LOCAL INTELLIGENCE. SUNDAY, AUGUST 7, 1881. SOCIET DIREC i MABOIT PHiXXKX Lodox No. 8f, & Ltt, Regular meeting every secpna ana lourui Monday nights. . KXCKLMOB Lone Na 261, A. F. ft A. M.iR6A ular meeting every first and third Tuesday nights. Charlottk Chaftkb No. 89. R. A. M. Regular meeting every second and fourth Friday nights, v .. CHARLOTTK COMMA ST) A BT NO. 2. K. T. BegoUUT meeUug every first and ihlrd Thursdays. K nights of Honor, Regular meeting erery second and lourth Thursdays ; ' Knights of Pythias. Regular meeting nights llrst and third Wednesdays, 7 o'clock p. m. atMa goulc Temple Hall. I. Oi O. IB1. Chablottx Lodgk No. -88-Meet every Mon day night. ; ; j ; 1 j f j : MSCKLXKBime DXOIiABAl Meets every Tuesday night .Lbbox No. ft Dixib night. Lodoi No. 108. Meets'every Thursday Catawba RrvB Kucampmtnt No. 21. Meets First and third Thursday nights in each month. TUe CJlinrcliee ToPay Young Men's Christian association. Devo tional exercises this afternoon at. 6 .o'clock at the First Presbyterian cnulch,. i , ? if. associate Reforitkd Presbttbbiah Chapd. i Servlceslnthemornlngat .il o'clock and In the evening at 8 o'clock by Rev. W. T. Waller, oastorT Sunday school at 3Vi p. nx St. Mark's LrjrfHXRAif Church. Services to the morning at 11 o'clock and in the evening at 8 by Rev. . a, Wingard, pastor. Sunday school at 4 o'clock. . , . , , St. Peteh's (E.) Chubch. Services in the morn ing at 11 o'clock and in the evening at 6 by Rev. J. B. Cheshire. Sunday school in the after noon at 5Va o'clock. St. Peter's (Catholic) Chubch. Services in the morning at lotyj o'clock by Rev. L, P. O'Con nell. Vespers at SVa p. m. Catechism in the morning at 9$ o'clock. s . , . Fihst Pbssbttebiak CITObch. Services in the morning at 11 o'clock and in the evening at 8 by by Rev. W. B. Corbett Sunday school In tne afternoon at 4 o'clock. Calvary (M. K.) Church. Services In the mor ning at 1 1 o'clock and In the evening at 8 by the Rev. J. E. Thompson, pastor. Sunday school at y a. m., and class-meeting at 412 p. m. Second Presbyterian - Church. Services in the morning at 11 and in the evening at 8 o'clock by Rev. B. H. Harding, pastor. Sunday school in the afternoon at 4 o'clock. Trton Stbkbt Mithodist (E.) Chubch. Ser vices In the morning at 1 1 o'clock and In the. evening at 8 by Rev. J. T. Bagwell, pastor. Sun day school at 430 o'clock. Prayer meeting on Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock. Colored Presbyterian Church. Services In the afternoon at 3 o'clock and in the evening at 8 by Rev. Mr. Wyche, pastor. Sunday school at 1 1 a. m. Index to New AdvertUeiuenit. Just received -Brookfield & Co. Mosquito canopies, etc-Sefgle & Co. Trinity Hall Miss Rachelle G. Hunt IIOiTIE PENCILING. IST" Long Creek township has had a first rate rain. JSTThe drunks were noticeably more numerous Friday and yesterday than for the last two months. X3T A new postoffice has been estate lished in Gaston county, on the Chester & Lenoir road, called Hardin. . C3f" There are, they say, one hundred visitors at All Ilealine Springs, and a laree proportion of these are Charlotte people. . , " . t3T The roof of the old Stenhouse, Macaulay & Co. warehouse has been jacked up for the addition of another story. E2PA New England railway car ar rived in the city yesterday loaded with machinery for the Charlotte cotton mills. ESfEphraim Johnson, charged with the murder of Andrew Beatty, will be arraigned to-morrow before Judge Shipp on a writ of habeas corpus. t3T William Kiggans, colored, of Logtown showed up yesterday , with a pound or two of this year's cotton and several more bolls rolled In on us. Give us a rest E- The mayor's court was quite live- ly yesterday. There were five cases of" drunks,and affrays by men,And women. Jim Shoeshinecaugnt it stronger man the others. He was Mthrowedin.f5 and COStS. , ... ' fjrT" From stained lungs, through flirty nose, With languid grace tne smoke ne mows, Fiut through us veins tne Douon nows. You tell him this he doesn't fret, But smiles and tows the habit's set, ' He'cannoj Quit his cigarette.' . tw John Kerns, the colored mart ac cused of forgery was committed to jail till court by Justice Davidson yester day. Messrs. Banson and Torrence, the gentlemen whose names werp nsed, ap peared and swor they wrotef ,no such orders, HQpfThe annual meeting of the Meck lenburg County Bible Society will be held at Caldwell church, on Wednes day next, 10th inst. The annual ser mon will be preached by Rev, J. T. Plunketand the annual addfesi will be delivered by Rev. E. A. Wingard. E3T The most attractive and discrip tive guide to the mountains and health resorts of Western, Carolina and North Georgia is that issued JjythQ associated roads of Virginia and the Carolinas. it is illustrated profusely and with much taste arid discrimination. It' is well written and handsomely gotten wp - , W Street incident: A group of polo-ed men and brethren discussing prohibition from a biblical stand point. Said one ; "Heah J Look at de book 6b Duturonomy. Don't it say. a man, kin take aleetle fur his stummickV sake. Don't it?" And no one ventured to dispute him. JSTCol. Williams, manager at Cleave, land, writes to say that he has heard that some have been deterred front going to Cieaveland by the report that rooms could not be had. Although this, he says, has been the most suc cessful season, the hotel has never been, nor is now so full that rooms can not be had. .''' W The Seneca (3. C.) Journal says of a man who has read here on several occasions : Willougbby Reade was an nounced to read in,Seneca on Tuesday evening. He did not advertise in the Journal, consequently but a few people knew he was going to explode. Jimmy Hammond informed us that the "per fessor" actually did read, but it was a newspaper, and that it took place at the hotel in his room fotbja sjole amuse ment." v.'-1 A DistlngnUbed Feist . ' The Efi woada -arn daisies arid no mis take. What'ttioh Atrdy :1 for ihe nonce under a cloud bare we not Tom V And Tom will not allow the glory or the name to rnst,?w Andj could proba bly cot moreifiToata wfthont striking the jugular or the carotid and coma nearer monopolizing the Inferior Court,but Tom has done a deed tcuaag nify human nature. ' Yesterday at Kenarick arid' Bikby place in the suburbs he seized a mangy hound which showed its 'fangs. By Uii ears be held ;it ia . the f air and when the brute its threateniiw muirie owned wide, undauntedTom fiapgPU? tbnga uus nas na shown: thai, man can neat haa h a ah a ' f h r. m an can bM rnslAi,.... .ill . a , - - roRt S LA I x&n- Butenum iiBrb.: It to with real plaiu 5" i mj testimony to the great virtue of 'pf "Neuralgln as a speclfio for neuralgia and ick headache. 8uch a remedy U ableula&uid til mfftnin iumiM W, tt nnhanl. t 1 "9" . , ! 188 oatliwind rwreoBaltiBaore, Bold by v. t wrmtom Jf. CQ. 1 i ;' 1 . . . - r ; I ' - I. .'. -. 4tl I .'OWMrW B taib I - i ..... ji JlffV,.". i OFFICIAL VOTE Of 3Xecklear Cemtr CMmaIasi Bii mm- turn QaeaUao f j4 Two separate andj diaSncI proDosi tipM cm tU;Prthihiti1Sil JffiliraL aeswon were ctMecklen- -B wuiu;. me nrsc was the ones- S?S?? an,d of spirits in the State, and the sectmdprovided t or prohibition in the coiinty fi adopt! ed, without regard to the vote of the State. The, vote on the first question is as follows: PROHIBITI0 IN THE STE. PBoni- : BITION. Anti pro. -270 : - 809 .402 218 210 164 282 ,377 ,159 202 57 117 51 108 ,164 180 185 209 153 3,831 230 PRECINCTS. Charlotte, Ward lv. . " 44 3.. Tf 1.' 249 181 159 166 128 141 ! 134 . 4 Berrryhill...... ' Steel Creek....,,.. Sharon... Providence.. Clear Creek. 4 , 82 78 64 m 72 108 104 Crab Orchard........ :" NO.-2.... Mallard Creek . . .... .h -s t T- No, . De weese. . k v . . , M No. 2 92 .5. 1Q2 ra aw Creek 117 Morning Star. ............ 71 Pinetille. .............. . . 88 2,330 Majority for anti-prohibition. . . .1,501 PROHIBITION IN. THE COUNTY". prohi- , BITION. . . . 245 ! .... 130 ANTI PRO. 268 307 403 218 210 178 233 43 157 200 QiarlAUelWard 1. u V " 3 159 , 44 4 167 Berryhill.... 128 Steel Creek 141 Sharon 132 Providence 98 Clear Creek., 81 Crab Orchard, No. 1 80 " " u 2 65 Mallard Creek, No. 1 83 " - 2...;.. 72 Deweese, No. 1 108 " 2 ,105 Lemly8 86' Long Creek .... 161 ' Paw Creek 117 Morning Star 74 Pinevllle....... 94 58 115 123 49 107 153 178 185 207 153 3.545 2.326 2,326 Majority foranti prohibition 1,219 The law required that the votes for license in the county should be written "License," but in Providence 235 were cast written just as the State votes, "Against Prohibition." These were thrown out. , Hence the considerable variation in the State and county votes, which were remarkably .uniform aside from this fact , Mallard Creek, Pineville, Providence, Crab Orchard, Deweese, Sharon, Morn ing Star and Clear Creek were dry townships under the local option law. The question is now raised whether under that law the result of the county election changes their status. But the late election was not as to the several conditions of the townships but as to the county as a whole and it is hardly Erobable that such a construction can e put on ' the local option law as to make the change. It is very certain, at least, that this was not the idea of the voters. This question does not arise in Char lotte from the fact that the board of aldermen come between the people and the actual prohibition law of the city. The county majority is three times what the anti-prohibitionists claimed. Personal. Gen. R. D. Johnston and family have gone to Morehead City. Mr. H. V. Badham has gone to Warm Springs. Capt J. Roessler left yesterday for the northern markets. Mr. Walter Myers returned yesterday from his summer vacation. Messrs. Ed C. Ray and Alphonso Young, New York salesmen, are now at home in Charlotte. Mrs. Schiff and daughter have return ed from Cieaveland, Quite a number of Char lot teans ran up tq Cieaveland last might to spend Sunday. , , Missj Mattie , Dqw1 has returned from&oreheail,' U I ' Rev. E. A.' Wingard, pastor of the Lutheran church, and Rev. W. T. Wal-, ler, of the Associate Reformed, have both returned from their summer va cations, and will conduct services in their churches to-day. Will the Prohibitory Ordinance be Repealed It is generally understood that the dry aldermen will stick to the ordi- nances passed uy vne oia Doara in spue iha mug. of the result -of the' vote on tion of license in the county. Thm la auite a small number of prohibitionists, m 1 Y1 A. L. . . . . . however, wno iav.or-renew, iu.i uar mnmfl Mmuld be established dn ithe outskirts of the' efty beyond e sur veillance of the police they aay will amount to about the same thing as a quarantine 'of the city:.' ?hey thmk it Would - he much better to restose the privilege of retailing to the eity under restrictions and a strict enforcement of the laws regulating the1 fratnc, thereby not only bringing it and the resultant drunks under police, but. securing the large Tevenue it haB heretofore, yielded. ' But as has been sald: thesf are very lew. ne mass oi yyomwiuun ists are in favor or maintaining every inch of their, advantage, and though one or 'two fUtbe dry .aldermen ae kndwledge the force of this argument, none of them have expressed the inten tion of voting for the repeal, f Proaen(a of ihe BalUmow and North Caroliiis. .nisic torsuerly- tne We understand from very reliabfe authority that this mine now is in most excellent.cpuditioD. and its prospects aw of the most ' promising" character. The vein they haye is. pronounced a true fissure vein,' upon which several shafts have beenunfcand levels drivi en about 800 feet, connecting all the shafts.' These' levels commence seten-ty-flve feet below, the surface, and have . ' ' ( . it- . .Wte. i ml 4 U.im'i tmW'4Z jo ' peep ariyeji vpmu su uk -euuio distahe; an0 yielded a Jarge'oriantitJ of riph ore. Along this entire qiftance, above thp seventy-fiye foot level, the ore stands in maisep from 45 to 60 feet, showing an tomense: body, which is ready for stoping on the rise, by which lartrA niuuitities of ore arervleld- ed. by. dropping, ;'tteryn littlco8t. mine thpw three weeks on aecount; of additionalxnachinery going np in biAtrirtsi" frnd for reducinsr ores. A doubieiattery oT ..'Terjr. heavy stamps wtt camDleteJttia wiefo&aYing.ca paeity to reduce arge quantmes oi ore. yrandoelts were onj to -sTrf pwr. motion and Broinast Tftursday tot t Mwii-!r,Tvuw, . v-, most excellent thorough andenergetiej Mdwpemy.ttMtt)e?$ueires of HI BiiTJTY ANB COLOtt Of the sareiy regained py nsmg trEera w which imch &lmlred-Ior 1 w $ertus,ett mas ana wtniuran eraaicaang properaes. AFTER THE BATTLE. Seven Bmmw Why the PrehibUle tvta : KhmmlA Bew kef re Use will ef Ute Peeple. To the Edttar of The Observer. ' With the unexampled majority against prohibition in Mecklenburg county and North Carolina, we think even the over-zealous advocates of , the measure should be satisfied. No proposition ever submitted to the people has been so effectually killed and buried. Some re sults have, however; been accomplish ed by the loss of time, labor and unkind feelings, which have grown out of the unwise action of the Legislature in submitting a .sumptuary law to the voters to affirm or reject. M First. It has shown to the members of the Legislature that theira is the duty to legislate and take the responsi bility. Second. It has demonstrated that the church and State are separate in this country and are to remain so. 1 Third. It has proven that the people are capable of self-government, and that the cry of drunkenness, morality and religion will not drive them from their propriety ; that denunciationsand abuse are not convincing arguments. Fourth. That all elections in Meck lenburg shall in future be fairly and honestly conducted without corruption and bribery at the ballot box, s has been the case heretofore. Fifth. That class legislation will not be entertained in Mecklenburg county, and that the vilification and abuse of honest and respectable men engaged in honest pursuits will not be tolerated. , Sixth. That the county commission era having submitted to the electoral arbitrament the question of "License or "No License," are most emphatically instructed by the voters of the county in favor of license, and have no option or discretion according to the true theory of our Republican government, when the conditions of the law are complied with. Seventh. That the authorities of the city of Charlotte are instructed by a potent majority of the voters of this city and township that license is better than prohibition, and that they, will re spect the voice of their constituents and show themselves to bathe true ex ponents of a representative Demo cratic government by issuing license to retail under proper restrictions. s V: Fair Play. A Card, To the Editor of The Observer. In your issue of July 29th ult. ap pears a paragraph 4n which it is stated that the prohibition managers had made arraugements for Luther Benson to speak in the opera house, and were afterwards refused by the manage ment The statement is incorrect, as the gentlemen who approached me on the sutject were ref uf el the use of the house on the ground that it was not de sirable to fill the house with .an au dience the admission of which If would have had no control over. I make this statement in order to set myself, right, as I conceived it to be to the best in terests of the opera house to pursue the course which I did. Respectfully, L. W. Sanders. Charlotte, N. G, August 6, 1881; Stutenville and Jeffcreon Railroad Landmark. The editor of the Landmark is in re ceipt of a letter from Mr. Wm. Bran dreth, treasurer and managing direc of the North State Mining Company, written under date New York, Aug ust 2d, and takes the liberty of copying from it as follows : "Last May I wrote you that in the course of the next three months we should begin operations on our States- ville and Jefferson Railroad. Our agent and superintendent, Dr. B. M. Earns, will be in Statesvilie on or be fore the 20th of this month with a corps of engineers, for the purpose of commencing the survey of our line, and we hope that before December 1882, the whistle of our engines will be heard in Jefferson." This is an enterprise in which our people feel the liveliest possible inter est, and the extract above will be re ceived with genuine satisfaction. We cordially join Mr.Brandrethriin the hope that the- whistle of his engines will pe iieard nja Jefferson before De 4wj(eriesut OeaaO-acttea Oonaoanr Richmond State. ... T , 1 Judge Wellford has granted a charter of incornaration to Wm. B. Trhre.. U. Brooke, Joseph Bryan, W. M. SI Dunn, B. D. Hudems. and suoh others may be associated with them, under the style of the American Construction Com- nanv. for the . purpose of "taking and earrying contracts for the construction, eauinment and repair of such internal improvements as may.be authorized by law ti hn nnnfltructAd."... Thfaanitftr stock is' to be not less than $25,000 nor Tn,ore than 55,000,QDO. W-Daaivvaea into snares oieiw eaca; in? cmeiousmess or Uve company to De transacted in tne States of . VirflMia.1 North, and: South 1 Carolina. Georeia and Tennessee. The remount of real estate to be held to be :fi w nM nri.. :n n: 1al office is to be in this city and the f ol owincfare the officers for -the first noL mure luhu d.uuu aurea.: iuo uuuui vear:W. M. S. Dunn, president Di rectors: W.H. Palmer, W.R. Trigg, Sus Muhiser, JosephBryanand James GtAitJ&i-:2& 1-'hiS,.a MJ This is but another evidence'of the activitv in railroad building. The above company is an offshoot of the Richmond & Danville company, and we understand that it will proceed at once to finish the gaptjf f ortyinlles be tweei AfihevUle, N. XX and Paint Rock, wmop is on me xxorvruarouna uoruer, This:.C0nnect8 :the mchmond & Lan ville with the East Tennessee and Georgia system a system controlling fifteen hundred miles or roan. . DIED At Pinevllle. N. C. on 8rd septtesemla, Mrs. Jane W., wile, of Offloe Superintendent Gensral of the Grasd Na- tional XxhlblUon of the American Institute of Sdenoe. Art and Industry of the City of New York. (Finding of the Committee of Experts and Judges): ' ' "We recommend the Medals of Excellence for the Witch Hazel preparations of the Liebig Com pany as being of great value and purity." In accordance with the finding the Medals of Excellence were awarded. 6HALS$ HULL Superintendent aeneral. Ceres pues, salt rheum, rheumatism, n)inw (3aa7ro, pamrox moninuea. sain aiseasea, ei ooiu m any eenis ana aouar sues. KaUunanoo, Mich., Feb. 2, 1880. 1 know Hop Bitters will bear recommendation honestly. All wha see them confer upon them the highest encomiums, and give them credit tor ma- Sig cures all the proprietors dalm for them. I ve kept them since they were first offered to the public, They took high rank, irom the first, and maintained U, and are more called for than all others combined. Bo lour as they . keep up their high reputation for purity and usefulness, 1 shall continue to recommend them something I have never before don with any otaez potent T a. 1 John B. Out. II Ann A - WnjtrjraTDWr N. a-MBtrlttinttrlo firm at 42a Btannpatrateed fc80goodtr5ned. I family a5.I6a6.75; dtr mlUa-anper t3.75a4.76, extra S4.oueo.ou, hmuuj n.iii.iwi 96.62a.75, Patapsoo lamuy 7.ao. red 1.23al.2, amber 125. 80. Com Boufljem white 68, yellow 691k- - , utunmrnm -igm w western wnne 3Ma nixed. 4142, PerrtwyrtanU , PrevUion mm net 1 8.5018.76 new : bulk loose boulden -v etoar tMes--, ditto packed imaiuu; Damocneutoen Senear ruaaee u, n&ou iguana. ltq wmeo aenw ra Bio tmnotm otdtaary to fair lVkH2VL a son v., waisser i.nui& : i; . . ... Ciwonnijai-noiit fmnt . fi.7SaA.od. fanor (L267.0a Wheat No. 2 red wlnlar 1 ,25a 1.27. Corn at 68 14- Oate at S8. Portt at 118.2S. Idud at. 11.25. Bulk . meats-ahoaldei 7.2&V rabs Mat bacon ahouWars 8, ribs loth, dear sides 11. Whisker at; 1.08. 8usar--hards lOaVk. New Orleans Hoss common and light 6256.75, packing and butchers B-OOc e.u - - Mnr YnKK--HoaU)ni Soar steadv: to fair extra 6. 15&8.25. good to chotee 6.80a7.&0. Wheat uasradeo spnnc Lioai.iw. corn nngmded 6Oao04. Oata-44 for Na 8. Oof- i fee Bio earroes 1018. Sugar fair to good reflnlrjc 7a7Cprlm j refined -standard A OV. MolaMes New Orleans 80a55. Porto Rkn 8665. Bosln-2.06a2.07Vs. Turpentine 43 wool domesue fleece msata. poued 80a40, unwashed 12aS4. Texas 1481. Perkatia25 middles lone clear 9, short dear 10, kmc COTTOK. rt i w t ii mm MltfMlfVMw 11U - - a..is. 10c; food ordinary 9ie: netree,U823;croH ; sales 900; stock 20.765; exp'ts eoastwlM 160; to Great Britain ; continent. Kosvout steady; mMdltar llUc: net itcetou ZZVi cross ; sfocz ano; upon ec 4o; sates 147 j exports w ttreat imtain. ntTiTTtsnmi fhrlrt- nil llo: low saldd'a; 11 5-16; good ordinary 10c: net receipts 20; arose B4S; saies ; stoca oa, exports eoasnrtM 25r splnnert 75 exports to Great Britain ; to uononent Bostow Quiet: iniddliBC 12tte: low mlddlln: HMe: cood onrr lOUe: net reeelnta 60: cross 258; sales ; stock 7.945 exports to Great Britain ; to France. WnJUJWToa Firm; nuddlnui lias low mid. dttnt 10fce; good ordrnary 9c; reeelpU : gross , sales took 701; exports eoast- wise ; to uraat mtain. PHUADBXraxi- Quiet ; mlddllna 121ia.: tow middUnc Hike: rood oidlnarr ICMkm net raeelnta ! i hut gross 6vj; sates -i spianers oua; ,748; exports to Great Britain. SiTiraiH Steady: mlddnna lllfcc: low mkJ'r iuw; gooa oramary we.; net receipts &&3; gross - ; sales 20O: stock 6,162: exp. eoast wise; to Gnat Britain ; continent Niw OsLXlBSDull: mldd'r ll&o: low mid dttng 10; good ord'y 10c; net receipts 271; es 678c saies 14U; stoeK 04,530;. exports to ureal huu ; to continent. Mobtijs Firm: trdddllmr HUer low mlddlnn lOlc; good ordinary Gic; net reeelpta 16: gross 10: saies ooo: stoca al; exp. eoast uos: J ranee ; to Great Britain. Maarpiaa Quiet: middling llVi roeeipu 88; shlpmenu 24; sales 75; stock 10,711. ADSuna Quiet; middling 11c; low mid dllng lOVfec. good ordinary 9o; receipts 66; shipments ; sales . Chabucstob Steady: middling 1 lite ; low mid dling He; good ordinary 1044&; net receipts 120: growt : saies 25: stow Rli: exports astwlsp 109: G rent Britain ;contment. Nw York Cotton dull; sales 204; middling uplands 12 1-1 no. urteaus 12 5 loo: net receipt ; arosH : consolidated net rec is l.vas. Z3 i Lrvxaraoi Noou cotton In moderate Inquiry; oiiddJiug uplands tt 13-lod; mid. Orleans id sales o.oou. specuiauon and export iajuui oelpts 8,900, American 3.560. Uplands low mid dllng elause: August delivery 6a27-82d, August and September 6 27 82d, September and October 6 11-S2d, uctooer and NoveniDer o l-loa, No vember and December od, Decemher and January: '. Futures dun. rUTDBXS Raw You rutares osed steady, sales 25.- 000. August 12.14a.15 ll.24a.25 bepteml October moer 10.66a 66 November December. 10.48a49 ltt48a.49 January 1059a. 80 February 1u.71a.7s March 10.85a.86 April 10.96a.98 May ll.08a.12 TOANCIAL. Nrw Tobk- -Moner1.2tta.03. Ej Kxchange 4.82 Governments quiet: new 6's 1.02ve. Four and ball per cents 1.1 4tt- Four per cents 1.16 State bonds dull. Nvw Tobx 1 1 a. m. The stock market opened a shade weaker. Stocks closed dull. New Vork Central 1.48 Erie. 43i Lake Shore 1.23 Illinois Central. 1.86 Nashville and Chattanooga : Louisville and Nashville 1.0814 Plttshurg. 1.40 Chicago and Northwestern 1.26 prezerreu.... lao Wabash, St Louis 4; Padflc... 51W Do preferred 88 Memnhisand Charleston 83 bock island l.aow Western Union ov'm Alabama Class A, 2 to fi - jn Class a, smau ho Class B. 6's 98 Class C. 4's 88 East Tennessee 19 Bun-treasury balances Gold S78.2S0.U68 currency.... o.xwi.uou. i Cm COTTON MARKET. OmcioTTnOamm, . CHjUtLOTTKV Aagust 7, 1881 The market resterday closed steady. aood Middling..... Btricoy nudduag. 1m ii audanng. Strict low middling..... Low middling. Tinges '. , 10 lie Lower grades. Receipts yesterday. 20 bale. CHINA PALACE OF i?3TBJCCiTYi;P4 100 GROSS Fruit Jars ft Jelly Mlers OF BEST i MAKWS, - ! Which we offer very !o, waolesa and retal sTTJLt LINK OF Freneh,Chiiu, Triple-Plitca Ware!; A Lot of BABY CARRIAGES. 't V d, SELLING OFF AT COST . FLY FANS, FLT .TBAPS ICE CHESTS, WATER COOLERS, j , ICE CREAM FRXEZSBS, Xteu: -A; t " Wateit tiersl-i) ganojoC'Ta'"' l. TRINITY H AE t, -' .,SV n -dtoi :i .; 1. .A ttowngk Umbo scaool low sMa. vTarled ad- SeatosSeDte order. ( FourteenUt year nil iiinr annm "i.i7 i4-.SJ ieLBBONaHCNt,: uua ruviTttoetpal. aoieodraiaos tTTANTID, 75odeOk and IQosov. nd25 FT eordoPlne woatbBo. waaavvna olinaMUltaCT Invited.,., j ;,.!-. xjja 'lmN fevr,.; iwitra uinomtottoOIWW fcafldtos? Brookfield (& Go. 1 fWiAftlrAiHr. nlaorirnniiA '''...- lolnnewral ' . . W -'t. , ' X to.W.N.Prathefsla for rent fter Jaonarf 1st JNO, L. MORXHEAO dee 22 tl V, lillS! 2 CAR LOADS !rcbVa. 1 CAR LOAD Waverly Family Floor. 1 CAR LOAD MECKLENBURG CHOICE. 100 PACKAGES ' .... New Mackerel ALL SIZES AND NUMBERS. ALL GBADES. A fULL LINE OF Canned (Roods. OUR COMMISSION HOUSK HAS LARGE SU?- PLI83 OF CABBAGE TOMATOES POTATOES CANTALOUPES ! ; W ARE STILL IN RICKI PI OF kLt ABLTAND SECURE BARflAINa. fuleal 1 Spps MS mm I ii ,.ai i Hii'!.., .A--- ' ' I TTK A TTFITrNCI TT I UW ILI 1M I : 1 ,iM Hi 111 - WE HAVE JUST RECEIVia) ANOTHElT CASE OF otm 50 cen Far supeilor to 1U and quality to any other ever tntrodoBad ta this M sizes running from 18 to 80. - ALSO, A BEAUTIFUL 3 In Tartous stytea it exceedingly low prices. Look at our beautiful PRINTS, Just reoelved, only 7c per yard. H. M ORI'&ai O. J - - - HBwMwWBBWBWBW)WBWJWwBbM RO We have iat reoalvcd another lot of those 5 CENT CALICOES . . ; .CBOICX STTLXS.- - Q L' :I L T S . Honey Comb Qailta, -Marrimac. . : : 806 -v $1.00 1.2S Bates, FANS ! FANS Cheapest line otrana lrt4h.f : ifans 2 lor f; Palm Leaf CORSETS. The Daisy Corset, The Sylvia Corset, joJySl - 40c 75c pXiacsnau0ns. TBOMASVILLE FEME COLLEGE, DAVXDSOIf, If . Cm The 25th annual session begins August 81 st Ten teachers. Better prepared than ever for the best work. Offers every advantage of the most thorough and liberal course in Literature, Music and Art, at rates lower than any equal school In the State. Board and literary tuition from $60 to 878.60 per term, bee Catalogue. uly22,d2wk8,wlmo H.W. BUNHART, Principal CITY PROPERTY FOR SALE. A DESIRABLE residence, three blocks from the pubUe square in Charlotte, will be sold cheap and en reasonable terms to the right kind of a purchaser. The dwelling is on a full lot, has nine comfortable rooms, brick kitchen, fine well of wa ter, etc. The house Is admirably adapted for the residence of a lawyer, doctor or preacher, having an admirable library or study room, built for the purpose. For furthsr particulars, price, terms, etc. apply at THIS OFFICE. luly20,dtf TsiB S3 m a c to km I 8 " c. i? EE 5J81 swi-' C H- wr M9 0. 3 2 ' 2 E B C rtwl B 5CANTLDTS t Seamless Eyapcratcr - AND - "SOUTHERN" cm RILL F1EST CLASS SOBfilO HCEHHI AT TIKt LOW FlUCSS. Uni Cor SMcrlpUv Mas list. THOS. SCANTLMASON, IVANBVILIiB, I1TX. lulyl T.d&wlmo Union High School (MALE AND FEMALE) EAST S5D, YADKHT CO., IT. 0. Next session opens August 4, 1881. Professor T. S. WklUington, A. M., prtndpaL Departments Celleglate, Commerelal, Normal and Civil Engi aeertng. Term, twenty weeks. Board from $4 to $8 per month. Tuition from 88 to 316.25. East Bend is 22 miles northwest from Winston, and 7 miles south oi Puot Mountain, jror partic ulars address the principal at fast Bend. juiyia,4w 30 DAYS TRIAL ALLOWED. rnTTrN JaMU,lS7S WE WILL SEND, ON 30 DAYS' TRIAL, DR. DYE'S Electro-Voltaic Appliances NT suffering from ServoneWewtmee, Gn erol lebUUy, loss of nrr twice or vigor, or any disease resulting from. Abuses and Oth kt. Caoi or to ay amic one afiricied with Rheama- tin m. Neurahua, Pa inihvis. Spinal itncultieiL Kidney or Hver er Troubles, Lame ma, nup f Diseaaes ol the Vital Onrans. tuii, and iuer Also woksn trou uled with diseases, peculiar to their sex. Speedy relief snd complete restoration to health guaranteed. These are tbe Otty Electric. Aptli:ince that ktsvo ewer besieonemeld upon KelesvtMPc prin ciples. Their UiorouKb emoaey kas bea prac tically proven with tho sMt wosMlerfal SMeessw d tatoy lt-.- 41m ttf fbeet eadoraeniAwlv worn .odlcal and aeieat title tneta,and from fcatiMl red who taavf keen qnickly and rixlieally cured b lsoki ttse. Send atoitoc foi 111 i..-' rated Pamphlet, giving all Information ini-. Address, VOLTAIC 211 CO , XarthaU. sttdt. julySL . . BPRCIALUslTkL- Cheap Excursions. RKBHOHD 4 DAsvuxa BAnA04 Co f i Passxko-eb DarAirrifKirr. ' J ii RsDHMOMi,Va. July 15, -1881. ) -r -a . .itaMe inia fmllfllea M Visit the JL mountain regions of Western North Carolina from Eastern and Middle North Carolina points, ' SPECIAL BOUND TRIP TICKETS to Aanevlne are on sale at Oiarlotle, tmaW.theloi- luelaisw atnaTillfHfmai- ' Upon application of 50 venpJCOJn aM bodTockets good fttr 10 days will k sold at S485 HoldenofttiBSotMrett wffl b prfvfleeed to re turn singly on ao ot the companrs regular trains within the Uflsit named. ' The tickets, however. will sot be accepted going to AshevlUe ereept np-i en the eondiuons namea m uus aarerasement, ut alio tn the eontrBCtarrnearlnr on the tickets.. For further information apply to the agent at Chariotta, A. POPE, uly24 General Passenger Agent w x o 9 Hill r a i Cll BBATED core&,3, j '-i'i I al t rill ASSORTMENT OF X f 1 ViS- A ..ti l.iIKO DOMESTICS. The cheapest nne ever offered, "Fruit of the iAxnoa," 4 4. lift. Other braodj as cheap in All prices and gradeeery cheafecam . , 25e towelat They are deotded plumb. HAIIDKERCHIEFS. All styles and vrtfnTaM 'xi&ljjAlta' Hem stitched lOo a beautlfuTquallty. Eureka Spool Silk; ICf a speol paper. Coats cotton, 65e a down. Nadles 5c a W-8TBICTL1 CASH and OKI PICS. RODDICK 4 CO. 3T o(h Foreign and Domestic, JUST HECtltED AT DrJIMciden's Drugstore 1 ARVTOGA rICHT. From Saratoga Springs. N. Y. A new water re sembling the imported vlchyi Recommended as an antacid; cures dyspepsia, aids diges tion, is a powerful' Ionic and strong diuretic, t Also t I Hathorn Natural Mineral Water, Recommended very highly as a cathartic and al- teratlve and In all forms of dyspepsia. ALSO, 3 g CASES CONGRESS WATER.. 10 CASKS BOCK BRIDGE ALUM, 10 CASES BUFFALO LlTHIi. And a full stipply of IMPORTED APOLLIN ARIS AMD i Janos AVaters. THE GREAT EUROPEAN NOVELTY H UNYADI ANOS. THE BEST NATURAL APERIENT. j AS 4 CATHARTIC S I j Or f Sf m "iJ i FT I ITta inivt navWl Janos. mirl Llebte af firms that its richness ta aperient salts surpasses that of all other known waters." The British Medical Jottrnai -"Hunyadl Janos. The most agreeable, saf ost, and most efficacious aperient water." rroj. rweruno, Benin. "invariably good and prompt success; most valuable." " Prcf. Bamberger, Vienna "I have prescribed these writers with remarkable success." Pro. Bcamoni, Wurszburg. I prescribe none but this." Pref. Lander Brunton, M. D., F. B. 8., London. "More pleasant than Its rivals, and surpasses them in efficacy." Prof. Atken, M. D., F. R. S:; BOyal Military Hos pital, Netley. "Preferred to Pullna and Fried riehshalL" JOHN H. McADEN, Importing and Llsrenslng Pharmacist North Tryon 8t, - - CHARLOTTE, N. C. DON'T GO TO SARATOGA When you can get water Just as fresh and spark ling as wnen it nows rrom tne spring at Saratoga. We receive this wateria htfgw block tin reservoirs which we re turn a aooa emptied to be refilled again every week. J. U. M0ADZMX, Druggist and Chemist, Prescriptions aiefully pre and eompeteht doetlsta, Ju!j38 Tarnip Seed ! farhiiySeed! TURNIP SEED. RED OR PURPLE TOP, , 1 WHITE FLAT DUTCH, i. LARGE WHITE NORFOLK, POMKRANl N WHITE GLPBE P'i AD ci H AMBER GLOBE, GOLDEN BALL. YELLOW ABERDEEN, I t sn BL001L3DALE SW1D1 OR XILLO W. ARE ALWAYS RELIAB iaw Blulyld WMMWATER Hooyml