$l)tl)arlotte Obsttvtx. '. SVBaOSJPTZOW MATES t maty, om iMur, (prmCpnUn a ,-:i?.:.t8 00 fit Jw JfOVsOst.... .....;...... i.... 9 00 ojrtt....... 7j WMMKLX mUJOW i.,v Weekly, (to As comity) in mtoemt. .:..-., ....S3 00 out oa iwrfpoMt a 10 ... a............. . ..... . 1 uu I VOL. XXV. CHARLOTTE, N. 0., THURSDAY,- 'AUGTJST 4 1881. JxA33, sm-"'i s JIC8SX53,' NO. 3,863. snwaisry HITfTTTTlij Mil ft f 2 -. -f5 S f h. I . U I I SMI U i We Mean Wktfe Say. ",.!.. 5"' iii yjt-'ii . f We Bttll hate an elegant and weil-assorted line of LADIES'. MISSES' and CHILDREN'S ' Fawy Uosierr In Mri Be Sill We will conunenoe sacrificing these goods Immediately. CUB ENTIRE STOCK OF SPRIG AND SUMMER GOODS AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. Call early and secure best bargains. Alexander & Harris. iulylT 08tB ahfl stipes 881 Spra 2 SM 1 88 We are dally receiving our SPRING STOCK . '' . i - 7 .if., i which will be more complete than ever before and comprises the Best Brands Latest Sty es. , V 1 - - M , LADIES', MISSES', CHILDRENS,' GENTS', BOYS'. AND YOUTHS' FINE BOOTS 1 SHOES A SPCECIALTY. Lower grades an goods in our line in variety and all prices. FULL STOCK STETSON HATS, and a pretty line , Straw Hafe,Tranki, VaflSes k Satchels, ALL SIZES AND RRICEa Call and see as. PEGRAM & COi feb20 BARGAINS , We are offering bftgalns la our REMNANT STOCK " v f " ' '- OF White Go o i s. SOME BEAUTIFUL PATTERNS OF LINEN LAWNS To be sold very cheap. We offer at a great reduction our stock of Silk & Lisle Thread Gloves k Silk Milts. A FEW BOLLS OF CANE MATTING Very low, to close out stock. T. L. Seigle & Co. July 17 A DELICIOUS DRINK For Use in Families, Hotels, ; Clubs, Parties, Etc, JpiCH BaatOBi C. H. OKATBi A on, i . ' ' ; y i .- s : ANOTHER LOT OF At m cents, and" 5 CENT CALICOES. ALL WOOL PLAIN BLACK! BUNTINGS at 15& LACE BUNTINGS, in cream and black, at 15c STRIPED and DOTTED BOB1NKTS, ' ,l't 4I&Fgellneo:. ... .... Mosquito Caiiojpies, In Pinlc ani White, -AJCD- i A. f i MOSQUITO NETTING, ALL COLORS, at 50c. ANOTHER STOCK OF -V "s- HOO Eii.SK I S , ; ,8-1 .r.,.r F'-'-j N' DEC.DED DRIVES n MANY LINES Ot GOODS. Hargrave; WilMm.- Iiy22 tf'' "- FREIGHT NOTICE - A'Mj " '. ' ' Ottice EummiwDiurr. A.. T. ft O. R B4 h ' 1 '. ... J -i- tmjUjOJtTiVJuJj 18, 1881. - f and alter thVateilirrelghton this road. WwlU f teeelved .J0ilver at har kaa B?T? P.' deliad is the Atf-tine Depot, iherfootBf freitTrSSstreetj r PMengers WU1 als6 m future get on and off the ears at the same poind v J : r-'-J. J. GORMLEYi .lulylgUfx trus .ijr.n ,i;uJiw Superlntaadent, FINE r.AtlVASSED nans. CANTALOUPES AiCD T0HAT0E3, ! .-:;..?, At 8.M.H0W1LL'& The "Hab Punch " has Utehr been Introdooed. aaf meets with marked popular favor. It is Warranted to Contain only th$ oesi or nquors. umiea wun ; Choice Fruit Juices and Granulated Sugar. . itfemdr addition to I the pleasure gooa nature f 14 on opening, and will be tamnA m agreeable Jin ohoioa thlnnwhuih nnilnnnnli ! of Mf and encourage good I eUowaUlB aii GOOD AT ALL TIMES Just the Thing to Keej) la Wist CeSsn. Sideboards not Complete Without M PoL It can be nsed Clear or with Fresh Milk, Ioe, Soda, or Hot Water, LemonadBrwitlirinelce. to Suit the Taste. Sold bj lediitf Wino Merehanto, Grooera, HoMtmA DruzgiafcM ere 17 whore. TtAiIa nnn1iul nt. tWannfiMriMN m4Am K WI1 son A Burwell, Wholesale and Retail Druggists uuunuue, n. u. " Jan 28-eod-ftm. INDORSED BY PHYSICIANS, CLfRQYUEn, AHD , l THE 6RA?ii? HEDICAL TRIUMPH OF THE AfiE. 8YMPTOMSOFA TORPID LIVER. Xeatof appettte,lTariJiea.boweIa eoatlTe. PlntheHead,withsduUen8ation"H the back part. Pain under the honlder blade, fullneas after eatjng with a dlsln- ' clination to exertion of body or mind. Irritability of temper, Ajow romta, Jjom of memory, with a feeling of paring neg leotoOfome . with a feeling of haring n b duty, weariness. Diziin of the Heart. Dots bVfQtf ta neaaasoe, Aiueig 1 .J..'a....--- j- . in.Heaaao as at iiiglit. highly Qlo Z9, SERIOUS DISEASES Will SOON BE DEVELOPED. TTTTTS PIII3'e especially adapted to neheaiet,oue dose eireets enb a change of leeiiDg mm to aaioman mm annrer. auoeo. Mwwr TUTT'S IIAin DYE. Gbat Haib or Whiskkbs changed to a Ousaar Buck by a single application of this Drm. It 1 Impart natural color, acta InatanUaeoaaly. Sold by Druggists, or sent by expreai m reeeiai af At. Oftloe. 30 Murray 8t Nw York. TtTTS HASCAb or Talaakle Iaamatiaae VnM KMdpU wtti M MMU WUMM ea I yeby.'2adeodwlr v Plorotoni i' rTuTwwa7iEwvuns fcs. , ho are tired out bytmrkroy etrjr.aad; aHwfia are miserable with DyspepsiaV'Hktwaa.. ani.N.walgia.orBowcl, KorLWCy ;rAaiQra,yoqcanbwnirip3rated aadCBrsdbjrttew GWrTonicAe greatest Elopd ?i!El fagthIMsMUf7ev"l :BtBlthAS l?j SITUftTIOnVMIITEU,. 5 xl. want a narjer. run i cnarge of the mechanloal department of news paper. wui won Tery eneap aunng ate summer Address, - -CL. July24,dtf - - Can Obserrer, CoarloUe, H. C; LOBZD ErimaTof si teari exMrlanotk steady altaaaon. Can "make wrT a a Drewt. and la enmnetant to takS) OBSERVATIONS. A parasol agony: One of the newest agonies of us intrase aa la for a Torm snn to bis adnred and adorable a large size Japanese ' Ha- parasol eoreifeu with those rapturous pastoral dee orations so common to Japanese high art This signifies: "8haU I alt In the shade with yon this afternoon T" And she generally does. New ren Register, - A prudent girl: Hary la a rery good prudent cm. une says to me one das as she was the curd: ''Mother, I will nerer let loose my aflec tions on no man till I bars proved him to be nl as and In good dreuiastance .' Country Con- Tersauona. ; -- A Aarerer strikes a snag: "Madam,'' he gallantly Observed, "1 have your Image photographed upon my heart" ' Indeed," she said, "a sort of nega tive Impression of me, I suppose " Brooklyn Ka ne . Back yard logic: "If you use a burner like this on your lamp, "said the peddler, -"yon will save batrof the kerosene " The lady, who belonged to one of the first families in Austin, said she would take two, so she would not need any kero sene at aiL Texas strung. : Parentage denied: Billy the Kid was not the son oi wmiam tbe uoat. indeed, no one ever anew whose son he was, and now they will care less. Detroit rreerress. - A fair maiden' curiosity: "now do tell me. Charier." said Miss Gunrleeush. who Is soendlng the summer In the country, "which cow is it that gives the Ice cream? I'm Just dying to see her. Boston Transcript. Mankind will rest easier this wek. The hoop skirt is not vet a certalntv. It is onrr the Dustie that has created alarm a thing of horse hair, of shreds and patches. CLEAVELAND ONCE NOHE. Of Ctowl suel Beatf ul Hecollectione ChSBel Hill stad at Final Fa well. Cleayelaxd Mineral Shrinqs, ) August 1st, 1881. J To the Xdttor of The Observer. & This morning 1 unexpectedly met some mends from nome, at tne springs, for you must know that not only the guests at the hotel, out au 01 sneioy au of Cleaveland county in a word, whoev erisathirst. and whoever will may come and drink of these waters with-. out money and without price. These friends were spending a night at Shelby, en route for the mountains, and after a chat, and they had told me how hot and dusty it was in Charlotte, and I had told them how cool and restful it was up here, I went off to my favorite seat, not, (thank fortune) for any very pro longed meditation, for soon my solitude' was broken by the sound of a voice' geetfng me with a cherry good morning, and an invitation to come and go to ride. The very informality of the invi tation made it a point of etiquette to accept it at once. Realizing this I did not stand upon the order of my going, due suuiea immediately, hb uiu our gal lant little clay-bank steed well known as the fast horse at the springs not quite coming up to the record of Maud h, it is true, but fast enough to cut the wind swiftly, that came fresh from the mountains, and was full of keen exhila ration. The sky was intensely blue, the tops of the dark pines sharply out lined against it. Jungs Mountain in the soft pearly tints, "the enchantment" that "distance lends," roge above the horizon on. our rieht. The lonz ran ere of Ihe South Mountains lay on the left, with the look of calm, eternal repose the mountains always bear, so in con trast with the eternal restlessness of the sea. Behind them the clouds were banked in thunderheads, hardly dis tinguishable from the mountain peaks, but for their bright linings that over lapped the edges. This friend of mine, who held in check the little clay-bank on this breezy morning, was no newly made friend, but one whem I had known when he was a student at Chap el Hill. How many years ago it does not become me to mention ; out years well stored with pleasant memories for both of us. And Just here it is appro nriate for me to remark for the benefit si. , , . Oi xne many young gins wuu pronounce the Chapel Hillian of to-day too utterly utter and snuff adventure from afar, at the very mention of a commence ment, that the students whose names appeared in the old ante-bellum cata logues, and who figured in the annals ofthe college then, were not a whit be hind the men of the present day in any point, especially in those charming so cial accomplishments tnac renaer a gentleman an isresistable. agreeable companion. Blessings on the dear old colleze: the very name is a tie of brotherhood a pass-word. Where else were ever found such strong, such abiding friendships? Davidson, may boast of her high standard of scholar ship, her healthy morale; the Universi ty of Virginia of the prestige of her name and splendid advantages; Har vard may glory in the classic conceit of her Greek plays, and Columbia in her victorious boat races; Princeton in her glee clubs, and Bowdoin point proudly to the lonsr list of shlnintr names that claim her for their alma mater to each their fflorv and renown! But for us true loyal North CaroUniansloving every inch of Her soil From the storm- washed shores of the east to tne moun tains that sleep in gigantic grandeur in the western counties commend us to our own well beloved university, whose walls once echoed with voices the nearest and dearest to us in all the world and In whose traditions their names still live. My friend and I were unanimous on this point, and many were the old college jokes and follies he recounted as we drove home. I could not finish my letter yester day. We found dinner readysthen came the usual ppstprandja game of whist, then the nevitahle nap, Ihe late afternoon toilet, the walk to the springs, where we linger to talk till the bell for supper demands our return. We can sit in the house all the tear round, or even out on our . galleries or porches whenever we please, but it is only at rare and favored intervals that we can indulge in "a are in the woods." Appreciating this some of us here have spent every moment we pos sibly could under these trees, revelling in their freedom and beauty and chade. The last day at the springs is not al ways the nleasantest : we make delight ful acquaintances in the parlance of the day -we take strong fancies we often go farther and form real friend shins the nartinsr is hard when we feel "it may be for years, and it may be for ever All day long have pajrjed tltfs feeling abpflt with Mbt aqa not sijre nas u nag nut jeni a anajm to we pass- g event, as the golden naze ot the idian summer softens the glare of the sun and enhances the beauty of thefad- nir tear. it t as 5 a pain to part from pleasant friends, but a sfreet pain, so much better than a cold mutual indifference. This.,afternoon L had . another ride that I want la tell tan about-: or i two t i ' ' .11 mf ..v a. Rues, more correctly BpeiiKing. .a. wens ovBr 10 eneioy: ro..say gooa Dye roan honored f rlehd7!'i the hacK . The mrs hdekJ1 Eyervbody knows what SDri! the hack at the springs, invariably and necessarily becomes, It nag sueh hard Sucn oonstant, lourneylng I Dig lc work to do. to and fro to make, such loads put upon it, that all the cheerfulness and fUcity .is , crossed out , of it, and it takes the road and goes - up the ' hills in a perfnhctoiysortof way not calculated to inspire a solitary passenger with any; great hilarity. However, "honor . to whom honor is due." If the hack had lost its spring and was the worse for the wear and tear of the road, not so with the driver... August Belmont on the Tally Ho" could not have hand led the ribbons with more discretion and dexterity than did my driver du ring the ride in question. Nor could the distinguished Mr. Jim McCool have ever pointed out the objects of interest on his road with more taste and dis crimination than I Was shown all the points on the way to Shelby. We even saw "a love in a cottage" and all that was missing was the man with the fid dle, playing "Home Sweet Home." Well, I made my visit to one of the dearest and most agreeable ladies in the two; Carolina She must pardon me if I repeat here what one of her own towns women said to me: "Mrs. Brevard is to us a beloved mother su per ieure. We go to her with all our joys and sorrows and she always gives us a sympathetic response." Daring this visit I bad the good fortune to. meet a charming lady, a resident of Shelby wha beKu- "u4aU leaving, the hack and taking a seat with her be hind two dashing little black ponies that went as fast (I won't s ty as the wind any more). as a woman's tongue. A well chosen simile, for theie were three of us in the phaeton, and we gave them a lively race while we diove through the broad level shady streets and saw all tlte churches, the court house, stores and' business houses, ho tels, and residences, bright with bloom ing flowers, that would grace any city in the land, the vineyard covering twenty acres, where the grapes are al ready purpling. Here and there we could catch lovely views of the distant mountains, bathed in the glory of the setting sun. Soon the brightness fades and twilight veils the earth and sky in her soft and tender coloring. The little blacks have gone over the ground no bly, and as thev sro trail y and swiftly through the big sate, past the cottages, by the white house up to the long gal lery or the hotel we are compelled to acknowledge they have won the race. Our tongues are still and silent as we sorrowfully realize we have taken our last drive. And now thanking my kind hosts, Mr. .foston and Col. Williams, for the great pleasure I have had under their hospitable roof and more especially un der their grand old trees, and thanking you, Mr. .Editor, for giving me so much room in your columns to say my say, l bid you adieu. Veni Vhi. 'LEGENDS." The Work ol the New First Auditor of the Treasury in Washington. The new First Auditor of the Treas urer is cleaning the slate in the office of the legends that have grown into law. A correspondent of the Boston Herald gives this recital of his work: "The present Auditor has had a long ana severe wrestle with what he calls 'the legends' of his public service. Cer tain usages drawn into precedent be came 'legends.' Often they are with out warrant of law. The first that Au ditor Reynolds met, when he came in to office a year and a half ago, was that tne salaries or united states Judges ana otner oign omciais oegan when they were nominated by the President, or, at least when they were confirmed by the Senate. . He refused to approve the account of one of the Judges on the oencn or tne supreme uourt oi the Dis trict of Columbia for salary from the date of his confirmation. The Auditor insisted that it should commence from the day he. took the oath of office, and cited the law, which explicitly provides mat cms snail oe the method or proce dure. The precedent loving Treasury officers stood aghast at this manifesta tion of an innovating spirit They cit ed precedents by the bushel. Chief J ustice Salmon F. Chasadrew his salary from the day he was nominated, and so on through a longlist of lesser lights. it was ail or no avails , The ;jaw said from the day of taking this bath. The Judge himself, after looking at the law, proHounceu tueauauor rignc, ana tne 'legend' faded away. The law says that the contingent fund of the Treas ury shall be disbursed upon the order of the the Secretary of the Treasury, and the certificate of the clerk, and the articles purchased are necessary, and that the prices paid are reasonable. A 'legend' said the order and certificate of a custodian' shall be sufficient. The First Auditor refused to approve such illegal accounts, and brought about the recent investigation. The 'legend' and the 'custodian' were abolished altogeth er as a result thereof. There are cer tain extraordinary allowances which can only be made by the President. The Sfkpreme Court has decided that in such matters a Cabinet officer can also Act for-the President A 'legend' at onoe sprung up to the effect that an acting Cabinet officer can also act for the President A few days since such an account came before the Auditor. The allowance had been made by an acting Secretary. He refused his ap proval. Exit 'legend' No. 3. If he stays there long enough, all the 'legends' will recede into the misty past" e Mr. L. X. Frank, No. 28 N. Ninth street, Rich mond, Va., saya; . I $si severely afflicted with rheumatism a the knee Joints and hip, and by tge use of St. Jacobs, Oil was fully restored, Ke le; followed ks use. In luUj aa hou ;,(?'..'" BBTTCCKAllVw For Premature Loss of Hair A Phlladerpaian'a UpUUOn.- One rear aso my hab? commenced falling out until I was almost bald. After using Cocoalne a few months, I have now a thick growth of new hale AUBX HXMBT, No 814 East Glrard Ave. Burnett's Flavoring Extracts.always standard. . NEALY ALL THE ILLS that afflict mankind can be prevented and cured by keeping the sto mach, liver and kidneys in perfect working rder. There is no medicine known that wui do this as quietly an surely, without Interfering with your duties, 'as Parker's Ginger Tonic See advertise ment, v - ' -f " . " ' W Office Superintendent tlonai xxniDiuon ai General of the Grand Na- the American Institute nt Science. Art and loaustry ot the City of New; York. (Finding of the Committee of Xxpeita &weJneommend the Medals t Excellence fo the Witoh Hssei -p$eparaoujB oi tae KUigum nany as being- ot great vawe ana i Tn accordance with, the finding Purit : the Medals of CHARLES W. HULL. '. Superintendent General, rnmi hum. gait rheum, rheumatism, neumteia: catarrh, painful monthlies, skin diseases, etc. - Bold In any cents auu uvtutr surw. I - gtlamaz'H), Mich., Feb. 2, 1880. I know Hop Bitters will bear recommendation honestly.- All who use tnem confer upon them the highest encomiums, and give them credit for pu king cures all the proprietors claim for them. I have kept them since they were first offered to ha public. They took high rank from ne first, and maintained it. and are mojm called for than all others combined. 8 lom as they keep up their kiv. MnntiBnn tat nuritT and nsef nines. I ahall coaunoe to jeoonimend them -something I have i .tf-.M a warUla anw hi1iAi rvot-tknt msiiHulsisa gsm before dona wHh arohejefflcine. : . TXBBUis aysa vr 4. Wmtmia of rats, mice, eats, bed bun. roacBea etc.. lose their Uvea ry eaUlaton whU J'Boughoa Bats." Sold by druggists, 'lfte. - ' t MeimBvurttM &ro.; us wuu real pie as nre that I add my testimony to the great virtues of your "fieuraigme as a speeme ior neuralgia ana sick headache. Such a remedy is a blessing, and all suOerers should keep It on hand. J. u. Kroexu, 186 Cathedral Street, BaJOmorr, 8oIdbyT- wawTOrca - WCien Kibe -:o:- FuIcSmitSi EHucio EIouGe, (Branch of Lodden St Bates. Frioes and.terms exactly the same.) Plenty of Mod ! Plenty of Mosie ! 500. fiinos id.nni MATE J EVXBTBODT HAPPY. KEEP IN DE MIDDLE B DE RODE 1 ; And read McSmith's Sprcial Sammer Offer: .M Pries and 3 Slonths Credit ! A little Casli Down niE li A LANCE WHBH- OH BAND AKD OOirrBACTTt) FOX THAT MUST BE CLOSED OUT BEfGSl OCx5" .. iif"" -,. . .r- 'n W COTTON COMES IN. LOWEST CASH PRICES: 10 CASH ON AN ORGAN. '$25 GASH ON A PIANO. And the balance 3 Honths. Without Interest This is neither "Pie" nor "Tatty," Hilt flwwvl hll a a " ivw vu uj maa ni?niinj. Write to ime for a little reading iriatter and be happy. Order from this house and time, freight and money. Address, . H. M'SMITH, Charlotte, C. saye LEADING CLOTHIERS il il i O- IE B2T WILL SUCH INDUCEMENTS BE GIVEN IN CLOTHING! CLOTHING! AS ABE NOW OFFEBED BY ILo IBeiPWsiim g(BLf Oq FOE CASH ONLY! OUR $150 AND tiayBO SUITS FOR fain I OUR $9.00 AND 010.00 SUITS FOR. .... $7.60 au.w O.KAJ 9.00 6.00 Children's, THE BIGGEST BARGAINS SVSB GIVEN IN CO I IT lit vi nt and Umrn ikmm UUU IVUlIlk "UIUIU 1112. n CALL EARLY AND SECURE BARGAINS. (DnaDSlnngr CDmitt SaD OF pipfiriDg anndl Sdnnniinia WE NOW OFflB THE REMAINDER OF OUB SPRING AND 8UKMEB GOOI8 Att IKIffiDIf TTDncenn0 vatte I THE GREATEST OPPOBTUNITV TO BUT GOOD CLOTniNG CHEAP IS HOW WITHIN YOUE BEACH. THIS IS A POSITIVE FACT ! r-OUB PREPARATIONS FOR FALL DEMAND A CLEARANCE OF THE GOODS NOW OFFEBED Closing All Out 111 Summer AHD t . : - , -. - ' . . . - -iff -j . " JB ffi n & (D JMKEi BECKE tt& Mcdowell ENGINEERS, IRON FOUNDERS & MACHINISTS, 0 Ci. -if. i ' '" : '-limJTiCTUWCBS OT- - : ; QSnoes ana . ; J ilimMi fid Oj foYjUK iTff bo?J 4 - ' IJ lQCunu CONTRACT FOB &Jl&drKWlWl& , ALS0, MA - . at by i , t -rt' inrri TXtsTTiHV i.i. ii-iHii i IjI i KAii ainii miti kj .r rvuii . ha wm bbi i L.isn.isUA- ' i . ,: TnaaaaniifserarersortbeCHi To show their confidence In whai mey cuma, tney cnanenge any nuuroTfteturer or aKnauuirat enaines not nosa wun aa antosmaoc eat on, w nwpwHn - Tr y. . lenaw oc awwmwtaaay neaesirea. ; xaesa anginas twin iana-tw aw.; ang3 JOHN G. YpTJNG, Agent, College street, bet. Trade and Fiftb, Charlotte, N. C

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