t) f)arloiU bstroer. LOCAL 1$TELU(EXCE TUESDAY, JULY 12, 1881. SOCIETY DIRECTORY. Phalanx Lodqi No. 81, A. F. A A. M. Regular meeting every second and fourth Monday nights. rxcklsiob LOD6I No. 261, A.F.4A. M. Beg mar uicnuit era iuh auu uuru xuesaoy nignM. chablottx Chaftxb Na 89, B. A. M. Regular meeting every second and fourth Friday nights. Charlotte Come and art no. 2, K. T. Regular meeting every first and third Thursdays. IEC. OP TT, Knights of Honor. Regular meeting every second and fourth Thursdays. TC- 03P 1?- Knights of Ptthias. Regular meeting nUhts first and third Wednesdays, 7 o'clock p. in. at Ma sonic Temple Hall. I. O. O. IF- Charixjttk Lodge No. 88. Meets every Mon day nlgnt MKCKLENBUBfl DKSl.ARATION LODGK Na 9. Meets every Tuesday night. Dixre Lodgk No. 108. Meets every Thursday night. Catawba Rivkk Encampment No. 21. Meets -K rst and third Thursday nights In each month. THE "WHISKEY CASES nnK iHnw AdTnirnionui. Grand Rt-crehtffn Tour S.J Ferry. August drawing Louisiana State Lottery. Summer Goods Wittkowaky & Barut-h. HME PENCILINRR, E3f We rise to remark that the weather was decidedly warm yesterday. tSF Even the fruit trees are dying from the effect of the dry weather and intense heat of the sun. C" Mrs. M. C. Tate will build a residence on the vacant lot at the corner of Ninth and Tryon streets. IW People in the city are frequently startled at night by pistol reports. The habit is a lawless one and should be discontinued. 53 At a late hour Saturday night Christopher Lomax, colored, threw a rock at William Northey, which struck him on the ear and disfigured it badly. A farmer named Earl, who lives about two miles from the city, is the owner of a four-legged chicken. The story is vouched for by parties who have seen the fowl. EIT The woodlawn picnic Saturday was a splendid success. A genuine old fashioned picnic dinner, the usual games, dancing and the enjoyment of woodland strolls were the chief pas times. tW Professor Winchell announces that "the sun is cooling off." Glad to hear it Charlotte people may take courage, although the thermometer has gone into summer quarters for the balance of the season at about 98. Hr They do say that "all signs fail in dry weather," but the weathdrwise predict rain here in a day or two be cause the sun set behind a bank of clouds Sunday evening. Send us more clouds if they will bring the necessary amount of moisture to produce rain. E3T The public school fund for many of the districts in the county for the school year of 1880-'81, is exhaust ed. Teachers taking schools in these districts will have to wait until after September, when the sheriff begins the collection of taxes, for their money. Joe Ross, one of the principals in the murder of Bob Hennegan, contin ues to be a bug-a-boo to colored people in the country. Dozens of them in dif ferent portions of the country are ready to swear that they have seen him, fully armed, lurking about in their different neighborhoods after dark. JSP" The Augusta merchants have combined against the Charlotte, Colum bia & Augusta Railroad to get a reduc tion of freight rates. It is understood that they have almost unanimously signed an agreement not to ship or re ceive shipments over the road unless their demands are complied with. EsT Letters addressed as follows are held at the postofflce injthis city for the causes named: J. M. Ray & Co., Fair Haven, Conn. ; Stern & Bros., West 23d street, New York : Hutson L,ee, Charles ton, S. C: George Simmons, Lynchburg, Va.; George Clark, Ambers county, Harris Creek, P. O. ; are held for post age. Postmaster, Broad River, N- C. ; W. W. Brooker, Ridger, S. C; Miss Ilejen B. Johnston, Norfolk, Va.; un-mailable. Wilful Destruction of a. Churchyard About 12 o'clock Saturday night a whole pannel of the new fence which has just been built around the yard of the Episcopal church was torn down. The police quietly investigated the matter yesterday and traced the deed to two young men of the city. It is understood that they represent it as the act of a wanton, moment and sprang from no feeling of malice. "They were- summoned to appear before the mayor this morning. Once more Antt-Prohibtion Score to Victory The whiskey men scored their first victory, y esteaday, before the courts. The case of the city against Elliott & Remley to recover the penalty of $50 for an alleged violation of the prohi bition ordinances recently enacted for bidding the sale of spirituous liquors "for use a3 a beverage." was called be fore Justice Hilton at the hour ap pointed. The right of challenge was exhausted on both sides before the jury of six men was finally impan elled. John T. Schenck was then called as a witness and testified substantially, that he purchased whiskey of the de fendants on the 24th of June ultimo, without any intention, however, at the time of the purchase of using it as a beverage. Here the city rested its case: The defense contended" that if Schenck had no intention at the time he procured the whiskey of using it as a beverage that under the principlethat requires criminal law4 to be strictly construed, a verdict must be rendered in their favor. ' ut presuming the question of fact to be proven, the next question would bp,Mwere" the prohibi tion ordinances valfd? They were pass ed by a number of men' sitting as a board of aldermen whose official exis tence had, in reality, expired by virtue of its limitation, in the preamble of the ordinances themselves they say that they are enacted to carry out a sen timent of trie people as expressed at the ballot box, a few days before, when the very result of that election had been the choice of another set of men to car ry out the people's wishes. It was their province to say what those wishes were and it was not competent for the old board whose term had expired to come together and anticipate legislation on the subject. Other grounds taken were that the right conferred upon the board of aldermen by the legislature to grant and cancel licenses, did not imply a right to prohibit everybody from the sale of liquor, but only for certain men, and these for good and sufficient cause ; and, also, that the ordinances could not be made to apply to whole sale dealers, for the reason that they were not required to have license, but simply to pay a privilege tax, the col lection of which the city might enforce, but had no power, further, to compel tnem to stop tneir Dusiness. These positions were argued ably and at great length by the counsel on both sides. Justice Hilton, in putting the case to the jury, charged in favor of the city on the question of law. and, in regard to the question of fact that is, wheth er Schenck had purchased the liquor for use as a beverage, that if they found that it was his intention to use it as a beverage at the time he bought it, they were to find in favor of the city ; but if not, the defendants were entitled to their verdict. The jury retired, and in less than an hour returned a verdict of acquittal. The news got abroad about dusk, and created quite a sensation on the streets. Anti-prohibitionists were evidently highly pleased over the result, and it was remarked that they could be dis tinguished by the broad smiles in which a number indulged. "What- will be the effect of this decision we will not un dertake to predict. ; Novel Way to Kill a Snake. One day last week, Tom El wood, who is well known in Charlotte, was in town, and filled up pretty considerably on the ardent. On his way home, a colored man driving his wagon, he discovered a moccasin snake by the road side. He ordered his driver to stop and got out to kill the snake. Catching his snake ship with a strong grasp in his right hand, 'about amidships, the reptile showed vigorous fight and bitElwood three times on the arm. Becoming in censed at such treatment he asserted with an oath that he would not be out done as a bitist, and attempted to get the snake s head into nis own mouth with a view of returning the compli ment In his attempt to do so the snake again bit him severely on the cheek, which only rendered him more furious. He finally succeeded in get ting a death grip on the snake with his teeth and actually bit off its head. Strange to say the snake's bites, usually considered poisonous, had no appreciable affect upon El wood, who now announces that he is a rampant anti-prohibitionist, because he thinks the whisky in him at the time probably saved his life. If he will go back to first principles we think he will find good reason for being on the prohibi tion side, because none but a drunken man would tackle a snake after that style. AntI-Prohiltlot la Berry hill Town ship. Pursuant to a short notice a portion of the voters of Berry hill township as sembled at Collins' Store last Saturday, the 9th, at 3 p. m,! for the purpose of declaring against the prohibition bill, and to organize for the campaign. The meeting was called to order by G. W. Sloan, and J. W. Brown was re quested to act as secretary. A commit tee consisting of R. R. Ray, David Weaver, Joseph Cathey, J.Robeson and W. L. Hoover, was appointed to nomi nate permanent officers and suggest resolutions. The committee retired and ok returning suggested that the meeting resolve itself into an Anti-Prohibition club, to be known as the Ber ryhill Anti-Prohibition club, and sug gested the names of the following gen tlemen as officers, viz: President G. W. Sloan, 1st Vice-President W. A. Freeman, ' 2d Vice-Presidentr-Watson Parks, Secretary J. W. Brown. The suggestion was unanimously adopted. The following resolutions were also reported and uanimously adopted: Resolved, 1st, That we are unquali fiedly opposed to drunkenness, believ ing the habit to be sinful in the sight of God, and degrading in the eyes of man, but we would rest the evil where it belongs and punish the parties that are guilty. 2nd, That we believe this sugar coat ed measure called prohiDition to De in its incipiency concocted in the interest of the few, and for the oppression of the many, and not tending either to the moral or religious elevation of the people, but on the contrary on account of the inquisitorial interference with personal rights will tend to provoke the people to resort to smuggling and numerous other devices to evade its unjust operation, so that we honestly fear the proposed cure will be worse than the disease. 3rd, That we, as good citizens, feel that it is a duty we owe ourselves and our fellow men to oppose this meas ure. 4th, That as voters in Berryhill town ship we hereby pledge ourselves indi vidually and collectively to use all legitimate means for the defeat of this insidious measure called prohibition, and we most cordially invite every voter regardless of past political affilia tions to join us and vote with us on the 4th day of August, when we intend to roll up such majority as will cause those reckless invaders of personal rights to quail and show to the world that we are watchful of the God given heritage "our personal liberties." On motion a working committee of fifteen were appointed, viz: D. Weav er, J. M. Wilson, Chas. B. Todd, W. L. Hoover, Joseph Cathey, J. T. Grier, J. Lee Suggs, D. F. Kelly, Green Potts, Thomas Stewart, Levi Stevens, Lucius Alexander and Harry Watt On motion The Charlotte Ob server, Democrat and Southern Borne, were requested to copy the proceedings ot tne meeting, and tne ciud adjourned Alabama-Class A. 2 to K Class A, small... " Class B, B'n Class O, 4'S- 80 80 P5 82 Sab4rosury balances Gold... $74,325,370 - ; f- Carreney..,. tt.274,561 ' CITY YTTON VABlttfl. orfun oar m onmn, i CHABLOTT. Joly 12, 1881. I The. Inarftet yeaterday closed quiet; unchanged. ood'Mlddllnjt..r - 10 Strictly middling Mlddllnc.....- -i -.-- - Strict tow mlddltnL Low middling. Tinges 8aS Lower grades Receipts yesterday, 12 bales. FBI Charlotte Produce 9Iarket. JULY 8. 1881. BUYING PRICKS, Cobs, per bush'! Miai " VlUT. " Bkaxs, white, per bushel. .. . 8oa85 ... 72a75 1.10al.25 1.2fia.BO Peas. Clay, per bosh ftOal.OO l.BU 7680 8.2R 8.00 2.7S 60a65 Lady. White, TtiOtTB Family. Extra..... Super DAMON S BEAU, DURING DURING oats, shelled. DRTJED Fmrrr ADDles. Der ID. Peaches, peeled... - Unpeeled Blackberries Potatoes flWwMt Irish. 1.60al.75 North Carolina: . Bees, per dozen.. POULTRY-? Chickens Spring Ducks Turkeys, per Q. iiocse 4tta0 lRa20 7al0 Ba6 60a75 20a25 15al8 25a30 1 fial 8 25a27 85a40 Bxxr, per lb., net 5a6 IIdttom, per DO., let. Pom, wholesale. Bulk Meats Clear Rib Sides QVt&k Coffee Prime BJo. 14al8tt Good. 12al6 St mii p Sugar-house. 80 Molasses Cuba 82aS5 Sugar Syrup 8650 Choice New Orleans , . . 50a00 Common 40&45 Salt LlTerpoolfine 1.00al.25 Coarse 1.10al.25 SlJOAK White. lOalltt YeUow 8al0 Whisht Corn, per gallon Sl.80a.40 Bye, " S125a8.00 Bhandy Apple, per gallon. 92. lU&z-zo 1.00 THE SEASON, WILL BECEIVE SIX CAB LOADS PER WREK (AND MORE ir NECESSARY.) TO SUPPLY THEIR TRADE. JUST THINK: IE CAR LOAD Delicious Georgia Meloas, FRESH AND GENUINE, WE HAVE JUST RECEIVED ANOTHER CASE of otjb CELEBRATED 50 CENT CORSETS, Far superior in lit and duality to any other ever mtrexfoeed In this city, sizes running from 18 to 8a ALSO, A BEAUTIFUL ASSORTMENT OP Eaadies' Xainen "Ulsters, In various styles at exceedingly low prices. Look at our beautiful PRINTS, lust received, only 7c per yard: H. MORRIS & BRO. Jun2 NEW STORE! RODDICK &CO., TRYON STREET, ' We have without any exception the CHEAPEST LINE OF STAPLE AND FANCY DBY GOODS, TINWARE, ETC.. EV1R OFFERED IN THIS SECTION OF THE COUNTRY. LAWNS. A new lot of those 6 cent Lawns Just received. QUILTS. roncy Comb, full size, 80c;Merrlmac, large, $1; Bates, extra large, 91.25. CORSETS The best value In the market at 40c; extra qua'lty 75c all sizes. TOWELS Pure linen 15c: 42 Inch German linen, double damask, 25c; these are a decided bargain. FANS All styles and kinds, very cheap; palm leaf fans, two for 5c. SILK Eureka and Balding Bros, spool slik, 100 yards, 10c per spool; variegated working silk in hanks, 25c per dos. NEEDLES Roberts' Gold Eyed and Crowley's Drilled Eyed Needles, 5c per paper. SPOOL COTTON The ladles' favorite, 600 yards on dnz, Ec a doz; fil Franceis, 500 yaids on spool, 5c pel spool; Coats' Spool Cotton, 65c per doz. W-STRICTLI CASH and ONE PRICE. JulylO RODDICK & CO. FseiITa As Any House in the State ! to meet on Saturday, July 23rd, at 2 p. m. J. W. Brown, Secretary. Peach, Wine, Scuppernong, per gallon.. RETAIL. Cheese.... 20 Labd. perm iZVi Tallow, per lb : . . 8al0 Baooh N.C.hogTound 1011 Hams.N.C IS Hams, canvassed. 14al5 Bice 8al0 FBtrrr Apples, Northern, per bbl 8.25a.50 Mountain, " 8.00 Fish Mackerel-No. 1 1.25 " Na 2 100 " -No. 8 75 Codfish 15 Cabbage, per lb. 6 EVERY DAY! Large Arrivals of FRESH IRISH POTATOES, grogs and pXcjflltciTixs, DWI My store Is 145 ft long on the first floor and 140 ft. on the second, and I cany an LEMONS, ORANGES, IMMENSE STOCK 1881. SPRING STOCK. 1881. PEACHES, TOMATOES, -OF well-selected- BECAUSE It adds to personal beauty by restor ing color and lustre to faded or gray balr, and Is beneficial to the scalp, is why Parker's Pair Bal sam Is such a popular dressing. MARKETS BY TELEGRAPH gm framEtismtttte. CANTALOUPES, IF HI ITT IDE IE JULY 11. 1881. PRODUCE. Balttjiobb Night Oats Western white 86a37 do mixed 85a86, Pennsylvania . Provisions mess pork 17.50 for old; new 18.00; bulk meats loosetshoulders , clear sides , ditto packed 7a9Vi bacon shoulders 7, clear rib sides lOty, hamsl2al2& Lard refined tierces 12 Coffee Bio cargoes ordinary to fair 9lfeall& Sugar A son 10. wnisKey l.izai.i CntOTHHAH Flour family Ei.80a5.50, fancy 5.90a6.50. Wheat Na 2 red winter l.lRa.17. Corn at 49tta,60. Oats at 41. Pork at S17.00. Lard at ll.ttO. Bulk meats shoulders 6.50, ribs 9; bacon shoulders 74, ribs 9A4, clear sides 10.25. Whiskey at 1.08. Sugarhards 104feallV8, New Orleans 734a8. Hogs common and light 4.50a6.15. packing and butchers 6.00a 0.85. New Yore Southern flour steady; common to fair extra 5.2S&5.75. irood to choice 5.80a7.50. Wheat ungraded spring 80al.l6Uk Corn , unloaded 49a56M. Oats 42a for Na 8. Cof feeBio cargoes 9JAal2& Sugar fair to good refining 7a8, prime 8ig; refined standard A 9U). Molasses New- Orleans 80a55, Porto Rico 86a55. Rosin 2.05a2.10. Turpentine 41. Wool domestic fleece 84a45, pulled 20a40, unwashed 12a82, Texas 14a30. Pork new at 1 7.37 Via. 60, old ; middles long clear 91. short clear 9, long and short . Lard 12.20. COTTON. Fine Watermelons EVERY DAY, AT C. L. ADAMS'S, DOOB BELOW CHARLOTTE HOTEL and Fresh Vegetables of all Descriptions. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. A full line of FIRST July7 COFFINS OFFIN3 AND AND CASKETS. ASKETS. Dris and Medicines OF EVERY DESCRIPTION JAS. F. JOHNSTON, General Agent for BAY STATE ENGINES GROCERIES Gone to Richmond Mr. Willis E. Peeram has crone to Richmond to reside. Genial, beloved and popular, in his departure society loses a favorite and private life a whole souled friend and companion. He leaves a void not easily filled. The friend of everybody, his absence will be generally regretted, and the sincer est wish, perhaps, will be, not so much for his success abroad as that the ties which bind him to us will prove too strong to be broken away from, and will eventually draw him back to his native place. Away from ibe City Capt. John Wilkes and. family have sought a refuge from the mid-summer heat in Asheyille. " Col. John L.Morehead and daughter, Maggie, departed Saturday afternoon to swell the throng of pleasure seekers at Cleaveland Springs. Quite a party of Charlotte people took a run up to Cleaveland Saturday evening, spent Sunday at the Springs and returned to the city yesterday morning. Miss Laura Yates is "spending the summer on tbe Sound" near Wilming ton. ' ' Mr- and Mrs. II. C. Eccles will start on their usual summer tour North day Hfter to-morrow. Tbe Hopewell Copper in 1 ne. The Baltimore Sunday News pub lishes the following item in regard to this mine. Messrs. Codb and Gorter called on us yesterday and assured us that the Baltimore newspaper had about gotten the facts: "The Hope well Copper Mining Company of Balti more, has been recently reorganized, and on a more solid basis has resumed work with vigor. A large quantity of machinery was shipped on Friday last by Messrs. Thomas C. Basshor & Co., the well-known Baltimore machinists, to Charlotte, North Carolina. This ship ment completes the necessary machin ery, and puts the mine in full working order. Mr. J. M. Cone, the well-known builder of this city, witn tne superin tendent, O. G. Gorter, who has so suc cessfully managed the affairs of the Harlem Stage company and its work shoos for three years past, start for the mines on Sunday evening, 10th inst., and will arrive in Charlotte in time to receive the shipment of machinery. They will at. once proceed to em,nloy mechanics and miners, reshafttbe mine and vigorously pursue the working. The Hopewell Mine is located 11 miles northwest of Charlotte and 2 miles from the States ville Railroad. The ore is rich in gold and copper and averages 1 ounce gold and 15 per cent, copper to the ton, an actual result from a recent, assay by Charles Robinson, Esq., of the Charlotte Smelting Works. The out look is very bright for the gentlemen embarked in this enterprise, and from all appearances the stockholders will be fully remunerated for thr outlay of capitaV" Tbe I II neb's of Rl.bop Ueaue, Bishop Keane has many friends in Charlotte, for whose benefit we publish the following dispatch from New York: "The Baulist Fathers, whose princi pal monastery is on the oorner of Fifty ninth street and Ninth avenue, have extended, to the Rt. Rev. John J. Keane, jisnop oi nienmond, Va., an invitation ;o spend the summer at their institu ion at Lake George, in conseauence of the very serious affection of his eves. rom' which he' has been! stiffering for some time past, and which threatens him with total blindness. The Bishop has accepted the offer. Bishop Keane has appointed the Very Rev. Augustine ir Trnnn lata noiitn. n Ok"' 11- ter!s church.' Harpers Ferry, Va., as his Vicar-General for the diocese of Rich mond, and has vested him with full powers to act during his absence." Snldie Mi Dyspepsia. r A most remarkable cure for dyspepsia- "Cell's Health Bene wer." The greatest tonic, best bu llous and lWer remedy known. SI at druggists. Depot, J. H. McAden, Charlotte, N. C. now He Was Cangbu Tom Orr (not Moore, as his name was eiven in Sunday's issue) the youthful highwayman was captured in the suburbs of the city Sunday afternoon. The credit of his capture is due Mr. B. Hand, a clerk in Mr. JjOhn Ti But ler's jewelry store. He saw and recog nized him lurking near a house inhabi ted by some colored people and inform ed Officer Erwin, of the police force. Thn officer stationed himself hear the house while Mr. Hand Undertook to de coy him out, he having by this time gone inside.. Mr. Hand knocked at the door and offered 25 cents to have a note carried to a house around the corner, where the policeman stooa. Aom re sponded and walked into the trap, the policeman pounding tipbn him as he turned the corner. He wiir be' before the mayor this morning. Deth c,f q.n fug CUi$en About timn. Sunday. Cant. Alexander Giiiii, u prominent and useful citizen of the county, died at his residence in Steel Creek, of cholera morbus. Capt. Grier, was about 70 years oia ana was widelv and resDectablv connected. His death was sudden and unexpected, resulting f rom a short but painful ill ness, lie Was buried yesterday after noon in Steel Creek cemetery. Oiltzstoh Firm; middling 1 054; low mlddl'g 9c; good ordinary 8c; net ree'ls '464; gross 267; sales 939; stock 28,008; exp'U coastwise ; to ureal Britain ; continent Norfolk Steady; middling 10c; net receipts 104; gross ; stock 7,926; exports coastwise 527; sales 46; exports to Great Britain. Balttkob Steady ; middling 1 llfeo.low mlddll'g 10 7-1 6c; good ordln'y 9Vc; net ree'ls 154; grosa 550; sales ; stock 4.374; exports coastwise 100; spinners 150; exports to Great Britain 150; to Continent Bostoh Steady, middling lUfcj; low middling; 10c; good ord'y 9c; net receipts 290; gross 1,250; sales : stock 9.890; exports' to Great Britain ; to France. WrLMiH&TOH-Flrm.; middling 10SC;low mid dling 9c; good ordinary 8c; receipts ; gross , sales ; stock 667; exports coast wise 56C; to Great Britain. Pbqxadxlpbll Firm, middling lUfej.; low middling 1-1 c; good ordinary 9V22: net receipts 90 r gross 250; sales ; spinners 440: stock 5,810; exports to Great Britain . Satakhah Firm; middling 10c: low mldd'g 9&; good ordinary 8c; net receipts 455; gross : sales 800; stock 6,240: exp. coast wise 1,094; to Great Britain ; continent . MOBTLB-yulet; middling IOMjc; low middling 9l&c; good ordinary 8Vfec; net receipts 0$: gross ; sales 300; stock 5.777; exp. coast 228: France ; to Great Britain.' MMFHia Firm ; middling 10o; receipts 167 ; 'shipments sales 000: stock 13,772. Augusta Steady ; middling lMfeo.; low mid dllng 10c, good ordinary 8c; receipts 9; shipments ; sales 618. Chabustch Firmer. . middling 10Sc; low mid dling lOVfcc; good ordinary. 9&: net receipts 85; gross ; sales 50; stock 8,575; exports ooastwlse : Great Britain-': continent ' Nzw Yobk Cotton steady; sales 680; mldd'g uplands "1 114c; mld'g Orleans llftc; net receipts 36; grpss 551; consolidated net ree'ls 3-731: exports Great Britain 1,510; continent 452, France . Livxbfool Noon Cotton market hardening; middling uplands Wfrd; mid. Orleans 6 7-1 6o; sales 14,000, speculation and export 1,000; re ceipts 8,500, aU American. Uplands low mid dling clause: July delivery 6 7-1 6d, July and An gust do, August and September 6&d, Septembe 11 and October 6 7-32aMid, uctooer and November 6d. November and December 5 81-82d, January and February d. Futures steady. LiTXBFOOL.' 5 p. m. Sales of American cotton 11,300 bales. Upland low middling clause: June delivery , July and August 6 13-16d. Futures quiet FOB NORTH CAROLINA, SOUTH CAROLINA AND GEORGIA, Every Engine sold giving perfect satisfaction. State Agent for the Medart Pat ent Cold Boiled Wrought Kim Pulleys tbe lightest, strongest and most durable and cheapest pul ley now made. Hot Rolled, polish ed Shafting assorted sixes. Saw Mills, Saws and Belts, complete, with Ltddelfs celebrated Batobet Head Blocks. The Boss Press. The best Bhui. Com and wheat mills complete. Peerless Threshers and Separators. Brown cotton gins, feeders and condensers. wate agem lor me r-errj noyro annv r, the lightest draft and most da rable machine In the market. Also. Wood's Reapers and Mowers, every machine warranted. Jet pumps and in spirators, PIPING AND PIPE TONGS. JUST IN, 3 Car Loads Fresh Virginia Meal. 3 Car Loads Flour, All Grades, Including Brldgewater and Waverly Patent, which excel all other brands. In addition, we have weekly shipments of Motfs Celebrated Sweet Cider, NEW IRISH POTATOES, ASP IN WALL BANANAS, GA. WATERMELONS, FRESH PEACHES, TOMATOES, ETC. Thos. W. Andrews, formerly with Mr. B. Nichols, is now with me. E. M. ANDREWS, (Successor to E. G. Rogers.) WHOLESALE & RETAIL FURNITURE DEALER apr25 St. CHARLES HOTEL STATES VILLE, N. C. mms house has been leased for a term of years JL by Mrs. Dr. Beeyes, whose Intention is to keep a strictly flrst-cJass house In every respect. Commodious sample rooms on first and second floors. The patronage of the public Is solicited. 3ulyl,dtt irvTL, MECHANICAL AND MINING ENGI I NTCltTUNa. At the RENSSELAER POLK TKfiHNTfi TNSTI TTJTE. Trov. N. Y. The oldest engineering school in America. Next term begins SsStAmtwr 1 Kth. The register for 1880-81 con tains a list of the graduates for the past 54 years, with their positions ; aiso, course 01 stuoy, requuu TKDTItJL ATTtATISAfl. Bt& AOOTeSS 1Unl4 OW JJAVli XO. WttXJkWJk, WITOWli READY MIXED PAINTS WHITE LEAD -AND- LINSEED OIL. CONGRESS AND SARATOGA WATER FIoreston; Cologne TVt Istt httVMt sal rail rwiiBH. by dfM in Drufi A Perfum ery. Bignuar 01 nncox m Co . . T . T on CTry bottle. -ALWAYS ON DRAUGHT. . All Farmers, Mothers, Business Men, Median ics, &c, who are tired out by work or worry, and; aB who are miserable with Dyspepsia, Rheuma-. tem. Neuralgia, or Bowel, Kidney or liver Com 'nUnts, you can belnvlgorated and cured by using; FULL STOCX OS- JUST RECJIVED, A NEW LOT OF MACKEREL, IN PACKAGES OF ALL SIZES. Carriages, Phaetons and Buggies, And the celebrated CORTLAND SPRING WAGON. The public Is invited to examine my stock. Par ties wishing to bur machinery are especially re quested to get my prices before baying. I have Just taken the agency fat the eelebxated Daniel Pratt Cotton Gin,, the beat gin by odds now made. Ju2 Come and see It. ("iintmr Tnnfo trii. vrefltest FBest Health J: StrenrthBestorer yoaCaaUsH Cand far superior to Bitters and other Tonics, as itl f builds up the system, dux never iniux-. Cct.and$isiies. Hiotii ft Co.. Chemists, N. Y-1 DtDWDIfi lUmoT Dandruff . rAUKHlia Preyent, Bldne lHAIR BALSAM color. JulylO PROF. A. BIDEZ Prescriptions ca efully piepured by expfilenced and competent druggists, day or nlgbt JOHN H. McADEN. aprll2 For Sale. Ta una vtvUtt to take guages for the summer term. Apply through post- omce, IiOck box zza. uuuio- pupils In music and lan- ign posi 2weod A SECOND HAND Soda water apparatus, rnco low, terms easy. Will be sold separately, if riABtrori. Rflnnratnr and four iountains, naiiu- some counter-piece, marble, cottage style. Tuft's Arctic Tennessee For sale by Dr. T. C. SMITH. 'gXBftssiotml. JAKES F. JOHNSTON. mm oil!!!?.. UHW FUTURES. Nxw Yobk Futures eiosed steady. Bale 88,, 000. ' , . July ll.35a.8a August . 11.41 September - lO.04a.95 C)ciober.. 10.46a.47 November 1Q-?J TtammriAr lU.Sia.BZ January. I0.42a.44 February 10.5tta.57 March: 10,67a.6S SkuT. yus FINANCIAL. Nsw Tom Monev 1.08a4. Exchange 4.'83tt. Governments quiet: new 6s 1.024. Four and half percepts f.14 Four per cents 1.16 Stats bonds. In ught demand. ' Stocks closed as follows. New York Central Brie LAKe snore Illinois CentraL Nashville and Chattanooga, . liotuavuie ana iasnvme ;. . ... riwwirg, Tn r ......... Chicago and Northwestern . ABSOLUTELY HEALTHFUL ONLY ONE TKA8POONTUL to each Quart ot flour one half the usual Quantity required of oth er brands. . . . . mi . New York and St. Louis. Va trMff the "Charm" in stock, and can reeom- 1 mend it to be far superior and more economical tfrn any other In the market. aprS,eod,8mo Charlotte. N. Bedford Alum Iron Springs. WE KEEP IN STOCK A COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF FAMILY GROCERIES FROM WHICH MERCHANTS CAN ALWAYS BE SUPPLIED AT SHORT NOTICE. Ob Band: i,000 Bush. Corn. Z. B. VAKCK. W. H.BAILST. 14414 Wabash. St Lorn APaolfla. IX) preierrea. ...... Hempnis ana uuhmw Bock lsuma... Western union 1.22ft lira hi 88 1.41 93 ! T) BIGHT, PURE. COOL, lovely and peaeefuV Xj The vision g company, of both health and ' pleasure seeaers, is 01 tne oesf peopje, wta uaiiw to flu the piace eariy in eacn season, una aeep tt filled to-the dose. All the comforts, conveniences, nttu!iiia and amnaementa. Baths, laundry, livery, band, hunting and flak ing, shooting and fencing, gymuashuu an calis thenics, billiards and Dowung, eaurcnes anaaou hie dally mall, cuisine t j . ew-uiruoh hmuo biui oiionuiTO inmi uia Egtablished 80 yean.- Endorse by the raofes ioa. and theusands el sum. More largely and widely used than any. springs, in the Sooth, ..water liW Into salts, anditalninar all Its eorattre properties, and sent by mail anywhere. . gaits per fectly oluble and easfiydissolved, producing nat aralwatec. FlvegaUonatX watat. ;ln every ounce Baik86 per mgnO; 110 per week; S3 per 1 meet visiters at forest ot Lawyer's, upon advice oi arrrnL. Each station .four miles irom sprunp. ww ww iw: Address. Lynchburg or Bedford Springs, Ya un24,deodlmo " & AND BBAILIL VANCE & BAILEY, Attorneys and Counsellors CHARLOTTE, N. C. Practice In Supreme Court of the United States, Supreme Court of North Carolina, Federal - Courts, and counties of Mecklen burg, Cabarrus, Union, Gas ton, Rowan and Da- . viasun. - tW Office, two doors east of Independence Square. may29-tf RO. D. GRAHAM, IN the State and United States Courts. Collec tions, Home and Foreign, solicited. Ab stracts of Titles, Surveys, &c, fumlstod for com pensatlon. OmoB . N. E. Comer Trade A Trron streets Charlotte. N. a Man. 0. THE OXONIAN, A JOURNAL OF LITERATURE EDUCATION published monthly at Oxford, N. C.atOn, Dollar a year in advance. The Oxonian alms at increasing the Interest for Literature and Education, and gives original ar ticles on subjects of vital importance as well as criticisms of the newest and most valuable publlca- Offers v.t !fed advantages to aaverosers.- niu- average circulation Advertisements are snuwu prominently, are free from errors, and are taste fully displayed. Its advertising rates are not in exsesa of its value to an advertiser.' Advertise ments, intended lor puDUcanuon in any issue, should be m tbe office by tbe 20th-of the rnqnth. maris tf J. C HORNER. Oxford. N. C. Mineral Water. THE Celebrated Oswego Deep Rock Mineral Wa ter on draught at x Dr. T. U. BJUTfl'O VTUZ owie. "Deep Rock." - . 1 1 DEEP ROCK Mineral water is recommenneu for kidney and liver troubles, headache, rheumatism and dyspepsia. 8oW by Sitaation WaDfed. AGKNTliKJiax ox uuneen years- expenenee in handling dry goods and general merchandise, AMtreat ft sitnatlon as salesman. His nresent do sltlon he has satisfactorily filled for three consec utive years. The ttrna of agreement will shortly innira. and he desires ta change location. Can begin walk September 1st. Correspondence so- Care Ass't Postmaster, Charlotte, N. C. " Tobaccos. GRAVELLY TOBACCO, Durham Fine Cut, mild Cigarettes and choice Cigars, at Dr. X. U. BSUin s AruS oivic. Cool Drinks. VICHY. Klssengen, Deep Rock, Ginger Ale, and Ice Cold Soda Water, each 5 cents a glass, at VI. X. U. Bail in o uiukouiid. Letter Files. v URLTNGTON LETTER FTLE3, 50 cts. each. Will hold 8,000 letters, alphabetically ar- rantrel. Best tn use. 8oldby Dr. X C SMITH. Cigars. PRINCIPE CIGARS, all Havana, warranted. Twenty for a dollar. At Jon23 PT. T. U. Baim n via oiwrp. Bingham School, MebanevUleJJ. Cr PRE-EMIWCWT; ? among Southern Boarding SrAooM for1 boys to ag aadnumbers; and Its area of pfrtronaie for 1 880 exceeded that of any other se&ool lav the tXolon. The steady growth ot tbe school Is sbowa by the fowlngtomls: For 1876. 108; tmlSTJ.mt ear ending go, 1 rwu, iovu.yt wv mgDecernoerlfith, 1880, 2f7. 175th seaSoi whl begin Jalf 27tb,1881. Address, taJJ. BOUT. tueiutiAm., jl,d2w superlntenaen-