t i I SURE APPETISER on i n iuj TROy feiyi'iiM'aft tigMy recommended for all diseases requir-wTcertaraju-ffioint tonic; especially IndigesUon, Dys .SfpkSSSilttent F6vers, Want :of AppefciteXort StfenStnTk of Energy, etcr ttmflches the bl6rtt& the mule., and gives new life to the nerves. It acta like a charm . on the digestive organs, removing all dyspeptic symptoms, such as Tatting the. Food, tV?, ,r. e,.!, rtrih,, fir.. The only Iron Prepa- P,i?u "ri wj,. DOiu Dy au uruggiaua. it WESLEY PHILLIP8'8 CASE. Db. J. A. SaxBiua Dear sir; I am nappy to tn form roa that I entire It cured of mr large wota! rupture. It ! one year ago to-day that I reswvearour c by rolMlUiQ 6m. I oave tested the cure atpllanoe. My boslneaB la enHneet J Mr rupture, as you that m f loeotE win reqi to rtnf'mioi. was Similar to. Vr. Jon dan's, lsyour fcamphlet of Illustrations. ' I was raptured In the year 1863, while m the" army. I have tried spring and elastic trusses with great discomfort and injury, my rapture always growing worse. Finding I must get some relief or Sre op my business, I determined to try you as a st resort, and I must say that I found your treat ment a eonlilete snecessL My improvement and cure hare, considering my terrible condition, sur prised my friends as well as myself. During your treatment I have worked hard In my business, en joying froth safety and comfort, and have pot lost a dayTs work. ' Mr general health has been also 1 m proved. I will take pleasure In recommending the afflicted to you whenever I have an opportu nity. You may publish this letter for the benefit of hu manity. My address Is 211 East 44th street. With best wishes I remain yours respectfully, , WESLEY PHILLIPS. Mew todrtatjr, October 25, 188a . : . i j : ttiKiuiair: 1 H aaarintf from cnaarml dabUitr to A vasatloa of a monta aid not gira nt . j BTMtpaaiAB uH alaklnff ahUla. At thla timft I mUmmA m. (M(Ut. mmii wmutArfnl Mil 1 THaaIH waa aa pamaaanUr abated. I hare naad tbraa bottles of Dor uh t aver oui uui aame time aunnjc mr uinasa, aadvlferof bedy, haa oome alae a elaarneaaof tboosb werStlsaawaotwaaw i se it ineoreait. Th JtM TtUm a tavariaSa f MrmtL. Karta. IvaatN Mark, am nmattm, ammmetatrt mita tha Vwtahio Artmatiwm. Mfrvm wai'D minMN aakere TmI ia Maaim.i liM 3uJ j i i KAIirAITIIEI If THE DR. HARTER MEDICINE CO.. MO. 813 NORTH MAIN STREET, ST. LOUIS' Jun 1 7 eod,d&wly eceivea u -A LABGE LOT OF- FLOUR, HAMS -BOUGHT SINCE THE DECLINE. TO BE SOLD LOW Slayer & Ross. apr5 COB. COLLEGE & F0UB.TH STS., WE SELL- 0 Piedmont Patent Jul IN HOME FOR -SALE . t a 1 r 'v 54 LTHfKlESi&vlLLX"N.C. 4 . MBS. TAllM's BOARDING HOUSE, eorfifer i Main andpotstreeU, HsndersonvulB, N.C., w afleted lor We t a bona ftde purchaser to wry ..'lavorat t'traVii.'I iha:..i .jajra c;.-i ,.'.,Tt 1 e is tfeltoritTf sltaatedraad nas alne- , wen i i riiqd ail tasiot 'aiwi H nseessarr, t ; U "WtnM Vold ftrrUHQieci: f rwA tba rrF4 t?Tto W thfr kNeaeH 1 W the plahblhtae wLHir, w a wui oe sota niumisnea; vnn r PnSSflSninn sivan ImiiMulfaitaivr J arfitwaaa I atatetv'i JS0 ' ' Mus, B. Y. TAYLOB. ' Mack iotas Syrups WHOLESALE GROCERS IE GEN II F. V FLOURS ; kiltA A TRUE TONIC o U nr ivfl lieadaclie a P f! Tinok. 22 T)D. of useful an'' " " ' - - T Its Belief ana Care as Certain t,Day. as Day Follows Since the' reduction of Dr. Sherman's terms, thniiMiiiti an mnwdinsr nnmi him for treatment, loHlw fimtBnmmmm thf1r srlnnlni?. irkS0m6rdla piniiBK, ana ' uie-ppinsuuig uumcb. mant f At thla I AUt?UV wu.b . . u . viwj . . an muiH uis lmukhi wiuuur tahifl and gafeinrthe Derformance oi eferrama nf wmmw nr mrmr- it in a srancLininK. uiu uiusa who are ruptured and do not provide theaueises with It must endure the dangers of that precari ous affliction and the use of trusses all through life. ' Thousands of those cured give the most flat tPrtnc testimonials of eratitude to Dr. Sherman. He Is the author and Inventor of his popular sys tem; he Imparts his secret tonotme; It is applica ble to-all classes and cases, and under nis reaucea rata orithln h roach nf almost Avervone. Patients can receive treatment and leave for home the same day. Dr. SHERMAN'S book on rupture gives convincing proofs from professional cent.iAmftn and others of his successful treatment. ft is illustrated with photographic pictures or bad cases before cure, and Is sent to those who send inMntx. 'Prtncioal office 251 .Broadway. N. . Branch office, 43 Milk street, Boston. Days In New York Monday, Tuesday, Saturday, in Bos tonWednesday, Thursday, Friday. , Junl4 Am -i j , i ; ., j ; , MtaiMl SW S&AMM4W eat mrofmion, for JOvbilitv. i'emale Dia- tton. ana nvalem-1 eeneerem sucb ma extent tfcat my labor wazeeedingly bnr- mncn vauai, pxif va ine conirur, waa louowea uy pnt" Op tha contrary, iod tuidl Iron that. beaaa tha aaa AIMHI rBllni BBf natural force Ion tviaa ths la- thaKmlarf Sides, nalns it IkaTB dona twiaatha la- ana uno-aKow; tneyeJbatoreeiui thaaua: i Witb tha traaaoil. Barra anjaTeo. ii tB lonMoa not oons ma P. WaTSOK, laator Cbriatfsa cnnrebv'xioy. . CELEBRATED 'IJ FEEBLE ANB SICKLY PERSONS Recover their vitality by pursuing a course of Hos tetter's Stomach Bliters. the most popular Invleo- rant and alterative medicine In use. General de bility, fever and ague, dyspepsia, constipation, rheumatism, and other maladies are completely removed by it. -Ask those who have used, it What it has done for them. For sale by all Druggists and Dealers generally. luiyi DR.SArJFORD'S Us I JUIGORflTOR Only Vegetable Compound that acts directly upon the Liver, and cures Liver Complaints, Jaun- aice, iJiwousness; Maiana,: cos tiveness, Headache. It assists di gestion, strengthens the system, regulatesthe bowels, purifies the blood. A Book sent free. Qr. Sanford, 162 Broadway, N, Y. Pay a I 1 lial aV a n r n I aW aV W VI Ml aVaa a aaVa anjl8 deod, eow ly. , , f. ,, ; -v H does; . zwetmmH DOES WONDERFUL Beease'lt,acts on the LITEB, BQTEtya and KIDNEYS at the same time. - -, n . Bewnae it claensB the ayatem of the ory humors that develope in Kidney andTTrC aary Piaeaaea, PUion uneae, Jaundice, Consti. patloa, Piles, or 4a H&eumatiimi, Keuralgia, Vervoua Disorders n4 Peomlo Complaints. 11 tt ii. ..a ..... i EfeB VTBJa TEOPLB BAY f V EUffene B. Btork. of Jnnrtlrvn r!itr. ITajuaa. ays. JUanev-Wort cured htm rtr naiUi S4m """" uu ueca trying ior lour years. Mm. John ArtiAll f w.afifnnAi, rsVi in ' uva ber boy wasgrireniiptodie.br -four prominent physiciana and that 1 e Was f fenrarda cured by eyYYors. n ii. K. H. Goodwin, aa editor in Chardon, Ohio, aya be was not expected to live, being bloated beyeni beliefjbut Kidn(-Wort curedaim, J Assa fj. Jarretk of South Salem, N. Y., aaye that seven years suffering from kidney troubles and other Complications was ended by the use of lUdney-WoiaaaiasavaaMk . , , John B. taweaeeo Jameson,- "Benn. suffered ImM for years from lirec ml4 Jtidney 'troubles and after taki Kidaey-wort made bin .wefck - ,7 Tv i Michael Coto of ' Mcmtarmtrfr Aafatr.' St. a uwmu wujnrs wun aumer auoeauy a jras qnaoie to wijtw-jft.inada S .1.;.:: 'UVul70 M PLAINTS. Cor1st(Datlonantitlttti .:.i.,i l rvifc fa nnt w . ' '-- 1 tin cans, one package ot which makeeUtoiiaartaV I Af jmadioisa. Alma la MaarasaaV. 0T: tfcosetbaa GET IT AT TEE 1DEUGGIST8. TKICE. Sl.OO WELis, ie?iEDSOX Co. , Prop's, i (TrpjllfWpo) Bsmuxo,w n TV f'l i T vi naw rrf 7 aaaiMMtaMa)aBi IIAJIJ5IN,!! A.NDI8E BBO.KEB- AKD E CHAJJT, CauMMSTjCaxxanm, N. C We houses reDresenteO. film (5 OT m m ar . . k V7L9 MEBCH COfM nfi tor Gram, Hay; Meal, Iflour, Lard, BaconJ .3 ' i awuwaaauuat' Aasan IIH III I .nuruu MJ1II milil 2 a mi a S .. v " ' ii .1, I aiaaa a arf Wn BTt f1Bi V ' I Hi SUNDjyaMIT 1881. Olili. The Cbristain Belivlon Attacked and Defended Baltimore Sun. The North AWV&VMefitfp Ptfotes Judge Black. It need scarcely be said by those who have beardf the lectures of Col. InKersoll that he makes the strongest presentation of the case that the side whicn ne taices win auimt ui, while Judge Black's defense of the Christian religion, like all his contro versial papers, is written in that vigor ous anf mfcrlystylemmbiheJias butfewJriM and rwfija$nr ol. IngBreMfcttAttfrfe : TMGiiJrJriasice 01 eternity ine mountaina are as Lrau sient as the clouds," whislt Judge Black flies this quotation from the Merchant of -Venice: "Gratiano speaks an in finite deal of notnmg more tnan any man in Venice : nis reasons are as two grains of wheat hid in two bushels of chaff; yw anau- see ailrf 4 v yu find them, irid when yodi bavA them they are not worth the search." THE CAUSE AND THE ADVOCATE. i. Mr. Ingersoll , is not. Judge Black says, as some -have esj;imatedulm, the most formidable .nemyth. Christian ity has encountered since the time of Julian the Apostate. But he stands at the head of living infidels 'by merit raised to that bad eminence." Hi mental organization has the peculiar defects whhrUfoi-'su(.bJaee. He is all imaginatidil and no discretion. He rises sometimes into a region of wild poetry, where he can color every thins to suit, himself. His mo: 3&r&8egithe character bl; hi fttntatfpft : f 'Mountains are a 6le fecnuMtr a fapcrwai go fact a highoUBdliig rather better than a logical demonstra tion. His inordinate self-confidence makes him at once ferocious and fear less. He was a,practlcal politician he- fore. he?H4QK tne stumjs against .Chris tiahjtyiarid alll tiftifis? Jjajba 19? W his capacity to plit "theBfirS "df 'tne groundlings" and make the unskillful laugh. The article before us is the least objectionable of, all bis .produc tions. Its style is higher and better suited to the weight of the theme. Here the violence of his fierce invec tive is moderated ; his scurrility gives place to .an attempt at tsophisd-y .less shocking if not more true, and his coarse lokes are either excluded alto gether or else veiled in the decent ob scurity of general terms. Such a paper trom such a man, at a time use tne present, is not wholly unworthy of a grave contradiction. , ..t He makes certain cuarges wnicn we answer by an explicit denial, and thus an issue is made,-upon which, as a pleader would say, we "put ourselves urjon the countrv. He avers that a certain "something called Christianity is a false faith imposed on the world without evidence : that the facts it pre- tendssto restion are mere inventions: that its doctrines are "pernicioBS that its requirements are unreasonable, ana that its sanctions are cruel, i deny all this, and assert on the contrary that its doctrines are divinely revealed ; its fundamental facts inconteatably prov ed ; its morality perfectly free from all taint of error, and its inhuenca most beneficent upon society in general, and uDon all individuals who accept it and makeit&heiriille of actiou.y I want a ae,ciii6i Upofc aoufid' iudaclal jbrihei- Mr. Tnorprsoira nrsE iBoeeincation aaihst t!hristiatiitvjis the blioff its disciples "that there is personal God, the creator or the material universe. If God made the world it was a most stupendous miracle, and all miracles, according to Mr. lngersou s idea, are "the children of mendacity." To admit the one great miracle of creation would be an admission that other miracles are at , least probable, and that would ruin his whole case. But you cannot catch the leviathian of atheism with a hook. The universe, he savs. is natu ral-it came into being of its own ac cord, it made its own laws at the start, and afterward improved itself consld erably by spontaneous evolution. It would be a mere waste or time ana space to enumerate tne proof s wnicn show that the universe was created by a pre-existenti and -jSelf -conscious Be ing. of power and wisdom to us incon ceivable. The nption Jhat all , things owe their, origin ana tnear rjarmoniops arrangement to thefo"rtuitous concur- rence oi atoms is a kiuu oi lunacy which very few men in these days are A I i J1 1 afflicted with. But Mr. Ingersoll asserts that, at all events, this material world Had not a good and beneficent creator ; ;it is a bad, savage, cruel piece of work, with its pestilences, storms earthquakes and volcanoes : and man, with his liaDUity to sickness, buffering and death, is not a success, but, on the contrary, a fail ure. To defend the Creator of the world asrainst an arraignment so fou as this would be almost as unbecoming as to make the: accusation... Meantime we do not discredit our mental inde pendence by taking it for granted that the supreme ueing nas aone an tnings well. Our ignorance of the whole scheme makes us poor critics upon the small part that pomes within our uni ted perceptions!! OBJECTIONS MOSAIC LA.1V. Dismissing in Scathing words Col Ingersolla charge against the moral code. Judge Black alludes to his stric tures on the civil code of the Jews, which Ingersoll pronounces so bad and unjust that the law-giver by whom it was eatajjnsnea must nave ueen as sav agely exuel as the Creator that made storms and pestilences; and the' work; ofiboth was more worthyva devil than; a fGod: "His language is recklessly Dap, very OTieeayo in memoa, ana alto gether lacking in precision. I find four objection$aolheJeYiJ5h,coiistitution not more1 tMn four-J-whichlare definite, enough to admit of an answer. These relate to t?te provisions, of f the Mosaic laiw on ,the,8wJecJt3 of (l) Blasphemy aaa iaoiatry:-r war: w aiavery: (q PolygamyvAIa. these Jcespects he pronounces the Jewish system not &nly ub wise, but oximinaiiyj unjust.' i appeal from hy ppfffne maledic tion to the conscience of men who have a aliUq JzMmrst, heregards the punishmeBtnmctedorDlasphe-: my and idolatry as being immoderately cruel. Considering them merely as religious offenaes-as sins against God alone I agree that civil laws should notice them not at aJJ. Bat sometimes uiey aueci viy uijuiiuusy tu:ijUa Bar cial rights which it is tha duty at tfie State to protect. Wantonly toshojqk the religious feelings of your neighbor is a grievous wrong. To utter blas phemy or obscenity In the presence ot a Christian woman is hardly better than to strike her in the face. Still, neither policy nor justice requires them to be ranked among the highest crimes in a ffovernmentconatntM like ours. But thing!"- - Uy different nndef tile -""S 'Hlgnarannrt pB the personal head of thi State. There ttafiD&emywaa politic aUegUed oi ueascirxiaoL v( pdsjcf the ' nnar.iio nairnan iwaa iCrfn fog to Ithft; UVWW.VU HPS UVfHHIllL JU UJV public enemv and eivincr him aid in H comfortUO- -r. IS GOD A TYRANT ? pew Unwell mm CXlsilSlil a inh! i rUb i land a tyrant because He dpes not en courage ana rewara tne service uu devotioo paid byi Hia enemies .toi the false gods of the pagan world. He pro fesses to Deueve tnataii Kinas oi wor ship areeftuallfjmeritorious.andslMHild meet the same-iacceptaace ' from.' the .true God, Itj(s,.ampst incredible, tha,t sucn anvei aa wus anovua joe; utierggiwjr anybody.. . .. , :A CAKNTVbKOUa. , AJIEBICAN FULL OF BEEF." ....... ' M to ihe'sacjinciai solemnitiies atfee Jewish religion and their manner of making witty "the1 kfflingof -these ani mals was," he'says, a terriWe systemr a "shedding tt innocent blood," "shock ing to a rennea ana seBSinve-sour. There jis such a depth of tenderness in thi3 feeling and such a splendor of it- finement that I give up without a strug gle to the1 superiority of the ;, man who merely proresses il a carnivorous American, full of beef and mutton, who mourns with indignant sorrow because bulls and goats were, killed in Judea three thousand years ago, has reached the climax of sentimental goodness and should te permitted o dictate on all questions of peace-and war. Let Grb- tius, vatteiana i'arienaorr, as weii as Moses' and the'prophets, bide their di minished heads. But to show how ih efficacious,jfor all practical purposes, a mere sentiment is when substituted for a principle, it is only neoessary; to re collect that Mr, JngersoU is himself : a Warrwr7,wb9 stayed not behind the mfghtv men of ' Jjig: tribe when tbey gathered themsidves together for a war m. i aTti 9 5 or conquest, lie took tne ieaa pi a regi ment as eager as himself to spoil the Philistines; T'and out he went a oolonel ing " How many Amalekitee and Hit tites and 1 AmOrites he put 6 t-he edge of the sword, now many wives ne wid owed, or. how , many mothers he "un- babed" cannot tto ne told. : . I do not even know how many droves of inno cent oxen he condemned to the slaugh ter. But it is certain that his rehned and tender soul took great pleasure in the terror, conflagration, blood, and tearg -vrjth which the war -was attended and in all tfteliartf, 'oppressions which the : conquered people were made to, suffer. afterward- It his owh'ootiduce for. wtych he professes neither peni- ienoenorshamelwas right, it was!riht on goHhds which make it an inexCusa-; ble outrage to, call the children" of Israel savage criminals for '.carrying on wars oj aggression to.save the lire or tneix government. ; . . AS TO SLAVERY. -i- As Co slavery? -Mr: ' Intrersoll's objec tion that Jehovah permitted his chosen i i. t. :ij JL a 11 a. 1 ! people iu liuiu LUBtiptives uivy vuok iu war or purchased from the heathen as servants f or lif e,ttris answered that the infallible God. m so doing proceeded upon obd grounds, and that when a Jew took a neighboring savage for his bond'Servnt incorporated ; him into his family, trained him, taught him to work.' and eat e him a knowledge of the true Goxtbe conferred upon him a most beneficent boon. - Polygamy is another of his objections to the. Mosaic consti tution, strange to say; it is not there. It is neither commanded nor prohibit ed; it is onlyligcaa?gsd. If Mr. In gersoll werralinajiinstead of a mere pontteiawne watfutsee good and sufficient etS&irf4Ptvfiqibearance to legislate,irfayvMoa ttefstlbject. He knowpfciliabam&tllleliiuence of the ChrwtiOTJhurchW'iind with out the 'dofcNBa has extirpated th -bad feature of Asiatic manners wbereveraHr doctrines were carried. ' I will present some of the considera tions which would compel me, were I judge" or juror in the cause, (the accep tance of Christianity,) to decide it just as it was decided originally. First. There is no good reason to doubt that the statements of the evangelists, as we have them now, are genuine. The multiplication of copies was a sufficient guarantee against any material altera tion of the text. Mr. Ingersoll speaks i of inteJOtations made by the fathers 6fthephurch. All he knows and all hejiiaaever heard on that subject is that some ofthe . innumerable transcripts contained errors which , were discover ed and; corrected. That simply proves, the present integrity of the documents; Second. I call these statements deposi tions, because they. are entitled ito that kind of credence which we give todo-l clarations made under oath but ,in a much higher degree, for they are more: than sworn to. They were made in the; immediate prospect of death. Perhaps this would not affect the conscience of an athefat-neitber would an oath btit these people . manifestly believed in 7a judgment after, death, before a God of tnrtto whose displeasure they feared above all things. Third. Thewitness4 es could not have been mistaken. Thd nature of the facts precluded the possU buity of any ..delusion aoont thepa.,ifor every-averment they had "the sensible and true avouch of their own eves" and ears. Besides they; were plain-thinking, sober dhimaginatiye "men, who; unlike Mr.: Ingersoll, always, under all circumstances, and especially in the presence of eternity, recognized the diff- ierence oetwepu iuuuuuuus unu ciouas. It is inconceivable how any fact could be proved by evidence more conclusive than the statement of such persons, publicly given and steadfastly persist ed in through every kina or persecu tion, imprisonment ana torture to the last agonies of a lingering death. Fourth. Apart from-these terrible tests; the, more ordinary claims, to credi bility are not wanting. They were men of unimpeachable character, -.The most virulent enemies ox s the cause thev spoke and died for have never suae gee ted a reason for doubting their per sonal honesty. But there IB affirmative prootvthat thev. and their , isellow' disci- plesu were'? held by those who knew them Jnthe. highest estimation for trppniess.' w nerever ' thev ' made their report it was not only believed, but believed with a faith so implicit that thousands were ready - at once to seal it with ilieir bloocU i Fifth.: The tone and temper of their narrative ira press us with a sentiment of prof dufad it doe not appear that the statements of theeFirjjgelisU were ever denied , bjy any person who pretended to know, the facts. " What we call the fundament 41 truths of tJhristiantty consist not great fiQDiio even ts wnicn are sumeienuy es ablished by history 5 without special proor. t - . From the iacts; established by this evidence.it.follows irresistiblv that the ?spel has come tons from God. Thfcf Bueuge? au reasoning ahouttne wisdom and justice of jte doctrines, since ft fis impossible evefi tb imagine that wrong can be done or commended by that Sovereign Being whose will alone is th& iultimate standard of all justice. f i Judge Black, after making a number of quotations from Col. Ingersoll, sqch as "the punishment of sinners in eternal hell is excessive," f Christians have,beri gailtr o - wanton : and wicked petseiu- uum tuo coanei or : canst aoes . not effect' ponciudeslhat M SgerSoil, as iiealous apostte of gospel of dl must throw a goodr deai ttf mucL ana adds: "When Itammmmtm we' hateof virtt,nstieef inteUectual erty, moral :'eleUo tennement? )e-' nevolence and tJuSiwisdom $aui6 to trs Kpm tnat source .which he reviles &W We JEOcntin of ajl eytyrarfljiOfc mefely patting, one asstiia&iunstihe other. rera have theadvattrtagaraf ) ipfSaMng IiAtrTeryqetal)ly ell-iiifDrmed An eloqueitf prdratioa oiCliris Usn religion sebnerades r Jodgo vBIaik's arjticle itt'Uijsijtrliijig:'21 f aB-wfiga down to US thrnnch thA-ncvar ikri.onHaul, Sjl-,the,.av! W rijrhteoushessjtustSI fulness, , exulting hope.and white; wing ed,chaiity, TsreVet was its Jtoencftfer good more' plainly perceptiDie than nawy A thas. c npti jQonvefepptf and reformed all men, for its first prin ciple is tMireedojo o.;theiiiu?ian.Tf.Uli and there arejyhosajwhp ;hose to reject it. But to the mass o? mankind, di rectly and indirectly, It ha brought tm (JOuhted benefits and MessingSi rAbdl ish it-ake away the testralnts;'Whielt: it imposes on evil passi6llSiliSllence, the admonitions ,of -its preacMrslet alf Christians cease their labors of ,charity, blot out from history the records ' of its heroic benevolence repeal the laws it 1 has enacted ''and the institutions it has built up let its moral principles be abandoned and all its miracles of -light be extinguished-1-What Would we comtf to? I need not answer this question; the experiment has been partially tried. The Freneh nation formally renounced Christianity, denied the existence of the Supreme Being.and so satisfied the huriJ ger of the infidel heart for a time. What followed ? Universal depravity, garments rolled in blood, fantastic crimes unimagined before, which Staf tled the earth with their sublime atro-' city. The American- people have an d ought to have no special desire to fol-' low that terrible example of guilt arid misery. It is impossible to discuss this sub ject within the limits of a review.'1 No doubt the effort to be short' has made me obscure. If Mr: Ingersoll thinks himself wronged or his doctrines mis-' construed 1ef him'not lay my fault at? the door of the charchi' or cast "his cen-i sure on the clergy. ' ' "Adsum qui feel in me convertvte fer rum; HCfl PUNCH is delicious with' lemonadt, flaa' ice, sofla ot milk. Have it ready for tne-vvelwme, ot Dartst.. 'V , ; .'' ' ' ' ." '.illJ 8l .Dail Grocers, wine Merchants and Drug; gists. .'. Trade supplied "at manufacturers prices bj Wife son ft Burwell, Wholesale and Retail Druggists; f rade street, Charlotte, N. C. Sulfide and Dyssepsla. A most remarkable cure for drsDepsia. "Well's Health Benewer." The greatest fonlo, best bu llous and liver remedy known. SI at druggists. Depot, 3. B- McAden, Charlotte, N. C BE SBN61BLK You have allowed your bowels to become habit ually costive, your liver has become torpid, the same uung aiis your aianeys, ana you areuist used up. Now be sensible, get a package of Kid ney Wort, take It faithfully and soon you will for- get you've got any such . organs, for you will be a weu man. Aioany Argus. IT IS A FOOLISH MISTAKE to confound a remedy of merit with the Quack medicines now so common. We have used Parker's Ginger Tonic with the happiest results for rheumatism and dys pepsia, and when worn out by overwork, and know it to be a sterling health, restorative. -Tlmes. 8ee adv, THE LOBIG CO'8 COCA BEEF TONIC la an Invaluable preparation." sara Dr. H. Stout. Jacksonville, Fla. It Is rapidly curative In month ly: sufferings, excessive now, sick headache, chronic sore throat, asthma, cough, shortness of breath, nervousness, sleeplessness. It rapidly re stores lost vitality, wbetbsr from Indiscretion or excess, and rapidly stops exhausting loss of fluids. , . m ' EDWIN BOOTH "It did me much good," says this celebrated ac tor. lu sneaking of the Llebiic Co's Coca Beef Ton ic. Beware of Imitations. Ask for Coca Beef Tonic T1IEC1 Backache, Sareneiss of the Chest, Ggutj Quins y, Son Throat, Swell ings and Sprains; Warns and Scalds, Genera Bodily ; Pains, Tooth, Ear and Headache, Frosted . Feet and Ears, arief atl other ;, FikTnsanMAAeX'..' ' No PmparaMoq on earth- equal Sr. Jacob Ort If f tfe WWi inpU and Xh$ap External EejSady. A trial eniafl fcirl cptapawtively ' .trifling outlay of SO Crate, ami story pne puOsring : with pain can have cheap and positive proof of it1 Claim. Direction ia Elavan Iawguage. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS AET DEALEH8 15 MEDIOUTB. A, VOGEUSR CO., Baltimore, Md,, V. 8. X. 4M80dwly i c 3 OPEN tints of ComBlexion foiM ladies strive are Chiefly arti ficial, and all who will tate the trouble may secure them. These roseate, bewitching hn:e$ 1 follow the use of Hagaifg Hag- nolia Balma delicate, harm, j fesa alwi,9 relhille article. The; Mgiioite Igato wnceafe eyeiy. Wendsh. remoyes Sal-1 lowriess,, Tan, Jtelness, Erup. tions, ail eTidences of excite merit and every imperfection k lta effects are immediate and go natural tnat no humau bei Dientation In the eoimttyls ur lot ot jocd buildings, fenced pastures, 3ofUffdr 8f0 inejatairahes, doctors, stor BoWri tta premises aod -examine for themservesL uw.wi..uu aaoge, Bowan, countv. u 1 not at the plantation af an time Thyatlra church,-18 miles from times. situated ruin imMM. G-McCONNAUGi -City-Lot -for Sale dean: 1 ? tJKTOM JnBth steeum the tonflmrUOfaitOB theTNomi-Carillna iwhote;orfflded UUllllii UJ UtjkiltaU I. AN .'.'".SECRET AHONGTHELAPIES DfecaM; Pesle, Ic. r uj most vaiuabl II m - i -a. r TX r t"- :;iiui!iiksi:;;;;l;i!!!!!S!lii i :tWRP Mi til : B VW' 4&r yo TP1"11 t OIVB HBAl.Td. . "IxceHent Tonic, Alterative and Diuretic." Medical Association. Lynchburg, va. "Used with great benefit in Malaria ttiAi-la ft. :V. Dnnon. M. D.. 6a. and Dlph- "Succesafully used in dyspepsia, chronic diar rhoea and scrofula. "Prof. a. Jackson, H. D., TJnlv. Pesn. - , ' ' . - "Invaluable as a nervous tonic" Hon. L C Fowler, Tenn. Villi, f ! f ' : immended as ' a prophylactic In malarial i." D.B,Talrex,LD.,N.O. ' .. " ores debilitated systems to health." T. C. "jteooi districts. ' "Eestores aiiu P. 'JExceneat 101 caruun, diseases pecuuar ra wv- ri, juwtuiau. JI1. f 19. relieving' headacne, sick and ner- XDdSDrif; : ! . 'Used with, great benefit In dyspepsia." J. Mc- Balph, iC D., Ba. . '"'Hufted to bronchitis and' diseases of digestive orgaoa'-r J. F. Boughtonr M. Z Ala. - "Mast valuable .remedy- known for female dls eases."Ina P, Metteaur. M. Dt, L. L. D. "Of great ctottve'ylrttieL'Thos. F. Bumfold, "Beneficial In uterine derangement and mala rious conditions." -Q. M. VaO,'Mf Ohio. "Charming, on ' the complexion, making It smooth, olear, soft asd rosy." Miss M., of S. C. "Theprtoce.at mineral tonics." Francis Gll Uam,M.DN.a "Inesttmable as a tonic and alterative. "Hun ter Mcdulre, M. D., Va. "Fine appetiser and Wood purmer." H. FUher, M.I).,Ga. "Very beneficial In Improving a reduced sys tem." Bishop Beekwlth, of Ga. "Invalids here find welcome and health." Bev. John Hannon, late of La., now of Richmond, Va. "Has real merit" Southsm Med. Journal Pamphlets free, upon application. Water. 84 case. Mass and Pills, 25, 50, 75 cents. Sent post-paid anywhere. Summer season of Springs begins 1st June. 835 month. Address - A. M. DAVntS, Pres't of the Co.. 78 Main St, Lynchburg, Va., P. O. Box 174. SOLD BY WILSON ft BURWELL, J. H. McADEN, and L. B. WBI6T0N & CO., mar27 Charlotte, N. C. WILL DR. JOY'S ELECTRIC DEVICES to XxamlaatlaBa4 Trial aafaraPajcJialaai uffterlnr from- Kcrvon WwkatitM. Cton. nl DaAlllty, Ixxs of Karv Fores or Vigor, or mas maeaaa resulting- irom a.auiK9 ana uth Cacbks. or to aui7 eu afflicted with Rhenma- - tlm, Keuralgia, Faralyais, Spinal SifhcultiM, juanay or ljiver 'irouDia, uuua tt&cic, ana omer : Diaeaaes of the vital Organs. Also vroxxK trou bled with Diseases paculiarto their sex. Bpeedy relief and complete restoration to health Karanteed. Tfaa tra tha) only rletrl vita or ApplUnai Uiavt hart over been conatruciaclu po b aelentlfie prlncl lea. Their thoroogh efficiency haa been prae-tic- lly proven with the moat wonderful aaie- , ana uiey amvw tne nifnew wmum its from the moat eminent medieaU avnd dentine men of Antertea. Bend at oace for book giving all Information free. Address tha , wAgner A. CO, Cor. XlcMgan Av. and Jackson St, Chicago, El. Junl7 eod,d&wly WE HAVE NOW IN STORE FOB THE Spring and Snmnier Trade The Largest, Finest and MOST COMPLETE . -STOCK OF- f'lNK MILLINEBT. WHITE GOODS, TBIMMING8. NOTIONS And all kinds of FANCY DRY GOODS For Ladies and Children We have ever had the pleasure of showing -OUR STOCK OF GLOVES, HOSJEBT, SANa, T'ABASOLS, TRIMMINGS. ' NECKWEAR, AND CORSETS Is not surpassed In the city. We nave HATS OR BONNETS TO FIT THE HEAD AND POCKET OF LADY, MISS AND CHfLD. EVERY Our Pattern Hata will MONDAY, APRIL 4th. An examination of ur stock will convince anv lady that we stand head In styles and ' prices In our line. MRS. P. QUERY WW be found In the store to wait on her friends and customers. o.P? -W? h8TO secured the Bervlflei of Mr. MJB, Stiel, who would bp pleased po seo his friends and customers, IP.QUEY apl3 . r, ii gr0fjesst0txala Z. B. Vakcx. W. H.BAHXT. VANCE & BAILEY, Attorneys and Oonnsellors , CHARLOTTE, C, Practice m. Supreme Court of the United 'States'. Supreme Court of North Carolina, FederalT? Courts, and counties of Mecklen . , j borg. Cabarrus, Union, Gas ton, Bowan and Da . ' - vldson. Offlce, two doors east of Independence Square. maj29 tf m. D. graham, : IN the State and pned St&as Courts. " Collao r Uons,Home and Foreign, solicited.' ,Tn steaetooTiaiw. Surveys, amMtitt5i iam PHARLESHOT 8TATE8VILLE, N. CU (I -OR.MOY'8-i X 11 ntrtovto I ff J Y ttElECTRCs ffiytf 11 BolU,BuKUiet&' SLx 11 0. A. JOY, E.M..M O. 7kJ V Yljf"fofthsV Y Y . fft II If lfNrw"A In U (J MhwDiaM.V.IP- 1 SPRIG OHM rrma MImM to a term of years - JUIJlSUU,:lAl ly ' .j;; ... ... . ; " I'M '' .. - '. 1 J - i " . . . Walcftcs hud DetvelvQ. GO TO AND hOOK AT HIS LARGE STOCK OF ALL OF WHICn HE SELLS LOW FOR CASH. All Goods Warranted as Rep resented, both in Weight and Quality. WATCH GLASSES 10 CENTS EACH. deelS Condense Time TaWeH&rtliCaroliiiaR.R TBAJNS 60K8 NORTH. ers Am mm Date.Mayl5'81 No. 47 No. 49 No. 43, Dally Dally Dally Lv. Charlotte, 4.05 ah 6.15 am 4.15 pm " A-L. Depot " " Junc't 411am 6.20 am 4.80 pm " Salisbury, 5.56 am 7.50 am 6.07 pm Arr.Greensboro 8.03 am 9.30 am 7.57 pm Ly. Greensboro 8.25 am 9.50 am 8.18 pm Arr. Raleigh 1.40 pm for Blch- Lv. " 1 .45 pm m'nd only Arr. Goldsboro 4.00 pm Lv. Greensboro for Richmond 8.25 pm . ... Lv. Danville 10.21 am 11.31 am " N. Danville 10 27 am 11.33 am " Barksdale 10 58 am 12.01 pm " Drak'sBr'ch 1287 pm 1.20 pm... ' Jetersville 2.24 pm 2.55 pm Arr. Tomahawk 8.20 pm 3.51pm Arr. Belle Isle 4.05 pm 4.28 pm Lv. " " 4.10 pm 4.85 pm Arr.Manchester 4.13 pm 4.38 pm Arr. Richmond 4.18 pm 4.43 am 7.28 am TRAINS GOIHO SOUTH. Date.May 1580 Na 42 Dally. No. 48 Dally. No. 50 Dally Lv. Richmond Burkeville Arr. N. Danville Lv. " " 10.45 pm 2.25 am 7.QQ am 7.25 am 12.00 M 2.43 PM 6.05 PM 6.18 pm k'l 7 p m 8.37 pm 10.38 pm 12.15 AM 12.20 AM Danville 7.27 am 9.26 am Arr. Greensboro Lv. 9.31 AM 11.16 AM 12.45 pm 1.00 PM " Salisbury Arr. A L. Junction " Charlotte Lv. Richmond 2.55 pm 4.41 PM 6.07 PM 7.25 pm 7.51 pm 8.55 pm 9.27 PM 11.05 PM 12.26 AM " Jetersville " Drak's Br'ch " Barksdale " Danville " Benaja " Greensboro " Sallsburr Arr. A-L. Junction Lv. " " Arr. Charlotte .112.80 au SALEM BRANCH. NO. 48 Dally, except 8unday. Leave Greensboro p. 40 pm Arrive Salem 11.40 pm NO. 47 Dally, except Sunday. Leave Salem 7.sn m Arrives Greensboro fi.do am NO. 42 Dally, except Sunday. Leave Greensboro 10.00 am Arrives Salem 11.80 am NO. 43-Dally. Leave Salem 5.30 PJI Arrive Greensboro 7.80 pm Limited mulls Kn JO ind Kn hii vni n.k. short stoppages at points named on the schedule. Passengers taking train 49 from Charlotte will get aboard at the R. A D. R. R. depot This train makes elose connection at Greensboro for Raleigh, ton k Weldon Railroad. iassengei; trains No. 47 and 48 make all local stops between Charlotte and Richmond, and be- making connection with W. N. C. B. at Ballsbury ... vouuunjs exgepaea;, sua aiso con necting at Greensboro with Salem Branch (Sun day excepted). rassenger trains Nos. 42 and 43 make all local Query's. Harrisburg, Cnlna Grove, Holtsburg, Lin- WW awiw vauiVDaVniU V. y- vwMwma WOUilU aWtOallVU fH 7VMi9" Doro, , A. POPE, Gen. Pass, and Ticket Agent, Richmond, ya. may 18 FLY FANS b TRAPS, BATH TtJBS, SPRINKLERS, ICE CREAM FREEZERS. OIL STOVES AND THE le Qui for. summer, usp, Jit jg, THE FINEST LINK OW. W-Stoyes and Sewing Machines m the art. Orders and correspondence solicited at Mie Hard ware Store and Sewing Machine House of RIpiLYRp MQOftp, Trade 8tret, Cjiariotte, . f . CJ-C: W. Bbadbhaw, so long and favorabiv known In conhecUon with thewtoa MaWhfZ business of this city and vtdnltv nW i?f and would bo pleased toee faw tafh.,n2 patrons and serrSaslierttofore. QdS Hnd IsilfeJfflirtii Go to W. P. MAIlflN, Agent, and Success Wr. Jcarraco. Fresh Drag aaJ Pure Medicines ' u 2iA Koto trat the".! iu' .CO I ksn tn tnv BtmoJr. - Alan And i saner Articles, l-arnimerlea. Com , BtuMuvp, tamp urusno, a, : of aU the best varietlesi-and warranted .. . to be -good.' Physicians nreaergggrM (tran spee- j'i I'ttJ ipm vf1r.!''"..:.. -. Hoping to rwerf sharf o pohllo patronage, I am, respeetfullyy v ! feb8J ; . W, P. ILAkYra igt. Doub Cook Stove

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