LOCAL INTELLHrCNCC i TjUESD AX APfiU8T 2, 1881. Na.81, A. V. ft X aV-BVrnlar meeting evefTweoad and ivunuguuj Xxonncm Loves Na 261, A. W. A. it Be ular meeting every nrst and tbJrt Tuesday niaiua:' Ouxunn Chaftbb Na 89, B. A. M, Beeula meeting oyer second mid fourth Friday nights. ; CsABLOtn colotixDABT Na 9. K. T. Becula umuui vvvs ium un uuiu AlHUIUAlli ic- op h:. KjneRTB or ptthias. : meeting nfatita flrst and third Wednesdays, o'clock p. m. atMa- unw icuiyto ruui. lzo.o'iJ. ' Meets etery Tuesday night BlDM Lodoi No. 108.-Meets'every Thursday .E1.!!1 iiri No. 2I.-Meets unHHiuuii Aounaay nignis in eacn month. ErskliM College -W, M. Orisr. 'ttOfllE 1EHCI LI7IOS, . rarJIore casea against Cochrane to do neara this morninib , orThe registration books will be aepc open until Wednesday at sunset WTbo perfectly , utter" has sttper seded the classic "too awfully awful." Mr. R. Means Davis, of the Wfans- Doro ifetos, farored Tije Obseeveb with a call yeate.rdat.t . J With this issue D. M. Vance ra- suates the positioa of local reporter for HTThe Mecklenburg' Iron Works last week filled a 81,700 order for ma chinery for a" mine In Colorado. tWColi Wm. Johnston was adver tised to speak in Morganton yesterday against Jprphlbifjbi but he did not go. HTN6t a realthdt day in ten. Cool breexea daring the day and refreshing sleep at night. Why not join the Stay atrllome club? 1 EiRound trip ticketsto Klnston for the Casw.e.11 mpmorial; on , sale to-day and to-morrow at $6.20 for the round trip, ; ; . - i.. " ' VST The city clerk is busy over the city tax list; It will be completed in about a week when. the rush as to who will pay first will begin. v CSTThe allusion, - Sunday, to W. II. Bailey Esq.; as "useful as well as orna mental at the antirprbbibition meeting was intended as a bit of pleasantry, IST. Ia reply: tot the charge that Ben son was drunk in 'Greensboro the drys assert that both Erice and Shober were sober in Charlotte. t2TTh4 hearing of several cases, one of them against MisS Lula Lentilc, for rudeness to a grocery; merchant, were postponed yesterday morning by the mayor.; ISrthe crowd at Cieaveland Springs continues unprecedentedly large,! There are. one, hundred and forty permanent euesja with a large increase on Sun days. ty It is said that . Mr. . Benson, the temperence orator, desired to address a large colored congregation " in Sharon Sunday, but the nonor was declined and the. regular services conducted. t"J. M. Swinch and J. C. Horton of New York hare purchased a gold mine about a mile : And a half from the city from Mr. James Palmer, and1 an now in the city with a view to improving and working the mine. : - Dyit' is seriously asserted, but not generally believed, that it has occurred to only one prohibition Orator in the State to compare whiakay to the deadly shades of the. Upas tree and that this was a Charlottoman. tSTIt would be well these summer nights for young ladies who dress in white; and leave the front blinds open to wear red sashes that the gentlemen who pass by may not be detained under the impression that they are preparing for bed. .. -' ISritaj. J. M. Davis, of this county, was chosen by the executive committee of theTbplar Tent Fair Association, to act as chief marshal during the next fair, to come-off on the llth and l2thof mis montn, out he was compelled to decline on" aocduht of business engage- U1CUW re-Mr1. Arthur Bdtts' Danofamllatb be exhibited at Hickory in a short while. The Piedmont Press, in a very complimentary notice of it, assures its readers that "their souls will swell out n sublime emotion when viewing tuese grand scenes painted- oa can-; vas." - ; , : W" The union prayer meeting, which was fixed to be held to-night at the Tryon Street Methodist church, will be conducted instead at tbe Second Presbyterian church; The change1 is made on account of the entertainment to be given in the basement of the former church by the Sunday school children. " t tST The following' nonHJommisBion ed officers have been elected by the Hornets Nest Riflemen: First Sergeant, O. T. Coleman Second, F.-W. Kuester ; Third, Chester Miller; Fourth. E.- P. Roseborough ; Color-bearer, K'A. Black welder. First Corporal.E. fT.iHendem son ; Second, W. M. Boyd ; Third, J. W. Cobb ; Fourth, R. W. Gray. A General Paaaaag-er Ag-enU A generally felt want in Charlotte is a passenger ticket agent an agent whose sole duty is to attend to the sale pf tickets in the city and' to' giye that information which it is now impossi ble, or at least extremely : inconvenient to obtain concerning the running of trains, their connections, advantages of routes, Ac. These' duties now devolve on different office employes, of -the rail roads, and. 'the 'are. 'performed srefy much like those things which being everybody's business are nobody's busi ness. Since ; the consolidation of the roads the appointment of such an of beer, who should have an office always open so that he jjonl be found, at any me becomes much more practicable; ine authoritiesr it-is -understood, are considering something of tbt kind.' Prohlk4tlm4 ntimtm T f Col. "Thomki. ""Cart. "Tliiitwll and Mr. Calvin Grier will speak, to-day inn lavor oi promniuoffatuieirs spring, in bteel Creek township. Col. Wm. John ston will probably also be there and re ply to the others. --4'Jir" Mr. Benson ppoke yesterday :to a crowd of i between, three and four nuadred at Matthews' Station. He went last night to SUtesvlIla where he speaks to-dav. k. , -, qnThursdaytasi?sl larM gUtieiing m uenaii : of .prohibition collectedvat Mallard Crftek: chttrchA.;Tllere.ween& "ppo8Blon speakers. Addresses were "?e by Dr.Mattoon, CoL Thomas and "-J Stokes, a colored speaker.--" . ua Batardav .UsL there was a meet 8 at jWhitley'aNMilV Ing Creek Township. The crowd was about eauah ly divided hAtwAnn whltAa and rnlnrftd. and the meeting was addressed by Ool. Ham C Jrmesund Pl. ThnmaiL' Ni opposition spiers though invited to vwvuoa uw question. tlaitdww ae Eatortalasaeau frectlon of forSJS&i . -vmwj ana miss jsaiiio JJetnune wilt uujroupresoniianetiieri&iiiiaent con 8isUngofmu8ic, kallsthealc toterdses ana refreshments of th mmmi - av cents will t the charge for admission.' ine Droceeda will tv nrum vv y ya. pieasant erening. AeOio4lIJfcrAclaa, liAdib!ai7 ssoclatioriaiforined last uijsui, n xrvoa street Jlethodist church memberat of that conereea- won. s liev. J. T. Bagwell was elected presldeiit,., Tlie object of the associa tion la the social and religious advance- ix5U6 ui we cnurcn especially by the ultimate collection of a library which auia uwpea w sccompusn DT vatioas nterary ana musical entertainments. Toe WUlis Cta. : th Vavietr Mr. W. L. Cochran, of OtiArv'a Sto. tion, brought to this office yesterday a half-dozen unopened cotton bolls of hm iw imams mammoth variety, which iw uob cuitiraxea ior inree years. The bolls are six and one-half inches in cir cumference and thirty-six of them pro duce a pound of lint cotton. It re-' quires one Hundred polls of ordinary Cotton to do thlft Whan Mr. Pvhyano first began its .cultivation forty bolls were'' required to the nound. so that it grows better instead of deteriorating. We ProalblUoa Arranacnte, Gossio fails to Interest and anftndAl loses piauancv to the man whohaanncA discussed prohibition. As his appetite inslaves the inebriate, as his nassion absorbs the lover, as his delusion : nos- sesses the lunatic, so does this pregnant question murder the spicy variety ot pavement topics. At several loafers' resorts the pointed reouest not to soft on the floor, and the stern announce ments of a strict adherence to the cash system, have been interspersed with in terdictions of prohibition arguments. But the ajronv will be alleviated Thnrs day. Unprecedented Hammer Trade. It is said the trade of Charlotte has been better this summer than ever be fore. A railroad agent "yesterday sta ted that the shipments from Charlotte over his road were 40 per cent, larger than he had ever known during the summer months. A prominent busi ness merchant said that his trade was increased one hundred per cent, over that for the same time last year. These cheerful statements are made through out the city and the only ground for fear that the fall trade will not also be unprecedentedly large is the drought, which it is thought is not so extended over the territory from which our trade is drawn as to seriously impair it. Beaaoa freaenusd with a Cane. Mr. E. J. Allen, the Donular jeweler of the city, yesterday, through the city prohibition executive committee, pre sented the temperance orator, Luther Benson, with a handsome eold headed cane as a mark of the appreciation of his work in this Citv for the cause of prohibition. It is much to be regretted that as the cane was presented just as jar. .Benson was aoout to tafce the 8.80 train for Statesville, that he had no ime to acknowledge the comnliment with a speech inhisuniane and en gaging manner. Cordial thanks hasti ly expressed Was however all that the schedule and his engagement at States ville allowed. Bemam l Cnlrairy. Mr. Luther Benson addressed the congregation of Calvary church Sun day night, and for one and a half hours discussed in his inimitable style, of course adapted to the day and the place, temperence and prohibition. When he concluded there was a. general and eathuslastic request ttn& he" should pWceedVrmany ;: declaring that; they could listenj-withjout weariness' until 12 o'clock. I JJut Mr. Benson excused him eel. He was worn out, he said, by his repeated speeches during the week. A vote was then taken for prohibition, the question being put by the old pastor, Rev. J. p. Butt. The vote was unani mous nfayor of the measure. - Baa-1IM Talk. An oil house near the Air Line en gine house has been completed. The engine house, too, is being enlarged and improved. Humors as to changes in resident railroad officials are not sufficiently re liable to do published, out they are cer tainly to be numerous and important. One hundred and fifteen additional hands have been put to work on the Western North Carolina Railroad be- Sond Asbeville. . It is expected that tie cars will reach Marshall in a few days. t-x our uunorea nanasana one nunarea carts and mules are at work on the North Carolina Midland between Dan ville and Cascade Junction. The best train for the north is the 4 o'clock afternoon train. It is said to make the best time, and from Wash ington to New York is by its connec tions a day light, ride. Snainker Abaaa faaa. Mr. M. C' Quian,. left the city yester day morning fura summer tour during wnicjMie-wiirTWHrTrcicum ingMnVore.pjd'Poiitt aad other. yesterday Xojr Canada JkndJhelJtorthern; cities awmsOTs". MrsvChapman and daughters, of Charleston; who have been visiting friends in the -cjty f of. several days go to Cieaveland to spend some months. Miss Laura ltoss is visiting friends at Monroe. Mr. C. K Hunter .has returned from All-Healing Springs. Does a visit to All-Healing forfeit membership in the Stay-at-Home club? Capr, M. V. Moore, formerly or .Le noir, now, of- rallisude, Texas, passed through the city yesterday. r u I Mr. John urooaueid nas,returnea from a visit to the North, . , . Tba Andf BaaMfriaqavst Caaplnfled The coroners inn nest on the allesred homicide of Andy Beatty, colored, whose body Was found about the mid dle of last month on the railroad track, near Garibaldi Station, on the Air-Line railroad, wan' concluded yesterday.' It will be remembered that two colored men, Adam springs ana pnraim Johnston,; were ' imprisoned on - the' charge or naymg xmea tne aeceasea and placed him on the track that it miirht ... aDoear t that ne naa been run over; and killed. The county physician however,1 discovering an inaanitanie gupBbot wound It- appeared that mur- 3a hoA hAn dnnn." fhet iiirv aCOUlta Adam Springsi fiM w as i released yes terday, but finds tnat jonnston, we uo ceasea, came to his death from a pistol shbtr m the hdad. and that said Pistol shot was fired by Epbraim jonnston. wao is aetainea .. in jail. ineauejfou motive is revenue for criminal inti macy between the deceased and tne wtff.of Uu prisoner. The reporter was now admitted to tho investigation, out on the record there appears ( only the additional criminating circumstance that ; theu 4eceased and prisoner had quarreled once upon the subject.,.;; - 'A- X I ' CaTABSa OX TEX BLAnnxiL -i -5'' 1 SODtlnc, smaruns, irritation of te nrlnsir ps Sfiwcnupaioa, voyv, ii. a. awu, vnariQHO, Cematy Coaualsslonera. The regular monthly meeting" of the county commissioners took place yes- uuuay anuwmebuing quite unusual tue ousmess was compietea in one day. The auditing of accounts was tne principal part of il Jno O. Alex ander was allowed 870 out of Uhn bridge fund for building a bridge over AicAipme s creeK. , u Deing reported uy me committee appointea ror that purpose that sites for school' houses ior white and colored children could not be obtained by purchase or dona tion in school district No. 78. J. M. jaia well, u. L Wolfe and P. M. Bitch were appointed to lay off and assess not more than one acre of ground for each school house. a nif . a a petition was presented ior a new ruaairomtne lucxaseege roaa at or near Dr. Samuel Abernethy's to Roz zell'a Ferry road, near Mr. John Fra- ziers. xne cierx ox the board was or dered to advertise in accordance with A.1 V . am . m uie iaw in sucn cases tnat ail woo op- posea me opening oi tne roaa should, i we next meeting or tne commission ers, ana oe neara. xne commissioners will meet acrain next Monday, that being the day set apart by low for the hearing of all com plaints touching the excessive valua tion or property. BakeMsr July and Anrnrt. a cenueman or tn rarv nn RMinv a 'a a Baker's our own Baker's forecast of the weather for July concluded to mark W for each dav on which the prophet proved wrong, and B for those on which he proved right. At the con clusion of the month the W's were to the B's as 29 is to 2. The observer re ports that the real weather and the forecast were about as stronzlv con trasted as was possible. When the prophet said "cool the mercury would overnow tne tuoe; when he said "rain" there was not even lightning in the north. There is evidently something the matter with the weather, but that it may have an opportunity to ac commodate itself to the seer below will be found his forecast for August: i, uttie rain: z. nearly fair, cooler: 3. fair, mild; 4, little cloudy; 6, rainy; 6, little cloudv: 7-8. fair, mild: 9. little ciouay; iu,iair; 11, ram; 12, rainy and windy; 13-14, nearly fair; 15, rain and cool; 16-17, fair; 18, rain and thunder; 19, little rain, cool and windy ; 20, rainy and cool; 21, warm; 22-23, rainy and warm: 24. fair and cooler: 25-26. raia. cool and windy ; 27, fair and mild ; 28, utie cloudy and windy: 29. fair and cool; 30, little cloudy and mild; 31, rainy ana wind. Tle Marr ring- Ulatckit. The followine marriasre licenses were issued during tne month of July by the Register of Deeds of Mecklenbursr. The blacks, in the majority every month in tne year, nave trebled the wnites in the midsummer month : Whites. Jno. W. Clontz, Sarah J. Hunnycutt. J. W. Brown, U. J. Hinson, T. E. Smith, Minnie Vickery. L. D. Childs, Bessie Springs. J. F. Winecoff, Maggie J. Rodgers. L. R. Kids, Dora J. Barkley. BLACKS. Simpson Petty, Julia Wilson. Ned Harris, Dorcas Hastie. Newton Montgomery, Mary Harris. Jno. L. Young, Emma Torrence. Jno. Holms, Susan Hunter. Wm. Fisher, Mattie Boyce. Henry Alexander, Georgianna Wil liams. Pinkney Springs, Emma Parks. John Williams, Mary E. McCorkle. Joseph Schow, Sarah Montieth. Ed Walten, Elsy Stewart Austin Ellis, Harriet Wallace. Cyrus Patterson, Lizzie Phillips. William Jetson, Ella Gubret Mack Henry, Martha Hawkins. Sam'l Cathcart, Katy Gross. A. A. Work, Cora Johnston. . Marshal Shepard, Lucy Kelly. Wa Peraon Can Sail or dire Away In- toxieatlnglilqnors on Day of Elec tion. Having received letters from per sons in various portions of the State asxing whether or not spirituous liquors may be sold or given away on day of election, I beg leave to reply through the columns or your paper. By reference to Battle's Revisal, page 322, sections 149 and 150, we find the following: No person or persons shall give away in any public place, re tail or sell, except on prescription of a a.j si a - a- practicing puysician, ana ior meaicai purposes, any intoxicating liquors at any time within twelve hours next pre ceding or succeeding any public elec tion, Or during the holding thereof, at any place within five miles of an elec tion precinct s Any person or persons violating the provisions of the preced ing section shall be guilty of a misde meanor, and punishable with a fine of not less than one hundred or more than one thousand dollars." These sections apply to- the election held the fourth day of August next. Attention is further directed to Bat tle's EevisaH page 445, section 87, which: reads as xoiiows : "if any person shall treat with either meat or drink on any day of election, or any day previous tnereto, with an intent to innuence tne election, he shall forfeit and pay two hundred dollars, the one-half for the use of the county, and the other to the use of the persons who shall sue for the same. The prohibitory committees in the. Several counties and townships are ur- requested to see to it that the aw in this respect is rigidly enforced. Discretion and judgment should ehar acterize their action in dealing with these complicated-questions.. The flat has already, gone forth that prohibition is to be defeated by the free use of money and liquor. 1. A. liUDGEB, unairman State Prohibition Campaign Com. MISTAKEN FOB CONSUMPTION. . We have known persons to doctor for years for consumption, all to no effect Though they had a cough, felt pains In the lungs, were depressed, weak, with many other symptoms tending to that disease, yet there was no structural unsoundness of the lungs. These, symptoms were all the pain ful offsprings of a torpid and diseased liver. We could fill a volume with testimonials of thousands M affected, who were permanently cured by tak ing Simmons Liver Regulator. 1 oi Silver Creek. New York, Feb'y 6, '8a Gents I have been very low, and have tried ev erything, to no advantage. I heard your Hop Bit ters recommenaea oy so inp, wuoihuou m give them a trial, I, did, and now am round, and )iistantlJ Improving, and am nearly as strong as ever. ' T W. ft WlLLEi, BICADBI it adds to nersonal beauty by restor ing color and lustre to faded or gray hair, and Is beneficial to the scalp, Is why Barker's Pair Bal sam u suoa a popular areasing. i;V . ' 1 : . ! BkDfOBD ILV ABB IBQIT SFBIKGS WATXB AVD Mass. The great tonie and alterative eontatns twlca as much Iron and fifty per cent more alum inum than any "alum and Iron, mass" known. Just the thing for the ."spring weakness" bow so general. 8ola by sU druggists; of any standlpg. mayll-tX c.l r '-'-! : UXBIQ GO'S COCA BUT T0NKL -' t'Bbasmore than seallzad my ; xpeetatlons.w mjb rroicMur cancan .uampoeii, ; a. xk, u u. ness, dyspepsia, female eomplautUawatavttt ' Iluwggware or i i Thousands af persona are, ooostantly troubled wttn a eomblnatfon of dlaaaasa, iMaeaaed aWnaya andeosUva bowels ara their tonnentora.' They should know that Kidney Won aeU on those at tne same ume, causing tnem to throw off is poisons that naro clogged them, and so renew ing ine wnoie man. Baadnds testify to ttua- sbargb Post, creaaeni i Koyai couoge fhysictaas and Burgeons, Mamber General CouneO Uulverslty of Kdinburgh, eto. Invaluable for debintr. wwik lun. buli- r MEN OF UECKlENBURGl AN EARNEST IN TOO ATI O The s?olIowine Anneal .Canaan fi Walca Now, Aeaidea .Ita pflleom, Humbert SOO of u Woaa elCaar- To the Voters of Mecklenburg tiounty : Before another week shall passaway your tuu wm uebermine wnetnex the traffic in intoxicants shall close forever in MecKienDurg county or not. Recog nizing that our true sphere is not the political arena or public places, bat the home, the fireside, and . the privacy of the domestic circle, yet we cannot be insensible to tne tact that the issue of this election is freighted with vital in. terest to ourselves and those most dear to us. We have, therefore, not deemed it improper to make a last appeal to the manhood or our dear old county to de liver us irom uie eviis or. the whiskey unmc If we are deeply moved in this mat. ter, it is because the poisoned shafts of tne great enemy oiour race have en tered our own hearts. If unusual earnestness has marked our efforts in this behalf, it is because we are fully sensible that a treachAr. ous xoe staixs in our midst, ever seek ing an opportunity to strike a blow at the peace and happiness of the inner circle ox our homes. Constrained by the imnnlsef hoiv love, which God has planted in the ma ternal bosom of animals as well as wo man, we appeal to the true xnanhnnd or the men of Mecklenburg, to shield and protect the innocent boys and un tried youth of our county from the baleful influence of strong drink by banisbinz from our midst the licAnstAd bar. In the presence of this great ques- uuu, las issue or wnicn involves so much or happiness or woe in this sor rowing world of ours, we beseech you, uieu ui. mecKienDurg, to smx au per sonal differences, all objections to the law, and forgetting the bitterness and unkind feelings engendered in the heat of the campaisrn. let every one who seeKs the good of his fellow man unite m this effort to banish from our fair land this plague of strong drink. Brave men of Mecklehburer. it is the cry of womao, suffering woman, that bids you to the contest with the evil which has brought this suffering upon us. Be but true to yourselves and the generous emotions of your own hearts, ana our appeal snail not be in vain. I5y order of the society. Mrs. a M. Howell, Pres't. Miis. II. N. Heading, Secretary and Treas., Ladies Pro. Society. IJnxt dtjertisemjeuts. ERSKINE COLLEGE DDK WJtST. SOUTH CABOLINA. one ot uie oldest Institutions la the State. Total expenses for Tuition, Board,Books, etc., need not exceed SI 65. Preparatory Department In charge of a Tutor. Locality healthy: community moral ana intelligent upens nrst Monday in October. auga. W. M. GRUB, Pres't t There are martyrs to headache who might be cured by using TABBAHT'S SXLTZEB APXBIXNT. The stomach, overburdened until tta MenneraUva power Is weakened, revenges itself upon the poor ueaa. wmcn u maaes w acne ana torture tne of fender. The use of this aperient will carry off naturally and almost Imperceptibly the offending cause. The disease is removed and the head ceases to acne. Sold by all druggists. Jun5 dAweodtfmo GO THOU AND DO LIKEWISE rpBJE day after the destruction of Mr. Allen's dwelling by fire, a citizen sent word to this agency (proverbial for its promptness) to Insure his dwel ling and furniture at once. .To those who are not i ... insured, I extend an earnest invitation to do so now. lean supply a few more, if early applica tion is made. Bates low. Companies good. GN.G.BUTT, Fire Insurance Agent Estab!'Bhedl878. UulySl FOR RENT. qpBX store room In the Observer building next jl , to w. N. rattler's it for rent after January 1st JNO. Li. MQKKHlag dee 22 ft 30 DAYS TRIAL ALLOWED. WE WILL SEND, ON 30 DAYS' TRIAL, Electro -Voltaic Appliances luffering from Her vo as WeaJineaai, Gen eral iebllityv loss of nerve force or vigor, or any disease resulting from Abuses and Othxe Causes, or to any on afflicted with Kheuma-. tism, Neuralgia, Ftira lysis. Spinal Difficulties, Kidney or liver Troubles, Lame Back, Rup tures, and other Diseases of the Vital Organs. Also women troubled with diseases peculiar to their sgx - Speedy' relief arid complete restoration to health guaranteed. These aire the only Electric Appliances thai have ever oeeneonsi eittlea, tipjillv nrnritn snceeas, nnu mty nwo taer Big-neat endoraementa from- medical and aeiei) ilfie men, and from hundred a who have beea quickly and radloally cored tr their Use. 8end at once for Illustrated Parapjuet, gMn? all information free.. Address, . VOLTAIC BEIT CO., Marshall, Xtoa, juiyai ' '.. " . ;r THE OXONIAN A JOUBNAL OF IITXBATTJBX ft FJOIJCA' OS a published montn iy an uxiora, ilc 9!M - The Oxonian aims at Inaeastng thetntorestfei Literature and Education, and gives original ar Holes on subjects of vital importance as well aa eriuclsms of the newest and most valuable publica tions. - .- . .-"Ji Offers deeWed advantages to advertisers: Elgh avsrage circulation. Advertisements are shown, prominently, an free fiwa errors, and aia taste-, fullr disDlared. Its advertising rates are aot m excess of its value to an. adverasef Advertise ments, tntendecr io .tat -am should be la the offlbe by tba 20th of the month. , . J. a EORNIB. Oxford. V mario-tt WAITED. OABD for gentleman anoT wife, with young X child. Prompt par guaranteod. Addrera In3ad3t Care Observe m. "JLoarats CanQbservec. St CHABLE8 HQTEL npHia house has been leased foe a term ot years JL by Mrs. Dr. Beeves, whoso keep a strictly flrst-cMss house in unoa u to Commodious sample rooms on flat and second floora. The patronage of the publle Is solicited, luiylitf, i tmm mvu roan r ii i h i 1 i 2 CAR LOADS IFFCsbVa. Real 1 CAK LOAD Waverly Family Flour. 1 CAR LOAD MECKLENBURG CHOICE. 100 PACKAGES Mew Mackerel ALL SIZES AND NUMBBBS. & SyruDs ALL OBADXa AIULLLINXOF Canned (Soods. OUB COMMISSION HOUSE HIS LARGE SUP PLIES OF CABBAGE TOMATOES POTATOES CANTALOUPES WE ABE STILL IN RECEIPT OF li Ga. Melons. CALL XABLT AND SXCUBX BABOA1N3. SOS :;K ...jr.- I'M .-s fci tiaii i- J!' Mo asses DOT una Tmrrn tTnvn t'-L PS r I 50 CENT Far sonarta In fit and quality to any other ever Al,ABRlTJTlPULla5S0inauOT - 'tovaaielcoe , ... . . . v . , ' ! ' . Look at our beautiful PRINTS, jun2 ' .- - :; jii? f -R -Dl'I Welutvejustranirtheriaolthoaa 5 ;piC4LXG0ES Honey Comb yullls. 80S Merrlmac, -' - ' - - . . . fi.oo Bates, - - - . - - . log FANS ! FANS ! Cheapest Una of Fans In the State. Palm Leaf x ana a ior dc. CORSETS. The DaLsy Corset, 40c 75c The Sylvia Corset, juiyai tflOMASVILLE FEMALE COLLEGE, , DAVIXWOPT, if. o. C73 The?5th annual session begins August 81st Ten teachers. Better prepared than ever for the best work. Offers every advantage of the most thorough and liberal eourse In Literature, Music and Art, at rates lower than any equal school in the State. Board and literary tuition from 860 to 873.50 per term. See Catalogue. uly22.d2wks,wlmo H.W. BEINHABT, - : . Principal. Union High School (MALE AND FEMALE) EAST SEED, TADKHT 00., IT. 0. Nexl session opens August 4, 1881. Professor T. a WUttmgton, A. M., prtnclpaL Departments Collegiate, Commercial, Normal and Civil Engi neering. Term, twenty weeks. Board from to 88 per month. Tuition from $8 to 816.25. East Bead Is 22 mues northwest from Winston, and 7 miles south of Pilot Mountain. - For partic ulars address the principal at East Bend. Jolyl3,4w CI.TY PROPERTY FOR SALE. ADESIBABLE residence, three blocks from the public square In Charlotte, will be sold cheap and on reasonable terms to the right kind of a purchaser. The dwelling Is on a lull lot, has nine comfortable rooms, brick kitchen, fine well of wa ter, etc. The house la admirably adapted for the residence of a lawyer, doctor or preacher, having an admirable library or study room, built for the purpose. For furthsr particulars, price, terms, etc.. apply at THIS OFFICE. July20.dtf 10 2 14 .M sr. S&iiS'W Ba g ia ta, aa gm m aassBBsai m. oft En SCANTLUTS Seamless Evaporator AND " SOUTHERN" CAXEEIU. FiBST class mm IACHHEEY AT TIKI IOW raiCXS. gd for DMcrlpttva Mm Urt. THOS. 8CANTUNA80N, ZTAKBVTXIJ5. nrp. Julyl7,d&wlmo SALEM ACADEMY, 8AL.C3I, If c. THIS Institution commends Itself to the public as a notably pleasant and safe home and high class school for girls and young women. It has during the past few years been greatly unproved. Its 8CHOLASTIC ARRANGEMENTS have been remodeled and Its standards advanced. It now offers all the advantages of similar Institu tions of the highest grade. A large number of in structors is employed, and pains-taking instruct Uon Is cuaranteed.v It offers a liberal English, or English and classical course lor graduation, and, l - uuunr ua new uniiniawmioiii uas m real it ated (with diploma) four very promising classes. The DOMESTIC ABBANGEMENTdof the Acad emy have latterly been- re-adapted to secure to its resioent pupus tne largest measure of comfort and convenience. Eight resident teachers are Eight continually in charge, and give special attention to the cultivation of correct manners and habits in growing girls. Systematic and enlightened physi cal culture and care of health are prominent fea tures In the Improvements recently perfected Exceptional facilities; are offered for the study of MUSIC. The results of practical work In Its Musie Department, during the past few years, would warrant the Academy, in the opinion of competent critics, in Inviting comparison with any other similar institation in the South. A two to three years graduating course (wltk diploma) has quite recently seen introduce. . Special attention is directed to the 'advantages now also obtainable la the DEPABTMENT OF DRAWING AND PAINTING walea baa been re organized and placed in charje. of a lady of spe cial ability and superior training. A Uga standard of excellence will be maintained and. the best methods observed. A variety ei branches of study is onerea ana cararui uuuon is guaranieea. The 78w year-brgHis September 1, : 1881. tuWT.dw The Hygcia Hotel, Old Poiht Oomfort. Va, Situated one hundred yards from Fortress Konroe. ' f OPEN ALL THE TXAXv . " V Xqoal U t aiy notel ta the United States ss a sum mer resort or cold water sanitarium. Send for dreular describing hygienic advantages, ete. 1oly8,dlmo - HARRISON FHOCBU3, . Proprietor NOTICE. Orrm Atrprrax, uxmt. m c rAas. aot, y O1 Hand after Kandar. the 18th tost the pa- enrer trains ca uus roaa wui run tnrouzn to Mb Broad Depot. L AJexando'a.. imA oCAabevule.f ConnecOna linaa ara re- qoeasea w piaee on saw ocxeu to jrrenen uroaa. Fare from Sallsburr first class sa.10: second class 85.40. From Statesville fisst el ass 85.10; s : ?. " ,; r i aeoonas.4a. j. u. MAJUtuttuu, ulrl9,2 Qenl Passenger Agent, 111 T: TED tatoodaafl.ll from 8 to 80. ' J4ia tx'txiitn-s i ; ! . S. f ' 1 1 v I )ust received, only to pet yard. NBSBajl MXrl ''Tif&cffi&SttSi jne cni?i)MCneeveraasiedimir'faf a the ,WNV 4 llor Other Orandrjta UMaa la 25c towels, Thetaiead mA nnr plumb, HfillDKEflCHiEFS.' All styles and prtosa1rromroo p. Ladles' Hem stitched 10c -a beautiful quality. Eureka 8pooieitk, lCcasppeL Beecles 5c a paper, coats ootton, 6Se a dezen. 1 ! ISP-STBICTLT CASH and ONE PRICE. BODDICK 4 CO. I oth Foreign and Domestic, JUST KECR1VKD AT gABvTCQA "Y-ICnT, Wtos. Springs, It R JA beti water TO- no ou ouioiuiu, wires arsDeDOUU axis aiMa. tion, is a powerful tonic and strong Uiureuc, JaUMJ, Mm Natural Mineral Water, Recommended very highly as a cathartic and a$ teratlve and In all forms of dyspepsia. ALSO, i i i g CASES CONGBESS WATtB,' CASES BOCK BRIDGE ALUM, CASES BUFFALO LtTBIA. And a foil supply of t IMPORTED APOLLINARIS ' - i i ill I loyali Janos Waters."5 ' THE GREAT ECROPEAN NOVELTY ! H UNTADI TANOS. AS'ACATTf A tiro. I i n,' itrrr i iTi tifi lit I i it I Doss: A wine glass full before breakfast. The Lancet "HnnvsiH Jftnoil teron T.iht t. firms that its richness in aperient salts surpasses that of all other known waters." ,..,. . . ine urateh Medical Journal "Hunj&d Janos. " f The most agreeable, safest, and. most efficacious aperient water." ; y ; . Prof. Ytrcheto, BerliiL "Invarlibly good and prompt success; most valuable." 'Prqf. Bamberger, Vienna "I have prescribed these writers with remarkable success." Proconsw, Wurszburg. I prescribe none - Prof. Lander Brunton. M. 71. r. tL' Tendon. "More pleasant than Its rivals, and surpasses them in efficacy." Prof: Atken, M. D.tF. R. 8., Royal Military Bos pttalNetley. "Preferred to Pultna and Fried- OHN H. McADEN, Importing and Dispensing Pharmacist. Koith Tryon St, CHARLOTTE, N. C. DON'T GO TO SAxATpQ4 When ion ean'aet wataV1nat mm rWh-sWtWrk- ltng as when it flows from the spring at Saratoga. We receive this water In largo-Meek- tta ieseiuLs wmcn wa renira saloon as mpaos,! agam every weeK. r ' wee, f i f Mils VI I , laretuilf III 11 Prescrii A. h : : and competent druggists, day or night oly28 fi 2. newcrop TURNIP SEED. RED OB PURPLE TOF- x r WHITE FLAT DUTCH, . . ,. i ..if 94l At tiS.'rii -1 LARGE WHITE NORFOLK, E . . . ua vJ vua . ........... y c:oMewst3w j T; f . -Vj-W a ft. J W:.; r V at w - FRESH MINERAL WATER Dr.J.ll,iAdeny filestore f i I f I If prepared byexpetietifted BG1 WBTTX NORFOLK, . , t WBTIXfiBQj -iO n&;i K- dxlh T3T 7 1'- ?-!?r -.:u lul l . l.-, AMBEB GLOBE, t . 60LDBM BALL, BL001L3DALE SWEDt 0B Ylttb W. a- ui I trAND .i ib in nvr iim MJm m.Mtw m as.wwa i,:u.s earn Li vjoiriB a n .-