LOCAL INTELLIGENCE. SATURDAY, JULY 23, 1881. SOCIETY DIRECTORY. MASOUIO. PHALANX LODGX NO. 81, A.V. &A. M. Regular meeting every second and fourth Monday nights. Excklsiob Lodge No. 261, A., F. ft A. M. Reo ular meeting every first and third Tuesday nights? Charlotte Chapter No. 89. R. A, M. Regular meeting every second and fourth Friday nights. CHARixm-KCoMMAKDAKr No. 2, K. T. Regular meeting every first and third Thursdays. 2Z. 02P EC. Knights of Honor. Regular meeting erery second and lourtli Thursdays. on?1 dp. KNi0ff)8OFPiTHiA3.-Regu)ar meeting nights first and third Wednesdays, 7 o'clock n. m. at Ma sonic Temple Hall. , X- O. O. IF1. Charlotte Lodge No. 88.-Meeto every Mon thly Ulgtll. MECKLENBURG DECLARATION LODSS NO. 9. Sleets every Tuesday night Dixie Lodge No. 108. Meets'every Thursday night. Catawba kivkk Encampment No. 21. Meets First and third Thursday nights in each month. Indei l .Nev Advertlnemenuk Closing out Wlttkowsky ft Baruch. Not Ice V. E McBee, agent For rent or lease Cronly ft Morris. tlOiTIE PENCILING, Col. J. P. Thomas and Dr. S. Mattoon have been invited to address a bijj prohibition meeting at Monroe on the 27lli inst. tW The business of the superinten dent, secretary and treasury of the At lantic, Tennessee. & Ohio Railroad, since the change of depots, is in a box car, which stands on the track, and still Uormley smiles childlike and bland. tW Somebody dropped an envelope containing some stamps into the letter box at the postoffice, evidently through mistake. If the person will call at the postoffice and prove his ownership the envelope and its contents will be re turned to him. ZW A little daughter of Mr. John Black, of Crab Orchard, had the mis fortune to break one of her arms this week. She attempted to spring from a mounting block upon the back of a colt and fell to the ground on the other side, sustaining the injury mentioned. tg The colored Methodists in Crab Orchard township have been holding protracted religious meeting for sev eral weeks past. Tuesday evening Ais m Blair, a colored exhorter, led in prayer and dropped dead as he rose from his knee3. His death is attribu ted to dropsy from which he was a suf ferer. Two Citizens have a. Fisticuff. A lively setto between a dry goods clerk and a leading jeweler, which oc curred in a rear lot in the city occa sioned a ripple of interest to break the uniform surface of the summer dull ness, yesterday morning. The noble science pugilistic was sustained with credit on both sides and resulted in the ornamentation of the faces of the par ticipants with various modern improve ments of a mechanical nature. They will have a conference with the mayor this morning. have for Summer Notes. Mr. J. S. Spencer and family gone to Wautauga county. Mr. W. D. Kyle leaves to-day Wytheville, Yai Pr. W. H. Hoffman is at Asheville. Miss Alice Springs is on a visit to friends in Forsythe county. Mr. Samuel vvittkowsky is recreat ing at Catawba Springs. Capt. A. J. Beall went to Cleveland Springs yesterday afternoon. Mr. H. G. Springs leaves to-day for New York. The BlcSrulth ITIuvic House. The Concord Sun thus speaks of this house: "If there is any citizen Char lotte should feel proud of, it is Mc Smith, the music house genius. The success that has attended him is won derful, but he deserves it all, and will get yet greater. Qa entering his house, a large well lighted building, one is. struck with the immense array of or gans and pianos, drums, fiddles and one thing and another which he has stack ed about. This musical house is the largest south of Baltimore and it is really nonsense for any one to send North for anything in the music line when McSmith is amone us. This is not a puff we are not able to puff Mc Smith but is just a little light thrown on one of the best institutions in.the South and for a benefit to our readers." LUTHER BEXSON, Tle Author of "Fifteen Tears in Hell," to SpeaUc Here. The philanthropic gentlemen in this city and throughout the State who nave taken upon themselves the man agement of the prohibition campaign have been carrying on in a quiet unos tentatious manner a great deal of good work in procuring the best talent to ad vocate this momentous cause before the people. Next week the citizens are r tl gJyen an opportunity to hear .Luther Benson, the noted and brilliant victim of intemperance, upon the evils of the liquor curse. It may not be the most ennobling of motives that lead men to take an unusual interest in a subject when it involves an exhibition of the suffering and writings of a living example in the clutches of the torment or, but it must be the most effectual means of awakening them to the reali ty of its horrors, if not enlisting them in the work of its removal from the path of their fellows. Mr. Benson is the author of a book entitled "Fifteen Years in Hell," written within the In diana asylum for the insane, where he had been incarcerated while in a con dition of liquor madness. He writes and speaks from his personal experience which, assisted by a naturally vivid imagination and talent for description, produces a powerful effect on his audi tors. He will speak here next Wednes day and Thursday nights. GOVERNOB CASWELL. Mine Thompson's murderer Caught. Our local columns a few weeks ago gave an account of the murder of Miss Caroline Thompson, in Alexander county. Several parties suspected were arrested only to be released, but the Lenoir Topic of this week says: We hear that the murderers of Miss Caroline Thompson, of Alexander, have been captured. We get our in formation through the mail rider from Taylorsville to Petra Mill. He says that soon after the murder of Miss Thompson and the robbery of her fath er, Henry Marshall, living in the neigh borhood, disappeared, and was traced to Watauga, (to what part of the coun ty, our informant did not know), where he had bought some land and settled. Suspicion still pointing towards him, he was arrested and carried to Taylors ville. Upon the preliminary examina tion last Friday, Marshall confessed his guilt and said that he had an accom- Elice named Lackey.twho was sent for, ut had not been brought in when the mail carrier left Taylorsville. Marshall shows three severe scars upon the thighs and hip, which he said were in flicted with an axe in the hands of Miss Thompson. He says that their object was robbery alone, but that Miss Thompson attacked them with the axe in order to drive them off, and they were forced to kill her to save their own lives. Later We have interviewed the mail carrier between Lenoir and Tay lorsville, from whose statement we are enabled to correct the above account, which is all right in some of the main points. The name of the man under arrest is Dockery. He has made no confession, but old man Thompson identified some of the money found on his person, and another witness swore that Dockery inquired the way to Thompson's on the day before the mur der. Officers are after one Church, a chum of Dockery. The trial took place Monday, and Dockery was sent on to the next term of court. The jail is guarded to prevent an escape and lynching. Will Not Accept. We are authorized to state that Prof. W. J. Martin, of Davidson College, who has recently been elected to a chair in the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, will not accept the position offered him. We are not surprised that such an instructor as Col. Martin is wanted at Chapel Hill, but we are quite as glad to know that Davidson College is not to lose him. lie has so much faith in the future of Davidson College that he prefers to remain there. Whether on the field or on the rostrum Colonel Martin, for by th,at name he is known to many North Carolinians, is a born leader, and we trust that he may be soared vet inanv vears in the -service of his State, as he will he as a processor at. AJaYiusun uoneee, nov iesa uin uu the tented field. A Chapter of JHUIortunes. Capt. F. W. Ahrens, who was men tioned a3 having a house wrecked by the storm at Chester, S. C, the other week, met with a two-fold misfortune tythe accident. The contract for buid ing the hbiise was rrjadeseveral thontbs ijgo. About theitime the foundation was completed, the gentleman who let the contract died, which rendered the house almost worthless to e owner, although it was the intention to com plete the building as soon as possible. After the storm leveled it with the ground, the owner refused to have it rebuilt, and thereby the contractor iinds nearly all the material, made to oruer, into the building, remaining on his hands. By the accident Capt. 4hren3 loses a contract besides a large pbrtion of the frame which was destroy ed; and in addition will have to get somebody to order a house that will fit a large lot of doors and sash ready made. Lajlns; of the Corner-Stone of His Blanument A Grand Celebration at Klnstoa Address of Got. Jarris to the People. The following proclamation has just been issued by the Governor: Executive Department. Raleigh, N. C, July 19, 1831. To the People of North Carolina : I was charged by the last General Assembly with the duty of erecting a monument to the memory of Gov. Richard Caswell, either in the town of Kinston or at his grave, three miles from the town, and a small bnt inade quate appropriation was made for that purpose. An association, however, composed of public-spirited men of Kinston and vicinity, was formed with a view of increasing the fund suffciently to se cure the erection of a suitable monu ment, and upon their success I agreed to use the State appropriation to build the monument in that town. By the persistent effort of this asso ciation, and the liberality of the people, a sufficient fund has been raised to se cure quite an imposing monument. The 3d of August being the anniver sary of Gov. Caswell's birthday, the as sociation has designated it as the day on which the monument shall be un veiled. Senator Vance, at the request of the association, has consented to de liver an oration on the occasion. Sev eral military companies will be present and participate in the ceremonies, and it is hoped that the Masonic fraternity will join with us in these services, in honor of one who held the highest offices in their order. Special trains will be run with greatly reduced rates of fare, so as to give the people an opportunity to attend. I hope to see large numbers of the people there to witness these interest ceremonies, and to do honor to the memory of this accomplished surveyor, able lawyer, skillful financier, success ful soldier, profound statesman, devo ted patriot and honest man, It is fit and proper, in these days of the assassin's greed for the emoluments of office, that men should give a day to the memory of one who served his country without stint and without com pensation. 1 therefore invite the peo- Ele to make the 3d of August a general oliday throughout the Statei I am, your obedient servant, Thomas J. Jarvis, Governor. Mrs. Stonewall Jacknon to the Army of Tennessee. We find the following letter, just pub lished in the New Orleans Democrat and publish it as a matter of local in terest : Captain J. A. Chalaron, president of the Association of the Army of Ten nessee, Louisiana Division, having re ceived a letter of acknowledgment irom Mrs. Stonewall Jackson, whose recent visit to New Orleans our citi zens will remember, submitted it to the executive committee of the associa tion, who authorized its publication by a representative of the Democrat : Lexington, Va., July 6, 1881. Capt. J. Ad. Chalaron, President Army of Tennessee : My Dear Sir I hope you will par don my delinquency in replying to your eloquent letter.which was received during my visit to New Orleans, but having been constantly on the wing ever since, and visiting relations from whom I had long been separated, I have found but little time or opportu nity for writing. Your tribute to the memory of my dear husband was very beautiful and patriotic, and was most warmly ap preciated by my daughter and myself. The badges of your association we will prize and keep as souvenirs, of your honorable body, and the pleasant little offering of sweets in the shape of the knapsacks of bonbons proved to be very acceptable and delicious. We beg you tp accept our most hearty thanks for the distinguished consideration with which you treated us during our memorial visit to the Crescent City, and we trust the bless ings of heaven may descend upon each one of the members of the noble Army of Tennessee. Very truly youis, Mary Axna Jackson, TELEGRAPH News and Observer city hardly there were Bcrlbuer's monthly Masjaaine. The August number of this excellent monthly, now published by the Century Company, 743, Broadway, New York, and known as the "Mid-summer Holi day number,"almost excels all its former attempts to gratify the reading public. The prominent illustrated articles in the midsummer number of crnefs re "the Isle of Peace." a pleasant sketch of Newport by Susan' Coolidgev With some 'excellent cuts and pthers that are not so good, and 'By the Sen in Normandywhich ia illustrated with engravings after French pictures. Of these Mr. Closson's engraving from Bu tin's "Sailor's Wife," printed as a fron tispiece, is a beautiful piece of work. Mr. steadman beging a series of essays on "Poetry in America," which are hkely to be good, and we have the first instalments also of two novels, "Queen Titania'bv Professor Boyesen, ad 'The Daughter of Henry Rittenhouw h the ! author of ?Ah Earnest 'Trifier. The latter story is about a youpg lady from Philadelphia spending we sum mer at Narragansett pier. It opens well, with a good deal of shrewd obser vation but with a tendency to elabo rate analysis that may prove tiresome. ui me minor articles in tne magazine there is not much that calls for com ment and the poetry is rather dull, tfr. Riordan's "Songs of Nature" espec ally are a melancholy example of ama teurism, unaided by even a respectable knowledgeibf English jrr'amTher and" pronunciation. $he "People Prob lem,'' the second paper of which la pub lished in this ridAber,' gfavps ?eFy V feresthig, Who Did III Our Rights. The Raleigh says: "The bar-rooms in this number half as many as five years ago." To which the Star rejoins : "Then what's the matter? Does not that show that temperance is making yery fair progress in Raleigh?" Why, certainly it shows that temper ances is making very fair progress in Raleigh, and so temperance is making progress all over North Carolina. We needn't go back firs year Iq n.nd the bacdnnine of the nroffreas. The seed sown' by the tfcrnperance speakers, ridi culed as they were by those who are now the ardent mends of moral sua sion, was not lost. It lay hidden until less than a year ago when Prohibition came whistling along like a mmnie ball. Now behold the progress temper ance is making. Not only are there fewer bar-rooms, but there's not a man in North Carolina no, not a human be ing, but is in favor of temperance. Even the liauor-dealers in their mani festo, declare that they are the friends of temberarice : the bar-keepers one and all will sav that they are f riehds of temperance. No one believes them, da you say V True enough, but it mark? the tidal wave that is sweeping eyery thintr before it. Wonderful, wonderful change : and what did it ? Not these bar-keepers, or liquor-dealers, or Anti-prohibUion pa pers, whose columns might be ransack ed for a score of years back in search of aline or a word urging temperance. Prohibition did it. and prohibition has just commenced its work. Prohibition has done much, but there are far great er things to come, JULY 22. 1881. PRODUCE. Baltxhoki Noon Flour firm; Howard street and Western super $3.50a4.25. extra 84.25ao.25. family $5.60att.50; city mills - super S&50a4 50. extra $4.75a5.25, family 6.75a7.00; Rio brands S6.50a.H2, Patapsco family 7.25. Wheat-Southern red l.2i$ai.eV3. amber iZoa.2y. uorn eoutnera white 51a62. yellow 58. BuruHuKx Mignt oats western unite 43&44 do mixed 40a41. FennylanlH 42443. Provisions mess pork 17.75 for old; new ix 5-1; bulk meats ioo8e,shouluers . clear sid g , ditto packed 7tealO bacon shoulder 814, clear rib sides 10. hauls I2al8. Lard reuneu tlerwo I2t Coflee Hlo cargoes ordinary to fair 9 Vial 1 14. Sugar- lioft 9?fc. Whiskey l.UVeal.13. ooatPABinTS oorroK awnaaaa. Net receipts at sll United States porta during week. 19444 Same wek last year 12,962 Total receipts totals date .... . 6.68386 flame date last fear 484J)64 Xxports for the week. 8"r760 Same week last year 24.077 Total exports to this date 4,878,006 same aate las year. Stock at all United States ports. Same time last year Stock at all Interior towns Same time last year Stock at Liverpool 8une time last year Stock of American afloat for Great Britain Same time last ye r 8.768,806 280.888 214.27S 29,796 29,489 801,000 702,000 86.000 117.000 LrrEKPOtKi Noon cotton market bow dull; middling uplands Ud; mkL Orleans 611-16d; sales 7.000, speculation and export 1,000; re ceipts 2,900, American 2 400. Uplands low mid dun clause: July delivery 6d, July and August 6tfcal9-82d. August and September 6 21-82, Sep tember and October 6J4- October and November 6d November and December d, January and Febru ary L Futures flat 5 p. m. Futures steady. Sales for the week 51 ,000 American 37,500 Speculation 8.2O0 Kxport 8.500 Actaal exports. 8.500 Forwarded from ships' sides Imports... 51,000 American 19,000 Stock, 801,000 American 618.000 Afloat 188.000 American 86,000 iTMANclu Nbw Tom Money 1.02faa3. Kxchange 4.82 Governments quiet: new 6's 1.01SA. Four and a half per cents 1.1414. Four per cents 1.1 64. State bonds dulL Nxw York 1 1 a. m. The stock market opened Irregular. Stocks closed as follows: New York Central Krle Lake 8hore Illinois Central... Nashville and Chattanooga Louisville and NaabvUle Pittsburg. Chicago and Northwestern " preferred Wabash, St Louis & Pacific Do preferred Memphis and Charleston 7; Bock Island I.B1V Western Union 8i Alabama Class A, 2 to 5 . 7tt " Class A, small 79 Class B, 5's 98 Class C, 4's 82 Sub-treasury balanees-Goid . .." ."."."... S72.482.006 " " Currency.... 5,193,790 CITY COTTON MARK XT. Omra or ran Obbtotr, I CJURUrrn. July 23. 1881. 1 The market yesterday closed steady. Unchanged Good Mlddllne. 11 StrlcQy middling 10 Middling. lOMj Strict low middling. 1 OWp Low middling. 10 Tinges PaiA Lower grades 6a8 RECEIPTS FOB THX WEK ENDED FKIDAT, 22 d. Saturday 57 bales Monday 5 " Tuesday 44 " Wednesday 11 " Thursday 16 " Friday 51 " Total 184 bales 1.42 48 1.22U "9 1X8 1.40 1.23ft 188 54 B B BB B BB A A A R R RRR 1 I GOG G e O Q GG GGG A A A A N NN SMS sag 'as8 COtTOfc, Galveston Quiet ; mlddllne 11: low mlddl's lQVfec; good ordinary 914c: net rec'ts 208; gross saies itu; stock 27.77U; exp'ts coastwise to Great Britain : continent. Weekly net receipts 2,686: eross : sales 1.446: exp. coastwise 997: to Great BrlUaln 475; continent ; France. Norvolk Steady; middling lOftcinet receime 446; gross ; stock 4.09o; exports coastwise ; sales : exports to Great Britain. weekly net rec'ts 2,577: gross : sales 170; exp'ts coastwise 2,750; Great Britain, 3,806; channel ; continent '. BALTmORB Steady: mldd'e ll&fac: low mldd'K 10 1516c; good rtUnfyftic; net rec'ts 23; gross 1,513; Sales ; stock 2.119: exports coastwise ; spinners ; export! to Great Britain ; to uonunent Weekly net rec'ts 532; gross 8,506; sales : spinners 850; exports Great Britain 793; coast wise 425; Continent 300. B08TOH Quiet; middling llc; low middling; 1144c; good ord'y 10c: net receipts 158; gross 270: sales : stock 9.890: Britain ; to France. weekly net recta 8.1 vo; exports to Great s 4,162; sales; A HAPPY HIT. A fortunate young red-headed farmer aamed Alexander McCrosky, of Bomervllle, Teno. drew 50,000 In -the June drawing of the Louisiana etate Lottery. He Immediately collected his mon ey from M. A. Dauphin. New Orleans,- La , and te umed plowing. Who win be the next? , t - - DebW of Citi t The Irish World shows that London, the largest, and said to be the richest, city in the world, with is 4,000,000 of in habitants, has a debt or less tuan $30,- 000.000. whilst Brooklyn, perhaps one of the poorest cities in the world, of 600,000 inhabitants, has a debt over topping forty millions. An Illinois State thanks to its constitutional limit is free from debt, whilst her local debts may he estimated by the debt of- Chicago, which' is 'abot S40, OQ0;00O n found numbers. Six cities ih England With a population of Q.000, 1 " . V. a. JIM A t re rr rvr OS- naye a tJeuy m bu9auu,vw. D1A erlean olties of like population have lebt of 500,000,000, SENSIBLE MEN. Mr. Robert Simpson, foreman Highland Iron VAnndrv. Boston. Mass.. recently related the fol iahHtmf w havA nned fit. Jacobs Oil In our form- jif iut have never seen anything to equal tL Many cures of bruises, sprains, ec., nave oeeu ef fected pf R; and one of-6ur men- was cared ot Myere ease 01 meumausm oj ,iiw id. it can rja-hhihlJ! recammended. Every HUH k manTBo s hu.niuw be purchases fit. Jacpbs Qll ana or oouTs.e uses k mm yum Mvapi Bwnnnnn Itttv in TAV flpffilMGS WATER AND uim Th. tanin and Alterative contains twice as much iron and fifty percent moiealnm- Inilm than an "alum aiul Iran mftSS kliwiflk Just the thing for the "spring weakness" now so general. Sold by all druggists of any staodnift rnees reaueea one nan. mayll-tf exports to Great Britain 4,88 Wrunweroir Finn; middling 10c; low mid dling 9c; good ordinary 8c: receipts 26; gross , sales ; stock 1,183; exports coast wise : 10 ureal Britain. Weekly net receipts 595; gross ; sales ;. exports coastwise 149; to Great Britain. Philadelphia Steady : middling llVte.; low middling HUc; good Ordinary gAc: net receipts 205; gross : sales ; spinners ; stock : exDorts to Great Britain weekly net recemts 1.4X3: gross 1.014: saies ; spinners, 2i008; coastwise; Continent; to Great Britain-; stock 2,000 SiVAinfAH Firm; middling lOtdc: low mldd'g 10c; good ordinary 8o.; net receipts 208; gross ; sales 50; stock 5,885; exp. coast' rifiA ; to ureax uncain : continent . - Weekly net receipts 2,001; gross ; saies 850: exnoTts to Great Britain ; France ; coastwise 2,801; continent . Nxw OsLXAirs Firm: mlddV lllAc: low mid dims mi: food ord'r 9c: net receipts 796; gross ; sales 6QQ; stock 3,,099.; exports, to ureal Br.tain t- y coastwise. WAAbiv net receims v4 7a: gross 0,024; nida RnOr ATimrts Great Britain 1.958: Chan nel ; coastwise 567; France 2,853; continent 2,148; channel Mobile Steady ; middling lOThc; low middling ac: rood ordinary 83AC: net receipts 168; gross ; sales 150; stock 4.285; exp. coast ; France ; to Great Britain. weekly net receipts 00a; gross do; muj 100: to exports Great Britain ; coastwise 979; France. Memphis Steady: middling llttc: receipts 813 ; shipments 575: sales : stock 1 1.869. Weekly net receipts 1,158; shipments 2,865 sales 885. ADODtrri Quiet: middling HUfae.; low mU dllng 10V6& wood ordinary tyo; receipts &, sniomenta -r; saies iyo. Weekly net recta-17; shlpm'ts 831; sales 804:splnM ; stoipk. Cfc4LxsTOE Steady; middling 10C low mid dllng lOttfe; good Ordinary lQa: net reeelpta 124; C" le8 60: stoek 8.553; exports eoastwise -? Great Britain: continent. Weekly-iet receipts 687; gross ..; sales 280; coastwise 647; Continent 1,475; Great Britain. , Rett Tobe Cotton firm; sales 1.444; middling oplands 1 1 U-16c-orleans 11 15-1 6e: net receipts 45: gross 61; consolidated net recta, , Wekly-net rects 187 L cross 4.883; exports to Great Britain 4870; France - ; oonunent 7,599; sales 9,469; stock 132,300. Closing Closing Closing Closing Closing Closing Closing Closing Closing Closing Closing Closing Closing Closing Closing Closing Closing Closing Closing Closing Closing Closing Closing Closing Closing Closing Closing Closing Closing Closing Cloftipg Closing Closing Closing Closing Closing Closing Closing Closing Closing Closing Closing Closing Closing Closing Closing Closing Closing Closing Closing Closing Closing Closing Closing. Closing Closing Closing Closing Closing Closing Closing Closing Closing Closing CLOSING OUT SALE CLOSING OUT SALE CLOSING OUT SALE OF- SPBING SUMMEB CLOTHING SPRING & SUMMEB CLOT HI NG SPRING & SUMMEB CLOTHING WE OFFER WE OFFKB WE QFJEB THE REMAINDER THE REMAINDER THE REMAINDER Of our Spring and Summer CLOTHING CLOTHING CLOTHING AT HALF THE TO VALUE AT HALF THEIR VALUE AT HALF THEIR VALUE (Zvoctxits. THE GREATEST GRE IT EST GREATEST OPPORTUNITY OPPORTUNITY OPPORTUNITY TO BUY TO BUT TO BUY GOOD CLOTHING GOOD CLOTHING GOOD CBOTHING CHEIP CHE IP CHEAP Is now within your reach. This Is a positive fact. Our prep- aparatlons for Fall demand a clearance of the goods now ofr fered. WITTK0W8KY& BARUCH. Juiy23, Large Arrivals Flour and Mea CELEBRATED GRADES OF FLOUR WAVERLY PATENT, WAVERLY FANCY WAVEULY EXTRA, WAVERLY FAMILY VA. BOLTED MEAL IN 2 BUSHEL WHITE SACKS. A Fine Lot of New Hams. JUST THINK: CAR LOAD Delicious Georgia Melons, FRESH AND GENUINE, HE Sale Sale Sale Sale Sale Sale Sale Sale Sale Sale Sele Sale Sale Sale Sale Sale Sale 8le. Sale Sale Sale Sale Sale Sale Sale Fale Sale Sale Sale Sale SaV Sa'e Sale Sale Fale Sale Sale Sale Sale Sale, Sale Sale Sale Sale Sale Sale Sale Sale Sale Sale EVERY DAY! Large Arrivals of FRESH IRISH POTATOES, LEMONS, ORANGES, PEACnES TOMATOES, CANTALOUPES, and Fresh Vegetables of all Descriptions. WE HAVE JUST RECEIVED ANOTHER CASE OF OTJB CELEBRATED 50 CENT CORSETS, Far superior In fit and quality to any other ever Introduced in this eity, sizes running from 18 to 8a ALSO, A BEAUTIFUL ASSORTMENT OF In various styles at exceedingly low prices. Look at our beautiful PRINTS, Just received, only 7c per yard. H. MORRIS & BRO. Jun2 EODDI CK & CO., TRYON STBEET, THE BARGAIN ESTABLISHMENT! We art dally adding New Goods to our stock. B'A ROAI WILL BB FOUND ON EVERY COUNTER. OUR PRICES ARE ALWAYS LOWEST. NEW LOT OF LAWNS AND DOMESTICS, Just Received. CLOSING OUT OUR FIVE AND TEN CENT COUNTERS. Special attention given to orders by mall. tySTRICTLT CASH and ONE PRICK. Julyl7 RODDICK & CO. I SELL AS CHEAP As Any House in the State ! n My store is 145 ft. long on the first floor and 140 ft on the second, and I carry an IMMENSE STOCK OF WELL-SELECTED- FVRNITUR1E WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. A full line of COFFINS OFF1NS AND AND CASKETS. ASKKTS. 1881. SPRING STOCK. 1881. Drugs and Medicines OF EVERY DESCRIPTION GROCERIES! In addition, we have weekly shipments of Ms Celebrated Sweet Cider, ' Thos. W. Andrews, formerly with Mr. B. Nichols, Is now with me. E.M. ANDREWS, (Successor to E. G. Rogers.) WHOLESALE & RETAIL FURNITURE DEALER apr26 WANTED. TTTE want Immediately two wholesale clothing TV salesmen to go on the road with samples. Also, a hand to keep notion stock. Only those who have had experience in the respective lines and capacities above stated need apply. Cannot use Inexperienced help. uiy22 wiiTKUWBKi a, bauuiU. THOMASVILLE FEMALE COLLEGE, DAVIDSON, If. C. READY MIXED PAINTS WHITE LEAD AND LINSEED OIL. NEW IRISH POTATOES. ASPINWALL BANANAS, GA. WATERMELONS. FRESH PEACHES, TOMATOES, ETC. JUST RECIIVED, A NEW LOT OF MACKEREL, IN, PACKAGES OF ALL SIZ?. i CONGRESS KM SARATOGA WATER -iLWAl'n O.N LliAl'KHT.- The25th annual session begins August 31st Ten teachers. Better prepared than ever for the best work. Offers every advantage of the most thorough and liberal course In Literature. Music ana Art, at rates lower man any equat scnwi m the 8tete. Board and literary tuition from 960 to 378.50 per term, see Catalogue. Principal luiy22,d2wks,wlmo Sale Sale Sale Sale Sale Sale Sale Sale Sale Sale Sale Bile Ssle WE KEEP IN STOCK A COUPLETS ASSORTMENT OF FAMILY GROCERIES FROM WHICH MERCHANTS CAN ALWAYS BE SUPPLIED AT SHORT NOTICE. OnIUilMECm Union High School (MALE AND FEMALE) EAST BEND, YADKIN CO., N. 0. Next session opens August 4, 1881. Professor T. S. Whlttlngton, A. M., principal. Departments Collegiate. Commercial, Normal and Civil Engi neering. Term, twenty weeks. Board from S4 to $6 per month. Tuition from $8 to 816.25. koju Hnna is s.s. mues nvnaweav irum n iusluii. and 7 miles south of Pilot Mountain. For partic ulars address tne principal at least uena. J,ulylg,4w CITY PROPERTY FOR SALE. A DESIRABLE residence, three blocks from the public sauare In Charlotte, will be sold cheap and on reasonable terms to the right kind of a purchaser. The. dwelling is on a run lot, nas nine nomf ortahle rooms, brick kitchen, fine well Of wa fer, etc. The house la admirably adapted for the residence of a lawyer, doctor or preacher, having an admirable library or study room, duiu ior ine purpose. For furthsr particulars, price, terms, iy ax Ants u m u& dtf Prescriptions carefully prepared by experienced aitd competent druggists, day or night JOHN H. McADEN. april2 Turnip Seed ! Turnip Seed ! Landreth s etc.. apply at Juiy20, NEW CROP TURNIP SEED. NOTICE. "IN and after date all Air-Line freights wlllfce J received and delivered at the Richmond 84 Danville depoV V. E. McBEX. Agent, Jly2S,8r T 7 T For Rent or Lease, TVS COMMERCIAL BOTEL, . Situated on Market street, la .wnafngton, M. C Ufoi rent or lease for one or mora, rears. are 32 rooms In the boose, and competent man a good business can bar alone an do enough to pay the rent slon lmmedla'el. For terms and particulars ap ply to CBONLT ft MORRIS, Auctioneers, Stock and Real tep Qj(Je Tnere if opened bye Tke DOTHDSOM AND DEAILIL RED OR PURPLE TOP, WHITE FLIT DUTCH, , LARGE WHITE NORFOLK, POMERANIAN WHITE GLOBE WHITE EGG, AMBER GLOBE, GOLDEN BALL, YELLOW ABERDEEN. BUTA BAG A, NOTICE. Omen Axrorro f 1 1 mmrfrelna on this lead will run through to French Broad Depot, L e., Alexander's, 104 mlleS weet of. Asbevllle. Connecting line are re nnAsiMi to niaee on sale tickets to French Broad. Fare from Salisbury first elase td.10; second daasx6.40. From watesvilie nrst eiass jft-iu second s4.4. 4. k. MMimutunt, Julyl9,2w Gn'l Passenger Agent. BLOOMSDALE SWEDE OB YELLOW. ILANDRETH'S SEED ARE ALWAYS RELIABLE. , il l WlilSTQN d lulyi