-M--aMM-,MMM-MMaaa Stye Ijarbtte b6etBer HMbeentHorooKhlj smJpUedwtth eviry Mede want, add With the late ttyfeaof Type, and ever, ttUMr Of JObPrnilnC Mtlotw40M Villi neatnata, dUpatch ana aweptMea. We maturo la aj abort MUSsY'- : t, trass tuj BLAjaa.BIIX-HlAP3, ' i K LTlTrHJCADS. Ciftpa PAMPmxra,eiBCDLABiieirji:a 12 jfonth hrf month 1 00 e JfOM 78 WKMKLY EDITION Wtrkly, (in the county) in advance f 00 Out of the county. pottjxad, ... 10 (Hx Mmt.h 1 00 VOL. XXV. CHAliJbQTTE, N. C., FRIDAY, JULY 15, 1881. NO; 3,847. V& I liberal fiedtu-t mj or (JWtm.. Bvi CSootls. Jnsfr Received ! ANOTHER LOT OF COLORED MUSMS FoB sale by Alexander t Harris. Iun30 3oets zvfl jiltocs We are dally receiving our SPRING STOCK mmm which will be more complete than ever before and comprises the Best Brands Latest Styles LADIES', MI3SES', CHILDRENS,' GENTS', BOYS', AND YOUTHS' FINE BOOTS! SHOES A SPCECIALTY. Lower grades all goods in our line in variety and all prices. TOLL STOCK STETSON HATS, and a pretty line Straw Hats, Trunks, Valises & Satchels, ALL SIZES AND RBICES. Call and see us. PEGrRAM & CO. feb'20 J?VJ CS00Jtls. m nil ! LAWNS, A Perfect Gorset at Last. No More Broken WhaleboMS. After spending over twelve thousand dollars in experiments, Dr. Warner has PfrtSui material for boning corsets called - T CORALINE Which Is vastly superior to horn or whalebone. ITS ADVANTAGES ABE: FIRST. It cannot be broken. A reward of $5 will be paid for every corset In which the Coraline breaks with six months ordinary wear. SECOND. It is more pliable than whalebone and adapts itself more readily to the movements of the body. THIRD. It is not affec'ed by cold, heat or mois ture. FOURTH. It is the cheapest and most servtce ab'e corset ever made. THE CORALINE CORSHT is made throughout of superior materials, and is warranted In every respect If not found entirely satisfactory, the purchase money will be refunded. Ask for Dr. Warner's Abdominal Corset, With extension front. Unequaled for beauty, ele gance and style. And Dr. Warners Nursing Corset, The only perfect nursing corset In the market. Ask for Dr. Warner's CROSS BONED HIP COBSET. We have the exc'nsive sale In this market of the above corsets, and will be pleased to have the trade inspect them. T. L. 8EIGLK t CO. juns A DELICIOUS DRINK For Use in Families, Hotels, Clubs, Parties, Etc. FT A m -Saaaaaaai Boston I . , II. ORATES fe aOHS. The "Hub Punch " has lately been UtrodoCfd, tad bwU with marked popular favor. l- - ' - It is Warranted to Contain only the m Best of Liquors, United with Choice Fruit Juices and Granulated Sugar. It it ready oa oneninv. and will ba found an amaahla addition to th choice things which undeniably enlarge the-pleirore of life and encourage good fellowship and good nature if rightly enjoyed. GOOD AT ALL Just the Thing to Keep in Wine Cellars. Sideboards not Complete Without Hub Punch. It can be used- Clear or with Fresh Milt, Ioe, Soda, or Hot Water, Lemonade, ox with Rue Ice, to Suit the Taste. Sold bv leadin? Win. March anta. Oroeara. Hotala - Druggists everywhere. Trade supplied at manufacturers prices by Wll son Burweii. Wholesale and He tall Drumls VUOIlWWi Ala v. j r Jan. 23-eod-6m. u IIHI At 614 cents. HOOP SKIRTS, At 50, 75c, 1 and $1.25, BEAUTIFUL STYLE OF PBINT3, at 5c THE BE3T 4-4 BLEACHED DOMESTIC, at 10c. The Celebrated Tower Shirt. . Our entire stock t-f STRAW HATS Must be clo.ed out. Conn and buy one cheap BIG DRIVES IN DRESS GOODS. B vBGAINS IS SANDALS & SLIPPERS. .T FANS ! FANS ! w . . . - Some fine ones to. be closed oqt at cost Come 'J 1,1 ' lari( secure bargains. Harpyes I Wiek JulylS Next session begins August 25, 1881. Combines the advantages of the old curriculum, with special' and extended Instruction according to tne umversMf system. - . Connected with it are schools of Law, of Medl cine ftixttwCglinacj. ;AddfllaiBaUlogue and particulars,'; INDORSED HY'- PHYSICIANS, CLERGYMEN, AND THE AFFLICTED EVERYWHERE. THE GREATEST MEDICAL TRIUMPH OF THE AGE. ' SYMPTOMS OF A TORPID LIVER. Ijoasof appetlte,Nauflea,bowelB eostlye. Fain in theHead.Witb. a dull sensation iq. the back part. Pain under the shoulder blade. fnUneas after eating with a disin clination to exertion of body or jmlnd. Irritability of temper. Lowpirita, Xioii 1 ofmemory . with a feeling of haying neg- .leced some dutTTwearine s. Plaalneas. : riuttering of theHeart Dots before the eyes. Yellow Skin, Headabne, Bestless ness at night, highly; cpored V riBf 1 Ut XJtBSlSQS UBS VroHSSXIi, SERIOUS DISEASES WILL SOON BE DEVELOPED. TTTTS gTXLS are especially adapted to uch ciei,on dose effects aueh aehenge , of f Hut; as to astonish: tb euflsrr. ' Theylreae (lie Appetite, and causa the bodv to Takii on Flaata. thus the srsUm is " nonridit,nd by theirToaate AettenOD tht. . - inwiH.vrnioi, warn... ai.'.a.aiw aJ 1 dooadj oants. ; ftt Murray li-Jf.T j TUTT!SlAlRi Ctbat Kaib or Whiskkb cbariged to aOtossT Black by a single application of thtsyrs: ItU imparts a natural color, acts initaotaoeonsiy. O .. 1 J Lva rt.i nnlatl ri t Hf awnrasB rJr Ski at i a! ffl i Office, 35 Murray St;,!!! Yorki , C Vr. TtJTTS llttlh at VtlmbN hrfcnradsa sa4 k CMtai iudt. wmh wUMi tmm.iwm';i) Feby.28 bbdwV - ' .' J'T.1 Twist C h e w i n o j t fti Beware of imltaioni'r"rIone jgeuUi ' oriUw ac companied with ou t '-Honest T?&VtwafM&X& Which will be f ounJoh hefj of fwrbox- City W-feMa;;; ; rrm Lot on the comet of Nlritlj5 street hd the JL North Carolina Railroad, froHOBg-140 Ninth street and 190 feet on the North Ttnllnuul. mrltl altrutr hit anlri U S WDOU lntotwbloUof 70 by 198 leet Sottable e: building or factor purposes; - Apply to feet on ronna vided erfor 1 ! OBSCUVATIONs. Mrs. Langtry has faded all out, and Is now ex hibitlng as the wreck: of her former beauty. enrtoy ere goetiitJS -mer"' exelafmed Count von Flddlestlckikl, as he gazed for the first time at Mlagara rallB,-"IhAf never in der whole coarse mlt my experience seetf der r&tsr fall llker dot I feet mlt mlneself all foil up mit oxelde mendr TerWdfiitVf f f l. l f ! It Is claimed by a . TOca! . physician (bai tamiUds who roast their own coffee will never be troubled with diphtheria. - - : 1 . : We are not so very much wbre?ittaia o Eng lish noasma,- after alk A.: rumor ex the drowning of the eldest .son ef tne Prlncef of alee was eir eulaiedimmddlatefv ftftar thd-BftW-rJt .aifleld's' assassination was khown. Just to"" ramhle ; in J stocks, that 5 alL" - ..i vs ; A the modern-dar horse thieves, and the horri- The Chicago Times condemns Dractice of lrncblne horse thievi ble amnreatian has been made that setMnterest ia -iThequjtckesf Vay for a mMtoproThimself msane is to snake a will that doesn't so his rela- trvesiBostrwfXMbus v. 1 OaasW'Here. waiter, brhiirme some arammat- Ical rrd'iyesmphieairrvra. ets-"We baverrt;niiast out, sir, ,:Apjrtnn4lsa;i?? Guest (in l a JierrlLIe, yoX.'JTbe, lv rjhy, you have them In the bill of fare?" j J! It Is rather galling upon modem greatness to be told that our comet Is only an , old,, warmed over affair, 100 years old or more. , It has lost all in terest with progressive spirits, and is fast sinking into the llmbe of Pinafore, the Albany dead-lock, aad all other dying memories of the dead past, Boston Transcript. According to census bulletin No. 117, it is as serted that 98 per cent of the total population lie between 40 and 70 degrees Fahrenheit. It doesnt need any census bulletin to teaachthat the major ity of people lie even when the temperature goes down below zero, or up to 90 in the shade. They all do It. summering Tn "Virginia, A CIIAKLOTTE PB1KTER IN THE Summer MMether Notew by (bo Wayside, aud Ucreaion Jit the Old State." To the Editor of The Observer. Newport, Giles Co., Va., July 8th. The writer of this letter, after cbn stant application to business for almost live years, seeks the mountains for, rest and pure air, and is now found ihJNew- port, a pleasant little village of about three hundred inhabitants. '.' .i Leaving Charlotte on the morning of the 1st instant,' oyer the-Richmond 'and Danville Railroad, pnis1 of the ""beat equipped and most -pleasant riding roads in the South, I arrived in Dan ville at 10 a. m., after a ride of ix hours. This, the first city we come s to in Virginia after leaving North Caro lina, is too well known to your readera to need comment at my nands. a tramp's reasoning. An amusing scene occurred shortly after leaving Charlotte, which ended to the discomfort and unhappiness of 'a way-worn traveler, and who represents that class which is commonly designat ed by the term "Tramp." Apparently tired, and very dirty, he had entered the car unobserved and settled him self for a pleasant ride and a re'fresni ing sleep, but he sadly missed his cal culation. Hardly had sleep wrapped him in its embrace, when the conduc tor entered, calling out "Tickets 1"; trampy being the first to meet his eyes. Seizing now the deep-sleeping traveler by the arm, he shook him vehemently, at the same time asking for his ticket. "Cap, you are pretty rough with a fellow." "Give me your ticket," said the con ductor. "That is something I never have any use for. Our profession doesn't re quire us to use tickets. We are so con stantly on the road that it is presumed all railroad men know us." "Are you one of the officials of the road," enquired the conductor in a gen tlemanly manner. "Not exactly; but then, you see, 'labor vs. capital' is the order of things these days, and as I've spent the . best portion of my life in the interest of the capitalist with nothing to show for it, and having a desire to see the country, I consider it my right to travel where I please without pass or money." "That is not the way our roads view the matter, and if you expect to travel on cheek you had better take another route," and with this the bell rope is pulled, the train stopped and trampy in vited to step down and off, and the last seen of him he was seated by the si4e; of the road, no doubt meditating on; the, uncertainty of life. ' ; AT LYNCHBURG. . - Leaving Danville at 12:30 p. nj. w arrived in Lynchburg about 2:30 ps in; The mountain scenery along the line is verv interestine. but as the -traveler tnoresw, ana ou-nrering- tne uvbitue eye rests on ona-ujer uirj :&uusmr. ..mui "esaue lkridscaDsth&tit haserec been 'ayvtxege tbehdWlcitj prop er is to the lert, situatea jar aoove tne depot, rendering it impossible for jdrie At the-depot was to beaeen , a cr wd seldom witnessed on oTdinary occasibns as waa learned ftom one who seerxred; to be connected with the road, j On; being asked what it all meant he 1 re plied that it was a crowd of plea$ure( seekers on their wav to the various' springs in Virginia. So it proved from? the time we left Lynchburg, at every station, could be seen parties embark ing bound for one or the other Of the snrincs-aloncr the line. ' ; Lynchburg is said to be a very prefc- ty city, with a population of between 18,000 and 20,000 inhabitants. Atthis Soinfthe Virginia Midland and) the Torfolk & Southwestern railroads con nect. The writer's travel by rail ended at ChrisUanburg, having traveled three hundred miles. At this point he ! Was met by private conveyance and carried! Over the mountains about fifteen mile, a part of which was gone over after;: night, reaching Newport, the point :of interest to the writer, at 11 p. m., tared and satisfied with the1 .day's journey ! having been on tue way nineteen honrs. ! ; ; .'' . ' , UP THE MOUNTAIN. . Two day's rest prepared me for an un-. expeetod-and much morapleasaat land irrarjdrsight than hjtdftntip&ted ofl rewbins JWsf r4acC-rortdna:tely fcihCJT7ritlaVti M..5ed made interest, atopflg the number himself, i . : l i i" r f , ' -. ' - - ' . 1 started for the? point of interest, three- fourths of anile distant down a very abrupt and rough pathway. Down, down we; wenji along the side of a pic turesque and craggy ravine, until we reached -, THE CASCADE Which 1 will tar to describe. Through the ravine flows a stream as clear as crystal and refreshingly cool, until it reaches a precipice eighty-eight feet high, when in one grand silvery sheet it dashes itself in awful fury over into a basin below. After viewing the falls from above we descended with, much Uiffieulty and safely gained a firm foot ing oeioWj to least tne eye on s grander sight than we had imagined. ; Ob eith er side in majestic beauty overhung immense rocks, shelving out and pro tecting a perfect floor of rock from the5: rays of the son or the blasts of the1 storm. It is just such a place as to filr' one with wopder and admiration, and the heart to" beat with gratified ac' knewledgmenl to Him who formed the" earth, and the lips to utter mi deepest 'feeling,'" Lorr trowi wonderful -are Thy worksi in wisdom liast Thou made them all." ' . .-.The eye and soul refreshed, as well as the body, we commenced our ascent and had to pass under the falls Ah hour's tedious walk brought us 'to the point t Which we left our teaim. All things being made ready we?etrac ed our journey to the point of interest we first came to on our way to the .cas cade. Two hours' ride bripgs us to this point and we are at THE LAKE, Or "The Switzerland of America," Where we deeided to remain until the cool of the eveningr Bpending the time in boating on the lake,' rolling ten-pins, visiting the springs, &c. This lake is said to deri ye its. name, from the fcf thatwhenbriiimallprjnrid such as may be seerflh almost any locality, the, cattle grazing on the .mountains went, thither to water, and there, also, the owners of stock used to salt them, caus ing the soil to become .impregnated with salt and. giving the waters a salt ish taste. But this :was when this now beautiful, sheet Qf water was, only an vunahserved ilittie pond.: Since .fihose , days nature and time has .completely transformed this place into, aa .deght i&lca summer resort as,? :me. !W;Qu)d de-1 sire at which to spepd tjape jifrom heat.; dust, . ; and eYerithipg.plsa that makes summer , so ..uacoiafortable. Prom a little pond has grown as lovely a-sheet oft water as; the eye could .wish to rest on, . covering an , , area . of. fifty acres and three-fourths of a mile , long. It is said.to be the . only; lake, in Vir ginia, and during this season of the year is especially attractive, its banks being covered with myriads of flowers. Clus lake, although, not known to many of the readers. of The Observer, has quite a reputation; North, being much sought by , tourists from PhQad el phia, Boston, and otner Northern ci ties. There is situated o& the south side of, the lake & large hotel,, furnished with ail the conveniences and comforts I of a summer resort, besides; a' ten4pin aiiey ana billiard,; hall, a short distance from the main building. The proprie tor 01 this in viting place does not claim any medicinal properties for the water, but . no ice-water could be colder pr purer than is found here The attralc-: tiyeness of the place is in the health fulness of location and its fine scenery. THE ELEVATION. The hotel is on one of the highest mountains, being four: thousand feet above sea-level, and said to be twice as high as the celebrated hotels of the White Mountain region. Eifteen min utes' walk takes the tourist to Bald Knob, claimed to be the highest point in Virginia overlooking three States. Rocky glens, groves and cascades of great beauty are readily accessible, i - The time allotted for our stay at the lake passed rapidly, but not until the eye had fully feasted on nature grand work. At 5 o'clock we commenced de scending the mountain, reaching New port in time for supper, satisfied with the trip, the impressions of which will last as long as time itself. Derfla. The Hot Ware In the West Chicago. July 12. The; following reports of the weather and cashalities yesterday have beerr received here; '.' Blcjngton,' 111., thetmotQetet deereeisv" One death xroni1 heat ;-' ' AlfiSn -T1V MiY dno-rftaa ftnpi )asa7i). from heat. c ' 1 - ' Sullivan D44 10fl degrees. One, death. Kankakee HI., 100 degrees. 1 Spririgfield, 111., 100 degrees. Xihcbln, IlK, 104 degrees. - Three deaths. ' Charleston, 111, 103 degree.'. One death. . . -",' . Decatur. 111., 103 degrees; One1 ease of Sunstroke, which wllj prphably prove fatal. .' ' ' : ;MOheie, Ind., 104 degrees. Tive cases, but none were fatal. ' r ' , 'Uewark, Ohio, nine sunstrokes, four 'fatal. ' '. ' ' ' ' ' " . 1 ' . j ' Jacksonville, 111, 103 degrees., 0tie death. ... ... -: , - ' -i : I 47 STOPS 1ST L : i t r i . .Dugus vrgan maKers at and.tearohWTtnr5kl6r 8th we commencea oirf fsew. anappy party, prepared for- a realleagiwe, day. An hour's rideplaced na on an elevation far aboye' Newport, affording a jflne view of ttie: valley belgw., , Bigher land higher we ascended, each elevation! af fording still grander ' sights, until t at last we reached the top of : the inoun tain, and a point of much interest a distance of eight miles xrora.' jtewporc ictn erlpofiitof jrimt i win not wen ;no w tairroundlhia tfeffiTTfi reTdarabrelearityindl inteWsV-'rhust1 be first visited down . themountain, six miles further: Two hourVride brought us to the end of ur jonrney, and here we stopped, having: goaeas far as we could with- our, team, unhitched our horses and fed; our own0 hunger hefnJ satisnea irom a oooiiuxivt stmnsnxi VBB-itt ket prepared tf hands that; ktiow how. to temp tto appetite, Refreshed.! jjre; war McSMTH. is happy and stiU sells nothing but fr iciiauie uuttnero. om 8PECI1L SUMMB 0FFIB. CASH PRICES AND THBIS MONTHS CEIDIT. 500(8' MD "ORGANS HAND AND CONTRACTED FOB THAT MU3T BK CLOSED OUT BY OCT. 1. And baUnce whea cotton comes In. JULY, A UTTIiK CASH DOWN, LOWE9T C1SH PBICIS, an batoc I. , ubntlu, WiTBOUT INTtMBT f 10 & S25 CASHN ORGANS AND PIANOS. OiraANBUYTH? Chickcring Piano and 11 Damlin Organ. nickeling lead the world for good Pianos, and tt, Mason and Hamlin Is the monarch o! all organs. 3m,12,eaneirOT'thln8llltae music Mne. prices, etc, adurta , lanl good tuner and repairer always on hand. For a McSMITH, Charlotte, N. C. y III I mm m -SPRING AND SUMMER CA8SIMERE SUITS- -AT GREATLY EFDUCED PRICES. HOYS' AND CHILDREN'S SUITS AT COST- -CALL AND SEE US.- Efl k 10. m IT IS A 700LISH MISTAKE Ho confo remedy of mejrlt vrttku th ftnack-meaiOBiea b connnorii , wa have a8earxera:uingf wutLthe nannle&t results for rneummxlsm an, pepsia, AndVhen worn ant by orerwork,' and It to be a aterUag heafth rtoraUv:-Tlmea. inda jwao I&'CtfS CJOCA BEE? TONIC ,"THXrLIZB is an mvaraa.pTe crepMaium,"-sayi .nr. . stool Jacksonville Ffiu 4ajoldIyrame Wmpnth- hronnrfllfe1Wt. attol (i""gli. shortness of breath, jieiypuanMeeessness. . It rapidly re--stbteslosf vftUrWvrriefMr-rroWfedlscre exoegstafldranyroe?3yrii8ttaglos.of flutda,, TT VBKSjNBIBWt, Von have allowed roar, bowels f6 hpjvim, ually cQstrre, your trrer nas 'Deeome tome fhlfii aBa lyoor kWaejs,sant b aanit- onmih for-, itirlll be a ttBi.'lsprlng : - IF, nr;-: vim k nan a rifc- i - f w-i 4 ;ii j. . qtafcs-l - - fgiffimi tew: ' ; - mxAimm id-. . .:ouar ktj:w iiw. ' - ; flrptfattsaaati m m -4 Mmmrnm n uu nr iMPUManmiBM wm i - .. . j -1 n a m wa i j ftOW I ! aL.. . . .. . .': ... r1osfld6i) jcMowii ensible,,4ftt ! BDTOHD AzatK.tUID I89 8raiM Wi aL98rfne,Krea wnw land, aiveraave, coi Mice a? machrpn ana rty pertntt more mum naHJ. anyJ 1 arara m&a iB &JtBvu Jaat tneiaiiigArd generakrjww-.ar Went CreetoJeW York. Pairt A. flnts-J have been vei? low. , and. avcMi erythlng. ty no advantage. 1 "1 heard yonr Hoi ten reoommenaeorDy gr many,-i concr ivthem4nau k id.na now am ro oanstaniinjfovtag, andaearli 1 ore that IfifL m .tesUinonj to-tbe great vlrtiia-W your "SemjJMpe", ja jrflcfpijlemTDgla and: slck.beadache.'TiAiam6ij,ia a ble&slok, ajWI ;ii- .!.:i',.L.'-i.-:: ...ti J w. - 4k ,lnaa A Jf 86 Cathedral ttoaetattJmara, ' i and with mogt IhaJtoa rallel la every ease." ware vwrtauess uauaao&r aanay: oars ana ameaKAlMpw raea acanB, momiWBswiuorarBimi ea.t rtelilttlftftj oeirta anddWai n wilt ma m Munodiaalraia eelebralM ao a7taBalBi l tftUebJcatiawa BeatTvtK 4oV fc. T .. . -7. . . . - T TX " - M-UJhaaaavav. IV.XMf la ani nr and marred Saneflolal to the carp,',; ed-ffrar-Mjna w whrifartcert Fair Bat- la SUMMEE STOCK AT- wmvmm mm (dies SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS. JUST RECEIVED A LABGE VARIETY OF -i jLadiete' Dress Goods arid Trimmings, Lawns, Silk Handkerchiefs,' Embroideries, Corsets ! ittid hosiery, all the latest Styles and very Cheap, AL80, A HANDSOME STOCK OF Ready-Made Clothing and Center Furnishing Goods. ".Vjl & Mcdowell, ENGINEERS, IRON FOUNDERS & MACHINISTS . -MANUFACTURERS OF- STEAM ENGINES AND MINING MACHINERY CONTRACT FOR CONSTRUCTION AND ERECTION OF MINING MACHINERY OJf EVERY DESCRIP TION AND LATEST DE8lGN8.aLSO. MAN UFACTDRK AND SELL AGBI CULTURAL The manufacturers of the CHALLENGER PORTABLE ENGINE CHALLENGE THE WORLD Te produce a better engine. To show 6ur confidence in what they claim, they challenge ; any .manufacturer of agricultural engines not fitted with an automatic citffVto a competitive test at a 'forfeit of 8-00 10 $1,000 amaydalred. These engines burn a, 4 and 6-foot wood. JOIT6 ttf JOiltel.G YOUNG, Ag't, College Strett, between Trade andFiflh. iMll 6 5 7, COTJBTLANDT ST. 1 BRANCH OFFICE, CBABLQTTK, a. C. ?f I .tWltflS-'iTlVC 1 ARLINGTON, N.V ,'i')7

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