I I I I I 1 I V VII VI II S 3 B li u ii li t a. a . , it rr supera T 3 APPETISER nmw -BTTTEBS Are highly recommended for all diseases requir SlpsS, Intermittent Fevers, W of Appetite, Loss of digestive ortrans, removing au ayspepuc Bdchinq, Heat in the Stomach, Uearwum, eic. xiio """0X r Son that will not blacken the teetli or pive headache. SdiSlfniggists. Write for the ABC Book, 32 pp. of useful CBROWN 'CHUMICAI, CO., Baltimore, WESLEY PHILLIPS'S CASE, . - ! DB. J. A. Sbxbiuh Dear sir: I am happy to in form you that I am entirely cured of mj large scrotal rupture. It t one year ago to-day that I received your treatment I nave tested the cure by going without the appliance. My business is that ol looomotlTe engineer. My rupture, as you will recall to your mind, was similar to Mr. Jor dan's, In your pamphlet ol Illustrations. I was ruptured In the year 1863, while In the army, I hare tried spring and elastic trusses with great discomfort and Injury, my rupture always growing worse. Finding I must get some relief or give up my business, I determined to try you as a last resort, and I must say that I found your treat ment aeompletaauoeesav My Improvement and cure hare, considering my terrible condition, sur prised my friends as well as myself. During your treatment I bare worked hard la my business, en joying both safety and comfort; and have vat lost a dart work. My general health has been also improve I will take pleasure to recommending the afflicted to you whenever I bar an opportu- Yqn may publish this letter for the benefit of hu manfty. My address is 211 East 44th street. With best wishes I remain yours respectfully, WESLEY PHILLIPS. New York dtyOctober 25, 188a auLMX: 1 mm Sarin from sonars! debility to I TS ZJVJ7 TtrzrXTWTi If dcofoma to mm. Avaostbrtif aaMfbth did not tiMMMKmua raUar.mtioatM eontnur. ineraaawl proatrmtlon and inking chllla. At thto Mm alixed elmoat Immediate and wonderful reulta. Tne old aa not Dermanentlr abated. I bare naed three bottle jaajiL Dor was i ever aia in tne iui tune uunni mj iuhh, u MMTUtWIH UVUIi IUK WW, .IN . tlD.luo v.. and ' J l . - ' - 1 . - . . ,kMi.)itn.m.Mfai. Amn work. I know not what. 1 sive it the credit. - iTHm Iron Tontm a (preparation of JVe toxxAm of Iron, JVrM vian Bark, and Pnoo mnatom, associate oith tHO reaotablo jtrotnatiom. It morv 1 over MirMM wnere I let T.MtK im noommmaru.t MAIirACTIKI II THE OR. HARTER M EPIC ived US A LABGE LOT OF FLOOR. HAMS a! -BOUGHT SINCE THE DECLINE, TO BE SOLD LOW Mayer & Ross. apr5 R. M. Miller & Sons, COR. COLLEGE & FOURTH STS., WE 8ELL 0Rt Patent AND 'i. kM r.ivriRa BOAEDING HOUSE; corner e narrtne- saryout- isneat irom ine bai!lorf wJ . ' nendenooTlJle, N. C, Rece flush More Mo Syrups WHOLESALE GROCERS TIJGENIIE Mi ol . . " ' "... ' ( aaMHMM .-wawavaaM pi -a, . . , -m v .mm bj mill ll'' Its Belief and Cue as Certain as Day Follows Day. Since the reduction of Dr. Sherman's terms, thousands are crowding upon him for treatment, gladly throwing away their gripping, irksome, dis piriting, and life-punishing trusses. His treat ment for this affliction makes the patient comfor table and safe in the performance of every kind of exercise or labor. It is a grand thing, and those who are ruptured and do not provide themselves with It must endure the dangers of that precari ous affliction and the use of trusses all through lite. .Thousands of those cured give the most flat tering testimonials of gratitude to Dr. Sherman. He is the author and inventor of his popular sys tem: he imparts his secret to no one; it is applica ble to all classes and cases, and under his reduced rate, within the reaeh of almost everyone. Patients can receive treatment and leave for home the same day. Dr. SHERMAN'S book on rupture gives convincing proofs from professional gentlemen and others of his successful treatment It is Illustrated with photographic pictures or bad cases before cure, and is sent to those who send 10 cents. Principal office 251 Broadway, N. Y. Branch office, 43 Milk street, Boston. Days in New York Monday, Tuesday, 8aturday. . In Bos tonWednesday, Thursday, Friday. Junl4 4w WSnaorsett and treec mraded Aw JOWkO- oal woftmmionr fori lywpopSia, Qetteroll jtooUUy, mm-1 eotM, Warn of Vital-1 Myr A'er Xrostra-1 ana i nldabXhowuch axtm tht wV Hbor wm exceedingly bur- Qfhia'xtent that W Hbor was iMgw UuiBMoTyoar ibo TOMiOt Irom wnieai re- o. ginoo using it I hTp aoae twwe tno ia onbls the aase. WltU t6 trananU nerve t never Wax eojurad. lithe Tocte dm not-oone tne -.v. je,W4ISOK. factor Uhruttan i nurcn. rt)j.J. . w ' X- . . . IWR'Cfll 18: Uk MET.t. iOIM ...mux iisvi FEEBLE ANB SICKLY PEESONS Recover their vitality by pursuing a rar3e of Eos tetter's Stomach Bliters. the most popular lnvlgo rant and alterative medicine In use. General de bility, lever and ague, dyspepsia, constipation, rheumatism, and other maladies are completely removed by it Ask those who have used it what it has done for them. For sale by all Druggists and'Dealers generally. Juiyl i MVIGORATOB Only Vegetable Compound that acts directly upon the Liver, and cures Liver Complaints, Jaun dice, Biliousness, Malaria, Cos- ripeness, Headache. Itassists di gestion, strengthens the system, regulates the bowels, purifies the blood. A Book sent free. Dr. Sanford, 162 Broadway, N. Y. Jan18 deod, eow ly. THE ONLY MEDICINE! IS EITHEB LiqCTDtm DBT TOBM That Acta at tlte same time oa ' ZIVSB, mSSOWSLS. WHY ARE WEStCK? "Becdiise we allow these areat organs to Ibtcoms clogged or torpid, and poisonous humors art therefore forced into the blood that thoxudbe expeued naturally. I WILL SURELY CURE I I KJDNEY DISEASES, LIVER COMPLAINTS, I PltEBT COlfSXTPATieW,'' trfenfABY DISEASES, FKM M.F, JWJEAESSSS, by causingfrte'actlon of these wrgam and restoring their power to thrmo off disease. Why'iuffer Billon pains ad aehest Why tormented with Piles, Constipation! Why frightened orer disordered Kidneyst ythj ondare nerrong. Or tick Jieadaeheil Us KXDNET-WOB.TafWZ. rejoice inheaUh. ! - It lfprit up In rr TeretaWe FrW In On dans one package of which- makes six quarts of madlrine. - Also lnlJqnM Fans, -rorr Oobmw tntcd, for those tha cannot readily prepare it jSPJLiGt with equal efficiency hi either form. GET IT OF YODjt DKUGGIST. TB1CO, tl.Oe ; WEXiXiS, BlCff 4BPS05 A Co.Frop, i (Witt send the dry possVpilCV ; BtTBLBtBtJS, Tt, JifH;. ' tin .it i.i.;; run ai , j;X. HARDIN, 4m BOBivKslHai BBO K K B AND COMMISSION - MERCHANT, . Gocxxfls Sr., CEixoTn, N. c hie houses represented. reua- Ig. STOMACH 0t Dr.SANFORD'S urn wJs 11 wm '.Mil f i : Ait hit a nttie 2iq iiaraeu squill.. Webster, neat wniiesDpgj. wi day last week ana nas since cueu wivj all the symptoms of hydrophobia. t ... A San Francisco Chinaman, belief ine that his motners soul was in a stur geon which he saw in the market, bought the fish, towed it out into deep water and let it go. A Pennsylvania gentleman has re ponriv bought 130.000 acres of land in Bildwinxponty, Ala, on wwpivne pur- v J ' O ..am irrlid&eveLor' fitfLoife. acci dentally shot himself with a toy pistol, the wad lodging in the palm of his hand. He bathed the wound in ice-water, and died next day from the lock jaw. .'. The roll-call of the veterans of 1812 was answered by twelve faltering voi ces at Paris Ky. , The youngest mem-, her of the band was eighty fou years', and the oldest one ninetyfsev'en years of age, 1 . Hon. Truman Smith, of Connecticut, who was in the United States Senate twenty-six years ago,. is. sone tjf the oldest living ex-Senators. He is ninety years of age, and still retains a remarkable amount of physical and mental activity. ; i . -J..'' The terms of Gould's recent bargain for the St. Louis bridge are that the creditors, all English, have consented to a perpetual lease of the bridge to Gould's Railway Company, and agree to accept new indebtedness in place of old, with interest scaled as follows : ; T per cent on $5,000,000, 6 per cent, on 2, 500,000, 3 per cent, on 3,000,000, and 6 per cent, on 1,000,000 the intprest amount ing to a rent of $650,000 a year. The Irish ' World , alluding to llr, Robert Porter's report tin" the owner ship of the public debt, thus comments "The South and the West, which pro duce tbe greater part pttne raw mater- bonds' contribute a greatetshafek)f thei taxes, out of which the interest on the bonds are paid, than the New England and middle States, which hold fifty-four er cent. : of the entire amount of ohds. .1 Gath says: "I beard: one man say, of very excellent exterior, and, with a decided Boston pronunciation: 'Gentlemen. I wish at this moment that the Vice-President of the United Statfe; was a man or cnaracter, iiko Alexan der Stephens, or ex-Governor Johnatdtt or Governor Harris, of Tennessee, Very general acclamation greeted this response.and the utterer of the remarks continued: 'Then we should not have the trading politics of New York city and Albany made the rule of Govern ment at Washington. We should begin to see virtues and leadership among our late enemies, and tie them to us as we should be tied to them by generous impulses. 1 1 1 1 1 a Baffffjr Electricity. There has been a great deal of thought expended upon the problem of Eroducing a perfect light for road ve icles, but within a few days nothing has been produced that would at all fill the bill. Lamps -with rcandles in nave been tried, and failure was the result. Whale oil . has been used, but both whale and kerosine oil are objection able, so that both are discarded, except on hacks in cities where there is ari or dinance compelling hacks to be lighted. For country driving, at night, a light has been long needed, and now we have heard of one fhat will do, Since the electric light has proved a success, it has occurred to a scientific man in this city that electricity coiildfbe used on w heeled Crehicles. He .knevf,! by ex perience, that there was always' more or less electricity wasted, for instance, when a young couple were out riding, so he experimented. Those who were out on the Whitetish Bay road last Sun day evening may have been astonished at the unusual light that shone the whole length of the roadjag a certain carriage passed along, and tbiy,J prob ably noticed the fright of the two dCr cupants of the carriage. The young scientist had learned that, a certain young man had engaged -a hnggy at a livery stable for the evening, so he bribed the liverv man to allow, him to experiment on the buggy. The ?oung scientist put a small electric lamp on the lower part of the dash-board, out of sight of the driver, and run small cop per wires to the back of the seat It is well known to tne student or numan nature that when a brunette !young man and a blonde girl, -who act as the positive and negative that is, he is Eositive tnat ne wm put nis arm arouna er, and she negatives the arrangement along at first, until after dark there is certain electric current estaDiisned, small in itself, but of great power if properly husbanded, x ou have all felt it. Oh, don't blush. It is like your arm setting asleep, or hitting your fun ny bone on the arm of a rocking chair. to snug up, and before they got to Leudeman s the little lamp began to throw out lieirL It went under the horses feet ana 4it up tne road tor sev eral rods, and the young people were al most as astonished as the norse was. They thought Jhere was somebody fol lowing tnem witn a lantern, ana tney straightened up and the light went out. Every little while they would get nearer together, and Jtiss each other shyly, and squeeze, andimmediately the light would blaze '-up. xne girl was real f riehtened. and insisted upon the youBfif man's sitting on his side of the buggy, and he was a little mgntenea me nrst few times' that the light flared up; but . . A. A.- 1 1 Z X as ne came out uj uug ue was going to hug.aitturneaiiigatiBtoaay. Hoiie wenttolyingtoherarjofutthehorselje- ing a phosphorus horse. He said there were some norsea bo imi or pnospnorus that when they got warmed up a little from driving they sheet light all around. Then they got nearer, and the elec tricity again appeared, and for an hour they rode along in -tha evening by the brigh t light. The young Scientist pass ed them a number of times in a buggy, And-liaiiLso wellatiafied Jfith the ex periment that he will apply for a patent. The young lady was very much annoyed at the queer light, and mucn annovea at tne niifler iicnr. arm while she cannot say that she "did not enjoy me ride, sne nas requested her es cort to be careful next time when thev o riding and not get a phosphorus orse. The young man, when ne got' back to the stable, told the livery man that wat the lightest rig he ever drove, and he s ad he wanted a calcium light next liiiu lie took his girl out. They will know what caused the light when they read this. It is getting so there is electricity in: everytning Fecks Bun. ' - 'i Tkis we kstwgh Puea with hot water makes aflnetoddrre3r-:3ilngcan match tt when it is MendeQTfra Jajggflne toe, soda water, or hot or cold milk. -It far exceeds all other forms of hot tr ld pmeh.okH dealers everywhere. s re mk0Wmkbihaa Druc-: gists i toi wflvSl Trade supplied at mannfactnrers prices by Wit son & BurwelL Wholesale and Retail Dngists, Trade street, Charlotte, N. C. . i BigfcM.latt. I The thlBtdesfred found at last Ask droeelst Iorngh)oRaU. it clears out ratiT roadhostflies.lWdbugs. 15c per box. Weii, this wire was so piacea mat ine year: ijtie;;naa KQiiaiiito mining. arms of the young people would touch the figstaikiBr'o it. Just as they were passing itzger- 17 larg tns,t nlgto:quote them. am s mere dv me touKate, may uegun uae uis cuieijowB menow as ne 9 nftm'''Sfemiurs rAz 'Drakeman by the name of Cnambers feU between.!; the cars or ja rprming warn ?w vuiiy w, last Frito:an4McelTed wound from which hedtod within a few hours after- wardsr. T" : Wilmington 5tor: The directors of IhelWarnington. & Wfildon Eaijroad bav declared adividend of 3 per cent, payable on the 15th inst-Eey, Mr. Charbonnei, who has been nere for the past week or two in the interest of im migration, expects to leave for New York on the next steamer, and by Tues day or Wednesday, next will probably be in. the New EuglaUd States in pur suance of his mission; , Quite a number of French Canadians from his section are now employed at LoWell, Manches ter, Nashua and other manufacturing, cities in. JTew Hampshire and Massa chusetts. ;( v :. . ' ' "'i,'. 7 Raleigh Sews-Olserver : , .The' cour ty commissioners yesterday formally, accepted the plans for thenew court heuae, and ordered- that. , twentyrfive copies of the specifications be ptintedy and tnat proposals ior xae execution oi the work be advertised for. So the work is to be pushed at oncei The wifei oi Hon; Joseph 3, Davis died yesterday morning at her home at Louisburg She hadfor some years been a sufferer from disease, and her death was not un looked for. She was w a most1 lovable woman, and held in the i ighest esteem. Thernews of her death will givepain to her friends nl all tlaxts ,'of the States Mrs. Davis was a daughter of the late Robert Shaw.Tisq, of LouisbuTg. .Her ag6 waa about fifty jfears She married Mr. Davis about 1852, and -leares, four children, ; She was- a deyout Jemoer of the Episcopal church attLouisbur. Statesvilla Landmark; ; Tha.CataW- ba is said to be lower than it has. been in 8 or 9 years. Concord Presbytery, at its last regular meetings appointed Thursday; the 14th day of July,as a day txf prayer for the success of prohibition. The bazaar for the benefit of the Iredell Blues, last Saturday night, was well, attended nd was quite successful in every .. 'point of view. The net re ceipts wer6 about $100. The thresh ers are on the rounds, and we are satis fied that when the wheat is all threshed. .out.It Will be found that the crop is al together above the average, both as! t6 quantity anfi qaality.rhenext union meeting of : the South Yadkin Baptist Association will be held with New Hope' church, this county, 29th instant The discussions win be oonducted by Elders Rooke, Boone and Woodson and Messrs. W. B. Clement, J. B. Holman, J.&. Bndeers, . J. latum and D.llom. The heart of our entire community has gone out in sympathy to Mr. and 'Mrs. lieni. x uous. in me annexion which has come upon them in the loss of their baby boy, William Bobbins, who died last Sunday morning at 5 o clock of cholera infantum. "A little ooffin casts a long shadow, and this one nas cast its snadow over more hearts than those of the stricken pa rents. Tbree Editors. Joe Howard's Letter. I saw - Carl Schurz, John Hay and (jnaries A. uana to-day. scnurz was striding past Delmonico's with two young ladies, one ; a very pretty and distingue damsel. Carl is very tall, very thin, very red. So is his nose, and his stomach seems, concave, instead of round and full. He has taken a hefty 10D m tne Jfost. uid Tweed poor old man used to say he could buy Bryant easier than any omer editor in Jew York. "All I have to is to give Boggs a printing 10b. Tnat fixes -Bryant. But Tweed was an awful liar was he Dr wasn't he? The job department of the Post has always been profitable. Mr. Schuzr is an able, competent man on the stump, but he isn't: worth his pretzel as a practical journalist. He doesn't age a bit. He is just as lone. angular, carrotty and courtly as when 1 first met rum in tn wilds of St. Louis years and years ago. Johri Hay is a brief, dapper little man, with restless eyes ana a Diiurcatea oeara. 1 was sitting on a keg in front of Koster & Bial's when he came trotting along like a ooiiector alter a Din. Me is a well- bred fellow and he butters his bread thick. I always liked him. His "Lit tle Breeches were quite the fashion once, but that ended him as anoet The Tribune fellows find him bland, but severe. Brother Dana mellows as he ripens. He bowls along the streets as an ocean wav&sweeps up the beach. He hasn't changed a whit in ten years. vynen jl was ascnooiDoy l.neard him make republican "speeches in Brook lyn, in German and English. I worked him for a while in, later vears and nnv. eraiawntnutioi temper once, -Dana is a good friend, a bitter hater, and one of the few editors whe, read exchanges. ououuiuk uu but? otcpo Ui. tiio own DUUU- ing waSAsaac: Wilberforce, England, one of the chief 'prrjiphetors and pub lishers of the Sww England, started as a roller-boy in the Tribunp, worked up to city edit6r,joined Dana in Chi ago, went inblb$Bun with him, and: after a f ewf?nnth&$ city editor gave way to Aniirn's and took hold of th llishingsBand was made assileglrasfeem'sToperty, and hasf roligWltrp than banttapWUlJi! hfc.f50tjDf $250,000 a but tremendous- He, PTflWS older. He knows a good man when he meets nim, ana you "will never find him closeted . with any : of the commune gang, who shout in public, but are mighty careful of their pennies in pri vate. Iittck y Paraon San rranclico Chronicle. ,, ' - ; The Rev. Dr. N. W.Conkling, pastor of the Rutgers Presbyterion , Church, ? YoI City, has recently arrived B California tQ enjoy-a seasoa of rest an recreation. His lines seem to have falleH m unusually pleasant places a JBUccessf ul pastorate in the Arch Street Church, PhUadelphia, Bulgers ChhrcriwnPAh7 i7irt eaAfSrnehSffif WowrrSS1? v'i?Z'V"2 ars W to me be- his own congregation, but with other denominations., -A wealthy Episcopa lian widow, who became interested in ureacmng nas Deen very bountiful to him and his family. She sent; him, his wife i, and daaghter to Europe pay ing all the expenses of the trip. On his return he found that she had bought . . a mansion for him at a costof $TO,000,i.and. not content with .liintedJdrs. Conkling, who innn n - vv WWS . 'I's niakvi BY ITS USX. i Burnett's Coco. Ine will keep the hair In a strong md.heaittr condl the roots of the hijr pn Coring ;thr mitaral action joh whlchlts fcwwtl depends. Twenty years : ago a single botae : saer lady's hair In a desperate case wherteveiTiciher treatment had failed; and since that early mecess thousands of eases of baldness, dandruff loss of hair, and Irritation of 1 TBe Bupertotl of Cuinetl'sl llivorlng Xxtraets consUU ln their perfect purity and great strength. anaMMSasiaiassBPjSBBailiaaaaaiMaaaHj FIL1S CURED by Liebig Co's Arnlcated Extract Sw,.?Melt;"0l- H16' . D VLJU Cthehlcago Medical poller, aayt t lit ha ex- trAordinsjy power over tha disease." J ProfeMor bktneyBtogrtria) University Medical College,, uniuvn, ntji; i osto ivuuu u amgiiiarij nunomni ftd.Bwafooi worthls imitations. Also cures the AeuMslisTAcatarrh-Btrturalgla. Sold in Welisnfe Charlotte, N7c. It should be generaljy known, that Simmons Liver Regulator, prepared by T. H. ZeTlin Co., Is relied upon to iecDie ' to ttia people immunity, ftom an malarial dfaoqas.iiaatitbl8 medicine does vhA U Aladped tot B 11 pMed Jar tti4po ladtrvUdtMylnifl -wfaei has . lived la! the ftovtlP UireeLyeanaas no!loubt ieea eoiatlM effects and tbe protection it gltes acalnst the return of this weakening and dangerous malady '! i ; : t " , . Hi . ' " ' km BKDVOSD iXOX AXD IBOK 8PEIHG8 WiTBB USD Misa The neat tonic and alterative contains twice as modi iron and fifty per cent, more alum- lnum thanjuu.'uuum and Jion mass" Known; Just the thlngior the "spring weakness" now bo general. Sold braU- drnggtets of any standm. Prices reduced one half. . . .. mayil tr ' " ' : ; ' 1 . : ; JEDWrjf BOOTH. it "It did me much good,", says this celebrated ae tor. In speaking of the Lieblg Co's Coca Beef Ton- c. Beware oi lmiiaaons. ask. ror uoca -oeei x oinc ...... .-.j yy. EDMATISi I WQuralgfi, ScidHca, Lumbago, Uaciabh&i. Soreness, of the Chest, ' : Q out, Quinsy, Sqr$ throat, Swell ing and. Sprains, Bums and Scalds r General Bodily Pain s, ' Tooth, Ear and Headache, Frosted Feet and Ears, and all other Pains and Aches. No Preparation on earth equals Sr. Jacobs Oil as a safe, sure, simple and cheap : External Remedy. A trial an tails but the comparatively trifling outlay of 60 Cents, and every one suffering with pain can have oheap and positive proof of it ohtimi. - , Directions in Eleven Languages. S0 BY AL?. DBU&GI3T8 AHO DE1LES3 IF MEDICINE. A. VOGEUER fc CO., Baltimore, Xi., U.M.M deeSOdAw ly a AW OPEN AMONG THE LADIES The brilliant, fascinating tints of Complexion for which ladies strive are chiefly arti ficial, and all who will take the trouble may; ' secure ; them. These roseate, bewitching hues follow the use ofHagan's Hag nolia Balm a delicate, harm less and always reliable article, Sold by all draggistSe The Magnolia JBalm conceals very blemish, TemoYes Sal lowness, Tan, Redness, Erup tions, all eyidences . of exeite pient and eyery iniperfectionJ Klta effects are Immediate and 90 natural that no human being candetect Ks.applieation ; . M I I Jan. '22 if yon feel dun, drowsy, debilitated, have fre uueiKiesaacnes, mootn tastes badly, poor appe tite, and tongue coated, you are suffering Irom tor- tu uvci, or uuuuusness," ana notning will cure iw bv Bvmuuj una permanenuy as to laKe bim mona Llrei Regulator or Medicine. ; . ; v The cheapest imrest aiui Deai jramuy Mea lctne In the world l An effectual sDeclflc for all diseases of the Liver, Stomach and bDleen. I Regulate ' tha Lirer and prevent Chills and Fever. Ma larious Fevers, Bowel Complaints, Bestless- jmlm hi. i1. ness.janndloe.nausea r-' '.'f 'y 8 ID BBS ATS. Nothing Is so nneasant; nothing: so common, as bad breathy and In nearly every ease It comes from the stomach, and can be so easily corrected If you will take Simmons Liver Regular. Do not neglect so sure a remedy for this repulsive disor der. It will also lmDrove tout auDetite. comDlex- lon and general health. PILES! How many suffer torture day after day, making life a burden and robbing existence of all pleas ure, owing to the secret suffering from piles. Tet relief is ready to the hand of almost every one who will use systematically the remedy that has perma nently cured thousands. Simmons Liver Regula tor is ho drastic, violent purge ; hut a. gentle assis tant to nature. CONSTIPATION Should not be regarded as a trifling ail ment In fact nature demands the utmost regularity of the bowels, and any deviation from this demand paves the way often to serious danger. It is quite as necessary to remove impure aecummulatlons from the bowels as It Is to eat or sleep, and no health can be expected where a costive habit of body prevails. 8ECK EJEADACHX. This distressing affliction occurs most frequent ly. The dl8tarbance of the Btomaeh, arising from the imperfectly digested contents, causes a severe pain in the head, accompanied with disagreeable nausea, and this constitutes what Is popularly known as sick headache. CAUTION. Buy no powders or prepared SIM MONS LIVER REGULATOR unless In our en graved wrapper with trade mark, stamp and sig nature unbroken. None other is genuine. Manufactured only by J. H. ZEILIN k CO. , Philadelphia, Pa. Sold by an druggists. Uunl8,eod,d&wly OB JOY'S l0tfeOVSD ELECTRIC . DEVICES, BtdUi Band oHhaUhlwrsiiyw i O. SI 1 iiicney'i DR. JOY'S ELECTRIC DEVICES saxrenng; mm hsu'Iobm WsaknsiMs. Cabi. m diaease rwulUBg from Asrsxs and Othm GOJ y asaffiU5tl with -EhevaC go'vtUl Organs AiaowoMiat trou ttlad with DlaMses peculiar to their sex. - PAt reUefand compltu mtoKtionto health ffuantntd. TlaBB ur ka mmlw snaw an -ia aaiv rciAarfa IC mwmm esav and thr7T the-klsrlJaVlS.1111 . ' - ill .1 Mmtvm EE I. WILL BEHD PTU33S. 1.) olMrsuftd .n A li efterOis.H ' GO. TO tit AND LOOK AT HIS LARGE STOCK OF lry ALL OP WHICH HE SELLS LOW FOR CASH. All Goods Warranted as Rep resented, both in Weight and Quality. WATCH GLASSES 10 CENTS EACH. declS l&tZlVXVLZBVLS. SPRING OPENING. WE HAVE NOW IN STORE FOB TELE Spring and Summer Trade The Largest, Finest and MOST COMPLETE STOCK OF FINE MILLINERY, WHITE GOODS, TRIMMINGS. NOTIONS And all kinds of FANCY DRY GOODS For Ladies and Children We have ever had the pleasure of showing OUR STOCK OF GLOVES, HOSIERY, FANS, PlRASOLS, TRIMMINGS, NECKWEAR. AND CORSETS Is not surpassed In the city. We have HATS OR BONNETS TO FIT THE HEAD AND POCKET OF EVERT LADY, MISS AND CHILD. Our Pattern Hats and Bonnets will be open MONDAY, APRIL 44. An examination of our stock will convince any lady that we stand head In styles and prices in our line. . MRS. P. QUERY Will be found in the store to wait on her friends and customers. IS We have secured the services of Mr. M. B. Steel, who would be pleased to see his friends and customers. MRS. P. QUERY. apl2 F n 1U As the name Indicates, surpasses all 5 ent Cigars Ever sold In this market. SOLD ONLY BY PERRY. Junll Mew Peaches, in.;.. . 7 JUST RECEIVED For Saturday's Trade, AT PERRY'S. lunll RoreGtonaS: Cologne All Fairoei MMhMKii7iTrnr!TfTTT ammiaenhl with :psia, Rhetna-! lism-Neural cria. roe Bnml ' tpMtaj ya w betw4gented and 'oi uvr i . . ii a you an wutin2 awa .wka CcMuumobon. D,Z 7!jemTf avy mmiiiim inu will WGuiger Tonw the greatest Blood Fi W IWaalBMav joa wiU find Ht LHHttagtmrttfc.towrroeutfiM S?.JVor te BQters and Mhte Tonics, as Jtl - wm mjsam, bus sever imoncatcs, $04 ct.aBdfi wet. icgk & C6..Chemiit.N. yA BtnuMratPaBdrot lHAIR DAWAM lulylO Ptvrtata Balaam KaMrwCslan , . PROF. A. BIDEZ office, Lock Box 222 uunio weoa le College, , i GREENSBORO, N. C. . fn. . .... !; , mmUM Of 20 WXUtf jBoard and Tuition In full Ingulh courii Charge for extra studies modeK mm 8 Tor particulars appiffor Ottaiem to 1 ' v ' "- . - . M. aO Ed. PrMldnt JfillilTJlllFS Jewe T m i ' DM Greensbofo rem MmA Rw TaMe Hnrllt Carolina R, e Date,May 15 '81 No. 47 Dally No. 49 Daily No. 43, Daily 4.15 pm "4.80 pm 6.07 pm 7.57 pm 8.18 pm for Hleh m'nd only Lv. Charlotte. " A-lur Depot ; " Junc't " Salisbury. . ArxGreensboro Lv.Greensboro ArKBaleleto" "J ' LvJN1 . : .1 . : Atr.GoMarjOTO 1' Lv. Greensboro for Richmond , Lt. Danville., , " N: DanviUjj ' " BarttBdale ' " Drak'sBTclT ' " Jetersville Arr. Tomahawk A it. Belle Isle Lv. " " Arr.Manchfster Arr. Richmond 4.05 A "J i i 411 i .5.56 A 8.08 A 8.25 i 6.15 AM 6.20 AM 7.50 am 9.30 am 9.50 AM 1.40 1 1.4ft PM 4.00 FM 8.25 PM 1021 am 10.27 am 1058 am 11.31 AM 11.83 AM 12.01 PM 12.87 pm 2 24 pm 8.20 pm 4.05 pm 1.20 pm 2.55 PM 8.51 pm 4.28 pm 4.85 PM 4.88 PM 4.43 am 4.10 pm 4.13 pm 4.18 pm 728 TRAINS GOING SOUTH. Date,May 15 '80 No. 42 Daily. No. 48 Daily. No. 50 Dally Lv. Richmond " Burkeville Arr. N. Danville Lv. " Danville Arr. Greensboro Lv. " " Salisbury 10.45 pm 12.00 m 2.43 pm 6.05 pm 6.18 PM 8.17 pm 8.87 pm 10.33 pm 12.15 AM 12.20 AMI 2.25 a 7 00 7.25 i 7.27 am 9.26 am 9.31 AM 11.16 AM 12.45 PM 1.00 PM Arr. A L. Junction " Charlotte Lv. Richmond " Jetersville " Drak'sBr'ch " Barksdale " Danville " Benaja " Greensboro " Salisbury Arr. A-L. Junction Lv. " " Arr. Charlotte 2.55 pm 441 pm H.07 pm 7.25 pm 751 pm 8.55 pm R27 PM 1 1.05 pm 12.2ti AM 12.36' AM SALEM BRANCH. NO. 48 Daily, except Sunday. Leave Greensboro 9.40 pm Arrive Salem 11.40 pm NO. 47 Daily, except Sunday. Leave Salem 7.8O am Arrives Greensboro y.00 am NO. 42 Daily, except Sunday. Leave Greensboro 10.00 am Arrives Salem 11.30 am NO. 43-Daily. Leave Salem 5.ao pm Arrive Greensboro 7.30 pm Limited malls Nos. 49 and 50 will only make short stoppages at points named on the schedul Passengers taking train 49 from Charlotte will get aboard at the R. 4 D. R. R. depot This train makes close connection at Greensboro for Raleigh Goldsboro Newbeme and all points on Wilming ton A Weldon Railroad. Passenger trains No. 47 and 48 make all loom stops between Charlotte and Richmond, and be tween Greensboro, Raleigh and Goldsboro, No. 47 making connection with W. N. O. R. at Salisbury for Ashevllle (Sundays excepted), and also con necting at Greensboro with Salem Branch (Sun day excepted). ... Passenger trains Nos. 42 and 43 make all local stops between Charlotte and Richmond, except Query's, Harrisburg, Cnlna Grove, Holtsburg, Lln wood and J amestownv; No. 43 connects with Salem Branch at Greens boro. A. POPE, Gen. Pass, and Ticket Agent, mayl8 Rlchmond.Va. SEASONABLE GOODS. FLY FANS & TRAPS, BATH TUBS, SPRINKLERS, ICE CREAM FREEZERS. OIL STOVES AND THE le For summer use, Just in. THE FINEST LINE OF Coot-Stoves and Sewing Machines IN THE CITY. Orders and correspondence solicited at the Hard ware Store and Sewing Machine House of RICHARD MOORE, Trade Street, Charlotte, N. a kaju v. w. muptwiw. so long and favorably Known In mnnMHnn sHti faACiAHn u.,ni.i.,n niu avu? OCnlUK JUciAJil 111" business of this city and vicinity, is now with me and would be pleased to see his Mends tml vauuus iuiu scire uiem as neretoiora. MMOJ .54 .... . ....... j ABSOLUTELY HEALTHFUL OVT.V fKV TTfl aYXWufruTTT . 1. i.f er brands hal1 UTOal l110 required of oth- CHARM MANUFACTURING CO. , New York and SU Louis. We keep the "Charm" in stock, and can recoin- DlAnn It. tA hA ffiv aiinarifv. .... .1 i . I . . oAvjiim auu mure cvuiivlu11 than any other in the market. . DAVIDSON k BEALL. apr5,eodmo . Charlotte. N. Druggist by Examina Go to W. P. 1I1RYL, igent, and Successor to F. Scan & Co. FOB Fresh Drugs and Pure Medicines None but the Very est Drugs lAVi1,1?7 8.to-. Also. Toilet and Fancy Articles. Perfumeries, Combs, Brushes, Tooth JBrusnes, At, &. GARDEN SEEDS of ail the best varieties, and warranted to be good. Physicians' prescriptions are given mc lal. attention. ru.?re l? "Pelve a share of puiuK tnatfe. I am, respectfully, b8 w. PVMARVIN, A gt. Doub Quick Cook Stove Bedford Alum :k Iron Springs. toMi!!rtSSf 2"??! ot DOttt health ami K iinSiS tte " People, and anu'le 5ffiM,Sl9 U the comforts, conveniences, t SSri"!! .P amusements. laiihMSiTj 'i'WT bu. hunting and flsii ihSuf.2i5,??' M0tof, gymnasium and cails-hT-aiViH18 bowling, churches and dm P'gjgwjg mail, cuisine A l. i ; tTIre?te?i.tonl0 and alterative waters known. .iT1!? 80 Kndowedby the prof; 'fMtlwwandaof eurea, Moie largely ami a4 tlutn any springs in the South. Water iSLWt5S? lnto wtolnlng all its curativJ properties and sent by mall anywhere. Salts per wciiy soluble and easlhj dissolved, producing nst uial watr. -Five gallons of water In every ounce of s Pts. or mass, -. . . . rd- SySpernumthi $10 per week; $2 per UrriAges meet visitors at '''oreat' or Lawyer tKSi&VZL. station lour miles itom springs, over good read. ' ' 'amhosm t tilU' v.-SATIXa, Pres't AM 0 i H H i a u r H A sits.

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