LOCAL INTtiLMtiEiM'tt. SATURDAY, JULY lti, 1881. SOCIETY DIRECTORY. Phalanx Loim3k No. 31, A. K. & A. SL -Regular meeting every second and fourth Monday nights. Kxcklsiob Lodgk No. 201, A. K. & A. M. Reg ular meeting every first and third Tuesday nights. Charlotte Chaftkb W. 8, E. A. M.. Regular meeting every second and fourth Friday nights. Chaklottk Comma kdaby No. 2, K. T. Regular meeting every first and third Thursdays. IC- OF EC. KifiGfiTS or Honor. Regular meeting every second and fourth Thursdays. IC- OIF1 IF Knights of Pythias. Regular meeting nights first and third Wednesdays, 7 o'clock p. m. at Ma sonic Temple Hall. I- O. O. 3T1. Charlotte Lodge No. 88. Meets every Mon day night. Meckxenburq Declaration Lodge Na 9. Meets every Tuesday night. Dixie Lodge No. 108. Meets'every Thursday night. Catawba River Encampment No. 21. Meets First and third Thursday nights in each month. lnd,x to Now Advertiwemeuiu. Watermelons, etc H. M. Howell. (Jrocerles Harvey k Blair. Application for relief J. A. Reynolds and wife. 1IITIE PENCI LINGS, E3T The capacity of the Charlotte Cotton Mills is being extended by the receipt of additional machinery. ISiF The Atlanta excursion returned yt bterday bringing back several visitors J'rorn Georgia in addition to the crowd with which it left here. t"" A re-registration is not required ci those who voted at the municipal election in May, but it is well enough to see that your name is on the book. J2f Since prohibition went into ef fect, says the mayor, d and d's are re markably scarce in my court. In fact I don't have anything now but a viola tion of the whiskey ordinances occa sionly. 3T The Southern Express Company h;ts just carried into effect a new sche dule of nites. The charges have been in many instances reduced, and a small package can now be sent from Charles ton to New York for 25 cents. ItlT We are requested to say that a prohibition mass meeting of the citi zens of the eastern portion of Mecklen burg county, will be held at Mallard Creek church, Monday, July 28, 1881. Addresses will be delivered by Col. J. 1'. Thomas, Gen. R. D. Johnston, ttev. S. Mattoon and others. df A newspaper man never so fully appreciates the truth of the maxim that it is the little troubles in life that kill us, as when he happens on a good item in an exchange and looks around for hi3 scissors to find that they have disappeared. It destroys all the pleas ure of the thing. The Columbia Register says: "Master N. B.Barnwell yesterday filed his decision in the matter as to whether the Charlotte, Columbia & Augusta llailroad charged cotton freightage by weight or measurement under the charter of December, 1846. The Master decides that the custom has been to charge by weight." EJpThe city was visited yesterday af ternoon by several refreshing showers, purifying the atmosphere, carrying away the filth and rubbish from the streets and gutters, and giving a new lease of life to the almost perished veg etation of the gardens. A few more such will revive the drooping hopes of a great many farmers. E3T The Atlanta and Charlotte Air Line and the Charlotte, Columbia and Augusta ltailroads will sell round trip tickets to the joint summer meeting of the State Grange and Agricultural Society at Greenville, for three cents per mile, counting each way. The tickets will bo placed on sale from July 23 to July 26, and will be good to re turn until August 3. A Rata Theory According to a theory asserted and believed during the war, a few hours cannonading by heavy guns dis charged in the open air, produced an undulatory commotion in the atmos phere, which nearly always produced rain. Wouldn't cans of dynamite ex ploded in the air produce the same re sult? However the copious rains yes terday renders such an experiment un necessary just now. A Lucky Farmer Mr. J. T. Julian, formerly a mer chant in this city, but now conducting a farm about three miles f rem the city, brings Tiie Observer the hnest cotton boll of the season. It is well formed and about three inches in circumfer ence. Mr. Julian has had good luck farming his place he states, having been visited witn two snowers or ram to every one vouchsafed to his neighbors. His crops consequently are consider ably in advance of others around him. Personal mention Senator Z. B. Vance is in the city. D. J.Carter, Esq., editor of the Lan caster Ledger, was in the city yester day. j udge E. P. Dick, who has been mak ing prohibition speeches in the west ern part of the State, was in the city yesterday on his way home. Col. Thomas B. Keogh, of Greens boro, passed through the city yesterday on his return from norma, where ne has been for several weeks recreat ing. He was accompanied by Judge Settle, now of Florida, whose family are spending the summer at Greens boro. The latter has fallen off some what from his usual robust status, and carries onlv the amount of flesh re quired for a Florida man. itlahquerade Ball A crand maannp.rafiA hall will take place at Cleaveland Mineral' Springs next Tuesdav evemne. July 19: Floor managers Captain Harrison Watts, Dr. R. I. Brevard, C. N. Vance, Alex. Hoke, Geo. K. Tate, and Withers AQ1CKS, JiiSOS. Lady managers--Mrs. Harrison Watts. Mrs. C. n. Vanco. and Mrs. W. It. Burwell. of Charlotte: Mrs. W. H. lilount, of Columbia; Mrs. Judge Mc Iver.of Cheraw, S. C; Mrs, Clarke, of Yorkville, s. C. ; Mrs. WV. Walsh, of Fayetteville, and Mrs. W. J. Orr, of luchmond. Va. The Observer acknowledges the courtesy of an invitation to be present ana "trip the light fantastic. The North Carolina midland Caot. Wm. Cain, formerly of this city, is the engineer in chartre of the survey for the North Carolina Midland i.auroaa proceeding easu lroui oiu Jury . Capt, CainV tarty iU from 'the maty SatisVy foajew i 'a. OtlSf. The Watchman says; They will no by Miller's FerrVf Holmes'' mill on Ab bott's creek, thence to Asheboro, and, thence to Pittsboro. The line will be located Immediately after the prelim inary survey is made, and the grading will be bedim aa soon as several miles Off the road is located. ; Thw Midland lias been a , pet scheme , of Mr. Best a tor a lone time and it now seems that nis i herpes will be rjgaliijed. . BECAUS U adds to personal beauty by restor ipk color and lustre to faded or gray 'natr, and W beneficial to the scalp, is why barker's' Pair Balr sum is such a popular dressing. THE CITY WATER WORKS. Sball We 'Hare '"nkmif fa the Con f$ tract to be Drakes? ' Whafr hM become fcf the proposed City .Water Works?" tea standing question which has been asked more frequently than ever before in the last few days, the unusually long spell of dry weather having more than ever demonstrated our need of them. It is a question we can no longer refrain' from attempting to answer in some manner. At the first of the year the citizens were agitated on the subject of water works and the sentiment of the com munity was ascertained to be in favor of it. Negotiations were then set on foot between the board of alderman and various parties of contractors, and propositions were finally made by the former and accepted by a party of con tractors located in New York. On the 17th day of March a contract was signed in which was stipulated, among other things, on the part of the con tractors that the work should be com menced within 60 days, and be com pleted within 8 months, after the date of the agreement, providing no unfore seen or unavoidable obstacle inter vened to prevent it. These specifica tions as to time, however, were matters of form, said the agent of the contrac tors; in point of fact the work would be begun almost immediately and completed in a jiffy. They considered the contract a highly desirable one so far as they were concerned, and "when they had once closed a contract they never slept over it, they said. Shortly after a tool box arrived, and then a gentleman named Alger, who it was said would superintend the construc tion of the works. The dirt was turned up in the suburbs east of the city, a ditch being the result. Nothing more was then done and the water Works began to be forgotten. Two months elapsed, three months and now four months have gone and the work has not in reality been inaugurated yet. Over a week ago a hitch of some kind was spoken of and the agent Of the contractors went to New York to straighten it out, saying he would despatch as soon as he got there in regard to the difficulty. The legal counsel of the contractors to whom he promised to send the information has waited in vain for any letter or mes sage. Several days after the agent left Mr. Alger, the gentleman who was to superintend the work also quietly packed up and returned to New York. These facts were learned and Mayor F. S. DeWolfe was asked if he had any information on the subject. He said he had been trying for some time to learn something definite about the commencement and completion of the work, but had failed to do so, and he was now inclined to believe that the water works "was a flash in the pan." This is all that is known at present in reference to the subject, but the silence of the parties leads to a be lief in some that the contract will be abandoned. Use of the Lemon. Many of our exchanges are talking about the value of the lemon as a health promoter this hot weather. The Ral eigh Farmer and Mechanic thus dis courses: "There i3 no doubt that the more lemonade one uses at this season the better ; because under the influence of the intense heat, nature becomes torpid, and only those persons whose habits of life are active and stirring, can safely rely upon the system s safety valve, the liver, to do its work without the assistance of medicine. The acid of the lemon, diluted in water, is pre cisely what is needed, and the most bilious person will secure relief: in a few days by drinking a lemon, squeezed in water, half hour before each meal. It is better without sugar, for the latter somewhat modifies the acid, and be sides the sugar of the present day is apt to comprise a variety of substances not essential to good health. - The Cause of Temperance, A valued correspondent writes us from Salisbury under date of the 13th to say, "I thank you for the noble stand you have taken, and the yeoman service you are doing in the cause of that great reform, (temperance,) which is destined to sweep the State, and in fact the whole union. The politicians are already trembling for they will gen erally be swept off. .Every day brings information or first one and then an other of our distinguished men who are arraying themselves under the vic torious banner of Prohibition. Your townsman, Col. Thomas, gave us, on the 4th inst., as chaste, eloquent and scholarly an address as it has ever been our pleasure to hear. He came unheralded, and every intelligent list ener was charmed, in fact spell-bound. Hurrah for vour whole people for the decided and out-spoken stand they have taken to suppress the great evil of intemperance. Something of a Practical Joke. If a man meditating suicide was walking trader the tower, building at the Central Hotel, and the bricks be gan to rattle on the scaffolding over head, the instinct or seu-perflevation would assert itself so far, probably, as to make him jump. A well known and dignified gentleman was passing the corner yesterday just as the mortar bucket began to ascend. J. wag stand ing not far away suddenly conceived and exectuted what he evidently con sidered a practical joke. He threw iilLUSCll 111 I11C llliuuio ui mo pci t yuivuw cast a slance ur at the scaffolding arid assifmins an agonized expression of countenance, doubled himself up and moved his arms in a dumb appealing eresture of warning, just as some bricks began to clatter on the planks above. The digniued gentleman s hair mse bd: he made two desperate springs to escape impending death and fell Danting into tne arms or me smil ing wag. He saw by the countenences of those around that he had been sold and good naturedly joined in the laugh against himself. - Watering: Place Note if. Miss Louise Morehead is at h:me f rnm Mnrfihead CitV Mr.ijeHoy uayiasom is at wewYtianu Mrs. liesaie X uewey anu uaugm-ei Miss Bessie, left for Cleaveland jester dav afternoon. Kev. Dr. A. vv. jmner, wne anu daughter went to Saluda Springs yes terdav. Mrs. jonn u. loung ana cnnaren have gone to north Georgia for the summer. . . . ... Capt. Kenneth s. incu ana wile re T.nrn Ad from Cleaveland yesterday. The trio of amiable unmarnea maies hAr who met the same numDer or Macon, Ga., girls at Asheville with such distinguished success last summer noma fncramAr VRBittruav auu ui uoiuidu themselves Into a meeting ancLaaop. J $alut w tang gSmiq T whHoh; after setting fo r. . t ,r .L - j fj.-l.j esQto a,meBnnRii-u"iiw5u arm in whinh. after setting XOIXU miMvfiA that their visit to Ashevnltf should be repeated.and intimated "how ftwfnL iolW.it would be if the Maconites were the same way inclined.- A copy of ttip pfFnainn was mailed to the fair Georybns uiid it an is hiiimWt to-& the yst' fof lows in me wortu ww. VH.. other in disgust kd Cultivate the com pany of stheVblttes' ditty, in ..the future - i Km? nntalr MrninM aim A. rifLVIL. nrlnaiT Rffe tions, BmdrtiDg, frequent or difficult urination, and maney cuseases. 91 at aruggists. vepw, . AjcAden, Charlotte, . c. LEADVILLE, COLORADO. The Wonderfnl City aa DeocriWA by m Charlottes A Lana of Fr a its, Flovrera and Kters.l Baow. To the Editor of Toe Observer. In my last I promised to tell you about Leadville, the wonder of the age. I spent last Sunday there. It is a city larger than any in North Caro lina ; built in three years, and besides the town being built millions of dollars of work was done on the mines, as much as would be done in North Carolina in 50 years. It is not so full of life, has not the crowds that it had last year, still it presents a lively scene ; streets are crowded with men from every land and mines are being worked by hun dreds of men; stamp mills and smelt ers are running all the time, day and night, and Sunday too. It scarcely looked like Sunday to me. Stores and saloons, theatre and gambling houses all open ; only a few stores were closed. It seems strange there i3 not some judgment sent on the place for its wickedness. I visited some of the mines in Leadville that are stocked at from one to twenty million dollars. One mine I saw is now paying its owner a net profit of from 50,000 to 100,000 a month, but this is an exception. The hills all around the edge of the town are full of mines and prospect holes and valued at from one thousand to a mil lion dollars apiece. It requires so much machinery to work them properly that a poor man can't do much with them and they are generally put in companies and stocked. I went from Leadville to Robison, 18 miles, where there is one of the best mines in the State, stocked at ten million dollars. I had to stay either there or at Kokomo, one and a half miles further, all night, to take the stage for Georgetown, so I stopped at Robison, as I had a friend there, llobison is about 15 months old, has more stores than Gaffney City, and is better built. I walked to Kokomo and took the stage. I went 15 miles over the roughest road I ever saw, almost, to 'Frisco, and had to stay there all night, as they don't travel these roads at night. I used to think I had been on a rough road from Asheville to Warm Springs, but it does not compare with some of these roads. The next day I rode 18 or 20 miles in the stage, took dinner, and then went horseback over Argentine Pass to Georgetown, 15 or 16 miles. The scenery on and near the psss is as fine as there is to be seen any- wnere, i think, it is on a grander scale than I have ever before seen. Argen tine Pass is said to be the highest wag on road in the world, being between 13,000 and 14,000 feet high. I rode by one snow bank that was as high as my head I being on the horse. I have quite a number of flowers which I gathered on that mountain range, where there is frost every night and snow the greater part of the year; and yet with us flowers can't stand the frost, while these mountains in some places are perfect flower gardens, al though usually there is scarcely soil enough on which to grow them. I reached Georgetown very tired, at 7 a. m. to-day, ana took the train for Den ver. It is quite hot and summer-like here, and I find there is really summer. Strawberries are just now in bloom on the mountains. More hereafter. Edgar, God Speed in the Good Work. To the Editor of The Observer. It was with much pleasure that the account in this morning's paper of the meeting of the colored women and formation of a prohibition club was read. This is a step that will lead to much good and we can hardly com mend these women sufficiently for the bold stand they have taken on the side of right and morality. it is trom the women of our state, white and black, that we must expect great aid in this cause of religion and morality. The colored women of our city have made a noble start. They have begun the good work ana we trust they will continue to strive earn estly to put down this curse to our land. The friends of prohibition every where will have a strong interest in this association, and as they have so well started bid them God speed in their good work. W. B. BUEffETT'S 0O0OAI1TE. A LADY'S HAIR SAVED BY ITS USX. Burnett's Cocoa lne will keep the hair In a strong and healthy condition by stimulating the roots of the hair and restoring the natural action upon which its growth depends. Twenty years ago a single bottle sated a lady's hair In a desperate case where every other treatment had failed; and since that early success thousands of cases of baldness, dandruff, loss of hair, and irritation of the scalp, have yielded to this remedy. The superiority of Burnett's Flavoring Extracts consists In their perfect purity and great strength. j A SURE CURE FOB FILES. Co you know what It is to suffer with piles? It you do, you know what is one of the worst tor ments of the himan frame. - The ' most .perfect cure ever known is Kidney Wort It cures consti pation, and then its tonic action restores neaitn to the diseased bowels and prevents recurrence of disease. Try it without delay.- The dry, and the liquid are both sold by druggists. Globay - - BIAimiED. On the 13th Inst., by, lev. Win. Martin. Lysan- der D. Chllds, of Colombia, and Bessie, only chUd of the late B. A. Springs, of Springston, near Bock Hill, S. C. MAKKETSBY TELEGRAPH JULY 15. 288.1. 1 w PBOPUCTt . TtTTTMrmu Noon Flour oulet: Howard street and Western super: $3.50a4.25, extra S4.25aS.25, family $5.50a6,50; dty mills-super $3.50a460, extra $4.75a5.75, family 6.75a7T25; Bio brands J6.50a.62,Patapsco family 7.25.Wfieat-Boutbem red I19al25, amber 124a.27. Corn Southern Bauxmobw in igntuais-r western wnue ow&4u do mixed 85a87, Pennsylvania . Provisions mess Dork 17.75 for old; new 18.00: bulk meats loosefshouldars , clear aides .ditto packed 7UiaHiA bacon snomaers 8. ciear -rro siaes ilh. bamsl28l3v Lard refined tierces 12fc. .OoSee Bio cargoesrdlriarytQfair MfcalUA, Sugar A soft 10. Whisker LiWi.. . , CrtrcnrwiTi Flour family &3085.50, "fancy 1 - t X J t 5.90a6.50. 1 Wheat No. ii. red winter Com at 51. Oats at 41. Pork at 818.00. Lard at i 2.40. Bulk . meats shoulders 6.50. ribs 9Ai bacon shoulders 7& ribs 10, clear sides . Whiskey at 1.08. 8ugar--hards lOSballUi. New Orleans 7a8u Hosts common and lUrJht 4.9Qa6.g0, packU ftB4 but&her 5.90a Ntw Tom-Southern flour steady: eommon tfe4alrextafa5.25a5.75.K00d to cnoiee 6.75a7.60. Wheat unirraded red l.usai.z. uorn-r nnomilari ABftAttSA. ftat 4.1 &43 tar NO. ft. . COf- iee BiQ cargoes vvtsizw sugar uu u syuu refining 7wgl, prime 8V6: reaned standard a 9. flolasses New Orleans 80a55, Porto Bioo 86a56. Bosto 2-05a2.10. Turpentine 42aU. Wool domestic fleece 84a45. Dolled 20a4O. unwashed 12a82. Texas 14a30. Pork new at i7tni8 9fi. old : middies ions? clear uut short clear out. Ions and short . Lara 18.10. COTTON. Gh,t8TO Firm: middling 11; low mldal'c lOUc: irood ordinary Bic: net rects 469; tross 477i sales 817: stock 26,556: exp'ts eoastwlse ; to (ireat Britain : continent Weeklv net recelots 2.178: ktoss 2.184: sales 2.246: exp. coastwise 1,971 u to Great Brittaln 1,432.: cdnQBent s France, ; - ' Nobjolk-Steady : middling lie: net reeelpts 584: cross : stock 8.074: exports ejtwlM -.sales : exports to urea uruauu WeeklTr-net retfta 2.814: gross ; eaies 194: exD'ts coastwise 2.782: Great Britain channel ; continent. . - . . BAi.Tfwrnro-i-bnlf't: midd'ir lllto: low mtdtfg 10 8-16c; goo4 ardm 9; net-je!. 4i gross : exnons to Great JBritala : t-pet reets 584; gross 2,Bya,jsajes exports Great BdUiln 2.2W; flOSSt- Firm! BrJddHnw lilies lam wiUdllrk: good ord'y e: Thet neetpts 624 gross safes t stock; , 890: exnorts to Oraat itatn' -i-5-: WlraneeV': ' ' Weekly net rects 4.185f 08-e7?83; expartaio owt WSkl SA 4S WrurnroTOT Firm ; middling lOftc; low" mtC (jllng Bc; good ordinary 8cj reoelpta 54: groaa ; sales stock 734 exports eoarf wise ; to Ores! Britain. Weekly net receipts 94; gross ; sales ; exports coastwise 666; to Great Britain. ' Vm'iiwaamiLrtrmi WtMMt Utfce. low Middling imej goodonHnary 9fce: net receipt 23; groaa 104: sates spinners ; stock : exports to tires Britain . Weekly net receipts 64; gross 1,462; sales 2,182; spinners, 2004; coastwise ; Continent ; to Great Brttaln2,5O0; stock 4,055. 84VAJCIAS-Firm; middling lOtfce: low mldd'g 10c; good ordinary ge.; net receipts 643; gross ; sales 100; stock 6,185: exp. coast wise ; to Great Brttatrr : eonOaent Weekly net receipts 2,668: gross ; sates 000; exports to Great Britain ; France coastwise 2,526; continent . Nnw Oklmaxs--Higher; mldd'g Ulbc;low mid dling 101A; good ord'y 9c; net reeelpts 522; rss 652; sales 250; stock 84,096; exports Great Britain ; to coastwise. Weekly net receipts 3,480; gross 4.317; sales 8,500; exports Great Britain 8,826; Chan nel ; coastwise 205; France ; continent 205; channel. Momlb Steady; middling 10e; low middling 9c; good ordinary 8e; net reeelpts 10; gross ; sales 200; stock 4,630; exp. coast ; France ; to Great Britain. Weekly net receipts 687; gross ; sales 1,000; to exports Great Britain 8435; coastwise 2,012; France. Hocped Firm; middling lie: reeelpts 138 : shipments 444: sales 750: stock 1 2.566. Weekly net receipts 661; shipments 2337; sales 625. Ausobta Steady: middling lO&fee.; low mid dllng lOVfce., good ordinary 9c; receipts 44; snloments : sales 141. Weekly net rects 141; shipm'ts 1,356; sales 1.554; spinners ; stock. Cmamjbwoh Firm ; middling 10e; low mid dling lOfte; good ordinary 9e.; net receipts 251 ; gross ; sales 60; stock 8,988; export! eoastwlse : Great Britain; continent. Weekly net receipts 706; gross ..; sales 250; coastwise r82; Continent ; Great Britain. Nw Y.OBM Cotton dull; sales 371; middling uplands U a 16c; Orleans 11 13 19c; net reeelpts : gross 800! consolidated net ree'ts. Wekly net ree'ts 520; jress 8.620; exports to Great Britain 2 595; France 120; continent 4,106; sales 8,310; stock 145527. Montgomeby Steady; mlddlng 10ft; low mld 9toc; good ordinary 8c; receipts 188; ship ments 349; stock, present year, 2,087; stock, last yar, 2,565 ; sales 349. Maoow Firm; middling 10c; low middling QSijc; good ordinary 8ta; receipts 47; sales 202; stock, present year, 3,008; stock, last year 1,244; shipments 213. Columbus Firm : middling lOtye; low middling 10c; good ordinary 9c; receipts 145; ship ments 875; sales 163; spinners 6; stock 2,306. NASHvnxx Firm; middling lOftc; low mid 10c; . good middling 8c; net receipts 95; shipments 1,233; sales 501; spinners ; stock, present year, 4,237; stock, last year, 4448. Port Eotal, 8. C Weekly net receipts ; stock 49 Pkotcdxkcx, R. I. Weekly net receipts 460; stock 4,500; sales 8,600. Bomb, Ga. Quiet; middling lOftc; low mld 93ic; geed ordinary 8c Weekly receipts 37; shipments 45; stock 275. ' COHFABATTVB COTTON STATBXXNT. Net receipts at all United States ports Bduring week 1 8,6 1 6 Same wek last year 10,282 Total receipts to this date 5.663,991 Same date last year 4,878,150 Exports for the week 81 ,786 8ame week last year 28,184 Total exports to this date. 4,839,246 Same date last year 8,729,063 Stock at all United States ports. 815,062 Same time last year 231 ,452 Stock at all interior towns 80,825 Same time last year 85,847 Stock at Liverpool 826,000 Same time last year 717,000 Stock of American afloat for Great Britain 73.000 Same time last year 124.000 LrvxBPOOL Noon Cotton market active.flrmer; middling uplands 6 9-16d; mid. Orleans 6d; sales 12,000, speculation" and export 2,000; re ceipts 5,250, American 5,050. Uplands low mid dling clause: July delivery 6 11-164, July and Au gust 611 16d, August and September 6 23-82d, September and October 6 5-16, U-82a5-16d, Oc tober and November 6 l-16al-32d, November and December d, January and February d. Futures steady. LrmtFOOL. 5 p. m. Sales of American cotton 9,750 bales. Upland low middling clause: July delivery 6d, July and August 65fed, August and September 6 2l-82d, September and October 6d Octobnr and November 6d, November and Decem ber 5 15-16d. Futures weak. Sales for the week 65,000 American 49,500 Speculation 6,806 jasori 2, sou Actual exports 8,000 Forwarded rrom snips' smes Imports. 50,000 American 40,000 itock,- 826.600 American, 685.000 Afloat 172,000 American 73,000 ITJTGBJtS nkw Yobk Futures dosed easy. Sales 166,- 000. July. 11.60a 61 August 11.64&66 bejptember . 11. 01 a. 02 October.. 10.48a.49 November 10.82a.88 December 10.82a.83 January 10.52a.54 February March April 10.77a.80 FINANCIAL. KiwTobx Money 1.02Uta8U. Exchange 4.834 Qoyemments steady; new 5's 1.00. Four and a half pereents I.14ti. Four per cents 1.1 6& State bonds dull, except for Tennessee. Nxw Yobi 1 1 a. m, The stock market opened generally weak and lower and prices declined uto U per cent, St Paal, Western Union, Union Pa cine, Canada Southern and Michigan Central be ing most prominent In the downward movement. peculation was iainy active ana a pressure to pen prevailed at intervals. Stocks closed unsettled. New York Central Krte : Lake Shore.. Illinois Central. Nashville and Chattanooga Louisville and Nashville .......... Ptttsbunr. Chicago and Northwestern 1.25V( 1.40 5614 preferred-.. Wabash, St Louis & Pacific Do preferred.. Memphis and Charleston 91 Hock island........ Western Union 1.39 80 95 Alabama Class A, 2 to 5 Class A, small " Class B. 5's " Cl&BS CA'K 821 Sub-treasury balances Gold S72.831.2l 02 currency.... o,oj3,uw CITY COTTON MABKXT. Orna or m Ownrn, l Cubuhrk. July 16, 1881. ( The market yesterday dosed arm, higher. GoodMlddllna. Strictly middling suaaung........... Strict low middling. Low middling. Tinges .- Lower grades BECXIFT8 FOB TEX WBBK BMDXB FRIDAY, 15th. .. : -5 bales 12 " 16 " .. 11 " 58 " 18 Saturday.. .,,.....,...... Monday................ Tnesday Wednesday xnursoay , . Friday Total. llfi bales ON JIAKD- Fine Watermelon?. CABBAGE, At wholesale and retail. Expected this morning a FINE LOT OF CANTALOUPES. S. M. HOWELVS, Jalyl5 OUP1RIQB COURT, O ' Mecklenburg county. John A. Reynolds and wife JuUa. PUnu.va I. A. Smith, onn n. , weiea, ue juantre Mining U. W.V. Davidson. , . To J. A. Smith and the Empire Mining Company, una, tu auuro acuon. Tod are hereby commanded 16 appear fct the. courthouse to tte eftyef Chsriotte a ? Ti,ert UtlHII lln - -y, y yyiwui nnttwftr the office of saldcduk or lodsmeni wlUMtaaei you toe the renel detaiaded In it. The pwtwsee of sail aem and wile, ; JO,ne-Hrpir saasuig MwpanT'eo us t.ih f November. 188eonvrins:a tmd e land Mhg on the bead waters of fieedy creek, to (he covSy and State aforesaid, adJo4nto the laoisTof J. a NeweU,jHsef Hfnm as the FpireMtoe,an.Vto mtrajn the dafttxlant from setting- up any uus or qumn fa saw tv nnditr edrt&ta srtaan deed nadekr 8mm to said Welch, and resorted Aagust 29, l&ndj and for such other relief as may be sroner. JOHN R. KRWIN. Julyllw6w Clerk Superior Court. 4? i.2ii 1.87 85 v,w theeiew Tmrniin eonuuain inn, DAVIDSON fi BEAU, DURING DURING THE SEASON, WILL RECEIVE SIX. GAB LOADS PXB WIXK (AND MO BE IF NECESSARY) TO 8UPPLY THEIR TRADE. JUST THINK: ORE CAR LOAD Delicious Georgia Melons, FRESH AND GENUINE, EVERY DAY! Large Arrivals of FRESH IRISH POTATOES, LEMONS, ORANGES, PEACHES, TOMATOES, CANTALOUPES, and Fresh Vegetables of all Descriptions. JUST IN, 3 Car Loads Fresh Virginia Meal 3 Car Loads Flour, All Grades, Including Bridgewater and Warerly Patent, which , excel all other brands. In addition, we hare weekly shipments of Motfs Celebrated Sweet Cider, NEW IRISH POTATOES. ASPDiWALL BANANAS, OA. WATERMELONS, FRESH PEACHES, TOMATOES, ETC. JUST RECEIVED, A NSW LOT OF MACKEREL, IN PACKAGES OF ALL 8IZE3. WE KEEP IN STOCK A COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF FAMILY GROCERIES FROM WHICH MERCHANTS CAN ALWAYS BE SUPPLIED AT . SHORT NOTICJ. On Mi: 1,000 Bush. Cora. DOTDSOH GROCERIES! wins mws, caasi WE HAVE JUST RECEIVED AKOTHEiASE of oub CELEBRATED 50 CENT COMETS; ' 3 Far superior In fit and quality to any other ever introduced In this 'dry, sizes running from 18 to 80. J v;'.. . ALSO, A BEAUTIFUL ASSORTMENT OF Ibadies' ILdnen Ulsters, In various styles at exeee&lngly low prices. , Look at our beautiful PRINTS, H. MORRIS & B-RO. un2 NEW STORE! RODDICK &CO, TRYON We hare without CHEAPEST LINE OF STAPLE AND FANCY DRY lau owiiun Ui 1UI WUH 1HI. LAWNS. A new lot of those 6 cent Lawns Just received QUILTS. Honey Comb, full size, 80c;Merrimac, large, $1; Bates, extra large, $1.25. CORSETS The best value in the market at 40c; extra quality 75c, ail sizes. TOWELS Pure linen 15c: 42 inch German linen, double damask, 25c; these are a decided bargain. FANS All styles and kinds, very cheap; palm leaf tans, two for 5c. SILK Eureka and Beldlng Bros, spool silk, 100 yards, 10c per spool; variegated working silk in hanks, 25c per dos. NEEDLES Boberts' Gold Eyed and Crowley's Drilled Eyed Needles, 5c per paper. SPOOL COTTON TVi IfAiilao favnrlto AAA vanls An Hav Ra o Hiv Al VMinAnta C? ni Cr - wvuv svswa vvvwiij uiv jyvi uvi rSTRICTLY CASH and ONE PRICE. JulylO glscjcllatteous I SELL AS CHEAP As Any House in the State ! My store Is 145 ft long on the first floor and 140 ft on the second, and I carry an IMMENSE STOCK OF WELL-SELECTED FlUEMflUE IE WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. A full line of COFFINS AND "BASKETS. OFFINS AND VASKBTS. ' Thos. W. Andrews, formerly with Mr. B. Nichols, is now with me. E. M. ANDREWS, (Successor to E. O. Rogers.) WHOLESALE & RETAIL FURNITURE DEALER apr25 GRAND RECREATION TOUR BY Sea, Rail, Lake, River and Sound ! A Host Eomantio Trip of Ten Days Old Point Comfort, Fortress Monroe, Boston, Port land, White Mountains, Lake Sebago, up the Songo thecrookedestof rivers, and Long Lake, Newport, Rhode Island, and Long Island Sound. LEAVING BALTIMORE THURSDAY, AUG. 4, At 4 p. m , by the steamer "Wn CRANE," of the Boston Steamship Line. Price of Met Only $55 ! Which covers an necessary travelling expense. such as hotel accommodations, meals and state room en ocean steamers, transfers by eoaehof persons and baggage In fact all needed expenses from Baltimore back to Baltimore. V Tickets good for 60 days to return from Boh ton. Bound trip tickets from Charlotte to Old foint Comfort ean be bought tor 81 8.60. For tickets and special lntonnaoon appiy 10 8. J. FEftliY, Julyl2 Charlotte, N. C. Fine Watermelons EVERY DAY, AT C. L. ADAMS'S, FIRST DOOR BELQW CHARLOTTE HOTEL July7 FOR RENT. THE store room In the Observer bonding next to W. N. Prattler's is for rent after January 1st. JNO. L. MUKKHKAU aee rati. THE OXONIAN, A JOURNAL OF LITERATURE 4 EDUCATION xm. published montniy at uziora, . u , at un. Dollar a rear In advance. The Oxonian alms at increasing .the Interest for Literature ana jtaucanon, ana gives original ar ticles on sabjeeta of vital Importance as -well as oriOetsms tf the newest and most valaahlepuhllca- ooers osMea aavantages to advertisers, tugn averace clreulaOon. AdterUseatents are shown promlna&Uy, are free from errors, and are taste fully displayed Its aaverUstag rates are not tat excess of Its value to an advertiser. Advertlse- wrla, tesondea for nabaeantlon In any usoe, I noon ne in we omce ny ue zutn 01 ue monro. mVlS-CC C. HORNER. Oxford, N. C 'ARKANSAS EXCURSION. Attend xchrslon to fiORTfeSMITH, ARK., WILL LEAVE CHARLOTTE JULY 27 & 28, AT 12:20 A. M. Fare for rtooni Trip, $32.35. Tickets rood for 80 dars. For farther infonna- tton write or enquire of A. L. SMITH; Agent i.tu Arr-une, Chanotte, N. c, Or Thomas Ntjxah, Oen. Southeastern Agent, Memphis & Charleston R. B., Atlanta. Iulyl5,8t . t, . . Just received, only 7c per yard. STREET, any exception the GOODS, TINWARE, ETC., ET1B OFFERED IN RODDICK Jt CO. 1881. SPRING STOCK. 1881. Dm and Medicines OF E V E 11 Y DESCRIPTION WHITE LEAD AND LINSEED OIL. I CONGRESS AND SARATOGA WATER -ALWAYS ON DRAUGHT.- Prescrlptlons carefully prepared by experienced and competent druggists, day or nlghL JOHN H. McADEN. aprll2 For Sale. A SECOND HAND Soda Water Apparatus. Price low, terms easy. Will be sold separately, if desired. Generator and four fountains, hand some counter-piece, Tuft's Arctic, Tennessee marble, cottage .style. For sale by Dr. T. C 8MITH. Mineral Water. THE Celebrated Oswego Deep Rock Mineral Wa ter on draught at DriT. C. SMITH'S Drug Store. Deep Rock. 9 9 DEEP ROCK Mineral Water Is recommended for kidney and liver troubles, headache, rheumatism and dyspepsia. Sold by Dr. x. u amija, yruggisi. ' Tobaccos. G RAVELLY TOBACCO, Durham Fine Cut, mild Cigarettes and choice Cigars, at Dr. T. li SMITH a Drug store. Cool Drinks. rlCHY, KSsengen, DsepBock, Ginger Ale, 'and lee Cold Soda Water, each 5 cents a glass at 3 , Dr. T. aiMCTH'd Drng8tore.ft ' vLett?r Files! THJRLINGTON LETTER FILE3. 60 cts. each. T will bold 8)00 Jettera, alphabetically ar- rangej. Best in bum py v. " ! S 2! Dr. TiC. SMITH. '1 t 'wf Cigars. 'm - PRINCIPE CIGARS, all Havana, warranted. I Twenty for a dollar. At 1Z8 VT. T. U. BMl i n n vtuh owre. Roanoke College, I A f K Jf f VA ; ' rpWENTY-NINTH SESSION begins September JL 7th. aasslcal, Sclentlnc, Elective and Prepar atory courses. French and German spoken in class-room. Library 16,000 volumes. ListraeUon thorough, unseetarlaii .. Charehes of flv denomi nations. Climate unsurpassed.v College surround ed by mountains. Expenses for 10 months from $160 to$220 (Including college fees, board, fuel, hghts and washing.) Students from all section a - uly6,deod,wlmo IIS mXfrJZ I M&SWSBto' i READY MXED PANTS