Stye f)artottt b0ener, auBaoumioN tuns : ,, vnlt, ow year, ( poet-paif t t.'1. . . f8 00 ixMontlu.. ..." 4 00 hrm Month 9 00 one Month 7 wbmklt wnmow : Scute ma Soft Stoiiii0 TBI OBSERVE JOB DtFiXTXECI Bu been thorooghly wam vtta wrerj neede nt. and with thetatektolet oOBe, M m? annex of Job rPB&ttnf eta now be done with nfietneee, dlipefcfli tad tiheejMM. Wo era tarn tdiitiimtaodBer ZJL1NKB, BHiL-HWDB. Y letter, heatm,, cards, taos, rxchpti, posters, pamphlets, ciBcrjLisa.CEXca. a 'J T Weekly, (ita the county) m adWM S3 00 rn4QrOocmtv,txmtpmd. 9 10 Six Month 1 00 ff-Liberal Uedumtiomjijor Clmi VOL. XXV. CHARLOTTE, N. C, SUNDAY, JULY 24, 1881. NO. 3,855, potto " .ii -. . T . . . . WcMeaii.WktWc Say. We sllil have an 1 1 gm.t and wo l-axsorted line of LADIES. Ml 8-.ES und CHILDREN'S ancy Hosiery. fc Musi k Ml. v e will coin me nee sacrificing these goods Immediately. i UR ENTIRE 8TCKK OF SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS AT GREATLY REDUCED I RICES. ( all early and secure best bargains. grs Crafts, l0ttottfl, &r BARGAINS We are offering bargains la our REMNANT STOCK -OF White Goo d s. SOME BEAUTIFUL PATTERNS OF LINEN LAWNS To be o very cheap. Tbe New Lore and tbe Old. There, speak In whispers; fold roe to thy heart. Dear love, for I have roamed a weary, weary "way; - -Bid my vague terrors with thy kiss depart! O, I have been among the dead to day. And, like a pilgrim to some martyr's shrine. Awed with the memories that crowd my brain. Fearing my voice. I woo tbe charm of thine ; Tell me thou lovest, lovest yet again. Not among graves, but letters, old and dim, Yellow and nredous. have I touched the past. Reverent and prayerful as we ehanr tbe hymn Among tne aiaies wnere sauus weir a miaows east: Reading dear names on faded leaves that here . Were worn with foldings tremulous and fond. These drowned In plashing of a tender tear. Or wltn death's tremble pointing 'the beyond." And, love, there eame a flutter ot white wings, a. stir of snowy robes from out tbe otep. Of utter silence, as I read the things I smiled to trace before I learned to weep; And bands, whose clasp was magic long ago. uune sort beiore me. till i reamed to wss. Mad kisses on tneir wniieness; men me woe. Tbe sting of death, the chill of nothingness! One waa afar, where golden sands made dim Tbe shining steps ot the poor trxkatf-r. rime; And one was lost Ah ! bitter grief tor h m ' Who wreeked his mnnhood li the' d ptbs of crime! . 5 Another, beautiful as raernings beam Flushing the Orient, lay meekly down Among the daisies, dreaming love's glad dream; And one sweet saint now wears a starry crown. And thus there stole delicious odors st'H From out those relics of the charmed past, tight from the ttpj omnipotent to will and win rich tribute to the very last; But death, or change, had been among my flowers, And all tneir Dioom naa raaea, so ieai i Yield my sad thoughts to the compelling i owers Of the bright soul I worship till I die. Nay, never doubt me. for, by love's divine And fearful past, I know my future thine. rONDOK LIQUORS. We offer at a great reduction our stock of Silk & LisIeThreadGloves &Silk Mitts. A FEW BOLLS OF CANE MATTING Very low, to close out stocl. Alexander & Harris. July 17 July 17 T. L. Seigle k Co. g00ts an ft &UatB 1881 Spring Stock 1881 We are dally receiving our SPRING STOCK A DELICIOUS DRINK For Use in Families, Hotels, Clubs, Parties, Etc. BITS H 101 which will be more complete than ever before and comprises the Best Brands Latest Styles HUB PUNCH. Boston i C H. GRAVES fc BOira. LADIES', MISSES', CHILDRENS,' GENT', BOYS', AND YOUTHS' FINE BOOTS! SHOES A SPCECIA1TY. Lower grades all goods In our line In variety and all prices. FULL STOCK STETSON HATS, and a pretty line - Straw Hats, Trunks, Valises & Satchels, ALL SIZES AND RRICE3. Call and see us. PEGRAM & CO. feb'20 m mm ! The "Hub Punch " hu lately been introduced, and meet, with marked popular favor. It is Warranted to Contain only the r Best of Liquors. United with Choice Fruit Juiees and Granulated Sugar. It is ready oa opening, and will be found uugtubli addition to the enoioa things which undeniably aware the pleasures of life and encourage good fellowship ud good nature if rightly etjpjed. GOOD AT ALL TIMES Just, the Thing to Keep In Wine Cellars. Sideboards not Complete Without Hub Punch. It can be nsed Clear or with Fresh Milk, Ioe, Soda, or Hot Water, Lemonade, or with Fine Joe, a Suit the Taste, Sold by leading Wine M efohaata, Grooers, HoUla mmA Trade supplied at manufacturers prices by Wll son A Burwell, Wholesale and Retail Druggists Charlotte, N. C." Jan. 23-eod-6m. TUTT'S PUilaS ANOTHER LOT Of Lawns At 6tt cenU, and 5 CENT CALICOES. ALL WOOL PLAIN BLACK BU,NTHJG,S. at l&C. iACi BANTINGS, In cream and black, at 15c. BTBIPED and DOTTED B0BWET9, A large line of lybORSED BY PHYUCIAKVCUROYUEH. AND THE AFFLICTED EVERYWHERE. THE GREATEST MEDICAL TRIUMPH OF THE AGE. SYMPTOMS OF A TORPID LIV Ijoas of appeme.irapsoai CD ihacVpi'MatiPdey the ah6tQder LrM "mffiUisi after ekiinfiuWlth a disin- ?WnaMoTitQ exertion of tfody w IMnd. ninti. jjou ritabilitv of teaaper. Trt r memor;. with a feeling- ol i some quty. weaiineaaMj haylmtneg- ms. o: lee e j-i if thxsi w uamrQS jlre tjithiidzd, SERIOUS DISEASES WILL SOON bt OEVtLUKtU. .,. . TTJTTI KLU especially adapted to Mosquito Canopies, in Pink and White, -SMttiatt vj v,mvJ" " TbttyiMrMaotliAmtandastb -AND MOSQUITO NETTING, ALL COLORS, at 50c i ANOTHER STOCK Of O 0 V SKIRTS, Just in. We are offering some DECIDED DHIVES in MANY LINES ot GOODS. body 'to Tmtom- m TUm, th. ayatem u rl.fc.Jani by thelrTl AUon tb. ltaUvOiV tejrp' SWU arapro- Ba singl HAIR DYE. lpaa a natural eotar.aois naav;v. I5y DragB1 r pt by sspr.a. onrefBipt of tl. Offloo, 3S Murray St, How Torn. CVr. TTTrS nUCAtl of ViOwM. i I Cmi Italia wUl k. llxl raSK m aa.lli.1l-.y Feby. 23 deodwl . Give tts a call. WffiM lhelffl July22 1 CAR-LOAD Fine Georda Watermelons arrive ou Wednesday and Krtday mornings C.1 ADAMS. ;- To during the; season. Bend our orders, OBS En V ATI on ft. Oh, see the young girl, In beauty rare, Sans kink, Sans curl Banging her hair. And hear the young man At the piano there, Hard as he can Banging his air 1 A young mother stands Oppressed with care, Wltn slipper In bands, Banglog her heir. The temperance people will be heard from la ter. They will want to know what disposition the Garfield f amiiv nronose making oi tne Drune rum. whisker and wine which is aourlne Into the White House under the very eyes of Mrs. Hayes's cele brated portrait. "This is the most protracted funeral I ever at tended." Koscoe Conkling. The man who went to see the board fence re tired when he beard tne fence rail and saw the plank walk. Boston Transcript. The Herald came out yesterday with the big headline, "Thank God!" and we thought at first that General Butler must be dead. Boston foC "Jimmy" Hope, the bank burglar, has been ar rested. His "front name" U appropriate to his profession, and It is to be hoped tnat "Hope ror a season bids the world farewell." Commercial Bulletin. A minister preaches on the question, "What Is the Sabbath r Arouud here the Sabbath is tbe dav when you lie In bed longer In the morning, and wrestle with your collar butto i until it is too late to go to church. Lowell citizen. Jilted for a rhyme : A youne lady bearing the ar istocratic cognomen of Jardlne, recently deserted her lover, because in an impassioned sonnet ne made her name rhyme with "sardine." Puck. ITEMS OF INTEREST. Picture eff Intemperance In tbe Britlttli Capital. Nasby in the Tekda Blade. But the liquors consumed in London by the. lower classes are probably the most execrable and vile that the inge nuity of the haters of mankind have ever invented. The brandy they drink is liquid lightning chain lightning which goes crashing through the sys tem, breaking down and destroying every pulsation towards anything good. The gin well, their gin is the very acme, the absolute summit of vileness. There is a quarrel in every gill of it; a wife-beating m every pint, ana a mur der in every quart. A smell of a glass of it nearly drtive nu- to criminal reck lessnesf.' . And vet thev all drink it, and esue- cially the women. The most disgusting sight the wnrm y promise isr a 1jOi don gin diirkiij's woman standing at a bHrwaithig f' tvnelily ffr hr "dram," with iiiikniniil tiair. a small hut in tensely dirt hawl, with stockingless feet, and shoes down at the heel, with eyp5 rheuru and Witiery, that twinkle with gin light on: troni tiie noscunty- of gin swelled nVsh, With a face on which the scorching lingers o aflenrav- ed appetite have set red-lines, as inef faceable as though they, had been plac ed there by red hot iron, every one of which is the unavailing protest ot a long outraged stomach. There she stanos, a blotch upon the . tace ot na ture and a satire upon womanhood. It is difficult to realize that this bloated mass .was once a fair young girl and had a mother who loved her, and it is equally difficult to comprehend , how any power, even that of nature, could ever make use oi it. uut tne elements are kindly to man. When they . ha,Ve done their work, sweet flowers may grow out of this putridity. xn America tms sort pi oiug . ejusis, but it is herded somewhere out of sight. It does not stand at the bars in the best streets to offend the eyes of decent people. But it is everywhere here. It is in Strand and on Piccadilly and Re gent streets. The average .englishman of the i lower and even the middle classes dearly love to booze. Drunken ness is not the result either ot convivi ality or desperation, as it is in other countries. It is the one thing longed for and set deliberately about. And while I am about it I may say that al coholization is not confined tb the low er order by any means. Everybody drinks. The tradesman who can af ford it has claret at his table, and dur ing the -day his drains" of brandy are verY freauent. The gentry ana nooin- ty drink more costly wines and brandy, out uquor is every w utiie. .twbumg xa done without the accompanying drink; it is universal and in all places. The climate prevents the injury that would ..... . ' 1 J- ? A. visit tne same man in America, uus it hurts. If the English could only live as temreratelv as the Americans they would be the greatest race or people on earth. When Eing Cotton Whitens the Melds 2 ITOcSmith EHusic Mouse, (Brancb of Ludden ft Bates. Prices and terms exactly the same.) My of (Mod ! Plenty of Music ! . 500 Pianos and Onrans MAKES EVERYBODY HAPPT. KEEP IN DE MIDDLE OB DE RODE ! And read ft 1 ft Am lio s mm mmr Uffer: i Cash Prices and 3 Months' Credit ! A k Little Cash Down IND f-SoOSP ?TIIE BALANCE WHEN COTTON -COMES IN. Mm 1 " " " 4 ON HAND AND CONTBACTED TOB THAT MOST BE CLOSED OUT BKFORK OCT. 1. LOWEST CASH PRICES: CASH ON AN ORGAN. 825 CASH ON A PIANO. And the balance 3 Months, Without Interest. This offer expires October 1 st Buy now and boy as cheap as you can next fall, wlili cash In your hand. This is nellher "Pie" nor "Taffy," . But good old hog and hominy. Write to me for 9 little reading matter and be happy. Order from this house and save time, freight and money. Address, H. M'SMITEL Charlotte, C 7 Florida is territorially much larger than New York. New York has 47.- 000 square miles and Florida 59,000. Of Florida towns the census of Lake City is 1,379; Lavilla, 1,618; Jackson ville. 7.648: Pensacola. 6,846; Tallahas see, 2,494; Fernandina, 2,562, and Palat ka, 1,616, Further figures of the Alabama cen sus show that Euf aula has 3,836 people ; Union Springs, 1,162; Greenville, 2,471; Tallassee, 1,182; Opelika, 3,245; Au burn. 1.161 : Girard, 2.224 ; Mobile, 29,132 ; Montgomery, 16,713, ana xuscaioosa, 2,017. Gath savs that the banking firm of Grant & Ward, in which Gen. Grant has an interest, divided $700,000 prohts last year. The genius of this house is a young man namea wara, not muoa over 30 vears of aee. who is a aan-m I law of a former cashier of the Marine bank. Many persons iron towels, fold them, and Dlace tnem away before they are thorouely dry. This is an error, and 1 sometimes leads to results not expected. In this damp condition there is mould which forms on them caiiea -oiaium: one variety of which causes a skin-dis ease known as ringworm. Sixtv-five years agcr, a gentleman cut a riding whip irom a tree, near ueneva, and. after using it for some time, he stuck it in the ground near the line be tween Williamson and Marian, W me farm of a Mr. Russell. The tre is a snecies of the balm of gilead, and now measures US feet in hight and 19 feet i in circumference. The New Jersey State prison, Sep tember. 1880. contained 839, convicts The Maine State prison had 190. its &y eracre being 200. New Jersey has less than double the population of Maine, and more than four times as many pns oners. New Jersey licenses the liquor traffic ; Maine has Prohibition, The total number of horsea m the world is estimated at S&QO&OQP. of which Austria-Hungary possesses 3,48000.; , France. 1000,000 : Russia. 21,470,000 ; Oflrmanv. 3.352.000": Great Bnuan. 2, ssn.ono; Tnrkev. ' 1.000.000: United i states ft !Uft.nm j the Argentine Reuub- arvM visa-') -V'-J J "CJ- J ! e. 4.000.0001 Canada, a.omuuu ura- guay, 1,600,000, There are no less than twenty-hve different Methodist bodies now in the world. The total membership is put down at 4,650,183. When it is remeber ed that John Weslev. a great and wise man. who founded Methodism, died in 1791, its growth is not only phenomenal. but is the most extraorainary iact in Christianity during the last three hun dred vears. One hundred years ago i there were &5.Q00 Methodists in the -. ,i m-, ill ' whole world. Now behold the mil lions! W9 True Enougb, ID mm ! ! -:0:- :0:- -SPRING AND SUMMER CASSIMERE SOIT8--AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. BOY8' AND CHILDREN'3 &UIT3 AT COST. CALL AND SEE US. Norib Carolina as a CUmb State. Wilmington Star. The development and growth of the cotton interest in North Carolina is not to be overlooked. A little while ago- only a few years the crop was but lit- A 1 T d AAA t -1 T 4 AHA i tie more tnan iuo,uuu oaies. in ism it had grown to 389,576. The probability is the crop of 1880 exceeded this and more than 400,000 bales were produced. With the increase ot the cotton qrop there is an increase of cotton factories. But the increase of the latter is not by a long way in proportion to the increase- ox tne iormer. c ougut 10 ue. xvery report from the factories South of us is encouraging: some cu me reports are astonishingly encouraging. iiut the strangest thing to us about the cuttoo, crop in our State is the dis tribution of productiveness. There are counties like Cumberland, Montgom ery, Bladen, Onslow and Brunswick that ought to produce much more cot ton than they do. You find counties like Wake, Johnston, Mecklenburg, even Cleveland and Gaston, growing a great deal mote of cotton than you would have thought, whilst itanaoipn, Rockingham, Forsyth, and other coun ties produce but few bales. The statis tics show tha nearly al the counties produce the great ataplev a&4 that most of the counties w capable of doing a great deal more if the demand and price shovyd authorize it. we can see no reason for not expecting the crop of North Carolina to reach some time in the future 700,000 bales. This will de pend on stimulating prices to some ex tent. We must believe that planters will not continue to raise cotton at an actual loss. W,e have given our views at length on the necessity an.d wisdom of a variety of crops ana we pee$ hot say anything futfW bow, Supposing that the cotton, interest of, the .State contiinwea to grow during , the next de cade as it has during tne last aecaoe, and there is good reason to expect the croD to eaual 650. 000 or 700,000 by 1890. At any rate the State is capable of pro ducing that amount. Pearl Shell from Paris. PhUadelphla Bulletin. i Included in the cargo of the $team- shiD Bun well.' from Baltimore, are thirty-six barrels of pearl shells, con signed to a manufacturing firm : in Paris. The trade in this coxntoodity has of late assumed large proportions in this country; shipcaeat to foreign ports, however, have not been "very jrreat. Until oJ laterthe Tnanilla. arid other ahe)3 of kind, have been alto gether used in juurope, ana. it is mucn thicker than the pearl shell. . The dif ference in price is so great, however, that the latter must eventually ; be in areat demand. There are now , exten sive factories in Philadelphia turning out pearl shell button's and ornaments, which are retailed at fabulously low The pearl shells . are collected on the southwestern coasipl CaHfiornia L Hi (Dnoslnngr dDnntt Sail OF WS HOW OFFER T JE REMAINDER OF OUR SPRING AND SUHMER GOOI 8 At HlaM TTItofiip Vatae I THE GREATEST OPPORTUNITY TO BUY GOOD CLOTHING CHEAP IS NOW WITHIN YOUR REACH. THIS IS A POSITIVE FACT larOUR PREPARATIONS FOR FALL DEMAND A CLEARANCE OF THE GOODS NOW OFFERED WMFTEiOWiM & BAElDCi. Clo sin g Out ill Summer Goods ! M MD iElLOW COST t & (D (ID on IE K gkett &l Mcdowell, ENGINEERS, IRON FOUNDERS & MACHINISTS, Boston Globe. "itt u norioM ronnvora if. la t be hoped that he will never see some and brought to Santa BAra, torttoit nf thu nnnnanpn rKuuna ui wuat uao uvaioi r FlorestonSK: nrram. Modieri. Businesa Men. M Fki&fl., who are tired out bv work or worry, and; KSwho aroiaiserabla with JJyapepsia, Ricuma-, ClvU, Kruraliria. or BtnreL Kidney or Liver Cam- ESZW wan can beinrgorated aad cnredbymfai MiBairHIMIWIIIMHIlM UTOuanwuniEH.i -.- . , i . lwi vintTvr rmic me ici i p the nH.? ffiSeN mw V HTM 11 FWTIX OC V FIHE CMIVHSSEB HAMS. CABBAGE, CANTALOUPES AND TOMATOES, 1-1 Rattamcoisc : 1 zzHONEST 7 Twist Chewing ,T0iac kw Beware of Imitations. None femno rau-s companies with our "itonoat r which will be found on bead daanoraetuipd only n been said and done in his sick chamber. Snmft of the 'anecdotes ana "inci- donta' rfinorted bv Swaim. Rockwell and Crump, if they ever come lo ms knowledge, m make him wish he had died. The public are, of course, inter-! ested in everything that occurs arounu i the President's bedside, but it cannot be that some of the ridiculous remarKs ; attributed to him were ever uttered. The people who report them are either lacking' in good taste and the sense of ! propriety, or toey are uruwauy imaicp-resented. wmm i I I ' STEALING A BEPUTATJON. Would you trust one dishonest enough to steal the reputatton ot another, to make for you any thing, especially your physic, not knowing, of what It may be compounded? How to ten the genuine Simmons Lire Regulator Look for the clean whKe wrapper havtaz a large red Z in the centre and the signature of J. H. ZeUin 4 Co. on tne side. All others are. injurloua .and worthless imb tatlons. Ion't tarnter with then hOwererpUus lbly reoommended. Health and Hft jie V(0 Pjre I PTtniUSX tt adds to DA ww7WfT 1 h. Mmr and loatM to laded or aray nau, MW iiWi ! I beneficial to the scalp, is -why Parker's pair BROWN ft BHO - 1 wucr.i. . nnnnlar lTA1nir. raonal beantyby restor ana w nai- KrtntR. where the agents i who , are sta tioned at that point purchase them and ship them iua&u .i:: REGULATE THE SECGOETIONis. ' tt. ati anfiAfiTon to nreaarve haalthlt la- of thB utmost importance that we keep Ihe secretory sys tem in ver!.i?'SZ' d Kidney Wort has syeifl&ictkm od tbe kidneys, iwTftnd bowels. Use tt mateadt oWoringwith Tile bitters or drastic pllla. It la jprirely yegetable and is prompt dui muu m ocuuo. -i is prvpoicu in both dry and liquid form and sold by druggists erery wnere. - bcuiu m9 I ORDERED Lieblg Co's Amteated Extract of the case of an old Indolent ulcere tT.TuiAd with areat suffering ami wnwh naa re- .(7rH o TiriAtf of consatnuonal and local treat ment iamhappytoBayB-eOectedaperfecteore taafortnlIlb .'h.iIj i.hku juivi'; , HI Wek 24th st .New Tork. m- of hoonterf otta - and -cbeaD. worthless ' lmltattonar-Alsucmea plrejatarrri. neuralglaj, h-nmam.iioareae8av aad.; aon throat, bold in fifty cent aao qeiHaf.jata ;W., f!r.t irrrrli-at avis ttarenet, ho OJttotlM tzZZJ. irirtna are the trouble, and you want a renteoy to aowoMj vu "rirt wj Tjorlfy' and. reeiar uwr. w wyoiwu. . ,riT Jr k . thKi anMiUia sitoB. ana at the frH.Mit nwriiatei the bowela serf eotly. - Don't Stoiei slckTbut get a package tcNiay, and oure yrffirhaudrylor sale at 8.dg-; SjUBI. PlngUIMIlT" wwyilfcri " mni -MANUFACTURERS OF STEAM ENGINES -AND- MINING MACHINERY CONTRACT FOB CONSTRUCTION IND ERECTION OF MINING MACHINERY OF EVERT DESCRIP TION AND LATEST DESIGNS. ALSO-. MAN UFACTURB AND SELL AGRICULTURAL AND PORTA "TE ENGINES, SAW MILLS, 4a The manufacturers of the CHALLENGER PORTABLE CHALLENGE? WOBLD To produce a better engine. To show oOT Mnfltenoe to what ttwy claim, they challenge any manufacturer Sagricult eSlnes not fitted with aa auWniaUc cuoffVtoa competitlTO test at a forfeit of SfOO io ftUXOO as may bedeslred. These engines burn 4. S and 8-foot w jod. Julys T$HN G YOUNG, Ag, CoUege'iStreet, between Trade and Fifth. - S JM0WWKk 67, COURTLANDT ST. BBCHOFTICE, CHARLOTTE. N. a I WOtKS. ARUN ARLINGTON, N. At 8. If. HOWELL'S. Vinston lu w. ihiiii""

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