Wi""" - r I rani U U li U.J SURE APPETISER TKfiTi Ulllxiivo arts niroir itojuuucuuv,uv. i ingTro4 JSn tnb especially Ind estiorv Dys S?psSfatcrmlttnt, Fever., tTant of Appetite, Ixss i of gt?en?th7lAck of Energy, etc. It enriches the : blood strengenB fhVmuJS nd give new life to the nerves. It acta like a charm one diSreWn, remoying all dyspeptic symptoms, such as 52 Zt2 tf, touU, Hwurn, ete. The only Iron I'rcpa Sffi'StUl notblacken the teeth or grive headache. VSIm. Writ for the A B C Book, 82 PP. of useful Tl5E$ CO., Baltimore, Md. ... JYZJZZIlSZTMZZZ.ti.mlZdtt. J. &irlUa"ni O?: HARTER MEDICINE juel7-iod.awly GVBtttiZB. H M. Her & Sods, COR. COLLEGE ft FOURTH 8T&, -WE 8ELL- out Patent AND F. F. V FLOURS. Jul Just Received and to Arrive ! 1 CAR LOAD B FLOUR ! A8SORTID SACKS. A LARGX LOT OF CATCH OF 1881. MOLAS81C8 CYRUPS Including a few bbls. IBUP3 of New Orleans. SUGAR UGAR COFFEK OFFEX TICK .IV ICS TJACON MJ1 ACON T ABD JUARD XT AIM Al AMS rK)RN J0) ORN . TlflAL AU AL TC - AT QCSIDX PRICES. MAYER & ROSS. July28 WI HAYB NOW IK 8TORX FOR THX Spring imi Somer Trade Tn Largest, Finest and MOST COMPLETE 8TDCX OF FIN1 MIlUHrtT,' ' . WHIT1 GOODS, ' TRDUHNG3. MOTIONS -And all kinds of- FANCY DRY GOODS W have ever bad to pleasure of showing GLOVK. OUR STOCK OF HOSIXRY. PAJU80L8. TRIJOnrtG8., NaXXWKAR, NDCORSXTS -Is not sorpaned In ttu dty. We hare HATS OR BONNETS tO FIT THX HXAD AND POCKXT OF EVERY LADY, 1088 AND CHILD. Oat Pattern Hats and Bonnets will ke open ilOND.U, APRIL 4th. ITS. .r" 1 otow.siooa wui oonnneeany ww ! -ww win unto bit iea aaa prtoes tn war Uoe. MRS. P, QUERV WOl U found In tee store to wait on her friends . i : and customer. bJW teeured the serrlees of Mr. 1L B. ffUwho would be pleased to see Ms friends and S2S. R8. P. iCKRy. WHOLESALE GROCERS mm Ml m mm SPRING PING ' "J 'gygS3aasasSSSaBSBHSsM IBSSlBSSSSSSlassSSlllll a . . . A TRUE TONIC I r ...... uUniani tin. and 0hvoIm-I P. Watsqit. Pastor Christian cnnrcn. atot, CO., IB. i MITM MAll T. Wlf FEEBLE ANB SICKLY PEBS0N3 Recover their Vitality by pursuing a course of Hos- tetters Btomacn miters, me most popular mngo rant and alterative medicine In use. General de bllitv. fever and aeue. dysoeDsla. constipation, rneumausm, ana otner maiaaies are compieioij removed by It Ask those who have used It what it has done for them. For sale by all Druggists and Dealers generally. Julyl NFORD'S 0 I iWIGOBATOB Only Vegetable Compound that acts directly upon the Liver, and cures Liver Complaints, Jaun dice, Biliousness, Malaria, Cos tiveness, Headache. It assists di gestion, strengthens the system, regulates the bowels, purines the blood. A Book sent free. Dr. Sanford, 162 Broadway, N. Y. FOB SALE BT ALL DBUCKSieTS. Jaml8-deod, ew--3i "-;jq;: mm DOES f WONDERFUL CURES! n BMaaieU acts o the L1TEE BOWELS and KIDTET8 At the game time. Because it eleantes to rtempiib-petaoni-oxxm hnmorm that derfloye fiUC M nnf and tjrt nary Diaee,mT1non , atm&ae, jVmati- I I pattern. Pile, tie taSfieoasattniil Vtroralffla, M Verroos BUowlerAf and Tsmale Complaint. KEH-WHAyraaflPLBSATt 1 KneM B. Stork, of Janetion City, Knnmt, SATL KidneT-"VTnrt enrad klm mf tnr rrmmi PhT- J dan had bees trying for four year. II Vn. John ArnaU, of Washington, Ohio, aayi I""' w waa ga-rea up so aio Dy roup prommn. phyriclani and that he wai Atwward curod bT m ajaneT-wort. Anna 1. Jarrett of Sonth Balem, K. T., sari dataeren jean suffering from kidney troabtoa I and other complication wai ended bytheuaa of J John B. Lawrenee of Jackon, Tenn., iroffered for yean from liver and kidney troubles and after taking "barrels of other medicines," 4 "J XIeliAl Coto of Hontfiromerr f!entr. Vt. icht Tears wltk kldnirr ilifnmltv anil was unabla to work. Kidney-Wort made him , weu aa ervr. PERMANENTLY CURES KIDNEY DISEASES, LIVER COMPLAINTS, Constipation and Pfles. i Wit is put up In Dry Vegetable Form In tin cans, one package of which makes six quart Of medicine. Also in LJqald Form, Terr Oon eatratad, for those that eannot readily pre pare it. 0 it act trttk equal efficiency in either form. GET IT ATTHB DRUGGISTS. PRICE, tl.Ow II WELLS, BICHABDSOX A Co., Prop's, (wui senaine ary posvpaia.) iHiBuarros,TT. n a 1 1 r March 27 d&wly IxottssiouKt Z. B. Vanct. w. h. Bailbt. VANCE & BAILEY, Attorneys and Counsellors CHABLOTTE. N. C. Practice In Supreme Co-art of the United States, DiqnDun vwn w. nurui varouna, Deaerai Courts, and counties of Mecklen burg, Cabarrus, Union, Gas ton, Bowan and Da- VldSOD. eT" Office, two doors east of IndAnAndannA Square. ma?2S ti RO. D. GRAHAM, ATTOEUBT -AT LAW, 1M the State sad United States Courts. Collec tions. Home and fere ten. aoUelted. Ab- stracu 01 Titles, Borrers, rarmsaed for eom nensatlon. OmoB r K. X. Corner Trade A Trroo streets' unancte,N.G nan. 0. MOUNTAIN HOME FOR SALE AT BKNDEB30N wTLLI, N.C MBS. TATLOB'S BOABDIKO HOUSE, comer In sllUl Aa A.i. H M . n ThA hnnflla ! kssmAA.. .1.1 . 1 nouses5 ' " M " 811 b8"1!1 JJ.?81!? wffl 'W farnlalied; from toe partaTorTtwM p-uum-,, . Posseealongtren lmmediatolr Address, J"4 Mas. B. . TAVLOB, Henderson vUlOj N.C I r r MB ttttxrnn mm u El M. X. B. Goodwin, an editor in Chardon, Ohio, ayi ho wu not axpected to lire, balng bloatea Beyond balUf , but JQdney-Wort curad Aim. FRIDAY, JXTLYM,1881. j STATE NEWS. Milton Chronicle: . Mr. Benj. S. Pit tard, o;Dan River Township, aiea Thursday last, aged about 72 years. on .Is nnn f hare & clcrar factory; MefflTS. I J. K Hall & Co. are going to opea a first class factory in one oi mo iuuujo m Benbow s new Dunaing at au eaujf uaj ta in "Ralftifrh last Tnesdav. at the aiAnnna nf fr P M. WllsOTl. Oil MC- Dowell street, Mrs. John B. Neal, wife of John B. Neal, JUsq., or. ocouana Neck. Mrs. Neal has been in delicate health for some time, but her death was quitesudden and .unexpected. Winsfnn Reritihel : Mr. Snow ' of High Point, has bought a lot here and will commence at once to build a, fac tory and put in machinery for turning out spokes, handles and shuttles. We extend to Mr. Snow a hearty welcome, and hope that he will meet with great success. Wilmington Review: We reeret to learn that Mr. Robert Henning, form- erly of tnis city, Dut now a resiueni oi Richmond, Va., was stricken with pa rivain m. fftw (lavs aero and that his case is considered almost a hopeless one. . i ii .ii :ii Mr. Henning s irienas in inis city win no doubt be grieved to hear of his sick ness. - Wilmington Star: John McKoy, colored, whose case has been exciting so much interest for several days past, yesterdav morning gave the bond of 3000 required of him by J udge Meares for his appearance at the approaching term of the Criminal Court, and was set at liberty. Laurinburg Enterprise ; Last Fri day evening a frightful storm passed over this section like unto a young tor nado, blowing down trees, corn, etc. During the prevalance of the storm, a small tenement house on the farm of Mr. G. A. Roper was destroyed by fire. We are informed by Grand Secretary D. W. Bain that the corner stone of the r.aswell monument at Kinston, will be laid by Grand Master of Masons H. F. Grainger on Wednesday next, August 3. The ceremonies will be imposing, as the officers of the Grand Lodge are to be present. Doubtless the attendance of the Masons will be very large. Statesville American : The Episco- Sal church at Hickory, of which Rev. ohn Huske is rector, will be conse crated by Rt. Rev. Bishop Lyman, next Babbatb - Rev. Dr. McGilvary, mis sionary to Siam, arrived n thjs place last week, and with his family is stop ping with Mrs. Grant at the College. The Doctor occupied me puipic or me Presbyterian church on toaDbatn. Lenoir Tonic: The oldest inhabi tant says that this country has not had such a drought since 1845. Upland corn in manv sections of this county will be an entire failure. Caldwell was visited last Friday by a storm re semblins a cvclone in fury. An ink- black cloud fringed with a sulphur-col ored mist swept over the county, ac companied by heavy rain, thunder and lightning, and by a heavy wind that prostrated trees, fences and straw stacks, and, for a few moments, filled the minds of our good citizens with consternation. We have not heard that any person was injured during the storm. B I.J1ETAL1SM. Probability of Ita Adoption hy the CiTitzcd Countriev of Europe and America. A reporter of the Washington Post had an interview with ex-Senator Howe, recently returned from the Paris Monetary Conference. Mr. Howe said that although no direct results had been reached, the conference had been of value in that it had brought th6 question of bi-metalism prominent ly before the public and excited public interest in it. As to the attitude of the representatives of the nations in the conference he said : "The Belgian rep resentative was there as a strong monometallist; so also were the rep resentatives of Sweden, Norway and Switzerland. The commissioners rep resenting Russia, Austria, Italy and Spain inclined strongly to bi-metallism. The attitude of Great Britain was the principal obstacle we had to contend witn. ier representatives were m favor of the double standard, but were inhibited from committing the nation to it. The Ministry opposed bi-metal- lism. ana tney aia it, not because thev do not favor the double standard, or because they want to keep silver out or tne coinage, duc Decause tney nave other important business before them. and feel that they can put the coinage question off to some future day. The matter, however, has been the subject of discussion in financial and commer cial circles in Great Britain, and strong sentiment has been found in favor of bi-metalism. "With regard to Germany." continued Mr. Howe, "her representatives pointed to the action taken by her in 1873 in adODtmcr tne sinele cold standard, and said they did not see any necessity for impeaching the propriety of that move. Still they are not opposed to silver, and are only waiting for England. If the latter country comes to adopt tne dou ble standard they will join with her willingly ana eriadiv." v Mr. Howe stalad further that the gold coin held in reserve bv the Bank of France was even less than one-third of the entire metallic reserve, as had been stated ; also that the prospects of Italy's placing ner new loan, on wnich she proposed to resume specie payments were good. As to the probability of a eeneral re turn or tne nations to the double or bi-metalhc standard, Mr. Howe ex pressed himself very hopeful. His at tention being called to an opinion ex pressed soon arter tne last monetary conference, by one of the United States Commissioners, that the United States should not wait for other nations to take the initiative in the matter of a return to the double standard, he said I would be unwilling to see the United States start oa on such a course alone or even accompanied bv France. I would be a bootless step unless we were sure of the co-operation of England ana uermany." Squlrrele Whip a Scorpion. Virginia City (Nev.) Chronicle. A gentleman of this city, who has as pets a pair of the little cotton-tailed ground squirrels that abound every wnere on tne mils, yesterday tried an experiment with. them. He procured alive scorpion from some hoys who had caught it in the hills and threw the rep tile into the cage containing the little rodents. On seeing the scorpion both squirrels uttered their shrill cry of alarm, a sound much the same as tha -made bv the kinefisher wben startled The pair circled round the reptile, which stood with tail erected over its back and stingribratlng viciously, Finally, quick as a flash, one of the souirrels darted forward. With ita pa ws it brought &e tail fit the sCdrpion to the floor and ; instantly bit off the joint containihgthe sting. This done tne squirrels dragged nis disarmed scorpionship into their innermost den to feast upon his carcass at leisure. IT IS A FOOLISH MISTAKE to confound remedy of merit with the Quack medicines now so common. .We Aaw used -Writer's Ginger Tonic with the happiest results for rheumatism and dys pepsia, ana waen worn out oj overwore, ana Know It to be a sterling JbeaUh restoraUYe. Times, see aor. 1TE3ISOF INTEREST Jarifes Parton savs: "There is no work in the world which expends vi tality so fast as writing for the public. It is a work which is , aever done. It accompanies a man upon his waiKS, goes with him to the theatre, gets into bed with him and possesses him in his dreams. If he stoops to kiss the baby. before he has reached the ngoc angie a i boint occurs to him, and he hangs in mid-air, with vacant face and mind dis traught." Alluding to what it calls a temper- ance "spasm in tne Soutn, tne xaiu more Gazette says : This development of morals is quite striking in view of the long prevalent slander circulated bv Northern emissaries that 'wnisKey is the mother's milk of all Southerners. In Mississippi. Georgia and other Southern States the prohibition move-1 ment nas assumed such soua ana earn est shape that a mint julep will proba bly soon do classed among tue iusu arts." The wedding ring, which has been a symbol of marital union for Countless centuries, is going out of fashion in the West, it is said, and for a curious reason. In divorce cases it is impossi ble to determine to whom the ring De- oncrs. and. to Drevent auarrels and differences of this kind, the fashion of doing withodt any ring at all 1ms been adoptedand with success. Thft latft TlAfln Kr.anlnv wrote a PaDer. not long ago, by request, for Scribner's magazine, xne result is a uiwu ico son to persons who perpetrate illegible writing. The magazine couldn't use the manuscript, for the reason that none of the editors or proof-readers could aecipner ic ine paper is to returned to England, to see if anybody there can read it. Bishoo Littleiohn. who is now in Europe, is credited with the remark that the Church of England is further than ever from disestablishment, and that it has spent 8200,000,000 during the last tnirty years in uunuing anu re pairing cathedrals and churches, and $30,000,000. in church schools. Some of the Northern States are very generous to their militia, as the follow ing annual appropriations show : New York, $390,587 ; Pennsylvania, $123,000 ; Massachusetts, $so,ow. -ana yet our own militia are fHy as efficient as those witU nothing like this State assis tance. One letter out of every 300 sent is unclaimed in the office to which it goes. One letter in 283 sent turns up at the dead letter office. One letter out of 3,100 sent is held for postage at the office of mailing and this amounts to nearly 300,000. It is nearly nine months since the election and yet it is only now that the popular vote for President can be ac curately given. It is: Garfield, 4,442, 950: Hancock, 3,442,085: Garfield's ma jority, 915. MILLIONS AT THE ITllNT, s Arrival of a Great Consignment from the New York Assay Office, Over 85,000,000 in broad, salmon-col ored bars or bricks of gold, occasionally darkly tinged with a copper-like coat ing, arrived yesterday morning at the United States Mint. Thev came in one hundred wooden boxes, about two leet square and a foot deep. An express wagon, with several custodians, carried them, and they were rolled and dumped into the weighing room like so much lead. .To the men in the mint the daily handling or taoulous sums of the pre cious metals begets an indifference that puts it on a par with the commonest merchandise. Not an ounce of it, how ever, is free from the closest scrutiny while within these walls. Although a man may walk in from the street and stand at a step before the open door of tne weigning-room vault, where S30,- 000,000 is stored with but a single offi cial in sight, it would need but the slightest alarm to have a score of men with loaded weapons in their hands standing on the spot. Unlike foreign mints no display of armed protection of tne treasure is made, but toe precau tions are nevertheless complete. The large consignment yesterday came from the assayer s office in JNew York. Each box contained a "melt," or in other words the entire refined contents of a crucible, each varying in quantity, and every bncK was numbered. The men who do the heavy work opened the boxes, took off the paper wrappings and piled the bricks upon the scales. Then the clerk weighed them and car ried the bricks into the vault. The en tire weight was 260,960.78 ounces Trov or over eleven tons. The actual net weight valuation was $5,104,466.31. If anyone could count thirty dollars every minute and keep it up without stop ping it would take within a fraction of iour months to count this amount in coin. In the mint all the counting is done by weight and measure. Piles of various kinds of coin are measured and if they are the requisite number of inches each way and the weight cor responds the number and value is set down far more accurately than if the money had been counted by the deftest nngers. A COLONY FOR FLO It I DA. Settlers Bay ins; Land as Low as f1.25 Per Acre. A colony of 250 families has been formed in New York to start in Sep tember for Florida, and settle upon the land recently purchased by Mr. Hamil ton Disston, of Philadelphia. The com pany announces that no family will be sent tnere unless it owns $1,000 clear. The first colony will be located in Orange county, near Orlando, the coun- A J 1 A. I i A. M T . lv seat, ana in me vicinity or JaKO Conway, upon twenty, rorty and eighty acre farms, at prices ranging from 131.25 to $5 per acre. A land commis sioner, has i been appointed in New York, agencies have been established in Europe, and arrangements made to immediately settle" the four million acres purchased from the State. This land simply needs developing. It distinct from the eleven million acres of land ; which are periodically over flowed by Lake Okeechobee, and which are to be reclaimed by the construction of drainage canals. In both enterprises Mr. Disston is interested. The four million tract is under the control of the lorida L.and and Improvement Com pany. The company to lower the wa ters of Lake Okeechobee, and to open UP inland COmmnninatinn for 330 miles along the Eastern stretch of the Florida peninsula is "the Atlantic and Gulf Coast Canal and Okeechobee Land Company. A large percentage of the stock in the latter enterprise has been aueouy auuscriDea. Congratulations. Among the disnatchAn of congratu lation received by Senator Lapham was the following from relatives: CHrcAffO, July 22. Three cheers and congratulations of the family. .T. F. Barnard. " 'Me too. Jane Lapham Barnard;'? Tilting the east side of Upper New York a ' few days ago. the writer of this called at Mr. George Bugler's beer brewery, on 92d street In conver sation Mr. Blngler mentioned the foUowlhg facts Some months since I had an aggravated attack of rheumatism. The malady settled in my left foot gnd legally incapacitated me for business. The pain was so great that I .was compelled to keep my room, and I suffered utjtojd tortjffea, being unable to press my foot to the floor for a long time. A friend told me of St. Jacobs OIL I so- cured a bott'e one day and applied It according to directions. So marvelously rapid was the relief that I was able to walk down to business next day, and have not suffered an hour with rheumatism since. Stanton and Greeley. Philadelphia Times. Publication of the late Secretary Stanton's extraordinary telegrams to arrest Greeley draws from the Chicago Tribune some reminiscences that serve to show the animus of the affair. Ac cording to this statement it was Stan ton who contributed the memorable HOn to Richmond" articles, which hast ened the battle of Bull Bun before the military preparations were sufficiently matured. Greeley was denounced ail over the country for the articles, though he never saw them until they appeared in the editorial columns. Charles A. Dana was the managing editor and had really received carte blanche from the stockholders, who were dissatisfied with Greeley s peace policy, to conduct the paper. When the reaction came these meddlesome marplots forced Dana's retirement. He was proffered a position in the War Department in 1862. when Stanton was made Secre tary, and thence promoted to be Assis tant Secretary. Dana was no mend to Greeley, who had weakly yielded to the men tnat be habitually alluded to as blockheads, and it may be taken for granted that Greeley had no love for Stanton or ins assistant, r rom tnis. mutual antagonism Stanton's mind must have taken the extraordinary color revealed in his telegrams to Pier repont. That his mind was in a sane state seems inconceivable from such estimony, and that his death came from his own hand, which has long been suspected, these revelations of bis unbalanced reason seem to leave no doubt. Flics and Moqusitos A lfic box of "Rough on Rata" will keep a house free from Mes. mosquitos, raU and mice the en- ttre season. Druggists. Usui dttjeriiserojrots. UMiEOY. RHEUMATISM I Neuralgia, Sciatica, Lumbago, Backache, Soreness of the Chest, 6 out, Quinsy, Sore Throat, Swell ings and Sprains, Burns and Scalds, General Bodily Pains, Tooth, Ear and Headache, Frosted Feet and Ears, and all other Pains and Aches. No Preparation on earth equals Sr. Jacobs Oil as a tafe, mire, simple and cheap External Remedy. A trial entails but the comparatively trifling outlay of 50 Cents, and everyone suffering with pain can havo cheap and positive proof of its Claims. Directions in Eleven Languages. BOLD BT ALL DRUGGISTS AKD DEALERS IN MEDI0IHE. A. VOGZIxER & CO., llultimore, Md., XT. 8. A. dec80d&w ly 1 AIM OPEN AMONG THE LADIES The brilliants fascinating tints of Complexion for which ladies strive are chiefly arti ficial, and all who Trill take the tronble may 'secure them. These roseate, bewitching hues follow the use of Hagan'g Mag nolia Balm a delicate, harm less and always reliable article, Sold by all araggists. The Magnolia JBalm conceals every blemish, removes Sal lowness, Tan, Kedness, Erup tions, all evidences of excite ment and every imperfection. v- Its effects are immediate and 80 natural that no human being candetect its application. Jan. 23 Summer Complaints At this season, various diseases of the bowels are prevalent, and many lives or lost through lack of knowledge of a safe and sure remedy. Pkrry. DAVIS' Pais KiILEB is a sure cure for Diarrhoea, Dys entery, Cholera, Cholera Morbus, Summer Complaint, etc and is perfectly safe. Bead the following : Batnbbhge, N. Y March S3, 188L FEBBT DAVIS' Pain KillKB never fail, to afford intiant relief for cramp and pain in the stomach, Joseph Bubditt. t NlCHOLVTLTJt, N. Y.. Feb. 2, 188L The eery beti medicine I know of for dysentery, cholera morbus, and cramps in the stomach. Have used it for years, and it is vr cure every time. Julius W. Dkk. Motngo-na, Iowa. March 12, 1881. I have used yonr Pain Kilijeb in severe cases of cramp, colicand cholera morbnejuid it gave almost instant relief. L E. Caldwill. Cahkesvtllk, Ga., Feb. 28, 188L For twenty years I have used your Pane Kn.T.tra in my family. Have vised it many times for bowel complaints, and it aUoavt euree. Would not feel safe without a bottle in the house, J. B. Ivtje. Saoo, Ms., Jan. 52, 1881. BavensedPEBET DAvrs'PAnf Ktt.t.bb Tor twelve years. It is ', we, and reliable. ,KO mPthT ahould allow it to be out of the family. . . H. X KaTWL- Oneida, N. Y., Feb. 19, 188L We began nslnjr it over thirty years ago, and it always (rives immediate relief. Would hardly dare to go to bed without a bottle in the house. W. O. 8PXBBT. CowwaTbOrO, 8. C.,Feb. 22, 188L Nearly every family in this section keeps a botUo in the house. -.-Da. E. Mobiox. V. S. COKSTTTiATB, Cbefsld, Rhenish Pbobsia. Feb. 8, 1881. I have known Pkbbt Davis' Pain Kttxeb almost from the day it was introduced, and after yean of observation and use I regard its presence in my household as an indisputable neeeeeUg. X a Pottxb, U. 8. Consul. Bubton-on-Tbsnt. Ens. I had been several days suffering severely from qlarrhaa, accompanied with Intense pain, when I tried your Pais Ktt.TiKB, and found almost instant relief, w H. J. Noonk. SI MosTiRTm Ht-TjOhhow. F.va Pnrinjr a residence of twenty-three years in India, I BaVs glyen it in many oases of diarrhoea, dysea ery, aaa cholara, and never knew it to fail to give No family can safely be without this invaluable remedy. Its price brings it within the reach of all For sale by all druggists at 25c 50c and (1.00 per bottle. PfcBBY DAVIS & SON, Proprietors, a jvviuence, xv a. July 22 d&w Jul ang. FOR KENT. TEE store room in the Observer building next to W. N. Prattler's is for rent after January 1st , JNO. L. MOBEHKAD dec 22 tj. IMS!' OBGANS, 17 stops, 5 Set Gold en Tonene reeds, only S85. Ad dress DANIEL J1. BBATTT,WaahingtrjivN. J; Julyl2 dw4w f . D" K IT If XrUSUTESS UNIVERSITY IIEailU Atlsuitsu-Ga. For Illustrated Circular. A atetiua Business EohooL, tMOOixsnea twenty yean. Julyl2 4w 8m Author. a. new eJtgneX 2P ioal Work, warranted th. beat and cheapest, indiapentable to every man,entitld "the Science of life or 3lf-Preservation ;' bound in finest French mnalin, Tn bossed, 'fall rilt ,300 pp. contains baantifal ii i naravinfB- 19S nmnnriTi wuiia, Inc ouiy lD sent OJ nail; Ulostratod sample, 6 cents; sand Dow,Addres Peabody Med- VUflW THYIPT V ic1 Institute or l)r. W. H. PAB aL U IV iUAUlUUlJta KER.No. 4 Bulnnoh at. Barton. uly!2 dw4w Cuticura, the Great Skin Cure. ITCHING AND SCALY DISEASES, HUMORS OF THE SCALP AND SKIN PERMA NENTLY CUBED. Cuticura remedies are for sale by all druggists. Price of Cuticura, a medicinal jelly, small boxes, 50c: large boxes, Si. Cuticura Besolvent, the new Blood Purifier, 81 per bottle. Cuticura Medi cinal Toilet Soap, 25c. Cuticura Medicinal Shav ing Soap, 15c; in bars for barbers and large con sumers, 60c Principal depot. WKJta.5 & ruTTER, Boston, Mass. tAll mailed free on receipt of price. Julyl2,4w HAVE YOU EVER KNOWN Any person to be seriously ill without a weak sto mach or Inactive liver or kidneys? And when these organs are In good condition do you not find their possessor enjoying good health? PAHKEtt'd GINGER TONIC always regulates these Important organs, and never falls to make the blood rich and pure, and to strengthen every part of the sys tem. It has cured hundreds of despairing Inval ids. Ask your neighbor about it. f Julyl2,4w rirVTL. MECHANICAL AND MINING ENGI ; TUVPDTWfl or tUa UI?MQCVT 1 VU TM I v TECHNIC INSTITUTE. Troy. N Y. The oldest engineering school in America. Next term begins September 15th. The register lor 1880-81 con tains a list of the graduates for the past 54 years. with their positions; also, course of study, require ments, expenses, etc. aaaress juni4 ow uaviu m. titiijis. Director. GRAND RECREATION TOUR BY- Sea, Rail, Lake, River and Sound ! A Most Romantic Trip of Ten Days TO Old Point Comfort, Fortress Monroe, Boston, Port land, White Mountains, Lake Sebago, up the Songo the crookedest of rivers, and Long Lake, Newport, Rhode Island, and Long Island Sound. LEAVING BALTIMORE THURSDAY, AUG. 4, At 4 p. m , by the steamer "Wm. CRANE," of the Boston Steamship Line. Price of Ticket Only $55! Which covers all necessary travelling expenses, such as hotel accommodations, meals ana state room on ocean steamers, transfers by coach of persons and baggage In fact all needed expenses from Baltimore back to Baltimore. tS Tickets good for 60 days to return from Boston, Bound trip tickets from Char'o'.te to Old Point Uomtort can be bought for SI 8.60. For tickets and special informatlon apply to S. J. PERRY. Julyl2 Charlotte, N. C. This great specific cures that most loathsome disease SYPHILIS WHETHER IN ITS PRIMARY, SECONDARY OR TERTIARY STAGE. Removes all traces of Mercury from the system, Cures scrofula, old sores, rheumatism, eczema, catarrh, or any blood disease. CUBE3 WHEN HOT SPRINGS FAIL I Malvern, Ark., May 2, 1881. We have cases in our town who lived at Hot Springs and were finally cured with s. 8. S. McCahhon & Mubbt. Memphis, Tennessee. May 12, 1881. We have sold 1,296 bottles of S. 8. S. in a year. It has given universal satisfaction, Fair minded physicians now recommend it ss a positive specif to. 8. Mansfield & Co. Louisville, Kentucky, Mar 13. 1881. S. S. S. has given better satisfaction than any meuicme 1 wive ever u;u. 4. a. r jjulnkb. TUinvap If av O 1 QQ f Every purchaser speaks in the highest terms of One T . . O. O. O. Li. m FjIMWIvTjm. Richmond. Va.. Mar 11. 1881. You can refer anybody to us in regard to the merits of 3. s. s. folk millkb Co. Have never known S. S. S. to fall to cure a case of Syphilis, when properly taken. H. L. Dknhabd, Eli Warrkm. Parry, Ga. The above signers are gentlemen or high stand ing. A. H. Colquitt. Gov. of Ga. If you wish, we will take your case, TO BE PAID jrutt wiubm uuiusu. write lor particulars. f 1, 000 REWARD will be paid to any chemist wno win nnd, on analysis or 100 Dottles oi a. a. 9., one particle oi Mercury, iodide Potassium, or any mineral suDstance. swift srauif it; cu.. Proprietors, Atlanta, Ga, Sold by druezists everywhere. For further information write for the little book. 8old by T. C. Smith, L. B. Wrlston & Co. and Wilson & Burwell. Jun25dly J. L. HARDIN, MERCHANDISE BROKER AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, C0LLS9X Sr., Chalottx, N. C, rdp.ru for Oraln. TTav Maal Vlnnv ToH naxnn V Tobacco, Sugar, Coffee, Molasses. Ac,, respect fully solicited. The cheapest markets and relia- Ian 2 HONEST 7- Twlst Chewing Tokaeeo Beware of Imltaflona None geuine unless ac companied with our "Honest 7" copy-righted label wnicn will be found on head of every box. Manufactured only by BROWN A BBO., feb20 2w ! aVmston. N. C FREIGHT NOTICE. Omcx EvrzsnrrssDTST. A., T.4 0.R R., CHABLorne, July 18, 1881. fXtl and after this date all freights on this road: V will be received and delivered at -what has been heretofore designated as the Air-Line Depot, at the foot of West Trade street. Passengers will also In future get on and off the cars at the same point J. J. GORMLEY, Julyl9.dtf Superintendent : City, Lot for Sale Cheap, HnHB Lot on the eoraer of Ninth street and the X North Carolina Bailroad, fronting 140 feet on Ninth street and 196 feet on the North Carolina Bailroad, will either be sold as a whole or divided into two lots of 70 by 196 feet Suitable either for Dunaing or laaory purposes. Apply to lun25,tf J. 8. PHILLIPS. GO TO ok T. Iliil r's AND LOOK AT HIS LARGE STOCK OF Iry (j ALL OF WHICH HE SELLS LOW FOR CASH. All Goods Warranted as Rep resented, both in Weight and Quality. WATCH GLASSES 10 CENTS declK gaitroiids. Contou Time TaWe Norm Carolina R. H TEAIN8 GOINQ NORTH. Mies Date,May 15 81 No. 47 Na 49 No. 43. Dally Dally Dally Lv. Charlotte, 4.05 am 6.15 ami 4.15 pm " A-L. Depot " " Junc't 411AM 620 am 4 80 pm " Salisbury. 5.56 am 7.50 am ft.07 pm Arr.Greensboro 8.03 am 9.30 am 7.57 pm Lv.Greensboro 8.25 am 9.50 am 8.18 pm Arr.Ralelgh 1.40 pm for Bluh- Lv. " 1 .45 pm m'nd only Arr. Goldsboro 4.00 pm Lv. Greensboro for Richmond 8.25 pm Lv. Danville 10 21 am 11.81 am " N. Danville 10 27 am 11.83 am " Barksdale 10 58 am 12.01 pm " Drak'sBr'ch 12 87 pm 1.20 pm " Jetersville 2.24 pm 2.55 pm Arr. Tomahawk 3.20 pm 3.51pm Arr. Belle Isle 4.05 pm 4.28 pm Lv. " " 4.10 pm 4.35 pm Arr.Manchester 4.13 pm 4.38 pm Arr. Richmond 4.18 pm 443 am 7.28 am TBAIXS GOING SOUTH. Date,May 15 '80 Na 42 No. 48 No. 50 Dally. Dally. Dally Lv. Richmond 10.45 pm 12.00 m Burkevllle 2.25 AM 2.43 PM Arr. N. Danville 7.QQ am 6.05 pm Lv. " " 7.25 am 6.18 PM Danville 7.27 am Arr. Greensboro 9.26 am 8.17 pm Lv. " 9.31 am 8.37 pm ' Salisbury 11.16 am 10.33 pm Arr. A L. Junction 12.45 pm 12.15 am " Charlotte 1.00 pm 12.20 am Lv. Richmond 2.55 pm "Jetersville .. 4.41pm " Drak's Br'cn 6.07 pm " Barksdale 7.25 pm " Danville 7.51 pm ' Benaja 8.55 pm " Greensboro 9.27 pm " Salisbury 11.05 pm Arr, A-L. Junction . 12.26 am Lv. " " An, Charlotte 12.80 am SALIM BBAHCS. NO. 48 Dally, except Sunday. Leave Greensboro. 9.40 pm Arrive Salem 11.40 pm NO. 47 Daily, except Sunday. Leave Salem 7.30 am Arrives Greensboro 9.00 am NO. 42 Dally, except Sunday. Leave Greensboro 10.00 am Arrives Salem 11.80 am NO. 43 -Dally. Leave Salem 8.80 ru Arrive Greensboro 1.80 pm Limited malls Noa. 49 and 50 will only make short stoppages at points named on the schedule. Passengers taking train 49 from Charlotte will get aboard at the B. & S. R. B. depot This train makes dose connection at Greensboro for Raleigh, Goldsboro Newbeme and all points on Wilming ton 4 Weldon Railroad. Passenger trains No. 47 and 48 make all local stops between Charlotte and Richmond, and be tween Greensboro, Raleigh and Goldsboro, No. 47 making connection with W. N. C. B. at Salisbury for Asnevllle (Sundays excepted), and also con necting at Greensboro with Salem Branch (Sun day excepted). Passenger trains Nos. 42 and 43 make all local stops between Charlotte and Richmond, except Query's. Harrfsburg, Cnina Grove, Holtsburg, Lln wood and Jamestown. No. 43 connects with Salem Branob at Greens boro. A. POPE, Gen. Pass, and Ticket Agent maylS Blchmond.Va. FLY FANS & TRAPS, BATH TUB9, SPRINKLERS, ICE CREAM FREEZERS. OIL STOVES -AND THE- For summer use, Just In. THE F1NE-.T U Na oF Cook-Stoves and Sewing Machines IN THE CITY, Orders and correspondence solicited at the Hard ware Store and Sewing Machine House of RICHARD MOORE, Trade Street, Charlotte, N. C Col. C. W. Bbadshaw, so long and favorably known in connection with the Sewing Machine business of this city and vicinity, is now with me and would be pleased to see his friends and patrons and serve them as heretofore. may24 Druggist by Examination. Go to . W. P. MARVIN, Agent, and Successor to J. Scan 4 Ca FOB Fresh Drags and Pure Medicines None bat the Yery Best Drags do I keep in my stock. Also. Toilet and Fancy Articles. Perfumeries, Combs Brushes, Tooth Brushes, Ac., . GARDEN SEEDS of ail the best varieties, and warranted to. be. good. Physicians' prescription! are given spec ial attention. Hoping to receive a share of public patronage, I am, respectfully, eb8 W. P. MARVIN, igt 0 0 H t i I ri tt VI E SEASONABLE GOODS Double Quick Cook Stove.