LOCAL lMELLifcrKiMK. FRIDAY, JULY 8, 1881. SOCIETY DIRECTORY. :S02Sri Phalahx Lodgk No. 81, IF. 41 M. Regular meeting every second and fourth Monday nights. Excklsiob Lodom No. 261, 1.F.&L M. Reg ular meeting every first and third Tuesday nights. Charlotte Chaptxb No. 89, B. A. 11 Regular meeting every second and fourth Friday nights. Chaklottk Comxahdaby No. 2, K. T. Regular meeting every first aud third Thursdays. . OF . KHI6HT8 of uonob. Keguiar meeting every second and tourth Thursdays. - OIF DP Knights of Pythias. Regular meeting nights first aud third Wednesdays, 7 o'clock p. m. at Ma sonic Temple Hall. X. O. O. IF1- CaiBLorm Lodgk No. Meets every Mon- cay night. Mkckxenbprg Declaration Lodgs Na 9.- Meets every Tuesday nlgtit. Dixik Lodgk No. 108. Meets every Thursday night. Catawba Rivkb Encampment No. 21. Meets Fir.- and third Thursday nights In each month. . . . . InrirtY In N 4i'vnnltnient. At reduced ra ea -Btrwanger ft Bro. Situation wanted W. E. V. HOME PENCILlKCiS, Mr. W. R. Cochrane has sus bar business lor the pres- pended his ent. tW Can any one informs us what has become of the Charlotte water works? Are they lost, strayed or stolen? tTThe electric alarm clock invent ed by Mr. Charles Adams has been put into successful operation at the Central Hotel. US?" A considerable amount of vigor was expended in the discussion of pro hibition yesterday considering the un inspiring nature of the weather. Capt. L. H. Johnston, of the Atlanta and Charlotte Air-Line has received a month's furlough from duty and will spend it in Virginia. dp The county commissioners will meet again to-day to draw juries for the approaching terms of the Inferior and Superior courts. Hp Maj. A. J. York, an old and prominent citizen of Concord, died in that place at 3 o'clock on Wednesday afternoon. lie was buried yesterday morning. 13P The organ at the Tryon Street Methodist church is being overhauled and repaired. Mr. Henry Pilcher, of Pilcher & Son, organ builders. Louis ville, Ky., is superintending the work. tW Mr. Parks Hutchison is having the building in Parks Row, on Tryon Street, occupied by McAden's drug store and Butler's jewelry store, re modelled and will have a new front put to it. 5P It has been suggested that as there are now quite a number of bicy cles in the citv and their owners have become somewhat expert in riding them an occasional race would serve to relieve the summer monotony. dP A jury was drawn yesterday by Justice S. II. Hilton to try the case of the city against Elliott & Itemley for the sale of liquor, for what is claimed as a violation of law. The cause is set for hearing before Justice Hilton Mon day morning. Bf A clock was stolen from the mantel piece in Vance & Bailey's law office in the Springs's building day be fore yesterday in broad day light. The office was left alone for a short time during the day and when the occu pants returned the clock was missed. UP In the cases in the mayor's court against Mr. W. B. Cochrane for viola tions of the law in regard the sale of liquor the defendant filed an affidavit for removal which was allowed and the cases were set for trial before Jus tice It. P. Waring at the Court House at 10 o'clock this morning. E5P It is remarked that the mocking bird is becoming scarcer year by year. It is said that sportsmen frequently shoot them when disappointed of other game. This imitative but inimitable songster is the most valued and inter esting subject in our bird kingdom and his destruction should be checked by law, if necessary. ESpWe direct attention to the adver tisement of Roanoke College, Salem, Va. ' This is a very old institution, hav ing been founded in 1853. The public showed its appreciation last year by enabling it to show a gain of 7 percent, in patronage, and the prospects this year are for a much- larger increase. The college buildings are to be much improved during the summer. tW Many are the examples of faith but the young lawyer or doctor waiting for a practice affords the greatest ex hibition or the virtue, we hear or a young physician in the country who for want of patients practices upon himself. His favorite experiment is to ascertain the exact amount of vari ous narcotics it is safe to administer. In prosecuting this inquiry he has nar rowly escaped "pegging out" several times, but his ardor is still said to be unabated. 1'iicalled For. The following is a list of letters re maining uncalled for in the postoffice at Charlotte for the week ending J uly 6: Miss Mattie Carter, Dr. J.E.Cald well, Miss Blanche Chesebro, Miss E. M. Greenfe, Taylor George, Mr. J. C. Henderson, G. Tow ell Hill, Esq., Mrs. E. M. Kerr, Mrs. C. II. Newton, Miss Emma Robinson, Miss Emma Good wine, J. M. Rome, J. S. Rhyan, Mr. Prince Saville, John Stromyer, Mr. Washington Shearer, Mrs. S. H. Som berlan, Mr. Wallace, D. S. Williamson, Mr.William Weeks, Miss Sallie Young, Mr. John Reams. When any of the above letters are called for please say advertised. stoic a Jug: of Wbikey. A countryman who camped in the lot in the rear of Mr. Joseph McLaugh lin's store night before last had bought him a jug of whiskey and put it in his wagon before retiring, but yesterday morning when he looked for it it was gone. Charley Smith, a colored youth of the city, who does most of his work when others are asleep, was prowling around, and his inquisitive nature lead ing him to make an investigation of the countryman's wagon he found the "little brown jug" and made off with it. He carried his booty down in the "Pints" and together with some other denizens "made a night of it" over the contents. The countryman reported his loss to the police in the morning and they easily traced the theft to Smith, through information obtained from several colored women to whom he had given some of the whiskey. He was caught and carried before the mayor who bound him over to court. The happy owner of the Spencer Pharmacy, of Spencer, Mass., Mr. 0. Weatherbee, writes: My customers speak very highly of the great German remedy, St. Jacobs OIL tt having always given sat isfaction. One of them, Mr. Henry Belcher, has been greatly benefited by Its use in a case of se vere rheumatism, and lie refers to In terms of highest praise. GTJITEATT'S POSSIBLE CHANCES. An Old Officer's Opinion of the As sassin and Washington Juries. In a short chat yesterday, in this city, with S. B. Benson, ex-Chief of the Secret Service Bureau, a reporter got on paper some very vehement opinions of the old detective touching uuiteau. Mr. Benson happened to be in the depot at Washington when the attack was made en the President and aided in the capture of the assassin. Talking with great vigor, the ex-Chief said, speaking ofGuiteau: "I was in favor of hang ing him on the spot, and think he should be dispatched off-hand, without judge or jury. If the President should get "well," continued the speaker, punctuating each sentence by bringing his right fist in his left palm with a force that indicated he meant all he said, "the worst that can be done to Guiteau is .to imprison him for eight years. Now,sir, do you; suppose the American people will, stand any such nonsense as that? I am familiar with the way some men manipulate Wash ington juries, and I do not consider it altogether impossible to get twelve men in the box who would let Guiteau go scot free. My idea," said the ex Chief with al glitter in his eye, "is to treat him as he wanted to serve the President; make. short work of him" Wiping the oozing perspiration from his brow the Secret Service man started for the street to inflate his lungs with some tempered air. 'Iatinco. The opera to be rendered next by the Gounod Club has already been selected. The title is "Patience; or Bunthorne's Bride." It is a new production of Gilbert and Sullivan, the authors and composers of "Pinafore." It has been put on the stage with great success in England, but has never been presented in America yet. It is said to be equal or superior to its predecessors. The IMailM. The Milton Chronicle informs the Postmaster General, through the paper of the 7th inst., that there is "a screw loose out on the Richmond & Danville road. Mail matter that ought to be put off at Sutherlin is often kept run ning up and down the road for several days before it comes here. For exam ple, the Raleigh, Charlotte, Greensboro and other papers that reached Reids ville Sunday, arrived here Monday night, instead of Monday at 12 m., which shows they were carried by Sutherlin to Richmond. This is an al most every day occurrence, and of ten the mail matter is detained two or three days on the road." Now, we respectfully suggest that this isn't the way to have irregularities in the delivery of the mails corrected. Get up the facts, and find out just what service the law requires, find out who and what is at the immediate fault, and write them to M. V. Bailey, Esq., super intendent Railway Mail Service, Rich mond, Va., or to the chairman of the committee appointed to look into this matter by the late press convention, and our word for it order will come out of chaos. The Atlantic, Tennessee &. Ohio Rail. road. The regular annual meeting of the stockholders of the Atlantic, Tennessee & Ohio Railroad took place at States ville yesterday. The committee on stock and proxies reported a majority of stock present, and the meeting was regularly organized. By a stock vote the old board of direc tors were re-elected, and these subse quently re-elected Col. Myers president, and J. J. Gormley superintendent, secre tary and treasurer, which positions he has held for several years. The board of directors, some time ago, agreed to change the location of tne depot m Charlotte trom its present situation to the Air-Line depot, which involves the giving up the use of the track from that point around to the present depot, and the building now used for railroad purposes. The de tails of the agreement had been agreed on between the board of directors and the authorities of the Charlotte, Colum bia & Augusta Railroad, and the whole proposition was submitted to the stock holders' meeting yesterday for ratifi cation. It was warmly opposed, but was carried by a handsome majority on a stock vote. A resolution was also adopted au thorizing the board of directors to malie terms tor a lease to any corpora tion which would offer advantageous terms for such lease, the whole matter to be left in the discretion of the board of directors. The resolution was a regular "apple of discord," but was car ried by a large majority, when a stock vote was taken. No other changes were made or suggested. Real Estate Transfers. The following are the transfers of city lots and tracts of land in this coun ty for the month of June: Jones & Johnston to W. J. Black, city lots. S. A. Harris to W. J. Black, city lots. James II. Carson to Frank D. Coxe, nart or citv lot 770, square 137. T. J. Moore, attorney, to R. Barringer, tract or land.. S. A. Harris to A. S. Whiteside, city lot. J. M. Miller, administrator, to J. P. Strong, city lot. C. A. Mason to J. M. McCorkle and Lethco, city lots. - Jno. D. Irwin to H. P. Helper, town lot No. 10. Davidson College. H. P. Helper to D. S. Baker, tract of land at Davidson College. W. D. Bennett to Jno. W. Miller, city lot. E. K. P. Osborne, commissioner, to Mrs. W.T. Bennett, city lot and house. Adam Hunter to Jas. Hunter, house and lot. S. M. Howell, commissioner, to E. J. Allen, citv lot. J. C. Burroughs to J. L. Hart, tract of land. James P. Irwin to Adams Mining and Reduction company, tract of land. North Carolina Railroad company to .Lucy A. Phillips, tract or lana. R. M. Oates and others to W. J.Yates, city lot. Monteith & Smith to R. B.Alexander and Cvrus Alexander, tract of land. M. W. Hutchison to V. C. Barringer, a tract of land. J. A. Frazier to E. T. Henderson tract of land. - G. W. Davis to Peter Conder, tract of land. Peter Conder to G. W. Davis, tract of land. Traders' National Bank ot Charlotte to Elizabeth Wiley, tract of land. G. L. Torrence to R. M. Jamison, tract of land. J. H. McGinn to A. n. Rhyne, tract of land. A. Burwell and W. W. Flemming, commissioners, to T. Martin Alexander, tract of land. . A. H. Rhyne to Samuel Rankin, tract of land. Arthur Grier to H. B.Vocke, trustee, tract of land. Samuel J. Black to Arthur Grier, rrantof land. Thomas M. Black to Arthur Grier, tract of land. A. C. Forbes to W. A. and R. H.Rice, tract of 1 "n 1. Absalom Black to Arthur Grier, tract of land. Jno. E. Brown, administrator, to W. P. Bynum, city lot No. 691 in square jno. uo. ...... J. D. Price to W. D. Price; tract of land. R. B. Caldwell, commissioner, to H. L. Hunter, tract of land. Joneo-Stita Bfarrlasje. On Wednesday last at the residence of Dr. Alson Fuller, in Randolph, Mr. J. Howard Jones, well-known in min ing circles, was united in marriage to the beautiful and accomplished Miss Alberta Bassett Stith, daughter of the late Dr. N. L. Stith. There was a large party assembled, from Charlotte, Lex ington,and Thomasville, including Hon. W. H. Bailey,of this city.Rev. Dr. Wet more, Rev. Dr. Watson, Dr. Jones and other prominent parties. The ceremo ny was performed ly Eev. A. M. Wat son, of Lexington. The bride was dressed with exquisite taste in wine colored silk, lace train, pearl ornaments &c. But the feature of the occasion, says one who was present, was the dinner prepared and given by Mrs. Dr. Fuller. Anybody who has ever visi ted that section can appreciate the inwardness of a Davidson or Randolph dinner. Suffice to say everything was elegant. It was a happy occasion and Mr. Jones' friends congratulate him as having -won the first prize in the matrimonial lottery. Summer Recreating Mr. Ernest F. Young and Misses Louise Morehead and Virginia Mc Aden are enjoying the sea breeze and surf at Morehead city. Miss Bessie Wriston is "spending the summer on the sound," near Wilmington. Mr. R. M.Miller, Jr.,' and Miss Addie Williams, has just returned from the latter place. Mr. Kenneth Finch and wife have gone to Cleaveland Springs. CoL Frank Coxe's family is at Long Branch for the season. Mr. H. V. Badham, of the Carolina Central is spending his month of "vacation by request," somewhere among the mountains. Messrs. Pride Jones and Oscar Parsley, who have happily undergone their terms of pro bation, have returned to work renewed vigor determined to recuperate their depleted fortunes. Miss Mamie Lyon is spending her vacation at home in Richmond. Others are absent, no one knows where, but anxiety on the point is relieved by the expectation that they will turn up at the right time. A Word of Commendation. To the Editor of The Observer. Charlotte should be proud of her no ble men ! What an amount of Chris tian grace Mr. R. Y. McAden must possess, and what a beautiful example he has set before the youtn or (jnar lotte in his course toward Kend iick? as mentioned in to-day's paper. "He that ruleth his spirit is better than he that taketh. a city." Your people too are showing themselves noble in the struggle for prohibition. I cannot for bear to express my appreciation of her course, and when this great movement is crowned with success they can re joice in having borne their part in the work, while our town, 1 fear, shall, have to cover her face in shame. A Woman. Salisbury, N. C, July 7, 1SS1. MARKETS BY TELEGRAPH JULY 7. 1SH1 PfiODUCS Baltimore Night Oats Western white 87a8 do mixed 5a3tf, Pennsylvania . Provisions mess pork 17.50 for old; new 18.00; bulk meats loose snouiaers . ciear siaes , aiae pacKeo 7a9te bacon shoulders 7t. clear rib sides 10tt. hams lUfeal2lfe. Lard refined tierces 1214. Coflee mo cancoes ordinary to iair in&aiiiA. sugar A soft 10U- Whiskey l.llal.llVfe. New York Southern nour dull: common to fair extra 5.255.75, good to choice 5.80a7. 50. Wheat ungraded red l.OOa 1.271. corn ungraded 47a56te. Oats 42 1A for No. 3. Cof fee Bio cargoes M4al214. Bugai fair to good refining 7a8, prime 8i; refined standard A Wa. Molasses New Orleans 80a55. Porto Rico 86a5B. Bosin-2.05a2.10. Turpentine 42Vs. Wool domesuc neece B4a4o. pulled 2Ua40. unwashed 12a82, Texas 14a30. Pork new at 1 7.25, old 16,60&62Vfe; middles long clear 9V9 short clear 9, long and short . Lard ll.80a.85. COTTON. Galvsstoh- Quiet; middling 10; low mlddl'g 9c; good ordinary 8c; net rec"ts 724; gross ; sales 225: stock 21.403; exp'ts coastwise 855; to Great Britain ; continent Nobtolk Steady; middling 10e; net receipts 945; gross ; stock 9,760; exports coastwise 440; sales 122; exports to Great Britain. BAiiTTMOK Quiet: middling lllfec: low mlddli'K 1 0 7-16c: good ordln'y QVie: net rec'ts : gross 962; sales : stock 4,621; exports coastwise 100; spinners 75; exports to Great Britain 701; to Continent Bobtoh Steady; middling lltfec; low middling; lOTfcc; good ord'y 9c; net receipts 655; gross 664; sales : stock 9,890; exports to Great Britain - ; to France. WnjUKOTOH Firm; middling 10fcc:low mid dling 9c; good ordinary 8c; receipts 4; gross , sales ; stock 840; exports coast- wise ; to ureal Britain. PhtulDilphxi Firm; middling lllAc.; low middling 11c; good ordinary flWi net receipts 155; gross 1.765; sales ; spinners 662; stock 8,988; exports to Great Britain . Satavhah Firm; middling lOlfeo: low mldd'g 9c; good ordinary 8; net receipts 161; gross ; sales 25; stock 8,004; exp. coast wise 17 a; to ureat Britain ; continent . Nxw Obluhs-Quiet; mldd'g 10c; low mid dling 9; good ord'y 9c; net receipts 785; gross 1,009; sales 750: stock 100,485; exports to Great Britain ; to France 4,862. Mobtli Quiet : middling lOibc; low middling 9Vfec; good ordinary 8c;net receipts 212; gross sales lou; siock u,b7t; exp. coast France. Memphis Firm : middling lOlfec: receipt 331 ; shipments 517; sales 50; stock 14,447. Adstjbta Steady ; middling 10o.; low mid dllng 10c good ordinary 8c; receipts iu; shipments ; saies 100. Chablxstoh Steady ; middling 10c; low mid dling 10c; good ordinary 9&: net receipts ly: gross :saies iuu; stock a.oiu: exports coastwise 618: Great Britain; continent . Nkw York Cotton steady; sales 427; mldd'g uplands 118-16c; Orleans 11 7-16C: net receipts ; gross 1,000: consonuaieu iiei resm o,oov, exports Great Britain 701; continent ; France 4,682. LrviEPOOii Noon Cotton in moderate inquiry; middling uplands 6 5-1 6d; mid. Orleans tiifed; sales 10,000, speculation and export 1,000; re ceipts none, American none. Uplands low mid dling clause: July delivery 6 1 l-82d, July and Au gust 6 ll-32d, August and rcepiemoer o lijza, September and October 6 5-32d, October and November d, November and December 5 29-82d, January and i eDruary a. jrutures weaK. FUTURES. Nxw York Futures closed steady, dale 70,- 000. .Tnlv ll.12a.13 August ll.17a.18 September 10.77a.78 October 10.81 November..... iu.isa.iw Tteftnmber .' 10. 18a 19 January..... 10.29a.80 February iu.ia.s March 10 55a.56 April 10.66a68 KINANC1AL. New York Money 1.03a5. Exchange 4.831&. Governments firm: new 5's 1.02. Four and a half Der cents 1.14. Four per cento 1.16. 8tate bonds In light demand. New Yore 1 1 a. m. The stock market opened Btronc and in most cases at an advance on the closing quotations of rest ei day. Stocks closed strong. New York Central 1.45 Erie , 45 Lake Shore 1.26 Illinois Central 141 Nashville and Chattanooga olVt Louisville and Nashville ; 1.074 Plttsburz. 1.40 Chicago and Northwestern 1 .8 Hi preierrea 1.444 Wabash. St. Louis & Pacific 58 Do preferred 94jh juempms and cnanesion so Rock Island. 1.424 Western Union V2m Alabama Class A, 2 to 5 77 Class A, small tsa " Class B, 5's 94 Class C.4'8. 81 Sub-treasury balances Gold... $75,121,200 currency.... o,bu,3W CITY COTTON MARKET. Omos or the Omurvm, I Charlotte, July 8, 1881. i Receipts ye8tei.67Jale Charlotte Produce BUuiiet. JULY 6. 1881. BUYING PRICES. Coek, per bnshl . . 80a85 72fea75 JHJSAL, Whxat, 1.10al.25 Beams, white, per bushel 1.2550 Pab, Clay, per bush. 90al.00 Lady, " 1.60 White, " 76a80 FLOOB , Kaaillj. . 8.25 Extra. 8.00 4uper 2.75 Oats, shells 50a55 Dried Fkutt Apples, per lb. 41&&6 Peaches, peeled . 15a20 Unpeeled 7al0 Blackberries . . 8a6 Potato na Sweet 60a75 Irish 1.60al.75 BOTHER 1 North Carolina. 20a25 Base, per dozen. 15al8 POULTRY Chickens 25a30 Spring : 15al8 Ducks 25a27 Turkeys, per St. Geese 85a40 Bef, per lb., net 6a6 Mutton, per lb., net Port, " " WHOLESALE. Bulk Meats Clear Blb81des 9tea9i COFTEB Prime Bio. 14alftt4 Good. 12faal5 8TBUP Sugar-house, 80 Molasses Cuba 32a35 Sugar Syrup. 36a50 Choice New Orleans 50a60 Common 40a45 Salt Liverpool fine 1.00al.25 Coarse 1.10al.26 Stj&ab White. lOallty Yellow , 8al0 1JJK" Corn, per gallon Sl.30a.40 Bye, " $1.25a8.00 zw &toertiscmcuts. Situation Wanted. A GENTLEMAN of thirteen years' experience In handling dry goods and general merchandise, desires a situation as salesman. His present po sition he has satisfactorily filled for three consec utive years. The time of agreement will shortly expire, and he desires to change location. Can begin work September 1st Correspondence so licited at once, uexerences given. Address, July 8 W. K. C, Care Ass't Postmaster, Charlotte, N. C. DR. JOY'S ELECTRIC DEVICES for XxaadaatSra aad TrUlWfWr Pmith ! suffering from BTvrotM Wsl nmem, Gen eral DbtlHy, Lou of Nsrve Force or Vigor, or any disease resulting from Abcsxs and Othkb Causes, or to wmj om afflicted with Bheuma tlam, Neuralgia, Paralysis, Spinal Difficulties, Kidney or Liver Troubles, Lame Back, and other Diseases of the vital Organs. Also wokik trou bled with Diseases peculiar to their sex. SDeedr relief and complete restoration to health guaranteed. Thtte surw ttM only 31etrle Devt or Anllna that hare over been conatroeledSapon actwtlfle nrlnel- elenlifle man of America. Send at once for book giving all Information free. Address the manufacturers. WAGNER Sc CO, Cor. Michigan. At. aad J acksoa St., Chicago, IIL Junl 7 eod,d&wly Carolina Central R. H. Co. Change of Schedule. OFFICE GENERAL SUPERINTENDENT, Wilmington, N. C, June 4, 1 88 1 ON and after June 5, 1881, the following Schedule will be operated on this railroad : PASSKNGKB, HAIL AND KXPBT5S8 TRAINS DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAYS. . , I Leave Wilmington at 0 45am j Arrive at Charlotte at 6 45 p m xr o I Leave Charlotte at 6 00 a m wo- j Arrive at Wilmington at 3 25 p m Trains Nos. 1 and 2 stop at regular stations on ly, and points designated In the company's time table. These trains make close connection at Charlotte with trains Nos. 3 and 4 for Cleaveland Springs and all points on the aneiDy division. PASSXNGXB AND FBXIQHT. Leave Wilmington at 6 80 p m No. 5. Arrive at Hamlet at 1 26 a m ) Arrive at Charlotte at 8 00am ) Leave Charlotte at 7 30pm No. 6. Arrive at Hamlet at 126am Arrive at Wilmington 9 30 a m No. 5 Train Is daily, except Sunday, but no con nections to Raleigh on Saturday. No. 6 Train Is dally, except Saturday. 8HXLBT DIVISION, PASSENGER, MAIL, EXPRESS AND ntxTjrr. w. o ) Leave Charlotte 7 00 p m JN0,B- f Arrive at Shelby 10 80 p m M . Leave Shelby 6 00 a m N0-4' f Arrive at Charlotte. 9 80 a m Trains Nos. 5 and 6 make close connection at Hamlet to and from Raleigh, except as above. Through Sleeping Cars between Raleigh and Charlotte. Trains No. 1 and 2 make connection at Char lotte with the A.,T.4 0.B.B., arriving at States vili the same evening, and connecting then with tne w. jn. c rt . ior Asnevwe ana au poiuia on the W.N.C.B.B. Trains Nos. 8 and 4 connect closely with the Chester and Lenoir Railroad at Llncolntoo. V. Q JOHNSON. Iun25 Gen'l. Sup't Biehmond and Danville Mroad. PASSENGER DEPARTMENT. On and after June 5th. 1881. Passenger Train Service on the Atlanta and Charlotte Air-Line di vision of this road will be as follows : U. 8. U. 8. Mall Brpre8S No. 47, B. Fast Mall EASTWARD. No. 45, No. 49, C. L've Atlanta.. A it. Suwanee. Lula " Toccoa. . . " Seneca. . . ' Greenv'le 4.00 am 3.15 PM 6.80 pm 7.45 PM 6.18 AM 4.87 pm 5.59 PM 6.54 am 8.14 AM 9.06 pm 1016 PM 11.25 PM 7.15 PM 9.20 J 8 40 PM 10.20 pm 11.40 pm 10.68 ax 1.00 . Spartan'g, A2.14F 2,86 FM 2.11 AM GastoBla....L 2.18 J 431 AM Chariotce...H 8.85 PM 8.15 AM 5.35 AM k i1. Kx press No. 48. TJTs! WIST WARD. U.S. Mall Fast Mall No. 42. No. 5a L've Charlotte.. M " Gastonla...L " Snartan'K. K 12.80 pm 1 27 pm 8.50 pm 12.43 i 12.83 AM 1.43 AM 1.17 AM 4.06 I 8.12 AM 4.24 AM 5.47 AM " Greenv'le... Hi 5.07 pm 5.18 am 7.02 AM 8.15 am 9.81 AM 10 54 am Seneca G 6.51 PM Toccoa F 8.01 FM 9.16 pm 10.88 fm 12.05 am 6.53 8.09 Lula FJ " Suwanee.. .D 9 22 am Are. Atlanta 12.20 pm 10.85 CONNECTIONS. A with arriving trains of Georgia Central and A. A W. P. Railroads. B with arriving trains of Georgia Central, A. & W. P. and W. ft A. Railroads. C with arriving trains of the Georgia Railroad. D with Lawrenceville Branch to and from Law renceville, Ga. E with Northeastern Railroad of Georgia to and from Athens, Ga. V with Elberton Air-Line to and from Elberton, Georgia. u witn uoiumoia ana ureenvuie to ana irom Columbia and Charleston, H. C. H with Columbia and Greenville to and from Columbia and Charleston, S. C K with Spartanburg and Ashevllle, and Spartan burg. Union and Columbia to and trom Henderson and Ashevllle, and Alston and Columbia. L with Chester and Lenoir Narrow Gauge to and from Dallas and Chester. M with ft.C.4 A.-C. C.-R. ft D. and A., T. ft O. for all points West, North and East Pullman palace sleeping car service on trains Nos. 47 and 48, dally, without change between Atlanta and ew xor&v a-pupis, Jun5 General Paasengar Agent Atlantic, Tennessee & Ohio Railroad suputHiTaWDmm omct I Charlotte, N. a, June 5thVl881. i cm and after Bundar. June Kth. 1 RSfl . the following schedule will he ton over this road dally (Sundays excepted): ;' -GOING NORTH, Leave Charlotts,. 8 80 p. m. l)avldon College. ..10 24 p. m. " Mooresvlllo 10 69 p. m. Arrive atBtatetvllle,. 12 00 p. ra. : GOING SOUTH. . TvaatesvDlev....... 2 50 a. m. MMrecvuie bo a. m. nutidaoa Co11m... .......... 4 81 a. m. Arrive at Charlotte........ 615a.m. J.J. GORMLEY, Jun8 8upt BEX9TD 7ZU3X5. Belts, Band, etc XlvV 0. K JOY, E.M..M.0. lSJw J f EM. 1 neir inorougn emcieucy amm own prao-c- Uy proven with the moat wonderfml Me cca, and they have the hla-heat ea4en mcati from the moat onalnent medleml and B L 0 W II I --ON-- & BEAU, DURING DURING THE SEASON, WILL RECEIVE FOUR CAR LOADS PER WEEK (AND MOBE IF NECESSARY ) TO SUPPLY THEIR TRADE. JUST THINK: Delicious Georgia Melons FRESn AND GENUINE, EVERY WEEK! Large Arrivals of FRESH IRISH POTATOES, LEMONS, ORANGES, PEACHES, TOMATOES, CANTALOUPES, and Fresh Vegetables of all Descriptions. E S! JUST IN, 3 Car Loads Fresh Virginia Meal 3 Car Loads Flour, All Grades, Including Brldgewater and Waverly Patent, which excel all other brands. In a4dltlon, we have weekly shipments of Motfs Celebrated Sweet Cider, NEW IRISH POTATOES. ASPINWALL BANANAS, GA. WATERMELONS, FRESH PEACHES, TOMATOEJ, ETC JUST RECEIVED, A NEW LOT OF MACKEREL, IN PACKAGES OF ALL SIZES. WE KEEP IN STOCK A COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF family groceries FROM WHICH MERCHANTS CAN ALWAYS BE SUPPLIED AT 8H0BT NOTICE. On Hand: 1,000 Bush. Corn. AND WATERMELONS. DAVIDSON 40,000 40,000 GROCER WE HAVE JUST RECEIVED ANOTHER CASE or OTJtt CELEBRATED 50 CENT CORSETS, Far superior in fit and Quality to any other ever tatroduoecVhl this dty. sizes running from 18 to 80. ALSO, A BEAUTIFUL ' Raines. Ul In various styles at exceedingly low prices. Look at our beautiful PRINTS, Just received, only 1c per yard. H. MORRIS & BRO. Jun2 NEW STORE! RODDICK! feOO.. TRYON STREET, We have without any exception the r . CHEAPEST LINE OF FANS EVER OFFERED IN THIS SECTION OF THE COUNTRY. SHEETINGS. Just rect lved, another lot of that 9-4 and 10-4 sheeting, which we continue to sell at 25 and 86 cents. PILLOW CASE COTTON (WIDE) 15c. MOSQUITO NETTING, WHITE AND COLORED, COLORS, 10c KID GLOVES. A few sizes in 2. 8 and 4 buttons, PIQUES. A full Coats' SDOOl Cotton. RKc iter dozen. CrnvetaVa eacn. only a small lot ot that 15c Matting left. junl9 Urn &&v&KtlszmzitB. ORGANS, 17 stops, 5 Set Gold en Tongue reeds, only 885. Ad- DANTEL F. BEATTY. Washington. N. J. Junl4 d&w4w EVAPORATING FRUIT. SENT I Treatise on IMPROVES METHODS. Ta- i Kiss 1 Dies, yields, prices, profits and general statistics. AMERICAN DRIER CO., Chambers burg, Pa, unI4 4w send 10 MOORE'S BUSINESS UNIVERSITY Atlanta. Oa. rcular. A li-r actual Business ftchooL Ettablithed twenty years. Junl4 4w Rie JtatborA sew andrrMt 5e ioi Work, mmuited th baat tnd cheapest, indispensable to every muentitled "the Science of Life or .Sett-Pronation ; bound in finest; FMneh mnalin mm Li.. ..a full gilMOO pp. eon tains beantifoi toal agrsvinsa, lib prescrip tions, price only $1.36 sent by mail ; ill ostrated sample, 6 cents; Band now-AriHwM Pm)wI. u. TtTMH 1 1, MT1T Tl J 1 T . r - . I NIIW I H T N Kl . K VSSlJ?v;l'a'?r vt- a- 'Alt KKB, No. 4 Bnlfineh at. Boston. unl4 dkw4w iIVIL, MECHANICAL AND MINING ENGI- V lliUUtAllUi Of lAAU UJUlOOAAiAliilli i WU1 TECHNIC INSTITUTE, Troy, N. Y. The oldest engineering school In America. Next term begins September 15th. The register for 1880-81 con tains a list of the graduates for the past 54 rears, witn weir positions; aiso, course oi study, require ments, expenses, etc. Address juni4 ow VA.VUJ jo. uiuui.K, Director. I SELL AS CHEAP As Any House in the State My store Is 145 ft long on the llrst floor and 140 ft. on the second, and I carry an IMMENSE STOCK OF WELL-SELECTED - iFiuiraiuii WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. A full line of COFFINS OFFINS AND AND CASKETS. ASKETS. Thos. W. Andrews, formerly with Mr. B. Nichols, Is now with me. E.M.ANDREWS, (Successor to E. G. Rogers.) WHOLESALE ft RETAIL FURNITURE DEALER apr2 St. CHARLES HOTEL STATES VTLLE, N. C THIS house has been leased for a term of years br Mrs. Dr. Reeves, whose, intention Is to k-MTi atrifltiT flrst-ARs bouse in everv resnecu iXmmodiOUS sample rooms oa uxsi ana secuuu noors. The patronage of the public is solicited. lulyl,dtt 'gvBfzssioxml. Z. B. Vamck) W. H. Bat. VANCE & BAILEY, Attorneys aud Oounsellors CHARLOTTE, N. C. Practice In Supreme Court of the United States, Supreme Court of North Carolina, Federal Courts, and counties of Mecklen burg, Cabarrus, Union, Gas ton, Rowan and Da vidson. ry Office, two doors east of Independence Square. maj2 ti RO. D. GRAHAM, TTOBSET A. T "W" IN the State and United States Courts. Collee- 1 tlona. Home and Foreign, m1 letted. Ab stracts of Titles, Surveys, Ac., fumis.ed for com pensatlon. -Omcx f N. E. Corner Trade ft Tryon streets Charlotte, N. C Han. a THE OXONIAN, A JOTTRN AL OF LITERATURE ft EDUCATION -V puoU-bed monthly at Oxford, N. CL.atOn, noll.-ir a Tpar In advance. The Oxonian alms at increasing the Interest for Literature and Education, and gives erigmal ar ticles on subjects of vital Importance as well as criticisms of the newest and most valuable publica tions. rwr i de4ed advantaens to advertisers. High average circulation. Advertisements are shown prominently, are free from errors, and. are taste tSa dimiaved. Its advertlsln- rates are not In eVess of its value to an advertiser. Advertise ments, intended for publicantlon in any Issue, should be in the office bytbe 20th of the month. marl8-tf J. C HORNEB, Oxford. N. & WANTED. BOARD FOR TWO; either two single rooms or one large room, with two beds, near sooth end of Trade street Meals at 6-9, 1220 and 7 o'clock. Address. BCX 131. Jun2tt,tt FREE FormustratedCi ASSORTMENT OF COOL! 50c APIECE. LACE STRIPE BUNTING, ALL PER YARD. 50c a pair. assortment In latics, strlpeB and plaids, very cheap. NnedlnH. Re a paper. Pure Linen Towels, 15c tasBTRICTL1 CASH AND ONK PRICE. 'its iriuux. HODOICK ft CO. grogs atxxt $Xt&itivLzs. 1. Dm and Medicines OF EVERY DESCRIPTION WHITE LEAD AND LINSEED OIL. CONGRESS AND SARATOGA WATER ALWAYS ON DRAUGHT.- Prescriptions carefully prepared by experienced and competent druggists, day or night JOHN II. McADEN. aprU2 L. R. WRISTON & CO. DBUGGISTS. uOUR FIRM." OMOKE O. P. M. ft CCS "Our Firm," the best O 5c cigar In the city. L?R. WRISTON 4 CO. may 1 9 Ice-Cold Soda later. D RINK Sparkling Ice-Cold Soda Water. The L. B. WRISTON ft CO'& old reliable at PRICE'S FLAVORING EXTRACTS TTSE Price's Flavoring Extracts Lemon and Vanilla. RttiMw num. L. R. WBI8TON ft CO. STARCH. rpBT 8atln Gloss and Bon Ton Starch I is. iW A4l1nsfe We re- commeuu u wi wuu.. OILS ! OILS ! ! M52lnd!seed Lard. Kerosene, Oils, for sale In Quanti- ties to salt customers. MmNftco. F. SCABS has made ws wholesale and re D tall agents nts for his fruit Presemng rowaer and Chill lPiua. Ail orders una prvmpuy. L. R. WRISTON & CO. mm. READY MIXED PAINTS