Stye f)arkrite 'tobsztozt. LOCAL MTELUtilSiVCE. THURSDAY, JULY 21, 1881. SOCIETY DIRECTORY. PHiLAMi Lodgb No. 81, A. F. & a. sL-egular meeting every second and fourth Umi..M Excxlsiob Lodqi Na 261, A. F. 4 A. M.-Res ular mftttflnff Avar ftrar Bn tku m . rr o - nuu U11IU X IMNKtOJ "'gHTl Charlotte: Chaptkb No. 89. R. A. If. Regular meeting every second and fourth Friday nlghu. Chaklottk Ooiof audaby no. 2. K. T. -Regular OP n. 1 tTTn TT n w nuHUK. Keguiar meetlmr nr owr.nrl ttrw! f.inrth TI...-.JT "KWimg every -vwwa A U Ul OUOJ 3. IC. OIF 3?- KNIGHTS OF ITTHIA 9. Regular meeting ntohhi first and tlurd Wednesdays, o'clock p. m. atki- sonlc Temple Hall. I. O. O TP. dagOTTK Lodge Na 88.-MeetB every Mon Mkckunbbbg Declaratioh Lodge Na ft iiiccio ctvij j. uesui&j 1Uk.I1 I. Dixie Lodge No. 108.-Meets'every Thursday Catawba River Encaxpxent No. 21. Meets r ii m .uiu luiru i uursuay nignts in eucn montn Index to New Advertisement. Bedford Water, etc T. C. 8m!th. Wanted- J. W. Moore. HOMK PENCIL.1NGS. KW A large crowd will go on the . xxiu iu AicAauuiiaiiit Lu ll ay. IFirThe toy pistol has not appeared here extensively yet. Wait until the buys learn of its destructive qualities. HaF J. K. Puref oy vs. Atlantic, Ten nessee & Ohio Railroad, in injunction, will be argued at chambers to-day be fore Judge W. M, Shipp. 11" Dr. A. Bidez is engaged in train ing the Try on Street Methodist Sunday School children for the presentation of "The May Queen." tW Now that all the lines of rail road running into the city terminate at one centre the prospect of a union de pot seem to loom up again. tW The Gounod Club is in receipt of a full supply of copies of "Patience," the new comic opera by Gilbert and Sullivan, to be presented by them next fall. tW Letters addressed as follows are held at the postoffice in this city for want of postage: Messrs. Stafford & Caldwell, Harrisburg, N. C. ; Miss Alice Coleman, Chester, S.C. IW Rev. Dr. Theodore Whitfieid in company with Dr. Nelson and Rev. Mr. Webb, of Shelby, left the city last night to attend the National Baptist Minis ter's Union at Lake Chatauqua, N. Y. V3P Two of the young men who will enter for the bicycle race to-day at the Pioneer pic nic, will make the distance to Alexandriana on their machines, and hope they will get in ahead of the ex rursiOn train. IW A dog was shipped through the the city by express yesterday. The following directions were written on a card attached to his box : "Feed and water me. I am one of the F. F. V's and my name is Cheek." 2T The Richmond & Danville pas senger depot recently built for that road and the Charlotte, Columbia & Augusta road, has necessarily been abandoned since the new arrangement of the roads has gone into effect Hereafter all passenger and mail trains on the Charlotte, Columbia & Augusta Railroad will leave Charlotte from West Trade Street depot, making close connection with the trains on the Richmond & Danville Railroad. See advertisement of V. E. McBee, agent. UtaT Mr. J. A. Elliott, has our thanks for the first bunch of ripe, home-grown grapes. Our agricultural editor is away from home just now, or we would enter into a disquisition of grapes in general, and this grape in particular. If we are not mistaken Mr. Elliott was the pioneer in the grape business in this community last year. S u miner Notes Mr. E. Harris is in the city. Mr. W. II. Justice has gone to Cleave land. Mr. Eli Springs has gone on a North ern tour. Capt. Armistead Burwell is rusticat ing at Hendersonville. Mr. Thad. B. Seigle, who has been at tending school at Pennsylvania College, Gettysburg, has returned and will spend his vacation in Charlotte. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Oats are stopping at All Healing Springs, S. C. Mr. Robt. Ross returned home yester day after an extended tour West. Mrs. Fred. Kuester and children are Rpending a few weeks with relatives at Mooresville. Teacher' Examination. The comparatively rigid written ex amination required under the new school law, to be passed by applicants for teachers' certificates, is creating consternation among a large number of those who have been engaged here tofore in teaching the public schools of the county. Out of about 60 who have applied so far to the county superinten dent of publip instruction only 1 haye been given certificates,' all the rest hav ing been rejected for incompetency. -The effect of this will be to materially reduce the number of teachers, raise the demand for and, at the same time, enhance the compensation of, those pronounced competent and possibly leave some of the schools out in the cold altogether in the matter of teach ers. This will seem to be the inevita ble result when it is considered that there are about 85 school districts in the county with two schools in each strict. This course, however, may .aye the etfedt to induoe the, teachers to bring themselyea up to the required standard and thereby prove an advan tage to the cause of education. CareiekKticBu In Writing1 for News Papers. , When a gentleman walks into a newspaper office and pays' for a news paper for a given time, he can justly "erciand the fulfillment of the contract n the part of the' newspaper ;" so t6o, wen a person sends an order' for the Paper by mail he may reasonably ex pect that the newspaper will be sent to us address for the time paid for." This 3 especially true of ' The Obsesveb "ecause our business department has nS since been reduced to a system without which we could not do busi- Ai order to show that sometimes we are n"t to blame for the failure1 to - get the paper to subscribers we print the fol- "nig uuier vervaiim; Mohehead City, Atlantic Hotel, Julv 19th. 1881. Col. C. R. Jones, Ed.' & Prop. CTiar- wue observer : PleRHft find Observer to my address till further Thin let tor ho! ture there was nothlngrto indicate who sent the one dollar', or who it was w anea tne paper, except that we haD t Aen w,e say thafc we believe the writer io oe a lawyer anVa good business man, tne public will appreciate li'oiw easy it i0WWapae where it does not: be- ZftM!tat it'to that per - -vHm w more parucuiar,. ODD FELLOWSHIP. ;.EXTRAJT FBOO M ABDBESS. til '-V 7 ' - ' r - Pllrre jr e:te.Bbe!, Esq.. .1 Balctsrlu Mitt. Wf iF..,Z77z A - " inwiiMm Officer f DLUe I, Nev 108, 1, o. o. n maooate Temple, Charlotte, Evening-. Jaiy rJaorder ?f Odd Fellowship takes lh? ne.?f the oMest'of thesecret societies m the United States, but for sjme reason or other it has never go TT, .IUU1U ia nanotte. This is probably because its teachings and workings have never been practically brought to pur door like some of our ocwci, lraterniues. un the occasion of the public installation of the officers wuu evemng, tne lirand Mas ter of the State of North Carolina, C. M. Busbee, Esq., delivered an address "u Buujec wnicn was much com plimented at the time, and from which co ua jneasure to puoiish the fol lowing extract: 1AyS,aiiuded to the practical nature of Odd-Fellowship as one of its salient rhnrjlofariofiAa t- i i in in aim uas ai way s been to me its chief attractive power. I have alwava hron HavMah k . . u u i ir IAjV bUO , t , . uV no IIUW Ul uiun ana inings. The benefits, and I speak of the ben ents nrescrihAd hv 1 J f W U1WU VUD J1.- aer bestows, are not gratuitious tbev ore TtahtS tO Which A mAmhAr in rrA auauuiuK 10 on ti Lieu ana iney cannot be uoiiiou 11 liii. no mucn rtor nr.air in , 11 xix sickness so much at'fAr rlojth fn sepulture. Nay, more, the right to be faithfully nursed when sick to be ten derly buried when dead to have a wid owed familv ShftltarAd frnm uranf An -rf - " nuuv CAXX orphan child educated. These are rights. Tint niQfnifiA TirUAHA i . . ' "i gimuiuco. ttucio ever a Drotner may be, if he is taken sick with disease, it IS his riffht to call nnnn tha c. - - t-v uuuxuou JLodge for aid and such cannot be with held. There is an official interim. munion between all lodges in this broad land, th much thA mpriinm et tK j -vmux lUD Sovereign Grand Lodge, and all work unaer tne same general laws. I know vou will Dardon m fnr i nfor. polating a few figures just here, for fig- muo you Know are always practical. Our order does not hlaron frH-h ua chanties to gain public applause, yet it has a record of which it does not need to be ashamed. Take the year 1842 for examnle. The amount. PYnnrloH in that year for relief was $43,435,83. The next year $to,uoo, ana trom thence on with a steady and gradual increase (exceDt durincr those fearful civil war) until the 1st of January. 1880, when by the official returns it ap pears that the sum exnandm, fnr relief during 1879, was 1,714,105.02. This relief is divided into four items th relief of sick members; the relief of widowed families: t.hA hnrinl dead; the education of the orphan. Do I err when I term our nrn AT on AO. MU vu sentially practical organization ? Since the year 1842, to January 1st, 1880, American Odd-Fellowship has inves ted in the relief of distress and tho mitieation of human anfTfri no- SS9S- 563,736.13. I misrht continue to nnntft fi ShOWine the vast strencth and miorhtv charities of Odd Fellowship, but I will not detain you. I ask you simply to picture for yourselves the many hearth stones over which the gaunt figure of want, with shriveled face and shrunk en limbs was erimlv cronchinc. marlo joyous by the tender benefactions of earnest cnarity. 1 ask you to nrobe the heart of the man who, bereft of the means of livincr. and stricken with din. ease, reasted his weary head upon the broad bosom of a loHtrp and found fellow-feeline and suste nance and hearty compassion, and then tell me if Odd rftlipiVft flislrpsa nf its iiantra tr qooq - " - f W V. l.O the burdens of suffering or to enlarge the sphere of the world s humanity ? But this vast sum does not tell the whole story. It represents only the disbursements of the order as reported by the Lodges. Its private charities are unseen unremembered in official reports. What they have been what they are from 4ay to day, wilh never fully be known, but it is known that wherever a demand has been made for aid, no worthy charity has gone empty away. And whenever extraordinary occas ions have called for extraordinary ef forts, the 'order has never faltered. w unin two weeKs arter tne Durmng of flhicaCO iWfiT SHOT) 0m wont" frnm tha Odd Fellow8 of the nation to their suf- renng Dretnjpen m that smitten city. When th yellow fever converted Mem nhis into a vast charnnl hnnap nnrl turned the valley of the Mississippi in- 10 a vaiiey pi tne snaaow or aeatn, no Odd Fellow, stricken with fever, was without careful nursing or prompt mfidihal itrfdft.nre nr stttaht that vraa needf i;l, from thS beginning to the end; . uu uuii lueuiiuu tUC-O. JUISLHUCKS, BO 'resh within the memory of all of us. in any spirit of boasting. I do not mean to say that I am not proud of the record, but I allude to these occasions more, particularly because they are part and parcel of the history Of Amer- i j j n .ii i ican uuu j?ewowsnip, ana . necanse, while the nature and end of its morali ty- orllttfira f-.hrnncrhrknt ittt -rifnol 5fo obligrrs and its history, and while utilitarian benevolence is a oark of ; tf.t daily mipigtratjops, ' these occasions show to the world that it practices that comprehensive 6erievolencS that it it teaches; and that its pledges to its members are not written upon paper hat perishes, but are crraven deenlv upon loval hearts and arp, true, nrar.ti- cal and imperishable. I have never heard but two objec ions ureed aerainst the Independent Order of Odd-Fcllowa: mid t.hftv a.r objections general in their character ana applicable to ail Kinarea organiza tions. hope I shall not trespass up on VouF patienoe in brieflv sneakinar of them. The first is that it in a manner usurps the functions of the church; the second, that it is a secret society. As to the first, I presume it scarcely needs an argument to refute it. It is simply founded in error. Odd-Fellow- snip is no rival oi tne cnurcnes. it it were, if in any degree it assumed to ar rogate to itself spiritual functions; if in one jot or tittle it placed itself in an attitude of competition with the Church, I would scorn and spurn it. it deals with man s temporal welfare alone. It seeks to improve and elevate his character' it is true, but it quits him strives to lighten human suffering no iuuid) ins a nurnuu ur$nuizai.iou, in stituted by man, dealing with human nature ana tne struggles and sorrows incident to human life nothing mere. It does sot intrude upon the sacred d mainji iuc guuiuu. it uonnues itseir ? - . x 1 1. .- I- T X n i ... td its own peculiar sphere of duty, and ix ... lt.I ' Zl XI . Ji it numuers wiliiiu na raiins tauusaiius of God'5 ministers, men of ability, of discriminating juagment, zealous ana faithful, who yield to it a ready and willing allegiance. And 1 think I can nnrr In oil niinilnp o n H sonrit.V "fmm TfXIT VnorolpdcrA nf i Iia ordnr. that instead of hnlnr. llnKln fn tha nharira nf onfarrn- nism or! riyalry'tq we Chr4rch, the Inde pendent Older of Odd-F8llows is the U . .3 J M vlllA.n ntVIin in fn (ItiUUKIIU HI JJUIO 1C11)(IUU, 10 vu f visit thf fittherlesfl and the widows in tht-lr ; . and' to kftftn himself un spotted from the world." And in that purely human work of relieving hu man physical distress, in which both Churches and t ratprnitiftR can unitedlv AnfrnnrA tha fwmav. i.n 1 onrn q lACiann from thp ot.hpr hv thin tin or less and talking less of isstfes and ologies, of wnicn men in these practical days are becoming more and more weary, and devoting more of their talent and zeal and substance to the inculcation and the practice of those acts of personal charity to suffering human nature Which add lustre to a religious faith and crown with glory a religious life. The other objection is that Odd Fel lowship is- a secret society. This ob jection is as. invalid and erroneous as the other. But it was suggested to me upon one occasion, some years ago, as I was about to deliver an address upon Odd-Fellowship, that I allude to it, as a ouuu wmue ueiurta vioieni aiiacs: upon secret societies of all sorts and shapes uu ueeii ueuverea irom one or the Dui wuj m me rown. xt was an opinion, uuiiosuy euienainea pernaps, Dut it seemea a strange opinion to me. Now, when this objection is made in a jocular manner, and it is said that we use the veil of secresy to conceal the performance of weird and awful cere monies; that an Odd-Fellows Lodge room is but a kind of modern death trap, to lure to certain ruin the hus oanas or tlmia wives: and tArrihio tales are told of bearded goats and lof tv poles, of hot and seething irons over wxuen ine lerror-stncxen initial mnat. treaa nis nazaraous way; of perilous pits, or sulphurous smells, and other like pleasant and unioue attraMonn 1 T 1 . . . . f kl uup i uo noi aiarm,) wny we take uujwiiwus ui WD tspiriL in wnicn they are uttered, and lauch as as he who makes them. But when we are gravely told that ours is an obiectionable asHnriatinrr a uaugerous sometnmg, Because its inte rior workings are hidden from the pub lic gaze; mac Bince me aays wnen the Elesynian mysteries flourished in an cient Greece, though the dangerous or ganizations of the middle ages to the present day. the tendencv of secret so cieties has been inimical to free govern ment and healthy morality, and re count a long catalogue of kindred ob jections; why, we say. eentlemen. knowing nothing of our order, how do you judge it V we keep nothing secret that the outside world should see our places of meeting, our teachings, our organic law, the proceedings of our egislative bodies, all are unveiled and open. We keep hidden only our initia tion ceremonies and the various si tma and grips and passwords, which but iiv sure security and cohesive strength and guard against imposition ; and besides, if you are an honest, upright, virtuous man, ueueving in tne existence or a God and worthy of being trusted, these secrets will not be kept hidden from you should you desire to know them. becresy an objection! Why, my friends, this glorious universe teems with secrets. You inhale the delicious fragrance of the blue-eved violet, and see the gentle lily of the valley ringing out its sweetness upon the air from its ittle swinging bells. Would vou des troy them, because vou cannot nrobe the hidden fountains of their inherent fragrance ? Would you strip the trees of the forest of their emerald garb be cause you do not understand how it is that thoughtful nature transforms in the genial sprine time their naked branches into leafy boughs? You see the life-giving splendor of the orb of day. You see the twinkling beauty of the stars that gem and irradiate the blue vault above us sentinels upon the watch towers of heaven. Would vou drag from its orbit the flaming sun and mri into darkest space these stars that stud the heavens, because you cannot discern the mysterious lines that hold each one in its appropriate place and guide these heavenly bodies in the track of their God-appointed duties ? Now. we see the sick visited and relieved, the unfortunate and despondent buoyed up and encourasred: the widow and the orphan shielded and protected, life and hope restored to crushed and broken souls. We see vice denounced, virtue upheld, an organization teaching no new code of ethics, and by the persua sive influence of love and the divine power of truth inducing men to live better and more unselfish lives. Is it a valid objection, that the springs of its benevolence and the impulses of its charity are nurtured within the secrecy of a lodge room ? I think not. These secrets are essential to the life of a odge and of the order, and those who condemn it on that account should pause and reflect. Do they ever hide within their own breasts the secrets of their private life ? Do they ever seal a etter? bestow private alms? offer se cret prayer? Each individual before me has unutterable secrets i commer cial life has its secrets ; the State its se crets; the church its secrets. Aye, God moves in a mysterious way nis wopders to perform. If secrecy be treason, stone heaven, it is there. A Cliarlottean iu a New Role. Some one has sent us a coov of the Nashville (Tenn.) American, giving an account of the organization of a "colos sal enterprise," being no less than an account of the "sale of theSewanee Mines, railway and furnaces to New York, Boston and Nashville capital ists." The furnace is a new one, ad mirably constructed and now turning out seventy-five tons of iron dailv. The coal mines are yielding a daily average of 1,000 tons per day, and sold as rapidly as ic can do aenverea. Tne nxed im provements on the property, aside from me coai-Dea, cost considerably over a million dollars. The coal is mined with great facility and cheapness, and is re garded the very best in the Southern country for coke-making and for steam purposes. Competent judges and prac tical experts have always pronounced it to be the hnest property of the kind south of the Ohio river. Among the directory is the name of- B. It. Smith, Esq., formerly a citizen of Charlotte. The American says: ".Mr. Smith, an enterprising and successful business man or -.New York, will assume theau- ties of secretary and treasurer); giving up his New York residence and remov-. ing with his family to the mfnes with a view of giving to it his exclusive atten tion." S"ftf.jpaffc System, To the Kdltor uf The Observer. A great deal Is said how about carry ing a pass. AW the wet" mem are harping about -yon4l have to get a pass" and swearthey won't carry a pass. Nc I want to ask those "wJio are reasonable men a few questions; the first of wljiffh. ia . : 4 - 1. were, you or any of your family ever sick,? . 2. If so, did a doctor ever, visit vou and prescribe medicine for you 't 3. Did that doctor go to the drug store and get the medicine for "you or did he give you "a pass?" 4. jJia you call it then "a pass or did you call it a prescription ? , o. way aon t you decline to crrvhe doctor's "pass" for medicine ana tel him you are & free man and will go to the drug store and get your own medi cine and not carry any 'pastf' either? Q. What would a doctor think of a pa tient who declined to carry a prescrip tion to the drug store on the ground that it was "a pass?" Wouldn't the doctor think the man a lunatic ?. Now 1 ask any man of reason. VQ is not so wedded to the ways of whiskey that he csm'y 09 except through the ogttoty of a glass, what is the difference between carrying a prescription f 6r arsenic" and carrying a prescription for "whiskey?" i the prescription for whiskey is a ?pass" the prescription far "arsenic" or any; other medicine or poi son is a "pasa and if you so utterly abhor the whiskey pass," now show some consistency ana ref and vote to do away wit! the grotraa max they give rou won tcarry a pass. Oh consistency, thou art a jewel. Prob. use tne otner 11 doctors, ori "passes.' and STEALING A SKPUTATIOX. Would ton truat m dUhwMat Mth to itoal the reputation of another, to make for. you my. thing, especially joax pbjrsta, BotjkDoiriiw of wtat n may m compounaedr , Bow to teO ttw gesalae Bimmons wver Jtegaiator: Look for UwdesB white wrapper bavins a buge redZ to tae oh and vie signature of J. , H. Zellln St C0.00UM side. An other ara Injurious 114 wottMeaa imi tations. Dont tamper with ttwm, However plant- 1017 recommended. Health and life are too pre e.oufl to endanger. Veat lie la tke Heate. Ask drag; at rats, m for "Bough on Rats." Tt r.lpjuw win, ibis, mice, oea dues, nwenes. vermin, file. ants, insects. iw Bvx wu. MARKETS BY TELEGRAPH JULY 20. 1881. PBODDCX. BiLTTJtoBaNodnFlour stead; Howard street ami ff 6SU3111 super 90.ouo4.zo, extra S4.25a5.25. famUy -5JSOa8.50; city mills -super Ioa46a extra S4.7oao.2o, iamuy .76aT.OO; Wo brands o.ou.o, i-Biapsa uuuuj .40. w neatSouthern red 11 8a 124. amber 127a. BO. CornSouthern white 61a62, yellow 68. awn .ST? wWte 42a48 uu mum omiu, irouuaiTauui nvVlSlOnS mess pork 17.75 tor old; new 18.50; bulk meats luuwMwuiua, , unt Btuea , auto packed 7 tea 10 baeon shoulders 8, elear rtbsldeslOla. namsizais. iara rennea nerees 12. Coffee ttlo eargoes ordinary to fair SUiallU. Suear COTTON. Galvsbtoh Quiet; middling Hi tow mlddl'a 10ic; good ordinary SUjc; net ree'U 508: gross ; sales 824: stock 27,225; exp'ts eoastwlse 627; to Great Britain 475: continent vvammmm MOWULI Oult . UlMluUlut 11: IMI mmM. 858: gross : stock 4.HO: exnmta tnutJZ 701: sales 11; exuoru to Great Britain. jBAxraouB Bteaoy. miaag llWjc; low rnkkTc 10 15-16c; good ordln'y ms: net reets Trirosi 184: sales : stock S.OSfl: extioRa . rJ.tLi. 50; spinners 75; exports to Great Britain : to Continent ' Bostoh Steady :mlddUna 11 tie: lam miviin.. lH4c; good ord'y 10c:. net receipts 44: gross : sales -: Stock Q.SOA: axnmta tn Ewm, Britain 2,251; to France. wrunMOToa Firm: mlddllnc loSbe: low miu dling 9c; good ordinary 8c; receipts 290s gross . sales ; stock 920; exports coast wise ; 10 ureal Britain. pwTTnT.FHiA Quiet: mlddnnc lttia.: In middling HUie: good ordinary 9$ie: net receipts 127: gross 153: sales : SDtnners 107: atoak 2,591: exports to Great Britain 800. HAViiniAH jnrm; middling 10c; low mldd'g 10a; good ordinary 8c; net receipts 406: gross ; sales 150; stock 5,674; exp. coast wise 1,084; to Great Britain : continent . . New OHLUBB-Flrm: mldd'g HUc: low mid. dling lOtt; good ord'y 9s; net receipts 184; gross ; sales 240; stock 86.552; exports to Great Britain : to coastwise 811. Mobilk Quiet : mlddnnc 10e: low mlddUnc 9c; good ordinary 8e; net receipts 89; gross ; sales 500: stock 4,528; exp. coast 14; France ; to Great Britain. MxjfFms-Steady; middling lUfec: reealpts 348; shipments 118: sales 200: stock 12.077. iusurn Quiet ; middling lOVfcs.; low mid dllng lOlc, good ordinary 9c; receipts 85; snipmenis : sates n. CKuOxcnos Quiet; iniddllng loc: low mid dling 10c; good ordinary 10c: net receipts 128; gross ; sales 25; stock 2.822; exports coastwise : Great Britain; continent Nw YORK Cotton easy; sales 928; HAinng uplands 1 1 ll-ldc;orleans 11 15-1 9c: net receipts 23; gross 2.004: consolidated net ree'U 2,467; exports. Great Britain 6,285; eononent - ; France. Livxhpool Noon Lotton market now easier: middling uplands 65bd: mid. Orleans 611-lfld: sales 10,000, speculation and export 1,000; re ceipts 2,850, American 2,060. Uplands low mid dling clause: July delivery 6 19-82d. July and Au gust 61 9-82d, August and September 6, Sep tember and October 614- October and November d, November and December d, January and February d. Futures dull. liirxHFOou 5 p. m. sales 01 American cotton bales. Upland low nuddllns clause: Julv delivery 6 21-82d. July and August do, August and September 6 ll-16a23-82d, September and Octo ber 6 9-82d, November and December fi 15-lttd. Futures firm FUTUBS3 -Nnw Tokx Futures closed steady. Sale 70.- 000. July ll.67a.68 August 11.71 beptember ll.22a.23 October 10.62a.63 November 10.42a.48 December 10.42 4H January 10.53 a. 54 February io.65a 67 March 10.77a.79 Apru ia89a.91 FINANCIAL. Nsrw Tohk Monev 1 .02V&HVt. KxehanM 4.83 Governments irreg.: new 5's 1.0 Hi. Four and half per cents 1.144b. Four per cents l.lfsMh. State bonds moderately active. Nxw York 11 a. m. The stock market opened irregular. stocks closed nrm. New York Central Erie 1.42 43 1 1.214 1.36e 80 1.07 1.40 1.241 1.88S Lake Shore nilnols Central Nashville and Chattanooga jouuvuie and Nasnruie Plttsburt Chicago and Northwestern preferred Wabash. St Louis & Pacific Do preferred Memphis and Charleston Bock Island Western Union 90: Alabama Class A. 2 to fj .... uiass a, small " Class B, 5's ' C!amB C A a Sab-treasury balances Gold $7: !,333.862 ,122,463 Currency.... . CITY COTTON MABXXT. Omen 0 thk Oburvbh, I CaABLom. July 21. 1881. f The market yesterday closed steady. Unchanged Good Middling. 11 BtrietlT mlddllna in Middling. li strict tow middling. li iiow miaanng. ii Tinges w Lower grades Bedford Water, BROUGHT in barrels from the springs at Bed ford, Ps. Take a glass before breakfast if you want a clear head during the day. Sold by Dr. tTC. SMITH, Druggist WARNER'S KIDNEY CURE, HOPBITTEBS and the celebrated 8. 8. S. can be bouzbt as low an from any other dm house in the Union, at nr. r. v. SMiTfl's vrug wore. Drink Deep Rock. TT strengthens the Mood, aids digestion, and srktein eenerallr If taken occa A tones up the sionally through the day in moderate Quantities. 5 cents a glass at . in. x. v. sjutu's mug store.. DRINK BEDFORD WATER. IF your circulation is sluggish too much blood and your system requires reducing, use freely before meals. Scents a glass at Dr. smith's Pragto9. Why be Thirsty ? TX7HSN 5 cents will buy a glass of Si ling TV Lemon, Soda Water or Deep Bock uly21 vi. r. ju tuuTii's Drug store. Borsfonl's Acid ANDHotsford's Self-Balsing Bread Prepara tion, sold by the ease or at retail at New Yon: prices, by Dr. T. C SMATByDiMgjsl. Homeopathy. HUMPHREY'S Homeopathic Specific, nil num bers, may be found at Dr. T. C SMITH'S Drag Store. Have You Tried A GLASS of that Ate,onl5eenujt 5i WANTED, ANY party deslrmg to sell a stamp mill and 4x . tores may perhaps do so by addressing J. W. MODE, iuinsi,atw wmitSS gtents,ir.c. FIHE CAIIVftSJEp HAUS, CANTALOUPIS AND TOMATOES, At 8. M, HOWELL'S. paorttag Ammatte iSIluwr ' Gvoctxits. Lai;jam!s CELEBRATED- GRADES OF FLOUR WAVERLY PATENT, WAVERLY FANCY WAVERLY EXTRA, 1 WAVERLY FAMILY VA. BOLTED MEAL IN 2 BUSHEL WHITE SACKS. A Fine Lot of New Hams. : : JUST THINK: CAR LOAD Delicious Georgia Melons, FRESH AND GENUINE, EVER YD A Y ! e Large Arrivals of RESH IRISH POTATOES, LEMONS, ORANGES, PEACHES, TOMATOES, CANTALOUPES, and Fresh Vegetables of all Descriptions. GROCERIES! In addition, we have weekly shipments of Motfs Celebrated Sweet Oder, NEW IRISH POTATOES, AS PIN WALL BANANAS, OA. WATERMELONS. FRESH PEACHES, TOMATOE i, Era JUST RXCIIYED, A NEW LOT OF MACKEREL, IN PACKAGES OF ALL SIZES. WE KEEP Df STOCK A COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF FAMILY GMIES FROM WHICH MIBCHANTS CAN ALWAYS BE SUPPLIED AT . SHORT NOTICE,. Op rknd: 1,000 Basi. Com i ! .1' . r ..... . ; I HBMILIL Root and Mea HE lOTDsOKI WE HAVE JUST RECEIVED ANOTHeW CASE oF 6ub HjELEBBATED' 50 CENT CORSEW;3COS Fsr superior to msixdnxixtty to any others Introduced lathis .Uy, sUss ninntag from 18 to 8 a ALSO, A BEAUTIFUL ASSOBTMENT Oif , -, ? In various styles at exoeerlmskwpildefc ' ' Loolt at our beautiful PRINTS, H. MORRIS un3 si x . m v- aTa w r inji THE BARGAIN ESTABLISHMENT ' We are daily adding WILL BE FOUND ON OUR PRICES ARE NEW LOT OF L iWNS AND DOMESTICS, Just BARGA1 NS CLOSING OUT OUR f IYI AND TEN Ctti COUNTERS. Special attention given to orders by mall. ' 3!yl?rBICTI,, CASHtoIONPBICB- RODDICK 4 CO. $Xi&tzlVxuzou&. I SELL AS CHEAP As Any House in the State ! My store is 149 ft long on the first floor and 140 ft on the second, and I carry an IMMENSE STOCK -OF WELL-SELECTED- WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. A full line of COFFINS AND "ASKKTS. OFFINS AND VASKKTS. W Thos. W. Andrews, formerly with Mr. B. Nichols, is now with me. E. M. ANDREWS, (Successor toE. 6. Rogers.) WHOLESALE ft RETAIL FURNITURE DEALER apr2S GRAND RECREATION TOUR BY Sea, Rail, Lake, River and Sound ! A Most Eomantio Trip of Ten Days Old Point Comfort, Fortress Monroe, Boston. Port land, White Mountains, Lake Sebago, up the Bongo the erookedest of rivers, and Long Lake, Newport, Rhode Island, and Long Island Sound. LEAVING BALTIMORE THURSDAY, AUG. 4, At 4 p. m., by the steamer e "Wm. CRANE," of the Boston Steamship Line. Price of Ticket Only $55 ! Which covers all necessary travelling expenses, such as hotel accommodations, meals and state room on ocean steamers, transfers by coach of persons and baggage in fact all needed expenses from Baltimore back to Baltimore. W Tickets good for 60 days to return from Boston. Round Up tickets from Charlotte to Old Point Comfort can be bought for 91 9.63. For tickets and speelal information apply to a. j. rj&BY, lulyia Charlotte, N. C FOR RENT. rpHE ston room in the Observer building next X to W. N. Prather's is forrent atterXasair ISC ABMA Li. -iiMfp dee 17 tt. St CHARLES HOTEL STATESYILLE, N. C. npjHS hrase has been leased for a term of years a oj mwu. sr. Mim, woon inienuan is mi keep a strictly &rt-e)as house in every respect Commodious sample rooms on first and second floors. The patronage of the public is solicited. ,nlyl,dtf. J. L. HARDIN, MERCHANDISE BROKER AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, CDuanSt.. CKkurm, N. C rdess lot aratn. Hay. Meal. Floor. Lard. Bacon. VTobaeeo, Sugw, CoOse. Molssses, Ae,, respeot- ea xne eneapest maikeu ana ranav )aaas FREIGHT NOTICE. . Omen SOTSBnrtmnaMT, A.. T. O. R. TL, Csftsurrrx. tair IS. 1881. t ON and sitsr this dais sll freights on tali toad wWsieeetv4and dettresseV at what sas been neretofore designated as the AirlJDe Depot, at the foot of West Trade street Passengers will also In future get on and off the ua at tne same point. . j. uimulues, JtuFHMtf Superintendent NOTICE. WtarsJta K. C Bln.noan. 1 Crncm Arorrost, Gsarx Fnr Pass. aoT. v SAUBWHZ, July 14, 181S. V ON sju! alter Monday, the 18th Inst, the pas senger trains on Uiu read wUl run through to French Broad, Depot L e Alexander's, im amueewestef AahevlUe. i Connecung lines are re- ouestea w pit mn wmm sneisio jrrencn aroaa Faie from SaUaburr first elase M.lO:seeond dass $5.40. From StatesvlUe first dass $5.10; second 94.40. J. n. macmubiw, Julylfi,2w Goal Passenger Agent M Just received, only V per yard. . v New Qoods to ear s Tjca - v . i.oiun'K,,.' XYERY COUNTER. ALWAYS LOWEST. Received. 1. 1. Dim and Medicines OF EVERY DESCRIPTION WHITE LEAD AND LINSEED OIL. CONGRESS AND SARATOGA WATER ALWAYS ON DRAUGHT. Prescriptions carefully prepared by experienced t and competent druggists, daj or lgn 1 f V-. ,s JOHN H. McADEN. aprU2 ITarnip Seed ! NEW CROP , TURNIP', SEEi. RED OR PURPLE TOP, WHITE FLIT DUTCH, LARGS WHITE NORFOLK, POMERANIAN WHITE GLOBE WHITE EGG, hi ' ' i AMBER GLOBE, GOLDEN BALL, YELLOW ABERDEEN. RUTA BAG A, BLOOMSDALS SWEDE OR YELLOW. LANDRETH'S SElD aww . w nr a -mra nVT V t DT V I H I R. FRISTON & f JulylQ e I rsT i jsJmWm-Mw m i 111 1 1 r1'! i mm READY MIXED PAINTS ITaroip Seed! ! ;