-- I 11 1 1 ' " w mjm " iim:i i iliiKiHi in 1 1 i i . i APPETISERiTD ''"'ATI I l,'li&RiTlT ir iceitain and efficient We? especiaUy Indigestion, Dys Sf.uiatennittent FevcM,rYant.of Appetite, Ixss of HtrenElH! Energy iiusclef, "nLf.neif life to the nerve,, it fx?ts lute cnemi on w 1?rV5I! iTI AX .imntnna toA Truth- is Fflfl2. Sold by all clrurgista. yv rite ior mw axouaing reaaine- ne tentfrt - M . i - i rz. tut it r- -j m r m I inilr t ft If 1 1 if It I i t I U I VMm I T rfI)7JJ-HcJ ) II SI. VJiluSsSldia riinnraob rallsf, bn on ths contrary, was followod by !SSSSSSl ofyonr JUO TOMQ, from which I re- WWtHtWmOU " . . I fimail that mv natural foree SriTnIiMTllnnw sni tarn rilt. , ,, i lirMTIIItlf T DR. HARTKR MEDICINE Groceries. OOTL CjOLLXOI & FOUBTH 8TS.. -Wl 8XLL- T Piedmont Patent HID- V. FLOURS. Jul Just Received and to Arrive 1 CAR LOAD A8S0BTED 3ACK3. 1LABGB LOTOP CATCH OF 1881. MOLAS8IS OLASJU jtBUP3 )IBUP3 Including a few bbls. of Kew Orleans. SUGAtt UQAB Gorm ornx ICS TAC0N ACON LARD ABD HAMS AMS CORK OBN f SiL ill SAL ETC TC . AT JNSIDX PEICEi ; J J X ' i MAYER & ROSS, lull'-' i .ii i mi i HAY1 iSOWiUM ETO&ZT fOB -THX spring ana summer iraae MOST GCMPIiETE -6T0CX or- vtbTV viT tnrvDT wmrxnoone, KOTIUKS For Ladles and ChXldrBn-- i .' have ever had the pleasure ;of sluwl&g We KIT PABA8OL8, TBIianNGS. . . : , MXCKWXAB,- -leasorrtatheFjM'- HATS OR BONNETS YOITTTHX BXAB AND POCKZT Of XVXBf LADT, MI38 AND Cmjj , : -. . tor Pattern Bate and Bohnet'wUl be open HONOAfaAPRlMth. M examtnatloa t nt stock ll convince any lady that w stand bend ru strlcs and Itotlie store to wait on ber fnenda .. andeastoBsera. - 'teeL'VJlM would be pleased to see his friends and 1 mywa,nlnrl mi WHOLESALE GROCERS GENUINE F. F If 1 ! t AhA anVfcidh f-l f -tOJTJIs 8TjOCX OWt' vmtototmd rerommeTidec -it enncncs ine mooa, Btrengtnens a u u iwa, u GAL, CO., Baltimore, MtL iBiiiiirito antaFUol- . -a t. with doable tha hh. With ths tranquil nerve x , atwh, rmor unmnn uauwt " CO., 10. SIS NOITH HAH STRUT, Eecover their Yttatttr by uunuluK a uuurse of Hos teller's Stomach BUters. the most popular invlgo rant and alteratlTe medicine In use. General de bility, feTex and aeue, drspepsla, constipation. rnenmansroL ana otner maiaaies are completely remored by it Ask those who have used it what It has done for them. ror sale or all Druggists ana Dealers generally. Juiyi - MiFOfiD'S Only Vegetable Compound that acts directly upon Eiver, and cures Liver Complaints, Jaun dice, Biliousness, Malaria, Cos tiveness, Headache. It assists di gestion, strengthens the system, regulatesthe bowels, purifies the blood. A Book sent free. Dr. Sanford, 162 Broadway, N. Y. Janil8 deod, eovsD." 4M D WON Becsnsc lfttaji the; l4tj:8 laWIYtLS Slid JUSSKTS ia giHrtlio." Beoarua it flwas1JMytemMt poison ous hTimoxa tbt 4reJr38 ta"Ki4ney AadTTrl nazy Dlngnir(TrtHwiBnea, Jttddipef OoEati. jpation. Piles ar'Ja SUenmatism; Weinaagla, Nervous Disovdara od Complaints. ' Eagne B. Srt, ot Juneion'Citf,-Kansas, M Ajuusy-Yrwrf oarao aim alter regular aicianj hxd beva trying ior four y eaxs. ' Mr. John ArtUll, ot 'Wasrilngrton, OWo," pays her boy was giren trp to die by (oP prdmtoent physicians and that he was afterwards cured by M. KB, Goodwin, an editor in Chardon, Ohio? says he was not expected to lire, being bloated peyohd belief, but Sidney-Wort cored him. Anna X farrett of South Salem, N. Y.,syS na.i svran years sunering rrom icianey b seren years suffering from troubles and other eotoplteaions was ended by the use ot A-ioner- rr ors. T-ff f John B.Tjiwrence of Jackson, Tonn., enffered (or years from lirer and kidney troubles and ner uicibz - - dottbis .01 otner jadney-Wort made him well. . Iliehael Goto of Hontgomery Center, sooerea eigne years witn kidney difficulty and Iras unable to work. Kidnoy-Wort made him t wallas erer." ! PERMANENTLY CURES I KIDNEY DISEASES, LIVER COMPLAINTS. H Constipation and PUes. npui up in vry TartUDM Fans in tueana, one package of which makes six quarts of medieiBa. Also in Xlqnid Fens, rery Oea eeatrated, w those- tin cannot wadily pre Pawifc.'. ,;- v: i.- i.Oi;... fii ,; n 1 tntaeUvitX tqud SleUmct in tithtr form GEXit AXTHBjRTJacasTs. !rBieK,.i.oe IWELLS. RICHABDSO AC.. Prow's. " " ., " ' . -r trf Z. B. Vahcs. : VANCE & BAILEY, Attorneyi and ConnBellorg ..''.'.! : : CHABLOITX, N. C. Practice In Snpreme Cedrt of tb United States; supreme uourt or norm uarouna, reaerai : f Courts, and counties of Mecklen : bnrg, Cabarrus, Union, Gas ton, Bowan and D- - 1 vtdson. ' ' W Office, two doors east of tndependenee oquare. mayzu-'-u RO, D. GRAHAM, IV the atate and United states CouffeT CoUea- X Bene, Home and Foreign, 8o! idled, ao- tzaeta ot tsm, sarreya, oc, furnished, for oora nenaatWo. -u j. !.0 jOrwum t-K. X. Carnec Trade & Tryen streets' MOUNTAIN. SOME FOR': SiLB i AT HaNDEESQ&TXLLE, N. C. f RS. TAYLOR'S OARMKO-HOCSB, eorrer jk-i-s. suuo ana uepw 8ireei.iDaer3onTUie. k.c, Is offered for sale to a bona Ode pBreMseton very favorable terms T be house Is pleasantly and.as nine- teeaeaoius: &n Laonine ' .ft-A. nTsnea;jrorne the piano in the eookinratotrffM parlwi ov ttwlUeeoM Sirosseasion give AdrWssa.w'Hn? j 1111 -o. ? m "n libr ailiawsesreqnir I i JT, UIM Mi! f S S Dr.S n P mm UnatecL erafinntet Bunedlateiri ll.'.:BSWAl H. 3T. ' 1 , " ' --uenaerBenrll Utygttlwy a i ,1 nan fin 1 By a Plausible. Scoundrel, who Addi natrlmonr aw a Cloak to otnea Crimea A Sad Sequel to A nicb mend Bonlance" The Boajua Adver tiser for a Gorernosw Hie Xjettersi ol Social and Financial Recommend dation Atrocious Forjjferlee Detec tlwee on Bis TrackIIie Escape to Canada l?reta.lile-.E!r.,Ktf Blchmond rispatch. . It is a subject of recrret to the writer! of this record of a most diabolical crimej that events have so transpired that; ublic mention must, be jnade or,me i one iiiponiona s rest diutrhtera. Tbe rrafive nas suffered all that mortal is capable of, and the pub lication of the subtle means by which a fiend has withered the life of a beau tiful and innocent character will give it the only .slender eafthly isolation that remains the sympathy of the en tire community while it will furnish to the uususpecting an example to keep them on their guard against adventur ous impostors. A Richmond young lady has been foully ;btrayed intermarriage with a wretch in;the shape bf a tnah, who" un der lying pretences and forged papers of reference and introduction has made her his wife simply to gain position whereby he negotiated a draft for $800. To think of an innocent, confiding girl sacrificed by a tierr&n x fcarAmbn is a thought as incomprehensible 3s it is appalling. Why a Cannibal may slay his fellowman to feast upon his carcass, or why a savage might kill an enemy from a spirit of revenge or hatred, or a semi-savage take a human iifffto fdft it of great 'Wealth, are considerations that can be readily nnderstood. But for a man, to all purposes seemingly intelli gent, to sacrifice a noble and heroic girl solely for the comparatively insignifi cant sum of $800 is so horribly atrocious that reason must single it out as noth ing less than the machination of an infernal one. To eive an intelligent and connected history, of the manner, in, which the betrayal ,was accomplished it ; will be well to reproduce an article which ap peared in the Dispatch of the 23d in stant, of which the present sad story and recent startline revelation is the seauel. It is the following truthful narration of " . . . ; A 3UCHM0NT ROMANCE A WESTERN WIDOWER IN SEEKING A GOVERNESS SECURES A CHARMING WIFE IN THIS CITY. In works of fiction we.read of ro mances, and generally discount tnem as overdrawn pictures of real life ; yet there is scarcely a community that does not furnish from time to time ro mantic incidents which are as remark able as any that ever emanated from the imagination of the novel-writer. The events which led to a recent mar riage in this city. is a casein point. About two weexs ago a young la dy who had always moved in , the best circles or. Kicnmond, VaT, society chanced to - read " in the - Hartford Chtirehman an advertisement in which a widower in Ohio?wished to secure the services of a governess to take charge of his little girl. Being depen dent upon her mother, a widow in moderate circumstances, the young wo man, who is a very pretty blonde, de termined to make . application tor the position with the hope of assisting her moiner. Accoraineiy sue visiteu uer pastor, a well known clergyman of Richmond, and also a distinguished iu rist, and obtained from them letters of recommendation, which Bhe iorwaraea to the widower with her application The high character of the gentlemen, S3 well as the cordial manner in which thev expressed their indorsement of the young lady s capaDiniies ana Deau ties of character, had such weight with the widower that he went on to Rich mond, (Satisfied he would find the lady he desired. He called upon her, had several satisfactory interviews indeed they wefcs satisfactory tei stich-sardetcetj that upon- tn& gentiemans ? departure for the North in the early part of last week the aforementioned clergyman waa astonished to receive a note from him announcing that he would not take the lady recommended forgover ness, but desired to secure his services in making her his wife. In a few days thereafter he returned to Richmond, and the would-he governess was mar ried to the gentleman rrom umo on Wednesday afternoon at 4 o'clock. The ceremony was quietly performed by the clergyman who had been in part instrumental in bringing the pair to gether, only the immediate family and one or two friends being present. The groom is about fifty-five years of 3ge, a gentleman of means and fine appearance. As a wedding gift he set tled upon his newly made bride the sum of $30,000. j The bride, it may stated, is highly connected,-and is a cousin of one of the jnost noted and fascinating belles that Richmond has known in this genera tion. - f l 1 .. if. - The bridal party left on the 5 p. m. train the same day for Niagara and an extended tour through the JNorth and West, and in the fall will sail for Eu rope, where they will permanently reside. HOW HE ESTABLISHED. CONFIDENCE sThis unfortunate marriage was be Ueved by the friends of the bride to be a . most happy one, and her new hus band was treated with every mark of respect and,hcspitality bj her relatives. Hu numerous tod Well-written letters Of introduction upon the letter-heading of prominent men in the North and .west, and the cleverness with which An nis dealings and advances were made, left not the slightest room for ftuspision, and the greatest evidence of connaence was placed in him when he was congratulated bythe friends of the newly-made bride. He was introduced at the First National Bank, where he presented letters of credit that , gained for mm reaay recognition as a respon sible man, ana a draft upon a large banking-house of Chicago secured for him the ready cash for the immediate wants of a person of his represented importance, iff i The f ollowmg, tapped f rein? a wee jOiiroaVthiscjfe of date; 23d foil J! serves to show how perfectly blinded was the community to the real character or we accompusnea gcoanarej whose villainy 10 nere maae pudiuj; !At the residence of the bride's moth eikWednesday evening:, Miss . KvM ! married to Mr, Thomas Marvin The; ceremony was very quietly con- UlWkCU. JxU. JXLaTTxU 19 r- Vil LlUian PF Lt.lL 1 1 L 1 11" , uuui, uy uuupuua a n lsconsomap, but for the last fifteen years has resided in Paris. He Is a gentleman of large fortune, and the bride is universally oeiovea oy an wno Know her.' Jifevent, and no latelKgerie5eTfroei tie maai paltry wiiixmriw fall herei of the S.00 draft with advices frora Chicago that it wa ji DaJpabhs forgery, and the norribja "cpvifkon was forced upon her. friends that their loved one had been(thei!yietim of a vila tmtfQsition. The gentlemen purporting tfotroduce Marvin were immediately ieleigraphed to, and while the name of fiaaav werfironndnto dra fictitious, the Tictm of this M wbin wiBtclHiaforgerlBS:TT ,The Jurat i intelligence from the. un happy, girl was a telegram rrom Dion, in- which she ina aired if thef atal aciBident tovher mother Jn; lem Va;i reported in a -li oribern paper-Was true. BcMUwould seem Marvin had carried ner to tumpiaqe, vw,eri;10'' uui,eu practice his forgery game upon wealthy friends of his victim, and ;that in order to get rid of her the demon, had manu factured and nad published the story of the accident tot her mother, .tninKing she Would immediately return homes and he .make his desertion of her more easy? .. .f..i--ti . .... When the terrible reality rorceo lcseiii upon her friends .here, a lady Of ; the; family srted rAt lOnceJto 301a anaue-. frierd the unfortunate ppe in Jberifear ful; position. On ".the folio wmg . day Wedhesdaf last, a "gentleman relative, having gained sufiicient information to act? intelligibly,: started on the -Same mission. . . .;,, a :, ;I The, first intelligence of , their where- ed trpm the telegram of ; inquiry., about the" accident; and the bank ofilcers.who hd already set detectives to work upon the Case, telegraphed' to Albion to have Marvin .arrested.; The: answer, came back that there were two of mem, ano desiring to know which one was want? e'dl Reports have come from time to time that the oncers were on the track; of the scoundrel, but it ia now. thought he has made good his escape toGanadai The unfortunate lady was found in AJbion by her friends, and a letter re ceived from her yesterday states that she is returning with them home. Her anguish may be better imagined than, described, and in order to avoid all puL- licity she will consent only to travel at" night. She is expected to reach this city this evening, ; HER SELF-SACRIFICE. It may be asked was this sudden and fatal alliance the result of affection or an insane desire for wealth,1 and it is only just to this unfortunate lady, Who has the deep sympathy . of this commu. nity, to state emphatically that it was for neither. She heroically sacrificed herself solely with the hope of bringing relief to her widowed mother, whose mind was becoming seriously affected, by the sting of poverty and a trifling burden of obligation which preyed upon her While on the one hand the apprehension1 and summary punishs ment of the dastardly villain must oe desired by all, ft is a serious question whether his victim, who has suffered so much, should be further subjected to the tortures of a public trial. Shortly after the marriage a northern paper contained an account of an es caped lunatic there, whose mania was the employment of governesses. If Marvin be the lunatic, it adds another remarkable chapter to this startling episode in real life. STATE ITEMS. Tarboro Southerner: A. P. Chalk, Esq., formerly from Richmond, and wno ior a long time merchandised at Rocky Mount, fell dead from bis chair while discussing the prohibition ques tion with his brother-in-law on Tues day evening, right in the middle of a sentence.- The extensive saw and grist mills, owned by Judge Howard and run oy Howard as uammon, were burned Tuesday night. The grist mill is known as the Robert Norfleet mill and was recently purchased by Judge Howard, who added a saw mill and put the whole property in the best condi tion ot repair. j.ue uiiiia were me finest in the county, and were working up to their fullest capacity The con tract for the lumber to be used by the Edgecombe Agricultural and Mechani cal Fair Association had been taken by these mills, and we fear, some delay may result in putting forward the fair buildings. Universal are the regrets expressed on account of the destruction of this valuable property, not the least of the regrets being that it was entire ly uninsured. The loss is estimated at $8,000. Judge Howard, with, his accus tomed energy, will, of course, re-establish the mills right away, though per haps not in so fine a form. Raleigh News and Observer ; Alonzo a son of J. C. S. Lumsden, Esq., is the sufferer from a painful in j ury. He was standing with one foot on a fence and the other on a piece of timber, which slipped and he was thrown upon the fence. One of the sharp-pointed pick ets ran into the biceps muscle of his arm, literally tearing a large portion of it out. The wound is a particularly Eainful one and quite serious. Mr. . C. Bynum, who has for many years been, a resident of this city, has been for some Weeks sick with typhoid fever, at his boarding house on Hillsboro street. He was thought to be recover ing, but on Wednesday night he took a turn for the worse, and early yesterday morning died. He was a native of Chatham county, and there, as well -as here, was held in high esteem for his good qualities. Forty breech-load ing rifles and equipments were yester day sent to the "Duplin Rifles," the new company at Kenansville. The follow ing are the officers of the company Captain. James G. Kenan ; 1st Lieuten anLWm.H. Williams; 2d Lieutenants, N. W. ifaison, James u. cooper. Wilmington Review: Yesterday morn ing a couple or young men who were engaged in diving for whatever they could hnd at the wnarr or the New York steamship, succeeded in, bringing to the surface a very large bomb shell with fuse and cap attached. They tried to dispose of it at the junk store, but were warned not to carry that infernal machine near the . store. They soon fcrund they had an elephant on , their hands and carried it to the edge of the wharf and dropped it back into the river. .5 fx O r y - . . ' : RochanctiaTrf Spirit of the South Three colored prisoners confined in our county jail Elijah Gainer, William Pryor and Sam McKay the first. charged with horse stealing and the other twowltjif larceny broke jail at this place lask Wednesday night, and made good their escape. But Sam. Mc Kay returned' and gave himself up to the jailer a few hours afterwards, nay ing changedhls mind. , Eayettevifleojimifncr. A sufficient sum of money has, been raised to put tuo gictueu wwoi on a sure -iuuuuu- "on. BBOpgpi! : :i a DowxtiaiewnaB "J ? Harlns passed several Btaenlem merits, disturb ed by the agonies and crien at a suffering ehild; and beconitag convlneBd that Mrs. Winslow's gotfMnf. Syrup was. Just the article needed, pro cured a supply Ior he child. On reaching home ana arauaiQang ms wile vnth what fie naa aone, tha refused to Save it adialnistered to the ehUd, as "she was- strongly la . favor of Homoeopathy. That blent the curd passed in suffering, and the parents without sleeps Returning home the; day xoUowmgrfbelather fqimd , tho .baby still worse; and whila eoitenliAatinst. another aleeoless nisht. te mother atepr rp' Iba room to attend-to soma dprae8U? duties, pod left the father with the child. JJuruuz her. esboe he redapor and said Hon of thja 8attaiBgi noQilns. . .Taauiiebt IiandBfileptwell, Land the little fellow awoke h e moxnlng bright and naa oy. TheiWheiyea, with tha jndden sjoa wonaerriyci Ithongh at first offend-' d at the 4 nun mat. naa ctm- una uea to use tne snun.and anaerins cmna bauea and resUess nkhia disappeared, A single trial of thafiyrap-never" ret fafled to relieve the baby, and overcome the prejudices of the mothec. cora oy au wroggisis. a& ceuta a Dotue. fD. C. the Na- Biura thn L,.nrilir Go's inlcated Kxtraetof WUi.k BassI 4m 4nvalnabla' uures puesfsait rnerqiweataruwr pamiui- penoasv yheuaatianvr eolda,: eadtniurilgia. Beware s weapcouruenelts. Tha-Xiebig Company offers w,cheapaprisjrItoffleis cnryihrgitst prepara- nojSjfenest rfeei.I L CiCiULi I. Uv1 twq ?n rvrcents and dollar sire. - A 1 SO bOK Of fRmffh on Rata" mttY k(ntt hABM free from rue, mesquitoa, cati and mice: the v rxJB, TULIO a TXBDI2 of f Washlneton. the eelebrated anthor. oonnnlasioneriof uonai Board of Health. c.tA.. 1 t An eccentric old gentleman in Lin- colnshlre,; is. re is stated. ' so hrmiv ; convinced or the .approaching end of the worldi that ue uoa uruerea an -- immeuseutwuui 4.0 be; .madd ;tcr nisown'conyenieijqeby means' of Which he hones to witness the destruction of th6 blanet without sbar? ingthCf fate of its inhabitants. ti He will tate with him in, his ascent tinned pro visions, brandy, soda-water claret and other creature comforts in sufficient quantities' to meet his reauirementsfor three years, by which time he calculates bis life Will have come to a natural elose.' " He is" of opinion that among the) debris' of the world will be sev eral largo, fragments, on one of Which he will be aoieto eneci a descent at an opportune moment ahd find a refuge for his, f ew remaining years. V He proposes to take wilu mm no companion out a game keeper, who . has been long in hi3 ser vice and' for whom "he has a great re- f ard. He has, however, warned this aithful retainer, who is only fifty-two years old, that when the provisions in the balloon are exhausted he will have to shift for himself, and may, therefore, in three years' time be without means Of subsistence. Having made these ar rangements, the old gentleman is per fectly calm, , and indeed, cheerful. He expects! 'he declares, to get on better without the World than Avith it. THE SUPREMACY in flarc t of Hiib Punch' with hot or cold water, milk, etc:, is a fact generally ad mitted by connoisseur. Taken hot it wiU dissi pate chills and colds. . Sold by all Grocers, Wine Merchants and Drug gists. .. . Trade supplied nt manufacturers prices by Wil son & Burne',!, Wholesale and Retail Druggiste, Trada street, Ch.irlotte. N. C. glzxo .3. tlt crtisemrutB. FOB RHEUM Neuralgia, Sciatica, Lumbaqo, Backache, Soreness of the Chest, Gout, Quins, Sore Throat, Swell ings and Sprains, Burns and Scalds, General Bodily Pains, Tooth, Ear and Headache, Frosted Feet and Ears, and all ether Pains and Aches. No Prepuration on earth equals St. Jacobs Ort as a safe, sure, sitriplG and cheap External Remedy. A trial entails but the comparatively trifling ontlay of 50 Cents, and every one suffering with pain can have cheap and positive proof of its claims. Directions in Eleven Languages. BOLD BY ALL DBTJGGISTS AITD DEALEE3 nr MEDICINE. A. VOGEIiER & CO., Baltimore, Md., U, 8. A dec80d&wly 3 ftiTi'rilill'lW,lflirll'T AN OPEN AMONG THE LADIES The brilliant, fascinating tints of Complexion for which ladies strive are chiefly, arti ficial, and all who will take the trouble may secure them. These roseate, bewitching hnes follow the use of Hagan's Mag nolia Balm a delicate, harm less and always reliable article. Sold by all druggists. The Magnolia Balm conceals every blemish, remoyes Sal lowness, Tan, Redness, Erup tions, all evidences of excite ment and eyery imperfection. - Its effects are immediate and so natural that no human being canjdetect its application,-" Jan. 22 raints At this eeason, various diseases of the bowels are prevalent, and many lives art lost through lack of knowledge of a safe . and 'sure remedy. Perky Daves' Palm K-TTJiTiB is a sure cure for Diarrhoea, Dys entery, Cholera, Cholera Morbus, Summer Complain etc., and is perfectly safe. Bead the following : . BiSifMiDGB, K. March h, ISSil. . PEBKT DAVis' Pain Ktt.t.tiw never fail to afford inttaut relief for onuup aud pain tn the. etomacb. - Joseph BrarjiTT. ' J NlCHOtVTXTJB, N. Y.7Feb. 9, 1881.'' The very ottf mediaine I know of lot dysentery, cholera morbus, and or amps In the Btomach. Hava usad it tor years, and it ia ture cur every time. " : MonraowA, IowAh 13, 1 T I have need your Patx Kilijsb in severe cases of Sataul wUel11'' c"'era EaorbuaAnd it gave almost , . ' CAHKT5SVTI.I.E, Ga., Fett SB. 188L , ot twenty years I have used your Pain Ktllkh in my family. Have used it many Hmee for bowel -complaints, and ttalioayi cure. Would not feel saf a without a bottle in the house. , J. B. Ivra, f : Saco, Ms.,9an. 83, 188L Have risedPERBT Davis' Pain KrEafor twelve .years. - It is eafe, eur; and reliable. No mffthr ' iahould aUow ittobeoul of the family. . r H. T. Natbs. ' , OkbtdI ,N.Y.,Feb. lft, I88t " we began nan? it over thirty years ago, and it always jnves immediate relief. Would hardly dare to go I9 Jjd without a botUe in the house.- - - . : Cotwatbobo, 8. GrRib? 8 ' " Noariy every iamalym this section keepsabottte inthehouse. . Da. E. MoaxoN. , U. B. UOWSTrtATE,- from vears )resenco ia mv 1 wle neeeenly. : -Potteu, TJ. ft. (VmnnL . 4 Uu.r pn-on-Xbknt, Enq. elief. 1X1NDON, isq r Drains arBstdenoBotf twentv-three-VBarslnTni 4 t hy given it in. many cases of dlajrhosa, dysen tery. wJLcholeta: and seve knew 1$ to fail to giva a wnu.7 ,eaq saifiij, oe witnoot this JnTalnW exfledyf. Its price brings U and $i:wWrleF f'1Wi t-li- r 4 ...ii JnlrMdjolatig., 1 tlll in IM. .t1 lul i sxor ffifcH AfifW nt after aiua. mmmm ATISM. f Summep Compl tne ilay it was introduced, and ppseryatipn and uso I regard its 1 &ouseao:a an xnaispenst AiHtij. pa oeen eoverai aays snfferrngBeveiely fipm 1 .1 cuarrnceB, aoooiarianiea wita intense pun, wnen 4 I ' ' tried xaur 'Px-nt K if.TMSn; unfl Irfrmrl .lmno Inaf irit KENT -5 INS,1!? stops. 5 Set Oold- -ItenaTie reeds, only S85. Ad- beuii to MOORE'S vForfilttatmaadGlrerdar! AllwsujaButtneas leal wvtm.ii 1 . 1 1 n fheapatrty indiranublato tansry . -ItDfln JfTSBelt Wln,n nlwiu.j . full gilMOO pj.oontain twaatif ai ' tael. ntfravincs. I3S nnuo. Uedf olnnohskBoatcta iMifliM ITCHING AND SCALY DISEASES, " ' --- : - :, -i r : "' ' - ; HTJMOSS OF.THR SCALP AND , SKIN PEBMA MENT1.YCIJBKD. . ' Cutlcnra remedies are for sale by all druggists. Price of CnQcura, a medicinal. Jelly, small boxes, 50c: large boies,- S1-' Cuticura Resolvent, the new Bloodf Purifler, 81 per bottle. Cutlcnra Medi cinal Toilet Soap, 26c., Cutieara Medicinal Sh&v rng Soap, 1 5c: In bars for barbers and large coot sumers, 50c.' Principal depot. - . : if; WEEKS & POTTES, Boston, MJWS; ? tAll mailed free on receipt of price. -' ' 1 1u1t12,4w ; .... , ; ,IL HAVEjYOU tVER KNOWN : Any! peraon to be' serioasly m wlthotit a weak'stCK' roach or inactive . liver ' or idneys ? And when these organs are In good condition do yoa hot flnd their possessor.enjoylng good health?. PAHKEa'a GINGER TONIC always regulateshese important organs, and never falls to- niaica the blood rich and pure, and to strengthen every part of tuo sys tem. It has cured hundreds ol despairing inval ids. Ask your neighbor about it. iulyl2,4w "UVIL, MECHANICAL AND r MINTNG 1!NGT- j MfiifiKiNU at. the RKMSSHI.ARH Prtl.V- TECHNIC INST1 TOTE troy, N. Y. The oidtet engineering school to America. Next term begins September 15th. The register for 1880-81 oon tains a list of the graduates lor the past 54 years,' with their positions; also, ceurse of study, require ment, expenses, etc. v Address Junl4 6w ' DAVID M. GREENE. Director. ' ptiscjclIatxJcaAts. GRAND RECREATION TOUR -BY Rail, Lake, River and Sound ! A Most Eomantio Trip of Ton Days Old Point Comfort, fortress Monroe, Boston, Port land, White Mountains, Lake Sebago, up the Songo the crookedest of rivers, and Long Lake, Newport, Rhode Island, and Long Island Sound. LEAVING BALTIMORE THURSDAY, AUG. 4, At 4 p. m., by the steamer " " "Wh. CRANE," of the Boston Steamship, Line. of Whieh covers all necessary travelling expenses, such as hotel accommodations, meals and state room on ocean steamers, transfers by coach of persons and baggage in fact all needed expenses froraBaitlmore back to Baltimore, r W Tickets good for 60 days td return from Boston. Round trip tickets from Charlotte to Old Point Comfort can be bought for $1 8.55, Tor tickets and special lnfonnation apply to 4 , in S. J. ferry; lulyl2 , ; Charlotte, N. C. Cures that Most Loathsome Disease Whether In its Primary, secondary, or tertiary staga. .Removes all traces ot mercury from the system. Cures scrofula, old sores, rheumatism, eczema, catarrh, or any blood disease. CURES WHEN HOT SPRINGS FAIL; . . Malvern, Ark., May 2; 1881 . ' we have cases In out town who lived at Hot Springs and were finally cured with S. S. 8. - ' , ; . MCCAUMOS & MUKRT. Memphis. Tenri., May 12, 1881. We have sold 1,298 bottles of S. & a in a year. It has given universal satisfaction. Fair minded physicians now recommended it as a positive spe cific ; ' - 8. Maksfikld & Co. Dallas, Texas, May 14, 1881. . I have seen S. 8. 8. used in the primary; secon dary, and tertiary stages, and In each with the most wonderful effect, - 1 have seen It stop the hair falling out In a very short time. I advise all sufferers to take it and be cured. , . . ' . r W. H. Pattbssoh, Dmggigt; , Washington, D. CL, Maj a! 1881' a S. S, has given better saUsfacUon Chaii.any medicine we have ever sold. '8CHiaiSTEVEK3DrUgti;'.' w Denver, Colorado, May 2; 1881;?' a puif naser 8Peaka to the highest terms of S.S.S. , . , ,. ,t l, MEI3SSXKB. 1 ; ; '"' Richmond, Virginia; May li, 18 1. ' Yon can : refer anybody to , us in regard to "the merltsijf . S. $. Polk, Mtllbb &,Ca . ' i -! PejrywGa.,Octobeivl880i ; . We have known; SwUt's S. Specifio nsed in a "great number of cases, many of them old and ob stinate, and hate never known, or heard of a fan- ore to make a permanent cure - when taken prop erly. : ,r,- :,,i . : V,l . H. iu Denwabd, . ... Eu WApmr. 'Ji W. D. NOTTTNGHAH, WM. BBUNSOH,' ' Moons & Tunus, (. T. M. Botsxb, Sheriff. I am acquainted with the -gentlemen whose sig JSSS SRS2S!? 21 to? ; They .are men. wi aaaaj, vuii(KKii uaa HuyHuny, , w. of Georgia. :'j'; 1 -Jivifs no.mcamvo. n Uvououbtj wj- WiU And, pn analysis of j 0O bottles ot as.i. Mineral aabstance: SwYFTSPEClFTti cb aU Z-J ''r1 a 'Prietors;'Allanta.iGil 1 V'oXfltrSS MuwrmajAOM wrilp Tr 1 i 111 . ; m pn 1 ui 1 in - r fiSi--J)i -9 Hj ,Wi :1 1. Beware btlmrratiW Beware :bf fmilliotM?'jijriniiVAl.' eompanled with oat "Honest 7 eronMft&X ical Inststote or Dti WTh?i Price Wet Only lloSnilo t This Great Specific SYPHILIS , Hear the Witnesses. . i?ouwiJ?,me l we gore i yon;! op chatte eharacter.-.' ;!i?Srljff jaOtT. TnlffiffiKliTte a 4 j ":f-wsrvl -eptaJMiM .Ki.-'I 1 -AND LOOK HAT HIS f'V. ... -T .. -ret---. I - ' V-'': - ALL OF WHICH HE SELLS, LOW- FO It CAS II. All Goods Warranted as Rep resented, both in Weight and Quality, WATCriiUSSESiO CENTS EACH. dec! 5 ' TRAINS 60INQ NOHTH. Dato,May 15 '81 No. 47 Dally No. 49 Daily No. 43, Dally Lv. Charlotte, ' AL. Depot " " Junc't " Salisbury, Arr.Greensbbro , Lv. Greensboro Arr.Ralelgh Lv. Arr. Goldsboro Lv. Greensboro for Richmond Lv. Danville " N. Danville " Barksdale " Drak'sBr'ch " Jetersville Arr. Tomahawk Arr. Belle Isle Lv. " Arr.Manchester Arr. Rlehmond. 4.05 ami 0.15 AM 6.20 AM 4.15 rm 4". 80 pi r.07 PM 7.67 pm 8.18 pm 411 AM 5.56 am 8.08 AM 8.25 am 1.40 pm 145 FM 4.00 PM 7.50 AM 9.80 J 9.50 i for Rich m'nd only 8.25 PM 10.2t am 11.31 AM 10.27 i 11.83 i 1058 am 12 37 pm 2.24 pm J2.01 pm 1.20 PM 2.55 pm 8.51 pm , 4.28 PM 4.85 pm a20 pm 4.05 PM 4.10 pm 4.18 pm 4.88 PM 4.4 AM 4.1 PM 7.28 am trains doxero booth. Date,Mayl5'80 No. 42 Daily.. No. 48 Dally. No. 50 Daily Lv. Richmond " BurkevUle ' Art. N- Danville Lv. " " Danville Arr, Greensboro Lv. u Salisbury 10.45 pm 12.00 M 2.25 2.48 PM 7.00 AM 6.05 PM 7.25 6.18 PM 7.27 am 9.26 9.81 &17 PM 8.87 PM 11.16 AM 12.45 pm 1U.BH PM Arr. A L. Junction 12.15 am 12-20 am " Charlotte Lv. Richmond ' " Jetersville " Drak'a Br'cli " Barksdale " Danville " Benaja ' Greensboro " Salisbury ' Arr. A-L. Junction Lv. " Arr. Charlotte' 1.00 pmJ 2.55 pm 441 PM 6.07 PM 7.25 pm 7.51 pm 8.55 pm 9.27 pm 11.05 1PM 12.26 AM 12.90 Am SAUXBSAHCa. NO. 48-Daily, except Sunday,, Leave 'GreensboroV.;..! ... ..;'.....'..,.'..' a4ft.PM Arrive Salem .'. 1 1.4a pm NO. 47 Daily, except Sunday. Leave Salem 7.80 ah Arrives Greensboro. . . . . . . . . . . m . ..... 9.00 am Na42 laily, except Sonday. ,s ; Leave Greensboro ...,10.00 am Arrtves Salem...... 11.80 am NO. 43 Daily. Leave Salem... .,...V......'..,.... 5.80 pm Arrive Greensboro...,....;........;... 70 pm Limited mails Noe. A 8 and 50 will only make abort stoppages at points, named on the schedule. Passengers taking train' 49 from Charlotte will get aboard at theR. A D. R. R. depot This train makes elose connection at Greensboro for Raleigh, tioldsboro Newberne and all points on Wilming ton 4 Weldon Railroad. u Passenger- trains Ner4T and 48 make all local stops between Charlotte and Richmond, and be tween Greensboro, Raleigh and Goldsboro, Not 47 rnaklng connection with W, N. & B. at Salisbury for Ashevliie (Sundays excepted), and also con necting at Greensboro with' Salem Branch (Sun day excepted). r.;v ! .. , rTBAsengef ttaina Nos. 42 and 43 make all local StOTlS between Cruirlntfi. uul Tln1,mV,n1 avAorit QueryHarTisbnrg, Cnlna.Grove, Holtsburg, Lln- wvuu ouu tiiuaesunnL o- ' - NO. 43 OOnnPCta With flalpm Ttvtnui at n Maria. bore. 1 . ' Q" A. POPE," - Gen. Paa. and Tlclret Agent, mayis j - u ;. Klchmnd,Ya. H6001 FLY FANS & TRAPS, BATH TUBS, SPRINKLERS, ICE CREAM FREEZERS. OIL STOCKS For imrjuner use. Just in. TEE FINEST LIN E OF .. Cook-Stoves and Sewiflg Machiues in the crrt. Orders and correapondenceJ(oUclteaatLheHard . ware Store and Sewing Machine House of 1 Trade street, Cnarlotte,K. tVi ! ' B -V "-aTiOV a MAX Known in eennecaon-wtth- the Bewlnr Machine busiaesa of tUa lt: and vicinity, is rjwwttme Sl-?-iLiendt , nod on ili-v.-i:..! ff. P.' --Go.tti and Successor to F. Bcarr ACo. JOB ok alltha best varfetterf, wiuxaa4 tlj moil YlWtoiA geodit ikTTs- si dans' sreaerintlans are cven sneo- ti'ku ' l-tv attfinrirrrt -' - - tHomnc tdneetmMlsftisablls rEnage,ani,repectfullyCf1v ni -i ewe u&oiTalr adcottoc Kst-H rL.W."; which will be tormd ( bCad of efVbo,1 U Ho, EWt rwwl -.w . t 22lt IO.L.OfiinKAp . I pfacfared oply. br SjmnRx .tJ is... L .) .1,. : . .:..t uj 1c ' fci7 -vHlyi-j-ifi jrr",MJt:rv tcx xeoe f. v mJLABYmr4fl. 1 5 "1