APPETIglft IS rjfD cr. as so IftOK AJlLitliiifcSf 'are lugnlyl'ecommenued1 for all diseases requir ing a certain and efficient -tonic; especially Indigestion, Dys- Sepgia, Intermittent Fevers, "Want of Appetite, loss of teengtH;iAckiof Energy1, et. - 4t fearictimhe Wood, strengthens th muscles, xudinyea new life to tha nexxes. Jt acts like charm the TeMift&HStt iitVie StMfflttmmVrKrerc. THe Only iron 1'repa ration that frill Aot blacken .the teeth. r give headache. Bold by all druggist. "WVite for the ABC Book, 32 pp. of useful an' amusing reading tent free o BEOW CHEttlCAL CO., Baltimore, Md. Lwt it .Mvwm nut .air.- . Ji - ,BW5St)Xrti JULY- 21, 1881. ffl I milt artist' blarsa Irafeen' ol ir Pin. f Sf?firwfl MMftrinfraMaihi5tot?nS a extent thai inx wai exoeedinety bur. f i ittiiTtt AntttiMtlt neat Udlof at aaah,aBUaf. but on tha aontrary. wm followad by I, nmdnim Ul linking Ilia alFtJstiniir I fciuan Ian aa nf ynnr LEON Tonic, from which I re ai alana liawatHalt aa4 wondartidraanlU. Theol d enarOT ratnrnadiand I fonndthai aBtaralforca jti 3Xffur!lrS!tf mtmk fl 1 1 iT Jnfl i f n i J mill n Trim liSn(itu!!j JnttSnQnU nerr il timit m fcaart Maa noaia mlm fclaarmiw nf fhnnTnt nifrrfr rnifnri tnifrpirl If tne Tonic haa not dona tha otk.Ikao BOt what. 1 iTa It tha aradtt. J. P. WATSOW.Paetor Christian Church. Troy. O. ITEM OFujJjnHlIllSSX ui ir. iiit'ii i Rosa Bonheur, the celebrated fiffcv-Aiorht vears old. Not ly sne nas Deen paia ior n Rtejor nve nunarecr a &r tirstuicturi i Will a ' ' " JUBUH D imMa V 1U 1 fcinnati from July 10th to July 16th in- . 1 J ya a i i. dt ciusive numuereu Z04 anu irom exces- n t yta r a o 4- IRA "Hflor K a -fvrYY oil ftAa causes in the same time were only 53, Micnaei anacne oi are 'nanch's, Hi-eiis. wft Rhnt hv a drunkftn constable named Clark at Dubuque, Iowa, on Saturday night, and died yes .terday morning. . i beaten island, California, who has been A A. A was veet BVHan Sanei-milch. Mmsiter BHEktixMENs-rPj. reason iiletteilfl'der newspaper,; I naf peen reqdested5 16 toekaHpress laein-self on ysvTixnvuoBi stancr oop juraot iiiBsS.!iUr,a! man l't& got aaloon himself. I'iruess'he vfls know soma : 1 1"aur af are1 dot! lots' ;uv Tellers dot vants to save tnoniah, va3 dryin' to runs down derpeezness ; def vas Shon B. Go-ofE, unduse Antony, und Par nqm's circus, nnd plenty uv unnervel lers; but yen I dold you some dings, !. I u m r guesa you vuuiu Bay;-ruiiy iui- oauer miksW hia het ras level." : ' WJkJtm misth63oaMery, ler. in everv town, and den Deeznesa vould be goot. "Der vhiskey peezness helps ennytown. K6 matter how doll peezness vas, beeples will spend der monish fur trinks Dis vas broved efry tay AU ofer jfye-York. you can; find yorklBg11,'mans' dot vas gomblaining i J 1 V. i 3 J Bwuituwi( uuu uruuiifliu uub uey tnere about two vears. Mftn talra im I npuuuof uuu wivmiaiu uut uej. to shun hinv.nnri h lives; alone Tiii yoald gdonivsome strikes, . because dey people of that seM 8Qme mora vages, iina yet of him bhit I aose 8ame mens viu spenxi-ieeity cenw solitary hut. The people tion are anxious to,be rid I knnw not hnw. tn pfFtW. hio mmnirol He is1 kfept aliVe by food left bv hia countrymen at a distance from his hut. ( . Accordine to the reoorts furnished oy tne oan t rancisco Produce lafcafaa, mit I luel7 aod.dAwly 1 s. o 17" b- tX minn,r0, YiT" r.Tu not peen puilt : dese bnsons, und shails, tllito on ?! CaL undor hausis. und inebriate asylums f6rniat3rdpor last year 12,244,2 8 cen- ,,nri anon riins. mart flf dM hsnoM, Uls. (20.407.180 bushels.' arid "n?8CB.Ha,nfl?l .u? ?n!?8; ef rt tar "fur vhiskev nrfd bier. Dot ddt . der liquor . peezness vas helpinaradejiin itf ' .Unddot vaa not der only vay ; der vas toeriy tifln'erg. TJv it vaal hot fur f t-inlrin or wiennr miKlirt nivilrlincra vmiM not peen puilt ; dese brisohs, und shails. lfrtit tals. (20.407.180 bushels.) arfd lS4.5fi barrels of flour. This is the largest surplus or wneac ever carried over m that State. 1 Bridal presents, in England, are-as- a LJB OT or- FLOUR, MMS, Mo vas not ouilt. vv uv course der meean. ics vould baf 'iiodtings to . do, ain't Uy !,.-. ' -i . , . . f I.Tw vMi A Ark ir oviWa trrt annna in f - -W"- JVM V rK W V UVUV kU ( v" F I!: . ' . " .""ft1?""! KCyr? 1 aer town; tqu Tanrt neea no wu. una -l?mj?n0prs-- AJ cburfia you don't vantno sheriflt, wasrBoentiy presented bv a relative. :i wwi a KrJifivioortr. r nroa Q nmin rooa tuifh q o-vl i i-1 mlTTiTa I -r-r . - teeL!iCiaab5t?gfeat thS no,murders, 9ete8. ao stabs, no lickr weddmg 6f Hoh. Agred Egerton andj ig ,your- vlfe, no nodtings fur; der CELEBRATED gifts numbered over one hundred and I fifty, checks, silver, choice bric-a-brac uictuiuuua, uuu yum in. it is said to be the fact that in , those I. II .. U .. I . I . -I ' ,iew oqunmeswnere sne people nabijur nKwiininpra nnrl Vnt. Tftnlil car rJifrvi-a doije ? TJnd vot vould jdfir,;"lawyers Abi mein frennds. rjefore voif run down der rum. votr vnst'' tint' uv all rojQge dihgg., ilaw mennj beeples vould IP 4Ur.(ketap1fm the children sbotn toe kiteen.oub-ttv vorJcmit-outIiauor?. Vvl uerous ye .yould.ti.eed; no. pounce ; o: chatty, CI hfearnfv. sound, and not ton nnniArnna while in the districts further west, rpnnSissjLbfis.; no supe-hausi no com- not in opium but in alcohol the propor- Uv you hat no .vhiskey-schbps,;. vare' wuu ui.iuiu jum uuvjodo ituiuug toe i vuuia yja7ur,.27o.v spenu aer eienin-rs r cnnareKisr aonormaiiv cav nothfng of the Drutahty and cruelty, which excess in alcohol produces. Palt Mall QazetU. lidenoe, is fdif nuese who at he time I of his but theassap iier name was factlhafc thei itrHdeht at d alicait Hhe fc rJH.'lv, tehden foirm llUBt- BOUGHT SINCE THE DECLINE TO BE SOLD LOW apr5 Majer & Koss. I llir COB. COLLEGE & FOURTH STS. FEEi5tE,IND SICKLY PEHSON9 Recover their vitality by pursuing a course of IIos- rant and alterative medicine In use. General de bility, fever and ague, dyspepsia, constipation, rheumatism, and other maladies are completely sk those who have used ltwhat it has Bone lot them. ' ..; For sale by all Druggists andDealen generally. ulyl 1SU8G0RmT0h siiiui.Hii ins iirH. rinrnnmo vdo Mm X - UM&MW I , K0 1,1 ' f? Stewart C. Gardner, and she died at the residence of her son. A. J fl-mv, nor in Mason township, near Dowagiac,' Mich., at tha aim nf piirbtv. ArTdddip4 in Incisjoillst wfik' bh&er -rBBctiliarFv lad4 ,1,. stances. With the consent of her par ents she had been married to an estima. ble young man at her father's house The marriage was kept a secret, to in dulge the innocent whim of the ladv who wished to surprise her friends bv the announcement of her weddine re ception. .But 3 day or ! two! afjer tne wedding fehe fell downstairs' and was so seriously injured that she died The cards that had been prepared for her reception were sent around to her ac quaintances summoning them to hpr funeral. WHOLESALE GROCERS WE SELL THE GENI Piedmont Patent AND F. F. V, FLOURS. Jul Ut 1 HOI The Nrth .Carolina Railroad. i Ealeigh News-Observer. We .made some .references the other day to the meeting of the stockholders of the North Carolina Railroad, at Goldsboro, and fo the'excellerit teport of President T. M. Holt. His report iunuwmg receipts, expend! Only Vegetable Compound that acts directly upon the Liver, and cures Liver Complaints, Jaun dice, Biliousness, Malaria, Cos tivers5,'Headaf:he.ItalsisJts tii- p-estion strengthens the wtrm co?5mittee, legal expenses, and gcbuun, btrcntnens tne .system, paid interest on debt, $26,706.47 blood. A Book sent free. DrJ Sanford, if52 .Broadw&y, N. Y. TTr7 T FL I 3. I J I S A . j a 1 - -m v yi uey vouia iiai io stay at nome, una it vouia ifUl meftny uv them to be cast -fata fief. 'aihe society, as der miidders iUiidseestera. J)er m udders" could not dfill dp.m dpr samn ahnUti ntrrritj nr. . -icy t3jj.' i44u. jipj' iuyu woi.,. yS PWf- yuse to der vamiley Uv you haf a son, und you , don't vant him setting .arount der haus all der ef enimj, you can-y ust send hiro to dep saloon, und be vould not vorry you some' more dot jmght; In all dese vays a. saloon helps 4 town ferry mooch, ain't itf . Und it tielps you socially. ' IteneOts ypyxvamiley.; It helps your sons to get PCk'quainted mit beeple dot dey vould not oddr-vlse know, mjtout1 der salooii.; .": 1 . -, Der. vaa hodtings like bier fur social-. ness-etcept vhiskey. Vhiskey vas a leetle ahed. 1 . Der yas a time ven dwo freunds would meet, und ockschange der gom pletyentii 0t der tay, und den part. But def s&J&oh has done avay mit dot cold vay uv acting. Now ven dwo or dree freunds meet, und schake hands mit demsel yes, von uv dem vill say : "Let's haf SOmftdincrsS" mnA 1av r irnllr intn der. saloon (der is always von handy) und von veller says: "Vot vill you dake T Und der unner veller says : "I vill take der same ;" und den dey yust douoh dose glasses to-gedder, und say: "Here she goes," und she does go. Den der'tinher veller vill say : "now you ms dake somedings mit me." und dev A J i jr . . Care bl Infanta Dnrinr the Snmmcr Months. The Kew YorkiBoaxd of Health is sues the following directions: pursing of Infarits-Ovef feeding does ; more i harm than' anythinjgtelse; nurse an infant' a inobth of twb old every, two or ..three hWi3V0Bjfse I an. infant of six months andover fivte time a j . I t m -itw i in 44 uouxs, ana no mores ll an inianx ismirsty give it pure water or oariey water no sugar. On the hotest days a few drops of whisky may be added to either water or food-the whisky nbt to exceed ateaspoonful in 24 hours. ' ' , Feeding: of Infants.-1-Boil a teaspoon f ul of powdered barley (ground in eoff ee giinder) and a gill of water; with a little salt, for 15 minutes, strain then mix it with, half as much boiled milk, add a lump tot white sugar size of a' walnut, and give it lukewarm from a nursing bottle. ; Keep bottle and mouth piece in a bowl of rwater when not hr use, to wnicn.a nttie soaa may oe added. For infanta 5 or 6 months old, give half bar ley water and half boiled milk, with salt and a lump o sugar. For older infants, give more milk than barley water. For infants very costive, give oat meal instead of barley. Oook and strain aa before. When your breast milk is only half enough, change off between breast milk and this prepared food. . In hot; weather if blue litmus paper applied to the food turns red the food is too acid, and you must make a fresh mess o add a small pinch of bak ing soda. Infante of 6 months may nve uwk ksh ur oeer soap once a day, by itself or mixed with other food ; and when 10 or 12 months old a crust of bread and apiece of rare beef to suck. No child under 2 years ought to eat at your table. Give no candies, in fact, nothing that is not contained in these .rules, without a doctor's orders. Summer Complaint. It comes from over-feeding and hot and foul air. Keep doors and windows open. Wash your well children ; with cool water twice a day. or oftener in the hot sea son. Never' neglect looseness of the bowels in an infant; consult the family pr dispensary physician at once, and he will give you rules about what it should take and how it should he nursed. Keep your; rooms as cool as possible, have them . well ventilated.and do not allow an v bad . amaH in Sinks, privies, garbage boxes or gutters uoub me nouse wnere you live. See that vnnr nwn ftnartmento om .;k. and complain to the board of health if A-V. 1 1 1 T M uie ueignDornooa is onensive. Where an infant is cross and irritable in the hot weather, a trip on the water will do it a great deal of good, (ferry-boat or steamboat,) and may prevent cholera infantum. GOTO 4,fJfl9nw cBOBTUNTrTro wtir x fob- :M .CLASS H, AT MXWORLKlNSi ' August Oth. 1881 184th Monthly .Dnwing Loaisiana State Lottery Company f QOQ5po55ed 1868 1oit 25 y6" t8 Leg's- . rial 1 1 tt mmk iMiinviLiiiniii ani .n a nra niA n wltn a capital of 8l,0O0.00O-to wnicb a reserve : w 'aw WIUWW MUB VAAlvw lDDU CMItinil. bj aa overwhelming popular vote its franchise apteTDece 2o! la 1 STq"" w,n8Uluuon LZZg or POatpohes. Look at the f ollow- iu uawnuuuuus CAPITAL FBIZX, $80,000. 100.000 Tickets at Two Dollars each. Half-Tickets, One Dollar. LIST OF FBIZKS : 1 Capital Prize..... x uapuat rTize. AND LOOK AT HIS LARGE STOCK Oh Wd'es 1 Capital Prize... 2 Prizes of S2.SOO... .830,000 10,000 . 6,000 . 5.000 r , 6,000 10,000 . 10.000 . 10.000 10,000 T km a jciuos vi 94,OUU " A , UW - . . . . ......... Prizes of 600- 100 Prizes of 100 200 Prizes of 50. ... 600 Prizes of 20...:.' 1,000 Prizes of 10 ... " inrvK APPnpxiBIATION PRIZES. 9 Approxtpiatlon Prizes of $800. . .... 82 700 9 Approximation Prizes of 200 f 800 9 Approximation Prizes of 100.....! loo 1857 Prizes, amotmung to.... 8110,400 Tl corresponding agents wanted at all paid. -uuiij uDerai compensation will be ,liilrtber formation, write claai, givuw fuU address. Send orders by exnress or ulrt Money OrdeVS id& va wua IV . M. A. DAUPHIN, or M. A. DAUPHIN, at New 0r'. No. 21 2 Broadway, New York. hrXrJ2?na "traordlnary Drawings are under w DupcrrioKin ana management of Generals G. T. Beauregard and Juhal A. Early. NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC The public are hereby cautioned Against send- : ""vn fVriTTT -p wt v llryuompany, and are fkauduleNTLY representing themselves Tkr. -uimouo oiaw iiuiiery uoBananv. SSJ "ft ilS?..!.??!! the tickets ofthfs vvi-uj, uuu quo uvb 119 agQH(a. - . , , M. A; DAUPHIN, v n i Pres't Louisiana State Lottery Co. N ew Orleans, La , July 4, 1 88 1. ALL OF WHICH HE SELLb LOW FOR CASH. All Goods Warranted as Rep resented, both in Weight and Quality. WATCH GLASSES' 10 CENTS EACH. declB ailitmcts. CobM Tiie TaMeKortli Carolina R. B TBADTS GOING NORTH. Date May 15 '81 No. 47 Dally 34th REGULATE THE SXCBETION8, In opr endeavors to preserve health It Is of the Wmost Importance that we keep the secretory sys tem m perfect condition. The well known reme ay Kidney Wort has specific action on the kidneys. !J,TeiL8H1,owels- 1186 11 instead of dosing with Tile bitters or drastic pills. It is purely vegetable pojs Prompt but mild In action. It Is prepared in both dry and liquid form and sold by druggists everywhere. Reading Kagla 1 BEGTIFY TORPIDITY OF THE LIYEB, Remove bllliousness, dyspepsia, and tmpart new tone and vigor to the system by using LteblgCo's Qoca Beef Tonic. Beware of worthless imitations; Sets &&xiexnszmtuts. m tures andi debts afthe en&nZ eorar00, ;der same Performances mit therii St tJL iy&ol demselv3 vonce more. Dot vas socia- si J ' 6 puny, u v you don t got some saloons JanjLS deod, eow mm x DOES II WONDERFUL CUrTES! Baeaage it acta on the MVEB, BOWELS IWlTtl alaeltf ASe ciniphni ianiluJ nlefttini wui fh dediicl alsfets A sin tit irw'i rlnrw-fS .iln nS , 'ebcitld 13557?91.38, jirroaa Htlfe ol,A and KJQMEXS at the same time. 0 Because ti eleensea the system of tbepaiaon ona tumora that develojw In Kidney and TTrt nary IMseaaes, Bilionjmeas, Janndioe, Conatt. pation, Piles, or in HUenmaUam, Kenralgia, I 1 Xerrcma Din orders and Female Complaints. U I; 8S3S "W&AT MxjpTjE SAT j '"w I lacuna had been trying tor four years.. . fc?7",Im ATnaH, bf Washington, Ohio,' gay II '"ifgf d that he waa afteryarda cared by H. M. B. Goodwin, an eMtnr in nni Haays he was not expected to live, being bloated" 1 1 beyond heiefjjbut Kidney-Wart cured Mait LI and other comphcations was ended by the use of au cine j-Wort aaaaalaajaaaHaaaa-''': 1" J8hn B. Lawrence of Jackson,, Tenn., suffere w years from Brer an kidney troubles arid after taking "barrels of other medicines." Kidney-Wort made him well. a JSPtf1, i(it0 of 'Montgomery Center, VtJ foffared eight years with kidney, ffifflcalty and frag unable to ' woj. mdnej-Woxt cWa hija WE t, ? Ti 1 til m i jprmg ana summer mae The Largest, Finest and MOST 'GGMPLTCfTF, t. TZ 1 . I . a. WHITE GOODS. TRIMMINGS NOTIONS it.-. , ' - v I i : Mi And all FANCY DM GOODS Wa For Ladies and Children have ever bad the pleasure of showing ntftTO1 -OUR STOCK OF ; GLOVES. HOeiEBT, FANS, i: " ' ' : PARASOLS, TRIMMINGS, ' NECKWEAR, AND CORSETS -U not inrpajsedtt the city' We have- HATS OR BONNETS TO FIT THE HEAD AND POCKET OF EVERY IjADT, MISS AND CHILD. Our Pattern Hats and Bonnets will be open MONDAY, "AIM ''4th. An examination of our stock will convince ant lady Uuu we stand head In styles and WUI MI Dfl nulla In fiTTT?P r .... " meuua HN HHWIWn, 2' ho would be pleased to e ht truZATlJrA jvaAo tutu MRS. P. QUERY, 31. 1881: Receipts from all sources $271,34035. Expenses for the Year, including" amounts paid . in settlement of old claims, xpehses of directors, finance committee, legal expenses, and amount yum interest on aeDt, 26,706.47. Leav ing a balance of $244,634.38, which has been applied to payment of dividends, atf"3s Tie wm Secrfet nave the actual debt unprovided for, ? In the amount of" $377,203.38 debt of the company is included $120,000 divi dend .declared, but not due until Sep tember 1. 1881. which toiII ho to,- .fi. or the semi-annual rrent due by the Riebiappd dndinville'-cdmpariy '3 m first next. ' ' Of the above amount of $129,062.12 assets, $5,19&60 is cash and cash items amount duefrem Rev. N. H.D. Wilson former trustee, $22,703i6O; assets iii iiandJofa;ior John w- Graham, trus tfee, $89,477.40, makiBgfe total of $117, o0; the remainder, $11,685.62, is shown aaa liib secretary ana treasurer's report, showing theAfinancial condition of the company. ' xne report of Dr. T. D. Hogg and T. J. Sumner, experts, shows that the amount of bonds' issued under the mortgage are $900,000; cash and bonds paul into: th& sinking fund under the morterasre is SSflfi7 isnon. hoior, 4. gage debt not provided for, $122,819.10. OTBUDCaTlvainn - LIVER COMPLAINTS, Constipation and Piles.. '- rijOf medicine. Also In Liquid Form, -very Con.' ipareh "'t' uft "Who feadyy pre y acf tefft gimt tBcieney fa ettAer orm. 1 GET IT ATTHE DRUGGISTS. PRT(TE. at .ftn THOES, RICHRpsOHA Co., Proj's, 'fl CWffl send the at-j4l BataTfl, TT. H 4 440. Wood Pulp. $JQca Observer. g i A .1 j . 3 1 jo-xeaueruesires ansexnlanation of wuuwoou puip means and why its ffiSSSR"1 the tarifEset provokes in- SS""Yfl au"" 3 leadmg in suiciitiu me manuiaciure of paper. foV 1 a?ebyw?aTin sFuce and pop. ti?-??.1?0 blocks-an4 running them i.muugu uure macninesf A very few i"c"u"u patent on this process. jcai n was asserted that Con- Zt$hA Massachusetts, t t I "r" r . "C1D Ul tms process in the United StatAb a, Tt mnv ha af .SODie Of.lnra lli pracfical intents.these two rsav ha regarded as ljAttijIrletors "uvvuiy. uwmng inis, mey W. H. Bailxt. Z.B.YAHCK. 'Vance & bail Attorney ana OounseUoVg'': Prae.1.? Supreme Court of the United SftiteV ton. Ttaamn on1 Tio stall be price o wealthv royprev I iulp un a direct teljigen are able tasavlioWi maehr.woodjralB iold for, and thus regulate the Squawk , . doors east n of Independence i'nniay29--tf-l paper."n.iTneys;hiav grown y forcing up this Mice and ting thiniptetatforf of wood ir heaw duties thus lavvino- nnniv r.nn nnnpirian manti. rTT.ri'YrllYnrrV TTia non,r, papers ad Pubiishersdthe gen&rai puunu uihww 111 tee 11 tuchjius ago lTTthe uemana mac wooa puB De stricken rrom the tana sheet anff placed on the ireensc. xneooject oi;this demand was to throw open the market to Can traian competition not hnnao there is not wood enough w a wa. a 1 ua w j.u 1 1 11 -n l iny tk' t'. 'i1 Pnce- The two f Congressmen " ... D at savage nght 1st this popular demlmd, and suo Jd. by dint of comMnations with - - - - - o-n4Mf nauuxi pro- .tection for other articWl. in ktiir, !?onwood,P,llP. 1 maintain- , lucu uionoDOlV. ItU hAnsuioA jxew 11.1 At . ' WVM 5 1.1111 n.vwviin1 c taj - ! AH and YrW. "uuuceu yy arner Miller as nn pie.; It is beca FouuDuima now mat he is an unfit ;&V?a Y. nPe the high of fice pf SenatoMnJgjn UKCAUSE It adds to DMMnal h.M. k ... Charlotte, N. C . f- .T a - lllll II ITI III 'iMaaef :;AT HaNDERSON VILLE. Nt G. v.aa-.. M1 .ii.. -ii: ei?i .H0USBe6Wlei, e. N.Ci on very t .if . i thu) L U Rsi Taylor's Boarding main una unnnT. a Is offered for sale to a favorable terms. k Thtln..l..l.. 1, . . Lndslt TO'Stolfe jt M-wfu resoit TOWsBed: from the cooktog. stove ta,thikioab.ttVS Posaeaalnn Ditiun'rn..rin.i. l. .. Jup ,r . ! !.. iij Ma&B. VvafioB.J'f DUI z.. x ....... . .V. wa. V J ' J ' ,? II If Jl ul;ti C.r f-j im-a'Mr;, .Oa. 1 , ,1 . hd X A , a. I i S. ii-.!.! I . y auu iwira wfAuaeQ or Era hair mil ia :ytocalP.'to why Paiflal! how you vas gone to done dot, eh ? Ven you ask a man to dook some dings, you don't vant to dreat him to a coat, or a pair of schues,: or a loaf uv pread, or no such voolishness; do you? - Vhiskev onables a man tn nnrv his thoughts. He vill forgot all about his hard vork somedimes fur more ash a yeek. ,lt gif s a man courage in running his haus. Vot vould a man done mit out hetrinks? I vas so meek as Maises ven I vas sober, but ven I vas full mit Dier, you yust pet your poots der schil drenund der olt voman vas got to shump arount lif ely. Mein vife don't dalk pack to me den: uv she vould, I lick her like plazes. I let her know I vast so coot a man as vnt sfta vq nr some unner vons also. v nisKey teaches a man not to be brotmd mit himself, yen a man vas sober he vants glean glose, und a goot bed, und blenty of unner dings. But ven he vas drunk, he vas not so stoock OOO. He don't: frarn vnt. Irlnfl nf o-lnao rhe vares, und ven it coomes to schleep- iug, ue vouia yusc so soon scnieep in der gutter as some unner blaces, und hetlinks der curbstone vas a pillar. don't it t -Liauor vas health v. doo. T know mn dot, Yust you vatch enny man -dot keeps a saloon, und vas not doo stint? to trink hia own trinka. Vnsf. vnn vatch him Und see vat a pig pelly he vas got You don t van't some petter broof as dot -aidtiti tVen X atartRrl a saioon h vaa irry sKiiroy nna now tier poys gall me "old bloat." I vas gettin' ferryfat. v- ' , 1 , 1 Efry, town likes to fcaf rich men, und dere vas. no .oeeznesa in vich a man could cot-rieh so soon as in der bp lrm n t vas vt srerryjTJie nrnnt in ..Li t-L i ' c w - r . , nflf7.nfta; in all kms'urtrinKs.Yust look at some Door yuug veiier vot vos tending bar. TTo ofoi-fa r? fiv1HTi era nnrl ' r rt H J DVCWIH UilV UW.W.1.U, uivt . I kji (M A TT yahs he vas got schirts mit frills, und a uiiuuu piu, uuu it gum vatcn mic a cnain Ttqi rvl 1 a av'nA Ta.l "rt d itrt 1 . kA uupt . Gaua, MtjAA: wuuup ' uuu Ail)ulaU enuff dfltart i salbniif his own; - ' Look at me. I started a bier saloon after f failed to get rich in der buggy pepzneSjittnd now I got no droubles, liniH Tin VArtr rknltr tf f on o nam Vom 4M 1 van) vuij w i uon j.oP rcu der urmerVoA vas dry, and rake in der stamp, r t r f , f I-. ? r. I arts kSrSBfinW do deV'- vorkln man pecause dey are a freund tome, undj lieiUUl HUDDOrL mfi. Ven rtar vnrtinrr mens vas mat mitterposses, dey meet at mein saloon' tibcT trink bier, und I1HU H aa V MIUfHTI no n rM mmw-- Unn-H pankndl4hpfei,rAin iibgsi iiiv "un, A. Day OU, UUU. SomedimAs T . -r ..' i mail. j.'.cto.- f ou vimmens una children coom here to peg monisft toviJ6ad, and ven I say JNp, dendev sasTdef. husbands and too uuii ILGTB I Mf.y.Tt PQO w & II vi TV. man a 4 Aali T llULUQliO "npuy vas Jspendhig,njQnish on dress. Una "dAr tilhmana -run of- f : .i, 1 1 vurjs.ju.nno cjacnshovment L stick mo to .mein saloon. I haf a iKse, una .qen iwemmmt aback- 3 . RHE : .-fob- ' POPULAR MONTHLY DRAWING OF THE Commonwealth Distribution Company, AT MACADLEVS THEATRE, In the City of Louisville, on SATURDAY, JULY 30, 1881 These drawings occur monthly (Sundays except ed) under provisions of an Act of the General As sembly of Kentucky, Incorporating the Newport Printing and Newspaper Co., approved April 9, loio. tyThls is a special act, and has never been re pealed. The United States Circuit Court on March 81 . rendered the following decisions: 1st That the Commonwealth Distribution Com pany is legaL 2d Its drawings are fair. The Company has now on hand a large reserve fund. Read the Ust of prizes for the JTTT.Y HR 1 wrvrt 1 Prize, 1 Prize,.... 10 Saps', sijpbo'&iiV. ' 20 Prizes, 500 each 100 Prizes, 100 each 200 Prizes. RO each loft? IKS? "iobff 1000 Frizes, 10 each 10 OOfl 9 Prizes, $300 each, ApproxlmRUon Prtzas jajoi V Prizes, 200 " " " " 1.806. 9 Prizes, 100 " ' goo 1,960 Prizes S112 400 Whole Tickets, 82; Half Tickets, Jl; 27 Tickets, $50; 55 Tickets, $100. Remit MrtnV nr nanlr TYraftfn T aHa. j , ' " - . fc Ul HCL1U bv Ernrj. nnwr av'n dv DirioKsn... LETTER OR POSTOFFICE ORDER. Orders of u emu upwaru, ay jsxpress, can oe sent at our ex pense. Address all orders to r B- M-BOARDMAN, Courier Journal BuDdlng Louisville, Ky., or T. JL COMMEBFORD, 809 anmuirnj item XUrK. JUly 8 WListzlViXutons. Lv. Charlotte " A-L. Depot " " Junc't " Salisbury. Arr.Greensboro Lv.Greensboro Arr.Ralelgh Lv. " An. Goldsboro Lv. Greensboro for Richmond Lv. Danville " N. Danville " Barksdale " Drak'sBr'ch " JetersvUle A it. Tomahawk Arr. Belle Isle Lv. " Arr.Man Chester Arr. Richmond No. 49 Dally No. 43, Dally 4.05 AM 411 AH 5.56 am 8.03 am 8.25 AH 1.40 pm 1.45 pm 4.00 PM 8.25 Pm 10.21 AH 10 27 ah 10 58 ah 12.87 pm 2.24 pm a20 pm 4.05 pm 4.10 pm 4.13 pm 4.18 PH 6.15 am 6.20 a 7.50 am 9.30 ah 9.50 ah 4.15 PH 4 30 pm O.07 pm 7.57 pm HAH pm for Bich- m'ndonly 11.31 am 11.83 AM 12.01 pm 1.20 pm 2.55 pm 3.51 pm 4.28 pm 4.35 pm 4.38 PM 443 am 7.28 am TRAINS GOING SOUTH. Date,May 15 '80 $S0,( 10.( 6,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 Lv. Richmond " BurkevlUe Arr. N. Danville Lv. " Danville Arr. Greensboro Lv. " " Sallshnrv Arr. A L. Junction " Charlotte Lv. Richmond Jetersville " Drak'sBr'ch " Barksdale " PanvUie " Benaja " Greensboro " Salisbury Arr. A-L. Junction Lv. Arr. Charlotte Na 42 Dally. No. 48 Dally. 10.45 pm 2.25 i 7-00 i 7.25 am 7.27 am 9.26 am 9.31 AM 1 1.1 B AM 12.45 pm 1.00 PM 12.00 M 2.43 PM 6.05 PH 6.18 PH No. 50 Dally 8.17 PH Aft7 VA 10.33 pm IS! IK aw 12.20 AM 2.50 pm 4.41 pm 6.07 PM 7.2-5 pm 7.51 PM 8.55 pm U.91 11.05 pm 12.26 AM ..1 12.80 am SaXiSM bbamoh. UfilflTISM. Neuralaia. Sciatica. Lumhnnn Backache, Soreness of the Chest, bout, Uumsy, Sore Throat, Swell ings and Sprains, Burns and Scalds, General Bodily Pains, Tooth, Ear and Headache, Frosted Feet and Ears, and all other Pains and Aches. No Preparation on earth equals St. Jacom Oil aa a tfe, sure, pimple and cheap External Remedy. A trial entails but the comparatively trifling outlay "of 50 Cents, and every one Buffering With pain can have cheap and positive proof of Ha claims. , Directions' in Even Languages. SOLD BT ALL DBU&GISTS AST) DEALERS IIT MEDICINE. A. VOGEIlEB. U CO,, Baltimore, Md.,U.B.. de80dkwly WE WIIaTa 8EMD 1TP tr-tr ORJOY'S rMraovxD ELECTRIC DEVICES, Baits, Band, etc i0.A.JOy.E.M.,U.R. of tha Untofsrty of atciugan, Par tha of Nervous sndV ctrDtaaaaaa.V DR. JOY'S ELECTRIC DEVICES NO. 48 Dally, exoept Sunday. 721! gnsboro- 9.40 pm cxaiDui 11.40 PM NO. 47 Dally, except Sunday. Leave Salem 7oa . Arrives Greensboro ..' 9.00 ah NO. 42 Dally, exoept Sunday. NO. 43 Dally. Leave Salem RHO - Arrive Greensboro. 7io pm .hn!mitmallB 49 60 only make pn,AtSppa? nts named on the schedule ,?aoSrs.t1IJ? taln 49 from Chartatto wui r"! wuucvwiu at, ureensDoro ror Kaleurh ttwSdoWu Poong: SLGr8' Raleigh and8boro?No.47 SrLfS? W. N. C. R. at Bkusbury iL, .i6 (Sundays excepted), and also con nectatreenaboro with Salern rancbCSun arfsFT Nos. 42 and 43 make all local On'mK011"!?"6 WchnSd. except wKds Gr0TO' R0lXab' No. 48 connects with Salem Branch at Greens- may lg A. POPE, Gen. Pass, and Ticket Agent, Richmond, Va. SEASONABLE GOODS sufferingr from Nea-votta asaaa. dm. any dlaeaas resulting from Abusxs and Othxk CauibSj or to aijoa afflicted with Eheuma- wm, Jsenraipa, uraiyaia, Spinal Difficulties. r43XSu"aA22f?wPreVoraMon to health 1 tliay beTnTrI AN OPEN AHONG THE LADIES TberiJlJant, fascinating fintg of Complexion foi vhicl? ladies strife Tare chiefly arti ficial, and all who Trill take the trouble may eeenre them. These roseate, toeiriteMag fines . auiiuw uio use 01, naganra Joag inolia Balm a delicate, harm less and always reliable article. Sold brail drnggistSa The Magnolia Balm conceals e yery Wemisb, remoyes Sal lOTfness, Tan, Bedne8sr Erop tions, all evidences of excit? ment and every imperfection, k Its effects are immediate and so natural that no luunarrfieiiig cajpt4eject its applicatioiv mgl me: unoY Mih4?riV rfpr- ViTn. men s urusaae. nnr nnnn nna. nn canmake'fne'atop'. Dors der Jtlid of " i onnaien 11.!!' .ii.V-.-4' w wit. wSTTrvr-V-'l"rr ortZriirLr? .voo.wl 811 ua maoiem nicer, ST!"?? and whteh hadrei r- j r .TV,' 1 1 1 mLiai son tooai areas.-. 1Ma titTlfHa.a.jaM - - f Jtt&W York. . -rr"' vvuiiwiirjui ana nnun. vnirniAa imUfltiAna "n. T -. "W WB ijackTfoTJrLSKi 2?i5.I!medI to eU on their werattonj, same nni it mnutu . J7-.l-.i- , rSJi FetJ!j& butK?i Package to-day, and cure -'-a wva uciHlUuCaa ! .. la. A '.-If i.' .a 1 Jan. 2a JJ THE OXONIAN, t iEiSS?? D? aJE nwreaslng tne interest for ni;;-1 r"iyu"' "a gjves original ar es on subjects of vital Importance aswell ertttotonw of the newest and most valuable putiica- pronnliKjree tinS. hm displayed. , Its advertising -rat SP-JffST- aa .f . . uvv ul and thaw hua ih B.i--i . Mienttllle men of jamarlea. Sand at nnS Cor. Kleaigaa Av. and Jackson St, Chicago, DL lnnl7-eod,dAwly NOTICE. Officb Richmond & DANvrixB R. R.. 1 Chablottk, July 20, 1881. f VN and after data nil j road iT..r""- Augusta itau- ditirt M...,"ww,m wes' xraae street samniiitl?-.Bnoni trains of the .nuon 2P tfle Bicnmond Danville Railroad Juiyo,dlw V. E, McBEK, Agt? NEW FLOUR. JUST RECEIVED, 100 BARRELS PIEDMONT PATENT FAMILY AND WHITE All f)f Tl PTO H?TiAnf nnJ V .1. . . . noci ciu. uiuuu "oiwr man last Jyl9,3t AXANDER. 1 CAR-LOAD Fine Georgia Watermelons C L. ADAMS. SCAKTLHTS Seamless Evaporator ''SOUTHHMCIK Bill FLY FANS & TRAPS, BATH TUB3, SPRINKLERS, ICE CREAM FREEZERS. OIL STOVES AND THE- fe Quick Cook Stove, For summer use, lust lj. Doul J 1 Julyl7.dAwimo at txsY Uiw PBinrsi ' " ' Sand for niacriptlvi Prlcf Uit. TH0S. 8CANTUN A $0N, IVANSVIIiIiB, IKJJ. . : : ATtnlut (ku Paper. ' '. S0&M? to an, r"'uouui ox uie month. MWB, 1U ahnnlif h jnarlA-i-t 'O ,j J.-CHQRNEB. CrdTN. c 1 RalhTwiUenher tir J?1 Carolina totouaVoJaloift 101? Wded ,UDf6,a ! r; J.S.PB1XLIPB. ON HAND Fine1 Watermelons. CABBAGE, A wholesale and retail Expected this morning a S; ai. HOWiELL'S. TilEKINElTLlVEOr" Cook-Stoves and Sewing Machines Dt THE CITY. Orders and correspondence solicited at the Hard -ware Store and Sewing Machine House of RICHARD MOORE, Tff?e Street, Carioe, if. o. Isclty and rtcty!lsnowwutSe rJSS. Pleased to see his friends nnd patoons and sem them as heretofore. may24 . Drop! by Examination. 0 i ti i i Go to W. P. M1RVIN, Igent, and Successor to F. Scar? 4 Co. Fresh Dregs and Pare Medicines None but the t Very Best Drngs .."WtoW stock. Also, ToUet and Jrancy Articles. Perfumeries. Combs. Brushes, Tooth Bnishe Ao., 4 QARDEN SEEDS t. '.' of ail the best varieties, and warranted " - to be good. PUyaiclanj' prescri uu are given spec- 1.. Hoping to receive a share of public patronage, I am, respectfully, . teb8 W. P. MARVIN, Agt. i i H H rQ 2 a n

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