LOCAL USTEmtmjjCET " FRIDAY, AUGUST 6, 1881. apt j j SOCIETY JPIRECTORY. j' Phaiahx lgdox No. 81, A. f.&a. k-Begalar meeting every second and fourth Mouday nights, Sxcbiaiob Lonea Na 261, Ai F. A. ftL Beg alar meeting every first and third Tuesday nights, I Cauama Cbuftkb Ma 89, R. A. M. Begalar meeuug tbi j nwuuu sua luurui jmaay nignts. . Chaslottb Coiolikdaby No. 2, JL T. Regular meeung every uni via uura xnunaays. ' OV HUNOH. HBgUiSI meeting MUg S0CUUU UW 1VIUUI XUUIWUIJS, Knights of rrraiAa. Eeeular meeting nights first and third Wednesdays, 7 o'clock p. m. atMa- some xemyie nan. , x. o. o. :e Chaklott Lodos Na 88.-lf eets ever Mon day night., j . - a j f i A T f ?- vaxsaastBoaa lcraHATrot'Loiea Ho. a Meets every Tuesday night: I j J . Dixnt Lodqi No. 10& Heets'every Thursday nigni. Catawba Rrm Zhcampkiht Na 21. Meets First and third Thursday nights In each month. Index to New AdTrtlemenis Peas and Pea Meal John Vanlandlngham. HOJHJB PENCILING. JST Fall goods are being received. tW A miner may be recognized a mock away. Eg Still-hotter yesterday and anoth er delusive cloud. of the The Improved corner Central Hotel is finished. EST The absentee prohibitionists were not extolled yesterday. tW John Henderson said 14 out of 15 voters in Finchgut were "dry." tBoth the poetic and the prosaic constables suspended operations yes terday. t DECIDEDLY- MOIST; A NEW PBOniBITIOif TATEllLOO. Tne KmhIi at TNlwiafi Electlea imcmm vvictsnrr tor AU.Pralbi. - CantyNst Iaw them One Than. The excitement wnrlrArl tin h. tha wohibittoir campaign. Intense everv- wnere, was probably greater in Char lotte than at any point in the State. owing to the late municipal election ana succeeding difficulties both public ana personal. Never before was there such universal discussion "or cam paign issue ; consequently it is a matter of some surprise that yesterday was as quiet an eiecuon aay as coma oe de sired. .There was not a demonstration towards a row. Th tiAlkvwM-A vail Attended by representatives of both Sartieswho remained throughout the ay and were most industrious in their labors. , There was verv little necessity fpjrthe extra policemen. 'TThe wets took the lead in. each ward early in the day.thecolored people voting with their usual eagerness. They were more sona ror license tnan was antici pated. In the first ward a gentleman who remained at the polls all day thinks there were not 40 colored votes for prohibition. Their total registered vote on that ward is 238. Two hundred And twenty-six voted. ; The 'registered vote of the whites is 557; only 280 Alio tuuiuiuuuuu nun tuuuucui that their vote would increase as the day wore on: but it soon became evi dent that the township would go for "license" by a majority unexpected by the most sanguine anti-prohibitionists. Both parties watched the other keenlv to detect any effort to corrupt voters a practice wmcn nas been so naerantiv uonrsued in Charlotte heretofore. I f Here is the vote for Charlotte town- Iship on both county and State prohibi uon: FIRST WARD. ' More people it is thought live on Church street than on any other in town. BS" The Stav-at-Home Club will meet to-night at the residence of Capt. ,J. x . Jpryce. C5f All casses for the mayor on yes terday morning were postponed til this morning. 835" Mr. W. JJ. Cochrane was bound over to court yesterday for carrying concealed weapons. t3T The weather will probably re ceive some attention now that prohibi- tion is settled. tW The unanimity of the colored yote is the most remarkable fact of the prohibition campaign in Mecklenburg. 85 Mr. Sims, chairman of the exe cutive committee of the wets, says elec tion bribery will not be heard of again in Charlotte. W The lunch served by the ladies in the basement of the Smith building to the prohibitionist committeemen was substantial and much enjoyed. . !3gr The entertainment in the coun try for the Mecklenburg Riflemen will come off on the 16th and not on the 10th as the types made it appear yesterday. gST Maj. Dowd returned yesterday from the Caswell memorial. He re- erts the crowd at from 12,000 to 15,000. eleft before the ceremonies were over. gf" An attempt was made yesterday License,. .' Prohibition, . . State. 270 249 21 Charlotte, Cwlnmwia. and Aaurnata L steck. Stock in the : Charlotte. Columbia and Augusta road ,; is - more . largely held here probably than - im- anv of our other - roads, and a number of our strikes by holding it. The Columbia Register says; '?- v - v-v.; - "un Tuesday, an upward and moving tendency was noted in Augusta in Charlotte, Columbia and -- Augusta Railroad stock. A strong demand ex ists for this stockv which has declined of late or been influenced in some way by the recent general depreciation. The buyers are principally Richmond' and Baltimore men, and neither place will sell. : The stock has remained quiet for a few weeks at about 67, and on Tues day sales were reported at higher fig ures, and 59 was bid for the stock. , it Is generally believed it will go Beveral points mgner. Maj. for license SECOND WARD. State. License 309 Prohibition 131 Maj. for license, 178 . ,. ' . THIRD WARD. State. License, 402 Prohibition,. 159 Maj. for license, 243 FOURTH WARD. I State. License 218 Prohibition...... 166 County. 268 245 . 23 County' 307 130 177 County. 403 " 159 244 County. 218 167 51 VTucailed For. The following is a list of letters re maining in the Charlotte postofficefor the week ending August l: Miss Hen rietta Bolick, Mattie Benton, Messrs. Crawford & Co, Fanner Conner, J. EL Cook, Nedium Croon, Mrs. Sarah Davis, J. T. Dulin, Esq., Isaac Frazier, Esq., MissRoxana McGinn, Miss Lizzie Go ines, Mr. H. K. Grier, F. M. Gowen, S. P. Hunter.W. C. Henisonome, Miss Lu cinda Hutchinson, Lewis Johnson, Samuel L. Kerr, Mrs. Martha Killion, Miss Emma Kimbroueh. A. H. Moten, Miss Ellen Mitchell, Mr. H. A. Maner, Mrs. Luley Matthews, Mrs. May Mull, Miss Maggie Miller. Miss Rosie Means. S. A. Maxwell, Mr. Doublin Moore, Miss Julia Mov. J. S. Nichols. J. T. Nichols, Nathan Neely, Miss Charlotte Pinkaton. Mrs. Marv Ouarv. E. K. Sou- rier, Esq Mrs. Jennie Smith, Mrs. Ra chel Williams, Mrs. Harriet Yocum, W. H. Y eager. When calling for any of the above please say "advertised." . ; Why Dr. Asjuew Could not Remain Globe Democrat It is said that Dr. Agnew was reques ted to remain in Washington, out ne declined because of patients requiring his attention in Philadelphia. One of the President's physicians asked what kind of patients they were, and the em inent surgeon replied that one was a laborer at the shipyard who had a bad ly fractured skull, and the other one or the same character who suffered from a wound in the abdomen. These were particular cases, and he thought he might be able to save their lives by his presence. When it was urged that the President's life was more valuable, he remarked that the President was at tended by skillful physicians, and with Dr. Hamilton here, who was abund antly able to cope with any emergency, while these poor men had nobody ; hu man life was human life, and his pres ence was actually necessary in Phila delphia at this time. to 1.987: sales 400s stock 68.092: XMCts finu Britain ;to continent 486. racetoU 60; stock 11469. MOBfLB-QQlet;. mWMllrn IH&e; low wUMltm lOVbc; coon oramuT ve;necmeBip r nance ; toieat Brttaia. - -. Mnoro-Qnlet; solddltac 11 82shlpBeus---;i AoeosTA- QaietJ 'J BBMoTtar lie. - low mM aim lflii. cood stomib SOkai iseiiluM Bd: ojDsawts.ri.Mlw. 19B.;cW' b-$tt$:i- - CsUSLaBiasllnnex. snKumng llfte; low sbM mnc He; tooa onnnary lOM-i n neetpM 1i rmmM : ssjos lOU: StoeK 7F.fi coastwise 124: Great Britain wmttnent KKWTOBK-Cotton oolet: sales 667: salddllM nplaods 12 1-1 6c: Orleans 12 5-1 Be: BOtfooeipu exports Great Brttaui zwft; , eonttnent 48d; France. ijrKRPOoti Noon Cotton market noar' easler: mlddltns nDlands 6 13-16d: mid. otteans Bd: sates 10,000, speculation and export lXX): vs eeiDts &JJUU. Amencu mom. upianasiowima- dlin elsuser AugoBt deUTerr , Ancost Ad Sep- temDer o lo-ioa. oewouiucr una ueiooer o o-ioa October and November 6 1-82L NoTember and Dceembei a, Seeembet and Janoarr . Vo-torcsflat. 5 p. m. Futures unsteady. Haw 000. FUTUBXS you Futons dosed firm. Sales T4. 12.12a.14 lL23a24 ia4 1044 l57 unbar or November TtAnamhar. ... . Jjutnnrr.... 10.fi6a.6' February 10.66a.68 lUJMia.l Aprtl ia92a,95 siay xi.uoo.u4 FINANCIAL. Nxw Tors Mdney 1.2US.03. Kxehange 4.824 Ctovemments lrreg: new 6's 1.02Ve Four and a halt per eents 1.14ft. Four per cents 1.16. State Dondsauu. Nxw Yoki 1 1 a. m. The stock market opened firm and generally a rracuon nigner. Stocks elosed somewhat Irregular. New York Central Xrle.... Lake Shore Illinois CentzaL Nashville and Chattanooga 8 LoolsvUle and Nashvluo ............ 1.0 Pittsburg. , - . 1.4 Chlengo and Northwestern 1.261 preferred.... 18& Wabash, St Louis Padflo. 62' Do preferred - 8 Memphis and Charleston e Bock Island - 1-881 Western Union 89 AJabama-ClassA,2toS J " Class .small S " Class B, 6's V M Class C,4's 82' Fast Tennessee 2 CITY COTTON MABXXT. Orticx or ties Obskbtxh, i CBABXOTni. August 6, 1881. ' The market yesterd&r closed steady. Good Middling -. H KtricllT Bilddlinf - 11 Mlilriliriff 1 Strict low middling 10?4 Low middling. iV Tinges 9jOA Lower grades oa Receipts yestenlar. 1 bales. CliBvrtotto Proimse Rlsurket. AUGU8T 4. 1881. BUYING PBICXS. GROCERIES! WE HAVE JUST RECEIVED AlJQTIISB.ja oj Ct ; T : 50 CEm COHSjETS, FarstipiriortafitandQatoanToaieri tabodagai M tWi ehrslleg'wjnnliifronii8to8a 2 CAR LOADS IFfcsCi Va. E2eal 1 CAR LOAD Javerly Family Flour. 1 CAR LOAD MECKLENBURG CHOICE. ' IOt A' BEAUTIFUL A8S0BTMEKT OF ' In Ttiloui tinea U aimat&)vamk jlri:ai"iiA ' ' --. ' " -- '' i.'oi"i Look at our beauOful PMKTS, us neatved, only ?e pt ftti'- -" 4 s I i H. MO RRXS & BB O. Iun2 TETON S T BE E T NEVaSTOEE. have just reodrjeo' another lot of those 5 CENT Q U I vE T S . Honey "Com q&ito, Batei c? v-.'V" H v80o $100 1.25 FANS ! FANS ! Cheapest line of Fans in Um 3tate. Palm Leaf rttas riw ai- CORSETS. The Dulsy Corset, The Bylvla CorseW juijai 40c 7Se TnetheoestQM jByt ffetodV Fiu of the v a A ieeXiua. no, kmu mm TO? . - -" i 3 1 teat ad ?'.-.v. I " All prices an4 grades. . Very csMpy Fjcamtne our jsocwweis, TwareaoecueapiumB. All styles and prleeo. ana pneesv trosa 60 -up. LadV stitched 100 hi UautUulualUB Hem- Xureka Spool 8Hk, 10c a spool. Needles 5 a .1 .. . .. i. .. paper. Coats eottoa, SSe a dozen. tVSTBICTLT CABHand OlK PBIOt i f I V M S V 4 BOWICIACXJ. ' - - pQMVlU FEME COLLEGE, j AtAVlAMOM, M. O. 100 PACKAGES Slew Macherel ALL &IZBS AND NUMBEB3. WHINERALHER oth Foreign and Domestic, JUST KECI1VKD AT DrJ.HIcMensDri Store s ABtTCGA . 5 rIGHY, Maj. for license, 52 BECAPITTTLATION. License. Prohibition. 2d Ward, 3rd Ward.. 4th Ward Total vote, Maj. for license, 270 249 309 131 402 159 218 166 1,199 705 1,199 1,904 494 Texas Ex-Confederate Pass Resolu tions of Sympathy. Galveston, Aug. 47 A special to the News from Corsicana, Texas, says that at the 3rd annual reunion of Par sons's cavalry brigade, of the Confed erate army, yesterday, resolutions ex pressing deep sympathy with the wounaea iresiaenc, ana inansiuiness at his promised recovery, were adopted unanimously. 1UAL, " iiiWliO Whxat, " 1.10ai.25 Kbahs, white, per bushel 1.25a.60 Pias, Clay, per Dnsn. wuai.yy Lady. " 1.60 White, Fixjob Family.... Xxtra..... Super The 25th annual session begins August 81st Ten teachers. Better prepared than ever for the best work. Offers every advantage of the most tharaurii and IUmibI nam In literature. MUSle ana in, at rates tower wan. any equtu wsooui w ana uierary uuuou iron sou w the State. Board S7S.60 per term. Bee CetaV )uly22.d2wks,wlmo W. BFJNHABT, rnnapai. From Saratoga Springs, N. T. A new water re sembling the imported Vichy. Recommended as an antacid; cures dyspepsia, aids diges tion, Is a powerful tonic and strong diuretic. Also, . j - ; Halliorn Natural ilineral Water, i This is 82 per cent of the vote cast at to get a warrant for Mr. XL x. McAden itthe last presiaenuai election, for corrupting voters, but as nobody fT-wnen this result was anno would swear that he did it, the magis trate declined to issue the desired in strument. JEST" Mr. Taylor, of the Taylor Manu facturing company, or vvestminsieri Md-will go to Atlanta in a few dayl to see which offers the strongest 11 ducements for the removal of its works that city or Charlotte. Atlanta's greatest advantage, he says, is the greater facilities for coal and iron. - tSTThe New York Times is edified at the breaking down of the color line in politics, evidencedTby the wet and dry contest in North Carolina, If the Times man had been here at the elec tion yesterday he wouldn't think there had been much of a break down in the color line. The colored man and broth er was slightly solid for his liberties. t-The Union Springs (Alabama) News and Herald says: "Mr. E. N. Peterson, manager of the Western Union Telegraph office here, returned Mnndav mornincr from Charlotte. N. C where he had been unexpectedly called to attend the funeral of ( his affianced, Miss Ella Frtoklin. Mr. Peterson has our sincere : sympathy In his misfor tune." 1 HI 1 mn 1 Summer Absentees. Mr. Will Johnston will spend three weeks at Greenbrier White Sulphur. Mr. R. M. Myier, Jr., left yesterday for an A-rtandad Northern tour. Mr. C. N. Vance and wife returned, from Cleaveland yesterday. Mr. W. W. Flemming is at the Jjorth. When he returns wp will pro bably bear something from the water works.' Miss Grace Griffith who has been visiting friends in Durham has gone to Mrs, Jai-Si Marse 'land children ac companied by Miss Hattle Smith, leave to-day for Glenn Springs, S. C, Planet in August. During August Saturn; Neptune (in visible to the naked eye), Jupiter, Mars, Venus and Mercury are morning stars, and Uranus the sole evening star. The August moon fulls on the 9th. For nariv the first half of the month bat- urn, Jupiter, Mars, Venus, and Mer curyrising in the order named-twill wend their way among the stara be tween midnight and 4 o'clock. , When mercury Is lost In the sun's bright rays the moon takes on her wondrous role, and, paying her respects in turn to Sat urn, Jupiter, and Mars, completes the show on the 20tty as she hangs side by side with Venus, fairest of the stars. announced the et men became jubilant but the ne- es especially so. A long black man oisted high a suspicious looking three cornered black bottle. He raised a camp meeting tune and the ragamuf- ins came Demna. as mey marcnea rowd grew larger :and the song, grew ouder. They marched and sane, em braced each other and threw their hats away until dark, when they, with large accretions from their own race and a few of the white anti-prohibitionists, assembled by the light of a tar barrel on Independence square. A band of music played ana tne crowa caiiea ior rnnston. Col. Johnston appeared and made a congratulatory speech on the over whelmina chancre for license in the city and the cheerful character of the reports from the. county and cities. Dr. Wm. Slonn also made a few re marks and the Rev. Burwell John son advised the crowd to disperse which they did. . THE COUNTY. Rumors were prevalent throughout the day of most unexpected majorities for the "wets." At 10 o'clock yes terday morning 170 negroes had voted in cnaron aownsmp, auu urny 1 tuwm "dry." The license majority in bharon is 103. The "license" majority in Morning Star is 138. These are the only exact" reports which were re ceived from the county last night, but all news was so favorable to the "wets'', that the chairman of their committe. here calculated bh lQO majority double their most sanguine expecta tions. It will, however, hardly be that large. , , '. ; Ratlroa4 Col. Capt, J. C. Rrannon of tjie Air Line has resigned his conductorship and is pow engaged on the Macop and .Bruns wick, Capt. Lewis Reneau taking his train, . ,. WThe ca8senirer encineers are dis satisfied beoanse they are compelled to change engines so often on the Air Aane. It is rumored that V. E. McBee wiU rwRimprintndentof the Western North Carolina road and that T. T. Smith will be agent in this city of the consolidated - "Loods" have been nut up connect ing the wires of the Richmond & Dan- vine and Charlotte, coiumDia & Au gusta offices. The Carolina Central will probably be also connected soon. It is said that Jim McCool gets more letters than any railroad man who runs, to Charlotte.?. He got Ave from the office this morning. meeting; of the Catholic Total Absti nence Society Boston, Aug. 4. The session of the National Catholic Total Abstinence Union was preceded by solemn High mass of Requiem, at the Church of the Immaculate Conception. Resolutions urging systematic and energetic work in the cause were adopted. 76a80 3.25 a 00 2.7B 5066 414a6 15a20 7alO 8a5 60a75 1.60al.76 20a25 8al0 20a25 1 10al6 25a27 85a40 6a6 Weather Washington, August 4. For the Middle Atlantic States: Fair weather, variable winds mostly westerly, sta tionary or higher temperature, station ary pressure. South Atlantic States: Partly cloudy weather, local rains, variable winds mostly southwesterly, stationary pressure. Mr. j. M. Hlgglns, druggist, Germintown road and Noiris street, Philadelphia, says: 1 can speak from irir own exoerlence about the effects of St. Jacobs OIL A lew ulghts ago I had an awful at tack "of rheumatism In the right knee. It was so bad that I thought I would have to close np my store. I remembered I had been selling a eooa deal of St Jacobs Oil lor rheumatism, and I got my wife to bring me a bottle. I had It applied with flannftl clotli. saturating It completely, and after a thorough rubbing. I begin to feel better, and next morning, a true as I am .telling It, the pain was all gone, and from that time to this I have had no trouble, HUB PUNCH, prepared by Bkmed haads of pure old liquors and aromatic fruit Juices is delicious, and surpasses any punch or tocldy made on the spur of the moment. Taken hot at night it win. break up a cold. Have if ready." , Sold by all Grocers, Wine Merchant and Drug gists. ; .. Trade supplied at manufacturers vtixt by wu son Burwell, Wholesale and "EetMl Druggists, Trade street, Charlotte, W. C. , qats, sheued, Dried Fbott Apples, per 10. Peaches, peeled " . Unpeeled. . Blackberries.. Potatoes Sweet Irish North Carolina. Sees, per dozen. tOOWHT Chickens Spring Ducks Turkeys, per lb. Geese Baxr, per To., net biutton, per 10., neu. . raaxi " WHOLESALE. Btju Mxats , Clear Bib Sides. vvsauw Prime Bio. I? Good. 12VialS Btbdp- Sugar-hoose. ov CeSoZZT. 82a85 Bnm, 8mn 86a60 Choice New Orleans 60a60 I Common., 40a45 loaim Yellow 810 Corn, per gallon .?1;0M2 Bye? " S126a3.00 Bkakdt . nnB Apple, per gallon. -a tg-s2 pih - 2.60 Won. ScaDPernong. per gallon. "1- BXTAIL. Csexsi,... .,..,,,,,....' Labd, per lb Tatlow, per 8 In Stos ALL GBADIS. A ITJLL LINK OF Union High School . (MALI AND FXMALD EAST SESD, TADKIH 00.1 If. 0. Next session opens August 4, 1881. Professor T. a. Whittmston. A. M.. DrindpaL Departments Colleglat, Cominercial, Normal and ClvU Br MMinff 'iftrm- nrancr imu. uubiu uvu to $8 per month. Tulaon from S8 to S16.26. ljut nnri 1m milAK northwest from Winston. and 7 miles south 01 raot tuxmoun. - ror parao- ul&rs address the principal at Bast vena. imyia,4w CITY PROPERTY! FOR SALE. A DESIBABLX residence, three blocks rrom ine Xjl public square in unanooev wm do wia cacap and on reasonable terms to the right kind of a purchaser. The dwelling is on a run tot, nas nine comfortable rooms, brick kitchen, fine weU of wa ter, etc. The house is admirably adapted ior ine residence 01 a lawyer, auoor ur ireacucr, utioK an admirable library or stody room, built for the purpose. For furthsr partlcalars, price, terms etaraTplyat THIS OFFICE. uly20.dtf Recommended very highly as a cathartic and al terative and In all forms of dyspepsia. ALSO, ! CASES CONGRESS WATER, 10 CASES ROCK BRIDGE ALUM, -s 10 CASES: BUFFALO LITHIA. And a full supply of IMPORTED APOLLINARIS -AHD- TEE GBEAT tORMtiN JOfELTY Canned (fioods. S ite.1 N.C. hog round. ......... . Mams,.CL. ... .... Hams, canvassed. Rica ..v.. ......... FBOTT-r Apples, Northern, per Wbl Mountain, " Fish Mackerel Na u . " Na 2.. -Na8.-Codfish ........... Oabbask, per tt. .. . ......... 4... 00 20 lOall 1& 14al6 8al0 3.258.50 U.OU 1.25 1.00 75 IB a OUR COMMISSION BOUSE HA8 LARGE 8UP- PLUS OF. 3 H UNTADI rANOS. riKS.-'iQii CABBAGE MARKETS BY TELEGRAPH MW tKtitmtvAs. TOMATOES A FooVe Forcerlea; ?T' :t 'it ' A colored man who first called himself John Kerns, afterwards Joe Cornelius, and again John Burton, was arrested and iajed -twterday on the PWf8 3 forgnr. presentedyestwday tnorn; ItiiFM otaer Hot i6 K- at the store of TTarria. The order was very awkwardly writteni. and Vjadiy spelt. It -was signed J. C. Banson. The: firm itook tiie order but declihed paying it nntil they saw the gentlemen whose 1 signatures i , were used, twttTtfKMf.-rMpei r4en'otthe count. , Mir. Alexander; of the-nrni.H went round to-tne store oa VT. W. Pegram,-where he found the same man presenting1 a similar border signed "truly yours, friend R, 'A. T05- wn(je". ' Tbo orders yew ;pared. hrfhawHtinindentlcal. -and: the form almost so.-i t was clear-that they were' most unskljlf u) ?aUemttj tthnm hn was committed until Satur- : day when' he will be tried, Ibe gen f tlemen whose names were signed will be noUfledrrii c ' An old negro 'who saw the man be 'inx ing -taken to Jail , handcuffed said: -This whatfcls ter have edlcatlon en Tin Viratna " : . .' . . TUo German Carp In Georgia. The Atlanta Constitution publishing an interview as to the merits of the mucb4Ucussed qewnan Garpt as a fdod fish for Southem' waters t . lTrVere' are not strong enough words in the English language to tell how well they have done in Georgia" saya fha 'Anntari and in answer to the asser tion that the flesh of the fish is insipid and stringy. - "I am able to say, frpm actual -ana carerqi -experience, vua AUGUST 4. 1881. PBODUCS. Baltmobb Noon Flour firm; Howard street and Western super S3.50a4.25, extra 84.'5a5.25, family $5.60a6.50; city mllM-super $S.5Oa450, era st75a5.25, family 6.75a7.00; Elo brands l650l62, Patapsco family 7.25.Wheat-8outhera red L21ai.26. amber 124a.27. Coin-Southern "Mfcian do mixed 4ia42, rennsyivauia . .rromwui rnSspork l8.65al 8.75 new ; )ulk meatt loose shoulders. . clear sides , ditto packed 7&kalOLk; paeon enomaers vs uear n uw n hams 12ial84. Lard-HWflnea tierces 12X. Ooflee BemroM-ollnarytofalr 9allt4. Sugair AsottiTwhlskey 1.111.12. , Cnronnii'n Hoar tamlly 6.75&6.00. lancy B 25a7.0a Wheat-No. 2 red winter 1.20a.21Mu Cora at 54. Oats at . . Pork at f 18.00. Laid at llT'25. Bulk meats shoulders 6.65, ribs 9t bacon-Shoulders 7. ribs 10g, elwr sides 10. Whiskey at 1.08. 8ugu-hards lOlAaaa, New urieans vgiH4. nms wujujuu andUght 5.25a 8.75, packing and butchers 6.25a 700. - , Nw loBX-8douieitt flour quiet; eoimnon to fair extra 6.16a6.2$, good to ohWce 6.80a7.60. Wheat nngraded spring 1.15a 1. 20 Corn-' ungraded 44a58- Oats-44" for No. 8. Oof lee Bio cargoes lOaia. Sugar fair to good refining 77, prime ; refined standard A fciAtMolajiaei New Orleans 80a65, Porto Kloo 8oa55. Bosln 2.05a2.07. Xurpentlna 41al. Wool dome8Ue oeeoe 04a4t. pmiea zumu, unwashed 12a82, Texas 14a8a Pork at 18 25 middles Ion clear 9. short clear 10, long and Short 9. Lard 1 1.65. - T Peas and Pea Meal. G00D"w""SaHlS!iN5S.M. ang5 :; 30 DAYS TRIAL ALLOWED. r i Li SGANTLHTS Seamlsss Eta;:ratcr AJTD " '$flIlTKERJI,, CASE KILL itbst cuss MESso iianiZai AT VXai Mw rmnmm UU tor Bwcriytlv ItIm list. TMOS. tCANTUH 4tOM, IVAMBVELIje. UTC july!7wlmo SALEM ACADEMY, -POTATOES SALEn N. G. rpBIS Instltntlon commends itself to the a u a notabir pieasani ana saie aumo class school for girls and yoong women. It has oaring tne THE BE8T NATURAL APERIENT. AS A CATHARTIC: : Doea.Awme ghws faUbsfop.bree Tht IatmtsmrJshoi-Barm. af firms that Its richness m aperient salts surpasses kthat of all ether knswnwanjrs.'' ITT t r TMBruwi Media Jovrmi--Hunyaor Janos. The most agreeable, safest, and most effleaeloas i aperient water." vtqj. vwcnm, senm. "lnvanaDiy gooa ana prompt soooess; most valuable." Prof. Bamberger, Vienna "I have prescribed these writers with remarkable success." Prof. Bcanxori, Wurszburg. I prescribe none bat this." Prtf. Lander Brunion, M. D., T. S. 8., London. "More pleasant than Its rivals, and surpasses them In efficacy." erof, Aixen, m.. d., r. A. a., neyai suunry tsoa pltal, NeUey. 'Preferred to Pnllna and Fried- nensnau." . JOHN H. McADEN, Importing and Dispensing Pharmacist. North Tryon 8t, - - , CHAJaXOTTl, N. a DOS!T GO TO SABATOQA When yoa can get water )ust as fresh and spark- i ung as when n nows rrom ine sprmg at Danuira. We receive this water In large block tin reservoir which we return as soon as emptied ta)be refilled saain even week.. j. n.auiun, ubllc tugn CANTALOUPES Mlt, 1S7S WE WILL SEND, OH 30 DAYS' TRa DR. OirEPD Electro Voltaic AppIIatrces WX ARE STILL IN RECEIPT OF CO th ata 1t no trntn wnate t-jv. . r . . . .r t -m il ment. ' x nave wieQ tne oarp irequenuy, have bad-it cooked in different ways, nri T ktata Dositivel v that it is as fine afish asoartroa which you know is rfrnrriv thti.bass. and' is esteemed the best tame qsn uvatwe naYe auu a Kreab 1 1 Inxtirt'evWa the table! of th6 .rlcli 8PeUBHW(, ,VMI I In. mill's iter h the Btate-J Inunuiil ' CATARRH OF THE BLADDER. r ! 1 . ; BUnglngmarttnc, irrMatloirof Pj-. sages, diseased discharges, cured- by .Buchupaioa. . i. kuggistc. Depoti f. HT McAden, Charlocte - v. It has. increased $o rapidly ana tne ae J,onTfnrlt is ao frTeat in the State that he farther 1 tays mat ne is Ha,uaeu -iii 6 twAw??ffi:aS Aisar Smtna taie ana mum. aw va auiwu lions of pontids of ! the healthiest and most aeiiguuui iuu w m wuiw F Preinat aw Lm 'of BrA 'KulaxIp'i. One year aao my baUreommenoed fanwn nntu.T wm almost bald. I After using Cocoalne few months.! haTenqw a pick hair, j 10c; good ordinary 9Vdc; net rwu 110; gross -; sales ; stoca 2U,to; exp-ts vmhw ; to Great Britain ; continent. NoBfota-Bteady; middling 1114cj net reeeipu 01; gross ; stock 8,248; ekperts eoastwisw dii;saies exports w urea Dnuuu.. . . BAurmoRa Steady; mid. llc: low mldd! Vk; goodordln'f 10 8-We; neHee,ts ; grosl, 879s salea; - ; stock -l,m; exports coastwise suffering from MerruweKnse, Gen eral iDitiiy, insa or nervo rorce or vigor, or any oisease resuming irom abuses man umw Caobxs, or to any- one afflicted .with Rheuma tism, Kearaleia, rub sis, Spinal 39cillt9s. Kidney orllver Troubles. ffiSlftnv tures, and other ntseases of me Vital Organs. Also voxBt troubled with diseases peculiar to their sex. : , ; '-" - - . - Speedy relief and 't-binplete' restoration . to health guaranteed. - Theao -are tb wstly Klectrie Applianecs tfeat Imst eve been ew.netrpcsMASij eiples. xaeir i nrnveir' rsecttenta from ssMdlcal and aies Ami', arid from hamfMdrf Whe feave i scA viekly and ravaU cnveH CALL IaJKL.1 ANR SKCSTES BABAJNS. oast few yean been greatly hl Tta fUTHIlT. A8TIO AKKAHUaJLaB'AB have been remodeled and tts ..vaneed. It now offers aU the advantages of stallartasdte Uons of the highest grade. A lS?0 stractors U employed, and palns-tsktng instruo TuiBuaranteed T it offers a liberal Xngllsh. or txn.Mnti aiui 4aoaiaai enursa ior gnwiunm u. auu. aaderiU new admlBlstmfion, haa already gradu emy have latterly been re-adapted to ascjjre to Us Hnnaii in fthnvm.. , ana cm sneeuu auenuoa Xxceptfcm&l taeUldes are ecerea xoxue snuy SlIOThe results of practical work taiu agio Department, during the 7 Th tkrec years gradoatuig course (witn oiniomo aw QTlitff reoenuj peea m "anxiiil mtbintkm ta JTAlaJt Ahtelnabla la tka DBAW1NC AM A) aa A.waf JSlj I HUUKB the best methods. oJCrveA variety of branchesoi stnoy isonerea buu rnm uuuuu m iuo" TB6 IsUI year Begins oeumuiuw 1001. a iow , T. jTt. ZOBJt, Principal. JulrtW . f J DfqBgtst and Chemist. Prescriptions carefully prepared by experienced j and competent j ;July28 i IrugglfU, or night. f Hi . .-.j-'i the arantages rACPABTHXNT OF onzanuea mo puwpu m cobkb NEWCROP ! TU RNIP SEED. gPKCIn- L: MiTKO . ! i i growth of new. Cr.v i- : ,.T'ib- . fs . No RlAXASTUirara Ave. Burnett's Flavoring Extracts always standard. 25: SDlnnars 6Q: exports to BreatfWttam to Continent - f , Bflwro uuies: inuduna iauo? tow mtaoung; llVher good ord'y 1014c; net receipts 809; gross 46aT sales atocf IMS', exports to Great rwrxjitM low Bl ttTtag .lOUet good ordinary 9c; rooetpts 49; gross 1 aalea 1 stock 741 r export . aoaat wise -yt 10 wrawjwuain.. , j , -;. PimTwr.WgTt Tinii;" mldUmr -12140.1 tow middling UKc; good pattoary i0c: nMtMeli-ti :groswr sales v; spmneri 885;' etoak A mnn. . a. x . . .... 1. . . : . BATAmrAxeadyi inmlfng :ii'e: tow mld'g j Qahav-cooft. moakt. m.t anti. reeelota 42a; gross ; saies iou; stock e,waJS axp. oomip fjlse f-( ,to fireat Britaln-yt oatpani ,a .5gw' OrcAjig-lpuli; midd'g llftet! low mid dling 10; good ord'y lQe; net receipts 1,918; sena at once ior aui IT iiifarmatlon free. Add Atlantic," Tennessee if KEailroad Cheap Excureiphsi .Charlotte, n after' Bandar. following schedule will be run over (Snnoajs excepiou. - Leave caanows- ,... 1 CL. June 5th. 1881. f Jan 6ta. 1881. tne rthisi iroaddaUy DTimmn Jk llAHVILXX BiTT.TtOAa CA PAauxasB WWAWinPiT, BifunmiB-YL. JlllV ila faaHUMS to visnine i Mono varouM Carolina points, V 8 80 p. SB. v.: An4va i TT ii i...iiu. . KA a 1 ivklsoBCoUegau.M..' 4 81 a. i Antie st Chariottev.'i it .'.,. e isi . Jun8 - ";tS '-" j ;1' AND n hi -i--r iv stdes to aOerd ampl faaillties to iSuntata res o?Weatem North ; tsmtytt y&flfiM Ko Carotta SPfCIAL BOWD TBI TICFJSra 'toAsavineaTeassleatCharlotto under the fol lowing eonffluons: .m yjsoa appUcatloo e 60- parsons, fotng te fM tody, tickets good jar iu oays wut p soa Hua wiSidebf U&kets wCltW prlvQegeidtoie- I torn amgly an any ec tna eopanr a regniar trams wiuuataeumK namea. -y.-xam ncaefs. swww. i snllnot be accepted going to AaaevUle except up oa the eondiaons named) ta taia, advertisement, BID OB PUBPLX TOP, v WIHTK FLAT DUTCH, - ' IJLBGl vrHrr'lMOHFOLI, POlCSRAmiN WHTTX GLOBS WHITX XGO, , WIT .t - BUTA BAG Ay tf.-i.JSJf! fiii. 4 1 BL00SSDAL1 IWBES, OB TILLOw1. LANDRETme SEED - aiul alaa ta tta mntnuS annnarin mvthe tickets. For further tofonaattosv apply to heffnta ms1flll !,...( ........ ... . . . rAlPOPB.'' .-JulfM S ''""" " ttoeraPajsngetagjsat. Jvi r ABJC A1W AT3 BILMB! ".Mi't'.4ett

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