m LOCAL lyraLUtiEXCK. THURSDAY, JULY 7, 1881. SOCIETY DIRECTORY. Phalakx Lodgb NO, 81, A. V. ft A. M. Regulaf I meeang every seoooa sua lounn jsonaay nignis. Kicklmob Lod& No. fcei, A. F. ft A: . Rg ular meeting every first and third Tuesday; nights. Chablottb Chapter Ho. 89, B A. Mfiegular meeting every second and fourth. Friday sights. Chabiottk CtaatiNDAHi No. 2, T. Regular meeting every first and third Thursdays. . ic.op lar. Kkiqhtb of Honob. Eegular . meeting every second and fourth Thursdays. - . . K nights o Pythus. Regular meeting nights first and third Wednesdays, 7 o'clock p. m. atMa sonic Temple Hall. I. O. O. in. CniBLomi Lodge No. 88. Meets every Mon day night,. MKCKUHSTBTTRO DKCLA RATION LODOK NO. 9. Meets every Tuesday night Dixm Lodok No. 108. Meets every Thursday night. . - Catawba Rtvicr Encampment No. 21. Meets Fir and third Thursday nights In each month. Index to Now Adveriiveraent. C. L. Adams -Watermeloi s. Davidson ft Beall Watermelons, fte. Beportof the Condition of the Merchants and Farmers' National Bank. UUiTIE PENCILING, IW The thermometer registered 102 in the shade yesterday, in the compos ing room of The Observer. W The Ladies' Monumental Asso-, cintion will meet in the parlor of the Central Hotel this evening. The registration books for th& 2nd Ward will be kept at the store of Mr. J. Duncan, on Trade street for the present. gp The King's Mountain mine was sold under a trust deed last Saturday for $101,000. George Bull, of Philadel phia, was the purchaser. C2T Mr. W. R. Cochrane will be eited for trial in about 25 cases for selling liquor in violation of law, in the may or's court, this morning. (dMiss Louise Clark, the elocution ist, well-known here, is still on the road. She is advertised to read in Pe tersburg to-morrow night. EST The 7th annual picnic, by the people in the vicinage, will be held at Mount Holly (Woodlawn) Saturday, J uly 9th. We return thanks for an in vitation. E- The old Rock Island Factory property was sold at the court house door yesterday morning for $6,400. Rev. James White, of Rock Hill, S.C., was the purchaser.) , : : t"Jim Harris, the noted colored orator of Raleigh, has been invited, it is understood, to deliver an anti-paohibi-tion address in this city and has signi fied his acceptance of the invitation. (G-Mr. T. L. "Wilcox, lately with Beckett & McDowell, in the mining machinery business, is no longer with the house in any capacity. ' Mr. John G. Young is their only agent at this point. JST The Air Line railroad, with its connections, the Memphis & Charles ton, Nashville, Chattanooga & St Louis railroads offer special inducements over their lines, for a visit to Arkansas, on the 27th and 28th of the present month. It promises to be a big thing. 1 The latest quotations of railroad stocks gives Richmond & Danville at $1.04 bid and $1.05 asked ; Charlotte Columbia & Augusta at 53 bid and 55 asked ; Atlanta & Charlotte Air Line 81 bid and 82 asked ; North Carolina 95 bid and $1.00 asked. tW A full turnout of the school com missioners of the county met in the hall of the Young Men's Christian Associa tion yesterday morning and were ad dressed upon their duties as commis sioners under the new school law, by Mr. John C. Scarborough, State Super intendent of Public Instruction. tr j. Roessler & Co. have moved their stock of eoods into the store-room recently occupied by Mr. "W. R. Coch-j rane as a bar-room. Mr. Cochrane has moved his bar into the next building; one door below. A. C. Monroe, who formerly occupied this with his barber shop, has removed ,arpss the street to the store vacated by Roessler & Co. llurials for June. Elmwood Cemetery Adults 6, chil dren 5; total 11. t" Pinewood Cemetery-r-Adults .6, chil drenl2; total 18. Total mortality, 29. t" ProWiiUonLoetliig-atlyOweeTille. Tliere will be a meeting to discuss prohibttionSi at. Iwes TiUe,?I4ncoln county, on, SaturdayJiuf Mtii,'at which Hon.'!); ScaeBtCreiuB. Dohnston, CalvinGrJer, T.4 jpoblyuid others, wtu present ana speajt.J,B-a. mg uuio -i mm mu m What ia Ahead of Theatre Goer. Mr. W H.; Gillette's jnew , farcical comedy,' 'Thef Prof eSsor' ' has entered the second month of its successful sea son at the Madison Square Theatre, rNew York. A representative company, headed by Mr. Gillette, will be placed upon the road early in the coming sea sun, and may be expected m Charlotte. At Cleavelaud. The following are some of the Char lotte visitors ilow atCleaveland Springs ; Messrs. S.' & Pegratn arid family,; C. N. Vance and wife, H.. Watts and fami ly, Mrs. W. C. Morgan, Mrs. J. L. More head, Mrs. M. P. Pegiam and children, the Misses Dravton. Mrs. Judge Os borne, Mrs. Stoney and Mr. Brevard Springs. A Wedding: iu the Coantrr. The pleasant residence of Mr. Eli Ilinson, who lives in Clear Creek town ship, about 15 miles from the city, was the scene of unusual festivities about 2 o'clock vesterdav aftarnobn. Theocca1 sion was the wedding of Mr. J. W, Brown, of Spartanburg, S. C2 and Miss Jane Hinson, the daughter of the host, The ceremony was performed by the city were in attendance and experincw4li&j u umasaub ume. ana iiauuv vuuuic came to the city in the afternoon at a went to Spartanhurfir. the home W tl e' husband, last night. -t-y The A. T. Ac O. B. R. A One of the results dependent u the stockholders' meetiucr of the 1 antic, Tennessee' & . Ohio .(TallrOad, at Statesville to-day, will be' the "election of officers. Without presdming to dic tate to the stockholders jre hope It will be their pleasure to .4 .that OoL-Wm. R. Myers, as nresident fs h hn nft- cesaor... Cp.l, Vyers jhateade'tf faithfui and efficient officUV and in; the peealiar, conditio in wWcfti the road finds itselt prhaj-faapi orejaTb6ivtiat canv and twhat i oiint.lobe aone jtUani atWi 6therrnAn .wt(C eoald be selected.-1 1 J ' , . Gorml:,!fts uinndetitJ sec ; retary Tand treasurer, ior . one , salarY, and 'that'oqt' of salary originally f hft' vA-A11flnfhft not been a efflcientanjj laitUf.wtf n dibchatge of leave the Alp-Line depot this morning 'hiirP retofteii'fils belieYlnr:tbat-no tH.??ra ma nnriM Ar.fi wr sna.il ue bisui 10 see i uera 01 ne Momoco, u better selection; cdj4 l'Jnad.; ? i ... Avoutfeoars,ifi. 'A-"fatts1ali afrwlrhr.Mara' train ( Will imestlC:UlC County Prohibition Election Ordoren. - no s tan ! ana 1 csnaty Tsuce to bo Levied. ; n TV n : i . S xuo vuuutv uulu uiiisai uii era were 1T session, at the court, bouse the three first dffra of teweekj transacting the; uo UUBlIfBKM XUjB I spread ?updn-th4 minutes Petatioiii ravin? been thfa biiby1 fitUerfa dfl the? praying that an election be ordered ta(: ascertain whether or not SDirituoua or malt liquors may hereafter be sold in this county, and the board adjudging that more than one-fourth Of the quali fied voters of this. county have so peti tioned the board, to-wit: 1942 as .shown by the petition in jthjs office: Now it is Ordered 'that ; an election be held on the first Thursday in August, 1881, in this county, to ascertain wheth er spirituous or malt liquors shall not or may be sold in this coujty according to the provisions of chapt)r.62.1aw of 1881.: ThfT vATTUl in l ! Among btner pa im4tp?thje jtuefelurer was ordered to make the' fbHo wing r W. T. Waller, superintendent of pub lic instruction, for 13 days services, $39. W. N. Alexander, coroner, for one day's services in holding an inquest over the dead body of B. A. Withers, $8.30. r it- was OTdeted( by theibord that Sheriff Alexander be authorized to purchase and have placed in the grand jury room 12 chairs and 1 table. Also to nave the room whitewashed and a lock put on the door i. . ' Robert Porter, Bruce Brown and Franklin Byrum, were appointed a committee to lay off a site for a school house for the white race and one. for the colored race, in school, district .No. 5, Berryhill township. '"':'' School committeemen were appoint ed to nil vacancies as follows: Edward Lewis in district No. 67 instead of S.F. Query; Jno.C. Hutchison and J. A. Safley in district 49 instead of David Elliott and Alexander Mcintosh : J. P. Carr in district No. 52 instead of 4 J. "W. Auten. : ; : s. : u ) The following scale was Recorded as the rati of taxation for Stateand coun ty purposes for the year 1881 : For the State: On every $100, for the general fund, 6 cents; for asylums insane, deaf and dumb, 11 cents ; for thesupport of convicts, &c, 5 cents ; for the payment of interest on the bonded debt, 6 cents; for public school pur poses, l cents', total State tax, 403 cents on every $100, For the county: On every $100, for general purposes, 16 cents ; to pay in terest on the bonded debt, 30 cents; total county tax, 46 cents; whole State and county tax 864 cents on every $100. State poll tax for edncation and for the poor, 84 cents ; State poll for education (special), 38 cents; coun ty poll tax for education and for the poor, 48 cents; total poll tax $1.70 This is a reduction of 30 cents compared with last year when the poll was $2. All -other) subjects liable ,tq .taxation the same tax as levied by the State. The following Is a list of the regis trars and justices of the peace appointed by the board and the sheriff of the county, and also a list of the judges or inspectors of election appointed by the board, and the registrar of deeds in conformity to chapter 262, laws of 1881 : CHARLOTTE TOWNSHIP. Ward l Registrar and Justice of the Peace, Jno. L. Brown. Judges or Inspectors J. W. Remly, Richard Tiddy, Joe Linday, J. Mc Laughlin. Ward No. 2 Registrar and Justice of the Peace, H. B. "Williams. ' Judges or inspectors -Wal tar Brem Jne. T, Schenck, Q. B. Nazarinus, John E. Oates. Ward No. 3Registrar and Justice of the Peace S. II. Hilton. Judges or Inspectore-Charly T. Walker, C. L. Adams, J. C. Burroughs, H. TButler. Ward No. 4 Registrar and Justice of the Peace E. P. Warmer. Judges, or Inspectors E. K. P. Os bomeKWi Frank Snider, Ban Withers. BERRYHILL. Registrar and Justiee of the Peace Samuel Hinon. Judges Samuel Bighan, B. F. Brown, J.W. Brown, P, S.Cooper. STEELE CR EEK. 1 Registrar and Justice ot the Peace- J.B. Swanii -i-.k ; ? ; . ' Judges?. Lee Irwin, A. GihfeO. S Neily, it.' W. McDowell. SHARON. Registrar and Justice of the Peace J . M. Kirkpatrick. Judges T. K. Sammons. Kirkpatrick, D. P. Lee, W. S. J. Watt Flomkin. PROVIDENCE. Registrar and Justice of the Peace W. M. Matthews. iudeeaH. M. Earia, J. . Rea, W. CLEAR CREEK. Registrar and Justice of the Peace, T. A. Jerome. Judges. T. J. Flow. F. A. Biggerp, D. A. Johnston, J. E. Henderson. CRAB ORCHARD NO. 1. V Registrar and justice of the Peace. W. Harvey Taylor. Judges. wm.McComb, R. 15. wa lace, E. C. McClellan, R. R. King. CRAB ORCHARP NO. 2. Registrar and Justice Of the Peace. Meander ouery. J udges. W. L. Cochrane, W. L.HouSf ton, Walter Cochre, J. E. CaWwell. ' Regi8trarand' Justice of thePeace B. H. Garrison. "! TnH era a T TT 1 ar T f. Monteith, Ben Fewel. MALLARD CREEK, NO. 2. Reeistiar and Justice of the Peace N. Gibbon. Judges .1. II. Gouger, S. C. Hunter, Ed. Lcis. F, $J Query, j V- Registrar and Justico of the Peace. W.P.Williams: Judges. Thos. E. Potts, J. Lee Sloan, J. A. Johnston, James Allison. ' DiwfeEsEiNo.;2. Registrar and Justice of tire Peace. r. A.So.ssamqn.. , . Judffea-iTi Gfiowrii fcCBeard. D. . Na.n Sossarpofl fl ? IT I Registrar and Justice the Peace' JrKlfresMoses Alexander. Job a Fid- 3aM:ifqWlSe- of th6!piace- it. jjvsimpsoiu ' Jdg??--T.McAlexander, R. V. ?erns, PAW CltEKKV ' ' i 'ijsgiurar ana nsuce oi,j.ae jreace - f Judges.'A T. Mcuora,Lreo, wuiiam ibn; D. M. SifTotd,' Esley Johnston. MORNING STAB. VRfetjritai?()7ust(bfit1ip Peaces ' J. W. fioou. J ' '"'.Tndflres j.-Wr-MorrisliB. J Fonder? fcrirX?; T. Pysbn; Hrnltli. ;;;; .t G. PuUs, li. W.firief.i ; I ;) C05QRIS8 WATf a ' ' ; Cathartic and alterative.' ' Is 'i' well known spe- - ;rf; cite fohOooDattoiuJndgeflOen. and all dlaor- CUIU MUUv5a tattog' waters, foreign and do- t imDau me duresnve organs ama no- neys, thereby tndacing irre parable results. ! inpLiiLli's in cuuniv The Colored Orator .' Bv.J p. Price, colored, of Newbern, delivered two addresses in this city yesterday in the" i interest of prohrbitibn The first was afrtfae court house yeij&r-.: day morning, ana tne otner at xneope-f ra house last; night. Both occasions were attended by large and delighted audiences of both white and-colored people, the latter being considerably a the majority, price a young manoi, prepossessing appearance. T He has a ringing voice, gooa euvery ana alto gether superior quaHQcations as arro"ra-, ioi.il Hii? pBech6sf; were marked with good sense, a lively fancy, and telling lWic; and srertliVerditrrthe easy graee and forcible style"; ql the bom or &iox M who iardVhith express ajive-. ifi afdmlration f ox ; his r, talents, dui the : colored- "portion ere.espeeial Jy captivated and it was remarked by an intelligent colored man that, at the least estimate, lie had made a hundred votes for nrdhibition among the color ed people here;fThis does not seem im probable & his. arguments were emi nently practical ' and convincing, and were attentively listened to throughout by the colored people. He will continue to canvass the Stated It is understood, until the close of the campaign, PUUng-nUhod Cttdcta-CaroUnn Mili wrr jttoiX" ' Agreeably to tiie 'regulations -of- the Carolina Military Institute the foUbw-" mg nameacaaeis are gazetiea xor uis tinction in studie and conduct FintrhusMkM Mtiil Folk; of t Third Class-Cadete T. S. Uucas and E. C. Hesse, of'S. C. FwrtKCUtssCad6t9 E; W. Evan of First CaM3adet C. J?-. Jones, of . S. a and Cadet J. T. M. Whitfield, of N. C. " Second Class Cadet H. A. Odom, of S. C. and Cadet Charles Ketster, of N.C. Third CZa-Cadet S. G. Evans, of Md. and Cadet W. C, Thomas, of N. C. Fourth Class Cadets Frank Myers and J. W. Jamison, of N. C. " ' distinguished. Conduct. Cadet E. H. Folk, of S. C. " T. S. Lucas, of S. C. J. W. Alexander, of N. C. " CikJones, of S. C-. " Charles Brown, of S. C. W. A. Graham, of KC. " Charles Keuster, of N. C. " W. O. Thomas, of N. C. -- R. M. Oates, of N. C. " J. W. Jamison, of N.C. .:- W. Perdue, of. N.C. ... L. Perdue, of N: C. -Jno. P. Thomas, Supt. C. M. I. July 1, 188LS ";- - r jN One tiClirfn CuV Another and Pays Dcarlr for It. " " r-! I'Ke mayor's Cdurt, dajr before yester day mornmg, 'was- ihe-sceneof one of those incidents of more than ordinary interest that sometimes occur to vary the monotony of routine business; Mr. J.M. Kandrickwas arraigned.for trial in three separate cases for violation of peace arid good order toward Mr. R. Mc Aden, who appeared as prosecutor. It was shown that Mr. Kendrick had walked up and down the street in front of Mr. McAden's residence and within the hearing of that gentleman himself, loudly abusing him m the most odious terms comprehended under the head of TMofane swearing. - This was con tinued with: -three interruptions until late jyh . the ? aight, after. , Mr. Mo Aden had retired to his dwelling, and he was compelled finaJXy tO. aply tb the police to arrest Mr. KendrioKef ore he would 'desist. No 'defense was offered and Mr. Mc Aden arose to make a state ment. He was yerrmuch moved and indignant. He said no vindictive feel ing prompted him to complain against Mr. Kendrick, but simply a desire to ascertainjwhetherthe law-could pro tect a man in his reputation and char acter. He would not indulge his feel ings in this matter, and he had not in dulged them. Had he done so he would have been arraigned nere to-aay ror murder. The most opprobrious epithets had been coupledwith bisjpame in the Sfjj!"? hearing of )f hia' wife ana cbiwren, the ng circufflitances'nnder which any man couia be piacea, ana yet ne had controied nimseir, determining to appeal to the law for protection before taking it in his own hands, and he now appealed to the mayor to suitably pun ish this outrage lest disorder should be encouraged and men tempted beyond endurance to take the law in their Own hands in self-defence. The manner and delivery of the speech created a mo mentary sensation in the court room. The mayor fined Mr. Kendrick $50 and costs in each case. Defendant ap pealed. ArraigrnmeBt of the mayor and Two Police Offloen Justice Davidson's office was beseiged yesterday morning by a large crowd of persons whose curiosity was piqued by the unusual circumstance of a mayor and police officers under arrest and on trial for the presumed discharge of their duty. The facts of the case were as follows : Mayor DeWolf e detailed an officer, Policeman JBlackwelder,; to ?o into Mr. W. R. Cochrane's bar-room or the purpose of observing 'whether, and in how many instances, the tcity ordinances, in regard to the sale of spirituous and malt liquors were viola-, ted. Mr. Cochrane ordered the officer out of his house and, upon his refusing to go, mildly attempted to put hiroout, but was met at the door by Mr. F. A McNinch, who opposed his authority as an officer and resisted the ejection of the other. ' t Mr. Cochrane then made an affidavit before Justice Davidson and warrants Verefissued f or the arrest of Mayor Der Wolfe and the two officers, for forcible trespass. The trial was set for yester day morningand came off at the time appointed, or two hoars the lawyers vociferated and perspired in their work, bringing allr their eloqaence and legal learning, pro and con, to bear upon the nice points involved, and citing magna, charta, the bold barons of Rannytnede, etc., to sustain their positions, to the edification of the ohdltora. i ' Mi The prosecution contended that the presence of , the officers, in his house constituted a nuisance in that it work-; ed an injury to his business.' That this, being the case their presence became unlawful and he had a right to de mand their removal. The other side . took the cround that Mr. Cochrane was conducting a busi ness which when;carjie4 on legitimate ly could only be done under a license from the city which included a . condi tion that it should be accompanied by good order and this neceesarify implied, a right of supervision ieaer?ed by it to see that it wag ; carried tm in this toan-j ner. -..wf i These, in substance, were the grounds taken. Justice Davidson decided that no trespass was committed and the de fendants were discharged, r '" ?i 1 M Witch Hazel. : Prof. . M. Hale,liLJW Il7... , of the Chicago Medieal College, says has ex traordinary Dower over that disease." V Professor fcidnev Rlnsier. of the Unlversftr Medieal College, Xoadon, says: "I have found It sUytulartr success ful.". Beware ol worthless imftatlons. AWo cures the theatlsmcatarrh and neuralgia."1 fiold la . flceiitrfaiMidolitoslaesii .-:, V-r- I 111! f IT 1 Mil II I! j .11 NEBTES . thai wriftt we nwd m thfts dsn f rniih and worry; xpneaang is Parker's Ginger Tonic restores the vital eaergtes, soothes the serves and brings good health aulukei than anything else too can uTrlbune, See PineriHe aai Bock Hill take Aa- . other Tttljt, ; PiNEyjriuig. 5,;t88i. 3"e tie Idttor of tt Observer : I 1 I Please hear. Pine ville once more. In our- last coinrounication wi t;knowl edaed our defeattt bv the Dur Boys" base, ball elub of Rock HilT. We also' stated; that a tut would soon be bad on uuj awn grouuds and- tbi : then and there we iproposed to retrieve our fal len fortunes. Sure enowgh on yester day the tilt was bad and sure, enough wb got 'em.- Acting on the adage that anything : worth doing at all is worth doing well, we played them the follow ing score, viz: . Pineyille 28, Rock Hill 13. We bez leave to bear, testimony to the gentlemanly bearing of our Rock Hill friends while among us, and to attest our admiration of the philoso phic manner in whieh they bore their defeat,' A noble, generous set of fel-lows-LLong may they wave. Pineville JJ. B. C. SklBny Men. Wella Health Renewer. Absolute core for ner-1 vous debilttj and weakness of the generative func tions. SI at druggtsts. Depot, J. ii. McAden, Charlotte, N. C. m i i i I -Memn. Mtaefaton t Bro.: it la with real pleas ore that I add my testimony to the great virtues of your "Keuralgme" as a specific for neuralgia and sick headache. Efocb a remedy Is a blessing, and all sufferers should keep It on hand. J. R. fimsii.T. 186 Cathedral Street, Baltimore, WfiTSTOK At Co. Boldby'- HUNORXDftOF JflN, women and children res cued from beds of pain, sickness and almost death are made strong and hearty by Parker's Ginger Tosfo are the best evidences in the world of its sterling worth, yon can find these In every com-munlty.-r-PosV Set advertisement. ; "MY BACK ACHES SO. ana l ieei isiaeraDie.'7 said a nara-worklng man The doctor questioned him, and found that he had been habitually eosUte for years, that now his Kiasejs were aisoraerea and us whole system de ranged. Kidney Wort was recommended and faithfully taken and In a short time every trouble was removed. The cleansing and tonic power of Oils medicine on the bowels -and Kidneys Is wonderful. CongregatlonaUst. A ROMANCE OF A POOR YOUNG MAN. A reporter of the Philadelphia Record recently sought out a young German cigar maker In that city named Delaware E. Wenzeile, of No. 869 North Ninth steeet, and found him with $5,000 In greenbacks, preparatory to opening a bank account and going into business for himself on the river front. This fame from expending $1 for a half ticket In the May drawing of the Louisiana State Lottery. There win be over SI 10,000 dis tributed In this manner Ju)y 12th- A venture of- ted wins. EDWIN BOOTH. "It did me much good," says this celebrated ac tor. in speaking of the Lleblg Co's Coca Beef Ton la Beware of Imitations. Ask for Coca Beef Tonic I ! LADEE3 WHO APPRECIATE ELEGANCE and purity are using Parker's Hair Balsam. It is the Dest article sold for restoring gray hair to its origi nal color and beauty. BXDFOBD ALUM USD IRON 8PRIH6S WATK8 AST) Mass, The great tonic and alterative contains twice as much iron and fifty per cent, more alum inum thaq .any "alum and iron mass" known. Just the thiDg for the "spring weakness'' now so general. Bold by all druggists of any standing, Prices reduced one half. mayll tf Bough on Rats. The thing desired found at last .Ask druggist for "Rough on Rats." It clears out rats, lnlee, eoaches, flies, bedbugs. 16c per box. tixt trertiscmeuts. Fine Watermelons EVERY DAY, AT G. L. ADAMS'S X .FIRST DOOR BELOW CHARLOTTE HOTEL July7 Report of the Condition or TBI Merchants and Farmers' National Bank, AT CHARLOTTE, In the State of North Carolina, at the close of busi ness, 80th June, 1881 . RBSCrUBCES, Loans and discounts, $248,212 90 Overdrafts....... 681 78 U. & Bonds to secure circulation, . . 200,000 00 Due from approved reserve agents, 87,896 00 Due from other National Banks, ... 18,569 83 Due from Stale Banks and bankers, 4,406 84 Real estate, furniture, and fixtures, . 1 9,200 00 Premiums paid, 8,000 00 Checks and other cash items, 684 07 Bills of other banks 12,825 00 Fractional paper currency, nickels, and pennies,. 881 75 Specie, 9,200 00 Legal tender notes Redemption fund with V. 8. Treas urer (5 per cent, of circulation), . . 6,750 00 0.000 00 Total,.....,,. if. $571,207 12 UABTUTIXK Capital stock paid In, Surplus fund, Undivided profits,-. National Bank notes outstanding, . . Dividends unpaid. Individual deposits subject to check, Demand certificates of deposit,. . . . Time csrtllcates of deposit.. Due to other National Banks,. Due to 8tate Banks and bankers, . . 8200,000 on 40,000 00 2,159 06 180,000 00 I 8,192 00 90.5H2 54 4.179 23 40,581 83 . 8,584 56 1,948 41 5.71,207"l2 Total,. State of North Carolina, County of Mecklenburg, ss. I, J. R, Holland, Cashier of the above named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement la true to the best of my knowledge and belief. ; J. R. HOLLAND, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 6th day of July, 1881. C. N. 6. BUTT. Notary Public. Correct Attest: J. H. MeiDKH, j. H. Wruoir, H..SPIOU8a. Directors. luly7 An overdose of dinner often deranges the sys tem, brings on flatulence and wind colic, and sub-1 Jeets tbe patient to great bodily suffering. A sin gle dose of - " 1 ! TARRANT'S SELTZER APERIENT, will correct the acidity, relieve tha pain, carry off the offending cause, , and save sometimes a long spell of Ulnefs. Its effects are gentle and tho rough, and tea general use would 'prevent much vusermgv - - - Sold by all draggUta. .:., Juno dkwod6nio Roanoke College, SALESI,VA fi.j : , . rrAWTNTT-NrHTK S'ERRlOK hoiHn Sentember X 7th. Classical, Scientific, Elective and Prepar atory courses. French and Qerman spoken ta class-room. ' Uhrait I6w00 vdurae. Instoictlon tharaneh, anseotarian. . . , Churohesef In denomi nations, aimate nnsurpaased. College surround ed by mountains. Expenses ior iu moams irora $160 to $220 (lneludiDg college fees, beard, fuel, lights aad washing.) Stodentairom 11, secttons. Catalog tree,, , - july6,awlwimoi 1 !n - - - :' ..I i i . i "a . .( .i i j WATERMELONS, QaDEAD cabbage, LCB,'&E yOTAT0tof.CNKX5S. 1: s. m .: iioivi2Ll'S. vq&ft.l .a.i 't-w 3( f-iiia ; lun; ;;:-.WAN!iiEfi.:...; ' BOARD FOR TWO; either two single rooms or one large room, with, two beds, near south end of Trade street. Meala at 6:20. 1230 and 7 o'clock. Address, wa. ioi. --ON-- (S; BEALL, DURING DURING THE SEASON, WILL RECEIVE FOUR CAR LOADS PER WEEK (AND MORE IF NECESSARY.) TO SUPPLY THEIR TRADE. JUST THINK: Delicious Georgia Melons, TRESl! AND GENUINE, EVERY WEEK! Large Arrivals of fresh irish potatoes, LEMONS, ORANGES, PEACHES, TOMATOES, CANTALOUPES, and Fresh Vegetables of all Descriptions. JUST IN, 3 Car Loads Fresh Virginia Meal. , 3 Car Loads Flour, All Grades, Including Brldgewater and Waverly Patent, which excel all other brands. In addition, we have weekly shipments of Motfs Celebrated Sweet Cider, 1 1 NEW IRISH POTATOES. ASPIN WALL BANANAS, ' GA. WATERMELONS, FRESH PEACHES, TOMATOES, ETC. : . . -j JUST RECEIVED, . . J A NEW LOT OF MACKEREL, IN PACK1QE9 OF ALL SIZES- WATERMELONS. DAVIDSON 40,00ft . . - . 1 :. ; ; WE KEEP.CS STOCK A COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF FAMILY GROCERIES FROM WHICH MERCHANTS CAN ALWAYS BE SUPPLIED AT SHORT NOTICE. On Hand: 1,000 Bush. Cora. . . .n ... - '" ' . WOISBEKS f . : V r ; SMI M m m TVE HAVE JUST RECEIVED ANOTHER dKm Of odEOJBRi' 50 CENTCOIfiTS Far superior in fit and QuaMty to any other ever, mtndneed tft this city. tUes running from 18 to 8a ALSO, A BEAUTIFUL In various styles at exeeedlngly tow prlesa Look at our beauuful PRINTS, Just received, omy 7 per yard.; H. MORRIS & BRO. NEW-STORE! R ODDI CK & GO. , TRYON We have without CHEAPEST LINE OF FANS EVER OFFERED SHEETINGS. ;i Ju ,t received, another lot of that 9-1 and 104 sheeting, which wo continue to seS at 25 gaa as eents. PILLOW CASE COTTON (WIDE) 15& MOSQUITO NETTING, WHITE AND COLORED, COLORS, 10c KID GLOVES. A few sizes In 2. 3 and 4 buttons. PIQUES. A full Coats' Spool Cotton, 5oc each. Only a small lot of tha Junl9 CGAN8,ll t stops, -8 Set Gold- -en Tongue reeds, only S85. Ao .BEAT Tx wasiiingtoivN.gr.. . Jonl4r-Mcw4w 1 EVAPORATING EBMJXC SENT Treatise on IMPROYED METHODS. Ta FREE I bias, yields, prices, profits and general statistics. AMERICAN DRIER CO., Chambers burg, Pa, junl4 4w Sena to ' ' MOORE'S cBCaiSKSaUKlVEXUIlTY For Ulurtrated Circular A Uv actm! iJUSWess School, maMMed tuenty yean, Jub14 4w ' ' ifaa Werk,iramiitodth bMt and ehaapest, indispenubl to tot nuua,ititUd "th Scincaof Iii ereU-PraMrretkm ; booad In 1 Pn,e rjnch mnalin, unboned, fall tuMOO pn.ooaUins bMatiful tkns. Dno onlr OLSS mmt hm mail ramta maw TH Y XKl.K V?H 'u'luVB,?T.i- i KBB, No. 4 BnUinohst Boston. unl4dw4w Ciytl; mechanical and mining ENGI NEERING, at the RENSSELAER POLY TECHNIC INSTITUTE, Troy, N, T. The oldest engineering school In America. Next term begins September 15th. The register for 1880-81 con tains a list of the graduates for the past 54 years, with their positions; also, course of study, require ments, expenses, etc. Address unl4 6w .DAVID M. GREENE, Director. I SELL AS CHEAP As Any Hooscin the State! My store Is 145 ft long on the first floor and 140 ft On the second, and I carry an IMMENSE STOCK OF WELLrSELECTED FIDE WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. A full line of COFFINS OFFINS AND AND CASKETS. ASKETS. Thos. W. Andrews, formerly with Mr. B. Nichols, Is now with me. E.M.ANDREWS, WB0LX3ALS RETAIL FURNITUEE DEALER fi L. ADAMS has perfected ments with r flAonria Dlanter to shin him watermelons and Cantaloupes, and in a few day s-famflies ican De suppuea oj nun. uuu St. CHARLES HOTEL STATESVILLE, N. C THIS house has been leased for a term of years h Mm. Dr. Reeves, whose Intention Is to vaa a RfrfctiT first-class house in every respect ' Gommooious sample rooms uu am au nwuu "" . - . a a- a floors. . c Tbe patronage of the public is solicited. Julyl.dtL Z. B. VAKCX. W.H.BATLBT VANCE & BAILEY, Attorneys and Oounsellors ; charlotte; n. c. Practice In Supreme Court of the United States, Supreme court oi norm uarouna, msot Courts, and counties of Mackien- ; burg, Cabarrus, Union, Qas-, ton, Rowan and Da- . vtdsnn. , ,. Office, two doors east of independence Sauare. mayai u. RO. D. GRAHAM, vkoia RtntM taA TJnited states uoorts. taweo- I tinna Rome and Foreisn. soUeltO. Ab- streote of Titles, Surveys, &, rumissjeo w com nAneftHmi ' - Charlotte. N. C. nV THE OXONIAN, A JOURNAL 0E LITERATURE EDUCATION published monthly at Oxford, N. C, at On, nniiM . imt in advanea. The Oxonian alms at Increasing the interest for Literature and Education, and gives original a tit.! nn mhiMta of vital knDWtanoe as well ac criticisms ef the newest and most valuable publica- Ogers deod advantages to advertisers. High RTAnum eirculatlon. Advertisements are shown prominently, are free from errors, and an taste fully displayed. Its advertising rates an not to excess of Its value to an advertiser. Advertise ments, intended for publlcanMoo. m any issue. should be in the office by the afflrof ntemoaov mario a j. u uutwjut. uxsora, n. M11D11 m n m f TED 4 : ASSOBTjMEItT QF . i .... g 'v if STREET, any exeeptfen tb-1''1 3 snadx yn) IN TBISBECTION'Of THEOOCNTRT. 50c APIECE. PER YARD. LACE STRIPS BU1TTWG, ALL 50c a pah. ' w. . assortment In latlcs, stripes and ptoMs, very eheap. r dozen. Crowley's Needles, 5 a psper. Pure Linen Towels, 15c 15c Matting left. er-STRiCTLT CASH AND, ONE PRICE. ' RODDICK CO. 1881. SPRING STOCK. 1881. Drugs and Medicines OF EVERY DESCRIPTION WHITE LEAD AND L IN SEED 0 I L. CONGRESS AND SARATOGA WATER -ALWAYS ON DRAUGHT. Prescriptions carefully, prepared M experienced and competent druggists, day or night JOHN H. McADEN. apr!12 L. R. WRISTON & CO. DE UGGISTS. 66 OUR FIRM." C MOKE O. P. M. ft CO'S "Out ifirm," me wuv O 5c cigar In the etty. Try It ma 1 9 L. It. WRISTON 4 CO. DRINK Sparkling old reliable at Ice-Cold Soda Water. The L. R. WRISTON CO'S. PRICE'S FUV0EMS TT8E Price's Flavoring ExtracU-teijm and XX Vanilla, ftrtctly pure. To(rA ifa I. IHU81VU w. nBl flAttn Alnia fon itarch. We re- blliS i OILS ! r TtTACHINE, Ingte, Stmits,'! Lard, Kerosene, i Unseed Oluv for sale laauantl- 11 gafetrand ties to suit customer. ikfOMrMi. rl t "tKlrwsT6Kca j -.j.-; ii ?i;l IT D B. V. 8CARR Ms made w nd re tail i iMnri nv nil niLL . nts for his rrtdt PreMrvmg fowaer and Ph" Puis. Ail oMemilUM pwsapuy. 1 i .H -11 L. B. "WRISTON & CO. READY MIXED PANTS Ma" ttter. an! Bon for Statesville at 7 so o'ciock. "wuu niuw aura uu mttujfciifc . mayl d2mo,eod - ' outer column. (.'4 tt-lfi juusojoti