Stye Cljarlotte b0eroei MTBaiiiBipxioir una . li; SaJi.Stitttto rmb, me Vrr, ( prmtvaMh in mivamet $8 00 ix -fonts. qq hrrt Month '.S....-... i " 9 fm v . ......... uu "--l-T-r'-ii'liiiii'iiirir-CTitfrtMi. ia ft Aowt: '.: vfflW KXCPPTfl, yocTiaa. WSSKLT EDITION : WaeTdy, (to tto county) ra Zwbk f2 00 (jut or ifia eovwy, pottjxaa, j jg Sixlfontt 1 00 VOL. XXV. CHARLOTTE, 1$. C., THURSDAY, JULY 21, 1881. liberal RaOuctiomor CUibn. , NO.3,852. Uvij CScraas. RiefT MS Wo, Mean What We Say. We still have an Ufgar.t and we l a-sorted line of - y t . LADIE3. MIS iES' and CHILDREN'S. ancy Hosiery. They Host Be Sold. We will commence sacrificing these gocds Imme diately. OUR ENTIRE STOCK OF SPRING AND AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. Ca1.! early and secure best bargains. Alexander k Harris, uly!7 $00ts unci gUozs 1881 Swig We are dally receiving our SPRING STOCK which will be more complete than ever before and comprises the LADIES', MISSES', CHILDRENS,' GENTS', BOYS', AND YOUTHS' FINE BOOTSI SHOES A SPECIALTY. Lower grades all goods In our line In variety and all prices. FULL STOCK STETSON HATS, and a pretty line Straw Hats, Trunks, Valines & Satchels, ALL SIZES AND RRICES. Call and see us. PEGRAM & CO. feb20 iist mm ! LAWNS, At C!,4 cents. HOOP SKIRTS, Atr0, 75c, $1 and $1.25. BfUUTIFUL STYLE OF PRINTS, at 5c TIIK BEST 4-4 BLEACHED DOMESTIC, at 10c.: The Celebrated Tower Shirt. Our entire stock rf STRAW HATS Must be closed out. Come and. buy one cheap DRESS GOODS. B VRG AIN3 IN SANDALS fc SUPPERS, f FANS ! FANS ! Some line ones to be closed out at cost Come and secure bargains. Next session begins Aqgost 25, 1881. . 1 i . U f . ' ; , ; i i ) Combines the advantages df the bid curriculum ' with special and extended Instruction according to the university system. Connected with It are schools of Law, of Medi cine and of Pharmacy. , 8 mCI fafi1.,0e.s tot Practical etudes, such "T ""jwuoi tuu Agricultural wiemiBiry, Land Surveying. Drawing, Book-keeping, A t? Business Law. PhohOsraDhy. etc. Si ; o3r "wiuuuik - huooq ana roc 'ry.wao per annum. ; , . iTO7?2i Jnudlng tuition and room rent, mi catalogue and particulars, i,, . KKMP P. BATTLE, LL. D.. -..uwzw President Stock 1881 ion it Best Brands Latest Styles Ilaif aves S Wiek ulyl3 DDiversity of North Carolina B A K U A INS! We are offering bargains in our REMNANT STOCK -OF i it o Goods. SOME BEAUTIFUL PA.TTEKN3 Or LINEN LAWNS To be o very cheap. We offer at a great reduction our stock of Silk & Lisle Thread Gloves & Silk Milk A FEW ROLLS OF CANE MATTING Very low, to close out stock. T. L. Seigle k Co. ulyl7 A DELICIOUS DRINK For Use in Families, Hotels, Clubs, Parties, Etc. Boston i C. H. OBATES fe soxau ' a "Hab Punch" his Utely been introduced, mat meets with marked nODular favor. It is Warranted to Contain onlyKth4 Best of Liquors, United with Choice Fruit Juices and Granulated Sugar. It is ready on omniM. and will be found an &?resabl addition to the choice thinirs which undeniably enlarg the pleasures of life and encourage good fellowship and good nature if rightly enjoyed. GOOD IT ALL TIMES Just ths Thing to Keep in Wine Cellars. Sideboards not Complete Without Hub Punch. It can be used Clear or with Fresh Milk, Ice, Soda, or Hot Water, Lemonade, or with Fine Ice, to Suit the Taste. Sold by leading Wine Merchants. Grocers. HoteUaod Druggiste everywhere. Trade supplied at manufacturers prices by WI1 son & Burwell. Wholesale and Retail Druggists Charlotte. N. C." Jan. 23-eod-6m. TOTT'S INDORSED BY PHYSICIANS, CLERGYMEN, AND THE AFFLICTED EVERYWHERE. THE GREATEST MEDICAL TRIUMPH OF THE AGE. : SYMPTOMS OF A ' TORPID LIVER. Ijom of appetite,Nan89a,bowela costive, fain In theHead.with a dull sensation ia the back part. Fain under the fuHnesa after eatiogi -wltft Q4am- clinati exertion ojT body or wnd, Irritamllty of temper, Lowjp lirits, Itosa k1- ' - li lectad some duty .weariness, Diazineaa, ITuttering of the Heart, Dots before the eyes. Yellow Skin, Headache, Restless ness at night, highly colored Urine. IF THESE WAE1TENQS ABE UNHEEDED, SERIOUS DISEASES WILL SOON BE DEVELOPED. TTJTT'S FILLS are especially adapted to such cases,one dose effects suchachange of feeling: as to astonish the sufferer. - They laercaM the Appetite, and cause the body to Ttke on Fleah, thus the systsm is neurlshed. and by thelrTosUe Action op the QqcBd. price $ cento.. aaari$t,K.T. TOTT'S HAIR DYE. Gray Hair or Whiskers chanced to a Glossy Black by a single application of this Dye. It imparts a natural color, acts Instantaneously. Bold by Druggists, or tent by ezprtss on receipt of f 1. Office, 35 Murray St., New York. Dr. TCTT8 HAM'AL or Valuable InforautUoa aad ft UMfal lUwIpt wlU b. mailed t'KEK en ppilrmtlun. Feby. 23deodwl vQiogne fer3g&t fc All Farmers, MotherSa Business Men, Mcchaa- L , Cr. X. AhA -Cm4 Aiit rivp Mnwlr wmr ws.A r ICS. OCne WIIU UV Uivu vaaa, "J wwsa, tivhiji WW 1 Lall who tire miserable with Dyspepsia, Rhciuoa-1 ;lfvou are wasting aw3Y"w"H vonPt l Tot iTsioitii jBr fit tii9f liTtActni-flr TOnC&ft VsH r 4 r : t?: .n4 niVier Tonics, as itl TDunas trp tne system, out never ! -, PARKER'S .HAIR BALAAM Bonav. Daadrss? PrcveoU BaUnsi Batons Color. HQNEST 7 Twist Chewing ToVaeco Beware of Imitations. None geuine unless ac companied with, our "Honest 7" copy-righted label which will be found on bead of every box. Manufactured only by BROWN ft BBO., feb20-2w tr- toaton, N. a Ml)'' ' .... , g M PUNCH. OBSERVATIONS A short history of the word stalwart! Blaine coined It; Conkllng appropriated It; Gulteau spoil ed It ' Tne Bufl)tlo Express says of the Lock port Jour nal: "There is toamuch cera in the editor and too much cob In the paper.'?. . , . Itco8tsrnoiiobtnxoR'People than It does to educate then. 'ThlaJfl Jaecause tUejf aru burled better thaf they.ate ftfltjMtf', 1 Toere arelufittwpclaaBesfolE feenHh the world. Half of them wwwferrt-47tllscref the comet, and the other naif have bidftrshot through the liver. ElrnlwyreePresasf , s y Seven-eighths .-; '1 erolirted woman in this country dou'l car.toatfifJlrK whether tney ever get to vote or not. What they want, to keep peace in the family, is a spktoon that can't be upset A Boston philosopher decides that the prettiest girls make the best saleswomen.- Be derives his experience from the church fair dmei who p nned a button hole boquet to bis lappel and charged him a dollar. The works of Confucius abound in maxims and wise sayings. The following may seem prophetic in regard to the telephone: That which is told in the ear is often heard many miles off " ftalves ton News. Oh, no; he was only thiokmg about the Chicago girl's ear. The shoemaker of Walter ordered a pair of heavy shoes, with a half-pound copper toe on tbe right one, at Lodi, N. 1., wondered what was the purpose of the strange contrivance until he beard of Miss Walters' beau being frightfully kicked out of the house. . f A brilliant meteor, originating apparently some where in the neighborhood of the north star, dart ed into the Monongahela! river, in West Virginia, recently, and was extinguished with a stunning report. If the Monontrahela had only been the spirituous variety of that article, the meteor would doubtless have succeeded in the hitherto unac complished feat of setting the river on fire. New York Herald. Mr. James Parton says that a curious circum stance occurred maoy years ago, when a testator In England left 2,000 to a friend, but with the condition that one-half of the sum should be bur ied with him in his coffin. The legatee took ad vice on the matter. "Where is the money now?" asked his friend. "In the hank," was the reply. "All right," said the adviser, "write a check for 1,000 and put it into the old gentleman's coffin, payable to his order." Dean Stanley There ia general sorrow in England oyer the death of Dean Stanley which occurred last Monday from an attack of erysipelas in the head. He was born at Alderley, Cheshire, on the 13th of December, 1815. His father was Dr. Edward Stanley, for thirty-two years rector of Alderley, and afterward Bish op of Norwich. He wa3 sent to tlug by school, where he soon became the favorite pupil of the illustrious Dr. Ar nold, beginning a friendship which terminated only with that great teach er's death. He afterward became his biographer, and in 1844 "The Life of Arnold'' was published, and was con ceded to be one of the best biographies ever written. From Rugby he passed to Oxford University, where he com menced a brilliant career by carrying off a Balliol scholarship and soon after the Newdegate prize for his English poem, "The Gypsies." The next dis tinction he gained was the Ireland scholarship, following it up, in 1838, by a first class in classics. 1&.1S39JM.A& tained the -Latin essay prize andl tliq English essay"5 prize,and the Ellertoni theological prize in 1840. in the same year he was elected a Fellow oT$ni4 versitv College, and for many years after was known as one of the-alslest tutors in Oxford and as one of the pioneers of what was then known as 4 liberalism" in the Church- On his father's death, in 1860, he refused the Deanery of Carlisle, tendered to him by Lord John Russell as a mark of re spect to his father's merits. as a liberal bishop. Having been secretary of the Oxford University Commission, and one ot its guiding spirits, ne was re warded, in 1851, with a canonry at Can terbury. which he held until 1858. Re turning to Oxford he became Regius Professor of .Ecclesiastical History and Canon of Christ Church. In 1860 he was elected a member of the Hebdoma dal Council. He was for many years chaplain to the Prince Consort and in a smilar capacity to the Prince of Wales he accompanied him to the East, pub lishing in 1862 a volume of sermons preached in the Holy Land, with some interesting notes of his tours. He was also examining chaplain to the Bishop of London, and while holding that posi tion he published a pamplet in favor of relaxing subscription to the articles, which he dedicated to the Bishop. In 1864 he was installed as Dean of West minster, and since then he has been conspicuous a3 a churchman of broad and liberal views. His congregation was always a large one and his elo quent discourses attracted much atten? tion. The University of St, Andrews conferred 6n Mm the degree xt hi D, inJ871, and in tbe following year-he. tooKparcurr tne proceedings or, s ine "Oldi.Catholitf Congress held atiCori iogne. -In .December, 1872, hewaselec& ?"oio"" ford by 349 votes against 287. In 1875 he Was installed Lord Rector of the J University of St. Andrews. HIS AMERICAN YISIT. In the fall of 1878 he came to the United States, landing at New York, and making a rapid tour through the country. He preached several sermons in Boston and Philadelphia, remarkable for their breadth of view and freedom from sectarian bias. Travelling on to Washington he received a warm wel come, as he did also at Richmond, Va. . He had made many friends in this country by hia liberal views. He was the author ot several valuable works and wrote much for tbe reviews. and 4 magazines. : . . - . " , What the Love of Children will Dr. A great lawyer, when yet unknown, one day stood in the court-room and made an eloquent plea before some men of . great legal attainments, and a gen tleman said to him afterward ( "How could you be so jcalm tanng in that august-preserifetf' -Oh,' said Ersfclne, "I felt my children pulling at my skifcts crying for bread," .What streamsjwa you not swifiV what cavern will you not enter, what battle will yod -not fight, what hunger will you not endure for your children ? Your children must have bread though you starve. Your children must be well clothed though you go in rags. You say: "My chil dren shall be educated, though I never had any chance." What to you are weary limbs, and aching head, and hands hardened and callous, if only the welfare of your children can be wrought out by it. Their sorrow is your sorrow, their joy your joy, their advancement your victory. Mrs. Wlnsdewl Sooihlag Sytnp. Rev. SilYanua Cobb thus writes in the Boston Christian Freerhan: We would by no .means re commend any kind of medicine wbloh we did not know to be good particularly for Infants. But of Mrs. wlnslow's Soothing Syrup we can speak from knowledge; in our own iamlly it has proved a blessing indeed, "by giving an 'infant troubled with colic bains, quiet sleep, and Its - rrenta unknown rest iit night Most parents can appreciate these, blessing. - Here-is an article whictfworks to per fection, and which -is harmless; for the sleep which tt afl eras the infant is perfectlrnatuml, and : the little cherob awakes as "briEW W ahutton," And during the' process of teething, its value is incalculable. We bave frequently $eard mothers' say theywoMdiwtbf without ltTjom the birth of the child tfli tt had finished "with the teething siege, ton any consideration whatever. . Sold bj all druggteta, 28 ceota a bottle ' ' ' f Jfiyai i i. . fortunate - roans red-headed faxmaif tuaried Alexander McCrosky, of SomervUle TenrLy- drew SKO.nnninthe Jane drawuur of th Lrmifdiuta State Lottery. . He immediately collected his mon ey from M. a. Daupnin, new uneans, La., and re amed plowing. Who win be tbe next? STATE NEWS. Raleigh News and Observer : Diph theria is prevalent in - tbe country, a few miles north of I this city, but in a mild form. . It was carried their by some person from this city. There is too much carelessness about such dis eases. Rev. T. B. Haughton has been elected county superintendent of public instruction for Martin. 'Ral eigh will soon have the largest cotton platform in the State. It will cover an entire block 210x210 feet, and will be within a square of the capitOl. Edgar Houeycutt, son of R. D. Honey eutt, Esq, died at his home, about ten miles north of the city, on Friday, of diphtheria. The collections tf inter nal revenue in this the fourth district last week were $11,077.80 The funeral of Mr. v Charles R. Strickland was held at j&ew Hope c4rarehjsix miles from iiecityv SuAdity triorning. The deceased W;aa student at Wake rqiTOiVjourjsr.j , , , Alamanct Olhaiier : Wp are infdrttil ed that the ottAi'i crtrpin this couhw is in a promising ctUKlrtum. The acrtet age is much greater tlian it has .ever been before. The quantity of fertiU-j zers applied was quite large.-- We are informed that the prdspects of' the; growingcrop of tobacco hi the Stone'yi Creek country are rather poor. A few, farmers, however, "have fine looking; crops. Cholera is playing havoc! with hogs in town and country, several persons having lost numbers at them. Several new looms will soon be placed in C C. Curtis & Co's f actoryj - Revenue .Agent Kellogg, and Deputy Marshal W. J. Watson captur ed a blockade distillery on last Wed nesday, three jniles above Company Shops on Daniel ; Worth's land. The still was in running order with cap and worm attached, with a capacity of fifty gallons. They also found six stands of bear and about ten gallons of low wines. The owner of the establish ment is unknown. Wilmington Star.- We learn that a colored man was struck by lightning at Florence on Sunday afternoon. Mr. N. R. Fowler got a tomato out : of his garden in this city a day or two ago that weighed seventeen and one-half ounces. The residence of Mr. Wil liam Waters, on Third, . between Ann and! Nun streets, was struck by light ning during the severe thunder storm on Sunday afternoon, slightly stunning that gentleman and his daughter, but doing no serious damage either to the house or its inmates. The: floor was torn up to some extent and a small lot of plastering knocked down. The elec tric fluid is supposed to have entered through a window or a telephonic fire alarm wire. A white man was ar rested in this city yesterday, by Officer T. O. Bunting, on suspicion of being one Obadiah Ross, wanted for the mur der of a Mr. N. F. Corn well, of Jeffer son county, Georgia, about four years ago. It appears that interested parties in Savannah, by some means received information that Ross was living in Sampson county, in this State, where he was married about three months ago. The man claims that he is from Le noir county. Fearful mortality from Heat In clnnatl. Cm- Eive hundred deaths last week in Cincinnati, a city of about 255,000 in habitants, is a terrible exhibit of the fatal effects of heat. A raging plague could nardiy nave done such havoc in six days. Had the city been bombard ed by a beseiging army so great a loss of life would have been remarkable. There was not so much slaughter in the first three months of the war of the re bellion on both sides. A special dispatch from Cincinnati says that to the record of 500 cases of death from the sudden access of high temperature should be added a large number of other deaths which are credited to old age and vari ous diseases but are really due to the excessive heat. The dispatch says : The deadly heat came without warn ing, and did its work with a merciless swiftness that the most fatal epidem ics have rately equalled. Men Were stricken and died while being carried to their homes. Others fell in the streets or at their places of busi ness, and were dead before intelligent assistance could be rendered thera. Bolts of revengeful .lightning, could hardly have done thelx work quicker. sFrom the first warning to the last-com-iing breath the victim was conscious ionly of suffering, and night brought al imost no relief. People died in their the hospital ambulances were Kept running until the hery rage of another sun hroke over the city. Many of those whose circumstances would permit fled to " the; North, hut this number was small, compared to what it would have been had tbe, fear ful mortality been known at the time,. People became gravely apprehensive but it ia only now that the official'1 re port o deaths has been given that they realise the fiery ordeal through which they have passed. It is remembered, too, that many hundreds were severely stricken who escaped death, but will henceforth be particularly sensitive to excessive heat and are prepared for the most obstinate diseases, brain trouble. Prohibition in Dave, Elizabeth City Economist ' , Mr Hooper, one of the Commission ers of Dare county, states that the working of the act of the Legislature forbidding the sale of liquor in Dare county has been : most admirable. Drunkenness is very rare, men are more industrious, and the public sen timent is altogether in ravor or prohi bition. Its effect upon the criminal docket of the court is most marked; indeed there was no ease oa the doeket 4n violation of the eriminal' law. By the local prohibition act of Dare county ten retail shops, we believe- it was ten. were closed in me conntv: and vet this curtailment of county revenue has caused no increase of 1atto;JiWe do not know; indeed . we have not beeh able to ascertain : satisf aetorilv "the practical effect ol prohfbltiQtt tollable or in Kansas, but nete,we have a case just at out door, showing tha:wbrkirig. of prohibition,: wjnen can De studied; py our people, xne' peopie or Aare are in favor of prohibition by a heavy inai-; jority, and they ought to know some; thing about ic ' , ., ' -I I met with an accident about two years' agOi aM Mr. Jacob Forster, oirtewnergo, n. i., dj Deinf thrown from a horraad; jKTIghi m, vMcb was to AiLapppearanoa -tntred1-la about time month1 treatment by, a78klllf ul , pnysielan. BdtwltheTery change, of the: weather, tlie, moet eicrticlaUn pains, would. appear, caJtocvaaa t I fnm 0ai3dar,an uiealjpx.tnrista.k fbemi &'thfiadoIir4ds;Iofhti:fcJ)o ra. jJa5oB?,pfl, - wi WtiWff ntml7 freed me fram pain, , . .- 1 " . " . . 'FF IS"' A FOOLISH MISTAKE to confound a retsedr ol meru wua HqiioiHuimmw oeramom We ba?e used Parker' Ginger Tonic with thenapplest resoltalor rheumatism and dys Mpsla, and when -worn oat by overwork, and know ft to be a sterling health restoratlTe. Times. See adv. L'!i ;iog Plenty of Cotteo ! Plenty of Masic HAKES EVERYBODY HAPPY. 1 KEEP IN DE MIDDLE OB DE RODE And read woen MeSiith's Special Sooner Offer: A Little Cash Dowii 1ND I'tlJS 11AL.AJ WHlOf - COTTON COMES IK. Write tome for a little readinr matfftr and p rirrTr rA f ; n. , . , - "to - krrj- vmci hujlu lui aouse ana save time, frelght and monsy. Address, H. M'SMITH. Charlotte, v. n ' 7 , " . L. SUMMED STOCK ' - - m i ii. OT: t:... wews 0 sing JOHN G. Y(SifMl iAft, MQet-hetwemTrode and Fifth. HEW YORK OFFICE, 6 ft 7, COtJBTLAKDT ST. I BRANCH OFFICE, CHARLOTTE, N. C. WORKS, ARLII GTON, N. Julie Cotton w. i.J.i. .", :o:- MoSmith EHusio House, (Branch of Ludden & Bates, frices and terms exactly the ! L .181 CEj ni .v :0: :0: HP -SPBINJ3 AND SUMMER CASSIMERE SUITS--AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. BOYS' AND CHILDREN'S SUITS AT COST.- CALL AND SEE U3. BERWANGER k -AT- CD IB HD LPHEIKD IE S it All Minn ililMIlV & MeDOW ENGINEERS, IRON FOUNDERS & MACHINISTS, p&r-i,'r-l tbe Mas t same.) 500 Piaiios and Organs ON HAND AND CONTRACTED TOR THAT M081 BE CLOSED OUT BEFOBS OCT. 1. LOWEST CASH PRICES: 810 CASH ON AN ORGAN. 825 CASH OX AWANO. And tbe balance - 3 Months, Without Interest. ThU offer expires October 1 st Buy now and buy as cheap as you can next lail, wlih casti In your hand. This Is neither "Pie" nor "Taffy," .1. 1 wu o'u uog ana nomiuy. , r MANrjT asaa of- STEAM ENGINES -ANT MINING MACHINERY CONTRACT FOB COKSTRPCTIOy AMD EttECTtprf oV MINING MACHII&RY OF EVERY DESCRIP TION AND LATEST DESIGNS. ALSO. MAN UFACTURE AMD SELL AGRICULTURAL AND PORTA RLE KNWINES. SAW MILLS, AC Tbe manufacturers of the CHALLENGER PORTABLE ENGINE CHALLENGE THE WOILD Tanmdnce a better engine. To how oar confidence tat'aUaSMler any of agricultural engines not fitted with ja caJKS to a eorapeUUTe test at a forfeit of JBOOto 000 J nv bedeslred. These engines Lurn 4 3 and 8-foot wjoav BRQ Goods !

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