- MB " ' I rPi :Wr--i r 31-3 SUREJ-T1 APPETISER IRON BITTERS ar highl ine a certain ana emcieni tuiuv )a Mngnlm and (rlTM IWV life tn the 6-- -" ---- . digestive onrana.Temovirig all ayspepiic eympuuus, bul u a j.nyin.,, Bdchinq, Heat in the Stomach, Heartburn, etc. The only Iron Prepa ration that will not blacken the teeth or give headache. Sold by all djiiggisto.. .Write .for the, A B C Book, 32 pp. of useful an amusW reading- Vee. ni-.H. t anntiqKil flrinrownrl.4bUity to taome tatoa. t.'AMeatleef BjnVBtH (UlsM ape. . . . VT" IT. rr. . ' j i n. TiuitM SmSSShrrtitidL Ih.mdthTw.lottteoftti Tonic 8inoe using it Ihare don twice the to Sr Yecdidtn theeajBe Mine dnrhmmy Uln , and wttn-doable the ease. With the tranquil oerre iSbiaclSlSiicn enjoyed. Wthe Tonic ha. notdone the Ik Tknnwnot what. I civa it the credit. J. P, WatsOW, Pastor Christian Church. Troy. O. irrh JTrit ti i gpropamtion of i"re-1 oiem JBWfct mi Tttmrn 1 jaiaetCe. ry aeeoeitef I evitA (fc FeaetaMe I .remwriee. uterfeti Itwry iiurjMH erfcere I 1bm2 as ttMumm. HAIIFACTIIEI IT TNE DR. HARTER MEDICINE unel7 eod,dwly TTT A LARGE LOT OF- FLOOR. IMS. tz! t) -BOUGHT SINCE THE DECLINE TO BE SOLD LOW Mayer & Ross. apr5 R. M. Miller & Sons. COB. COLLEGE A FOURTH STS., WE SELL Piedmont Patent -AND F. F. V, FLOURS. Jul WE HAVE NOW IN 8T0EE FOB THE Spring and Summer Trade The Largest, Finest and MOST GdivCFLETE STOCK OF FINE MILLINEBT. WHITE GOODS, TBIMMTNGS. NOTIONS And all kinds of FANCY DRY GOODS For Ladles and Children have erer bad the pleasure of showing We OUB 8TOCK 0F- QLOVES. HOSIKBT, FANS, PABASOLS, TBIMMINGS. NECKWEAB, AND CORSETS Is not surpassed in the city. We have HATS OR BONNETS TO FIT THE HEAD AND POCKET OF EVERY LADY, MISS AND CHILD. Qui Pattern Hats and Bonnets will be open MONDAY, iPBJL 4th. An eiamlhritfon or our stock will convince any lady that we stand bead iti srvles and MRS. P. QUERY ! Will be found tn the store to watt on her frtetai and cnKtomnra i v apia 1 - i i . 1 H "i4 r. wuaby. j M iiiriT Mo Syrups. clSSCS WHOLESALE GROCERS THE GENUINE A TRUE TONIC Ml) recommended for all diseases requir cspcuauj xihuvjjwi nerVeS. It acts iiKe a cnarm on me . 1 ,7,.. 7Tw7 mended v lefW-l eal ftroemmion, fori numeosia, Hemrml I I eamem, Want of Vital-1 tinn. and Convalea- cencefromJFmera,A:c i eucta o extent ttJ 7 laoor wueiceeoragijirar- mnenj reuui, uai a iw '"tr.v. . anuTTT ratnrnad and I fonnd that mv natural force CO.. M. t MMTH MAIN STREET, ST. louts- FEEBLE AND SICKLY PEBSONS Becover their vitality by pursuing a course of Hos tetter's Stomach Bitters, the most popular invigo- rant ana alterative meaicine in use. - uenerai de bility, fever and ague, dyspepsia, constipation, rheumatism, and other maladies are completely removed by It. Ask those who have used it what it has done for them. , For sale by all Druggists andDealers generally. July Only Vegetable Compound that acts directly upon the Liver, and cures Liver Complaints, Jaun dice, Biliousness, Malaria, Cos tiveness, Headache. Itassists di gestion, strengthens the system, regulates the bowels, purifies the blood. A Book sent free. Dr. Sanford, 162 Broadway, N. Y. j " FOB SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS. JanjlS deod", eow If. ' I r DOES 1 1 WONDERFUL ! CUrTES! Bx-B!U)4t actg Ott Ahe LITEB, BOWELS and KIDSfEYS at the same time. H Sesame it elesasea the system oJ6ieioI ens humors that develop in Kidney koAXIit-. Jlafy Dlaonaeo, 'RflioBunewe, J HnSiMt, OoMtt.'. pation, Piles, or ifl, KhaTimwHwn yemmlgiit aeie B.' 4?tort, flr"Jmictloii CtiaOMs WyviaiXtoy-Wnrt eured him after remits fbj- 1olwn hnA been ta-rtng for Xocgycara. s4 -f r-Urn. John Artian.'bf WlJBBXJlifo,.yH "Wj?Mgwenwtdie bjf oor p Bsyg hff VaTlleresrjBeeia " WeTbeTtttf TTiftated beyond belief, but Kidney-Wort cured him. , Anh C'Jaarett of South Salem," IT. Siyi IJ uim bctbb years snnenng irom Jaaner trouDies and other eomcllcations was ended br the nse of ! Kldner-Wort.aweef " - f- John B.Lawronea of Jackson, Tenfi., imffere tor years from liver and kidney troubles and wwr unni " Darreia or omvr mwlicmea." Kidneyy-Wort made him well. m. ' I suffered eight years with kidney difficulty and E J was nnable to work. Kidney-" " well as eyer. H PERMANENTLY CURES KIDNEY DISEASES, LIVER COMPLAINTS, constipation ana Piles. t3rlt Is put np In Dry Vegetable Form Jn tin cans, one package of which makes Biz quarts' of medicine. Also in Liquid Fona, erv Oeo1 eentrated, for those that cannot readily pre; pare it. C y It acts with equal efficiency in either form.' R GJ?T IT AT THE DRUGGISTS. PRICE, $1.00, lTELiiS, KltUAKUSOS & Co., Prop1 (Wmsen4 tne dry post-paid.) BTjBLISGTOX. rt March 27 d&w ly Z. B. Vakcs. W, ELBaiUBir. VANCE & BAILEY, Kitoraejs and Counsellors chablotte.n.c. Practice in6upremk)urt of- the United States, Supieme Ceort of North Carolina, Federal Courts, and counties of Mecklen bure;,Cabarrufl, Union, Gas- r yjon, Bowanandpa- vMson. "y Office, tro, dptrfS east tf Independence Square. : ,- may'29-tf - ' Roil?. latsiiAM, i ' i -, t TNtfca U(dted jStateflCourts. Collec anfl " VtotOm. .: solicited. Ab- JL tlOIML 8tract8()f T( oryajrs, Ae furnished for com pensaDon,, -. .r? ,j urncs . enrntr xrac Trron streets' rian.6. ChaflotwTfi ;M AT HENDEBSONVILLB, N. 0. BS. TAYLOR'S -BdlBDrXO Main andDeDotstraetn. TTAnr1rnniHHo i , to offered for sale to a bona fide purehaser on vey iS?3 18 pieasantly-sltuated. and has nlne ttwooma; and oatthffiot art -al neeessacr.eatr L"de8lr6d" wgl be sold .fiimlabed; frora ate 3&!PJ&Z&& Wtcheaito UaTanoniQie panor, r it will be sold unf nrrriniuvi ( ,;7T ... :- 3f OSSeSSlon irlven 1mmalliiki. j I Hendersonyule) U rf t ; -i : aflSTlfflBfe Op A liflGORATOR Hp; x ' mTvkH U L w.flani what tw&a si 1 1 SUAYyJUIiY ?ftl881. PoistfolbWil t&lilTUHE. j 7 The Report a Citizen Committee Ol v.. can 4 rettairr- tmi.-mto wne nnnnapl nn ntlA COUld ffet against him. He had been elected ai an honesst. unrieht man. and when hi; nnatitnftnta heard the rumors aeainBt his inteerity they were amazed. A dflj-S egate w3 1 appointed to go down ta Lansing and hear his side of the story, and when this man returned home h6 was invited, to make , known Ms re sefttchea tforfe'an opem tnfeeiijg. r ) "Mv friends," he began, "I went to Lansing with the determination to sift the matter to tne Dottonj. ; J, iouna tnaj S. was living high and "dressing like a lord." A eroan went through the meet! and men" shook'their beads in a solemn way. ! "He sports a gold watch and a cane," continued the delegate, ilandV he vwaa talking of buying a five hundred dql lar horse to bring home with him. YOU remember he ; wet, away from here a poor man." 'Then he sold his vote!" shouted one of the yeoman. ; I confess it looked that way to me at first," replied the delegate,"but when ex- 9 for gotten that an honest constituency wad behind him, anA-np. money 0uld haye bribed his conscience. Ho, ny friends, there is no stain on nis reputation." ; "Then how did he get his money ?" asked three or four at once. "Well. 1 don't know as I can explain it as jvell aa be, did, and.. I am. sorry I didAx write ft dwn.f . iBBeemathatf the '.memDeiS apn c j nave !anycwig to ao evenings, and instead of reading 'nov els or attending the wicked theatre, they gather in little-crowds around the table, and the one who has four of a kind of aometMnii or, other rakes in somyetttitfg bt tier eattedj (he pot. J don t know where the money comes In, but it s somehow or other, and some how or Dther. our esteemed representa tive alwava has-- more of a Jdnd than ... -, s , jj i. any one eise. j. ais as as, near; as an remetabet and I suseesfc a vote tofn tinuebconfideifcfi in our mernbrr titil f he himself retrirhsto explain Vixat the kinds' are, ana what the pot has to ao with it." LOVE AND REVENGE. Romance of 9 Vansr College Grad uate wo juoveu iiuwiseiri Vernon County (Mo.) Democrat. In one corner of the palace coach sat a woman, -young ana beautiiui, out with a settled look of despair upon her lace and a cold, nard, cruel gutter in her eyes. She was richly and tasteful ly attired, and about bar was that inde scribable attnosphere' hich breathed: of superior education and refined, cul tivated habits and tastes. As was easy to be seen, sne had a nistory. A gen tleman who sat in another part of the car, an acquaintance of the reporter, a sheriff of a Texas county, related brief ly her story. -As had. .been surmised, the lady hadbeen brought up under the best influences that great wealth and high social standing could command.Sbe had been blessed with every education al advantage haying graduated at Vas sar and spent some time in travel through European countries. While, in the Netherlands her heart and the prorrns! of f her hand wferewon by a handsome, titled scapegrace. This was two years ago. When she returned to this country her lover followed after in the course of a few months. ' But meanwhile the girl's father had died and his vast fortune had been swallow ed up in wildcat speculations, so that the foreigner found his promised bride penniless. Like most of his kind, he broke off the engagement and set about Seeking a more desirable alliance elsewhere, lie found vitia the person of 'a $cfun lady living $bjr) same Texas town fasrtbjB ifwherj bdarielto fna(rm He pressed fyii tuftJ.inJ the twb wrerarrien67 imineiteirset out for Europe. The rejected girl found J means to toiiow tnem slowly but sure ly. After months of patient and per sistent effort she came upon them in a remote German town." The first inti mation the scoundrel had of her was the sharp, sudden crack of a pistol that sent a ball 'pitilessly through his false and craven heart. Of course, she was arrested, and jthert followed weeks of trial and torture. Finally she was de clared insane, and the authorities placed her in a mad-house;'' Meanwhile a wealthy relative, moved by a mother's tears, followed her, and, finding her, secured her release, and now she was on her way back to her far-away, deso late Texas home. Her relatives was aboard the train asleep, and the officer was watching that she did not do her self harm-almost a superfluous, need less precaution, for she was chained to the seat upon which she sat Under neath the silken robes could be seen now and then the cold metallic glitter of the handcuffs nbri her wrists and links of the small but strong chain, which held her. a POSSUM. "V" Senator Garland' Receipt. Senator Garland, of Arkansas, one of the most scholarly members of the Sen ate, has at the request of a New York paper given a receipt for cooking rpossum. "The bpnt of my mind," he says, "is that if yf U would boil the 'pos sum in salt and rjjal pepper water until he, is quite tender and then brown him well in an old fashioned oven, or skil let, wherein around his body a goodly number of i potatoes .vare-. baked and browned, you would have a dish un rivaled and ?aoi!e vhans Oriental, and a person wno could nol.reEMit, whether he took the 'possum hot or cold, would haye no celestial fire jji- ,hia )soul, nor mtisic either." The Senator declines to commit .himself as to- the compara tive merits of hot 'possum and cold 'possum, but adds:-"Rather than miss him entirely I.would try to. eat him in any way I conldifirid Ihimi aiid really I ar bl the opinion that he iFbetter hot orlcold, according to the state he is in when-Iiastpamfceof hita."Thus it will be understood that the Arkansas statesman knowtvbat a good thing is when he tastes i 4o ProhlbilioilDoc Pronibit. H. H. Reuter, $sq., President of the Beer Brewers' Congress, gives the fol lowing testimony Jn his last annual re port: "The State of Maine, with only 1 barrels last year'and 7,031 barrels the year previous to; that, Tias now disap peared aliogetherZfrom the list of beer producing States BUBITETjfS 0000AIUE. A LADY'S HAIPWED BT ITS USE. t Burnett's Cocftlr i wp the hair In a strolls' and hritithvHri-.:i.t;.-n7i-'hTljRi1jiiaHg the roots of Jjair and restoring the natoral action upon ffnlcb ILa .growth depends ago a ingle boWjMMl if r . i J. case wnereeveaierTiaafdf and since Budr early cWte6)dff cases of baldness, dandruff, loss of hair, and trrUatlorrot tne scalp, have yielded to this remedy. Detrolt 1 erfPre s. rr f ;I ' reef taiif- bril.-ilie as'he tvblswn,. anv proofs I came to tackel him personaii y he . mained everything aSldaBasdiy. H had not sold his vote. He had hot Twenty years iVKf iff dprate ThesuperioriiBumetfs FUvoririgEtratiXS nslsts in their nerfect rvnrttr and aS5?W'JW consists In.thelr perfect purltj and great strength. o . JJianpte U tbe House. Bough on Bats." ft clears" roaenes, vermin. lies: Mit,lwejta 4 5 ) per box, Transaction InTOlriBg- Forty-Fonr millions of nollan Dlonooed of in iTUDHtcai focbrtUe Tribune Thtf.13-pnnfiSspfe .Virflriniaand ago had a capital stock-of only about three'iriilHon dollars," and which a few1 montns ago was mcreasea to nve mil lions, is now the . basis of a gigantic railroad combination with a capital of .forty four millions of dollars. . . , .. jo. iew years ago me biock-uoiub uj. this road were scattered all oyer .East Tennessee and almost every man of property- along the line owned a few pares. Yesterday at the calledrneetjiig of the stockholders there were present less than a dozen men and half . this, nurrjber represented more than, fonr fif th4 of the stock. At one time in .the history of the road, we are told, the stock was worth. 4nly twenty-seven cents on the dollar now it is one hun dred percent above par. The object of the called meeting of, the stockholders of the East Tennessee, .Virginia- and Georgia Railroad yester day was to aDorove of the further in crease: of the capital stock; of the cum-' yfuy auu we issue ui iU4utwuui,wuuo, to approve of the purchase of the stock aqd bonds of the Alabama r Central Railroad company, and also Of the pur chase of the stock and bonds of the Knoxvilleand Ohio Railroad Compafiy, and the indorsement of the bonds of iaid company by the East: Tennessee, Virginia and Georgia Railroad Compa ny. Also to approve of the purchase Of the bonds or the i2ast Tennessee and Western North Carolina Railroad Com pany, and the indorsement of said bonds by the East Tennessee, Virgina and Georgia Railroad Company. Also to act upon some matters of securing and extending the laijroad connections of this Company by pprchase, consolida tion, ot lease. . f he meetinpwa called to order at 1 ejoek In the company's office and Mr.' Joseph R. ApdeTson, of Bristol, called to the chair. President Cole read 9 written report r which was a report of the action of the directors in the matters mentioned above and whieh has already been made public through , the columns of the Tribune. In brief the condition of the corporation may- be given as fol lows: The stock is divided into common 027,500,000 and preferred 6 per cent. $16,500,000. The bonds are income, July, 1881, to run thirty years, interest pot to exceed 6 per cent, $16,500,000; first mortgage consolidated bonds, due 1980, interest 5 per cent, $22,000,000. During the nine months ended March 31, 1S81, the company earned $2,628,065 and its net earnings were $1,449,102. It is estimated that the gross earnings for the year ending June 30, 1881, will be $3,286,332, and the earnings $1,811, 378, which is sufficient to pay the inter est on the first mortgage and the in come bonds and leave a surplus. The company estimates the earnings of the whole line when completed on basis of earnings of present line at $4,166,000 and expenses $2,000,000, leaving ,ne$ earnings sufficient for all interest charges and 6 per cent on preferred, and in time reasonable dividends on the common stock. The total mileage Of the road is 1,123 miles, of which 902 are in operation. After the president's report, R. H. Richards, of Atlanta, offered resolu tions, which were adopted by the stock holders, approving and confirming the previous actions of the board of direc tors in the purchase of the Knoxyillfe and Ohio Railroad, the Macon and Brunswick railroad, and the Alabama Central Railroad; also the action of directors in contracting to finish the Knoxville and Ohio Railroad to the Kentucky State line, and the Morris town branch to Paint Rock, on the North Carolina State line, and the con tract for the extension of the Macon and Brunswick road through Atlanta to Rome.was confirmed ; also the action of the board of directors in proyisions made for completing and equipping all these lines, and purchasing machinery for the mainline, and the increase "of securities and their distributions - A resolution was adopted providing that hereafter only bona fide stockhold ers should be passed free on the road to attend the meetings of the com pany. j, After a session of about twentv min- tesjttie-'meeting of stockholders ad journed tothe 2d day ot September. THE STORY OF A PRETTY SLEEP ER. A Yonnjr Woman who Takes a Nap , in n Rrooklyn StreeuCar. "She is our sleeping beauty," said a conductor of the Jay, Smith and Ninth street line of cars in Brooklyn, point ing, to a fashionably dressed young woman, who is well known to habitual Eassengers of the' line, because of her abit of falling asleep as soon as she ays her fare. "The young woman has ark hair that falls in ringlets over her forehead, dark, clear eyes, and a com plexion that is almost perfect. , fl, guess she must be pretty because she sleeps so much," continued the con ductor, "for they say as that's what keeps women pretty, I. don't know why. it is;' bat just as soon as she gets into the car, and hands her fare, she crosses her hands and her feet and be gins to nod. In about four ruinates she is asleep, and then she gets '3 good nap until she reaches the ferry going dowJi,fUkd-theplace. where efee gets out If atj&4ehgefcpushea. byhrltb get out she opens her eyes, fixes her hat, which usually gets ,Joose by nodding, and then she .goes to sleep, again. It'scurionsito see young men try to get her to flirt. Why, she goes right to sleep while they arasmiling at her. We haven't a more ladylike person riding on the- line, but p neyer saw sncha leper.T jShe'sjheen n passenger no w six aays m me weeK for over two years and she makes most of every trip asleep. Here's her street. She conductor gave a shrill whistle called out " street" The young woman opened her eyes stepped off the car, and passed gracefully down the street, patting her mouth gently with her hand to check a yawn. ' ; : AjAenkedr for IiOckjaw. Ia the Sun, some year.s ago, a receipt was published for the cure of lockjaw, whichlssimpland flaid by subscrib ers who., represented at, the time that they had tried it, to be attended by the most satisfactory results. The remedy is ajmply to . stooge th ' wound with burning wool or woolen cloth. Twenty minutes in the smoke of burning wool, it is said, jwrntakevpain out of the worst case of inflammation caused by any wound or bruise. in the Sun At rnanfic ot 187t, Vbage 5S2. this receipt is preserved under the head of "Worttr -n owing, to which is added the fac ,scTOrifviitihh intenselv f mm a nail wnnnd and with ikrnoW be'nia .ffect. ' PbysiciaBf vu. mo yjiarmacopia ior reme dies Would . UroihalJv rcrAr(f a rtWhIa agent, like the Bmoke of burning-wool as an "old woman' TflmAdv:' rmf in jm p& so. many as .eleve deaths, xe- cefiUV. OX DOVB irom t.h riroadf nl fnals. ji -towrlrrTOite of scientific ireatment,fl; duM( Aybo harm to try some of the "old woman's practice" Qn the nextTictArn of the -torpistol .A-TbwbMB.it narwoceim rUTHfe nar suf- fwoiwiHitJrlal, Ita tise removed aU pain In- pleirarfl.i Iiihaas aecooinien2ak ISWtdVertf Marrylngr for Money. 8&n Francisco Chroriicle. tf Aprorws of marrying for money, I am reminded of a funny story told, me by an . American1 Vonng1 lady .who has been studying music for some timein Vienna and Paris, and is now singing, with great success ' in1 Italy.' Palludedj id Miss Clara Bernstein', '6f .,rhCinnatiJ Ohio. One evening at a sdclal gather-i ing a Frenchman asked.' ber: Your musical education must have cost you a great deal of money, has it not, Mile. Bernstein?" : . "Oh, yes, quite a sum." - "Well, " now, "'doTut you think yon would have acted"iriore Wisely to have saved that money and got married?" Miss Bernstein looked at her inters rogatorr quizzically, iand responded: "Perhaps so;, but, on the other hand; L don't believe I could have .bought just the husband that , would suit me for that amount ot money, you know!" Utem Jiteritsjcroeixls. '3 wmriiw mm. Ml at mm. m Mm m.'. 11BII '-J m.;. r.,.E i , limy vvvvv t-vyivuyv? Backache, Soreness ef 'ihe Chest, Gout, Quinsy, Sore Throat, Swell ings and Sprains, Burns and Scalds, General Bodily Pains, Tooth, Ear and Headache, Frosted Feet and Ears, and all other Fains and Aches. No Preparation on earth equals St. Jacobs On, as a safe, sure, simple and cheap External Beraedy. A trial entails but the comparatively trifling outlay of 60 Cents, and every one Buffering with pain can have cheap and positive proof of its Claims. Directions In Eleven Languages. SOiP By ALL DEUGGIST8 ADD DEALEES 15 MEDI0I5B. A. VOGELER & CO., Baltimore, MtU, XT. S. deo80d w 17 AN OPEN AMONG THE LADIES The brilliant, fascinating tints of Complexion for vrhich ladies strive are chiefly arti ficial, and an who mil take the trouble may secure, them. These roseate, bewitching hnes follow the use of Hagan's Mag nolia1 Balm a delicate harm less and always reliable article. Sold by all druggists. The Magnolia Balm conceals every blemish, removes Sal lowness. Tan, Redness, Erup tions, ail evidences of excite gnent and every imperfection J t Its effects are immediate and so natural that no human being canjietect its, application, Jan. 22 Summer Complaints At tnls season, various diseases of the bowels are prevalent, and many lives are lost through lack of knowledge of a safe and Bure rerjaedy. . Pebky Davis' Pain Killer is a sure cure for Diarrhoea, Dys entery, Cholera, Cholera Morbus, Summer Complaint, etc., and is perfectly eqfe, getheibJlawfcg: - . r ir "" w Babeib, N. T., March 12,1981, imfant rtlicf tot cramp and pain in the stomach. t - Joseph Burditt. r - TSlOBOEVtLTX, N. Y.. Feb. 2, 188L The very bat medicine I know of for dysentery, cholera morbus, and crampa In the stomach. Have Used it for years, and it is r cure every time. ' . Jtruus W. Dek. . MoiNOOirA, Iowa, March IS, 188L I have tisea your Pain 'Kttxto in severe cases of cramp, colio.aad cholera morba&and it gave almost ' Instant relief. L. E. Caldwi.i. CabotsvxXUL Oa., Feb. aa 1881. For twenty years I have need your Paik 'ktt.t.i In my family. Have used it many times for bowel complaints, and it alwayt caret, .would noti eel safe without a bottle in the house. J. B-Ivm - SAOO,MKiJaa.aa,M81. Have need Pbbbt D avts Pain Killib for twelve Tears. It & tafe, ture, and reliable. Jfo pnthii. pftoul4 ftuow i$jo be ou of the fwniiX.-.. OimDA, N. T.,Te& lstBt' We began using it over thfrtyye&a ago; and It always Kivee immediate relief . Would hardly dare togo to bed without a bottle in the house. iW. O. Stiest. Cowwaboeo, 8. C Feb. 22, 1881 Nearly every family la this section keeps a bottle in the house. Da. E. Mobton. - L V. S. OOOTTTLATK, Crekkld, Rhknish Pbussia, Feb. 8, 18SL I have known Phrbt. Davis' this ktt.t.its almost from the day it was introduced, and after years of observation and use I regard 4tB presence in my household aa an indirpemabU neceetUu. X 8. Potteb, TJ. 8. Consul . .BCKTONHr-TBKNT.ENO. I had been several days suffering severely from diarrhcBa, accompanied with Intense pain, when I tried .your Pain KttjiKB, and found almost instant relief. . .H. J. Noom. ' - SI Mo?tt aotjk Bt., London, Eno. purlnfr a residence of twenty-three years in India, I have given it in many cases of diarrhoea, dysen- wsry, ana encuera, ana never jmew u to iau to give ram . Ko family can safely be without this Invaluable remedy. Its price brings it within the reach of all. For sale by ali drugjgista at 25c, 60c and $1.00 per bottle.' ' ' ' , PISBKY DAVIS & SON Proprietors, . Providence B. L." . July.33d.iw Jul aug. V I "- . 1 -- : r. THE OXONIAN, A JOURNAL OF LITERATURE & JDUCATION published monthly at Oxford, N. C , at On, Dollar a year In advance. The Oxonian-alms at Increasing the Interest for Literature and Education, . and gives original ar ticles on subjects Of Vital Importance as wen as criticisms ef the newest and most va luaDle publica tions. ..... . ,, ... . ., 1 - Offers deeWed advantages to advertisers. ' Hlh average circulation. Advertisements are shown prominently, are free from' errors, and" are taste-, fully displayed. Its advertising rates are not In excess of i its nai.tp,,a advertiser.; Advertiset meats, .Intended for publlftanOoo m any issnai should be in. the office by theMth oftte monthn fityvLot MMeajC 'i lei 0) 52? ty&SE1, NInth treet and a ttnsjt40!Sot 8?!e 16 P on th-Kora Carolina fJSfVjJTiSS; ?5IM Brt OT divided H.llb' I9?..1 . stable eithex for . av. .z-.-.r if: m ",'W..i,'" ft q OB&AN3. 17 stops, 5 Set Gold-, F f I ft t M eOr AvflKHB rsooBV CSQij noo. AO- i AimtL y. BKATTY. Washinfllon. N. J. H7M,l.'i" " " ' ' BUSIirESSXTMlVKKSA A X larcnlar. A llveactual Business HMcaasaea twenty years. . '1; Juljl2-4w ., , , OTMairraservauoB i" bound in V flneat French miuhaembossed. rau fuimn pputoctatns CMaotiiul toel .nmyinM, .126 prasorip. mad; Ulaatratedsanipi9,entj aend now.Address PBabodjr Mad- rvnw fnvsn.r jpw.h7pa Ul W If vuui KKR. Mo. 4 BnlfinohM. jnryl2-dAw4w McnTa th e Great SMil Cure. ITCHING AND SCALT DISSASXS, HU1JORS OF THB SCALP AND SKIN PERMA NENTLY CUBSD. Outlcura remedies are for sale by all druggists. Price of Cuticura, a medicinal Jelly, small boxes, 50c: large boxes, $1. XXiticura Resolvent, the new Blood Purifier, SI per bottle. ' Cuticura Medi cinal Toilet Soap, 25c. Cuticara Medicinal Shav ing Soap, 15c; in bars far barbers and large con sumers, 50c Principal depot. WEBKI POTTER, Boston, Mass. ; EiJ"All mailed free oa receipt of price. JulflSUw. 1 . HAVE YOU EVER KNOVN An? person to be seriously 111 without a weak sto mach or inactive liver or . H Wneys ? And when tbese organs are in good condition do you not find their possessor enjoying good health? PA UK SB'S GINGER TONIC always regulates these important organs, and never falls to make the blood rich and pure, and to stfengthrvery part of the sys tem. It has cured hundreds. of despairing inval ids. Ask your neighbor about it, fjulyl2,4w . ' T ; 'j ; rSlTTL. MECHANICAL AND MINING KNGt KJ NBERING, at the' RENSSELAER POLY TECHNIC IN8TITUTE, Troy, N. Y. The oldest engineering school in America. Next term begins September 15th.. The jeglster for 1880-81 con tains a list of the graduates for. the past 54 years, with (heir positions; also, course of staQy, require ments, expenses, ete. Address ' Jual4-6w DAVID iL GREENE. Director. Cures that Most Loathsome Disease Whether In its Primary, secondary, or tertiary stage. Removes all traces of mercury from the system. Cures scrofula, old sores, rheumatism, eczema, catarrh, or any blood disease. Hear the fitnesses, CURES WHEN HOT SPRINGS FAIL. m Malvern, Ark., May 2, 1 881. We have cases in our town who lived at Hot Springs and were Anally cured with S. 8. 8. McCAiQION & Mtjbbx. Memphis, Tenn.. May 12, 1881. We have sold 1 ,296 bottles of S. S. 8. In a year. It has given universal satisfaction. Fair minded physicians now recommended it as a positive spe cific, s. Maksfeelp & Co. Dallas, Texas, May 14, 1881. I have seen S. S. S. used In the primary, secon dary, and tertiary stages, and In each with the most wonderful effect. 1 have seen it stop the hair falling out In a very short time. I advise all sufferers to take it and be cured. W. H. Patterson, Druggist Washington, D. C, May 2, 1881. S. S. S. has given better satisfaction than any medicine we have ever sold. Schelleb & Stevens, Druggists. Denver, Colorado, May 2. 1881. Every purehaser speaks In the highest terms of S. S. S. L, Meisseteb. Richmond, Virginia, May 11, 1881. Toucan refer anybody to us in regard to the merits of S. S. S. - Polk, Miller &.C0. Berry, Ga. October, 1880. We have known Swirt's a Specific used In a great number of cases, many of them old and ob stinate, and have never known or heard of a fail ure to make a permanent cure, when taken prop erly. H. L. Denkabb, Eli Wapben, W. D. Nottingham, wm. Brttnson, ' Moore & Ttjttle, T. M. Butneb, SherKf. I am acquainted with the gentlemen whose sig natures appear to the foregoing. They are men of high character and standing. A. H. Colquitt, Gov. of Georgia. IS NO HUMBUG, If yon doubt, come and we cure you, or charge you nothing. Write for particulars. Ask any lead ing drug house In the United States as to our $1,000 RE WARD will be paid to any chemist who will find, on analysis of 100 bottles of S&a, one particle of Mercury, Iodide Potassium or any Mineral substance. 8 WIFT SPECIFIC CO., '-' Proprietors, Atlanta, Ga. Sqld by druggists everywhere, . For furtherlnformatlon write for the little book. Sold by T. C. Smith, L." R. Wrlstoh X Co. arid Wilson BurwelL ' ' v " jun26,ly SCANTLHTS Seamless Evaporator "SOUTHERN" CANE MILL FIRST CLASS SORGHO MACrUMI AT VKRT. LOW FBICES. Cend for Deicrlptivs Pries List. T'riOS. SCANTUN & SON, x. v Aft a v xAiiixii ui v. ltXrc(ioii Mi, roper. Julyl7,d&wlmo BARGAIN IN REAL ESTATE. rjo a bona fide purchaser, I offer for sale :a, : SPfflDID FAffl;' nine miles from Charlotte,: lying half a mile from Stonewall Station, on the Atlantic, Tennessee and Ohio Railroad.. The land Is well adaptedto the cultivation of ..,' w COTTON, CQRlf, a9d ?SK'Br0p8 'liW8 section. It consists of about 200 acres, 20 of which are bottom land and about 15 acres of freshly cleared tend; 50 acres In primeval forest , . , , : . ..mui J22 iBSifiiiS?1113 Jl eid inme, which has SvaMSo1-. e :$r, Promtoe oii0?161118? 18 comfort able; dweUlng and all necessary out houses. Good orchard and a never falling well ol water. . 0 Terms very reasonkble, "' ' ' ' , , - ii: ; A. D. PARKS, . Inly 20,d3tw3t , t AlexandrianavN.c Roanoke Col Idge; 'PWENTY-NINTH SESSION begins September (JL 7th. Classical, Scientific Elective and Prepar atory courses. , Freneh and German spoken in claan-rAnm.' l.tbrarv TA.OrMYwnlnmaa .thorough, unsectarlan. Churches of five denoml- uainwa, vumatf unsurpaasea. OOUege summad gaby mountains. Expenses tor 10 months from lft0to8220 (ipclu(llDg college fees, board. foeC Ughto ana washing.) Students from allBeaUong! Catalogue free. Address, r -7 , SECRETARY dFACULTTi July6,deod.wlmo - - r JO rTg ?B'BB'kittB' next ?r N?1' J tftteruara ifflrilf-tf' For fitustratec ' Scbdot f ma f! i This Great Specific SYPHILIS tS ...1 GO TO i J t ." i J AND LOO& AT HIS LARGE STOCK OF Mies i Jewe ny ALL OF WHICH HE SELLtj LOW FOR CASH. All Goods Warranted as Rep resented, both in Weight and Quality. WATCH GLASSES 10 CENTS EACH. declft CondensM Time Talile- NortH Ciirolliia R. R TRAINS GOING NORTH. Date.May 15 '81 No. 47 Dally - No. 49 No. 43, Dally Dally 6.15 am 4.15 Pat 620 am '4 36 PMI 7.50 AM 6.07 pm 9.30 am 1.57 PM 0.50 am 8.18 PM for Rie- mndon)y ii.'aiAM 11.83 AM 12.01 PM 1.20 PM 2.55 pm 8.51 pm 4.28 PM 4.85 PM 4.88 pm 4.43 am 7.28 am Lv. Charlotte, " A-L. Depot " " Junc't " Salisbury, Arr.Greensboro Lv.Greensboro Arr.Raleigh Lv. " Air. Golds bo ro Lv. Greensboro for Richmond Lv. Danville " N. Danville " Barksdale " Drak'sBrch " Jetersville Arr. Tomahawk Arr. Belle Isle Lv. " Arr.Manchester Arr. Richmond 411 am 5.56 am 8.03 AM 8.25 AX 1.40 ru 1.45 PM 4.00 PM &25 pm 10.21 am 10 27 am 10 58 am 12.87 pm 2.24 pm a 20 pm 4.05 pm 4.10 pm 4.13 PM 4.18 pm TBAINS GOJN& SOUTH. Date.May 15 '80 No. 42 Dally. No. 48 Dally. No. 50 Dally Lv. Richmond " Burkevllle Arr. N. Danville Lv. " " Danville Arr. Greensboro Lv. " Salisbury 10.45 pm 12.00 M 2.43 PM 6.05 pm 6.18 PM 2.25 i 7 00 i 7.25 am 7.27 am 9.26 i 8.17 pm 8.87 PM 10.83 PM 12.15 AM 12.20 am 9.31 AM 11.16 AM Arr. A L. Junction 12.45 pm " Charlotte Lv. Richmond Jetersville " Drak'sBr'ch " Barksdale Danville "Benaja " Greensboro " Salisbury Arr. A-L. Junction Lv. " " Arr. Charlotte 1.00 PM 2.55 PM 4.41 pm 6.07 pm 7.25 pm 751 pm R 55 pm 9.27 pm 11.05 pm 12.26 AM 12.80 AM ' &ALEM BBAaTCH. . . NO. 48 Dally, except Sunday. Leave Greensboro. 9.40 pm Arrive 8alem. 11.40 pm NO. 47 Dally, except Sunday. Leave Salem 7.8O am Arrives Greensboro 9.00 am NO. 42 Daily, except Sunday. Leave Greensboro ..10.00 am Arrives Salem 11.80 am NO. 43 Dally. Leave Salem 5.80 pm Arrive Greensboro 7.80 pm Limited malls Nos. 49 and 50 will only make short stoppages at points named on the schedule. Passengers taking train 40 from Charlotte will get aboard at the R. k D. R. R. depot This train makes elose connection at Greensboro for Raleigh, Goldsboro Newberne and all points on Wilming ton & Weldon Railroad. K Passenger trains No. 47 and 48 make all Vocal stops between Charlotte and Richmond, and Be tween Greensboro, Balelgfiand GoMsboroTNo. 47 making connection withW. N. C. R. at Salisbury for Asheville (Sundays excepted), and also con necting at Greensboro with Salem Branch (Sun day excepted). Passenger trains Nos. 42 and 43 make all local stops between Charlotte and Richmond, except Query's, Harrisburg, Cnina Grove, Holtoburg. Lln wood and Jamestown. No.-43 connects with Salem Branch at Greens boro. SEASONABLE GOODS, FLY FANS & TRAPS, BATH TUBS, SPRINKLERS, ICE CREAM FREEER. OIL STOVES AND THE le Qui For summer use, t jn. THE FINEST LIN E OF Cook-Stoves and Sewing Machines LN THE CITY. Orders and correspondence solicited at the Hard ware Store. and Sewing Machine House of RICHARD MOORE, Trade Street, Charlotte,; N. V .Col. C. W. Bbamhaw. so lone and favorably known in jsmmecUon wtth ttfe Bewlrw Machine tness of thjs ctty and vicinity, is now wlsS tnay24 ' F 1 ist by Examination. i 0 Go to W. MIRYIN, IgeHt, and Suoceseor to ?,. 8carr & Co. 0 s A a i H i rl II II 2 1 Fresh Brigs' aid Pure Medicines J 1 IS it i i Very .Best Drags do I keep In my stock. Also, Toilet and Fancy Articles. Perfumeries, Combs, Brushes, Tooth Brushes, to., A. .' : GARDEK SEEIKS of an the best varieties, and warranted - -to- be-good. - Physicians' prescylpaoPjare given speo- patronage, I am. respectfully. 5 teD8l7.. 2 W. P. MABTIN, Agt, . Doub ck Cook Stove