"tr ii iimbit : ! m.,.-' . . t . . i it ftjvfc ";f I SURE. appetiser; IRON BITTERS are "highly recommended for all diseases requir ing a certain and efficient tonic; especially Indigestion, Dys pepsia, Intermittent Fevers, Want of Appetite, Loss of StrenfTttu lOCk-of Energy, etc. . It enriches the bldcxL strengthena Sthnawli4.gi8 newJife to thftnerves. It acts like a charm on the digestive organs, removing all dyspeptic symptoms, such as lasting the food, BdM.no, Heat in the Stomach, Heartburn, etc. The only Iron Prepa ration that will not blacken the teeth or give headache. Sold by all druggists. Write for the A B C Book, 32 pp. of useful an amusing reading tent free . BROWN CHEMICAL CO., Baltimore, Md. Ii ! r WESLEY PHILLIPS'S CASK Db. i. A. Shkbkah Dear sir: I am happy to In form on that I am entirely cured of my large scrotal rupture. It Is one year ago to-day that I reoelred jour treatment I nave tested the cure by going without the appliance. My business is that of a locomotive engineer. My rupture, as you will recall to your mind, was similar to Mr. Jor dan's, in roar pamphlet of Illustrations. I was ruptured In the year 1863, while In the army, I have tried spring and elastic trusses with great discomfort and Injury, my rupture always growing worse. Finding J must get some relief or give np my business, I determined to try you as a last resort, and I must say that I found your treat ment a complete success. My Improvement and cure nave, considering my terrible condition, sur- Srtsed my friends as well as myself. During your eatment I have worked hard In my business, en joying both safety and comfort, and have cot lost a day7 work. My general health has been also Improved. I will take pleasure In recommending the afflicted to you whenever I have an opportu- y'ou may publish this letter for the benefit of hu manity. My address is 211 East 44th street. With best wishes I remain yours respectfully. WESLEY PHILLIPS. New York City, October 25, 188a Okmxluuii 1 1 wassuasrlns: tiearatdbUitr to denioiM totnaj tomtiti af Imtmh A cMlAiittonAad UnAJai mot amtm, aid toot sire miuia psostsusnao sinsiag spnis. ivuiumi Jisad ajsnoss issnvdJat an wonderful insults. Thaold was not permanently abated. I bare need three bottles bor that I ever did in the same time daring mr illness, and neo or of bodr. has eome also a clearness of thoiumtni work, I know not what. 1 give It the credit, MTHm Mrnt. Toniv im a Iprmnarmttot of Mro toxUio of Mr on. JV-u-wean Bark, ana JVt phatom, ammodatrd ttritH iho Vegotablo Aromatic It mre la Tonin im noommmary.i KAIVFACTIIBEI If THE DR. HARTER MEDICINE COit R2J?HM SMI STREET. STyiBflisV limn fwi nwit US U 1 A LARGE LOT OF BOUGHT SINCE THE DECLINE.- TO BE SOLD LOW Major & Ross. aprS COR. COLLEGE & FOURTH ST&, WHOLESALE GROCERS. WE SELL T Piedmont Patent AND V, ' ' XT HWtDEBSOJlVItLE, N. C. - M At. . 1 1 hoi piano in the resh Mackere FLOOR HAM Haw Spjs HEC GENUINE F. u FLOURS. MOUNTAIN" Hip FOR SALE 1U kHB - .a i-- - - I m ' m 1 - . . I rnr-ti ssfc iTif ir fc-iiitTH H s sssi ST MIT A TRUE TONIC Its Belief and Care a Certain as Day Follows Day. Since the reduction of Dr. Sherman's terms, thmiaanrU nr nrnwrtlrn? nnon him for treatment. iriAsiiv thTowine- awav their erionlne. Irksome, dis piriting, and llfe-punishtng trusses. His treat ment for this affliction makes the patient comfor table and safe In the performance or every sana of exercise or labor. It Is a grand thing, and those whn am mntured and do not Drovlde themselves with It must endure the dangers of that precari ous affliction and the use of trusses all through life. Thousands of those cured give the most flat tering testimonials of graUtude to Dr. Sherman. He Is the author and Inventor of his popular sys tem; he Imparts his secret to no one; it is applica ble to all classes and cases, and under his reduced rate, within the reach or almost everyone. Patients can receive treatment and leave for home the same dav. Dr. SHERMAN'S book on rupture gives convincing proofs from professional fentiemen ana otners oi nis successnu treatment, c is illustrated with photographic pictures or bad cases before cure, and is sent to those who send 1 0 cents. PrlnclDal office 251 Broadway. N. Y. Branch office, 43 Milk street, Boston. Days in New York Monday, Tuesday, Saturday, in bos ton Wednesday, Thursday, Friday. Junl4 4w iX!ndoreedandree amended bit tHmtli- Ieot proeMfoM, for I I Mobility. A-'omale MMo-1 easrn. Want of Vital-1 ity, Kervou JVotim I otton, ana ivntatti. sack an stent that Ttty labor vai eiceedlngly Bur- ma much i relief) tmfa on the; contrary, was followed by the oge of your Ibdn Tonic, from which I re j returned and I found that my natural force x Degan anamrv i of tba Tosbs. 8iaoe ainR It I have done twice the la- and with double the ease. With the tranquil nerve bra aniOTao. It tne 'A ohm naj not a one toe tl AT80K, Pastor Ohr iristian Church. Troy, O. . -y-n ? - :s FEEBLE AND SICKLY PERSONS Recover their vitality by pursuing a course of Hos tetter's Stomach Bitters, the most popular invigo rant and alterative medicine in use. General de bility, fever and ague, dyspepsia, constipation, rheumatism, and other maladies are completely removed by It. Ask those who have used it what It has done for them. For sale by all Druggists and'Dealers generally. Julyl INIMGORATOR Only Vegetable Compound that acts directly upon the Liver, and cures Liver Complaints, Jaun dice, Biliousness, Malaria, Cos tiveness, Headache. It assists di gestion, strengthens the system, regulates the bowels, purifies the blood. A Book sent free. Dr. Sanford, 162 Broadway, N. Y.1 v FOR SALE BY ALL DEnooisTS.' OK SALS BY ALL, BSJar4l8-deod, eow ly. ft THE ONLY MEDICINE tlC EITHER LIQUID OR DRY FOBS J ! That Acts at the same timeour TEE LIVES, TEE BOWELS, Am tee Ewmrg. , . WHY ARE WE SICK? Because toe. allow these great organ to become clogged or torpid, and poisonous humors are therefore forced into the blood vmmmuexpeUedtMturaUy. LWILL SURELY KIDNlIY DISEASES, K JJLIYER COMPLAINTS, r IPILESCOITSXIPATIOX, TJKIXAKY DISSABEB, FEMAXJE WEAKNESSES, ) "AJfD NEKTOTJS DISOKDERS, " I by causing free action of these organs and Uvstoringjlieir power to throw off disease. ' rfhy suirer BUions pains and aehes? . I Why tormented with Piles, Constipation! I I Way frightened over disordered Kidneys! I Why endure nervous or sick headaches Uts SIDT-OBTan4 rejoice in health. It Is put up in Dry Vegetable Form, In tin I I cans one package of which makes six qnarts of I medicine. Also in Liquid Ferns. TeryCeaeea. I I tratea, tor taosa to&s caunoc readily prepare it I . tirlt acts with equal effldenoy in either form. I I qsx ix OV TOTJB DHTJOGIST. PRICE, tl.00 1 ' WELLS, EICHAEDS05 A Co., Prop's, .- (WUi send the dry poit-pald. SrJSLIsero Tt I ljllarc7dr til IUlIll!E3!ilIyft fff I jyjjr HARDIN, M E B C H A N O I S B B O S KB AND COMMISSION , MERCHANT. .Xtdtita Hot Grain, Bay, Meal, nour, LardVBaeoo, W Tobacco, Sugar, Coffee, Molassesvftew'respeet fully soBdtetL. The cheapest markets and sellft DrSANFORD'S a. J n ia SATURDAY, jpiiY 9188L. 4 i I ! POLITIC. TI Some of.the Cetrion?Qpa) L 1 . nr..htnirtnn. 1.1.1H ej " m "Crazy men, yes, lota of 'em. If I could remember half of the lunatics that have haunted this house since I came on duty as watchman their sto ries would fill the biggest newspaper in New York. But you see there are so many of them that we don't take the trouble to remember them only in a general way, you know." The speaker was Alfonzo Dunn, who has been a watchman at the White House for the past seventeen years, with i dark, pierc ing eyes, and is a regular standby in these days for correspondents in search of news. "In General Grant's time," continued Mr. Dunn, 'we were greatly bothered by Abraham Joltz, a crazy Dutchman, who used to present himself when the gates opened in the morning and spend the rest of the day in trying to get ac cess to the President. He was the most persistent and persevering man I ever saw. He never missed a day, rain or shine, and always waited patiently at the door when refused admittance T hftlifivfl he nsed ud half a eross of vis itinor nards without ever seeing the President. One day he got by the door somehow and l met mm up siaira. What do vou think ailed him? Why, he believed he was elected President of the United States and had come to pive President Grant notice to quit. He anDeared to be a harmless lunatic, so I coaxed him out by telling him that President Grant would be ready to va cate the next day. It was a long time before I saw him aaain. but when he finally made his way to the house again he had not forgotten my promise. Sin gularly enough, he had not noticed the lapse of time, but spoke of the promise as having been made yesterday, I got him awav aerain auietlv and never saw him again. I think it was the next day that his sister-in-law called here and asked me to get the President to put Joltz into the insane asylum, fene said his disaDDointment at not being inau- furated .had made him violent She newhe jowned a gun andsfce fearei that he would endeavor to use it tokil the President who had usurped his chair. He w.is sent to the insane asy lum "Were there any attempts to assassi nate President Grant t "No. not exactly : but he was never safe from crazv men. In his second term a big, wicked-looking negro he was over six foot and bunt in propor tion came to me and asked me to let him see the President. He was an evil "j disposed lookin gvillain and had a trick I or snowing you only tne wnites or nis eyes, l suspecteu ne was noi an rigut and Questioned him pretty closely While I was talking to him I noticed that he kept his right hand in his left breast-pocket, and I was afraid he had a revolver there, I made an excuse and got away so as to call Officer Kearney, to whom I imparted my suspicions, rThe officer, under the pretext that he would lead him to the President, en ticed him from the house and caged him in the police station. Search showed that his left breast pocket con tained a loaded revolver 01 large size 1 don't remember his name or what was done with him. "Are there many who labor under the delusion that they have been elec ed to the presidency V" T . . 7 1 - A "Ob, yes ; two or tnree every year, at least. They are generally harmless and go away without giving us mucn tron ble. Then there's another class of lu natics, also humorous. They believe they own the whole White House, the Capitol the treasury department and all the other public buildings, and come here periodically for the keys. We generally send them . to the Capitol, wnere they wanaer aoouc tin tney are tired. One morning a woman, :who had cone crazy becausa of tba loss Or abduction of her daughter, came here to accuse President Grant of the crime. After she had butted her head through two or three panes of glass we gave her into the hands or tne ponce. A very freauent nuisance at the White House is the praying lunatic, a harmless poor devil who has gone crazy on religion. We had one here the other day who kneeled on the porch and prayed quite eloquently for president Garbeid. They are generally harmless, and we let them have their pray out, so Jong as they do not make too mucn noise. "Can you remember any other crazy men?" "Not by name. Well, yes ; have you ever heard of John I5igginsr JNOf Well, he was a big Irishman about six feet four, and as strong as a yoke of oxen. He was a rough looking cnap, too, and had a hand like a leg of mut ton. He was crazy as a loon, Dut only on one point, and that he never showed until the occasion arrived. He was one of President Grant's visitors. One day he called, looking as sober as a judge and as quiet as a lamD, and asked to see the President. His name was sent xip stairs, and after waiting awhile he was shown into the jf resident s recep tion room. "What can I do for you, Mr. Biggins ?" asked the President. President Grant, said Biggins, his crazmess breaking out tor the hrst time, 'I wish you to understand that I don't want you peeping through the keyhole of my bedroom door any more. If you do it again I'll shoot you dead, as sure as my name is Biggins.' " ou wouiu x ii x were yuu, repneu 'resident Grant, not a muscle of his ace moving; "and l can assure it will jipt occur again. .yj-Xhe coolness or the irresiaent proD Jably saved his life, for Biggins was armed and desperate. He is now in the insane asylum." Just at this point Secretary Blaine came down stairs and the watchman rushed away to open the door for him. Mr. W alter Jiaine, the eldest and pri vate secretary of Secretary Blaine, says that he was often greatly annoyed by the persistency of Guiteau. He had no possible claim on the department for an appointment either at home or abroad, and yet for a time he presented himself almost every day, only to be sent away unsatisfied. Mr. Bleine thinks he is more knave than fool. yJ J)aniel MacNamara, who looks very m'uch like a tramp, visited police head quarters this afternoon and asked to be allowed to interview Guiteau. He said by the mere force of his will he could draw from the" assassin the names of the men who were in the plot with him. He was examined and sent to the insane asylum. At the inauguration of Mr. Garfield four . insane men turned np here who wanted to be inaugurated, each claim ing to to have been elected. Seven were arrested on the day Mr. Hayes was inaugurated. An equal number wanted to take General Grant's place at the first and nearly a dczen on the occasion of his second inauguration. Don't -you remember what an excite ment the marriage of Nellie Grant cre ated ? WelLfive or six "cranks," one of whom paid about $50 for; his railroad ticket, ranging in age'fxom Jthirty to sixty years, came .on here, each claim ing; to be the grcomvPwcrof them were sent to the, insane.asyJunL ino same uay xji iue ? fBama am bulance, and they fought all tthe way over as to hlch'lofthem was the real groom. During the excite ment that followed-the Nathan mur der mystery sixteen persons in all in different parts of the country confessed tpbemgthemnrrlereiv trrahe excite ment tfiatf Vk Place fdaring the con sideration bfnhe inflation bill, as it es. a 1 ii liter. In was (jaDedT we had over a dozen, finan cial "cranks" to come, and over a nun- dred were already here. ; They air Jtept , reasonably- ,quiet,.; except a demented New . York uonfrrema a rode ; about the streets ihcreasine the. circu lation medium by thro wing greenbacks oat of his carnage in the streets. -In the insane asvlum there are four men Who claim, to be Presidents, one or two kings, one queen ; and three men who have financial theories that they claim will save the country." The officers have been instructed this evening to pick np and. "run m" all of the known "cranks if they are heard to talk on this subject at ail. Another Star Forever Gone. Dttroit Free treas. Exactly! tiiree months ago yesterday uh xuivu i tug umce W uuj wiieo ui four fonts: of job type, beg a dozen old cuts and borrow some italics to liven up his long primer. He was going out to an interior village to start a weekly. and his bosom held so many hopes that 4iot one' single fear could have been driven in with a maul. He called again yesterday to get the loan of twenty cents to make up his fare to Toledo, and wherf asked about his ' newspaper he groaned and wiped away a tear. The paper had suspended, the sheriff had the material, and the office had beep turned into a grocery. It will be thus with every Ohid man who rushes Up here to establish a news paper and refuses to take the advice of men who have been through . the mill. This Perkins had metropolitan journal ism on the brain. In his very first issue he dropped the "we andour. add his1 subscribers had not recovered from their astonishment when he flatly refused to give a society $2a worth of puffing in exchange for a dead-heau ticket to a candy-pull. All items be ginning: "We notice that r Blank isjl having a tremendous boom in his dry goods trade," or that "Parker, the drug gist, is bound to lead In the sale of soaps, were tabled at once, and the wife of the village president was al lowed to go fourteen miles on a yisit to her sister witnouc the slightest; men tion in the Herald. Perkins started with a list of 300 sub scribers, was impolitic enough to ask them to pay up. He and 200 melted off the list inside of three days. He might nave retained the hundred who did pay if he had been sharp, but misfortunes surrounded him. Col. Blank was thrown from his buggy and struck on his ear, and the fferafd never heard of it and consequently could not say that "the colonel may rest assured of the sym pathy of all Uopperville in his great affliction. Old Mrs. Savoy died of measles, and the Herald didn't say that her seven sons would yet have seats in Congress. A member of the village board had a boil which the Herald missed entirely, and a leading merchant tumbled down the cellar stairs and the Herald recklessly let slip the oppor tunity to mention his fine stock of cheap dress goods. i-erKins got to tne end or his rope in just eleven issues, and he went out of town with the feelings of a sheep-thief. He sat here in one of the editorial rooms of this paper yesterday and wept great tears and heaved sighs of regret, but it was too late. The golden calf of fortune had paraded before him, but ne nad rerusea to seize its tail and be dragged upwards to dienitv and com petence. He left for Ohio last night in the caboose of a freight tram, cowed, crushed and disheartened, and yet it will not be six months before some other man, failed with the enthusiasm of metropolitan journalism in a town of three saw-mills and 400 inhabitants, win come ana go pyer the same road. Prayer at a Ball Game. New York Herald. Hereafter let no croaker claim that all the tendencies of the presentagek are irnnbrarfo ways nas naxnrwaroL cropping oub in if unexpected rrfaces. has 4vbrk&) dht wav 1 1 into basebalU. a recent c-ama, havintr been opeiredVwitfrprayera umu lub tunciaiing clergyman was promptly elected not only chaplain of tne giud, due umpire also. Prayer has been heard on ball grounds before, but it has always been informal, ejacula tory and not up to standard in point of spirit, xne piayer wno nas received a ball on the tip of his finger or the tip of ma nose nas in nis anguish put up en ergetic , petitions : for the eternal con demnation of the man who threw the Dan, hut such efforts would never be reported upon favorably by a commit tee or experts In prayer. Should the innovation prove popular it may do a great deal of good. Whatever is worth doing is all thB better for any approval it may .receive, from higher powers, and a terse, appropriate prayer niay have a good moral effect on the players. What ever the effect may be on others, it cer- tainiy win pe goou on tne Clergyman wno oners ir, particularly n the rever end gentleman afterward umpires the game, for it will get him out of doors, and compel mm to study men instead or books. ' How Titer Da it la Teonenee. The conduct of assemblyman Bradley in handing over a bribe of 82.000 to Speaker Sharpe excites surprise in Ten nessee. - wnen a Tennessee soion eets his hand on a wad of monev." sava tho BrownsyjllejDemQ(9le;tkes'Qt1 nano it teethe spKes jDfotcjf. He' j ust sticks vtheWad iahisr'DOot.Iesr&nd rises in his seat iirdaays J-.tMri, Speak- i er, x nave , consiaeren -tnemauer.nd- win voteayef. - Mr. Tlmothj Sullivan's wife, HOf N. Seven teenth street, Biehmond, Va., Buflered wjth ter rible pains to her side, and could obtain ne relief until 8t Jacobs Oil had been used. After one o two applications of the on the desired effect was produced sj i I I mm The New York Sun. of the 2nd Inst, savs: Bats . ate all the signatures off a will at North Adams. Mass. and the mutilated document Is, therefore, the subject of litigation. If "Rough on Bats" had been used this would not have happened. Its rep utation is wono-wiae, as it clears out rats, .mice, cockroaches, bedbugs, flies, vermin, and alllklnds Bn$NETP3 OOOOAIJfB. A LADY'S HAIB S1TETJ BY ITS USX. Burnett's Cocoaine will keep the hair In a strong and healthy condition by stimulating the roots of the hair and restoring the natural action upon wmcn us growth depends. Twenty years ago a single bottle saved a lady's hair In a desperate case where every other treatment had failed; and since that early success thousands of cases of baldness, dandruff, loss of hair, and Irritation of the scalp, have yielded to this remedy. The superiority of Burnett's, Flavoring Extracts eons is ta in their perfect purity and great strength. PILES CUBED bT Llfihiu if5n- ArnlntT IbrtniAt VI VTliCli XLOZBl. . PTnT. K H HBIA H. f I ' I.I. 1 1 of the Chicago Medical Collece. sars! "It nas ex traordinary power oyer that disease;" ' Professor . London, saysr 'J have found it slnimlarly success- rui." Beware of worthless Imitations. AJso cures the rheumatism, catarrh and neuralgia.' Sold In jrUUJJ rnH THE BH ATM 1 WFl MTTOVlta hot will Invigorate thej body; without Intoxicating is 5r2I . luiueso aays ot rusa- ana worry. Parkers Q Inzer Tonic reatara. thaitai unM SOOtheS the nerves and btinm emml haoltli nnlnVar ucau .Mftiinm ouho vu can use, xriDune. see uuior column. "JrAM great tonic and alterative cod tains twice as much iron and fffty per cent, more alum- uiuui iutui any -aium and iron mass" known. wusi tne inmg ior the "spring weakness" now so mayl tf S- eSBe j t 'j ' 'i : EDWIN BOOTH. "It did mn mnnh 47-Li2IiIitia'i,l vt, u. j - VI I Jepicuo-supcatieeiTon-1 r. ui umuMluiiS. ARr rffr TVwa. MArTnri I -vm - ;-.::. : i LETTER - It should be generally kioim Wat 8mm JJveraegulatoj.rpaiedbJ- ''&f-fee!& tarAtlAdfmnn ta arejir tdthS t&Dtelirrfn3 tromeJJimsiarlaloUaoir8c.''l:t rhedhne does what irel&bned-'fbf W Is pipvedfrbi- larity, tad any one whe lias7 Jived io'hs SOfctto three years lias no doubt eeea its cnktlve' effects and the protection it gives againit jhe; return of this weakening and dangerous malady. i FOB RHEUMATISM, Heurafgim, Sciatica, Lumbago;. Backacfo Soreness of the Chest, Gout, Quinsy, Sore Throat, Swell ! ings and Sprains, Burns and Scalds, General ' Bodily Pains, Tooth, Ear and Headache, Frosted Feet and Ears, and all other Pains and Aches. No Preparation on earth equals Sr. Jacob Oil as a safe, sure, rimpla and cheap External Remedy. A trial entails hut the comparatively trifliog outlay of 50 Cents, and every one suffering wiin pain can nave cneap ana positive prow oj rts claims. Directions in Eleven Languages. ' EOW BT III DBUQGI8T3 AlfD DIALEB3 IS MEDIGUTE. A. VOGIXSR fc CO., Baltimore, Md., T7. S. X. dee 80 d w ly c AN .OPEN AMONG THE LADIES The brilliant, fascinating tints of Complexion for which ladies strive are chiefly arti ficial, and all who will take the trouble may secure them, These roseate, bewitching hues follow the use of Hagan's Hag nolia Balm a delicate, harm less and always reliable article. Sold by all drngrfsts. The Magnolia Balm conceals e?ery WemishremoYes Hal lowness. Tan, Eedness. Erup tions, all yidences of exeitV ment and eyei'toperfecliprj.' r Its effects are immediate and so natural that no human being J - A A. - 1 a e "W ov Vf "iV m can, detect its application, c Jan. 22 A SPLENDID OPPORTUNITY TO WIN A FOR- TUNB 7TH GRAND DISTRIBUTION, CLASS G, AT NEW ORLEANS. xuwhuw, dmy lam, 1881 184th MnnthW Drawing Louisiana Slate Lottery Company . foporporated In l$68 for 25 years by tte Legis lature tor Educational and CharttahiB TOii-rJa with a capita 1 of $l,000.000-to which a reserve fund or over &4.9n.nnn ha DinM ua. 9 -rrnive?11?ln8 popular vote Its franchise " "uo a pan 01 me present atate Constitution adopted December 2d. A. D. 1879 v""lu"ul iJJf S810 SNH- NUMBER Drawings will take place monthly. 11 never 8Calea Or IVWtrinnoa T.nnlr at ha fniiu.. iu uuunouuon: CAPITAL PltlZE, $30,000. iuu.uuu Tickets Two Dollars each. Half-Tick ets. One Dollar. LIST o PRIZES : X Capital Prize.. gSOf vntuuu I1UD. Ill I I Capital Prize.; pr . 2 Prizes of $2,500. I? 5 Prizes of i non x'wmzesoi 500 innnA 100 Prizes of 100 Tn'iwl 200 Prizes of 50.. ... V. innnS xxxvi y 10.000 ,yuv r-rizes or io 10 OOft B-rrKUJUlttATION PBIZEa 9 Approximation Prizes of 800 12,700 9 Approximation Prizes of 200. ..... 1 800 9 Approximation Prizes of 100. 900 1857 Prices, amounting to si 10 400 Besrxmslble ptid4" 'mpnsaSrur tg For further Information, write dearly, tMoz fall address. Bend orders by Mpress or Segif M,,H"er'or Mone' Order by Sla Adtofit we. v w M; A. DAUPHIN, " Nate n, ..ni T . l-i - orM. A. DAUPHIN, at ' WU4flmua - No. 212 Broad wav. n v.ir All OUr Grand 'ETtBmrfH tun Ttaom . ,r"r.Kl 01 uenerals Q. uuu yuutu . iuin POFUXAB MONTHLY I)RA iFlNCr OF TB s lommonwealth Dlfitr iKnfl An rnmnan - - vbvbvu y V IU II u II T I . s AT HACAULEY'S TH3ATBB, In the City of Louisville, on SATURDAY, JULY 30. 1881 im... . . .Luese arswinss occr.r mnn riiv iHiinrimra i tEEHSUI Juckr. ineorporaung the Newport 1 w iivf wiuiij mi mi m I .ii ill i.i i m i-tuiiupa I 1 r " iioiwjMiier approrea adhi it. !9ThIs Is a srjeci&i iu4 and has never been re- petuec iiio U1ULHQ znsiM Jirwnit rvmi m. v...k n. rendered the following decisions: ' ' 1st That the ConmumwAAith TUIt. I. WUf vuj u. Htm, ; T 2d It drawings are fair. The Company has now on hand a large reserve fund. Beadthe list ol prizes f orthe ' ieflerT - JULY DRAWING. l Prize,.......... 1 Pri..,....,..., 880,000 1U.000 6,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 5?vi kss? -iyy twpid. in.t.iin . 12,000 9 9 a Prizes, 100 ' 1'0 1.960 Prizes.. ' .T Whole Tickets, $2; BmiTfO $5 avy. ienae. UddresV aWfr,,v, If-fiES ."""OMAW, Comleijrrjrirn lis: Mi GO 'TO mmm AND LOOK AT HIS LARGE STOCK OF iy ALL OF WHICH HE SELLS LOW FOR CASH. All 0oods Warranted as Rep resented, both in Weight and Quality. WATCH GLASSES 10 CENTS EACH. decl5 ptisjcjellattjeitts. WE HATE NOW IN STORE FOB THE Spring and Summer Trade The Largest, Finest and MOST COMPLETE STOCK OF FRiB MILLINERY, W111TJS ClOODH, TRIMMINGS. NOTIONS And all kinds of FANCY DRY GOODS For Ladles and Children We have ever had the pleasure of sbowlne OUR STOCK OF GLOVES. HOSIERY, FANS, PARASOLS, TRIMMINGS. NECKWEAR, AND CORSETS Is not surpassed In the city. We have HATS OR BONNETS TO FIT THE HEAD AND POCKET OF EVERY LADY, MISS AND CHILD. Our Pattern Hats and Bonnets will be open MONDAY, APRIL & an examination of our stock will fytnvincn nn louj we sutaa neaa in styles ana prices in our line. MRS. P. QUERY t. .V. . . j. 1 , . . . . will be found In the store to watt on her friends ana customers. fcfT We nave semired th aAnrlMe nf V W T Steel, who would be Dleased to' see hi frin'inria . y.Ye'V.i. BLOB. r. UIIIVHI. apl2 As the name Indicates, surpasses all 5 enPtfgf Eyer so!d In this market. SQLD ONLY BY P E lilt Y. lunll Mew Peaches; JUST RECEIVED For Saturday's Trade, AT PERRY'S. mi I filager, Bct, Haadwke, StilHIi and kuuu. uuici ui m Dew meoictacs Jcbowb are enm.l l"llrully in Parker's Gingix TomC 3 f vim ft Ute Bfsttsyi Bleed ParifUr and the 1 wiutaitaaMSw.ttBBpsfor.TsrMed. , V ""S with Contttnrptwn ct any auease.use the T0inctwl wSzii wrapper. HitcotfrC CS k2ZV?a PARkTR'C UfllP D8I (ill TktWtlmj nwrl-tf ; - - - 1 ' ' F'tI 'wwrner term. Apply inroueh r-. offloet LeckJto 222. UUUIO ; GREENSBORO, N. C. ;-yS'?Mis pzb Session of 20 week? i, 4 ;s atonamcBlaraaDDlv tar iX hCZlLA KM OFM Grefensb'oro Female College, w TBIKS S0IH8 HOKTH. . . fl581 I No-4ft V-,T Petit l Datejfay 1581 No. 49 Pally No. 43, Dally Lv. Charlotte. 405 am 6.15 AMI 4.15 PM 4.80 pm 6.07 pm 7.57 pm 8.18 pm " A-L. Depot -i ;' SaHsTbury,- Arr.GTeeTisboro' 1 LvreeAaboro. Arr.Ralelgli Lv. ?"" t 1.4 Arr, Goiasbor ;j . Lv. GreensUorq , tot Richmond .4.11 AM fl.20 AM 5.58 AM 8.08 AM 8.25 AJf 1.40 pm 1.45 PM 4,00 pm AM 9.30 AM 9.50 AM . .Atm mo for Rlch- m'nd only &25M1 Lv. Danvtue- 10.21 AM. 10.27 am 105AM 12.87 pm 11.81 AM " N. DanvlUe " Barksdale " Drak'sBr'cb " Jetersvllle Ait. Tomahawk Art. Belle Isle Lv. " Arr.Manehester Air. Richmond 11.33 AM 12.01 pm 1.20 pm 2 55 PM 8.51 PM 428 PM 4.35 pm 4.88 pm 448 am 2.24 pm 8 20 pm 4.05 PM 4.10 pm 4.13 pm 4.18 pm 7.28 am TRAINS GOING SOUTH Date.Mayl5'80 No. 42 Dally. No. 48 Daily. No. 50 Daily Lv. Richmond ' Burkeville Arr. N. Danville Lv. Danville Arr. Greensboro Lv " ''Salisbury 10.45 pm 2.25 AM 7 00 AM 12.00 M 2.48 pm 6.05 PM 7.25 am! 6.18 PM 7.27 am 9.26 i 8.17 pm 9.31 AM 8.87 pm 11.16 AM 10.83 pm 12.15 AM 12.20 am Arr. A L. Junction 12.45 pmi "Charlotte Lv. Biehmond ." Jetersvllle " Drak'sBr'ch " Barksdale " Danville " Benaja " Greensboro " Salisbury Arr. A-L. Junction Lv. " Arr. Charlotte 1.00 pmJ 2.55 pm 441 PM 8.07 PM 7.25 pm 7.51 pm 8 55 pm 9.27 pm 11.05 pm 12.26 am 12.30 am SAIiBM BRANCH. NO. 48 Dally, except Sunday. Leave Greensboro 9.40 pm Arrive Salem 1 1.40 pm NO. 47 Dally, except Sunday. Leave Salem 7.80 a Arrives Greensboro 9.Q0 A NO. 42 Dally, except Sundaj. Leave Greensboro.- 10.00 ak Arrives Salem , .11.30 as NO. 48 Dally. Leave Salem g.so pm Arrive Greensboro 7. so pm Limited mails Nos. 4P. and KO will short stoppages at points named on the schedule Passengers taklne train' 49 from CharinttA nrin get aboard at the B. 4 D. B. B. depot This train manes eiose connection at ureensDoro for Raleigh, Goldsboro Newberne and all points on Wilming ton & Weldon Railroad. Passenger bains No. 47 and 48 make all local stops between Charlotte and Richmond, and be tween Greensboro, Raleigh and Goldsboro, No. 47 making connection with W. N. C. B. at BaBsbury for Asheville (Sundays excepted), and also con necting at Greensboro with Salem Branch (Sun day excepted). Passenger trains Nos. dQrniri ah mnVt nil irum Stops between Charlotte and Richmond, nrcnt Query's, Harrisburg, Cnlna Grove, HoltBburg, Uq. No. 43 connects with Salem Branch at Greetia-boro. A. POPE, Gen. Pass, and Ticket Agent, Richmond, Va. may 18 SEASONABLE GOODS. FLY FANS & TRAPS, BATH TUBS, SPRINKLERS, ICE CREAM FREEZERS. OIL STOVES AND THE le Stove, For surnmer use, Just in. THE FINEST LINE OK Cook-Stoves and Sewing Machines M THE CITY. Orders and correspondence solicited at the Hard ware Store and Sewing Machine House of RICHARD MOORE, Trade Street, Charlotte., JJ. a w- V. so long and favorably known In cpimection'wltp theSewlhg Machine SSPftMf 2 W and'llcffiltyru" K asd would be tiaahai tn baa tiib m. . bWtfons d serve thimai heretofore. ABSOLUTELY HEALTHFUL ONLY ONE TEASPOONFUL to each quart of nour one half the usual quantity required of oth er Drands. ; " CHARM MANUFACTURING CO. , New York and St Louis. ekeep the "Charm" in stock, and can recom- jcijas more economicHi aprS.eodmo DSNclffoigk Druggist by Examination. Go to W. P. AIARVIS, igent, and Successor to F. Scarr & Ce. JOB Fresh Drags and Pure Medicines Npnebutthe Very est Drugs do I keep in my stock. Also, Toilet and f I r AWcles. Perfumeries, oSpYbsT ; j Brushes, Tooth Brushes, &C..&. GARDEN SEEDS al? the best varietleB, and warranted i ne good. jPhyslclans' prescriptions are given spec ! u, :.. lal aitenUon. r iHopine to' 'S?2sT 1 . respectfully. lsuoj W. . MARVIN, Agu Almn i Icon Springs. T3RIGHT, PUBI, OOOt, n-oj -.a, m iuu rial Lin ir oo pleasure seekeH. la U or the best neonl ledto'toio8erauTheWn attraettons and ajnuseraents conveniences, Baths, lanndnr iXSJffci w sAta baac7 uinm hjltiy in hdasj ciaaia . - j ing, shobtlDTafeiSiS?8 TA" known. Sinn nnA th.,. UM proles: 5.tot0 nd retaining all its rratiTO f.SfSY?na em Dy mm nywheM.j;Salts peis ; lectly soluble nnt Anaiiv Aiaani rri ' Si;W.?pfts.-tlft P week; $2 'per . CCarrlaees meet visitors at fan-at a t.J ' pon advice of arrival. . Each sutton fwu- mUes from anrlnma, m mml . . "r ""W Doub Qnick Cook HWURRT.flgw ion, trilTB - Jun28,dlmo - :