V ! jpillHIllSlllaPawaW IIOJ IjvJ TRUE TONIC ' ' " rrV:ncfS trn n fTTi (7$ ' SURE APPETISER i .re hiehly IRON Bin raxes wg a certain it tonic; es Strength, Iick of Energyr etc therWeland gives new life to the nerves. It acts lite a charm on me desorkns, Amoving all dyspeptic symptoms, such as Em HmH die Stomach, Heartburn, etc. The only Iron Prepa rSnWt ill nStblacken toe teeth or grfve headache. Sd aUdJ Writ for the ABC Book, 32 pp. of useful an amusing fSCBESUlCAL CO., Baltimore, Md. WISLXT FHILLIFS'S CASK. Dm. J. A. Bmmbmam Dear sir: I am happy to In form you tbat I am entirely cured of mr large scrotal rupture. It H one rear ago to-day thai I received yoar treatment I hare tested the cure by going without the appliance. My business Is that of a locomotive engineer. My rupture, as you will recall to your mind, was similar to Mr. Jor dan', In your pamphlet of Illustrations. I was ruptured in the year 1868, while in the army. I hare tried spring and elastic trusses with great discomfort and Injury, my rupture always growing worse. Finding I must get some relief or rive no mr business. I determined to try you as a last resort, and I most say that I found your treat ment a complete success. My Improvement and eure hare, considering my terrible condition, sur prised my Mends as well as myself. During your treatment I have worked hard la my business, en- ana nave vvt torn. Jth. has been also s fn recommending the afflicted to yon whenever I hare an opportu nity You may publish this letter for the benefit of hu manity. Hy aooress-is All jsast 44m street. With best wishes I remain yours respectfully, WESLEY PHILLIPS. New York City. October 25, 188a ttimsKH: 1 inf nM tram (sural dbUU to aaeb an extent that my labor was exceedingly bnr mimi In an A vaaatiaaof eavmta did not ira me maeh relief, bdt on the contrary, wm followed by immiaw en f ni'"t--"'i ai mi unt i oegan me aw oiyonr uvn ivmu. uvm wnwa ra id t linilntt and woaderfol resolU. Theeld energy returned and I found thaTmy natarsl foree et iwneeetlr abated, I here eeed three bottiee of the Tonic Blnoe alngttlhe done twioe the la- 1 1 mriltl la Ihr nil nmt imnnar liineei. rteeeebey,keeeoaMelMa eleeraeei of taoacbtDerer before enjoyed. If the Tools nai not done the Llaaow a waaa 1 aire it the credit. J. P. WATeoir. Fester Christies Ctrareh. Troy. O. aeawaas, t aire it me ereaim. alrea, JTmt m. esitA rtitii Mfmmrvmm MAll'AtTlllB IV Til DR. HARTCR MEDICINE CO., MB. SIS MIRTH MAIM STREET, ST. IW Ju17 od,dAwly (&V8ttXlZS. a Labqb lot or- FLOOR, IMS, BOUGHT SINCE THE DECLINE.- TO BE SOLD LOW Slayer & Ross. aprB R. M. Miller & Sods, COB. COLLEGE ft FOURTH ST&, WHOLESALE GROCERS. WE SELL Piedmont Patent AJCD- F, V, Jol M0UNTAIN--1IDME- FOR SALE AT HaHDJCBSOXVltI.E, N. hi Fres Mere ins Spps THE GENUINE W FLOURS TlTLOa-S B01BDWO BOU. oorner seaesaMQ . i i - ii i ii n i IFl - - ' " ' . . I I mm .'Mai recommended for all diseases requir- , . , , IV A vmtit. Lois of It enriches the blood, strengthens Its Belief ait Cue as Certain as Day renews Day. Pirn the reduction of Dr. Sherman's terms. tiiiiiu am Ammfinir nnnn him for treatment, gladly throwing awaythelr gripping, Irksome, Hs- nivrrmt ann ii th tit i ti i h i i i i i if LruaBcs. uw vw meat for this affliction makes the patient comfor table and safe in the performance of every kind of exercise or labor. It is a grand thing, and those who are ruDtured and do not provide themselves with lt must endure the dangers of that precari ous affliction and the use of trusses all through life. Thousands of those cured give the most flat tering testimonials of gratitude to Dr. Sherman. via in tha nnthnj- and Inventor Of his DODUl&r STS- tem: he lmnarts his secret to no one; It Is applica ble to all classes and cases, and under his reduced rate, within the reach of almost everyone. Patients can receive treatment and leave lor home the same day. - Dr. SHERMAN'S book on nurture sires eonvincuTK proofs from professional mnumn nnri nthtm or his successful treatment. It la illustrated with photographic pictures or bad cases before cure, and Is sent to those who send infanta. Prindnai office 2fl Broadwar. N. i Branch office. 43 Milk street, Boston. Days In New York Monday. Tuesday. Saturday. In Bos ton Wednesday, Thursday, Friday. Junl4 4w ImI yMMifon, for DympepmUe, General I MMUUv, WnuO Dim-1 I tmmmm, srants or rwu. I I ittt . ftl'MM lS'Mf I ana wua aouoie tneaaie. nna u uaaquu wnt FEEBLE UiB SICELT PERSONS Recover their vitality by pursuing a course of Hos- tetters bcomacn iiuters. the most popular mrigo rant and alterative medicine In use. General de bility, fever and ague, dyspepsia, constipation, rheumatism, and other maladies are completely removed by lt Ask those who have used lt what it has done for them. For sale by all Druggists andTJealers generally. Julyl DrSANFOBB'S Only Vegetable Compouhdthat acts directly upon the liverj and cures Liver Complaints, Jaun dice, Biliousness, Malaria, Cos- tiveness, Headache. Itassists di gestion, strengthens the system, regulates the bowels, purifies the blood. A Book sent free. Dr, Sanford, 162 Broadway, N. Y. JanjlS deod, eow ly. THE ONLY MEDICINE I VX IITHEU LIQUID OB DBT FOBH That Acts at the same time TSELI7SU, T3S BOWMLS, Am T3E KIDffXTg. WHY ARE WE SICK? Beeauu tot attorn that artat oraasn to Xbecom cloaaed or torvid. and voUonout humor tare therefore farted into VuUood 1 Mat tAoutaoe expelled naiurauy. VILL 8URELY CURE KIDNEY DISEASES, V JLIVER COMPLAINTS', P ILEs7COWSTIPATIOX, USIKABT ,IISEaJSE8, FEKAXK WEAKHKSSXB, AJX9JSIMYOV pmobpbbm, by causing free action of Vum organs and rutorinqtheir power to throw off diteau. . .Why Mirer Bliioas aaias and achssi Whj tormemtedwlth Piles, CeastlpaUoal Why rrightensd arer disordered Kidneys! Why eadurs marroas r iek ktdikest tfoKUiTttEY-WOILTandrejoiuintealtft. It It pot np la Dry Veawtakle Fen, ta Un I cans one peekace of wmea aeakae eU qaarte of I medicine. AlaolnIimlrrBa.rerr Ceewea I tratea, tor Utoee thtt oennnt reedlly prepere CTTteltheoualefacleBcrlaettaerforav QET IT OF YOUR DRUOOIST. rTUCS, f VELL1. BICHASSSOS A Co.,Proyi, I (WlHeetul the drr pot-paid. . tnaUWrOSV 'Tt. HE feMareb274&wlr J. L. HAKDIN, MIBCB1NDI 81 BBO II AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, CoLuwi ST.Vfeiilrr, K. C. 'if! rtitkh rt Qrafai,my, Meai, ITloar, Lard. Bacon, jTooamOt Bom, vonee, HtdaaaM. resDeot- full aalklbBd. eaeapeai markets aoa rew btsboases represented. v ev Raleieh News-Observer : Old bonds, amnrmtinor tn iS24.000, were received at the State Treasury Yesterday. Reve nue collections in the 4th district for last week we .I?f-9!S 6th instenJLth turoeatine flwTOrt.of S. IX BaUenpii was destroyed Smith and niS turned Saturday night last from a trip to Yale College, Long Branch and Coney Island, looking much improved in heaitn. in converaauuu wim vu. Swepson yesterday, we learned that Mr. G. Rosenthal, of this city, and Mr. E. M. Cooke, superintendent of the mills, had gone North to select machin ery for tbe: new mills. They wlH prut in ti w milli of 80.000' SDinnmK Splif- dies. These ScoTchrng days and hat nights are as the breath of life to the cotton plant, which in all this section is vigorous. Farmers in Wake are jubi lant over the appearance of the crop, though the enormous prices paid for labor in many sections will eat largely into possible profits. The general ap pearance of the plant in the cotton belt of the State is good. Goldsboro Messenger : The chemical fire engine has reached here, and a fire rnmrjanv will be next in order.?- O'Hara's speech on Saturday in support of anti-prohibition, was full of radical buncombe. Many visitors are at the Seven Springs in this county, The ho tels there are doing a brisk business, We learn that Wm. Pate was found dead at his residence in Vance town ship, In Lenoir county, Tuesday of last week, lt seems to ds iqb result oi a quarrel between him and West Vausa, colored. Pate struck Vause several times. Pate was drunk. North Mate Press : We were shown yesterday what was called a catfish egg. Three of them were taken from a large catfish by a negro boy. In the eggs could be plainly seen the young fish, full-formed, with prominent eves. We have never heard of such a thing before, and it proved quite a curiosity to our people who are familiar, with anything in the fl3b line. Wilmington Star : Mr. T. II. Smith's rattlesnake, which was captured in Brunswick county nearly three months ago, and has since been confined in a box in his cellar, still boasts the claim of beinjr a "rattling fellow," though he has neither eaten or drank anything during toe time. Alamance Gleaner: Mr. TL T. Ker- nodle, near McCray's Store, has a pure bred Devon calf, eight months old, which has been giving milk for about iour weeKS. ITEMS OF UrrjRT The interest on the national debt as it now stands. $01,368,912. is less than one-half what it was at the close of the war, $150,977,698. Hon. Phineas W. Hitchcock. ex-Unit ed States Senator from Nebraska, died at Omaha Sunday of general debility, augmented by exposure in the recent extreme heat. He was fifty years old - i a rt 1 ana a classmate of uen. itaroem, American success across the water has eotdown to does, an American bull doe having recently won $10,000 for his owner from the French backers of the other pup, which was most roughly handled by tne representative or Yan kee prowess. A water-sprout at Marshall town, la-, Monday morning, flooded the place ami put forty bouses afloat A number 6f manufacturing establishments were damaged. The meadow lands along the Iowa river were inundated, and the farmers hung out signals of distress from the housetops. As far as ascer tained no lives were lost. California has a Demetual ice Dond. There is a lake on the Saw Tooth Moun tains, a an altitude of near ly twelve thousand feet, which is con stantly frozen. It was discovered in August ! 1079 dv a party 0 prospec tors, and named Ice Lake. The sun seemed to have no effect upon it except in places along the shore. Here is a little bit of gossip that may mean a great deal : "Mrs. Garfield meet ing Mr. Urown, tne president s private secretary, said to him: 'Mr. Brown, save ail tne papers that come to the house, so that the President can see them after be gets well. He says he is anxious to see what tha papers says.' " Vice-President Arthur's father was a Baptist minister, born near Belfast Ire land. Should he become President, he will be the third executive whose fath er came from that famous region. His predecessors were Jackson and Buch anan. iJeiiast and vicinity are renown ed for breeding brainy and remarkable men. The scales used for weingbing gold in the assay office at New York are so delicate that when brought to a balance witn two pieces or paper or equal size in the pans, the mere writing of a name with a lead pencil on one of the pieces of paper will add enough weight to the paper 10 turn tne scales in its ravor. The New York Tribune thinks it "noteworthy that the South' this year celebrated the Fourth with patriotic ar dor depressed, or course, by tbe trage dy at Washington. The Tribune will some day discover that the south is as patrioticly devoted to the Fourth and the constitution of the fathers as any section of the Union. She is yet to save the Republic. Oar Inaignificjuat Esurtb. BelgrarU. It is only when we regard our globe as a member of the planetary system, and mat system in turn as a unit among the systems, that we realize how in finitesimal are its concerns and how relatively insignificant it is. We may for practical purposes treat the orbit of Neptune as the circumference of our planetary system, and state the diame ter of it therefore as about 5,486,000,000 miles. But if we could suppose all this vast plane converted Into a solid disk, instead of being as now, for the most part empty space, and if to it were then given, by some means or other, a slightly luminous surface, it would appear to an observer upon the very nearest fixed star no more por tentous than a new shilling, glit tering in the, sunshine, would appear to an observer at a distance of somewhat over a hundred yards. In other words, it would want fairlv crond teres to discern it at all. We may safely rayi iueu, wai, me annual tnermai loss of our own little sphere, though sufil cient to melt 777 cubic miles of ice, would, even though multiplied by cen turies of centuries, no more affect the temperature of space than the striking of a match would avail to moderate the climate of Siberia. Mothers! MoUentl EsilibUt Aroyoa distorted at nlgatUei'lin rest by a sick child suCerlnc and eryios with tbe exerudaUn- pain of teetft If evexk.ai. unoe ana zei a bottle r M&swrr3Lawa GS1 mistake about tt. There to not a motber on earth who has erer used it, who wlU aotteU yon at ones toattrwill regulate the bowels, and giW rert tot he Mother, and relief and beatthtotaeftblld. open? tof like magic It U perfectly safe toaseln aU yoiyllirtr- - Another Letter trans, W, A.. SmlUi, To Rev. Jno. N. Andrews, Washington, N.C.: : ' 1 -r D&ar Sib Your faror et the 29th of Mai, came to band seTKrsidays since; but jl have been tow on well to answer sooner. Yo state that the tiquot party are irctiUtJnf 'nronrttte tobrMw pie of Eastern Horth Carolina; that the: temperance movement in passing a pro hibitorv liauor law is a Democratic -j- - m m a m - 9 A ovement, ana tne entering weage uj te taking away or tneit rights as piu ns, Toters and freemen' Nothing was vaf more, raise.: a, -an. tne cotorea Deo- ple believe that such men as GOv'H01 den. Judge Beade, . Judge Dick; Bay. Mr. Price, (colored,) and thousanas or other good Republicans; yea, the. very first organizers; and I might say the Fathers of ; the Republican party of North Carolina,: and , men wno have suffered more by being Republicans, in standing up for the rights of the colored race,- than any other persons in the State, would at this day try to taKe any rieht fronthem. when every right that is guaranteed to the, most favored American citizen, is, guaranteed to the colored race by the constitution 01 the United States, and the constitution of North Carolina? No sir! On the con trary, Got. Holden, Judges Reade and Dick and all of the leading Republicans of the State see plainly that unless the temptation is taken away; unless liquor is moved out of the reach of the colored man he will descend to a worse posi-. tion than his former slavery. How any honest man pan try to deceive these poor people for the purpose of perpetu ating themselves in the most degrading business in the world, that is called by any respectable, is astonishing to me. Now, sir, unle8S this bill becomes a law, or some other, to protect the women and children of the land, our State aad our country is ruined. Is there a man or a Woman in the land who would not shudder to think: their chiWren would become drunkards and sotsV If there is one of this kind, no soul inhabits his f)Hher body and they ar6 unfit to be tilled human beings much toss Ameri hitizAna. No. sir. the Democratic party shall not have the honor of thi ? a T L .!et.Aj Un- great movement, ii was .nctiuci. uo Democratic nor the Republican party that. fnnvmened this war upon the rtewii Tt. was the Christians of the land, the followers of the meek and lowly Jesus, who was from their daily intercourse with the people sure that unless something was done to deliver tha mnnla from evil temptation, that the landwould become infested with infidels and howling maniacs. No sir, the honor, for if any party deserves the honor, it is the Republican party. The Rftbublicans have a majority over all other parties in Maine, and m Maine thev have the law we are now trying to getr in North Carolina. But sir, as I said before, no party as a party, has anv riirht in North Carolina to claim the honor of being the originators of this great movement. I thank vou for tout kind invitation to pome down in your part of the State and make speeches for this gpeat move ment. I would take great pleasure in doing so, but my health will not permit I never see a well day. Wishing you great success, I am yours truly, W. A. Smith. Desvth of Jndg-e Rfaaly Raleigh News Observer. Again are we palled on to inourn the loss of a distinguished son of Carolina. who has gone tp Ms rest, full of honors, with an unsullied reputation, and great ly beloved and esteemed byalfwho knew him. Hon, Matthias Evans Manly died suddenly at his home at Newbera on Saturday last. About one month ago, making a misstep, he fell from- the steps of his residence to tbe pavement, receiving painful hurts on the arm, sod body, and since that time had complained or consioeraDie sore ness, but his general health appeared to be as gopd as usual until Saturday evening, about 7 o'clock, fbes he fell while walking in his yard witn a stroge of apoplexy, and only lived sufficiently long to be conveyed to his bed. Judge Manly was born in Chatham county, April 13, 1800, being the younger brother of Gov. Charles Manly, of this pity, and of Rev. Dr. Basil Manly, an eminent Baptist divine, of Alabama, potl 0? Whom preceded him to the un known Jand. ' He was educated at the University, at which lie graduated in 182, in the same class with Hon. William A. Gra ham. Hon. Augustus Moore, late Judge of Superior Court, Hon. David Outlaw, and other gentlemen of distinction. He divided the first honor with Gov. Graham, Professor Simms and Mr. Thomas Dews, of Lincoln county. He gtudied law with his brother, Hon. Charles Manly, of Raleigh, and, remov ing to Newbern, was first elected a member of the House of Commons in 1834 from that town, and again in 1835. He was the last representative of the ancient borough, the convention to amend the constitution in 1835 hav ing abolished its right of representa tion. In 1840 he was elected Superior Court Judge. This position he held with honor for twenty years, when he was promoted to the Supreme Court bench, serving in that position most acceptably until he retired about the close of the war. Soon after the termina tion of hostilities he and Gov. Graham were chosen United States Senators by the Legislature of North Carolina, but were not admitted to their seats. The Judge continued the practice of the law at Newbern and received even up to the day of bis death many marks or esteem and consideration from the community in which be resided. His character was well rounded, and to high legal attainment and social vir tues he united a rare personal purity and the exemplary life of a Chnstiaif gentleman.!. His merit and worth have been universally recognised through out the State, and. but telt, of bur citi zens ever attained a stronger hold upon the public confidence, or stood higher in public estimation than this eminet jurist. SB was twice married. His first e was Hannah, a daughter of Judge William Qaston, a lady noted for her eloquence aad loveliness. 4.fter her death he married Miss Sarah Simpson, a sister of Mrs. Kirkland, Mrs. Thomas B. Hill, and Mrs. Henry K. Nash; of Hillsboro, and this accomplished and estimable lady, with several sons and daughters, survive him. Tee Blacla Ungur, ' , , Kew York Herald, July 12. The conference held in Wall street yesterday by the leading sugar. . men of New York resulted in an agreement to reduce the production of sugar about One-third. The total amount jnelted each week is from 20,000,000 to 30,000,000 Sounds, and it is proposed to reduce the aily production from 1,000,060 to 1,500, 000 pounds. This will he done fox one week as an experiment ta setf how it will afft them arket which SfelImed to be very sluggish iuirwifi,aSB there should be no. Change. J&eJreduc tion will be continued lihUlTOililirt: regains a ealthfmisaXliUol largest of the melters vrildsJwaeniieir mount of productioaSerSf might stop entirely fof tBtyiu It was claimed that most orthe large firms ?would participate- in the mover tnenutt ? .. -; - .. tJOLL m fBX WCJUCSBOP. : fet , , r, . & wk U mechanic most have "rood nu "iu uo rajuwnauo, nis nam w.Bissigw.rjaooiMtiear.aBd tbe wbnla nanaMjft toUon bel a built nn tn hlsiu. SOUTH: CAPOIiUCA ITEHSU . Spartanburg Herald: Judge (!Hudr son, t Anderson, recently eentencea two men:o three moriths'Mroptisoii-' ment 'naebj forLcatrnririff feOticealed'weA- pons.-H-iThe' citizens of t Edgefieia5apd1 questhML-The net earning' fjthe1 South: Carolina Railroad,1 so far In 1881; exceed those of 1880 by $60i00a. ' ' Carolina SvartaiL:, About two weeks ago eit Hungarian migrants land ed here. They were without . money. clothes or iany laxxguage. that could, be uuaersuKKi oy our .aucj jw up t John Italian's a day or two and thrbugh' his and , Mr, Schmidt's kind? sess their immediate wants , were up- 6 nea. some or tnem couia spea a uv le. broken German and Mr. Schmidt acting as interpreter, they hired them-; selTes to Mr. L. Af Jlills ta -cut cord wood. ,He at once bought clothes, tools and rations, and hired a house for them and put them to work. They seem very industrious, and are quite Willing to work, They state that thef first . went to Georgia, but ft was nb-good'' there, and they wanted to get away.--Capt. Kirkland waSIn town last Monday, and reported that the survey from iJaffney's I runs i out from uaftaey City on the north side of the Air-Line, crossing Thitikety-atthe Layton Ford, andriin aihg thence to Cowpens; where the line crosses the Air-Line. " It then crosses Pacplet just above the bridge at Clifton, where tne engineer corps was monuiy morning. , This line will run near gion Church, and,jperhaps cross LawsonY Fork below White's Mill, and run inta the Spartanburg and Union depot; The field work wjjl be finished upjihis week. J BUEpTfB, OOCOAHfE. A LADY'S HUB SaVED BY ITS USCt Burnett's Cocoslne win keep tbe bait In A stcong HO(J healthy POOdltlonhy stlinalattng therooUol (he half and restoring the natural action npoR which Its growth depends. Tweuty years ago a single, bottle sared a lady's hair in a desperate ease where every other treatment had failed; and since that early suceess thousands of cases of baldness, dandruff, less of hair, and irritation of the scalp, have yielded to this remedy. The superiority of Burnetta Flavoring Extracts consists in their perfect parity and great strength. gctxr &&vtxtlszmtnts. RHEUMATISM, Mturalgia, Sciatica, Lumbago, Backache, Soren&st of th$ .Cht9i, Gout, Quins, Sore: Throat, Swell' ings and Sprains, Burns and Scalds, General Bodily Pains, Tooth, Ear and Headache, Frosted feet and Cars, and all other Pains and Aches. trifling outlay of 60 Caats, and every one inffeHng with pain caa have cheap and poelUve proof of If Direction in Seven Languages. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS AST) DEALERS IK MEDI0IHE. A- VOGEUER fc CO., Baltimore, Xd,, U.S. A. daa80aftwly 3 ATI OPETJ The brilliant, fascinating tints of .Complexion for which ladled strive are chiefly arti ficial, and aU who will take the trouWfr may secure them. These roseate, bewitching follow the use of Hasan's 1 nouaaUaim a delicate, ftarra less and always reliable article. SoldlbyaUdraggigts. The Maolia Balm conceals every blemish, removes Sal lowness. Tan, Bedness, Erup. tions, all evidences of excite ment and eiery Imperfectioni K Its effects are immediate and so natural that no human being vmJssX its-pppiicatisiu Wel ' - v" - la I' . - a Jan. 22 : If yon feel doll, drowsy, debilitated, have fre (roent hesaaches, mouth tastes badly, poor appe ute, and tongue coated, you are suflering from tor pid liver, or "biniousness," and nothing will cure you so speedily and permanently as to take Sim moos Liver Begulator or Medicine. The cheapest, purest and best Family Med icine in the world 1 An effectual specific for all diseases oi the Liver, Stomach and Begulate tbe Liver and prevent Chills and Fever, Ma larious Fevers, Bowel Complaints, Restless ness, Jaundice, Nausea BAD BBEATH. Nothing Js so unpleasant, nothing so common, as bad breath,, and in nearly every case it comes from the stomach, and can be so easily corrected if you will take Simmons Liver Regular. Do not neglect so sure a re me lj for this repulsive disor der, it will also improve your appet.te, complex ion and general health. PILES! Bow many suffer tartar day- after day, making ttfe a burden and -jobbing existence of all pleas ure, owing to the secret suffering from piles. Yet relief is ready to the hand of almost every one who will use systematically the remedy tbat has perma nently cured thousands. Simmons Liver Regula tor is no drastic, violent purse 5 but a gentle assis tant to nature. CONSTIPATION Should not be regarded as a trifling alk ment in fapt nature demands the utmost regularity of the bowels, and any deviation from this demand Bams the wav often to ?! serious danger,. ,UIs Quite as Necessary to remove impure aeoummulatltms from the ' ' bowels; as It Is to eat -or sleep, and. no . &eSiihl J68 .xPj??tad where a eosttre habit ef body prevails. , ' ! M:mx 'mati:r-' ' ; ! . t.,? W'mmiuM Iniquent ly. : . Trie dlsturbaaee ef the stomach, Watnxfrom "PecUjdigested e(mbeaoaee painln the heauoempanled with disagreeable tasea, and this coiisatoles what IspHSi known as sick headache. "iwptuany WM wrapper w.tradeffiiaVT'taS aS MtlllBUBl reran; - xton otbei' ts towmti:- T 7 l- Bold by imadeiiirda,Pa. Uunl8,eodVi4wly . 1 ILaar I-Uri-rm. rSohdJLI ot-Ew-Ja i : T" j iyrj,-v- ' r i TTJKaMBtH qSAND DIOTBiaUTlpN, ' rULVHrATIlXWOBLXANS, Twsday; 1 August 9th, 1881-184th Monthly . imwlnf. . . bik " State ttei Company ! iMorporated la 1868for 2 JMS.ky the Legts latase f Jtdueatkmal vad Charitable purposes with a capital t 1.000000-to whisk a. reserve fund of over f420,O0Qhas stnea beeaaddea By an overwhelming popular jote its franchise was made a part of the present Stte Cansqtutlon adopted December 2d, A. D. 187ft " Its QBANDv gINQLX NXJMBKR KswlBffa will take place monthly. , It sew scales or postrnes. Look at tbe follow ing distribution: CAPITAL PBJZX, $30.eoa ldOOO Tickets at Two DeUars eaeh. Half-Tickets. One Dollar. LIST 01 PBIZXB i 1 Capital Eriail,, ? -''POO I Capital Prize.-... . j .. 10,000 I ltalPrlrtJ.-... 5.000 or; ow of! 100.. f - jiifiO h., - IUiUUU io,woe 10,000 iaooo 10.000 S9 APpJoSSaS PriS of 200'.::::.' f 388 AppiealrsoaPrUol 10ft 900 1857 Pjiies, anwqnongto,.,........., $llCU00 Besponslble eorrespondlrig agents wanted at all points, i to whom a liberal eompensation will ' be For' further Information, wzito elearty, giving full address. ,8end .orders y express or Regis tered Letter, er Money Order by malL Address donito M. A. DAUPHIN, New Orleans, Louisiana, or M. A4 DAUPHIN, at No. 212 Broadway, New York. All our Grand Extraordinary Drawings are under the supervision and management of Generals G. T. Beauregard and Jubal A. Xarly. NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC. The public are hereby cautioned against send ing any money or orders to NUNES fc CO., 88 Nassau street. New York City. They are flooding the country with BOGUS CJUCULABS purporting to be of the Louisiana State Lottery Company, ana are FRAUDULENTLY representing themselves as agents of the Louisiana State Lottery Company. They have no authority to seU the tickets ot this company, and are not its agents. ' M. A, DAUPHIN. Pres't Louisiana State Lottery Co. New Orleans, La , July 4, 1881. POPULAR MONTHLY DRAWING OF THE Commonwealth Distribution Company, AT MACAUUCY'S THEATRE, In the Cltr ef Louisville, on SATURDAY, JULY 80, 1881 These drawings occur monthly (8undars except ed) under provisions of an Act of the General As sembly of Kentucky, Incorporating the Newport Printing and Newspaper Co., approved April T7r pprTbls Is a ipeolal aat, and has never been re pealed. The United States Circuit Court on March 81. rendered the following decisions: lit That the Commonwealth Distribution Com pany is legal 2d Its drawings are fair. The Company has now on hand a large reserve fund. Bead the list of prizes for the JULY DRAWING.- - 1 Prize 830,000 Z. i ..., 1 10 20 100 200 600 1000 each. '.. lyo eacn 50 each 20 eaoh 10 eaoh Q Prizes. each. Approximation Prizes 82.703 9 Prizes. 9 Pmea, " " "900 leOPrtzea, ..1113.400 Whole Tteketa, 82; Half Tickets, fl; 27 Tickets, S50; 65 Tickets, S100. Remit Money or Bank Draft in Letter, or send by Express. DON'T SEND BY REGISTERED LETTER OB POSTOFFICE ORDER. Orders of 85 and upward, by Express, can be sent at our ex- Dense. Address an orders to if. JS. t&JA HUM AW, Courier-Journal Building JAS: F.JOHNSTON, General Agent for BAY STATE ENGINES NORTH CAROLINA, SOUTH CAROLINA AND GEORGIA, Olvery Engine sold giving perfect satisfaction. State Agent for the Medart Pat ent Cold Rolled Wrought Rim Pqjlgys the lightest, strongest and most durable and cheapest pul ley now made. Hot Rolled, polish ed Shafting assorted sizes. Saw Mills. Saws and Belts, complete, with Liddell's celebrated Ratchet Head Blocks. The Boss Press. The best Bhur. Corn and wheat mills complete. Peerless Threshers and Separators. Brown cotton gins, feeders and condensers. State agent for the Perry Royce Reap er, the lightest draft and most du XsMeahr Mowers, every machine warranted. Jet pumps and in spirators. PIPING AND PIPE TONGS. FULL STOCK OF Carriages, Phaetons and Buggies, And the celebrated CORTLAND SPRING WAGON. ThepubUc is Invited to examine my stock. Par es wlshinKto but machinery arn'wrwinii re Ml quested to get my priosTbef ore i twylng. r I havejust taken the agency for the celebrated Daniel Pratt Cotton Gin, the best gin by odds now made. Come and see it . lu2 JAMES F. JOHNSTON. GRAND RECREATION TOUR BY Sea, Rail, Lake, River and Sound ! A Most Bomantic Trip of Ten Days TO Old Point Comfort, Fortress Monroe. Boston, Port land, White Mountains, Lake Sebago, up the 8ongo-4hecrookedestof rivers, and Long Lake, Newport, Rhode Island, and Long Island Sound, LEAVING BALTIMORE THURSDAY, ATJG. 4, At 4 p. m , by the steatne; " W. CBANX,?' of the Boston Steamship Line. mJT.lSli? W necessary travelling expenses. BoSrlf6" mmmm to P m,t(m tSf to Old Point PocanbabouKhtioriajLV. xvulr. if -e For ucktu and special formation apply to . , - : Julyi2: Charlotte, N.C. 2 Prizes 10ortoS : aoOPrlaes SOOPrixea 1 nru rrtTa A. WW 4 ... . PMM K UAA Ami 100 m of Ticket Only S55 ! Mthts and cxotvn. GO TO 01 AND LOOK AT HIS LARGE STOCK OF ' ALL OF WHICH HE SELLS JLOW FOR CASH. All Goods-Warranted as Rep resented, both in Weight and Quality. WATCH GLASSES 10 CENTS EACH. declS Coiitensefl Tme TaMe Kortli CaroUBa R. R TRXIK8 OOIHO VOBTH. llefs Wte ; Jewe Date,Mayl5'81 No. 47 No. 49 No. 48. . . Dally Dally, Dal y Lv. Charlotte, 4.06 am 6.15 ax 4.15 fj " A-L. Depot " " Junc't 411am 6.-20 am 480 " Salisbury, 6.56 am 7.60 am 6.07 fh Arr.Greensboro 8.03 am 9.30 am 7.57 pm Lv.Greensboro 8.25 am 9.60 am 8.1,8 pm, Arr.Raleigh 1.40 pm for Rick? Lv. " 1.45 pm m'ndonly A rr. Goldsboro 4.00. pm Lv.Greensboro for Richmond ! &25 pm Lv. Danvule 10.21 Aif 11.31 A " N. Danville 10 27 am 11.83 AM " Barksdale 10 68 am 12.01 pm " Drak'sBr'ch 12.87 pm 1.20 pm " Jetersvllle 2.24 pm 2 65 pm Arr. Tomahawk 8.20 pm 8 51 PM Arr. Belle Isle 4.05 PM 428 PM Lv. " 4.10 pm 4.85 pm Arr.Manohester 4.13 pm 4.88 pm Arr. Richmond 4.18 pm 4,43 am 7 28 am trains eoors SOUTH. DateJtfajl'SO Na42 Dally. No. 48 Dally. No. 50 Dally Lv. Richmond BmevUle Danville Arr Greensboro Lt. " Salisburv 10.45 pm 7.27 AM 12.00 at 2.43 km ' 0.05 PM 6.18 pm 9.26 9.81 kli' pm 8.87 PM 11.16 AM 12.45 PM 10.38 pm 12.15 AM Arr. A L. Junction " Charlotte Lt. Richmond " Jetersvllle " Drak'sBr'ch " Barksdale " Danville " Benala 1.00 Pad 12.20 am 2.55 pm 4,41 pm 6.07 pm 7.25 pm 7.51 PM 8.56 PM 9.27 M Greensboro Salisbury u av liS 4 AM At. imcdpn . Charlotte i'sVaoAM NO. 48 Daily, except Sunday. Leave Greensboro. 9.40 pm Arrive Salem 1L.4Q pm NO. 47 Dally, exoept Sunday. Leave Salem.,,..... 7-80 am Arrives Greensboro 9.00 am NO. 42 Dally, except Sunday. Leave GrBensboro.. iaoo am Arrives Salem- 1 1.80 am NO. 48-Daily. Leave Salem.......... 5.80 pm Arrive Greensboro 7.8O pm Short gtOPDaMsat rtotk nSi 'Paaseniers tektnf train itffrdnt cB get aboaf4attbe R. t D. R. R. depot ThistraS g HWeOon at Qreeneboro for Raleigh: Goldsboro Newbeme and. aU points on Wllmin ton.4Welol)nBaflroad. ?u rnua w -8????B!r blna 48 make all local stops between Charlotte and Richmond, and be tweea Greensboro, Raleigh and. Goldsboro; No. 47 TOT AfttiAVfliA flrmHiTa aviiarvfA -.1. "SGreensboro wltH -SSm Branafe (8ug stopsbeeeriStta9 i mak all laoal walaSesa tJ oopwta wth Salem Branch at Greens- A. POPS, , Gen. Pass, and Ticket Agent. ""US Rlchmond.Va. FLY FANS & TRAPS, BATH TUBS, SPRINKLERS, ICE CREAM FREEZERS. OIL STOVES -AND THE Double Quick Cook Stove, For summer use, Just in. THE FINEST LINK OF Cook-Stoves and SewiDf Machines IN THE CITY. Orders and correspondence solicited at the Hard ware Store and Sewing Machine House of RICHARD MQORE. Trade Street, Charlotte5,. C CoLC. W. Bbadshaw. So long and favorably known in connection with tbe Sewtag Machine and would oe pleased to see his friends ind patrons and serve them as heretofore. may24 Go to W. P. MARVIN, Igeal, and Successor to F. Scan AC. : Fresh Drugs and Pure Medicines None but the Very Best Drugs diAkee,i!!my toc,t Also. Toilet and Fancy Artldesi Perfumeries, Combe, Brashes, Tooth Brushes, Ac, . ' '. j GARDEN SEEDS of afi the beat Varieties, and warranted ; ' ;te be.,ioed. . PUynlcians' prescriponsjMe ftlTen apeo- ; : : ; . j: ; a- :. , Hoping to receive a share ot public patronage, I am, respectfully, ; feb81 W. P. MARYIN, Agt. SEASONABLE GOODS. Drnggist bi lExainlaS 1 d 0 1 i H h I 41 :

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