lt1a sitid thrTua(mii?V 000 ft day. jEtiUZTa4.ii.ii ,S4.a J ami r Gen Biittar fll &t ri forGovernor of MMsachWetft tbii year some other Gorbai,lI,StUrf2LIs pins for1, the vacant secretarythip of the United StatesSeiiate. There are lOOfiOO lunatics in France, 40,000 in the public asylums and 60,000 in priyate asylums. The question at Washington now is, who will succeed CoLBurch as secretary of the Senate. There are 40,000 brewers in Europe which turn out annually 50000,000 gallons of beer, &c .,, .. . - ; .'" v-v The wheat and corn crop of Iowa will not arerage more than twfltobirds We thought Noah was dead, but he isn't He is a deputy United States revenue collector in South Carolina. Astronomers have their comets to at tend to now. If Warner does not go out of the reward business his liver pads won't save him. It cost New York $150,000 to lay ou Conkling and Me Too. In considera tion for which she got Lapham and Fulp Miller. From the way O. Donovan Rossa is ngunnrtn the newspapers our oninion is that he is somewhat of a long eared animal. ; -m ; The gauge of the Chicago, St. Louis ana .New Orleans Railroad was chang ed last Friday, a distance of 650 miles within twenty-four hours. A heavy thunder storm visited Car bondale, Pa, last Friday, killing two or three people, Injuring several and do ing much damage to property. Won't Boscoe shake that curl when he reads a late article in the London Times on "Horace Conk ling, the late Senator from New York. Baltimore is humping herself for a big Mardi Chras in October. Bather out of season, but October is as good as any other time for that kind of a frolic. Old man Burnside, the New Orleans millionaire, didn't . know he had any relatives. Bat there is a little army of them marching right along to fight over these five or six millions of "filthy lucre. urain shipped from the West to Europe by way of the MississiDDi. dur ing the recent warm weather, arrived ail right. It was feared it might possl bly heat and be spoiled on the way.' SusetteXaFlesche, the Ponca "Bright Eyes," didn't make much when she married the white lawyer Tibbies. We don't see why in a country where there are so many names to choose front she should want to marry a man named xiODies. ine (iaiveston Newt av tw if Billy the Kid, wh6 was recently shot, nas any mends, they are more interest ed in Knowing where he has gone to than where he came from. Everyone knows where most Texans go to, and their friends never care about hunting summer time. The press ot Kentucky wants a re vision of her antiquated constitution. but the way the law prescribing how it snail oe done now stands it will take several centuries or more to do it It requires a majority not of the votes cast but of the qualified voters of the State to change it and when thA tion is submitted to the people the ma jority ox them just stay at home and let the thing die. Mri Martha A. Bracket, living 11 miles from Balnbridge,Ga, was assas sinated . Sunday bight by three men, who committed the deed for $50 paid them by a man who sought venreanea because she swore in court in his de fence when charged with a crime which would have sent him to the peri ltentiary, and afterwards said on an other trial that the swore falsely to Bare him. They shut, fss: through th window while lyingbeside her Child. 'M H T " ' Uere ifl .another,iUastration of the whirligig of time. Ed. Cox, who kill ed Bob Alston in Atlanta, has to feed, harness and take care of 60 mules in the convict camp. This is perhaps the lightest job in the camps, still it is by no means a toft one. Cox was a con- ! . mm . vict itssee nimseir, when he fell into bis present trouble, and had the man agement of a number of them. His transition from boss to convict, was tone of the most fitful freaks of fortune fcter known. '"This policy," says a circular issued J by the anU-prohibitioniats, speaking of arohilatiofl, s , opposed .tq ityt! just twlicy of the general government, namely, to pay off our enormous war debt by taxing whiskey, brandy and to- 40V " Itll Thai1. I -. www. . a ii JuajkO IOC man who drinks whiskey pay the na tional debt Whiskey is a luiurv ia 1L We thought i was ) necessity, a specif ic for sn&elbltea; &ej But it is only a .uxury after all to oav off . Hrar debt That's just what it Is and . toas been doing and the man who drinks It pays off-tome, of thenar deb. f evert time be takes a- drink. Had they net better ew; jrpte?that it is a patiftetie fluty we owe to drink whiskey and Vipe out this debt? ih fr,,.. '. DH-AWIIYG NIGH. As "the end'of the TrohIhltI6n'cam" paign draws nigh the interest in the discussion or the subject increases. There la but little. hnAvr hou opinion on as fto &ef ptpbaSe reefift' some even among te jireli-infont ad maintaining Jt ttjB State will gtf for piuuiuxuiuu, wnue otoers asserc mac n will be decidedly the other wav. Ex Gov. Holden, who is a close observer of passing events,' has recently expressed the opinion.' retv decidedly that the State Will so for orohibition. He has accurately, pat what he bases his opin ion on in this case wd are not informed. One remarkable feature of this cam oaiflrn is the interest manifested in i by the people of the mountain counties where the meetings have been numer ous and largely attended. It was thought in the outset that the measure would meet its sternest antagonists among tho white people, of the West ern districts, -- where " distilleries are nnmerrjua.'and where f rait is ahhndant. alarge quantity of which is con verted into spirits, being- the most convenient and profitable way,they though t,to mar- s:ei iw v4ut uie reverse is. true, and we find theereatest ODDoaition ; where we did notl look for. it,;Jii .ie! Eastern counties and among thexnegro voters, who- nave':; been-" ' larcreiv i inflnenned against tie cause of proliibition bv the acuon or jut.; jaou in: committing the Eepublican partyto : the anti-prohibi tion side. Whilst many .-nezroes, in fact 'nearly -all the. more intelligent of then" will 4 support ' prohibition, mo vrreaiii! wxiy -or mem will walk im thi rvVlln atViI ilrt tr Vfnft'a biddtog. 'Our opinion is, however; that many colored men, who if they voted at all would probably vote against prohi bition will remain at home and cast no vote. Personally they have but little interest in it as there are no political questions connected with it, and no one running for office whom they are' anx ious to see elected.: That is true also of the white people. This being so we in fer that the vote will be lighter than many fancy it will be, an4 the lighter the vote the better the chances we think for the prohibitionists. The anti prohibitionists while apparently confi dent of a large majority would, we think compromise on a very small one, and we on our part, would be willing to do the same thing, for we do not think the majority will be very large either way. This is all speculative, how ever; we will know more about it next Thursday night, and as it is so close, perhaps it would be as well to wait and not waste time prognosticating. Be tween now and Thursday morning there will be some pretty solid work put in. Our prayer is that God may speed the right and that the men of North Caro lina may hear and heed the earnest en treaties of their mothers, wives, sisters and sweethearts and all will be well. A spurt of patriotism struck us. It was indeed a latent spark, which kin dled and flickered until we resolved to put up a monument over the crave of Uov. Caswell, who had been dead near ly a century. Just as , soon as our pa triotism got the better of us, true to North Carolina instinct, North Caro lina policy, and the "North Carolina System. we went over to Virginia to dig up granite out of which to construct a monument in honor of the dead Cas well, when there were millions of tons of as good or better granite in this State. Richmond mechanics, too. were employed to do the chiseling, and get ting the monument into shape. That's the way our fathers did. and that's the way the children follow in their foot steps. STATE NEWS. Piedmont Press ; Crn Anna T iA. ow of the late Geo. Fisher of this town ship died on the morning of the 28th insWand was buried at St Stephen's church, at which nlarm nha haM h membership. uur young mend Engineer Hicks, had a livelv oYxnswi aftr a fnv " ' w mm avA vxa UUO railroad track the other day. Not until uie xeruciuus looxing ammai nad been chased by the hlnwinor iwtmnH ra lew n mile did he think of leaving the road or luupiuug mo rauuii; wmcn ne had caught Spring chickens are being shipped from this place to eastern markets at the rate of nearly one thousand per day. among the oldest citizens of this town- buiji, was BbncKeu wim paralysis in bis arms and legs two weeks ago. but is nOWSlowlv imnrovincr. f r F (a nKnnf - - ' O' Ma RVVUII 80 years old, and has lived during the auuiiuwbrauuu 01 every jfresiaenc ex cept Washington. JHie Piedmont Wagon Company is now laying the foundation for their large ractory. it is the intention of thiS COmDanV tO COmnlAtA this hniMinn at once and remove the remainder of the machinery from the river, and also add a srreat deal of nAtmnisar manMrU ery, which will increase the ?busineai almost double what it already Is. . Green8bOrO Rattl ffrntmt Tho re- mains of Miss Ellen N. Hendren. who ' www w v trixr a . v OMd atpary, jh. a,-iyesterday morning f f , were urougnt wj mis city last nighrand the f uneral services will take pface at the Methodist church this (Sunday) afternoon at 3.30 o'clock; Ralelcrh Jto?m an7, nheerwr ... Thar are several cases of typhoid fever in the Citv. most of which are veldinc to treat ment , Mr. T. Li. Tomlinson iarrfved at the Vftrhnro vosf-Anlair mnrninrr ot 11 o'clock. Ihavinor ridden hia "Rncrlish hi. cycle through the country from Dur ham, making the distance of thirty miles in four hours riding time, or in five hours, including all stoppages. Prof. Neave, of musical fame, of Sal- Ishnra hao Kaan onmmigotAnaH nn A ri- jutant General Jones to get up a band of twenty-flve or more good and effic- lout uiusiwaiu wmiwuiwuj uw wu Carolina troona to the Y orktown cen tennial. Mr. Neave proposes to form this band by selecting the best perzorm- hm nim oil thA tionda In thA Strata ' The total receipts of cotton at Raleigh Tzoaies. ; ThA Orford Grnhaiuf 'TTrltmsl h the serious sickness of wat beloved gen Uemen, its editor, Mr. J. H. Mills, - . , , CllecMr RXrrltt Dctlres. ' Merritt f ormallv retired ; f rrtm nffioo this morning, and his successor, ex Jndge Eobertaon, took his placet. Col lector Merritt in an informal address turned the oSftA AMU tf If r Ttnar, Lt.n rr - r w ay utiec EesDonse. v anona ' THE PRESIDE?? FE RErTEB Tnm he has Aixdc'jnfii was 1. j V2r.trlcrtV-li 1 auFlna ifNOFFICIAL BULLETIN. 11-ak a m The President is nassinsr a quiet, comfortable day. Under the su pervision, of the -attending surgeons; f-nrvati "Doll' anf ' .Tlintnor ) t.hta morning. jnade ajiothei applifiatioit the patient's body of the electrical ap- 1 1 . JnnAn Vinl paratus known as thejinduction bal ance," with a viewxto compieung me tests ' of last week which were not en tirely conclusive in ascertaining defi nitely and certainly, if possible, the h cation of the. ball. Professors Bell and Taintner have been almost constantly engaged for two weeks in experiments with the induction balance, and have made several modifications and im provements which greatly add to its efficiency. They tried this improved apparatus upon the President's body for the first time last week, and al though it indicated faintly the location OI LUB UAH. lb WiU il WJl VTiUUB 1UUUU bU htTtnTt experiment was not regarded as per- AA.lnat.r& Tk. vaaiilts thin J-OUbiy vulivlUiU f v. J.UQ (CSUIW ML. wua morning's testa, however, are entirely a 1 . X 1 1.L A T Jf nll Ji AIUUU iau4 W wuv tfwifvii.fiwft.M' fjWMtn and it is'now unanimously agreed that ii the location oi me pan nas oeen ascer foinnrl rith roQanTl tl Vlo AYflpfnAaa ant. certainty, and that it lies as heretofore stated in these despatches, in the front wall of the abdomen, immediately over . - i . a j ... cne groin, aooub iiye uiuuw twiuw ana f rt t Ta Hhf. nf thA nawAl. . i f . K Experfments tliiFmoining were re- by Professors Bell and Taintner inde pendently, so as to guard as far as pos sible against errors arising from the VnUAt C7I7 1 V WU.VN1 WHO 1IWSVWHWV faulty perception of a single individual or from one professor's mistaken judg ment as to the comparative intensity of sounds. In every instance, however, when small coils attached to a machine were placed in such a position on the patient's body as to indicate the loca appeared on lower right sideof the ab domen soon after the President was nhnt t.hA liatenpr Atv: t.ha tnlAnhnna said that he detected evidence of a dis turbance, it made no aiirerence wneth- at t.hA ATTvnrimAntAr r.nnld rpa t.h dialra w wav . W. HW.WW w WMW,WUW or not; whenever they were placed in uiab particular pusiuuu no uwame in stantly aware of the fact and an nounced it. The experiments were va ried and continued until all were con vinced tnat tne ouiiet had Deep found rr at. lftaafr. Innativl nn a st.raiorht. linA running through the body from front . 1 ir . i -i 1 to Dock, j uai auuvtj tuo groin on tne right side. It was not possible to as- vj wwiu nxvu muj a. vv4-vcaaaL it the depth at which the ball lies imbed.- JJI - 1' 1 . J 1 ubu on bins lmagiuary nue, uuc as me front wall of the abdomen at this place is about two and one-half inches in thickness, the ball must be within that distanne of the surface. Thene rAnnlta fully confirm the original diagnosis of 4.1 j 1 ii . A Lire case iuauo uy buo abbenuing sur feons soon after the President received ia ininrv. and that fant is as cr at if v. ing to them as the complete success of Bell and Taintner. This is the first in. stance in which an embedded bullet has been accurately and definitely lo cated without probing and by purely scientific methods. There is no inten tion on the part of the surgeons to per form an operation for the removal of t.hA hall at. nrpSAnt Sn Inner oa it critua " " - " av T HJ no trouble it wilt be allowed to remain in its present position, the question of the disposition to be finally made of it will be considered when the President shall have recovered his strength and snail pe out 01 danger. OFFICIAL. Executive Mansion. Aueust l. 8:50 a., m. The President slept well durincr the nicrht. and this mnmin. in cheerful and expresses himself as feel ing better' than at any time since he was hurt After the slight rise of ves. terday afternoon his temperature be came again normal early in the even- mrr ntf1 as sitn 4- n .iaa IT. .. stroncrer and has mgHa nnnA r ogress on the road towards recovery uring the past few days. His pulse is now 94 temperature 98Arespiration 18 ' chkubu ujr Juno. iiBs, jarnes, wood ward, Keyburn and Agnew. OFFICIAL BULLETIN. Exectjtive Mansion. 1 2sn p. vTh President's wound continues tn do well. At tne morning nour it was found to be in all resnents in a Rat.isfartrrv m. dition. After the dressincf watt tvrnnln. ueu ou neau ana snouiaer&were raised in tiie same manner as yesterday and i . ji, . . . he took solid food for breakfast with more relish than he has hitherto shown At present his pulse is 100. temperature 98.4, respiration 19. Signed. D. Hayes Agnew, D. W. Bliss, J. K. Barnes, . J. J. Woodward, ' BOBEBT REYBUBN. official bulletin. Executive Mansion, August 1. 7 m. Tha President remained with his head and shoulders elevated until time for dressinsr his wound this even. inc. It continues to nrocrresa in a Dafla- lactory manner and discharges healthy pus ireeiy irum biio ueeper as well as tne supernciai portions, ne has taken nourishment in sufficient quantity and in all respects continues to flo well. The rise Of temperature this afternoon is slight. At present his pulse is 104, tem perature wj, respiration 20. signed- jj, vv. bliss, J. K. Babnes. Robt. Keybubn, D. H. Agnew. PoatmiutenJVot CoatMy TtHae. IWasHnotg Ang.!-Eorlhree postmasters atesidentlAl offices have failed to render their quarterly reports to Posoffice Department f ot the qnrfer ending June 30th, 1881, which under the la w thyre required to .do within one month after the expiration' of the quar ter. -Failing to do this, postmasters and sureties are liable under the law to prosecution, and to be compelled to pay double the amount of receipts of their offices during the quarter unaccounted for. Among the offices referred to as delinauents are: FavAttoiHllA xr n Texas. Third Afisisr.Tit. Tnefm. t (jeneral Hazen has addressed each of these postmasters calling attention to their offense and informing them that unless their accounts, are rendered at pn( suminary acttoniwill be taken by thedepaent toBeciireithe fines im Pylawoy STOegleAt of duty. : tlDT8 fillB BJi'nCD BY1T8 U Bametfs Coeoslr e tMn t,.t.-. . . - ..-i 7:" - "ifua wnuuiy ronaiion or samniatmg foots i thhatran4 .JMtorttiir tha nTrnv iMnnXr. . ! - . -afiifHiiiyuu , whtdi Its rom!metida twentr eaifikao afn1 -' Mil '. t -. . --jfT woera evorr outer rj.:.r hai f-:ni. .nA . - ; tit ' " --f fun uai &-lit .. baldness, dandruff, lcsSof hair, Tud toittadoaof yt scarp, save newedf'iKaedy." ;T1 suirUlt?Qf r raTottnfrtreto.. ,' Mi uubc mow aes now so lyvn -.,.- .v " eMne Killed by an Expiation las CracAGbJLugust 1. aI Peoria spec- manactumof tie infernal machinlX tLucuTcre as iiverpooi. tie says more of them are being made in Peoria and that members of the order which he represents, believing themsel ves notlia ble to prosecution will continue their tfattx piusiou ot a o I YnrtT 07111 kIia a beer still 9 are dead. and Ex-Gar. Sanikbnrr Dead. WrLMTMOTON,v 1)ei4' Aug.' 1. Ux Gov. Saulsbury died at his residence in Dover yesterday afternoon after a brief "'"cm. , . xw wua zonneriy. governor or the. State, and a , prominent 'candidate for the Senate when his. brother. Eli was elected. He was also a delegate to the last two National Democratic Conventions: f?A sm thA nh airman rf trusts of the Wilmington Conference cal Council of the Methodist Episcopal waste have 8nortIy f or England, I Kulns oa the war Path. ncrnaf. 1 A 1ianofK fmm Durban to-day says the rebellious Zulu vmioi. us occupied a scrongiy intrench ed position with 3,000 men. ' John jjuun, wnn 4,wq men, is waiting , perv uiiasiua irom ine government to attack hinj. It is expected the Transvaal con vention will he signed on the first of I Ugnac. non. Mr. fiudson baa been qguac uon. Mr. Hudson U8 pre81dent ln Trans" Candahar Taken Possesion of. JjONTWiW. AntT tA doonatnTi fvnm ' 7 O ' waMbWU ' liahone aavs ad vices fmm f!Hmin states that Hashine Khan, with a small aetaenment, took possession of Canda- hor in Avooob TTnan's namo nn' .TiW 27th without opposition. Ameer Goot started ror uabui on the same day. A friendly message frotri Aycoob Ktian Arrest of Sbelk mahmontl Paris. August 1 A letli-r-frnrnfL-m. stantmople says the French consul at Constantinople, has arrested Sheik Mah- mond. whose father was Mnft.i in Al giers at the time of the conquest, and uuu uuu was uiscuverea documents showincr the existenee nf . vaat tna. lem conspiracy against the etiob in Railroad Sheds.. BnrnedM.l.aira Amount of Property Destroyed. sheds on the railway dock at Goale on biio iirer uuse, were ourned yesterday with their contents, eonsist.i nor alirrar --. J .i r. r- c nfe" uu obutsr gooas. rne damage Is esti- a fWA ny v From Kentucky. Cincinnati. August 1 Reports from the State election in "K"nnf-nr.w t,-nK is in progress to-day, show that at noon 1 ", Vuv?KK,n ! iae nepuDiioan can- aiaaie ror State Senator was 100 aneao, and m Newport the Republican BUhop Ilarena Danreronaly 111. bAN Francisco, Aug. l. A dispatch "ui" uxbiuu, vregon, saysHsnop JK. f.. Jiavens, or me M. E. Church, is ly ing dangerously iU in that city. He is noc expected to recover. Bank of England Holiday .LONDON. A nor 1 Tvwlnv was TlonV O " w J v, om-ngiand holiday. The bank and stock exchange were consequently uuscu. TEBBIBLX LOSS OF LIFE. Millions otrata, mica. eats, bed biws. roachfta. etc, lose their lives by collision with "Bough on Data If QaII W. .&- AMMO. OU1U U UTUKKlBUIe XOC MARKETS BY TELEGRAPH AUGUST 1. 1881. PBODUCX BaltD-OBS 'Noon Flour steady; Howard straet WesteniBuper $3.504.25, extra $425a55. family S5.60a6.50; city mills-super la50B4 5n S8.5ba2,PS h fc5??!T-?ni white 42a45 -merkirlw": rnSri-7 i. sugar- viaoijiHATi inour ramiiy 5.80afl.0n fnn a QKaa r wh.vTn ww.uu, iancy SK-aTM. oSlTSr 40. fWwHE Lud Kt 111A. ni- rf. ri rr. 12 9- ribs 9.50: bacon-shoulders 75TrtbflluL ffl sides 10 Whiskey at -1.08. lErtilhi WW . n - 't ' to itoextra 6.118.86, good to cKkffifS? nuemi unKraaea spnnc 1.09a 1.1 8. rvim tmgraded 4858. OaWeA for ijS. ftS7 -rii?. Sff?r to wd t Cl' ,,-anaam A S 3Vr v"Tr"S -? 6, tW RlCO SSJJjMu'0''jTurpent 41. wuwi Qomesucneece 4a45, pulled 20a40 COTTON. SALTaETOH-SUtdy. middling im,- low middl'c 10c; aood. ordinary GHcTnet K&to 68 1 i . 4?0; stock ,?E084& , v aunt ofiuuu o,opj., continent. T.?WiW; net receipts 7;.2.ri4ivio Biroeady: nfldi 11 1 S-t Re :lrwmM to,c55S?J-; Srt Britain 1.83U diiniTtTm-. .". w i ww nug- aBIIm.innn i Ml.n. . . . -, .. iwu onunary ac; receipts 1: oVfriAfSS); exports P5oai rmm. i ijiiwijiw a tzm .-. ..-. . - . q no c. I ii. -ispmners. iaa; noes , wtt, niwni to una. Britain l .180. a iuwi ihi: RHtfr L arn am at. J . - : r" wuM,ulou wiuua : RuineQ flIW 1 I If I Ml MB 11 P !! i -. . i aunc 10: rood ord'r iv nAt Swiia ..7 r iiuuu' wui'iuw mi (mi wit , ..! i nA. ;:v;n i :'T ""jr vv coastwise. , OHnf-iirm; middling Hi; low mtddltog lOcr good ordlMTnet rw.!pts 147; grou ""-i wiWMiiHll ou; Stock 11,000. ntfWn'iZ??'!. MMo ' lle.i,loir mid Si.Y"! Sff? Kam Wi receipts 81; rfiinT54iSet! JpMdlmg iie-r low mid- 4f : rma uiAfl oa. L.Auro(wi. .. ' RlW TflMaMtrm mi1' . aao. rarL hVfli. i rZS"?fA """""l iaai - --..vrrr-.--p" z.'jr i lAWruuiu i nn i Ar im 1. 1 1 1 r rii n nn iuuauea net -fxattee Sl'a Gnat Britain continent 100; Tn. Fntnres OMd weak. 49,- worn: until England shall do justice to 1 Ireland, : : j 1 ; ? 1 4 Th) Infer-fkwn'n arAiar fMmfA a Pfl-WH.-l Anta.'wl '.' '... I USic; ordlOlKet re lito. AItSsSI I mons ' . .-7 ' ' ' r?f . I-? Mi - 15 ttt fJ; IVS T-OW being recelred, te wry attraeUre, and embraoes agreat ninety of goods of the best makes, all oTw&tch Hue Hand-sewed Button Boots, which for beaotr and elegance of stria. saDeitaritr of anrinnnahin mna mniZw, ZZnn.,it 7m.bri.i nmt be surpassed. , Gents' Machine and Hand-sewed goods. Boots. Button and toncres Osaeis. Nan TleaT Orford andWn TteV of S be ' PiSiY jl Shi quiut. man oz UMrxwooora marB Hareh.... . 10.88a.90 I Aprtl Maj 10.W8aii.oo ii.iaa.i4 IINAKCUL. Ntw Vosk MnnT 1.03. ' ICnrhanm t'fi1t bait per cents 1.1414. Four per eants 1.16. State W .1 - ..ll wuuus uuu. . Stocks eloaed lrresralar Hew York Central 1.435& alio......... ........ ................ . au Lake Shona. i q uuuoia ueuu -la . JL. Nashville and Chattanooga. ro LoulsTllle and Nashville 1.03 HlOnin-.. 1 lf Chioago and Northwestern..... 1.25 preierreo..... laeVi Wabash, 8L Loals & Pacitte. 52 iw preienea Memphis and Charleston Rock Island Western TTnlon aa Alabama Class A, 2 to 5 ........ . 7 . isibvb l, smaii fu) Uiass B, 5's ' 92 ClaasC,4's .. 82 WASHINGTON, AogOSt 1. The debt ntntMnpnt ifisuea 10-uay is as loiiows: 1 follow increase or paoiic debt during Julr Q 1 A vto mil o . - -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -V " . ..P.l OMh In the Treasury. 238,878,190.25 oia ceruncates. 5,749320.00 Silver certificates. Rl ,983,98a00 Certlflcatea of deposit outstanding; 10,740,00000 RefundlDfir OAitifkM k? fiui nn Legal tenders outstanding. 846381 ,016 00 Jrracuonai currency outstanding. . 7,098,645 82 Total reduction of debt for fiscal year. CIT1 COTTON MABJLKT. - Ornoi or iu OBsnvaa, 1 CiujLOTrt. Aueusta. isi. r Tbe market resterdar elosAd Rtnaiiv TrnnhanA VVU auuuiiiiii ,. Strictly nLiddnae. . Mlddllia..j.;.....i Strlotlowimdaltog. i.... ........ Low middling. Tlrurea Lower grades.... Beoefpts yesterday, 2 bale.. Charlotte Produce Ularfcet. JULY 89. 1881. BUYING PBICia. Cobn, per buah'l . 80a85 1.10al.25 Bkans. whltf.- nr hiiahAl . 1. 25a. 50 rug, way, per onsn. . 90al.00 juaoy, White. 1.60 75a80 FLOCB Family. -Extra... 8,25 SuDer ... Oats, shelled, 60a55 Oi )Bisn Fbdit Apples, per lb. Peaches, peeled. . . . ? " Unpeeled RlakhArrtpi dlAaft 15a20 7al0 8a6 POTATOXS Sweet , Irish.. .: AOaTK 1.50al.75 Brrarxa North Carolina. Xaos, per dozen. PomvrBT 20a25 15al8 Chlckfins 2Fan Spring 15a1R uucits.. Turkeys, per lb. tfeeM 25a27 85a4o Baar. iter Ih . nAt -il 6a6 Mutton, per lb., net. rvu, " WHOLESALE. Bdlx Msats Ctnar Rlh flfrfnn Coma Prime Bto. Good 14al6U! Stbup ........ Hugar-house. . 80 Uolassxs Cnha 5sJ?x:,v"-::::" 85a55 82a85 VliUl-C Writjajl!) - FtfMJW) Common........ 40a4 Salt Liverpool Bne 1.00al.25 tjarunR l ini oc 8UGAB- wblte. lOaniA Yellow ei Com, per gallon. Sl.80a.40 Rt. $1.25aa00 Apple, per gallon. Peach. " $2.'K)a2.25 Wine, Scuppernong, persaUon.. S2.DO 1.00 KKTAIL. . 20 Lard, per lb Tallow, rwr ir 12V 8410 Baoon N. C hrxr rnnnil ams,lc... ......'.IV.'.. lOall 16 14415 Bica..... .7... WV.'.". Fbuit i 8aiO ! Apples, Northern, per bbl . " Mnnnlntn 8.26a.60 ! FlSH- 8.00 .Haerel-No. 1......... .. 1.25 " -Na2.. " Mr. u 1.00 Oodflah ........... 75 Cabbaox, per lb. . . WLi&tzlVxuzous, SBn1t ha. 9JC IffaKml m. m ! o.rr37ir"r"" . y frj' . "UM wwii, on roceipior cents. ivison, BlaReiyan, Taylor & Co., nisw xuxui.. . , may20-d2tawklyr IT TTH1 TMI rtnll itmarav 'iahlllo-4 - -. quoutueMaones, mown lasses oadly, poor appe- wvo, auu wuKue muimt, you are gunenajr irom tor pld ltrer, or r'bUllousne8," nad nothing will car t Biiowui fuiu ycimooemff ss (0 take olr The eMMii. nnraa wia oest anuiy. Med icine ln the world 1 . An effectual specific iur iui aiseases oi the Hver, Stomach; and Spleen. ... Begulate the Urer ana prarent i Chills and favor. Mju UXmZmJUMXUM'W VupimnH. iiesuess- jpx ness, Jaundice,! ),Kusea BAD BBElTH. Nothtog Is so unpleasant, nothlne so common. aa bad breath, and ln nearly every cn it mmM from the stomach, aod ean be so easily corrected If you will take Simmons .Liver Begalar:- Do not neglect so sure a remedy for this repulsive dlsor PIT.TBSt -. How rntfttu luffer torture day after day, ; makfng relief lsieadrinthA hnnri Af oif . ..Ar I Wlll UM TatfliniRjtmillv rho na1a ha.l- ifv j,r.rr:j,n','" i nently cured thousands. . Simmons LLrer liesula TOisnoamKio, violent pare but a gentle ass J HnAnul TU tua aaaiilt aa a ,-at . mmt In fiut nalmia amn ,v.. ?? resnilarttv of tha hrwala .mi an. rnvT ' rom this demand paves the way often to Mmnn imnma iiiiMnnM!uir'.. iiiuK -iT'l;rmTO'- BO vau OWON VHM m H. , luahltoCJwwfawHMrri. ; , tn.!. i-"l'i.t!L1 If. TheoasttcrbsnSeiTSit nausea,' and tids eonstiu i known is elck headaeh. jt" a TT?trf' a. . . . - . m. ur an- j OTTR RTOfiTC OF i ' ' If It : t ? a Ma.3R"T3E.Y I "- .. 1 ; . - m :: . . pi. -: ' GENERAL r' f'X . vVliolesale 1217 CARY tS Became of the$hd&p rates 0f transportation, and the" location ot Miflimond, sher offers spe- 1 . ' - clal lnducemeats to Who'esale Buyers In North n 0 1 W. T. BLACKVELL & CO. Durham. N. C. Maactnrr of th OrtfiajJL aad, Otly Gaxa-B - IOft MUX. BACCO Mar 22 ly -,ti 5-J it OB BANK&UPT OOHP-S. PCSCQAEXaII INSURANCE PLACED WITH BEST OOMPAXIKJ XT LiUWi-sr miss. J. F. LLOYD, Gal Agl, Central Hotel, ... dulotta, K. C LJ JoW Spdal IJaiW Excursion: -TO- MOREHEAD CITY, f Passxnskb DpBTarr, R. ft D. B. R, Bkxxohd, Ya July 1st, 1881. In order fo afford anble faeffiftea to visit the sea bore, BOUND TBIP TICKETS, GOOD FOB TIN DAYS, are on sale at Charlotte UUBW U8IWOW1DK.CVQUUUDI: For parties of twelve, 811.15 each. . ... " " twenty-flye, 89.55 each. " 1 im. Is nn ; - -. f PmtlAa tn on In hrwlv and nbim atnirlv m iM UiW UU-JS UIO llllllk. For further lmformatlon apply to the ticket act at flu it.nnt 1 PHP. juiys ufwrvmttzmiuvGfna PMii4arntjki : i . ft k tr 1 W L 4T AAI MAI AM Mtrriiii iiifiaA Co , ) 9-JT '.1 .tJM( ..u..HniniiaV-M K iai t TN order to afford. amp fwllltles to TUltthe I wnvnn-r AtMA t J ' ' r from W aWdNfA; to Ashevllle araonalaLl4ara-ad0r tbafol. j Upon Application of 12. parxmt 4fi .in on body, Ocketsoodjor 10 da J Mil soMat&6d eBL lrnr vR nAranna. onln. in niu hnt Hir., roodfor 10 dvs wWbe'KidS ffnln. In.nn-kJwwt' MM Bt.k if tui Htrctn smii . ap. tarn sineljonamt ottht omptor'si'ea tains n tha limit- tv1 - fPk ! .iT. I will not be accepted totat to AsYUawm n! on the condiaons named la this adrftttlsement, m-dw m. nv wMfci oyyoiHUiK vu mo WUTWI- i Juiy24,, .; .. a?. General Pa-seatArt: " m . ii1 ii E.M.ANDREWS, fflruiAaaaAw . i ri . " nr-a , t .- " r .-ts-p!....-.,.,. -,.. ....!. ; s . ;....,,: r, . v .Aimiuneor . . ?dei3TANTLt OS HAND. ' -' ---5., . kM I 1 " 1 i ana MaowmenirpiM 1 U I I liH m Vi-. S ... . n !.,... .. hit 3 1 lit. ill fw-t-Wir..,.! i fll Jt V.v & Jt- - I i wwwHttefUte 'Wear e; fiivs Prlqee alberta, teAe. iqu awcompieie id Stwot ITIIBL BEDDING, &C. imiiiDf Cheap Dedstcds, Vav1 r fninl.i Vta. 4Tiyf , vvww uaiM. I oovtoaoviulmD i n j?.' S 331. IBL, .'' Grocers STREET, RICHMOND, VA. VJlt-J J. Carolina. We claln to stand at the top. j Ch"claln4t ite iti3 based II upon ine laet tixat a cneniical ktiialysia picves Jttiat. tba f obaooo grown in qtu; section is better adapted to mate a COODjTilK, satisfactory smolce tlum A3TZ! OfJi tobiw;pq?cioTui ,1s Hie Wp?a, fundi "btdnz r!ttifd. tn the'HlLYKT of thh. flie tobacco E section, WE have the PICK of the offcriiigs. The public ap preciate this ;, Iicnco oar- ales EXCEED the prod acts of ALT the leading manufjictorica coja bined. rtg&Ronz yenuinc'nle$J' it &ear fAc Irodouirk of lie BulL -yiT,! n,.. n 1 " Ji, ' j.- . . .1 . . . . ... CHINA PALACE 1 During the month of July we offer AT COST FOR CASH our surplus stock of PLATED WARE, Exa,- i. k ! FLT ICE CHESTS, WAtEtt COOLERS, BABY CABJIAQq ! el-ewhere. " -iT5B maYSh-d4mo r.OALLISOM. 'Charlotte, M. XT THE ATTENTION ni.w.-, . S f.l itt' t'iH (Hit i,,t, n I Ki SffS5&'?&f S iaad the tradi oTbl,"S!. v soueiiea. rw A35,"ur Durham, ..C. P. 0. WILSON, LOUIS COOK, it i toMns f" - tn nn ul on tmm a i tit n "v AiA wnniMita am. p4 S!lIfe C?rl BtrfiOTESI 9K -.---.. ' Inducements to tha i,Ai,.. Wlwlat. -.!.-.. j.- . T- " nwni ItsPaoico .College, wJaBJei' in iawoom. Ubran ld-Ci-Zr iSiSti: - - SI-lt mmdm mm 9 - -" - uauuna. i uimate nrt-nrn-inana ,- . ..STra cue free. mOOttmSirt itT7 ifT. ,,,B, 1 ' fterv.'filaswr n If 7 - MUl V. House Farnishlndr - Goods Now is!iiitG

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