Stye (ttfyarlotte bseroer LOCAL lNTELL-tiUME. WEDNESDAY. JULY 13, 1881. SOCIETY DIRECTORY. : :J305rLC Phalanx Lob No. 81. A. F.4l M. Regular meeting every second and fourth Monday nights. Excxlsiob Lodoi No. 261, A. F. A A. M. Reg ular meeting every first and third Tuesday nights. Charlott- Chptb No. 89, R. A. M. Regular meeting every second and lourth Friday nights. Chaklottk Commajtoaby No. 2, K. T. Regular meeting every first and third Thursdays. IC. OF EC. Knights on Honor. Regular meeting every second and lourth Thursdays. IC. 02T ? Knights of PTTHiAa Regular meeting nights ilrst and third Wednesdays, 7 o'clock p. m. at Ma sonic Temple Hall. I. O. O. 3T- Charlotte Lough No. 8a Meets every Mon day night. Mkckxknbukq Declaration Lodge No. & Meets every Tuesday nlghL Dixie Lodok No. 108. Meets'e very Thursday night. ('atawba Rivkr Encampitknt No. 21. Meets V.rst and third Thursday nights tn each month. Index to New Advert iement. Wanted Apply at Wadsworth's stables. People's Building and Loan Association-R D. Johnston. Union High School Prof . Whlttlngton. Just received Hargraves k Wllhelm. HOiTIE PENCIL! NGS. jrT The excursion train to Atlanta yesterday morning had twelve cars loaded down when it reached Tuccoa. J3T Mr.L. D. Childs, of Columbia, formerly a cadet at the Carolina Mili tary Institute and well known here, is in the city. 5" The union prayer meeting, in connection with the Ladies' Prohibi tion Society, will be held this evening at the Second Presbyterian church, at 8 o'clock. An address will be deliver ed. A jury was summoned yesterday to try another of the cases brought by the city against Elliott & Remley. It will be tried at the court house this morning. jSTCapt. Bobt. Griffith i3 running a through passenger on the Atlanta & Charlotte Air-Line in place of Conduc tor L. H. Johnston, while the latter takes a summer vacation. E" Little Johnny Carson made a curious experiment with an egg. He placed it in some sand on top of the house where the sun could shine on it. When he went back to look at it it was thoroughly cooked, and roasted through. drThe man who has to stay at home this kind of weather spends his leisure moments sighing for the season of bracing atmosphere and the round of clubs, sociables and amusements that make life endurable to our selfish exis tence. A great many of the students at P.iddle Institute teach the colored free schools in the country during vacation, and in this way maKe enougn 10 pay their expenses, which are light, at the institute for the other months in the year. tW The latest quotations of railroad stocks gives the Richmond & Danville at S1.05K bid and $1.0GK asked ; Char lotte, Columbia & Augusta 57M bid and 58 asked ; North Carolina not quoted ; Atlanta & Charlotte Air Line 81 bid and 82 asked. Sales for the day, 20 shares of the latter. The school boy has dropped all thoughts of books and wanders aim lessly about, stubbing his toe, sticking old nails into his feet, cutting his fin gers with his jack knife, teasing for ice cream and is generally disconsolate. An opportunity to run away and go in swimming occasionally, however,keeps him from committing suicide in utter despair. A Butcher-Feu Nuisance. Complaints were made to Justice Waring against Mr. Fritz Vogel, for committing a nuisance by means of his butcher-pen in the northern part of the city. "Witnesses testified that the pen was in a filthy condition and emitted an intolerable stench. It was also shown that there was much sickness in the neighborhood and there was reason to believe that it arose from this cause. A physician testified that it would pro duce typhoid fever if it remained in this condition. The Justice had no power but to bind the defendant over or discharge him. lie suspended judg ment on condition that Mr. Vogel would cleanse and disinfect the pen and keep it so. The nuisance waa abated. Summer Note. Mrs. J. W. Adams is visiting friends in Greenville, S. C. Mrs. Jonas Schiff and daughter are in Asheville. Mrs. Walter Brem and children are summering in Morganton. Judge W. P. Bynum and wife will go to White Sulphur Springs in Virginia in a few days, and from there to New York and Saratoga. Mrs. S. Wittkowsky and children, Mrs. R. M. Miller, Mr. and Mrs. R. IS. Miller, Miss Lelia Miller, Miss Cella Baruch and Mr. Henry White, are at the Sparkling Catawba Springs. Col. E. M. Holt and family, of Alamance, are at the same place. Mr. Chas. A. Rigler, wife and chil dren are spending the summer in the vicinity of Shelby with relatives. A Iteported Lynching:. It is rumored that the lynching of a colored man occurred near Gaffney City night before last. When the pas senger train, bound to this city, reach ed that station at 10 o'clock the place was found to be in a high state of ex pitement. The passengers were told that a colored man had been interrupt ed and frustrated in a diabolical at tempt upon the person of a young lady, near that place, by the opportune ap pearance of her father. He had escap ed at the time, but the citizens had turned out in a body and succeeded in capturing him. They had just return ed without him, but apparently highly satisfied with the result of their hunt, and fears were entertained that the ne gro had paid for his attempted crime 'itb his life. he Speaking lMt Higbt. According to appointment John Wil liamson, a colored orator from Raleigh, under the auspices of the executive committee of the county prohibitory society, appeared at the opera house last nizht and addressed a large au dience of white and colored citizens. He was introduced by Col. Jno. E. Brown, chairman of the committee, and proceeded to entertain hia auditors with an exceedingly practical and pleasing speech, drawing bis illustra tions from everyday life and clothing them in the homely, unstudied lan guage by which they could be best ap preciated by those to whom he more particularly addressed himself the col ored portion of his listeners. -These were attentive throughout and respond ed to his frequently well-turned and forcible points with rapturous applause. The effect of the speech was considera ble, and it is thought will result in much good for the cause in the county. Suicide ai Dyspepsia. A most remarkable cure for dyspepsia, ."Well ,s HonMh Henewer." The ereaiesi ionic. dcb uh lious and liver remedy known. Slat Depot, J. H. Me Aden, Charlotte, N. C. druggist?. THE SrOBH YESTERDAY. Six Persons Struck by Iitg-htnlnr; in SpartamburvDamaffa n Other Places. Yesterday af ternoon, about half-past 2 o'clock, in advance of a refreshing rain which visited the city, a high wind suddenly swept through the streets, raising the dust in clouds, slamming house doors and breaking glasses out of windows in several places. The hurri cane seemed to be the advance courier of a more violent storm which it had preceded. This impression was confirmed later m the afternoon when news reached the city over the wires of its devasta tions in other places. In Spartanburg, S. C, the storm was particularly severe, being accompanied vivid flashes of lightning, one of which struck a dwelling in which were nve people, two of whom, a Mrs. Revan an5 daughter, were killed instantly, and the other three severer5 injured. Mr. Revan, who bore the relation of husband and father Of the.twdwh were killed, was in another portion of the town and was also injured by the lightning. At Johnston's, a station on the Char lotte, Columbia & AugustaRailroad, two box cars were plow-, from th track. .At Chester several houses "were un roofed and a new building, Just erected by Mr. F. W. Ahrens,0f this'cjty, for a gentleman in that town, w as entirely estroyed, it is understood. At Morrow's turnout, houses were unroofed and chimneys and trees were blown down. The storm seems to have been very general and to have prevailed over a wide extent of territory. The damage cannot be estimated until the reports are in fuller. First Preferterlan Church Xbl Sum mer. During the usual summer absence of Dr. A. W. Miller, pastor of the First Presbyterian church, his pulpit will be filled as follows: Rev. J. L. Williams, 3rd Sunday in July. Rev. J.L. Williamson, 4th Sunday in July. Rev. J. H. Sumerell, 5th Sunday in July. Rev. W. B. Corbett, 1st Sunday in August. Rev. J. T. Plunkett, 2nd Sunday in August. Rev. Roger Martin, 3rd Sunday in August. Rev. W. R. Atkinson, 4th Sunday in August. Rev. A. D. Hepburn, D. D., 1st Sun day in September. Rev. C. H. Wiley, D. D., 2nd Sunday in September. Rev. F. L. Leeper, 3rd Sunday in Sep tember. HUB PUNCH is an Incomparable beverage, uni ting old liquors and choice fruits, and whether used with hot or cold water is equally fine for the use of guests in the holiday season, and at all seasons. Sold by all Grocers, Wine Merchants and Drug gists. Trade supplied at manufacturers prices by Wil son 4 Burwell, Wholesale and Retail Druggists, Trade street, Charlotte, N. C. " ' "Buchupalba." ' New, quick, complete eure-d&ys, urinary affec tions, smarting, frequent or difficult urination, and kidney diseases. 81 at druggists. ! Depot, J. EL McAden, Charlotte, N. C . , . BECAUSE It adds to personal beauty by restor ing color and lustre to faded or gray hair, and U beneficial' to the scalp, is why Parker's Pair Bal sam Is such a popular dressing. MARKETS BY TELEGRAPH JUL 12, 1881. PBtflJUCis. . . Cmcieo Whear-o. - 2 "Chicago spring 1.10 cash, l.llftala Atig&stT Cor-4614a4& cash, 46 July and ArftuC-.Qits at 88 cash, 87i August Port atntv90ft;e7to. - Lard at 11.52& Bulk meatssheulderattS, short ribs 8.70, clear 9.10. Wiey iM BALraoBi-Nlgnt-daia Western white 85a36 do mixed 8435. Pennsylvania . Provisions mess pork 17.50 tor old; new 18.00; bulk meats looselshoulders. , clear sides , ditto packed 7a9ft bacon shoulders 7, clear rib sides lOMt, hams 12al2& Lard refined tierces 12fe Coffee Bio cargoes ordinary to fair 9tall& Sugar soft 10. Whiskey 1.12al.l2fe COTTON. Galvmtoh Finn; middling 10; low mlddl'g 9c; good ordinary 8c: net rec'ts 575; gross ; sales 25: stock 27.626: exp'ts coastwise ; to Great Britain ; continent Norfolk Firm , middling 10c; ue' receipts 978; gross ; stock 8,268; exports coastwise 162; sales 8: exports to Great Britain. Baltmor Steady : middling 11 clowmlddll'g lOVfec; good onlin'y Whc; net recta 110: gross ; sales : stock 3,820; exports coastwise 175; spinners 100; exports to Great Britain to Continent . T Bobtoh Steady; middling 11 Vfee; low middling; 10c; good ord'y 9c; net iwoelpts 184: gross ; sales : stock 6,410: exports to Great Britain 225; to France. Wrunneroa Firm; middling 10c; low mid dllng Wic; good ordinary 8Vic; receipts 4; gross . sales ; stock B41; exports coast wise ; to Great Britain. Philadelphia Firm; middling lHfes.; low middling lie; good ordinary 9 :: net receipts 85 gross ; sales 461; spinners 861: stock 5,534; exports to Great Britain . Satahkar Firm; middling 10c: low mldd'g 9&; good ordinary 8c: net receipts 207; gross ; sales ; stock 6,447: exp. coast- .wlse : to Great Britain : continent . Narw Oklkaxs Firm; mldd'g 11c; low mid dling IO: srood ord'y QXke; net receipts 518; gross 708: sales 750; stock 99.928: exports to Great Britain 8,236; to continent 205. Mobil-Firmer; middling lOtie; low. middling 9c: good ordinary sue; net receipts vs; gross 78; sales 800; stock 5.827; exp. eoaat 28 France ; to Great Britain. Mimphis Steady; middling I0c: receipts 66; shipments 201; sales 800; stock 13,637. Auotbt a Steady ; middling 10c; low mid dllng 10c, good ordinary 8c; receipts 9; Shipments ; sales 234 Chaklmtoh Firm; middling lOtyc; low mid dling: lOWc; good ordinary 9c: net receipts 45Tgross ; sales 50; stock 3.560; exports coastwise : Great Britain; continent Ngw Ton Cotton steady; sales 1,418; mldd'g ' UDlands lle; mid'g Orleans 11 (feci net receipts 61; gross 1,470; consolidated net rec'ts 2 282; Snorts Great Britain 8.856; continent ; France. T.mrapooL Noon Cotton market now Quitter; middling uplands 6d; mid. Orleans 6 7-16d; sales 8.000, speculation and export 1,000; re ceipts 23,5,00, American 1 4,zuu. uoianas iow mia dllng clause: July delivery -, July and August 6 7-1 6d, August and September evsa, September anri rwtfnhAr ft 7-A2dd. October and November 6d, November and December 5.31-32d, January and February d. -Futures steady. Livkbpool.-5 p. tnV-Sales of American cotton 6,450 bales, upland low middling ciaase: June delivery 6 15 $2d. Jul and August do,-August gnd September 0 IJ'8 Futures Arm. ' IXIUBSS . " Kxw YQBB'-'i'utuTws' ei osed steady for summer months, and barely steady lor others., au . 1 08,- ooo. vy u ' ;. juir.:...............r.-.i-,. ... .... n44a.6 October. . . - r J5c9 November. ..;. December.... January f.,i-.i... 10288,29 10.S9a.41 February. . .,.... March ,......f.j.'f 10.51 a.68 10.fl4a.88 April . . . .. JTNANCIAL. Nw Yobk Money f.oWi. Excnange483ii. Governments weak: new B's W 'FSir s half per cents 1.14. Tour per cents 1.1 6. 8tate bonds nominal. . ; . Nw York 1 1 a. m. Tbe stock market opened fairly active, bit in early dealings irregular tons -r v i. - aua pnyes wco uubocucu. Stooks olosed weak and depressed. New York Central rie Lake Shore ., Illinois Central .......... v . Nashville and Chaoanooga. Ijouuvum ana Hasnviuo, PlttsbuiK. Chicaso and Northwestern. . ; prexerrea. Wabash, 8tLouU& Pacific...... 1.42 -48V4 12lS 92 81 1.42 "ia 80 95 81 . $73,41 8.7XK . 6,ttl0,072 .." . Currency CITY COTTON MARK IT. Ovriox or thk Obs-bvu (. CKABLom, July 13, 1881. i The market yesterday closed quiet; unchanged. Good Middling. 101& Strictly middling lOfe Middling. i(tt Strict low middling. io Low middling. 9 Tinges.. 8a9 Lower grades 4a8 Charlotte Produce market JULY 12. 1881. Burma prices. Cork, per bush'l 80a85 Mx, " 7-a75 Wheat, " 1.10al.25 Bss, white, per bushel 1.25a,60 Ps, Clay, per bush. 90al.00 Lady, " 1.60 White, " 75a80 Flour Family...,..: m. S.2B Extra. 8.00 Super 2.75 OATS, shelled 60a55 Dbikd Fkutt Apples, per lb. 4ta6 Peaches, peeled 15a20 " Unpeeled 7al0 Blackberries 8a5 Potatoes Sweet 60a75 Irish. 1.50al.75 BrrrncB North Carolina. 20a25 less, per dozen. 16al8 Poultry Chickens 25a80 Spring 15al8 Ducks 25a27 Turkeys, per lb Geese 85-40 Bxkf, per lb., net .. 6a6 Muttom, per tt., net Pom, WHOLESALE. Bulk Mats Clear Bib Sides. 9a9 Cobt Prime Bio 14al6tt Good. 12al5 Syrup Sugar-house. 80 Molasses Cuba.. 82aS5 Sugar Syrup. 85&50 Choice New Orleans 50a60 Common 40a45 Salt Liverpool fine 1.00al.25 Coarse 1.10al.25 Sugar White. lOallfc Yellow 8al0 WHISET Corn, per gallon Sl.80a.40 Bye, " 81.25a3.00 Brandt Apple, per gallon. $2.'K)a2.25 Peach, ' $2.50 Wnnt, Scuppernong, per gallon. ll.OO RETAIL. Chkbsb 20 Lard, per lb 12 Tallow, per lb 8a 10 Bacon N. C. hog round lOall Hams, N. C. IS Hams, canvassed 14al5 Rick galO FRUIT Apples, Northern, per bbl S.25a.50 Mountain, " 8.00 Fish Mackerel No. 1 1.25 " -No. 2 1.00 " -No. 8 75 Codfish v 15 Cabbaox, per lb. 6 Union High School (MALE AND FEMALE) EAST SEND, YADKIN 00.. IT. 0. Next session opens August 4, 1881. Professor T. S. Whitttngton, A. M., prlnclpaL Departments Collegiate, Commercial, Normal and Civil Engi neering. Term, twenty weeks. Board from 84 to $6 per month. Tuition from $8 to 816 25. East Bend la 22 miles northwest from Winston, and 7 miles south of Pilot Mountain. For partic ulars address the principal at East Bend. Julyl3,4w Tie People's Building and Loan. BY order of the board of directors payments on the stock of the People's Building and Loan Association, will begin at 8 o'clock Monday even ing, July 18th, 1881, at the Traders' National Bank. Persons desiring to secure stock can do so at that bank or at the law office of T. M. Pitt man. R. D.JOHNSTON, julylS President WANTED. SEVERAL carpenters to repair buildings at the Hopewell Mine. For further particulars apply St WADS WORTH'd STABLES, it An overdose of dinner often deranges the sys tem, brlnra on flatulence and wind colic, and sub jects the nauent to great bodily suffering. A sin gle dose of TARRANT'S SELTZER APERIENT, will correct the afiiditv. relieve the naln. carry ofl the offending cause, and save sometimes a long snell of Illness. Its effects are gentle and tho rough, and its general use would prevent much suffering. Sold by all druggists. Jun5 d&weodtjmo GRAND RECREATION TOUR BY Sea, Rail, Lake, River and Sound ! A Host Bomantio Trip of Ten Days TO Old Point Comfort, Fortress Monroe, Boston, Port- land, White 'Mountains, Lake Sebago, up the Songo thecrookedest of rivers, and Long Lake, Newport, Rhode Island, and Long Island Sound. LEAVING BALTIMORE mTTTTTiciT a T a TTn i TJtl U KISD A I A U VX, 1, At 4 p. m , by the steamer Wh. CRANE," of the Boston Steamship Line. I Price of Ticket Only W Which covers all necessary travelling expenses, such as hotel accommodations, meals and state; "room on ocean steamers, transfers' by coach of persons and baggage in fact all needed expenses' lrom Baltimore back to Baltimore, - v IV Tickets good for 60 dan to iMun from Unaton. ... . . . . . - Bound trip tickets from Charlotte to Old, Point comrort can be bought tor 91 0.00. - For tickets and special information apply to ft. J. V&kRTi July 12 ' Cnarlotte,N.O. DENTAL NOTICE. fTHI State Board of Dental Xxajnmers will meet X In Asheville, N. a, Monday and Tuesday, July 25 and 26. All persons desiring to enter the prac lce of dentistry, woo are not graduates, are noti fied to appear pexuro sain popra zor examu lauuu. v, -Tunawii i Chairman Boara Dental Examiners. June 22, 1881. u23,dlmo Do preferred Memphis and Charleston. . Bock Island. Western Union Alabama Class A, 2 to 6 " Class A, small Class B.S's QaMC4't Sub-treasury balances Gold jL OtttXitS. a splendid oppoaruNiTT TawW k FOB- TUNS 8TH GRAND niSTRIBUTTON. CLASS H, AX NEW ORLXANS. Tuesday, August 9th, 1881 184th Monthly Drawing Louisiana State lottery Company Incorporated la 1868 for 25 years by the Legis lature for Educational and Charitable purposes with a capital of 81,000.000 to which a reserve fund of over 8420,000 has since been added. - By an overwhelming popular vote its franchise was made a part of the present State Constitution adopted December 2d, A. D, 1879. Its GRAND SINGLE NUMBER Drawings will take place monthly. It never scales or postpones. Look at the follow ing distribution: CAPITAL PRIZE, $30,000. 100,000 Tickets at Two Dollars each. Half-Tick ets. One Dollar. LIST OF PRIZES : 1 Capital Prize... $30,000 1 Capital Prize loiOOO 1 Capital Prize 5,000 2 Prizes of 82.500 5 000 5 Prizes of 1,000 5 0OO 20 Prizes of 500 .1 ft'wi 100 Prizes of 100 m nnn 200 Prizes of 50 10.000 500 Prizes of 20 in nnn 1,000 Prizes of 10 10,000 APPROXIMATION PRIZES. 9 Approximation Prizes of $800 $2,700 9 Approximation Prizes of 200 1,800 9 Approximation Prizes of 100. 900 1857 Prizes, amounting to.... v.... $110,400 Responsible jrre txmdinsr afcents wnnti t n points, to whom a liberal compensation will be paid. For further Information, wrttn tinri full address. Send orders by express or Regis tered Letter, or Money Order by mail. Address ed only to M. A. DAUPHIN, New Ortaona. Tuilalons or M. A. DAUPHIN, at No. 212 Broadway, New York. All our Grand Extraordinary Drawing am nnria the supervision and management of Generals G. T. Beauregard and Jubal A. Early. NOTICE TO THE PUBLia The public are herebv cautioned strains!, uni. ing any money or orders to NUNES & CO., 88 Nassau street. New York City. They are flooding the country with BOGUS CIKCULARS purporting to oe 01 the Louisiana State Lottery Com oany. and are FRAUDULENTLY representing themselves as agents of the Louisiana State Lottery Company. They have no authority to sell the tickets of this company, and are not its agents. M. A. DAUPHIN, Pres't T.nnlslana Statu T.nttprv Pj New Orleans, La , July 4, 1881. 34th POPULAR MONTHLY DRAWING OF THE Commonwealth Distribution Company. AT MACACLBY'S THEATRE, In the City of Louisville, on SATURDAY, JULY 30, 1881 These drawings occur monthly (Sundays exceDt- ed) under provisions of an Act of the General 1 sembly of Kentucky, incorporating the Newport ranung ana newspaper Co., approved April 9, VSl 8. tyThls Is a Koedal act and has never been r a pealed. The United States Circuit Court on March 31 . rendered the following decisions : 1st That the Commonwealth Distribution Com pany is legal. 2d Its drawings are fair. The Comnanv has now on hand a larere resArra fund. Read the list of prizes for the JULY DRAWING. 1 Prize 880,000 1 Prize 10,000 1 Prize, 5,000 10 Prizes, $1,000 each 10,000 20 Prizes. 500 each 10.000 100 Prizes. 100 each 10.000 200 Prizes, 50 each, 10,000 600 Prizes. 20 each la.nnrt 1000 Prizes. 10 each 10.00U 9 Prizes. S300 each. ADDroxim&Uon Prizes X'A.IM 9 Prizes, 200 " " " " 1,804 b razes, 100 " " " " 900 1.960 Prizes 112.400 Whole Tickets, $2; Half Tickets, SI; 27 Tickets. 850; 55 Tickets, 8100. Remit Money or Bank Draft in Letter, or send by Express. DON'T SEND BY REGISTERED LETTER OR POSTOFTICE ORDER. Orders of 85 and upward, by Express, can be sent at our ex pense. Address all orders to u. jo. auAttuaiAW, courieisjoornai Building Louisville. Kr.. or T. J. COMMERFORD. nofl Broadway New York. July 3 JAS. F. JOHNSTON, General Agent for BAY STATE ENGINES -FOB- NORTH CAROLINA, SOUTH CAROLINA AND GEORGIA. BEvery Engine sold giving perfect satisfaction. State Agent for the Medart Pat ent Cold Rolled Wrought Rim Pulleys the lightest, strongest and most durable and cheapest pul ley now made. Hot Rolled, polish ed Shafting assorted sizes, saw Mills, Saws and Belts, complete, with Liddell's celebrated Ratchet Head Blocks. The Boss Press. The best Bhur. Com and wheat mills complete. Peerless Threshers and Separators. Brown cotton gins. leeaersana conaensers. State agent for the Perry Royce Reap er, the lightest draft and most du rable machine in the market Also, Wood's Reapers and Mowers, every machine warranted Jet pumps and In spirators. PIPING ANDPIPE TONGS. FULL STOCK OF Carriages, Phaetons and Baggies, And the celebrated CORTLAND SPRING WAGON. The public la invited to examine my stock. Par ties wishing to buy machinery are especially re quested to get my prices beiore buying. I have lust taken the agency for the celebrated Daniel Pratt Cotton Gin, the best gin by odds now maae. uome ana see u. . JU2 ' - JAMES F. JOHNSTON. rui LRJ u c n A ABSOLUTELY HEALTHFUL. ONLY .uhjs TfiAorwaj! ujl, io eacn quanoi flour-one half the uBual fluanttty required pf oth- ONLY ONE TEASPOONFUL to each quart of CnlBa UAJNUFACTUBmS CO.. New York and St. Louis. We keen the i'Charm" In stock, and can recom mend it to be far saperior and more economical than any other in the market. . . VJLV kVOSJI OE BBJLltU, apr5,eod,8mo . Charlotte, N. wyfeitefe T RIGHT. FUKis, uuol, lovely and peaeefuL I Ths visltmg comnanv. taf both health and nlAnaiirn aeeers. ts of the best neonle. and am Die toDU wepiace-BPT-i eaca season, ana Keep 11 filled to the elose.A- the comforts, conveniences,. attractions ana amusemenis. ; i . UL HHUUl fl U,! UtUU, UUUtUIK BUU iisu lng, shooting and Ienclng, gymuaslnm and calls: ineniCS, DIU uub uu iwwuuk, cutuv, ouu aoiK ble daily mall, euuune a 1. , gvGreatest tonic and alterative waters known., -fcatAMTshed 80 yean. .Endorsed by the nrofes- lon. andtfevusands of totem More largely ' and- widely osed than any springs m ue booth. . Water, niidiiimi into alto, and retaujlna: all its enrativa nMMMi- uia seni or nuui aurwuere. hsjis ner fecUv soluble and .easily dissolved, producing nat ural wa HHV -IV- wr 1 WTCrj WIOOB iniset Tisitori l -Potest - tMrtt:' npea adrios of arriyaL j -eb4ttio four miles irom springs, o . Address, Lynch Durg or Beaiora springs, vs. U-24,deodlmo Lru JL f&vottxits. VT-- DAVIDSON & BE1LL, DURING DURING THE SEASON, WILL RECEIVE SIX CAR LOADS PER WEEK (AND MORE IF NECESSARY ) TO SUPPLY THEIB TRADE. JUST THINK: ONE CAR LOAD Delicious Georgia Melons, FRESH AND GENUINE, EVERY DAY! Large Arrivals of t- FRESH IRISH POTATOES, LEMONS, ORANGES, PEACHES, TOMATOES, CANTALOUPES, and Fresh Vegetables of all Descriptions. JUST IN, 3 Car Loads Fresh Virginia- Meal 3 Car Loads Flour, All Grades, Including Bridgewater and Waverly Patent, which excel all other brands. In addition, we have weekly shipments of Motfs Celebrated Sweet Cider, NEW IRISH POTATOES. ASPINWALL BANANAS, Gi. WATERMELONS, FRESH PEACHES, TOMATOEi, ETC. JUSTRECIIVED, A NEW LOT OF MACKEREL, IN PACKAGES OF ALL SIZES. i I WAT1M S. GROCERIES WE KEEP IN STOCK ' A COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF FAMILY GROCERIES FROM WHICH MERCHANTS CAN ALWAYS BE SUPPLIED AT SHORT NOTICE. On Haod: I.OfK) Busb. Corn. . B W ! Wf : fl i WE HAVE JUST RECEIVED ANOTHER tSASE OF OUR CELEBRATED 50 CENT CORSETS, Far superior in fit and quality to any other ever Introduced Id this city, sizes running from 18 to 80. ALSO, A BEAUTIFUL ASSORTMENT OP ladies' lainen Ulsters, In various styles at Look at our beautiful PRINTS, hist received, only 7c per yard. H. MORRIS & BRO. 3un2 , NEW STORE ! R O DDI CK & OO. , TRY ON STREET, We have without any exception the CHEAPEST LINE OF STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS, TINWARE, ETC.. EV1R OFFEEBD1N THIS SECTION OF THE COUNTRY. , " LAWNS. A new lot of those 6 cent Lawns Just received. QUILTS. Eoney Comb, full size, 80c;Menimac, large, 81; Bates, extra large, $1.25. . CORSETS The best value in the market at 40c; extra qua'ity 75c. all sizes. TOWXLSPure linen 15c: 42 Inch German linen, double damask, 25c; these are a decided bargain. FANS All styles and kinds, very cheap; palm leaf tans, two for 5c SILK Eureka and Bekting. Bros, spool Biik, 100 yards, 10c per spool; variegated working silk in hanks, 26c per doz. NEEDLES Hoberts Gold Eyed and Crowley's Drilled Eyed Needles. 5c Der naner. SPOOL COTTON The ladies' favorite, 600 yards on doz, Be a doz; fil Franeais, 500 aids on spool, 5c p6r spool; . Coats' Spool Cotton, 55c per doz. 4 t-STRICTL1 CASH and ONE PRICE. JulylO I SELL AS CHEAP As Any House in the State ! My store is 145 ft. long on the first floor and 140 ft. on the second, and I carry an IMMENSE STOCK OF WELL-SELECTED- MlMTTIUailE WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. A full line of COFFINS 0FFIN3 AND AND CASKETS. ASKETS. ES? Thos. W. Andrews, formerly with Mr. B. Nichols, Is how with me. E.M. ANDREWS, (Successor to E. G. Rogers.) WHOLESALE RETAIL FURNITURE DEALER apr25 St. CHARLES HOTEL STATESYILLE, N. C. THIS house has been leased for a term of years by Mrs. Dr. Reeyes, whose Intention is to keep a strictly firstrcJass house in every respect. Commodious sample rooms on first and second floors. The patronage of the public is solicited. Julyl.dtf. iIVIL. MECHANICAL AND MINING ENGI- 1 I XI1?inTU3. n Vi DTVOI1VT 1 uu Bni V. . ' xiiur. am un, .1w1.4.u1 1 TECHNIC INSTITUTE, Troy. N. Y. The oldest engineering school in America. Next term begins September 15th. The register for 1880-81 con tains a list of the graduates for the past 54 years, with their positions; aiso, course oi study, require ments, expenses, etc. Address uni tjw,;" avlul uuwjs, wecior. Flo F6S to fl hSSttSn VStwmL WiVWii NnT F-klonabU. Sold I " fey daalm In Dragi Ptrfam- LlQlDMnR T. Slgntnrol Hucor w " Co., N. Y., , on Tery bottle. All Fanners. Mothers. Business Men, MechanH rics. &c who are tired out bv work or worry, audi tall who are miserable with Dyspepsia, Rheuma-J asm, Neuralgia, or Bowel, Kidney or Liver Com-j pUntSj you can belnvigoratea ana cured Dyusmg k If you are wasting away with Consumption, Dis- "sipation or any weakness, you will find Parker's' .Ginger Tonic the greatest Blood Fertilizer and the. Beit Health StrengthBestorer you Cam Use .and far superior to Bitters and other Tonics, as it; builds up the system, but never intoxicates, so. ct. and $i sizes. Hiscox & Co.. Chemists, N. Y. PARKER'S Remove, Dandnlt PrevenU Baluu Eestont Color. WW VD X If Gi m mm rm. m , jrf--w JulylO Fine Watermelons EVERYDAY, AT C. L. ADAlVlS'S, FIRST DOOR BELOW JulyT i CHARLOTTE HOTEL 'gvaftssioutiX. Z. B. VANCE. W. H. Bailey. VANCE & BAILEY, Attorneys and Counsellors 1 CHARLOTTE, N. C. Practice in Supreme Oourt of the United States, Supreme Court of North Carolina, Federal Courts, and counties of Mecklen burg, Cabarrus, Union, Gas 4 ton, Rowan and la , . ' vldson. gy Offlse, two doors east of Independence Square. mayzw a RO. D. GRAHAM, IN theStafw and United States Court. Collec tions. iHome and Foreign, solicited. Ah. stracts Of Titles, Surreys, Sec., furnished for com nensaUon. Omcs : N. E. Corner Trade Tryn streets- Caiarlotte, N. C. Uan.6. THE OXONIAN, A JOURNAL OELITEBATURE& EDUCATION XX. DUblished monthly atj Oxford, . C, aton Dollar a rear in advance. The Oxonian alms at increasing the Interest for Literature ana jsauearion, ana gives original ar ticles on subjects of vital Importance as well as criticism ef the newest and most valuable public-- Offers ue. I ed adTantaees to' advertisers. High average circulation. Advertisements are shown prominently, are free from' errors, and are taste rail v dkmlated. Its advertising rates are not in excess of its value to an advertiser. Advertise ments, tatended for publlcantion in any issue. should be in the office by tbe 30th or. toe montn. marl8-tf J. C. HORNER. Oxford, N. C. Situation Wanted. a GENTLEMAN of thirteen rears' experience In rx. nan dllng ary gooas ana general mercaanatse icfiiis & situation as salesman. us -resent do 4S3 af-pn he has satisfactorily filled for three conseo- iars. laeusw oi agreement wuisnoruy and he desires to change location. Can begin work September 1st Correspondence so licited at once, uererencea given. Address, -inlr8 -W. X.&. Care Ass't Postmaster, Charlotte, N. C. exceedingly low prises. RODDICK ft CO. vuqs ana ptejfticiujes. 1881. SPRING STOCK. 1881. Dm and Medicines OF EVE II Y DESCRIPTION READ! MIXED PAINTS WHITE LEAD AND LINSEED OIL, OKGRESS AKD SARATOGA WATER -ALWAYS ON I:p.AU(iHT.- Prescriptioiis ca efully piepaitd by experienced and ccmpetrnt druggists, day or night. JOHN IT. McADEN. aprll2 For Sale. A SECOND HAND Soda Water Apparatus. Price low, terms easy. Will be sold separately. If desired. Generator and four fountains, hand some counter-piece, Tuft's Arctic, Tennessee marble, cottage style. For sale by DT. T. U. SMITH. Mineral Water. THE Celebrated Oswego Deep Bock Mineral Wa ter on draught at Dr. T. C. SMITH'S Drug Store. "Deep Rock. TEEP ROCK Mineral Water Is recommended for kidney and liver troubles, headache, rheumatism and dyspepsia. Sold by Dr. t. u. am ru, Druggist. Tobaccos. GRAVELLY TOBACCO, Durham Fine Cut, mild Cigarettes and choice Cigars, at Dr. T. C. SMITH'S Drug Store. Cool Drinks. YICHT. KI.sengen, Deep Rock, Ginger Ale, and Ice Cold Soda Water, each 5 cents a glass, at Dr. T. c. SMITH'S Drug store. tetter Fil BURLINGTON LETTEA FILE BO ctseach. win hold 3,000 letters, alphabetically ar-r-tigc. bci in use, Sold by i Dr. T. C. SMITH TRINCIPE CIGARS, all Havkna, warranted. XT i Twentv for a dollar. At ' p l- .lxin'M Dr. T. C 8MITH'8 Drug Store. Bingham School, - Mebaheyil6,; N. C. PRE-EMINENT " Tbe steady growth of the school Is shown by the following totals: For 1878, 103: for 1877. 123; for 1878, 142; for l879lWrfof the scholastic year ending June 2d, 1 880, 180, for the Tew end ing December 15th, J 880, 247., . i Thel75th session wfll begin July 27-1. 1881.' 1 Address, MA BOBT. BINGHAM; 1 Julyl,d2w Superintendent, M il U VA V es. uiorars.r i ; anion Southern Boarding Schools for boys hf a and numbers; and its area of patronage for 18a, t exceeded that of any other' school: in the Unions l

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