''w''''''''' iissawaijiai a B gBfg8aai'saaMaaWSSBBjssasBT,'T - ' r i - i '.' - ; s 1 f-'n.Y r " fvh - - Din i 1 n ; i l"T -"l - - -rf v a a an a APPETISER ire hiehl I I 111.11 -II II IV efficient fll:respecially InmgCTtlpn, xys- nala. : Intermittent FevfersriVant or Appente, ioss oi IS tfn trtri. I Ar k of EnereT, etc the muscles, and gives new life to the nerves. It acts like a charm i on the dieeit oreana, removing aUdypeptic symptoms, such as Tasting the Fooa SSw SK-SWJL ltJdum, dc. Theoiilylxonepa all dnlggists. Writeor we BOWSf CHEMICAIi CO., Baltimore, ma I rjrisr xatx y siiiui nv to SIIII?MVAMMMf iBMtk did Bed fir B mtMb raltat ba ontrery, Cif" ' ' -' . 1 i . . . in.. .1J - irfniiiH Amrt I fmiBIl thkfc aTT.raririSii1 f t mod tor fcotUw of th Toed. w .. . . .Bl with danh " IM lrni of 4m m4 toiCM NiM KfcUritTUUJI IUDR. HARTCR M(DICINC CO.. W IP1TM MAIM STtCIT, ST. 18IS. Jua17 odjlwly i Mller & Sons, 00K. COLLXGK ft FODBTH ST&, I -AND- F Vi FLOURS. Jul Just Received and to Arrive 1 OAR LOAD ASSORTED SACKS. LABOR LOT OF CATCH OF 1881. Molasses Including a tew bbls. of New Orleans. OOGAB KUSAB Cotm orrxE 5 - -a DICE ICS TACON ACON .-,-r-v;j T ABB4 XJABItl XT Alia 0i t, AA AM8 CORK OBN TMIAL 1XA KAL T?TC '4IAYER & ROSS. Tbe Largest, Imest and ' ; j . ' ' MOST , COMPLETE ock'ot- rrxE ' 111 I - . OO0D8, . ' ; TBIHHIN6S. -V NOTIONS .-AndaUkmdjQt- bowing GLOTES. T0D8T0CXpy H08IEBT.i .i . : AND COESETS Ml ranwased m the jattyv We a! ve-1 J UllVVUllrJ. LV" II SELL IX J THE Patent F. W FLO R WI HATl KOW IN 8T0BI FOB t J. I . i ! ii lU'i lit itrLlJNrtT. r FANfrM"filTO 1 tadvi and Children- 1 v we bars rrer had tn Dtoasora of ' HATSj OR .BONNETS . .tQITTTHHAI AND POCXXT Os XTXET LADT, lOSS AND CHTIJ). I-' ; uur guivni iuus suiu xxiuaeu wui M 6 pen price In our Uoa. ; " StSt wb would t pleased to his TtontwM aHrl A TRUETONIC oh- rir recommended for aUjflisca8es rcquir- , It enriches the blood, strengthens a xxw, .y. - r mmiMK'ftr nt witwuf l H louowaa Q7 f ran which I re- Bt7 OBtartl (area IBM UtBtttlfckV dOBnmUM i- Anrl with don If ha Tonia hai not don tha utorChrlstlaa Ohnrah. Troy. O. ., - malaeIa is an unseen, Vaporous 'prison, spreading disease and death In many k)calUJe, for which quinine la no genuine antidote, bat forthe eflects of which Hostetter's Stomach Bitters is not only a thoroagh remedy, bat a reliable preventive. To this fact there Is an overwhelming array of testimony, extending over a period of thirty years. All disorders of the liver, stomach and bowels are also conquered by the bitters. : . j s ; for sale by an Druggists andDealers generally. IMUIGORATOR Only Vegetable Compound that acts directly upon the Liver, and cures Liver Complaints, Jaun dice, Biliousness, Malaria, Cos tiveness, Headache. It assists di gestion, strengthens the system, regulates the bowels, purifies the blood. A Book sent free. Dr. Sanfoiud, 162 Broadway, N. Y., FOB SALS BY ALL DRUGGISTS. JamlS deod, eow ly. H. - does murrn K WONDERFUL ff II I CUITES! " BecB8eltctoa the, LIVES, BOWELS u4 KIDSETS at the same time. .Because it oleaoaea tlie lyylum pf thepoiaon- "0ns biLmortliat dsralopa in Kidney and Tzl nary mmntta, BlUommeaa, Jgnndlee, ContU. patton.niea, or la Rhenniattom, Keuralttia, ITarvooa Disorders and Female Complaints. BSM WHAT PSOFZiB SAY , JEaeaie B.. Stork, of unction City, Kansas, BWXidney-iWort cured him after regular Fhy .avaans had bean trying for (oar yearv;? -( nnarboy was given up to die by focr prominent physicians and that he was Btterwardd cored by t 1C U.-3. Goodwin, iin Aifftnr fn Y!iiTvtnTi Ohio. Jaysbe was not expected to lire, twins bloated na blot d him. i "beyond belief, but Kidney-Wort cured TAnlUi 1 Jarrett of South Salem, Vi T., Says kh acYon years snnrenng rrom uosex trounie and other complications was coded by the use (tt " John B. Lawrence of Jackson TeTittiraffered for years from liver and kidney troubles and after taking "barrels of other medicines." EJ Sidney-Wort made him well. irtimnAhtm vc l. S IDefaad Coto of Montgomery Center, Vfc, InSered eight years with kidney difficulty and was unable to work. Kidney-Wort made liim " well as ever." ;cu PERMANENTLY CURES : KIDNEY DISEASES, . a ii-IVER PQMPtAfNTS, Constipation and Piles. J&1 is put Bp in Dry Vegetable Form Irf un cana. Ana gaekaire of whicb mnkia six .cinArtfl 3 f medicine. Also in IJquld Form, very Cob- M 'DareifcTF - -T'-- .. i., -.iTiT -BT-'Xtaefs'wtift koJ tflcteney In either Jorm. 1 1 H;;ti k aitkb dbpgAists.- -mc2, ti.oo LJ .. , -t . - . Harcn 27 wly' Z. TASCS. t 'I..' W. H. BAILET. VANCE &BAILF.Y, Attornejs aid Ootinsellors Practice te Supreme Court of the United States,' ,r Supreme Court of North Carolina,' Federal ' , burg, Cabarrus, Union, Gas ton, Rowan and Da- ; - Yldson.- - -: i - LvT" Office, two doors east of ladenendence SQuare. may29 tf RO. D. GRAHAM, IN W State' and United afes Courts. Collec tions. Horn and Foreign, solicited. Ab stracts of Titles, Sorvays, &c fumlated f or com pensaOen. ; - .- , urnca !. je. cornar Tiade Trron streeu Charlotte. N. C - flan. 6. : SALE i 114.1--JLr.'Jijil ZA;5-i i ax ajENDsasonu-E, K. p. fBa TATtOthi BOABDrNa HOUSB, con i?Jisa?'ta DepH etreat, Haoderaonrule, N. or .a, 1 J The, hamui l. niofai.MM. w.. m (v.. iletwffltlr situated, and lhas &tn lionaM. i On umjoLsia . All mymiiyiir. n. , - wn. t . ..... MMlw t - mum mm, uv-m wr I toafiopa i? ZmJSf "When; so he piano att i I KSeS taKftSST "ml"lM t fT . 1 1 J JW : Itoft B. Y. XA LOB, - l HendersonTUiev . C I I t r a n fii rifti pi ii j ' Greensboro Patriot: The prosiect for an immense crop of chestnuts this iroar am vp.rv crncui. I Jtiessrs. W. a. -menueuuaii oo vv have leased the sash and blind factory of Mr. Seymour Steele, and our citizens can now be supplied with such things as they manufacture. 1 v! A son of Mr. Tilden, of High Point, came very near being killed oii last Monday by atrun-a-way horse. His footUung In! the? stiri up; when jthe hnroA was rnhniriir and he was draGSred n nnnsirlfirahlft distance. He was klCft,- ed in several places by the horse, nd: large pieces of skin were torn from) his f ana iimos ana nis neaa was Dauiy mimSFHiws.' SJSmauj? noxiiinaae its appearance on Bis Kock creet, in Mitchell county, and the county author? ities have quarantined to at townsnip, in order to prevent the spread of the disease, . . , , , . v'i Winston Stntinel: The Yadkin river is reported to be four feet below coin mon water level. Mr. C. A. Hege, of the Salem Agricui tural Works, contemplates buiidincr a larfije and eommodious brick foundry and machine sbor) at an early day. ' ;i There are one, huhdrpd government distilleries in this, the 5th internal jev enue district. The dry season has been favorable for voune partridges A valuable mineral spring- has been discovered near Lexington, Davidson countv. N. C. Its waters are said to be similar to those of Saratoga Springs, N. Our merchants will feel the loss of Jhe dried blackberry trade this year. fmoosandg of dollars -worth of goods are "annually exchanged for the fruit in favorable seasons. j ; Under the most favorable circum stances tobacco throughout this entire section is bound to fall short of half crop. The plants are not out and muoh that is planted, even with copious rains cannnot be anything due sman. Raleigh News-Observer.' Mr. L. J Haughton has sold his Gulf coal mines to a: northern company ior $su,ouu, The purchasers propose to go at once to work. Many old soldiers will be sorry to hear that Aunt Abby House, now well advanced in years, perhaps about 84, is very low. She has- been confined-to the house for f some- time, outlier condition is now-said tcf be pre carious. Durham Plant: Twelve brick stores are now in course of erection in our en terprismg town and still ethers are in contemplation. balem Press : corn is looking baa in and about Smith Grove. Several farm ers who have large crops in river bot toms, say they will make but half crops. The dry weather in the Mount Airy section is becoming alarming. It has been near three months since there was rain enough to soak the ground. Laurinburg Enterprise: We won der why the law of bigamy is nbt en forced acrainst neeroea ? Whv this un justdiscrimiriation between black and whites? -: ;;ri";L We are glad to discover that Mr. W. H. Neal, who has been quite ill from an attack of fever, is convalesing and has resumsed his professional practice. J. N. Dorsey, a thrifty farmer living a few miles southeast from this place has sold over 2,000 watermelons this season, averaging ten cents apiece. We will wager a newhat that the negro women who "do their trading in Laurinburg" drink more liquor thanJ the women of any city in North Caro lina. We have seen half a dozen ne gro women reeling drunk in front of a bar-room in this town. Greensboro Battle-Ground : We are Sained to announce the unexpeected eath of Mr. R. C. Lentz, one of the firm of Odell & Co. He died Wednesday at 2:30 p. m., of remittent fever and had not been considered dangerously ill un til about 12 hours before, bis .death Hs: was a native of Stardeyf countv in this State, and had long been a resident of this city and was thoroughly identi fied with its business interests. The cigar factory of Messrs. J. K Hall, Jr., & Co., will commence opera tions next week. Salisbury Watchman: The Teachers' Institute is now in successful operation at the new graded school house, with an attendance of about fifty persons. Thomas Mowery, a young citizen of this place, visited an anti-prohibition meeting in Stanly, on Saturday last, and got into a difficulty with a negro, whom he struck a violent blow on the head with a stick, fracturing his skull, as is reported. Officers from Al bemarle were here on Tuesday, for the purpose of arresting Mowery, but he eluded them and has left fori parts un known. A CLYDE SCHEME. Tno Clyde Combination to Settle Hundred' Thooiand Acret With Ira ni grants. Says the Augusta Evenirig News: The Clyde Combination, one of the largest and most powerful railroad syndicates of the day, is now , engaged in developing a plan which will do more than anything else to put its long lines of railroad on a solid and self sustaining basis. : - It is intended to settle thickly the lines of road now owned by the Clyde, and thus not only develop the Southern section of country, bat proyide a local business in passenger and freight traffic along the lines. The idea is of course a good one, and to show that the an thorities mean business, we learn that -the Clyde combination already owns ouu,uuu acres 01 tana along its lines in Virginia and the Carolinas, on -which to settle the immigrants brought over. The plan is already formed and will soon be put in operation. y The egect of such a scheme is easy to comprehend and foresee, and yet it is so immense that the mind fails to grasp it all at once.. All kinds of busi ness will be assisted by snch an addi tion.f people. kThe agricultural inter ests of such sections, will be I given a big hf tthe DHcchantswiUiiav larger drdert all pr&ftssion willf tie benefited and Of coarse passenger travel and freight orders will be multiplied world without end. v,;i 3; The Clyde Combination now 'own and control nearly all the lines af ttitirt- south of uvuiuvuu, w J llgfUfl , aUUi the Carolinas, extending as far as gusta ana Atlanta. The 600,000 acres owned by the syndicate are scattered along the Richmond and Danville; Western. North Carolina; Oharloitfjd uoiumoia ana Augusta, the Atlanta and otheM Carolina roads. . . BWXISB3ST, ... faitrealniantof Urocmai diseases jtue 1L,. ris offen lmpBcatexTto' such Jaa extent, .ta ta hep . tie rernsdyheoomes neoessary lne Acting 9 fine of ie lungSv In the treatment of such cixo. I pr. acrlbe Simmons trer Begglator, prepared, bpjjl. Zallta. Ca, with enure sitlgi tacUonl 1 dndthat It acts mildly but jeftjjllj! In regulating the secretions ef the lrer, stomach and bowels. L L. 8nFB3axsON.llJD.4ir. m mm- m Oweruboto. ij I .ai i'- fs n r, n si TJnk -al" i Of er serlousiSdrft tnaeUw ktdners cause traml, 4 rhaiimalism. and a h ravin of nt.Yk. i Tented with Bop Bitters, U taken In Ume. T wwui sua uuHi 'aiBfuuM. wnuui mmi na iim. .'., .(.,71 I r ? ri "" . u ' - . m na-flaasiurtM la VkKMoeM it Lvnchbimr haa a soisatioii. :-In 5 Au-, gust, 1879, a man calling himself James a-Waite - went to thair: city and com menced business in a small way as grocery i His energy and thrift, how ever usoon attracted the favorable at tension; .otiWholesale merchantsi : and he was enabled "' to branch out su cessfuliy.. He! attended , the.Presbyte-, rian churcli and clalmect to be pious. He brought with him. as was supposed, his wife and his little girlr RecenUy thd woman died in child-bfrth and was hurie4 from the church menriohed. .. On tJift rcml thsv rai -J onni w aite ar- vedfrom. Michigan' and satisfied the authorities : and ..everybody: .that the grocers name was not Waite, but x?ur gess, and that while proressing to ue is friend had run oft from Michigan with his (Waite's) wife and daughter. Burgess confessed that the charges, were true. He left his own wife and, two children in Michigan. - The News says the monumental impudence' pf Burgess is strikingly illustrated i ,a letter which he wrote to Waite.frOm uetroic, in wmcn ne saiai uuvo ypprwife and child you take mine, A fair exchange is no robbery. ;-; .r Waite says he has been two years in. search of his wife and child without success, but the News reporter- has reason to doubt this statement, as it is learned from a trustworthy source that .Waite positively knew of the where abouts of .the child at least several months back, and that he; had i also been communicated with- by 1 nte wife Coring a visit to her mother in Kansas one year ago last April. He also, re ceived frequent communicationsffom his mother-in-law as to her place of residence ; but be did not, it appears, choose to journey in this flirection until intelligence feache4 him of ber illness and death, which would seem to indicate that be waff possessed of no very strong desire for her return.. j i Waite has telegraphed to; Michigan f or a requsition, but has jet received no answer. The Mayor of Lynchburg has the case in hand. Burgess lived awhile in Norfolk, and was known there by his real name. He refused to be commu nicative when sent to jail. THE FORTY MILE DESERT, Bintoric Grounds in Nevada will more Bonew Than a Battle-Field, Beno (Nevada) Gazette. Twenty years ago the great Ameri can Desert was the terror of the over land emigrant. It was impossible te go arouna it, tor it extenaea irom the Col orado to the Cascades. All the routes that led to the land of promise crossed it and it was soon covered with the bleaching bones of stock and dotted with human graves. It is about forty miles from the lower end of the Hum boldt Sink to the Truckee river at Wads worth, and the name "Forty Mile Desert" given to the stretch has become known the world over. There is no water fit to drink on the whole dis tance. The road lies through a sandy sage-brush plain, extending several miles west of the lake, where it strikes ran alkali desert, in the centre of which the railroad has a station that it appro priately calls "White" Plains. This is the lowest point east of the mountains. Eight miles further is Mirage. Station, which might serve as a memorial to the unfortunates who have been be trayed from their proper course by the picture or running water, waving trees ana neias mat existed only in the de ceptive air. Near the middle of the journey is a boiling hot sorincr at the foot of the mountain and large beds of salt lie near, from which B. F. Leete and the Bonanza mines put up and ship large quantities to market. The de posit has killed all vegetation for a Ion distance around, leaving the flat ol lake-bed as bare as a floor. Between there and Wadsworth are some very odd formations. The body of the coun try Beems to be a light yellow sub stance, probably diatomous, over which lie high ridges of brown hills. The level places arej strewn with heavy rocks of all sizes, as black as coal. There is no timber anywhere in sight and even the sage-brush is of inferior size. On either side are the ever mo notonous brown mountains,carved and grooved by centuries of wear and frost into fringes of stony lace. The railroad has made frequent attempts to get wa ter for its engines, but without success. They bored 1,300 feet at Hot Springs, but got only a brackish mixture of li quid alkalL They haul water in tank cars for their section men between Lovelock's and Wadsworth and the en- Snes make the run with one tankf ul, a stance of sixty-one miles. They for merly carried an extra car behind the engine with two wooden tanks to draw from, but new engines have been built with tanks that hold 3,700 gallons. They frequently run seventy-five miles without stopping and Nick Cole made a hundred-mile run once. It is a very pleasant comparison for the rich '49er who rides in the palace-car over the ground where he walked -along with sore and tired feet, urging his oxen out of the thirsty desert, half a lifetime ago. r- f : The Letter ofjthe World. The Frankfurter Volkzeitung has published some interesting statistics concerning the wellverhehr or inter communication of the various parts of the world in tbe matter of letters and telegrams. a In the year 1865 the num ber: of letters sent through the post all over the world was estimated at 2,300, 000;000. - The available data for 1877 show that the postal correspondence had risen to over 4,020,000,000, which gives an average of 11,000,000 letters per day, or 127 per seconoV Europe Contributed 3,036000000 letters" to this enormous mass of correspondence, America 760,000,000, Asia 160,000,000, Africa 25,000f000, and Australia, 60.000, 000, Assuming that the population of the globe was between 1,300,000,000 and l.iOO.OOQVOQO, this would give an average of three letters per, head for the entire human race.; ;The length of telegraph lines, both by sea and land, must be at least 700,000 kilometres (437,500 miles) not reckoning the double, treble, etc, iwea. , -There were 38,000 telegraph sta taona and the number of messages may be set down for the year at be tween 110,000,000 and 111,000,000, being an average of over 305,000 messages per day, 12,671 per hour, and nearly 212 per Jwnate.; These quantites are in creasing daily. ; ,,s ii-., -. j 3k JSaUdlng- in New Vatk. i-. : "J"" V. U"J UUUUU1X KU1UK VU 1U VArKJast nbw than eve; before, 4 ju crura new nonsea bflincr ot the most magnificent designs. -The average cost of the new residences being erected in the upper portion of the island is said DO vfSOJOOO T Theftrrrrid for flats con- tinafffl, and amnibeijafjbemrujihlpg .in cost jrorn 575j000 tO$i80,oou, are :being; put up. The late&t'hoyelty in building materials is Bay of Fundy freestone. ' It costs less to cut than other freestones,' J and is admirably adapted to elaborate architecture and fine lines.' Atmospheric influences do not affect iL The colors of different qualities .are. dark? and 5 ligh ! brown, e .cargowi art amying etery.week, y,- ... . .1 SJ .l BXDIOKD lT.fT 'WT TlMTW BimTwflfl WATKB AJTO MAsa. The great toine andWerattyei contains ftwiee as much Iron and fffty -per efent mor c-mam than- any Malnm.liiid laon mass" orealunv Just the thing for the "suilnir wonlmnim" now so ffenerai. 1 oohx by -au drugzlsts of any standing. Prices reduced one half. . : , " mayll tf - x - - - Ta nonaehOlden ' l interested in the prevention otthe adulteration of fod sabstances and.jnedicines-rrthe North Carouna boarorecognwing jwmtrr morea irequent aauiKjrauuu. a a Jl JaniHWI TA Y1 VQ suDStances ana f urus, wo w. r 4 .15 , every facility to detect aduiterauons or nniet unfounded suspicions.' While the board does not share -in' the - frequent public statements of the harmful adul teration and cheats in the food we, eat, the liquids we arink ana tne meaicines we give, t it was deemed advisable to offer as many as: desired it, up to the fnll anar.it,v of the laborafcorv. analvses of suspected articles The list of ; arti cles given below need not be the limit Of the inquiry; Dur may serve k aireci. attention to the classes of articles. Food-substances soda, saleratus, bak ing powder, cream of tartar, sugar, milK, D utter, liquors, nour, oc, 00c Drugs-paregoric, laudanum, quinine, opium and such articles as are usually sold for domestic use. TJpon applica tion to the superintendent of health 01 your county, you can procure the ne cessary information. tho$as wood, secretary. - 1 The FlorenW Nightingale af the Sorsery. The folio win a is an extract from a letter written to the German Bef ormed Messenger, at Chambers burg.PenH.; . - : - " ' - s jussrviiuB9.' - . Just open the door for her. and Mrs; Wlnslow will prove the American Florence Mghtlngaleof the nursery. .Of this we .are - so sure that we will teach oar Busy to say, -a messing on mra. wms low" for helping her to surslye and escape the griping, coltcfclng and teething siege.- Mrs. Wins-, low's Soothing Syrup relieves the child from pain, and oures dysentery and diarrhoea. It softens the gains, reduces Inflammation, cares wind colic, and carries the infant through the-ieethleg period. It performs precisely what it professes to perform, every part of it-nothing less. We have never seen lira. Wlnslow know her only through the prepa- ratlou of .her "Soothing Syrup for Children Teeth ing.''' 11 we naa . lue power we wumu wane uer, as she Is; a physical saviour to the infant race. Sold by all druggists.- 25 cento bottle. UEBIG GO'S COCA BKOKF TONIC. My patients derive mared. and decided Dep.' fit from ft," says Prof. J. M. Carnochan, M. D., Professor of Surgery, New York Medical College. Be sure to ask for tebig Co's Coca Beef Tonic. RHSD1ATISM, u .' p.'j.- 1 t f Neuralgia, Sciatica, Lumbago, Backache, Soreness of the Chest, Gout, Quins, Sore Throat, Swell- ings and Sprains, Burns and Scalds, Genera Bodily Pains, Tooth, Ear and Headache, Frosted Feet and Ears, and all other Pains and Aches. No Preparation on earth equals Sr. Jacobs Oik as a aafe, ture, simple and cheap External Bemedr. A trial entails but the comparatively trifling outlay of 50 Ceats, and every one suffering with pain can have cheap and positive proof of its claims. Directions in Eleven Languages. SOLD BY ALL DEUGGISTS AffD DEALERS IN MEDICINE. - A-VOGELER Sc CO., Baltimore, Jfd., r. S. JU dec 80 d w ly 1 AH OPEN AHONG THE LADIES The brilliant, iascltiating tints of Complexion for which ladies strive are chiefly arti ficial, and aU who Trill take the trouble may secure them, These roseate, bewitching hues fpllOW the use of Hagan's Mag nolia Balm a delicate, jtarm less anfl always reliable artlcjo, $old by al druggists. . The MagnoliaBalm conceals every blemish, remoTes Sal lowness, Tan, lteduess, Emp tions, all etidences of exciteiv ment and every imperfectionj y Its effects are immediate and so natural that no human being candetect its application, Jan. 22 Summer 'amfs At tills season, various diseases of the howels are prevalent and many live are ipsf throngl). lack of knowledge of a safe and sure remedy, F$bbt P avis' Patt Kttj.ttix i$ a sure cure for Diarrhoeay Dys? entery, Cholera, CholeiaMorbuSuinraep Complaint, etc and is perfectly aqfe. Bead the following : BATfrBnrDGS, JT. T., March S3, 1981. PTBBT. DAVib' Pain EnxtX iimraib to afford otiwhm rmtf tursmup aaa pun m sne noBKO. ThA MTV hail cholera morbus, and cramps in the Btomach. Hare ww n ior years, ana a la wr cttr every tune. UIJUaW.DM. . :. Monrooiri, Iowa, alarch 11, 188L ' I have used your Pats Killsb in seyere cases of cramp, colic, and cholera morbusjind it gar almost psiat$rphf. L. K. Oaiwilu Z . CABSBsrrlGA,,Febi(S8.i881. For twenty years I have nsea yoni Sain Ktr.T, in my family. Have used It many times for bowel complaints, and it altcay cwu, Would not feel Bate without a bottle in the house. J. B. Ivxt SaoO, M., Jan. 92, 188L Have used Pkbbt Davis' Pain gTT.t,fn for twelve years. It is afn, mre, and reliabl. No rffhftr . should allow ittobeoutof the toauY." . :. ,. ' ': h.inatc -UKEXSA, N.X ete.lil, 188L CoirwATBOBO, S. dTeb. 9 188L fTearly every family la UUa secttoo keep a bottle .?Ssv: " I hove known Pxs from the day it was i&taodnced. an observation and nsa I renrd lis nonaahosd as an MtomuaN nweniitw. r JT . is- i f, - .ttirOTTiB, u. b fjonsnL . . mZl " . Btietokoh-Tbxkt, Eia. f 1 yttBCgaryalflfnoeoc tmuity4hree years in India. - " KiTHa n la mroy easoa ca fliarriMBa. dysen tery.anA.chotera, aod sever knew it tofaUtogiva afcii.-j, 1 1 m - (- a taa,fli,iBn)ia , tTStoHkUSh atf Safer T rf?Ant-tr.? invaiuabki mat&r&lfc price brings it ai-25e,t50c,-;: ?.WAS0N prieto ' Providence. R. L r July 22 d4w Jul aug.' r " :-'J ' J J'J,'i.;',I!OB:;7,:JCl, Comol HKBISH-ABTJBBTA. 1ath' jfAJM anus id after y in zriv oaiNa 1 7 atona. K Set Gold- n Tongue reeds, only 86. Ad- 1 B2AUX. Washington, JuU12 ow4wr Julyl2 4w 8LD MEflAt AWAR0EB the X Hthor.A mam and mat Med. I' icai Work, warranted tbe bast and cheapest, tndispemshla to rrery xnan,enuuea -wis Bowneeoi uu ' or,8kf-rius.i ratkB ; benmd in ' il. onn ' IvT-l A:iTTl .UJM .UiWU yihWaiHlll UH.U1UI teel eayrayini-a, 13 pressrip taos price en $Lt6 sent by mail; lllustrata sample, 6 cnta ; Bead Bowddrees Peabedy Med tUnUT flTTv'QFT 1? (Si titote or Dr. W, H. PAJ aiiu ri tttiwuu jkjut, no. Doinncnsv. ttoatoa. jalyl2-ctw4w Mcnra,' the Great Skin Core. rrcHata and- scaly diseases. HUMORS OV THE SCALP AND SKIN PEBMA- NENTIiT CUaJED. - .. Cutloura remedies are for sale by all' druggists. Price of Cutlcura, a medicinal Jelly, small boxes, BOc: large boxes, 81. CuOcura Beaolvent, the new Blood Purifier, SI per bottle.' Cutlcura Medi TniiAt Snin OPJ fhiMAiirn MwliRinaI Shav ing 8oap, 15c; in bars for barbers and large con- BumersVOUV. rmravai wiwi. - . WEEKS A POTTER, Boston, Mass. (gPTAll mailed free on receipt of price. , -;I12.4 y, .... .. . , HfiVE YOU EVER KHOWfl Any person to be seriously HI without a weak sto mach or inactive liver ; or ' kidneys r And when these organs are; in good condition do you not find their possessor enjoying good health? PABKEB'd GINGKB TONIC always regulates these Important organs, and never fails : to make the blood rich and nure, and toetresgtoen every part of tbe sys tem. It has eared hundreds of despairing Inval ids, Ask your neighbor about it f Juxl2,4w CrVILHECHANICAL AND; MTOTNft ENGI NEEB1NG, at the BENSSELAEa fOLH TECHNIC NSTiruyE, Troy, N. Y.J The oldest engineering' school in America. Next term begins September 15th.: The register for 1880-81 con tains a list of the graduates for the past 54 years, with their positions; also, coarse of study, require ments, expenses, etc. Address Junl4 6w DAVID M. GREENE. Director. pWsjcjeHattje0U5. This great specific cores that most loathsome disease WHETHER IN ITS PRIMARY, SECONDARY OR TERTIARY STAGE. Removes all traces of Mercury from the system. Cures scrofula, old sores, rheumatism, eczema, catarrh, or any blood disease. CURES WHEN HOT SPRINGS FAIL! Malvern, Ark., May 2, 1881. Z, We have cases in oar town who lived at Hot Springs and were finally cored with S. S. S. MCCAHMON (X MUBBY. Memphis, Tennessee, May 12, 1881. We have sold 1,296 bottles of S. S. S. in a year. It has given universal satisfaction, Fair minded physicians now recommend it as a positive specif ic. . 8. Mansetkld & Co. Louisville, Kentucky, May 13, 1881. S. S. S. has given better satisfaction than any medicine 1 have ever sold. J. A. Fijexnbh. Denver, CoL, May 2. 1881. Every purchaser speaks in the highest terms of S. S. & L. MUBSETEB. Richmond, Va., May 11, 1881. You can refer anybody to us In regard to the merits of a S. S. Polk Miller & Co. Have never known S. a S. to fail to cure a case ot Syphilis, when properly taken. h. l. dxhxabd, Eli Wabbxh, Perry, Ga. The above signers are gentlemen of high stand ing. A. H. Colquitt, Gov. of Ga. If you wish, we will take your case, TO BE PAID FOR WHEN CURED. Write for particulars. $1,000 REWARD will be paid tp any chemist who will find, on analysis of 100 bottles of a a 9., one particle of Mercury, Iodide Potassium, or any mineral substance. SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., ' Proprietors, Atlanta, Ga. Sold by druggists everywhere. 1 For further information write for the little book. 8old by T. a Smith, L. R. Wriston & Co. and Wilson fc BurwelL jun25dly . "15 Years in He BY LUiflES BENSON. For sale at au..3,tf TIDDY A BBO'3 Book Store. OmcB BiCHxoxn A dakvtixe a. B., 1 CHaBLorrx, N. C, Aug. 2, '81. t THE ticket office of tne Richmond and Danville Railroad Company is open for information and sale of tickets from 8 a. m. until 7 p. and from 11 30 p. m. until 3 a, m. But should the public desire additional Information as to rates, routes or connections, Capt S. 8. Pegram will be pleased to enlighten or assist them. Office 29 West Trade street, next door to ticket oflloe. aug3 V. E. McBEE, Ag'L. ERSKINE COLLEGE DUE WEST, SOUTH CAROLINA. One of the oldest Institutions In the State. Total expenses for Tuition, Board, Books, etc, need ndt exceed SI 65- Preparatory Department In charge of a Tutor. Locality healthy; community moral and Intelligent Opens first Monday in October. aug28t W. M. GRIKR, Pres't Washington and Lee University. !KW GEN. G.W. C. LEE, Pres't THOROUGH instruction . in Languages, Litera ture and Science, and in the professional schools of Drawing and Engineering.- Healthful location in the Valley ot Virginia. Expenses for 9 months need not exceed $225. Session opens September 15, 1881. For catalogue address, J. L. Ci MPBELL, Jr., Clerk. Jalyg.eodlmo '' Lexington, Va. J. L. HARDIN, MERCHANDISE BROKER AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, Coixxex St., Cbalotu, N. C, Orders for Grain, Hay. MeaL Floor, Lard, Bacon, Tobacco, Sugar, Coffee, Molasses, ice,, respect fully solicited. The cheapest markets and relia ble booses represented. T28 City Lot for Sale Cheap. THE Lot on the corner of Ninth street and the North Carolina Railroad, fronting 140 feet on Ninth street and 196 feet on the North Carolina Railroad, will either be sold as a whole or divided tote two lots of 70 by 106 feet Soluble either for THE OXONIAN, r JOURNAL OF LITERATURE ft EDUCATION XV. published monthly at Oxford, N. CLatjOn.' Dollar a year In advance. . " ' 1 The Oxonian aims at Increasing the Interest for Literature and SdneattoB, and gtvea original ar ticles on subjects ef vital Importance as well aa criticisms of the newest and most valuable puljiica-1 f-Offers deHed advantages to adVerttsera, ' High average dreul&Uon. Advertisements are shown, prominently, are free from errors, and are taste Miy displayed. Its advertising rates are not in exeess of its value to an advertiser.- Advertise ments, intended for publlcantlon in any issuer should be in the office by the 20th of the monthT-marl8-tf r, n i.C HOENEB, Oxford. aft niBTONEST 7-: ; T w i s t C h e vr i o g VT- 9 bate r 'IbMfaAf f Wi IfoHvnel 'Vmim Msa.J! j. . iinimwwuo. fWAl KCUlIiQ UIURfM U : MfjS?acJ5re?5ni' ROWN ax BBOLi'L RFATTYVQ drDANliXl I "cmuMedCircnlar. A It aetaal Bualnses SebooL JSitabUtlwd tweafy yean. , ; ... GO TO 3 ' tf. AND LOOK AT HIS LARGE STOCK OF (J ALL OF WHICH HE SELLh LOW FOR CASH. All Goods Warranted as Rep resented, both in Weight and Quality. WATCH GLASSES 10 CENTS EACH. deelS Coniensei Time TaMeNertli CarQlina R.E TRAINS SOIN9 KOBTH. Datefayl5'81 No. 47 Dally No. 49 Dally No. 43, Daily Lv. Charlotte, " A-L. Depot " " Junc't - Salisbury. Arr.Greensboro Lv.Greensboro Arr.Ralelgh Lv. " Arr. Goldsboro Lv. Greensboro for Richmond Lv. Danville " N. Danville " Barksdale " Drak'sBr'ch Jetersville Arr. Tomahawk Arr. Belle Isle Lv. M Arr.Manchester Arr. Richmond 4.05 ami ai5 ami 4.15 411 AM 5.50 AM 8.03 AM 8.25 am 1.40 PM 1.45 PM 4.00 PM &25 FM 10.21 AM 10.27 am 10 58 AM 6.20 7.50 9.80 9.50 4. 80 pm 6.07 pm 7.57 pm 8.18 pm for Bich m'nd only 11.81 AM 11.83 J 12.0LFM 12.87 PM 2.24 fm a20 fm 1.20 FM 2.55 FM 8.51 FM 4.28 PM 4.85 FM 4.05 PMl 4.10 FM 4.13 FM 4.18 PM 4-38 fm 4.43 i 7.28 am TRAINS GOING SOUTH. Date,Majl5'80 No, 42 Dally. No. 48 Dally. No. 50 Daily Lv. Richmond Burkeville Arr. N. Danville Lv. " Danville Arr. Greensboro Lv. -,u " Salisbury ia45 pm 2.25 AM 12.00 u 2.43 PM 6.05 FM 6.18 fm 7.27 am 9.26 i 8.17 FM 9.81 AM a87 FM 11.16 AM 10.83 fm 12.15 AM 12.20 AM Arr. AL. Junction 12.45 FM " Charlotte Lv. Richmond " Jetersville " Drak'sBr'ch " Barksdale " Danville " Benaja " Greensboro " Salisbury Ait. a-L. Junction Lv. M " Arr. Charlotte 1.00 FX 2.55 pm 4.41 pm ao7 pm 7.25 pm 7.51 pm 8.55 pm 9.27 pm 11.05 PM 12.26 am 12.80 Am SALKM BBANCH. Na 48 Daily, except Sunday. Leave Greensboro. 9.40 pm Arrive Salem. 11.40 pm NO. 47 Dally, except Sunday. Leave Salem 7.80 am Arrives Greensboro g.oo am NO. 42 Dally, except Sunday. Leave Greensboro 10.00 am Arrives Salem.... 11.80 am NO. 48-Daiiy. Leave Salem 5.30 pm Arrive Greensboro 7.80 m Limited mails Nos. 49 and 50 will only make short stoppages at points named on the schedule. Passengers taking train 49 from Charlotte will get aboard at the B. D. R. R. depot This train makes elose connection at Greensboro for Raleigh, Goldsboro Newberne and all points on WLUiUuk ton 4 Weldon Railroad. --..j. - Passenger trains No. 47 and 48 make all local stops between Charlotte and Richmond, and be tween Greensboro, Raleigh and Goldsboro, No. 47 making connection with W. N. C. H. at Salisbury for Asheyllle (Sundays excepted), and also con necting af Greensboro with Salem Branch (Sun day excepted). Passenger trains Nos. 42 and 49 make all local stops between Charlotte and Richmond, except Query's, Harrisborg, Cnina Grove) Holfeburg, Lln wood and Jamestown. No. 43 connects with Salem Branch at Greens boro. . a. POPE, Gen. Pass, and Ticket Agent, may 18 Richmond, Va. FLY FANS & TRAPS, BATH TTJB3 SPRINKLERS, ICE CREAM FREEZERS. OIL. STOVES -AND THE For summer use, Just in. THE F1NE3T Lf.N F Cook-Stoves and SeWiri pj the crqr. , Orders and correspondence solicited at the Hard ware Store and Sewing Machine House of RICHARD MOORE, Trade Street, Charlotte, N.C. . Col. C. W. Bradshaw, so long and favorably known In connection with the Sewing Machine business Of this city and vldnKy, la now with me patrons and serve them as heretofore. un2 , .Goto w. Ps iiiiiYm igeat, ... and Successor to F. Bcarr&Co. 0 v i FOB and Pure Medicines None bat toe . I h rO I li II t . Very 'Bi 'Driigs tlo I keep in my stc Also, ToHet and ' Fancy Articles, Perfnincrles,Oomb l - Brushes, Tooth Brashes, Art, k . GAEDEN: SEEDS W aD the best varletls, tod warranted , ; to e fOOd, i f r ' - ... '- . 1 ... Physjclans' prescrijotfonsajsj given spec- Hoping to reeelw snare of poblle patronage, I am,-respecttTUly, febsr f W. P. MARTIN, Agt John J . iSu ewe SEASONABLE GOODS Double Quick Cook Stove, 0: Machines- Drinst by tijpa Fresh Drip

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