1 , r " . ' " " ; 'S.'"'-(i-!K.;rw. v W. t v ; j jiU-- -.' 1--,- ,- ..-..or,- -TV . . ...,.r. 0) 0) SURE APPETISER TROW BITTERS are Melily ing a wrinu cm. , the muscles, ana gives uw disstiTe organs, removing aU dyspepuc Bymproms, suui uo""'I; J: T' jEi i, Jrn, ete. The only Iron Prepa S'Jt wSl notblacken the teeth or give headache, by artL Write for the A B 0 Book, 32 pp. of useful iSCHEMICAT, CO., Baltimore, Md. v y x Ourumu ?rJ7,"nL':rrr.i r,r.. ii . K a - - hfuiM 4 vim fbodT.hMeom SIMS MMTBewoi " L Ikasw not wbm isnn Irww TmM limU mfWrott. Mrn I vim JtmrK Phmm- 1 A.rmmnUmm XrM HAMFASTmi IT THE OR. HARTER MEDICINE Janel7-od,l&wlr CSracjerijes. 00E. COLLEGE & FOUBTH ST8., WE SELL Piedmont Patent AND F. F. FLOURS. Jul Just Received and to Arrive 1 CAR LOAD 01! 1JJ ASSORTED SACKS. A LARGE LOT OF CATCH OF 1881. MOLASSKS 0LAS8E3 S TRTTP3 Including a few bbls. of New Orleans. YRUPS 'TJGAR "UGAR COFFEE OFFEE TICE JLV ICE BACON ACON LARD ARD H AHS AMS CORN ORN M E1L EAL Etc AT INSIDE PRICES. MAYER & ROSS. Jttly26 Wi HA YE NOW IN STORE FOB Spring and Summer Trade THE The Largest, Finest and MOST ; COMPLETE ' STOCK OF VINE MILLINERY, WHITS GOOD8, TRIMMINGS. NOTIONS And all kinds of DRY GOODS For Ladles and Children We have ever had the pleasure of showing OUR 8TOCK OF H08EBBT. 11 ' P&A80L8. TRIMMINGS. NECKWEAR, , . AND CORSETS Ijiwt sorpassedJii the city. We have HATS OR BONNETS ' Wi wtfMTB HEAD AND POCKET OF EVERY T.tDT, mOO JUXU vammj. w Wats and Bonnets will be open jm MONDAY, i APRILlth. , M' f ' I 'f O .i ? ... Art r frtflUdS ' Will U tonnd iBtte - 3 , CtM. who wouW p. QUERY. : ostomers. A w 'r" . v 111 MfJffJF.' ffi fi WHOLESALE GROCERS THE GENUINE I I V I FRESH MACKEREL sp mm. FANCY A TRUE TONIC recommended for all diseases reqtrir Antit. Loss of ens . " " -t. rw leal rote8in, Arl Irxisrn, wrantor i !... Iimnut JEYd If ion. and Conralea-1 lceceronTet;era,fcc. my labor was exceedingly bor- nam imui uwi. , - . , 1.1 i ni with doabis the -w. - w ?ith tb tranquil nerro tnvrer befora enjoyed. If the Tonic CO., NO. 213 NORTH FEEBLE ANB SICKLY PEESONS Recover their vitality by pursuing a course of Eos tetter's Stomach Bitters, the most popular lnvlgo rant and alterative medicine In use. General de bility, fever and ague, dyspepsia, constipation, rheumatism, and other maladies are completely removed by It. Ask those who have used it what it has done for them. For sale by all Druggists and'Dealers generally. lulyl . Only Vegetable Compound that acts directly upon the Liver, and cures Liver Complaints, Jaun dice, Biliousness, Malaria, Cos tiveness, Headache. It assists di gestion, strengthens the system, regulatesthe bowels, purifies the blood. A Book sent free. Dr. Sanford, ;.i 6 ii l3roadvay, -N. Y. Janj 1 8 deotf? -ly. mm DOES 11 WONDERFUL CURES I Because it acta on tli LITER, BOAT ELS and KIDSETS at the name time. Becanse It dlesnsca the system, of the poison ous humors that develope in Kidney and T7ri nary Diseases, Biliousness, Jaundice, Consti pation , PJles, or" in Bheumattan, Neuralgia, Nervous Disorders and Female Complaints. SEE "WHAT PEOPLE SAT : Ettgrene R Stork, of Junction City, Kansas, says, Kidney-Wort cured Mm after regular Phy sicians had been trying for four years. Mrs. John Arnall, of Washington, Ohio, gays her boy was given up to die by four prominent 3 physicians and that he was alterwarda cured by hi Kidney-Wort. M. M. B. Goodwin, an editor in Chardon, Ohio, ays he wa not expected to live, beinjr bloated beyond beliefbut Kidney-Wort cured him. . Anna L Jarrett of South Kaln. N. T.. nn that seven years Buffering from kidney troubles and other complications was ended by the use of jsjoney- vv on. John B. Lawrence of Jackson, Tenn., Buffered for years from liver and kidney troubles and after taking "barrels of other medicines," Hjuuiiey-tvorfeinaueiumweii. Michaol Coto of Montgomery Center, Vt., suffered eight years with kidney dilliculty and 11 was unab I "weUast was unable to work. jkjonuy- vv ort maue mm i ever. PERMANENTLY CURES KIDNEY DISEASES. H LIVER COMPLAINTS, Constipation and Piles. EST It is put up In Dry Vegetable Form In tin cans, one package of which makes six quarts at fnMMHna A 1 an in Y.fnntd F.nn. vow Dnn. eatrateu, for those that cannot readily pre- M pareif. t& It ct teUTi equal efficiency fn eitJier f&Miu GET IX AT THE DRUGGIST3. PRICE, $1.00 WELLS, RICHARDSON & Co. , Trop's, " (Wnl send the dry post-paid.) BCRLINGTOHTT, rr March 27 d&wly Z.B. Vahcb. W. H. BAIIJKTi VANCE & BAILEY, Attorneys and Counsellors ; :r.:' CHARLOTTE N. C, Practice in Supreme Court of the United States, supreme uurt or morth carouna, a eaerai Courts, and counties of Mecklen burg, Cabarrus, Union, Gas ton, Rowan and Da- . . vldson. tw Office, two doors east of Independence ou. nitre. mayzy ti RO. D. GRAHAM, IN the State and United States Courts. Collec tions, Home and foreign, solicited. Ab stracts oi Tides, Surveys, &c, rumisncd lor com pensation. Omci s N. E. Comer Trade ft Tryon streets Charlotte. N. C fan.6. MOUNTAIN HOME FOR SALE AT HNDZRSOKVTLLE, N. C. MRa TAYLOR 8 BOARDING HOUSE, .corner Main and DeDOtstreete, HendersohvUle. N.C., 18 offered for sale to a bona Ada rjurchaser on vert .s- xne nonse is pleasantly situated., and has iuho teen rooms; and on the lot are; all necessary out houses. -; : : . , -. . . i. , IT desired it will be sold' fornlsheor; from the cooking stove In the . kitchen to the, piano In the ycfciivi, w M wilt uv huiu uniumiBnea. . Possession given Immediately Address, flnn4 - MBS.B. T. TAILOR. . HendersoQTUle, N. & MAIN STRtlTi T. touis- CS? CELEBRATED i 5 ,,1 '' - SATURDAY, JULY 30, 1881. pUp MINES. If I I. a9iuhnrv?7aflhitianJ :. I ! I BECEMiirB.-4-ThIs ?opety mgi miles from Lexington, contains 95 hjScts. It is near the Silver Hill and Silver Valley mines. A company has been formed to develop the property, which is thought to be rich". The Reed Gold Mining Company of Cabarrus countylifcave come into a rich pocket have found a large quantity of small particles and three nuggets weighing from one to five ounces. They worked - only four days this week and were forced to stop on account of fail ure of water. As soon as the water supply can be made reliable, they will continue the work. They are driving tunnels and working the surface. The income of late has amounted to a hun- dred dollars a day. TnoiiAsviLLE Xotes Among the mining men recently visiting Thomas ville, are John C. Rahminy, of New York, VV. B. Hart, of Rhode Island. G. II. Ilerring, Berge u, 2. J., S. T. Maffley and Fhilo Norton, of Philadelphia, Frank Rudd, of New York, and Henry Mathey, M. E., of New York. Allen Mine. The water is being taken out of the main shaft and another shaft is being dug from which Superin tendent Crump says they are taking out ores of much be'lter grade than from the old shaft. They work a force of 10 to 15 hand3. Baltimore Gold and Silver Mine. A large boiler and fixtures and ma chinery have been added to this mine which will enable them to work on a large scale. Stelle Mine. Supt. Popplein give3 information to the effect that the ores now taken from this mine are exceed ingly rich, and will assay up in the hundreds. Herring Gold. rrospects flatter ing. They are running two Howland pulverizers, and say they realize a hun dred dollars per day. It is their inten tion to add more machinery which will enable them to greatly increase the yield. Ward Mine. Messrs. Maffley and Norton are erecting machinery on this property tor working surtace deposits and low grade ores. Mr. Truman Coman is working a prospecting force on ''Morris Moun tain" in Montgomery county. He has discovered a vein of quartz and soft tail which he thinks will average Sip per ton. Abbott's Creek Mountain. This property, lying in Davidson county, ten miles south or Lexington and seven miles southeast of Linwood, contains four hundred and thirty acres of land. The mountain proper, about 200 feet higher than the surrounding country, contains about 400 acres and is a little over a mile long. It lies in a direct line between Conrad Hill in Davidson and Gold Hill in Rowan county, is one and a half miles west from Silver Hill and next adjoining the "Weed Mine." This latter ha3 been developed to the depth of 70 feet, and was said to be paying. It was recently purchased by Mr. Wed, of New York. On the mountain are five well defined quartz veins. These veins ail run neatv ly parallel with the length of the hijp ana seem to oe perpendicular nssureai The theory of resident miners is that these veins join at a depth of say 150 or 200 feet. The largest vein is three feet wide, while the other four will average two feet. There is one shaft open to the depth of 28 feet, besides which there are sev eral prospect holes. This new shaft has cut a vein of honey-combed, pyritifer ous quartz, three feet in width, bound by a mass of soft talcose slate. The body, or underlying rock seems to be a talcky slate of grayish color. The ores taken from this vein show a rich point of coarse gold some of the particles approaching a half grain in weight. No assay has been made ex cept by pan. This shows a value in free gold of trom 10 to 2S dollars per ton. The presumption is that the veins will run into sulphurets alter passing water level, though at present the indications are very slight. Un some ot the other out-crops there are evidences of copper, but in no great quantity. The land is well timbered and lies well for mining purposes. The mountain is owned bv five heirs. who reside in three States, and they are anxious to dispose of the propertv for the purpose of division. Gen. G. W. Smith, at Linwood, Davidson county, will show the property and all letters of inquiry may be addressed to him. He is in position to assure a sound title. There will be nothing like an extravagant price asked for the. prop erty. - Excitement in Albany-A Straus Itlan With a Strange Gun. Albany, N. Y., Julv 27. Much ex citement was created here at noon to day by a rumor that an attempt had been made to shoot Governor Cornell. The particulars of the affair are as fol lows: At 11:30 o'clock an unknown man walked up the stoop of the old capitol, and was about to enter the building, when the superintendent of the building, Thomas Hyde, noticing the strange appearance of the man, who was carrying an old-tashioned gun on his shoulder, stopped him and asked him where he was going. He replied : I am adjutant-general of this State." Hyde, judging that the man was crazy, ana tearing that some harm to the State officials was intended, asked for the gun. The stranger declined to give it up, whereupon a desperate struggle ensued for its possession, Hyde finally securing it. . The grin proved to be un loaded. The stranger, who is evidently not yet recovered from the effects of a spree, was lodged in the second district station-house. He describes himself as Patrick McLane, blacksmith, of White Halt In the Dentist's Chair. Burlington's Eawkeye.' " ' " "Peacefully if I can, forceply if I must," remarked the dentist. "Tooth is mighty and must prevail," replied the patient, as the dentist lost nis grip ana ien on tne floor. . -wen begum is half done," he said, geiwutf anew grip. "All's swell that ends swell," the pa tient rejoined, clasping his swollen jaw tenderly. -iiuin seize thee, rootless king," the uocior Biianea, as tne tooth broke off. "A thing of rooty," howled the vie timi, "is a jawy forever." "A root in the hand," said the skilful operator, fetching, it out with one mighty yank, "is Worth two in the jaw" i'-'-v',!,-- ' - "Fangs, gentle sir." murmured the grateful patienta thousands fnng3." And the nappy snfferer tripled light ly away to feetteenicent preserjp- iion nuea ac nearesn oar io-s- arug store, while the dentist gronnd up his prodding and punching things. Truly iu me niiusi, ot uioweare Wuirxerent. DR. TULIO S. VERDI, of Washington, D. C. the celebrated authoiv .commissioner of the Na- uoiicu tsoara oi iieaim, eic, says tne L.eblx Go's imru ctunua vi iicu ouzel i lnvaiuaoie. " Cares dies, salt rheum, catarrh, nninfni rheumatism, colds, and neuralgia. Beware oi cheap counterfeits.- The Llebig Company offers no cheap goods.. It offers only honest prepaia- vJBold in fifty cents and dollar sizes. Ralelgti News Observer ; There is an active home demand for middling and strict low middling cotton in this mar ket for home mills. This keeps prices np to the top notch, and Raleigh leads the State on prices paid, i County Treasurer J. B. Neathery has fipto date this year paid $17,370 for public school purposes, against $21,000 for the whole of last year, and. the sum mer schools have not been paid. Wilmington Review : Chesnut street, between Second and Third, was almost entirely submerged and almost utterly impassible this morning, from the ac cumulation of rain water. The friends of prohibition 'seem to be taking courage and getting their backs up. We heard this afternoon that a prohibitionist went to an anti and offered to take a bet of $50, which anti had offered to make, that the bill would be defeated by 20,000 majority. Our same informant says that anti backed. . Two $1,000 city bonds, bearing 6 per cent interest, were sold in this city a day or two ago for $1,C40 each. A few vears ago these bonds were considera bly below par, but since the Democrats have been at the helm the bonds have steadily advanced until now they are at a premium and very few for sale. GdldstooioMessenger: The Newbern district conference, M. E. Church South, will convene at Ormand's Chap el, Snow Hill Circuit, August 11th, 1881. . The house of Mr. Nathan Ilinson, m New Hope township, was struck by lightning last Friday night, and his gone to but not wife and children, who had bed, were seriouply siunned. fatally. . A boiler. exploded on Monday at the saw mill owned by Blount & Miller, two colpred men, near Dudly in this county, killing Lewis Kornegay, color ed, who happened to be at the mill waiting for a load of lumber, Asheville Citizen: The Western North Carolina Railroad is making regular schedule connections daily at this depot, . e. Alexander's. It is now the terminus of the road. In 'a few days, Marshall will be reached, and so, the work goes bravely on. Capt. J. M. Jones, one of the very ex cellent managers on the Paint Rock branph of the Western North Carolina Railroad, has graded three miles and a half of the road below Marshall, in less than four weeks. The end will be reached after a while. Monroe Express ; The residence and kitchen of Mrs. Mary Lany, of bandy Ridge township, was destroyed by fire on last Fridav night, together with everything that they contained, except a tew bedclothes. The crop reports trom nearly every nnrtion of the countv are sloomy m deed. There is not a neighborhood that we can hear from in which early planted corn will make anything at all -r-it is a complete failure, Late corn has also been injured seriously by the drought, but with seasonable rains from now on it will make a pretty fair vield Cotton has also been cut short, but to what extent we can not say. We can only hope that the damage is not as great as the fears of the farmers would make us believe. Kernersville News: The convicts on the C. F. and Y. V. R. R. made a break this week, four made their escape kand one was shot. Durham Recorder : We stepped into tVBIackwell & Cos office a day or riM-o since, and saw a telegraphic order ;one miiiiuii cigaiettca. - iuia uxaiiu of their business is rapidly increasing, and tbeir cigarettes and long cut is get ting tci)e as lamous as tneir smosing tobacco Hay wood Blalock, and a colored man was before the mayor last week on a charge of taking hands from manufac turers here, and carrying tnem to the West. The charges were sustained, and the parties bound over to court in bonds ot two hundred aoiiars Wilmington Stat : This section was visited by heavy rains yesterday morn ing, and, from what we can under stand, it is probable that they were very general. Salisbury Watchman: Died in Tex as, on the 10th instant, Mr. David Kerns, aged 74 years. Deceased was formerly a resident of this county. China Grove is afflicted with typhoid fever. We learn that three persons are suffering from this disease now, while Dr. Archie is about recovered from a severe attack. Died near Amity Hill, Iredell coun tv. Julv 2lst, little Tommie, son of G A. and S. B. Masters, aged about three years. We have been informed that a min eral spring has been discovered on the old Roberts place near Lexington, N. C, the water of which is very similar to that of the famous Saratoga Springs, N. Y, Reliable information has reached us to the effect that every count)eyond the-Blue Ridge will go for prommtion We regret to learn that the drouth has been very severe in that part of Davie known as the "Forks," generally a land of Goshen, where scarcity is al most unknown. A gentleman from that section has told us that the corn and cotton crops are almost a tota failure, especially on uplands. There has not been rain enough since corn was planted to wet the'ground an inch deep. The tooacco crop is also a laii ure. Anson Times: Mr. Stephen Boyt killed a large woiie near Jolkton one day last week. Fireworks by Daylight. New Yoik Times. ; There was a great crowd at Manhat tan I3each one atternoon and evening recently to see the Japanese fireworks and the illumination of the grounds with thousands of tinv lanterns. The novel feature of the Japanese fireworks is that-they are set off in broad day light immediatelv in front of the Man hattan Beach Hotel. A lot of little Japs with big names, fire a big ball out of a cannon and when it reaches the pre scribed height, several hundred feet m the air, the ball bursts, and the smoke takes a thnnaand different forms. Some times it is an elephant, and he walks off in toe ciouas mi no ia uuuruj. bi&lu Sometimes it is the figure of a woman and yesterday's woman was visible in r.hfl skv till shfi was more than a mile out at sea. Sometimes it is a lion, some times a tiger, or it mav be a shower ol Japanese parasols, a Japanese dwarf, or a huge bird that flaps his wings and flies away in the most natural style, More than a dozen huge kites ot a nove nattern. flown without tails, were sen1 ud before dark. Some of them were over fifteen feet in length, and, though they were, held with cords almost as thickas jopea, they all broke away and flew seaward.; In the evening a mam moth kite was sent, up with a tail made of twenty illuminated Japanese ran terns, making a beautiful and nove sight. : "It Is above all controversy a most remarkable medicine," says StaceyHfll, Esq.. of the ML Au burn Inclined Plane Railway, Cincinnati: "I was limping ahout, hardly able to move, with rheuma tism In the hto' er sciatica, 'r Hearing of St Ja cobs Oil, I procured a bottle of , it, and with the tklrd application -was able to go about with per fect ease and comfort." 'IT IS " A : FOOLISH MISTAKE to- confound a remedy of merit with the quaes: medicines now so common. We have Used Parker's Ginger Tonic with the happiest results for rheumatism and dys pepsia, and when worn out by overwork, and know ft to be a sterling health restorative. Times. See adv. Prohibition la the 9totiutafii Monroe Express. Prof. W. J. Scrostcs. who has just re- urn ed from nn extended trip in the mountains, through the counties of Wilkes, Watauga, Mitchell ana iturke, give very encouraging reports of the prospects of prohibition iu those coun ties, in all of which he thinks they will have substantial majorities, unless it is n Wilkes; Both parties are working very hard in all of the mountain coun ties. Public meetings are held every day, which are largely attended, and the interest is as great as iu a Presiden tial campaign. A full vote will not be polled, as a great many who cannot vote for prohibition will not vote against it. Sale of the Spragrae,Propcrty. Augusta, Me., July 27. The sale of the Sprague Manufacturing Company's property in Augusta, Me., took place at noon to-day, as advertised. The cotton mills, the dam, the sawmills, the boarding-houses, &c, were sold to Samuel Haines, of Greenville, N. H., agent for Wright, Bliss & Fabyan, of Boston, for $350,000. There were no other bidders. Gen. George Lewis Cook, representing Trustee Chaffee, guaranteed a clear title to the property. The sale is bona hde,-and it is the intention of the Bos ton parties to utilize the water privi- esre by erecting new cotton mills. The sale of separate parcels of real estate is postponed until August 16. KIDNEY DISEASES. Kidney diseases afflict the greater pnrt of the human race, and they are constantly on the in crease, but where the virtues of Kiuney Wort have become Known, tney are held in cnecx and speed ily cued. Let those who have had to constantly do?e spirits ot nitre and such stult. c;ve this great rerneiy a trial an-i be cur-d. In the dry form it is most economical, In the lijti'.d the most convenient.- PhibMlf-lpbi-i Press. i Neuralqia, Sciatica, Lumbago, Backache, Screnass of the Chest, Gout, Quinsy, Sere Throat, Swell' ings and Sprains, Burns and Scalds, General Bodily Pains, Tooth, Ear and Headache, Frosted Feet and Ears, and all other Pains and Aches. No Prep.trtion on earth equals St. Jacobs Ott as a safe, sure, simple and cheap External Remedy. A trial entails but the comparatively trifling outlay of 50 Cents, and every one suffering vith pain can havo cheap and positive proof of its claims. Directions in Eleven Languages. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS AND DEALEES IN MEDICINE. A. VOG3IER iz, CO., Saltiniorc, Md., U. 8. A dec'30dA w If ikM OPEM SECRET LWm THE LADIES The brilliant, fascinating tints of Complexion for which ladies strive are chiefly arti ficial, and all who will take the trouble may secure them. These roseate, bewitching hues follow tho use of Hagan's Mag nolia Balm a delicate, harm less and always reliable article. Sold by all druggists. The Magnolia Balm conceals every blemish, removes Sal lowness, Tan, Redness, Erup tions, all evidences of excite ment and every imperfection. Its effects are immediate and so natural that no human being can .detect its application. Jan. 22 Summer Complaints At this season, various diseases of the bowels are prevalent, and many lives are lost through lack of knowledge of a safe and sure remedy. Peery Davis' Paih Killer is a sure cure for Diarrhoea, Dys entery, Cholera, Cholera Morbus, Summer Complaint, etc., and is perfectly safe. Eead the following : Batnbridge, N. Y., March 23, 1S8L PERBY Davis' Pain Killer never failt to afford irMant relief for cramp and pain in tne Btomach. Joseph Btjbditt. , NlCHOLVTLLE, N. Y.,Feb. 2, 1881. The very lest medicine I know of for dysentery, cholera morbus, and crampa in the Btomach. Have used it for years, and it is euro cure every timo. Julius W. Deb. Uorsr gotta, Iowa, March 12,1881. I have used your Pain Killeb in severe cases of cramp, colic.and cholera morbus,and it gave almost instant relief. L. E. Caldwell. Carnebvtlle, Ga., Feb. 28, 188L For twenty yenra I have used your Pain Killeb in my family. Have used it many times for bowel complaints, iind it ahcaya cures, would not feel saJa without a botde iu the house. J. B. I vie. Saco, Me., Jan. 22, 188L Have used Pebey Davis' Pain Killer for twelve year3. It is safe, sure, and reliable. Ho mother should allow it to bo out of the family. . H. I. KATES. Oneida, N. Y., Feb. 19, 1881. We b? ran i:sin? it over thirtyyears ago, and it always trivea immediate relief. Would hardly dare) to go to bed without a bottle in the house. Conwayboeo, S. O., Feb. 22, 1881. Karly every family in this section keeps a bottio in tho house. Da. E. MofiTON. TJ. 8. CONSTTLATE, Crefeld, Rhesish Prussia. Feb. 8, 188L I have known Persy Davis' Pain Killeb almost from the day it was introduced, and after years of observation and use I regard Its presence hi my household 63 an indispensable necessity. I. 8. Potteb, TJ. S. Consul. . f . Bubton-on-Tbent. Eng. I had been several days stiff eruiguseverely from "nTfaoea, accompanied with intense pain, when I tried your Pain Killer, and found almost instant elief, v - -H.J.Nooint. a Montague St., London, Eno. Darin? a residence of twenty .three years in India. I have ffiveu it in many cues of diarrhoea, dysen. tery, .and cholera, and nevar knew it to tail to giva Muef. . . R.riT..T.TTwfi.V- . : No, family can safely be .without this invaluable yemedy. . Its priQe brings 'it within the reach of all. . ; ? sale by, all druggists' at 25cl: 50c ' and $1.00per bottle. , . . r EJUS, x VAYiS & SON Proprietors, ., ..-'.. Providence, R. L RENT. TrfErtore room to the Observer buadlm$Jiiet to W. N. Prattler's Is for rent after January 1st M M JNO. L. MOEEHKAD dec 22 tf. iron. f Q ORGANS, 17 stops, 5 Set Gold- an TruimiA TAAa nnlv ftK Ail. Irns DArilEL-F. BTTY. Washington, a. J. Bond to. j, MOORE'S p KIP BtfiUKESS UNIVERSITY U llfafte Atlanta, O. For illustrated Circular. A actual Business School. IMMitlicd twenty yean. Iulyl2-4w R0 LD MEDAL AWARDED th i Anthor.AnewandKraot Med ical Work, warranted tha beet and cheapest, indispennable to eTery man.entitled "the Science of Life OT,8elf-Preervation " bound in finest French moalin, embossed, loll (filt.SOO pp.oontaina beantif nl fteel angTavinn, 125 prescrip. i tions, pnoe only $1.25 sent by mail; illustrated sample, 6 cent: rWflW Tirv"!PT V lBtnt or Dr. W. H. PA KEK, No. 4 Balnnch cL Boston, Julyl2 dw4w Cuticura, the Great Skin Cure. ITCHING AND SCALY DISEASES, HUMOSSOFTH?! SCALP AND SKIN PERMA NENTLY UUKED. Cuticura remedies are for sale by all druggists. Price ot Cuticura, a medicinal jelly, small boxes, 50c: larae boxes, 81. Cuticura . Eesolvent, the new Blood Puriner, si per oot'ie. cuticura Medi cinal Toilet Soap, 25c Cuticura Medicinal Shav ing Soap, 15c; la bars for barbers and. large con sumers, 50c. Principal deoot. wisfKiii run JK, boston, jiass. tAll mailed free on receipt of price. Julfl2,4w HAVE YOU EVER KNOWN Any person to be seriously ill without a weak sto mach or inactive liver or t-ldneys? And when these organs are In good condition do you not find their possessor enjoving good health? PAKK.EK'8 GINUEK TONIC always regulates thuse important organs, and never fails to maK ! the blood rich &ni pure, and to strengthen every part of the sys-' tem. It has cure'i hundreds of despairing inval ids. Ask your neighbor about it. fiulyl2,4w CIVIL, MECHANICAL AND MINING ENGI NEERING, a; the RENSSELAEtt POLY TECHNIC INSTITUTE, Troy, N Y. The oldest engineering school in America. Next term b;-g!ns September 1 5th. The register for 1 880 81 con tains a ht of the graduates tor the past 54 years, with their positions; also, course of study, require ments, expenses, eic. Aaaress junl4 6w DAVID M. GREENE. Dlreetor. WLtettllMi&ovts. GRAND RECREATION TOUR -BY Sea, Rail, Lake, River and Sound ! A Most Eomantic Trip of Tea Days TO Old Point Comfort, Fortress Monroe, Boston, Port land, White Mountains, Lake Sebago, up the Songo the crookedest of rivers, and Long Lake, Newport, Rhode Island, and Long Island Sound. leaving Baltimore THURSDAY, AUG. 4, At 4 p. m , by the steamer "Wm. CRANE," of the Boston Steamship Line. Price of Wet Only $55 ! Which covers all necessary travelling expenses, sucn as hotel accommodations, meals and state room on ocean steamers, transfers by coach of persons and baggage In fact ail needed expenses from Baltimore back to Baltimore. 13?" Tickets good for 60 days to return from Boston. Round trip tickets from Charlotte to Old Point Comfort can be bought for SI 8.55. For tickets and special infornia.tion apply to 8. J. FESRY, July 12 Charlotte, N. C. This great specific cures that most loathsome disease WHETHER IN ITS PRIHARY, SECONDARY OR TERTIARY STAGE. Removes all traces of Mercury from the system. Cures scrofi:la. old sores, lheiunatism, eczema, catarrh, or any blood disease. CURES WHEN HOT SPRINGS FAIL! Malvern, Ark., May 2, 1881. "We have caes in our town who lived at Hot f p rings and v.ere fiaally cured with S. S. S. MCCAMMON & MPEBT. Memphis, Tennessee, May 12, 1881. We linvesold 1,296 bottles of S. S. S. in a year. It has given- universal satisfaction, Fair minded physicians now recommend it as a positive specif ic. S. Mansfield & Co. Loulsvillf, Kentucky, May 13, 1881. S. S. S. has given better satisfaction than any medicine I have ever sold. J. A. Flkxjteb. Denver, Col., May 2. 1881. Every purchaser speaks in the highest terms of S. S. S. L Meissetek. Richmond, Va., May 11, 1881. You can refer anybody to us In regard to the merits of S. S. S. Polk Miller & Co. Have never known S. S. S. to fail to cure a ot SjDhtlls, when properly taken'. case h. l. dennabd, Eli Warren, . Perry, Ga. The above signers are gentlemen of high stand ing. A. H. Colquitt. Gov. of Ga. If you wish, we will take your case, Tu BE PAID FOB WHEN CURED. Write for particulars. $1,000 REWARD will be paid to any chemist who will find, on analysis of 100 bottles of S. S. 9., one particle of Mercury, Iodide Potassium, or any mineral substance. SWIFT SPECIFIC CO.. , J , t Proprietors, Atlanta, Ga. Sold by druggists everywhere. For further information write for the little book Sold by T. C. Smith, L. R. Wrlston & Co. and Wilson & BurwelL jmr25dly J.L. HARDIN, MERCHANDISE BROKER AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, COLLKSS ST., CKiLOTTK, N. C, fully solicited, the cheapest markets and relia ble houses represented. jan 23 .... ' HONEST 7 Twist Chewing Tobacco Beware of imitations. None geulne unless ac companied with our "Honest 7" copy-righted label which will be found on bead of every box. Manufactured only by BROWN & BRO., ; feb20-2w , r- - Winston.. N.C FREIGHT NOTICE. ; Office EtTEBiHTEKDEST, A., T. O. R B., l Charlotte, July 18, 1881.' ) ON and after this date all freights on this : road will be received and delivered at what jhas been heretofore designated as the Alr-Llne Depot, at the foot of West Trade atrfiPt. . ' Passengers will also In future get on and off the Juyl9.dtf - - Superintendent , City Ii)t: for Sale Cheap. ' . bnUdlrrg or tactorr purposes. Apply to -Jun2o,tf ,ff J.fll PHILLIPS. sflIrT, Orders for Grain, Hay, Meal, Flour, Lard, Bacon, GO TO lllll! T. III! AND LOOK AT HIS . LARGE STOCK OF fovelfe ALL OF WHICH HE SELLb LOW FOR CASH. All Goods Warranted as liep resented, both in Weight and Quality. WATCH GLMJ: !9 TEXTS tfH. df.cl 5 iii I ro (ids. Condensed Time TaMo Norlli Carolina R. R. TBUNSGOIXO NORTH. ewe Date,Mayl5'81 No. 47 Na 49 Na 48, Dally Dally Daily Lv. Charlotte, 4.05 am 6.15 am 4.15 ps " A-L. Depot " " Junc't 411am 6.?0 am 4 30 pm " Salisbury, 5.58 am 7.50 am B.07 pm Arr.Greensboro 8.03 am 9.30 am 7.57 pm Lv.Greensboro 8.25 am 9.50 am 8.18 pm Arr.Raleigh 1.40 pm for Rich- Lv. " 1.45 pm m'ndonly Arr. Goldsfcoro 4.00 rx Lv. Greensboro for Richmond 8.25 pm Lv. DanvUle 10.2 1 am 11.81 am " N. Danville 10 27 am 11.33 am ." Barksdale 10 58 am 12.01 pm " Drak'sBr'ch 12 37 pm 1.20 pm " JetersvUle 2.24 pm 2.55 pm Arr. Tomahawk 8.20 pm 3.51pm Arr. Belle Isle 4.05 pm 4.28 pm Lv. " " 4.10 pm 4.85 pm Arr.Manchester 4.13 pm 4.38 pm Arr. Richmond 4.18 pm 4.43 am 7.28 am TRAINS GOING SOUTH. Date,Mayl5'80 No. 42 Dally. No. 48 Dally. No. 50 Dally Lv. Richmond Burke ville Arr. N. Danville Lv. " " Danville Arr. Greensboro Lv. " Salisbury 10.45 PM 2.25 am 7.00 am 12.00 M 2.43 pm 6.05 pm 6.18 pm 7.25 AM P7.27 AM 9.26 AM 9.31 AM 11.16 AM 8.17 pm 8.37 pm 10.33 pm 12.15 AM 12.20 am Arr. A L. Junction 12.45 pm 1.00 PM " Charlotte Lv. Richmond " Jetersville ' Drak'sBr'ch " Barksdale " Danville " Benaja " Greensboro " Salisbury Arr. A-L. Junction Lv. " " Arr. Charlotte 2.56 pm 4.41 pm 6.07 pm 7.25 pm 7.51 pm 8.55 pm 9.27 pm 11.05 pm 12.26 am 12.30 am BALEM BRANCH. NO. 48 Daily, except Sunday. Leave Greensboro. Arrive Salem NO. 47 Dally, except Sunday. Leave Salem Arrives Greensboro NO. 42 Daily, except Sunday. Leave Greensboro , Arrives Salem NO. 43 Daily. Leave Salem Arrive Greensboro 9.40 pm 11.40 pm 7.30 am 9.00 AM 10.00 AM 11.80 AM 5.80 pm 7.S0 PM Limited malls Nos. 49 and 59 will only make short stoppages at points named on the schedule. Passengers taking train 49 from Charlotte will get aboard at the B. & D. R. R. depot This train makes close connection at Greensboro for Raleigh, Goldsboro Newberhe and all points n Wilming ton & Weldon Railroad. Passenger trains No. 47 and 48 makn all local stops between Charlotte and Richmond, and be tween Greensboro, Raleigh and GoWsboro, No. 47 making connection with w. N. cl-r. at saiishur for Asheville (Sundays excepted), and also con necting at Greensboro with Salem Branch (Sun day excepted). rassenger trains Nos. 42 and 48 make all local StOPS between Charlotte and TMcrimond. Awnt Query's, Harrisburg, Cnina Grove, Holtsburg, Lin wood and Jamestown. No. 43 connects with Salem Branch at Grans- boro. X POPE, Gon. Pass, and Ticket Agent. mayI8 Richmond.Va. FLY FANS & TRAPS, BATH TUBS, SPRINKLERS, ICE CREAM FREEZERS. OIL STOVES AND THE ick Cook Stove, Fcr summtr use, just m. THE FINEST LI'-.' E ? Cook-Stoves and Sewing Machines IN THE CITY. Orders and correspondence solicited at the Hard ware Store and Sewing Machine House 9? RICHARD MOORE, ' Trade Street, Charlotte, N. C CoL C. W. Bbadsbaw, so long and favorably known In connection with the Sewing Machine business of this city and vicinity, is now with me and would be pleased to see his mends and patrons and serve them as heretofore. may24 Druggist by ExaminatioD, 0 0 H t PJ I t i u p -GO tO W. , P. MARTIN, Agent, and Successor to F. Scarr 4 Co. ' V' IDS Fresi Drugs and Pure Medicines .- r . :V.' None but the v Very Be$ Drugs do I keep in my stocfc Also, Toilet and Fancy Articles. Perfumeries, Combe Brushes, Tooth Brushes, Ac., ic , .GAEDEN-SEEDS of all the best Tarietles, 'and warranted ' . to;begood,... Physicians' prescriptions are given spec- u.i-ft -mx; ial attention. , .,, ' Hoping to receive a share of public patronage, I am, respectfully, feb8 W. P. MABVLN, igt SEASONABLE GOODS Doile ti 0 rl i ti a H a ti i

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