors that Mr. Conkling fears for bis safety. f The Filth Avenue Hotel swarms wjth policemen and detectives, and therelJiave been conferences be tweenjIJfce officials here to-day. Cap tain Wi3&&8 was asked : "'aS'.the object of your inter via: iSftor Thorne y" jH&i "Mrfcnswer," he said. of thePeWent'r I cannot answer." "Are you,jAakins; any fcfforts to trace out possible CQJfTideiates of Guiteau in this city mlm. . "1 can't Snswei that." Oeteetive Schmittbereer said h could answer no questions. Inspector Byrnes said the conference with Inspector Thorne' and Captain Williams con cerned a private city affair and had nothing to do with Washington. No thing is being done in this city with re gard to possible confederates of Guiteau and no communication has been had with Washington police. Commissioners Stephen B. French and Sidney P. Nichols were found at the Fifth , Avenue Hotel. They re peated what Inspector Byrnes had told the reporter. No detectives, they said, had been sent to Washington -except Detective Cosgrove, who went with General Arthur on Saturday nighi Cosgrove was told that he would be held responsible for the safety of the Viee President. General Arthur dift not know this, and oh Sunday when he learned that Cosgrove ' wasguarding him sent him back to New York. Cosgrove returned to the city yesterday. French was asked concerning the con ference. He said it. was held for the same reason as that for which Cosgrove was sent with General Arthur. Gen eral 'Arthur had received-about , flftv letters warning him to take eare of his personal safety. Gentlemen " called on him and gave him similar advice. - . Inspector . Thorne.. heard rumof s of threats that had been made against Vice President Arthur and Ex-Senator Conkling . and judged it wad ,to take measures to prevent any possible :Tio- lencev With this intent he summoned Captain Williams and 'ordered him to guard -th Fifth Avehtte Hotel w and to use unusual vigilance. Inspec tor Byrnes has also placed men in the hotel for the same purpose; 1 - - ' Bogus Organ makers at war f itcSilBSll is nappy and still sells nothing but from reliable makers. 8PECUL SDMMSB 0ITFB. CASH PRICES AND THREE MONTHS CRKDIT. 500 PMOS ASf . ORGANS HAND AND OONTBACTXD TQB, THAT MUST BS CLOSED OUT BY OCT. 14. A LITTLE CASH DOWN, AndnXu$6 LOW-E3TCAaaPEICES,ai.d balance In 3 months, WITHOUT INTEREST. & $25 CASH ON ORGANS AND PIANOS. m mm Bold by leading Wine Merchant, Grocer, E0a4 DgUyrywliere. 6ii EJ Trade supplied at manufacturers price by Wll on ft Burwell, Wholesale and Retail Drectfsts Charlotte, N. C." Jan. 23-eod-6m. s moFH-'SScftfinsivftlineT"-jind ifttahoi W extended through Charlotte to'Cai den; aridXiph to Charleston it will open up .ifrchariottre; a great thoroughfare s idrtet-by!hirty- nyemues man tfl present route to Charleston through Columbia' along the Charlotte. Columbia & Augusta bulri1bmfi'tin(ffiBt wuM be, on j want to strike anybody else. -80ME- Hit Law nx is an INDOR5ED HT ' PHYSICIANS, CLERGYMEN, AND THE AFFLICTED EVERYWHERE. THE GREATEST MEDICAL TRIUMPH OF THE AGE. 8YMPTOMSOFA TORPID LIVER. Ijobi of ppetlte.jJanea.Taowel eortlTe, till sensation in tbefCharkftte routeno .i compeng line pijfads, whtelungajy under- swooiiaBa appreciated. wju;qi tnaii' selves,deterriMne. the lacatioii of this greatrTOCtthsionZ c-The ulJagCarorina JBailroad. rvmnxngoaahigfl ,vea. as c QteTIih&ite bfi a teceiyer CnatteetoniarKl'ail-eaaterii ina. iattBafthMloaCsaalrbe extended! present :xisMng! ;rm6j v bylo wuTty-flve will. :ia . .au snuian -pioyiUMUty, ue .epmpany, ap, D6W6en 1A n2.t!elitr oetne PaInlnthHad,ffl ?urt.Pftir4junderthe aftpui tne baok Dladi9.iwlgti afterjeatina on vo twraan w SSJs body oi m tebility ol temii! Low jrpirtta. Coii memory, with a fBtmut of AOTingt ner ted aome dttty. wearlnesa. Dliite. 4.T 6Vic ATjSO, yYxuow BKin. ueaaaene. Tieaa at niernt. hisnlT color ad. TJ its I rine. IF TEZSX WABXIHOI kSJL WHSXDTJti SERIOUS DISEASES Witt SOON BE DEVELOPED.,,, . i .' TTJTT'g ITL'LlaTeesriealallT'adaptadMd mch eases.one doaa affects uehacliangjlrM at fellK m to aatonich Aha Snfferaxv-, j ! : They beraaM Ui Appctlta, and can t: i , 94 tOaOLOWT FBqM 50c UP. inorli Bold by DruggU, or eent by xpreee oa raeaifaf II. Office, 35 Murray St., H$y?onu CBr. rCTTI HAHCAL tt Talublc IaToriittiM k Teb233eo4wJr sr.' Hi . i I ' . L. , I A POSITIYvCTJltE : WltnoutMedlclne, ' ALtnrS 60LUBLI: MXDICATE) BODGncS Fatted Oct l6,1878. One Box, No, 1 will cure anr case in four days or leas. 2 wlUenre the mcotoUnate eaM.no mat terot lta.ftBdj&. M n A I oosea ui ouuouv wywwi w va v MMhf '-initttHnin! ! Honf WifllhA tmleS 80 eompftnted wltb our "Honest 7" eopr-rlghted label nmon win ne iouna on neaa oi erorj .. u Mannrwrnred only to BUOWN BKOJ Ieb20 2 f ? T TV ' toton, HjG nanseous HO anqarawi. Dr destroying onrebelptozpriee. Mm . , i : decn-eodOm 8af John BLew fork. tbaliura feewato to wwhiob oyspepaia me coaungs oi tne awnmcu. l-i Hold or &u uraanma,,vt TO Lot on be cornet dt TSmjWfM ttx .North Carolina Batlroad, frontoff 140teet on Ninth street and ISO feet on tne 'Korth CaroirtMl BaUroad, will either twsold as a whole jr dlt into two iota of in hr-i on teeL . suita we euoe hnlldinr or tactarr nnrnovnL 1 Annl t0 1 How a Previous Comet Wu Kecelv In view of the reigning uncertain ty as to the comet of 1881 it mav be if i a t r i . umeiy to reproauce irom tne uroana (111.) Constitution of May, 1,857; the following interesting but irreverent speculations touching the comet which was expected to strike the earth' 6n June IS of that year: i Zimmerman, after observing "the critter" carefully with the instruments of the Urbana brass band, comes to the conclusion : "1. That the comet will not strike the earth ; but "2. That if it does strike, it will nev er do it a second time. "In any case, however, to any gentle: man who holds opinions different from it i i t t - tne aoove ana is willing to uac& uia views to alimitedextentjn order to ar rive at the truth in this momentous matter, we hereby make the following, "PROPOSITIONS. "1. W e will wager $20,000, more or less, that if the comet offers to strike we will dodge it before it does it;, in other words, that it can't be brought o tne scratcn. M2. A like sum that, if it does strike, it will he knocked Mghednor nor a kite, "3. Twenty-five times the above amount? that, in case the comet strikes it won't budge the earth six inches by actual measurement "4. A like amount that after the com et strikes it its tail drops. "5. An optional sum that the earth can knock tne comet further than the comet can knock the earth, nine times out of eleven. "O. That after the comet gets through striking the earth it will never YOU CAN BUY THE Chickering Piano and Mason & Hamlin Organ. Chlckeilng leads the world for good Pianos, and the Mason and Hamlin Is the monarch of all organs. Sheet mURtC and ftVPM t.hlTHy ftl triA irniorri Una prices, eto , address juniy good tuner and repairer always on hand. For H. McSMITH, Charlotte, N. C. H1I (KlIU IL. BUWMtKIEB M M THE WIIDSORETTE SCARF, 4r Something Entirely New. STYLES IN ONE A Lot of Boys' and Wta s Gasmen Suits, AT REDUCED PRICES. L. BERWANGER & BRO. 4 One Thousand Hoop Skirts, These propositions are intended to cover the case of any gentleman on this globe, or on the comet, or elsewhere. , "Money to be deposited in the Banks of Newfoundland. "Time of strikine and other arranse- ments.to bA ftedm the Pjartife. ,. r , PDWBBBjrQr. peRMye,a,.jrignc,io wnicnwui; awhimB rraotemniaiam nd.naake amec. tjoutnern ten- ! .v i"a.. r I'.-,- , . 1 M.-' a. '.V i Iii ls-a ifuHdus .circumstanced: that morsollttieTir"rjftle8iwer,Tneait those situated in Southern Europe as well as in Southern America paint their hous es white. The effect is severe and daz- paibroad zline on the eye when the sun bursts iorui m an its giory. vuuiists tu us that the -i most sobthing color to the eye is; green, and a number . of our cltizeriigrav',0iii.46ttutie88 in view, have sought'to . please our vision by painting Sieir houses green. It is sing ulariiiowejerrthat.they can never, ap jpatefltlvt hit on exactly the ripht shade of gf ee"n!4ilvvhf ch Bhould be wh at nature, has provided in-the trees. Nearly all oar green nouses are oi an ugly, repui siV; color, equally unsatisfactory to our eyes and artistic tastes ana semsioiii ties. . . . : . ; sioni -Aoad caabtiClBmojtto viaiuamaen to ( ynawn; wtHuu, run through one of the finest, cotton belts 0tuntjx4&tk& it a A 1 J ' 1 Jt A wouia De av a great, aistance irom any, other road. JIX JffiWL operate as the eattnoiougnsafe';ifom'i5aitimore to -Charleston; and It would command the travel and-freight on os&ch side for fotty Mllfeiftltl it 'would eonnectrthl0'j(ttry througa wbiGa ib- wouta jpass, ana tbe &ntdijctneS of 0Ute.aoXir tTg0ing out they found the sun very hot, urge its speeqy oompieuomivm not.s bj ik oraer to Keep out the ; , Wauted 19 keep Out of ilo Ueat Camden JofimaL It is reported that a party of the der- i- . . A 1 ' J . ' man . immigraiiMs wuo amveu ure wemfiest to the field to work,and upon the Charlotte papers continue to'flrei put oh their overcoats Lsent the advantages oLtne CbarJdUe thus looktng'asJt thp A.t 25 Cents. DRIVE II Oil A NEW LOT OF GOODS lusters ami Ills r. i SPRING AND SUMMER GOOPS. JUST RECEIVED A LABGE VARIETY OF Ladies' Diess Goods and Trimmings, Lawns, Silk Handkerchiefs, Embroideries, and Hosiery, all the latest Styles and very Cheap. Corsets ALSO, A HANDSOME STOCK OF Ready-Made Clothing and Gents' Furnishing Goods. ELIAS r COHEN. Give Us -H tJall before buying beckett & Mcdowell, ENGINEERS, IRON FOUNDERS & MACHINISTS, heat they. and'; wrappers, py wore Tftadv; to route oveiythat of the Soai tarvbur, ia; tackle liie Norlh pxi vy cpV- stfeh a clear lisht, that the,' raUrOad J erina, did fiot r-Mitue tire -Js- hl fefleet builders will see, at a glance, where 1 fhK'ilwt Suon felt likb thev were melt therte owi tntiei:t3le"& H Persons jinr I mc mid iuid to get off the thick cloth terestediiMi1 ;Vwguuv Midland r$ad I mg. 7 Me sui tlvif B -seemed to sWD in would da we!V' tftJiCOiaiaei the iatS'rtfe1oirlitihVffl, and in order to oereiir preiEetii-,yifiareiw.aii. iuy irrrnnistrTReiu liBiHJue apwnr'So1 strong as uth flaialtr.Vlta 1 in. h11tr t.hpir haft'- "JThir wr fSraia Midlandftf .ifijhaMy?detrini4ed,t0rk:; Tne -more jnese tracts ; ..ar;. janMneoi and the longer they are considered better it will be for the adoption tf t Pharlntf nT.amAnn rnrrfM - 1 We confidently awaii the calculation of the railroad builders, and expect this route to be adopted, not because it will benefit u or or tefttmtry; but be cause it will oonduce more to the lin- t of the projectors." : ftat are always retttBg ttii't)4to orlgW; nbttobe HiMf iiridiimlBrie4 tor lhA4 ti Mnnot belr. Trier need a medttinlitki stdniflfleot on tbe kWneyrfanq ftovrtum'WNmi&&uiM aaedlciBe is Kilnet wort It. Has spedfle aotton. Do not , bllsttr) their? backav They were ickyTthQugb;f0f: they Jrtuckr,t6 their iktoUheiidand wwild not i give : i or .is mmmmimmmM, the Southwritesat paper . Ra article on l atraUveLhandaomexihitbrtHft iWesteja- or Northern girls, with -smaller hands,. feet aniwaisrA.PjBtWTajo. j tm he ruin all this , prfuseby refusing to nredlfc them with as much modesty, de termination, character or mind as their Western sisters. :,WIU .S6utjerri girls bo satisfied with this criticism of them jingled sweets and soursV ; y STEAM r.i..- turn states ilVSZ-'l , MANOTACTTJBIB3 OF GINES AND MINI NG MACHINERY. 0- DEGH3. AtSO. MAN WSSSS! 1.;.',;, strbbX, BETWEEN XRUMAJTO TUl .vl rlH.v'. i f:- i"'-i'-' -f;a 8 vXa TJVlSm Uitipt n-i-rrr ttf ft t WOBT", ARLINGTON, . J may27 1 ; .' f