friprietr Btua tf w Pofr-Orrtci atObablottb, B. g.AiaoMnKXuaiuTm.l - Sunday and Monday there were 106 deaths in St Loifis.7 The ft rait'prbp'Vf Delaware usualfy worth, $3,000XX) Is a failure this year. The detective Bvstem of Philadelphia i3 coipku0u3iUlnefficeAC. . r T- r ; lit I It will be much better to convert the corn of North Carolina into meal to feed the poor than into whiskey to ruin them. The cotton mills of Macon, Ga., are doing a;!Wij, business with the West, and are working night and day to fill orders.- Mayor King, of Philadelphia, having come off victor in his fire-works "war is now advancing on the hip-pocket pis tol, which he proposes to extirpate. :o . ,' ';' -Warner Miller having secured, his own election as . Senator is now busily engaged at Albany in lobbying for Lapham. mum i I m i i m The official list of the property of the State of Vermont, just completed, shows a total valuation of $163,391,893 Last year it was $100,350,000. i i i i i The population of England and Wales is 25,9(58,286, an increase of S, 256,020 since 1871. Whilst the popula tion of Ireland is 5,159,849, a decrease of 252,538 in the same period. Gale, the New York pedestrian Monday morning completed 3,000 quarter miles, half of his task of 6,000 quarters in as Many consecutlv'ten minutes. His condition is sun gooa. A pet rattlesnake has died in Wil mingtoni Another friend of the anti prohibitionists gone. But they will not mourn this one much as he was a pet snake and not a bitist. During the late warm spell the ther mometer registered on 15th inst., 97 degrees at the Greenwich Observa tory, in England, the warmest weather they have experience there in twenty five years. Philadelphia Record : Midhat Pacha, was a civil-service reformer, and see where he has landed. He has no more influence in his coun try than George William Curtis has in the United States. "It may not be design," says the Bal timore Sun, "but ever since the attack on the President Mr. Blaine in driving out is flanked by friends or dependents who sit in the carriage with him." Billy the Kid, the notorious murder er and outlaw, who for years has been the terror of New Mexico cattle men, was killed on the 14th instant by the sheriff of Lincoln county. The Kid was a native of New York city, and his real name was McCarthy. i I mm l i mm Mr. Neus, of Colorado, went out last Friday to prospect for gold. He found a bear with two cubs, and the bear found him. Result, Neus was terribly hugged and mangled, his scalp nearly torn away, arms chewed up, great pieces bitten out of his legs, after which he succeeded in walking three miles when the doctors sewed up such of the wounds as they could, and he stood it without flinching. China has gone in for retrenchment and reform with a healthy vim. She has accredited one embassador to rep resent her simultaneously at the courts of Berlin, Vienna, Rome and the Hague, and trusts to the telegraph for the further necessary aid. China here sets a, commendable ex ample to the United 'Statei, which still persists in sending ministers . abroad when she has no more use for them than an elephant has for two trunks. Ocean telegraphs have made such of fices entirely useless. The Philadelphia Times says : -: Governor Foster, with the true genius of the politician, it seems, proposes to make some political capital for himself out of the : attempted assassination of the President, j He proposed a jdajr of thanksgiving" for the President's recov ery and now it Is stated that Poster expects to have a day named just be fore the Ohio election,' when, under the feeling which the occasion will natur ally create, he expects to be re-elected to the Governorship. This is so like Foster that it is not difficult to believe the statement There is nothing in politics too small for some men t re- sort to. f .1. k. ' CRUELTY TO ANIMALS. Balelgh News-Observer. ' A The first conviction under the Bergh" law for the prevention of cruelty to animals seems to have occurred in Martin county, where Stewart Rogers, colored, was tried before Justice J. L. Ewell, last week, for killing his mule by knocking - it on the head with a fence-rail,-and on conviction was fined $25. If Raleigh's deputy sheriffs and police would keep their eyes open there would be many arrests for gross cru elty to animals is a common sight on our streets adthe depots. Here is another invasion of individ ual rights to which we call the atten tion of anti-prohibition stump speakers. Why this meddlesome . interference ? Did not this negro own the mule? and had he not a right to knock "his own property" on the head? Surely "our liberties" are gone when a sovereign negro can't bust his QWu mule's head with a fence-mil., There is uo telling where iUekamzy, 'fanatics, who have laws passed to punish cruelty to ani mals will lead ujto., OU, liberty, lib arty, what's going to become of you, Bnyhowi,fU we. catft 4?etdrMuk and mnVnti the head what worth;1ivir coes on we'll Just nave w ranattcidden worfdb & tree. fBOSELITlZING lit THE SOUTH, The Atlanta Constitution of yester day has an article on Mormonism in Georgia, from which we clip the f pi-1 lowing, which dhows that tt aifip' have been making pr$pejif siltt- ly and more of jt thajte a$y jpoay JQaa any iaesr oi. ?now. large i cougrega tion is how many unfortunate people have been duped into becoming mem bers of this well-known society for the propagation of- , prostitution and other forms of immorality, cannot now be tnawn4ofrwe--have inf ornration which leads . usto believe , that .Jthe gia, jNoriffuaronna anu xennessee are full of unfortunate people who, for one purpose and another, have become Mormons." .. . In the western district of North Car olina we think the "converts" will be found to be very few and far between. Book waiter, Democratic. nominee for Governor of Ohio, is saiat6"3W-worth 01,200,000. With the average politician these days suckfacts go a long way. fcnt .,t:.- Dcs SBftdttf&lhe Observer, --i &CtorrRA.S.yMl88i. liiirayton ana a party oi two or.tnree otrs atmptM toCarrest tJohn Mc- Dowt home; imiles ttontCCentral, S. C f or ilUeit distilling. HeGref used to submit to an arrest; Before any at tempt had been made to force an arrest a shot from a-stm was firedv taking ef fect in Bxayjton's1 side. The revenue meat Commenced nrijbg, and brisk, work was naade'-hf iDoth sides, -thoueb with out further mjory. The whole party subsequently dispersed ana lenruray ton lying in the yard."Ttls not known whether he is dangerously wounded or not. McDow afterwards came into town in company with a negro heavily armed and threatened to shoot one connected with the matter. Later information is to the effecttbat Brjayton is dead, as will be Been by tele grams tnrougn trie .associaxea rressi iHfbttlated frress Renort. . ," f. ? I Charleston, S. C July 20r A spec ial to the News and Courier fromi Cen tral. in Pickens county, says Thomas L. Brayton, U. S. Deputy Collector of Internal Revenue, at that place, was murdered this morning by illicit distil lers. THE PRESIDENT'S CONDITION. Progress Continues, and Physicians Anticipating no Further Trouble. OFFICIAL BULLETIN. Executive Mansion, July 20.-8:30 The progress of the President towards recovery continues uninterruptedly He has passed a quiet night. Pulse this morning 86, temperature 98.4, respira tion 18. D. W. Bliss. J. K. Baknes. J. J. Woodward. Robt. Reybubn. The following was sent this morning to each cabinet officer by the Presi dent's private secretary : Executive Mansion, S a. ra. There is decided improvement in the Presi dent's condition this morning. He slept very well during the night, and his pulse at this hour is 86, which is lower than at any previous time. -Tem perature and respiration normal' The wound is doing well and is discharging freely and properly. The President's appetite is still good, and great care will continue to be exercised in his diet. 7 p: m. The President has passed an excellent day. At 1 p. m. his pulse was 88, temperature 98.4, respiration IS. At the present time his pulse is 98, tem- peratore 99.6, respiration 19. Tuo Albany Scramble Lapham Still Climbing. Albany, July 20. The joint conven tion met at noon and proceeded to vote with the fallowing result: Combined vote: .Lapham 72, Potter 49, Conkling 'zs, wooaiora i. iseeessary to a choice 7 b. Speaker Sharpe in voting noticed newspaper statements that he had been ungrateful to Mr. Conkling and said that he had never held any office by the assistance of any one who has been a candidate for the United States Senate here, or that of any one else. The chair declared that no choice had been made, and another vote was taken with the following result: Lap- nam tz, rotter 49, uoniciing 28, Wood ford 1. Necessary to a choice 76. The chair declared that T:0 choice naa oeen made. . Senator Strahan movid an adj urn ment." Carried. A Jealous Negro murders Ills Mis tress. Kiciimond, July 20. At au early hour this morning Mudison Taylor, a colored sLevennrfl. Bf.ahhpri tn doath a colored woman named Violet Missions, wuoui ne nau ueen uving. Taylor, yyjju uttu uttuujo jeuiuua oi uie atten tions to the woman of another negro, had left her some time ago, but not sat isfied he resolved upon something des perate in the way of revenge. After &wtlinjg about the neighborhood of tote woifian'a house nearly all last night, he met her this morning as Bhe came out and charged her with unfaithful ness to him. This the woman denied and tried to pass him, when Taylor, with a large knili", stabbed her in the breast, causing her death in about three fliinutes. The murderer eseaped'ahd has not yet been captured. 0l,t"cUur 'ork aHallroadf JUOUXSTILLE. .. .Tnlv 9fi A nttate fcial dispatch from MaysviUe says : The xtig bandy liailroad Company, now contructiBg their line througirCarter county, are having trouble with an or ganization fknown as" the . natives." The contractors' aa& their Operatives have been threatened for some time East, and last week ope man was shot ) prevent his appearing as a witness against his assailants. On Monday an attempt was made on Sinking creek to wreck the construction train, and the men building bridges were driven off from th6ir work. The county authori ties seem powerless to restrain these outrages, and the State is asked to rem edy the matter. The road is rapidly approaching completion and cars would be running through from ..the Ohio river in a few weeks if the build ers were allowed to go on with the work peaceably. v 1 RradlauffU Interviews the Inspector of Police. London, July 20. Bradlaugh has had an interview with the Inspector of Police at the House of Commons; and informed him that he does not intend to bring a mob to Westminister osi tbe 3rd of August, when he will pre sent: himself at the table of the House claiming his parliamentary rights, but says he cannot prevent' a crowd Irony gathering. The police will exclude thi: public from the nalace :. yard on that L day, r.. .. v - Deeliae eflUa. c: Impotence of mind, limb or vital frmfiton.nej tous., weakness, sexual debility, Ac, cured bf Wells' Health Benewer. Si at drandata. DeDoL OUB WASHIXGM)!S xmEn. . ., -. All Quiet Along, the.. te How the White House (Is 3efrfoed 9 t Mmh r4mltrtUvZJollhi bat jr Rumor ed Effort to' Scalp Iko YoMf Keogh on the Played Out Retired L.lau To the Editor of Tbe Observer: Washington, July? 17, The excite ment occasioned by the assault on the Uejidpiaflde fnave about subsided. There now pre vails s general f eehnff that tbe .f resi dent i fully out f danger, and that it wiimot beiong oeiore necan resume the duties of his office. His recovery is largely due to his fine constitution and bravery.. At no time has he shown the white feather. Even when he did not expect to live many hours he expressed his willingness to aie, lr uoa so wmea, and at no time did he show desponden cy or lack of that manly spirit which nas always ueen ms cuarauierisuc. ne has had nursing and attention such as seldom, if ever, falls to the lot of a suf ferer or invalid, x et. it is generally conceded that without his splendid con ditionthe result of a well ordered and temperate life. he could not have lived many hours after the shock of the sec ond bullet. The cooling apparatus applied some days ago is a decided success. I talked with a gentleman this morning who had the privilege of examining it in the basement of the White house. He says it is quite a simple thing, although cum bersome. It consists of two large tanks which hold 16 and 231tons of Icq i respec tively. Connected with the 1.6 ton tank is a tank filled with plates covered with crash or towelling and this . again; is connected with a small- tank contain ing about 600 pounds of ice; this again is connected with the outside; o .airby means of a large pipe. - A small engine works a fan which forces the air oyer the plates, through a pipe intg the tank containing 16 tons of ice, and from there it is forced through a large tin flue to the President's room. The room is now kept at a temperature of from 75 to 80 degrees, and can be fixed at any temperature. The tank containing 23 tons of ice is operated upon in the same way, and is used to cool the corridor near the President's room and other contiguous parts of the house, ; The would be assassin v is, breaking tlown under bis confinement and exhib iting great cowardice. His fiendish aapt has cansed much discussion and many suggestions as to what should be done in the future to prevent such attempts on the life of the head of the nation. This particular case brings home the fact that this country is suffering under the heavy weight of office holders, both State and Federal. It is thought that out of our population of 50,000,000 of people, about one third of our immense population, is holding and dependent upon those who hold office. Guiteau was a chronic and habitual office seek er. Like hundreds and thousands of our citizens, he grew up and matured with the idea that he must subsist on office. Despairing of getting place, he resolved to commit the horrible crime which brought a great nation to grief and his name to everlasting infamy This recalls the history of France un der Louis Philnppe. Under that mon arch France was a land of office seek ers and office beggars. The many at tempts at assassination then and in that country were attributable greatly to the mania for holding office. Under Louis Philippe the government had something like 140,000 offices at its dis posal. We have about 110,000 federal offices alone. The bitter feelincr of fac tion and the disappointment of office seekers will continue until we get rid of federal patronage. It is to be hoped we will soon return to the posi tion in which we were before the war and that the. land will be freed from the hungry horde of office holders who now keep the country in constant tur moil. Guiteau s crime has set people to thinking. The Secretary of the Treasury is said to fayor some law which will collect the internal revenue tax and dispense with the army of officials now provided for by law. He thinks a law which will dispense with collectors and storekeep ers and gaugers is practicable. That distilleries can be taxed for their full capacity, and more money collected for the government directly from the dis tilleries, than is now raised through the collectors. The idea is to collect through State officers or revenue agents scattered through the country. This of course is based on an expected large re- auction or the tax on whiskey and to bacco, which many members of Con gress say will surely be made next win ter. The great decrease in the nation al liability on interest will relieve the tax payers of a heavy burden, and low er tax may be looked for. Washingtonians expect a good deal from Senator Ransom in bis action atout themproyement of the Kidwell bottoms, or Potomac flats. It is well known that the Senator favors the re clamation of the flats and improvement of the river front. He will tayor large enough appropriations to accomplish this result. If he succeeds in this it will be the finishing touch to Washing ton, which is now deservedly consider ed one of the most beautiful cities in the world. This improvement would give the city several thousand acres of land which would make -a lovely park. A Washingtonian says it must be called "Ransom Park," provided always, that he brings about the desired result. The injptov ement contemplates filling in to th Georgetown J channel; which will giye made land almost to the middle of the Long Bridge- The Current in the channel will be accelerated one third and this will aid in perfecting the sew erage system of the city. A corps of engineers jWlll soon go to work under direction of Senator Ransom's commit- There is nothing of interest in the departments, j? It is as much as can be doneitmw toieep up yrtth routine mat ter. ThBjnany projected official changes thrattghout the cohhtry ttndln the diplomatic service will , not he made until the'President is able to look after Lbis official .duties. . North Carolina is not much aiscussea; witatne exception of Ike Young's case. There is a strong movement against him which is pushed byTourgee, Shaffer, Bill Smith, and many leading men in the State. It is whispered that Shaffer is to have the place and that he is backed by Judge Russell and Canaday in addition to the above named leading Republicans. It is understood here that Tourgee con trols Canaday and that he has brought him into line. I give you this for all it is worth. I got ifrom a North Caro linian who clerjks in Qni of the Depart ments. He seems to be weft posted. He thinks- CoL Zoung must go. That his chief backer heretofore, leogh, is so obnoxious to the administration and John Shermaan account of his Grant record of 'last year,"iaiat he has been completelyHJihorsed - here is totally without influence, and instead of help ing.Young, his friendship is detrimen tal. . Asau 3 tikli. i Sl:er CTeelt Sew "0 (tent - I have been ren Inwl- i?e mom tri: j. fui. and now &m mmd-iuri Mm iS4 KM" contoSi Prteesedni u m anystanaing. X3HATHTMFRTHE PREStlMEXT; Cllieen of Jexu Keaelre to Have aL telesrrata front iGakeston, Texas, ?yfe,W 8. Texaiiingh spouuiug tu uie request n uruvj: tn Have fi dav?nf harilrso'liririflr and iubi- le$ f or the recovery of the President, apologizes for his long delay, and says: Mn rt rt Htuim it AAnoiafnt wihh m V position as Governor to issue a procla mation directing religious services, where church and State are and ought to be kept their functions." He adds, however, that the people of Texas will p'rajf as devoutly for tbe re covery or. tne president as any people in the United States. St. Louis, July so.-The Republicans special last night savs a mass meeting, composed of all political parties and creeds, was held last night at Dallas, Texas, to protest against the attitude of Gov. Roberts regarding his telegram to Gov. roster, r umo, aoout a aay or thanksgiving for the recovery of Presi dent Garfield. Speeches were made by prominent citizens and the following resolution was adopted : Kesoivfia, That the citizens or uanas will spend the dav set apart by other States as a. day of jubilee and thanks- giving at the recovery of our President, ither cities of Texas are invited to do likewise. The Herald, Times and Ga zette are severe in their criticism on the action of Gov. Roberts. Bill Passed tbe Souse of Commons la tbe Interest of Tenants; London, July 20. In the House of Commons last night in committee on the land bill the amendment of Rt. Hon. Hugh Law, Attorney General for Eng land, enabling the Land Court to quash all leases concluded since 1870, which it finds to contain unfair terms, and to have been forced on tenants by threats of eviction, or by undue influence was carried by a vote of 201 to 109. Not that Blood but Another Blood. BesTON, July 20. The Advertiser says the reports of the approaching marriajre of Lord Colin Campbell, son of the Duke of Argyle, and the daughter of the American adventuress, Victoria Woodhull, are wholly errone ous. The lady to whom Lord Camp bell is to be married is a daughter of Mr. Edward Blood, a gentleman of large wealth, and high standing in Eng lish society, Tbe Weather. Washington. July 20. Indications : The Middle Atlantic States partly cloudy weather, and possibly local rain, wind mostly South by West, sta tionary barometer and stationary and higher temperature. South Atlantic generally fair weather; winds mostly South) stationary barometer and tem perature. Nibillsta In Congress. London, July 20. A Berlin dispatch to St. James Gazette this evening says : The JJihilistg aje holding Congress in St. Petersburg under the very eyes of the Government, which although fully warned of the fact are unable to dis cover the place of meeting. Postal Card Statistics. New York Herald. When Postmaster General Croswell, eleven years ago, first suggested to Congress the advisability of adopting the postal card the idea was received with doubt and misgiving as to the success of the scheme. The wise gen tlemen who, for some inscrutable and mysterious purpose, are permitted to hold seats in the national legislature were under the " impression that the whole thing was a fanciful European notion which never could be natural ized here, and that such an addition to our mail facilities would be productive of, to say the least, very doubtful re sults. After two years of agitation in Congress and in the press the idea was finally put into -legislative form and shape, and on May 1, 1873, the delivery of the cards to the postmaster of the country was begun. Contrary to the expectation of Congress the card was a great and immediate success. Business men of all classes eagerly adopted it, and in the first year one hundred and ten millions of the little missives were sold, yielding a handsome profit to the government. The revenues of the de partment did not fall off as it was pre dicted they would, ana, except in some few isolated cases, the cards were not used for improper purposes. An analy sis of the number printed every year since their introduction shows that their popularity, so far from waning, is constantly on the increase. In 1874. for instance, the number issued was, m round numbers, ninety one millions. Pour years later the number sold was more than two hundred millions, while the figures for the last fiscal year run up to the enormous amount of nearly three hundred and nine millions, which, estimating the population at fifty millions, is an average of six cards per capita, uur own city aione nas con sumed nearly thirty millions in a sin gle year, or one-tenth of all that was printed in 1881. The estimated net revenue to the government, in this one item alone, for the four years ending March, 1883, is eighteen millions of aoiiars. Odd Contributions to tbo Uar field Fnnd. From the New York Times. :; (The followinz letter, sent bv a hnv from West Virginia and addressed to the president of the Corn and Flour Jxchange, was received here to-day: "Dear Sir 1 send you by Adams Ex press to-day a live fox. He was caught when no bigger than a rat and is now only half grown. Re careful that he don't gnaw his way out of the box. Mis name is Roscoe Conklinc. Sell him for Mrs. Garfield. Tell her I sent it ana that I hope she will like my idea. xeii ner 1 hope Mr. Garfield will get well. N. B. I paid one dollar for the chain and box. Please seDd me one- nttnorwhat it sells for, as I want to buy a pig. - The fox is a tremendous fellow and very vicious. It will be sold for the Denentot the fund, when it is thought a wuBiuciauiB sum win De raised. Tbe Cost of Fences, Wilmington Star. It is estimated that the citizens of Georgia naye only twelye million of dollars m railroad property, while they have thirty million of dollars in tenCeS. (Jn.arijPJtt.rVn ATMlto svns? nrvimSw - . - - " ' w yuo Ulltl IrVI lo practical, business men such a statement reads like a joke. What is Zr " u"ul6' wiu appiy io au me OOUtnern Xr.Rt.Pa annrvnaa Tn Vn-h Carolina , the fences cost a good deal iuvmo luau rauroaas. vvny should peo ple meur suoh vast labor and expense when it can be avoided? When will the people of the South study their own interests t There are localities that require fencing, but it is believed by enlightened and observing farmers and busfcess men that the greater part of the State conld dispense . wisely with fences. 5- BJSBpBlT's". 0000 AIHE. I A T. 1 TV tTiro a.vmt - nfl health vttHim v. .i.u as 1 k.!T WnatraOtt lestoHnc the natiml Mmrnih wito tTowthdepento yttai go' ftagle bflfttfr tared s Ijtdv'ahiilti atMnArsfa case where every otlier treatment nad failed; and itlUiaf!..! 1 ... i . m " cany mieeess uiotissnu 01 eases oi baldness, dandniff, hair, and lrriUttoof the scalp, ba,Te yielded to ttiia remedr. . a The superlorttvef' Bnmsttk nnvnnnir icytnuia consists in thelpejfect ptrfar and fitettt". strength. 3 O O 'IP THE ow ttfAna received Is very attractive, and embraces a great variety of goods of the best makes, all of which we warrant For Ladles' Wear we have "ILriins2fuJHn. nt hAaiitiiiii and seasonable eoods of various trrades. styles and Drtces. SDedal attention belnz called to oar line of Ladles' vine Handsewed Button Boots, which for beauty hsnimSsMi GentB' Machine and Hand-sewed GOOD MQOODa AND LOW PRICES. Boys, Misses Uneaol the best grades. t3LW Please give us a marB m HWscellancottB. Diseases, like rivers. Bnring from small causes. The roaring river may not be easily diverted from Its course, nor tbe neglected disease from Its de structive work. Taken in time, disease, which is merely an interrupted runcuon. may be aveuea by the use of nature's remedy, TAEBANT'S 8ELTZEE APERIENT. It combines the medicinal properties of the best mineral waters in the world. Sold by all druggists, j un5 d&weodtimo BARGAIN IN REAL ESTATE. rpo a bona fide purchaser, I offer for sale a SPLENDID FARM, nine miles from Charlotte, lying half a mite from Stonewall Station, on the Atlantic, Tennessee and Ohio Railroad. The land Is well adapted to the cultivation of COTTON, CORN, and other crops of this section. It consists of about 200 acres, 20 of which are bottom land and about 15 acres of freshly cleared land; 50 acres la primeval forest On the plantation is a gold mine, which has been profitably worked. The vein gives promise of value if explored. On the premises is a comfortable dwelling and aU necessary out houses. Good orchard and a never falling well of water. Terms very reasonable. A I) PABKS July 20,d3tw3t Alexandriana, N.C. CITY PROPERTY FOR SALE. A DESIRABLE residence, three blocks from the public square in Charlotte, will be sold cheap and on reasonable terms to the right kind of a purchaser. The dwelling is on a full lot, has nine comfortable rooms, brick kitchen, fine well of wa ter, etc The bouse is admirably adapted for the residence of a lawyer, doctor or preacher, having an admirable library or study room, built for the purpose. For furthsr particulars, price, terms, etc. apply at THIS OFFICE. July20,dtf T nQT-..ON Friday morning, the 5th i-JJij X Inst, at the Air-Line Depot, an ammunition bag, with 40 or 50 brass cartridges, A liberal reward will be paid for its return to Julyl9 T. L. 8EIGLE. This great specific cures that most loathsome disease WHETHER IN ITS PRIMARY, SECONDARY OR TERTIARY STAGE. Removes all traces of Mercury from the system. Cures scrofula, old sores, rheumatism, eczema, catarrh, or any blood disease. CURES WHEN HOT SPRINGS FAIL! Malvern, Ark., May 2, 1881. We have cases in our town who lived at Hot Springs and were Anally cured with S. S. S. McCuuion & Mubbt. mmammmmmmmmm Memphis, Tennessee. Mav 12. 1881. We have sold 1,296 bottles of 8. 8. S. in a vear. It has given universal satisfaction. Fair minded physicians now recommend it as a positive specif ic . MAUSFIKLD ft CO. LflnlsvTllA. KantiiMrT 1Wnv 1 ft 1 OC1 ' i y V.'J A . 8. 8. 8. has given better satisfaction than any meaicine i nave ever soia. J. A. ITLEXNXB. Denver. CoL. Mav 9. 1 R81 Every purchaser speaks In the highest terms of a. o. o. I,, miissetkb. Rlplnnnnrl Vo f o w 11 too. You can refer anybody to us in regard to the w.A.I,n O C! C TV . w . X uiviiu wt o. a. a. ruLJL JUILLEB E CO, Have never known S. S. S. to fail to cure a case H. L. Dknnaed, Eu Wabbsx. mu-.v Parry. Ga. mo uvre Biguera are genuemen oi nigh stand ing. A. H. CoLQtrnT, Gov. of Ga. If you wish, we will take your case, TO BE : FOB WHEN CURED. Write for partlculi PAID particulars, SI .000 REWARD will tM nnM tn anv xhomlit wnu wiu uuu, on analysis or iuu Dottles oi a. a. 3., vna paruue oi mercury, loame potassium, or any mineral substance. SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., n proprietors, Auanta, Ga, Bold bv drnevtsts evarvwhAra. For further information write for the little book. 8old by T. C. Smith, L. R. Wriston & Co. and wuson a Harwell. Jun25dly BEATTY S enTonra dress DANIEL F. BEATTY. ORGANS. 17 BtoDS. K Set ftnlrf. le reeas, only 5. Ad- wasnington, N. j. Julyl2 dw4w Bend to MOORE'S BUSINESS UNIVERSITY Atlanta. Ga. For Illustrated Circular. A Mv actual Business fljioQl. gttabliihed twentf year. ' Julyl2-4w nnen rTenon miuliB, mmboamttA july!2 Q(tw4w Wciji'a. ik liirai. Skin Cure. ITcIIiNG AND SCALY DISEASES, HUMORS OF THR 8CALP AND SKIN PERMA- pSiP,Ifi?llleB nrH for sale by all druggists. ni. u'T11 " "'euHiuai jeny, small ooxes, Sil'siffijr0?8' Cuticura Resolvent, the -Swli iSJ3f!lJrr uwr.Bi perootiie. cuueura Meai ctaal ToUet Boap, 25c. Cuticura Medicinal Shav ing Soap, l5o; in bars for barbers and large con amen, 60a Principal depot, . , WEEKS 4 POTTER, Boston, Mass. maUed free on receipt of price. ' ulyl8.4ir' HAVE YOU EVER KNOWN Any person to be seriously CI without a weak sto mach or inactive liver or kidneys? And when these organs are in good condition do yon not find their possessor enjoying good health r PARKER'S GINGER TONIC always regulates these important organs, and never falls to make the blood rich and pure, and to strengthen every part of the sys tem. It has cored hundreds of desn&lrln inval ids. Aak your neighbor aboutlt. fjulyl2,4w fMVTL, MECHANICAL AND MINING ENGI- nmufltf, hui mtwBHKi.AKR POLY TECHNIC INSTITUTE, Troy, &JThB okiest murlnMiinff arthnnl In 1 marina Wnw . iTfr . menwi expenses, euv Addresn ..7.' rr- JiI4r-6w -:. DATID M, GREENE, Dtreetor, FREE OUR STOCK OF- AND AND S IHI O IES SPRING AND SUMMER TRADE, and elegance of style, superiority of workmanship and finish, and good quality of material used, cannot goods. Boots, Button and Congress Gaiters, Navy Ties, Oxford and Strap Ties, Prince Alberts, 4c. Vc and Children's Shoes In great variety and of the best quality, and of Heavy Goods a full and complete calL . -r n A. HARVEY GENERAL liolesale 1217 CARY Because of the cheap rates of transportation, cial Inducements to Wholesale Buyers in North Carolina. We claim to stand at the top. mra8 ly W. T. BLAGKWELL & GO, Durham, N.C. Manufacturer! of the Origin! and Only Genuln TOBACCO Mar 22 ly Life and Endowment Policies, IN SOLVE XT OR BANKRUPT COMP'S. PURCHASED. INSURANCE PLACED WITH BEST COMPANIES AT LOWEST RATE3. J. F. LLOYD, Gal Ag't, Central Hotel, uly2 Charlotte, N, C The Hygeia T.otel, Old Point Oomftrt, Va. 8ltuated one hundred yards from Fortress Monroe. OPEN ALL THE YEAR. Equal to any hotel in the United States as a sum mer resort or cold water sanitarium. Send for circular describing hygienic advantages, etc. July3,dlmo HARBISON PH02BUS, Proprietor) Special Limited Excursion TO MOREHEAD CITY. PA3SKNGEB DEPARTMENT, R, & D. R. R., Richmonp, Va,. July 1st, 1881. In order to afford ample facilities to visit the sea shore, ROUND TRIP TICKETS, GOOD FOR TEN DATS, are on sale at Charlotte under the following conditions: For parties of twelve, $11.15 each. " " twenty-five. 89.65 each. " Wty, S8.00 each. Parties to ge in a Body and return singly on reg ular trains within the limit. ' ' For further information apply to the ticket ag't at the depot. A. FOBE, JuU3 Qen'J Passenger and Freight Agent n and Lee University. GEN. G.W. C. LEE. Pres't. THOROUGH instruction in Languages, Litera ture and Science, and in the professional schools of Drawing and Engineering. Healthful location in the Valley of Virginia. Expenses for 9 uiumns neea not exceea 9225. session opens ocjicmuor 10, 1001. j-or ou&iogue aaaresa, ... J.L. CAMPBELL. Jr.. Clerk. juiyg.eodlmo Lexington, Va. Union High School (MALE AND FEMALE) EAST BEND, YADKIN 00., N. 0, Next session opens August 4, 1881. Professor x. o. nnuiingxon, a. m., principal, uepanmenis conegiate, uommerclal, Normal and Civil engi neering. Term, twenty weeks. Board from $4 to so per month. TuKIon from 98 to Si 6.25. East Bend la 22 miles northwest from Winston. and 7 miles south of Pilot Mountain. For partic ulars address the principal at East Bend. Julyl8,4w Bedford Alum k Iron Springs. T RIGHT. PURE. COOL, lovely and peaceful X The visiting company, of botn health and pleasure seekers, is of the best people, and ample to nil the place early In each season, and keep it mied to tne close, au tne comiorts, conveniences, attractions and amusements. Baths, laundry, livery, band, hunting and fish ing, snooang ana zenang, gymnasium and calis thenics, billiards and bowling, churches and dou ble dally mail, cuisine A 1. Greatest tonlo and alterative waters known. Established 80 years. Endorsed by the profes sion, and thousands of cures. More largely and widely used than any springs in the South, water solidified Into salts, and retaining all its curative Jiropertles, and sent by mall anywhere. Salts per ectly soluble and easily dissolved, producing nat ural water. Flve'gallons of water in every ounoe ofsaKsi or mass. ' Board S3rfner mcnth: Sift ur waaIt. m n Carriages meet visitors at Forest or Lawyer's, upon adviee of arrtvat Each station four miles uvui DruiKB, vror kuuu iwkl A.; M. DATIES. Pres'L Address. Lynchburg or Bedford Springs, Va. un24,deodlmo DENTAL NOTICE. ' 1 in A wminers will meet k ohe?-MDd?y Tuesday. July SiwJNtanH: veu uesinng 10 enter the prae dntl8tl7- who are not graduates, arenoS ned to appear befora bam hnnA f Tv,.7t. ii -y vMiuiuiiugn. June ;o Chairman Board DenbU Erammtrs. une CJun23,dlmo o Washing K AJN lVllN & Central Hotel Block. Trade Street. BURGESS NICHOLS, THolsssls int lots! ALL KINDS 9W FURNITURE, BEDDING. &C. A FULL LTJOI Off Cheap Bedsteads, AND LOUNGES, Parlor & Chamber Suits. OOTTm OsT ALL EDTM dl XAKA. WEST TIAM STCEET. CXABL9VTE, X. C. BZlIR, Grocers STREET, RICHMOND, VA. and the location of Richmond, she offt-rs spe Our claim for merit is based I upon the fact that a chemical analysis proves that the tobacco grown in our section is better adapted to make aGCOD,rTJKE, satisfactory smoke than ANY I OTHER tobacco ci-ovn in the! world; and being; "situated in i the HEART of thin Qo tobacco section, TO have tlio PICK of tlie offering-s. The public ap preciate this; hence our sales r iiiu jirouuers 01 llIj the leading ihaaufactories com-1 binod. RSSjF'Ncme genuine uid&x it I bears the trade-mark cf the Bull.' MXtstzllixnzoxis. CHINA PALACE OF During the month of July we offer AT COST FOR CASH our surplus stock of Crockery, Glassware, 1 PLATED WARE, Etc., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Now is Your Time ! FLY FANS, FLY TRAPS ICE CHESTS, WATER COOLERS, BABY CARRIAGES, Em Julyl BRICK ! BRICK ! ! THE undersigned respectfully inform the public tjtat they have engaged in the brick business', and are now making a superior quality Of hand' made brick. They haye in' connection with theTr yard an Improved Compress Machine, by which they make Pressed Brick equal to the Richmond brick. Any one desiring to build will find it to their interest to give us a call before purchasing elsewhere. H. M. RAMSEUB, may8-d4mo T. C. ALLISON, Charlotte. N. C. THE ATTENTION Of the Trade generally, and also the consumer, Is called to our special brands of saleable and staple Smoking Tobaccos Sitting Bull, Durham Long Cuts and Rival Durham to which we are now adding a full line of the latest styles of the mosi staple grades of Plug and Twist Tobaccos, tye Can,' in a few" weeks, offer Inducements to Chewing Tobaccos that no other manufacturers can equal. Our salesmen will make regular trips to Charlotte, ana me iraae 01 ail (wu luercuams is respecuUl- ly solicited. i. 11- ftKJUE, may 7 Durham, N.C. P. C. WILSON, CHARLOTTE, N.C, Sole Agent for LOUIS COOK, Columbus Bum- AMD THB WATERTOWN SPRING WAGON COMPANIES, FOB TEX SALS OF BUGGIES, CARRIAGES I PHAETONS, SPRIKG WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. OPEN BUGGIES, $55. TOP BUGGIE3. Sf GREENSBORO, N. C. wi l) KLnTi r X w r otmis wen known Institution win begin on Wednesday, August 24th. TERM3 ?KB 8ESSI0N Of 20 WEEKS: PA!)S1 Mn4 mnlll. ... Charts feJTOMISJ1 9WKt' ?75 J. Brookfleld & Co. House faishin Goods Greensboro Female Colke. - vi v"uwuMini vvij ior uataiocue to Greensboro. June isfl Jun28.dlmo "oa'