1 4 J1 ill: t i . ... t at ..xi I p. lA-"''. l l i n l I I - . i I. i . . ... . . - . .. ... - . .. . . ' . . ...... - ....,1..iM..,ii fflSMWW 1 .., ; , 1 XI SaW. ? t n? 5" fJtr-Ur'r'itii:wi tn 'jstt r v ri -1 I I Cult. rGhftlirilt Wb&ZCLlfXJ. i SURE. APPfKI vnnm.' mmiii ii'in ".'ti Jii imm JtlllXJMS axe nizxxij ini4 ierUli'and'tfficicnfl tonic; Tf'titJC2grtll,IJackt)f J3nersr,etc. Rikjrieletlb ;lh musdeeyand gifet ttewtifo to thrnervefc It adto likesj charm on the digest! re organs, removing all dyspeptic symptoms, such as J. asting tne r ooo, -Bekking. Heal in th Stomach.' Heartburn; etc: The only Iron Prepa- Bold by all druggists. Write for suitrjsingeadWArf r o BBpVN-CnEM3CAL COH 1 . - - -F . -i- jkA mc dnmi At uiuiim 1 s?Tif7 vtsi STTirrTT-rnrr rw hi - - J - aMklahll1 wm Qwiillir abated. 1 hT d thraefafetU f th Taala. 6iaoe ajUslt Ibv doa twie the U V kitmt nmt tiiariamrilln &fwlth dwybto ttie With th tesaniiU aarrs . ,,4 . Mlk a teo4y, Ilia yimatoa a taanawctf tbonsht utt befor aniorad. If tha Tonic fau not dona tba , faljlW&Z j Vm p'llj HAKTCR MIPICJNC CO., 10. SIS IBBTH MAII SHUT, ST. IrmatTAfl flAwlT I I 00K. C0LLXGX & FOUBTH 8T8., WHOLESALE GROCERS. WI 8SLL U AND F. F. V FLOURS. Jul Just Received and to Arrive ! 1 CAR LOAD R! ASSOBTXD SACKS. A LABGS LOT OF MOLAS8XS OLASSEd . i m Q TOUTS iixxTiiuiinir n ihw nni. IBUP3 of Mew Orleans. SUGAB DGAB C0TFBE OFFICE "DICE XV ICB T?AC0N JLACON LABD ABD TTAMS AMS C lOBK 'OBN ITX EAL TO TO AT IM3IDX PRICES. J MAYER ii.ROSS. EATX STORE 5ii Finest and MOST COMPLETE -8TOCK 0F- FINE Ml 41 JJ JUJjTfal NOTIONS And aU kinds of 31111) For Ladies and Cfandren ifi r9ifiiM , we nart smt.ua. w.aad, the pleasure of atewlng ODB8TOCX 0F Q LOVES, BOSIIBT. fiFAluoLiil;a; ; ?-. TBIM1C1NQ& . t ' NECKWEAR. X-imwlUiIA4. AKD0OBSET9 , MsnrAsarpassedln thedty. WehaTB-- HATS OR BONNETS iiL m..i ;.j .! :;;() - TO m THE BEAD AND POCKET OF EVERT LADT, MISS AND CHILD. v J- Oar Pttttern Baia and Bonnets win be open JiOriDxU. APRIL 4th. : Udy that kwd j. atylesand , u ai and customer. . 7 THE GENUINE PMiiit Patent VTJU CATCH OF 1881. i , SPIf OPENING: 4 a iiS 5 15 fcs i " FOB THX nDv GOODS FAlllI llSJlf ItfW i - -errf rw "TT."TOUrouu' awiera 01 nr m. JLi I aTktid be piaaaea to see WstoeriR2l . - .......... v . - . - ;& I I 1 I J I II II II U I J.J e ti J! reconxmeuueu lor su uxseaoes jrciux especially digestion, Dys- the ABC Book, 32 pp. of useful an L'. .. ,' liatunore, Jjia o immmdmA fry tA waaaU I JHrapeyftt, Oewiarql lnanaaft miM alaiini n mnAtl Mhllff. hnfc nn fVa nnnt.ntrv. was follmvcul hr i Degsntna aaa oiytrar lboh loma, irom wmcn x re- LOUIS' si-1 4 Pr.rZjr MALTSIi IS" IN DNSEEIf , Tapbnms poison; vpreiatBg disease and death in many localities, far which quinine is bo genuine antidote, but for the eflecte Of whlCb Hosteler's Stomacn. Bitters Is not only a thoroogn remedy, bat a reliable pmenOr. - To this ract there is an overwbelmlngafray of testimony, axtendlng over a period of thirty years, AH disorders of the liver, stomach and bowels are also conquered by the bitters. For sale by all Druggists ancTDealers generally. RATOR Only Yeeetable Comoound that acts difSctly ,upbn the Liver, and cures "Ljver Complaints, Jaun dice, Biliousness, Malaria, Cos tiveness: Headache. It assists di gestion, strengthens the system, regulates thejxwels, purifies the Diooa 13001c sent tree. Dr. Sanfqrd, ic Broadway, N. Y. FOIL SALE BV AT.T. nsnnnraTB FOR SAX.E BY ALL Japi 18-deOd, eew ly . -f aiialiTiraoTa tliat darelopa in. Eiduay ad.tTil. ''I IWnTtlUMM Ttm mini ' Tm II i' .X.-XX ' -1 . IITMIIIT.i Hll.liX. pattern, Pilea, or in EJeiimatlam, Waiiralgla, ZTervoua Di orders and faxnala nrmrlniifii i STO. WHAT PEOPLE SAY i f I R Qi nnetloa City, Eunas, W Kidney-Wort etired him after regular PhT """" had been trying for four year. . "V- vm aihu,v TT asnxxigion, uaio, Bays Her boy waaetven nn to ilia hv fnn. nrnminent ianii aod tljal he irai af(erwardj cured by - wx. M. M. B. Goodwin, An editor In Cluurdon, Ohio, aja ha waanot expected to lire, beinir bioatod beyond baliabnt KiaDjx.Wort cored Mm.7T 1 Jarrett ot Sooth Salem, H. XI aaya jffS? y"".oeaxii from Wdney traaWaa anottCTfioiapIxcaUoxM vu ndad !t Im Uae aX oy years front ' ' and kidney troubles and I. Kidney-Wort nxade him well. . TTi .- HlAh.al flnA a Ui- m . w enffered eight yean with kidney dlffleultf and mOTmuwxo nun. oaineytYon Butaaj PERMANENTLY CURES i KIDNEY DISEASES - H ! : vr J; LIVER COMPLAINTS, Constipation and Piles. 4 f ty lt Is pot np la Dry Vegetable Frte In tin cans, one package of which makes oix quarts of medicine. Also in LI q aid Fans, Terr Oo eeatratedy for those that canBotKodily pre pare It. Tit I tV It act with equal effleienmi At taker font. . vx.vw y .x WJUij9, uxunaiiiiaqjij)!., drop's, I (W$ ttbi the ar tajy BttrtaGTqi.Til n " ' ' Marah2T4&wlyf m T i Z. B. VUKaa. . : . ... W. H.HATf.gy, VANCE & BAILEY, w- ir ittto8ys and Ooimsellors , J -pcue9 m oupreait uam or me united et&te iwwwm n-euu ot ona uaroiina, Federal Miii Jourta, and eowttea )t' Meekle j . -, , i burg, Cbarras, Union, Oaa.' ii' : .J f i-i-. toi. Rowan and Dev. ?.. -.ri, 8iiaia. . . - may29-tf RO. D. GKJtHAMi A.TTOElirB'E iiuT IiAW, IN the State and United States Conrts. CoUee tlona. Home and Vorelan-. anlLMtaiT ak. inrniaaeaifle eom- fRS.TAY1.0'S -BOARDING HOCSB, eorr.er tr0J,v.?i'-c.. - v.vwkuimj WUIHUU4 SMHI aji'ir 'IX&SLWT&W the rua stove in, tnaici .IarLor.ortt winid ' uuxuruxsutxi. Addren: w - !r oi tr , AiBS, fe Y. XAY - jtjl ...J 4P : . . if fefeilrJ tJ rZ TI i x.i 5 rj- ittaK fJCC T INUIGO 1 tavoreblo terrnT V,wiH9w;urvry FVlxIxxO'urir tb6 r 1 1 f II Their!! ivBtirA if Vhi IIfiitAJ States 18 rtwltln aMaTte.iirAaA Man- ual for 1881 which has just beeniiaaoM., In only one previous year has there been an addition to the mileage ojf-th - a a a nnn country greater wan mac oi issu wmc amounted to 7,174 miles ; that preyioM year was 1871, In which 7,379 milfea jere constructed. The progress during the last ten veara will aDDear from the fok i n t urnl 1 Miles oper-d 8225 TlZubi I Illlf HI I stoU.al affll j ' j f. I A.ihaaasf aTcredfednstiblewfid found Ttmaeaaeut, v,&n,4oi,m u.whjjho G. earnings, 615.401.931 40329i&iT JN. earnings, Ft earn'gs, P. earnings. 255,193,436 467,748,928 147358,003 14ll746,404i 294143922 108189885 r6&50,681 Vateriitude of irMs paTdi 77jll5,411 litXo fulJJ tlikl irfcraasar io j-ftveai iiUinjust be mind that,during the iekdfeffi uuiua in uimu luauuuiiuic LLin uwiiuo. a Tnnr. irrarirvin(T 'irn nornmoniTi T for transportation. Thus, in I8flj.thfr son River Railway was 1.649 ceni jrad- in 1881 only 0879 of a cent pit the' j-icit A uin, snivel Xllic OUU f TICawCA-U : i u 4- i ' . : xvituwev, tuo uubii per tuii per miie nits been reduced from 1.442 cent in 1871 to off a PPiTit in if&XL . Onl ihArPAnn. aylvan4 1 Sallay itp redaction -has UOOUX1UUX ArtAJ7 VCUU UC1 JJU UCi XUitO IA 0.880 of a cent during the same 'years, ana on tne ariitsDurg, j ort Wayne; ana nhinormfrAm i ao of v a ni 7Vi miS? f haW S-S-SSfSSS w0durtagthe , year was 3352,315 -tons; in ; 18707 -the toi moved was l4.401i)06Tand lu 1880 ita 34,613,718. The average rate per-tonr permiie over toe toree roaas in i860 was 1.950 cent: in 1870 it was LS89 cent; in 1880 it was 0.868 of a cent Had the rates ef 1870 been maintained' (the volume of business being the same) for 188U tne earnings oi me toree lines wnnld havA hAtm ft1fi9 fi&n ISA a sum $45,855,053 greater than the actual earn ings. Again, if the rates of I860 had -been QhArgcti in 1830 .the earnings of .the" three roads would have reached the sum of $127,619,086, an amount greater by $70,794,959 than was really received. Mr. Poor says : "Calling the distance in round numbers, from Chicago to New 3Tork l.OOOTnilfes. the rnst.'nf mnv. UMl toMdtbreadstuflMl870, from tne former to the latter, at the rates then charred. ..ens rent nAr tkr mile over the New York Mffi Erie Railroads, was $16.08. In 1880, at the rates then charged, 8.68 cent perton per mile, the cost was $8.64. The re duction equalled $7.44 per ton, or 22.g cents per bushel. Such sums per ton, or per bushel, very nearly equalled tjtie profit to the farmer on the production of his wheat, and fully equalled the cost of production of corn. That the greater part of the saving effected by this reduction in the charges of trans portation went into the pockets of the farmers is'proved by the extraordinary increase in their producti6n $ these StapVes The New, York, Central and IhB file Railroads transported in 1880 kpm tons; of (vegetable: 'tooy. As summg that all this tonnage (an as sumption which is true of the m-eater part of it) came from Chicago to New York, the saving upon this quantity; in the reduced rates of transportation, from 1870 to 1880, equalled $35,197,987. Some of this tonnage, but not a great part of it, was taken up at points east of Chicago. Wherever it was taken, the reduction in the rates was the same." In the Southern States the number of miles of railroad is 15,912 ; the cost &t the railroads and equipment being $468,940,551. The gross earnings last jear were n,04, or $3,030 8 mile. And the net earnings were $18,124,034, or $1,139 per mile. The interest paid on bonds amounted to $8,206,591 and the dividends paid on stock amounted to $3,525,977. In the amount of divi dends inthe Southern States there has' fSAKy i!6!? excepjt in 1879. In.am$hedivideds2 only $901,396, and the MghesVanwiuntiii the ptujt eigne years, excepting 1880, was $2,805,799 in 1878. The gross earnings in the Southern States were highest in 1873, when the amount was $53396,400, and fell to $39,1258 in 18TT. Since then the increase in the earnings has been steady, the earnings in 1880 being vo,oJu,i4, Bgsunst a,yn4 in 1878. The increase in the mileage during the last thirteen years is nearly fifty per cent; the number of miles of railroad m ine soutnern states beincr io.oes 1868 and 14,808 in 1880. The greatest increase was in 18 71, when nearly 1,000 miles of road were constructed. Inthe United States, as a whole, the num ber of miles of railroad has been more than doubled in the .last .thirteen years, the mileage toingliz220 Jn? 1868 and 93,671 in 1880. Mr.Toor notes that during the year various consolidations of railroads took place in the Southern States, in consequence of which earnr iogs to the amount of no less than two' miUlmr am tar . ve at tint mnmiui t addilion to a large amount of earnings wj wuiLiauica vuuBouini;ei7i reiusea in formation. The total earnings for the 16000 miles of railroad in the Southern States amounted, probably, to $52,000,- not affected byiSmnorSfSDad management, but it is well to beat in mind that he is a violent opponent of anv recrnlatinn at raiirnnria ernment, and is confident that the liriei B,-Mlwaii'jiaore public In his view the governnient cannot supply the inspiration, the dili gence, the zeal, the economies neces sary either to the proper service of the public or to financial success. The talk of the New -York Chamber of Com merce about enslavement of the people he considers the most ridiculous non sense, and, from what he calls the folly? and aDsnrditv nf t.hA mnvniifi.fi nafcl r- riros Dy, Ponton league, twen tr years ago, 'he' thinksnat we maj readily infer the folly and absurdity at WW aWS readily infer the folly and absurdity as well as the-Jailare of the movement which the Chamber of Commerce of " M"-y of jwjbw jl orKnas now in hand. J 1 fimated' tlfct nmt &fW.OW, nually, one-half of which is used: for printing, a smn ror wntint?. and th remaindAr ia Ara nar?ATM lont ptoSucef yearly m)tm tons of intellectual and ifv f - - wa.- MavM IMOaslW W A A'AJIAI I . m m. i XIAm.-"l IIH VIWIE IfiniA Blin S ItaaaHtM a.S I taaattS r-n, ffiMTS general. ' Sold Jy all dmgglsts of any itandln mll-f i "r-m-ff ' 11 -v - .-- 4 Tify patients derive iriarked ahtf dedded be J r - - ww sy m-T SfcM '.UAllU, - .? Pi le orr . ry.New Tork Medical' Colla I fLfiiiv-i iJD CO"! Coca Beef oi& I HI "RalAitrti Wt' VrwrZ -nhsHmer' T)iAd aterdy;3n tl c'a&otftTib o'clock J jorm son u nsDee, ana iaugnter oi me lit UIMWmelJrdii It jlajt iWT AoHearne proposes, to start a newspaper tat newDern. itwuiiOe called tliiOay Commercial News, a v t -ETertbodr ln Kinston were .'prof nse Irrthfeir fffmArnns hoatatafltr. aTid, rare liavfl Artarm nlflAftin thftftartn!nf' the Wilmington neview: j. I. MJiieix, .bouse, aavaglf tJeatihis-wife wh0: ap- Ki ?i't"- w"5iLuJi V? fSmj handi of a. coated CisUble wbd found, if !rt -ii -i .'Li.Tl v. J Chilli Mil IBM H t! ni'. IMIIIMH .tni lirXJ IH 1 H1UI an arsenal of deadEr,'; wfeaponsf, arottnd one who.attempted 'fiiaaarresa Xhe officer who did not care to tackle such a bier majK rwent back for further lh- structionsand when he le turned with hadde- I r ' . x ,. . - , . . . - . I GLewhwgJkinff-ovlefcJiis righteued'him intiytmthfal9activity,v Imt beiug' tod eonragVfOnsf fo'iilii'fari J rciJ"WU J CVUiMCU luwfvPtwuir ViiH" 1 ij j ' j . ' i x . 1.1. ii I tiuu ouu uiouuvcrtM-tisuiui'r uuu- ft rl An nf "Oft "wall naval an ftbiVa . lift .thrrf rtra llft'iTfrt horn' n1 frtftlw rA. i .1. xuver js Baiorwoe lower glOlS , Mrfrank Oark. ayoung man tow Peai River is saidHo be lower ,tms theaccidBntocourredv- j - 'r&toifam XiVKeasIes' has been working upon thepoopleof Statea villa since earlT anrinu urul ha nit irnt and grown people impartially, but it V HTA Tint CBTlPrftrlc fniii nn mST-a th an a few days 1 - , " A-!fo4ate Collection of Ptpea. London Times. Mr Bragge's Collection of pipes now on View at the Alexandra Palace offers one of the most interesting of minor art exhibitions. There was a depart ment for pipes in the Paris exhibition of 1878, which was peculiarly rich, in the long stems and enriched bowls of Algerian manufacture. 'Mr. Bragge'& couecapn. inciuqes spgciineiis:pf voueuupn, mcmues specimens : or . ail J!?W" PY5- of clay Which have been dedicated to the worship of tobacco. From France comes pipes of Sevres made in the! na tional porcelain factory : from German ny old Dresden pipes and the pipe for merly smoked by the giant in. the pro cession of the Guilds at Cologne;1 from Holland several hundreds of : the aesthetic clay called "Early Patch, col lected by Heer Vander Want, Master vl iiio jripemaKers uuiia ax uouaa. The Dutch contribution includes also specimens of the bridegrooms' pipes, clay ornamented with ribbons, which the farmer of the polders smokes -on the day of his wedding and then lays by on the shelf, to be taken down once a year when the anniversary comes round of the . momentous occasion. This pipe is regarded with great inter- col. uy nuiutiVB an an example or tne various uses which tobacco serves, in calming feelings of ecstatic joy and mitigating the panes of "regret,; ;There are 700 early English pipes, Scandina vian pipes, with modern runes inscrib ed upon them, Siberian bowls, the con solation of the exile, made of hard WOOd and mam m nth ivnrv Ho an no pipes and the costly meerschaum and amber toys smoked, by pashas in their seraglios. Ninety-six of the Japanese Eipes are in ivory, twenty-four in wood, orn, rock, crystal, agate, etc. The carvings illustrate the social life of Ja pan in its most amusing relations. One pipe which formerly belonged to Enomoto, foster brother of the Em peror, bears the imperial symbols and the central portion is entirely inlaid with gold. The bowls are extremely small. A pipe.contains merely a whiff. A, piece ot. tobacco is rolled up to the size of a pea jmd one long, soothing in- uoiauwi-uiauioiis iu rag smoEe is re tained for some time in the 'lungs, as usual in the East. Itls ho4 matter of surprise that, according to the narra tive of the Earl of Elgin's mission, a Japanese will smoke fifty such pipes in a morning. From .China; , come the opinm FrwMeh balaace the finances Af Tvhlla 4vKam .S I x J . . vtAuviur-M m. joue ur muxoiso sneu. bOwiS'bf 'silVerkhd BrramolJ TTftrtfc-ai,., " niiii f AAWMtlAtl' from India, the calumets of peace and aaAa ff am A T.aAa. A 9 warowia xtusixB xaene ine trioes of tae Aztecs and the Caribs, trie latter called "tabaca," whence the European name of the weed is said to be derived : pipes smoked at the great "customs'' in- uentrai Ainca; the sperm whale's teetn carvea into bowls: nioes from id New Guineais niixXIMii ' are also to A Year aero an ATT.rnan r.rnoTAf n i of the better sort, understanding Span ish thoroughly, -while looking over the; STfihiVAB nf nn nlrl Vin-riK lfn n lena, Sonora, discovered a manuscript Acputb . it ucbiuii pnesc wno traveled over Arizona more lihan one hundred vears asyo. ' Thn rirav 'miaoinnorir n the cause of Christ and in the interest ft: Snnf-ft" hiA travBTfliul A rjlxliTT r. xv r vxTOsi w iyiUw 1 fiM "P83, toodntalns , and battled 1 kith andians. m finely edudated4 veloped, and all of which he described. auv iiiaxiuauiiiisx. uescnoes iae suver King mine andocates it eivinsr loniri- tude tod latitude exactly, fit is said to ered, but adds that in Sonora there is a mine as far ahead of the Silver King air 245, ahead f ordinary mines, iif i itnrniAri MAn nltflfnlairi. Maii : inaUlS TiAvMPnrl ftg;tagf: vhtn thiii mino iT-1 . ariyax.wi v'"T" hvipm)hiiiu is develomed. nntold wealth will badnff rneovKusi hVi nrill ha fat, and silver will become a drug in , 21, i j r zz i il Tr. ia alon arrrx4 Kk i 4 i aAtnn f a been somewhat developed, and the sur- fann Infli..!!. - T! - www BWIWU bXXXXW X.XX XXX 1 XX U XXXfcO w Auuitauuua were Quiiiaui. x xom an examination of the data, Mr. John J. Carnllo. of Txos Anoreles. was led tn hnnt for the mJnp. and he hinliAVMi hm has foand; iti , He finds an old shaft at tne, et:.locwityv, Lxarge, trees have xwwn-up .uric; ana uieamnp- is coverr deS tlrSsa Snn hir, iT'.rr.'iv Tjrrrr ""1, AAiiiuua mii.nqij mar.x.tutve xxuiuiuu- LI- 2X x.! rj Z J XI o uu imietowaiaixninuie PJT ent,iand that his scjence.oiay have done iuiiTiHi.jijnf - Tfix rna . nirtrraaa vr irrta " Q W WW ff W4 VIM V J U V A waJ.-x.k Tl 1.11. .wn r .,.f.,.a,aa n?,.ff itiav 1- fi 1 r "in siht vif ww-smx - tttlrta. sl fc;.jHwt-Vl.A.f-.i wi4. AawsaM VlJ ' "W ' w sir niniuuiiir auuiK. uniuuiuinBUH tn Iiwm WAjM-vlnl A sin ti SSI 1X. wBiy,. vb, nag SBaereator v g ns yeareoem 1 wont of kid'wy eisases J amT Lad been wholly sue syuiA. itrif-j"t ""ir uux mi lia Mt. nS ma V . . L..H 7-- . w. um, oxnx a xxjxixvij wxtcto wj jttortbealttaaauatvilssavlirlBk! Ms now 1 rab)& in both llonld awl dry fosm.-lai l!Ke&itf' Caledonia ax be S0. 11 7 4 1 TB second x.eaLfrillea' ! WnyrfA-TTif ttfixf'fiia'nfa ftlmnaf rln.W I I vuvwavjkMA , av MMhj M isi vsyaj - - 1 T I J reported inthe ' Wood river and Saw- dahoi-Cav loadidtaofiOre'-arei reach ing saic Liase irom. anines -oniy worsea f 4.W VW yVW A-S Vt V Vr V'j'l VV WMfjjAVt. w& per cent, leao.-wooa rrver smi ters a inents hinery tor nW t irelotaafiipiditft;! befog; iwavcu. auu x gujixisi wosb.UilueiB USU uo. LUD DCUJ11U I irUl V I I If, IIJLM IU'.l.llUIV IIHHIft found; bnr. Wood;, river. ,f; ftospe'dtdra; nitinifiiv ntmaiitn w mining expert " .ana, ; capitalists' are O WAfvs IUAU, j VWlJAWalA7W CUV swarminir into the coimtrv frwhieh cor- era 10.000 annar mllpfiV anfl nmnv crrwl sales of property halve ,beeS made pear City.' These poin ts are all reached in tbree days from Denver via the Union Pacific railway and the Utah - and JNortnern branch and a splendid daily stage "Be conneetingat0iackroot, ida- i -; ii: u - ' , BUB PUNCH Is composed of tbe finest Ikpiora and most eiaulatte fruit luloes. fa sinter or torn- meft with bxf water or milk; as toddy, or wltit fee, sotxayecaj w W;par esceiienee, tbe faTorlte. Ee01Viail6V'? . '. 7' ; , Spjtf by all grocers, jnne Merenants and 1hig sJsts..: , , . :..:! Trade suopUed at jaannfaetarers Drfees br WU- aon BurtwlL Wholesale and Betali DragslsU, Tiad$uwt,Caatlotte,ll.CL; w v1 -7 ; ' : . " '! . j . . A PHYSICIAN'S TESTIMONY. -! ia tne treatmenc oi ranar and Broncntai distsjifls the liver Ls often lmriioated ta ; such nti frtnii .ttiftiiepajtle ,rerriedy becomes ne Inet- f.i . m xx. . i . . ' . . . oyiijxj p kuiv t w iiuikb. ia me treaimem oi sucii cases i prescnoe bimmons Llrer Begnlator; prepared by. J. H. Zellln Co., .witu: entire eatls- racUcuu ,1 flndtbat It acta mildly tint efftwinixiiT An fegnlathifcrie seeretlona pfetbe Hrer. stomach , ' ., , ' Owensboxo, Kyi Sew jaATtsittiettts. RHEUMATISM I Backache; Soreness of the Chest, Gout, Quinsy, Sore Throat, Swell ings and Sprains, Burns and ; Scalds, General Bodily : Pains, Tooth, Ear and Headache, Frosted Feet and Ears, and all other Pains and Aches. No Preparation on earth aanaJs Sr. Jacobs Ort Orb a fffe, sure, rtmple and cheap- External " r - m araap aaa WVUV 4UAUUUH MVmedr. i A trial smta,la lK Mia ana.i. Wfllnc outlay f 50 Cents, sad avery on suffering wlta pain can &ava cheap and positive proof of its claims, i - ' - Directfons la Eleven kinuM. 80XD BT ALIi DSXTGHJISTS AST DEALEBS A. VOGELER & CO., Baltimore, U.S.A. dee 80 dft w ly AfJ OPEN a m nmmm AHOHG THE LADIES The brilliant, tisMating ttotefif CtomDleoitfar wMcfi untxf r mplexipn for irhich i imie tstriTe are cnieiiy am flcial,aad all who will take the trpuhltv maj secure ' them t heseroseate, bewitclitng lutea rQlllieji4fHagan nolla JJaliii a delieatoviariii ; fTeiT; Weiiii jreniOTea Sal- r. tions, all evidences of xcitov ment ana eyry ImpeieeQQiiJ Its effects are tounediate and , $0 natnral that no human treing, pJ3etectits appUeation, c 3,. Jan. 23 . ,i ' , JVl thia SMiAn innniM Wiaoaaaa m 1ua DfiWelit M) nrfxvlfrtt rifrwm 4im m ' 1 -X xl 11 1 1 . . - - ,Jtw.wxoaa.aiix.Jii awiecure ot a sale TTtT.T.W h 7:. 1 TV. I' entetr. Coleraitlholera Mni-WTrrimmPi. ir pmplametcknd is perfectly ia' . u . i' Ti , - - . ,. BpuI the fcjlowiogt 3IsrA S3.18RL waurorw .Tpa ewy h tnedictnd I taowolfor dysentOTr. SSaa? morons, ana cramps in ine-stomach. Have t Saod It lor years, and It la w or. erery UmST- r IttlyourPArK Enixnfm severeeasesaf relterdWASw , . .. ' - CABKXSvruvs, Ga., Feb. as, 188L 01 5welH7'Sr8 1 ave uaea your Pa k"tt.t.m in my Xamlxr. Have used a many times for bowel complaints. snd it alteavs ear. , Wmilrrf fLliS MUbemt a bottle m tbe boose. 'T7T Ivm ' 'J- BMrai Mau. b. no. ahoald allow it xb ia urp. one fio jnpther be out oil i,.!.xu aiwaWSiix.xSexl r,ot Bnnt WL." iwiiijsisjay - TWS wndyj .Jkt taings! ttt , I jJJulf22d4w julang. .aa . t . , - 'tl-rtj-i n jwxjxrijiji'r n ' laiiAiuoLfvjxjxww-.-t. Lfu-urwx qumnwp tosEMBYaTWHSWBSBWSJfBJBBWBBBBBBBBBBBBBMBm u Complaints Mr. xyx ii ii uu min n iiii wmimim .v. v. n . . j J-,iSJ Consitt A I nsd been several days suffering severely from a-aa j as. ukbbauuiai. SLfaasr an MnR;iir.aii;T:i ir?x.'-3 i i OROANS. 1 7 stnn. R Ret Gold. nrvr.1,1 i.o send to M,wmBMawM oast mMotHUi. "the 8 aanoa of Life WtgejPrasii iaiua) bound ia KIIMOO PtvaoBtainabaantifnl aMraTOin, ia, prcrip- T r BUI aent by " J, efcsTM!! ' j a ar aaa amm . KJU. No. 4 Bulfineb at. Boato jnlyl2-dotw4w J ; ftiticflra, IM Gfisat Skin Care. I,1,, . i' " rrcHiNa and scaly diseases, ! - . . . . . f i . . humors qfthb scalp and fixin perma ? : nently cubed. fVitlrtiira ramAfflAa ara tnr aula lv. 11 ifmrnrfst. PrifM lit CntiAnni. a mxwflMnnl ialiv .m.n K... 60e; Jargejooxee, Si; ; Cutlcura Resolvent, new Blood Flutter. SI per botdes r' CnOcora Medt. rdml Toilet SoRn. nntfnnra fMatnai aho.. IngSoap, 16o; In bars for barbers and large con sumers, sue, principal depot y . i, fEEKd 4 POTTER, Boston. Masa. F . .uexuoi4 ue uu receiptor, pnoe. jwlyl2,4w . t .f HAVE YOU EVER. KNOWN Ant rrlrtrt tl MavTfxnslw nfWltt.An i .i- x " aj uiuiiivuk at wooa. raach or lnaeMve hrw erTtldnersl' And whn tneee organs are in good condition do you not find vt'SSSK good health? PABKEB'S GINGER TONIC always rArnilnia tbau tmnan organs, and never lalls to make the blood rich ana pure, and to strengthen every part' of tbe sys tem. It has enmrt hnnilraH. nt ii..n.rf.. Ws. Ask roar neighbor about lt .- rinii 9 Am H E.M. ANDREWS, (Successor to E. G. Sogers.) WHOLESALE ft RETAIL FURNITURE DEALER A fall lme of Coins ;iin CONSTANTLY ON HAND. DON'T FAIL TO GIVE HE A CALL BEFORE BUXING. Upholstering and repairing done at the shop In connection with the store. Infr29 Special limited Excursion TO MORHE"AP:piTY. Passsnosb DxpABnairr, B. 4 D. R. B., BiCHXOUD, Vv Jtiy 1st, 1881. In order to afford ample facilities to visit the sea shore. ' , ROUND TRIP TICKETS, snrtn mn tim n i va a m i. -v.-i.. I nnrtpr th following nrwv-HH r.. x or oarues i twelve, xi 1. 15 eaeh. ;; ;; "it?!?3- sy-ss each. .. . . , vw okui ParttAa tit on In a Iwwl ani .u.i. . marfaalh TwRlvta tWmt1 8mgI1 0I SeSffi-if GePa' Agent (.I r T TT 11 BY LUJflEtt BEN30N. Tot sale at TIDDJ if, BRO'3 Book Store. auaS.tf NOTICE. OmCK BlCHKOirD ft DAirtilxtB B. B., I LxHAKiivrra, n. Anita. '81. . 1 THE ticket office of the Richmond and Danville . Railroad Company Is . open for information javwi niAw nr nntrarm rwim u a an nntn rr n m maw wa. SHNBVVB UVW J WMa Ola ynVI AS, All a Will from 110 p. m. nntll 0 a. m. But should the poDuc aesire aaoutonai iniomauon as to rates, routes or connections, CapC 8. S. Pegram will be vnwu w ouixUKUi ur iUMUUHi U1CU1. UlxlCO ZM west Trade street, next door to ticket office. Qg3 V. B. McBBg, Agt ERSKINE COLLEGE DUE WEST, SOUTH; CABOLpiA. One pf tbe oldest institutions hi the State. Total expenses ror xmnon, jjoanv Hooka, etc., need not exceed 165. Preparatory Department In charge of a Tutor. Locality healthy : oommunlty moral and Intelligent - Opens first Monday In October. ang28t : W. M. GRIAR. Pres't Washington and Lee ITmvereily. ' ami A w m. . M--x. . uan, a. Wi a ixajg,. rres. THOBOUGHlnattnetloii in Languages Litera ture and 8cjeaee,.and la the professional schools of Drawing , and Englaeering.' Healthful location Id the ValTey of Vlrrfnla. Expenses for 0 auuuuia ntw irv exceea ' neeeton ooens ... J. L.CAMPBE .T.. Jit. niArtr. ' iaiy8,eoaimo Lexington, ys ii-1 i r J. L. HAEBIN, KBBCHAirfBiaiBT BROKER AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, u HE Let on the eorner of Nlnta 'street and the ' North namllna Rallmaxl hotliw1iuii. Nln BaOroad, win either be sold as a whole ot divided uuoiwa wiser, it or iwneefc BonaoM aitaerlor PflngoriaexiTriBBXW?Ariy PinLLrprL :i-..THB''OONimUn DolUrayearia advance. W7 waWxwUBa sta UMTtWSmM xna BlMsaat Cx-I r.illiMflAM mw.dt . .- . ' I w iwn ruaMirMtiwa aa wen as criticisms at ueewest anrTmVatC. iW. k'TTx. "7 . Oxiers decMed ' . I average ctrculaaoii.TAdertSem piomuieiuiy, are free from errors, and are taste. I XX'Ete&l n net Jn marie-tf . it , J.C, H0BXE3. Oxford. N.C ' llillr OlfwGwtt . Bo&r' Cegee. Motasaea, tte, respect- T rwfiar. i trr-- - lJfflpt: teExamatioii. II IS IS Mil I IS I X I -KG0:T0 llltJIll ana AND LOOK AT HIS LARGE STOCK Op r ALL OF WHICH HE SELLi the LOW FOR CASH, All Goods Warranted as Repl resented, both in Weight and Quality. WATCH CLASSES 10 CENTS deelK TBAIKS OOrSS K0BTH. DateJIay 15 '81 No. 47 Dally No. 49 Dally No. 43, Dally Lv. Charlotte, " A-L. Depot " " Jun?t Sallahnrw 4.05 AX 4.11 AM 5.56 aif a 08 AX &25 AM 1.40 pm 1.45 PM 4.00 pm 8.25 pm 1021 AM 10 27 AM 1058 am 12 87 pm 2.24 pm 8.20 pm 4.05 pm 4.10 pm 4.13 pm 4.18 PM 6.15 am 6.20 am 7.50 am 9.80 am 9.50 am 4.15 m "4.80 pm 8.07 pm 7.57 pm HAH n. AtT.OntAnahnm LT.Greensboro Arr.Balelgh- lor Rlnh. ! IjW. - I Arr. finlflahfMvt Wnd only Lt. Greensboro lor Richmond Lv. Danville " N. DanvlUe " Barksdale ' Drak'sBr'ch " jAtAravUlA 11.31 AM 11.83 am 12.01 pm 1.20 PM 2.55 pm 8.51 PM 4.28 pm 4.85 pm 4.38 pm 443 am Ant. Tomahawk Ait. BeUe Isle Lv. " " Arr.Manebesler . Arr. Richmond 7.28 aiV TBAnrs oaore south. I t315'80 Na42 No, 48 Dally. No. 50 Dally Dauy. Lv. Richmond " BurkevUle Arr. N. Danville Lv. 10.45 pm 12.00 m 2.25 I 2.43 pmI 7.00 AX 6.05 PM 7.25 7.27 9.26 9.81 6.18 pm Danville An. Greensboro Lv. " " anrlRhnr . ai7 pm 8J17 PM 11.16 10.83 pm 12.3 K am Arr. A-L. Junction 12.45 fx ! " cnariotte Lv. Richmond " Jeternillii 1.00 PM 12.20 am 2.56 ph 4.41 px 6.07 pk 7.25 p 7.51 p 8.55 ph Q.9.7 pm " Drak's Br'eh " Barksdale w Danville M Benaja " Greensboro " RAllahim 1 1 .OK pv Anv A-L. Junction 12.26 AM A.T. " " Arr. Charlotte 12.30 AM &ALXM bbahch. NO. 48 Bally, except Sundaj. TAJlVtta AMAnartAMI at j a Arrive Salem..... 11.40 p NO. 47 Dally, except Sunday. Leave Salem 7 30 Aa Arrives Greensboro 9.00 am NO. 42 Dally, except Suaday. Ojeeashoro 10.00 am Arrives Salem.. ....... 11.8O am NO. 48 Dally. Leave Salem. . 5.30 PM junve ureeuavoro 7 80 pm S XAiminvi fnJallB rvsva an4 ern m. x - af hort sppages at points naaned on the schedule. 7 T:J",.lu!f .rain mm unariotte will get aboard at the R. & D. R. R. depot This train SSel?i28exTCOnJlecaon Greensboro for Raleigh, Sdm?bxSr.lfeSb?,rne "H aBprnntsonWlLmtag ton, k Weldon Railroad. Egyq ':goNo 47 and 48 make all kxsii stepst8tween Cbarlotte and Richmond, and be tween Oieoiaboro, Balefgh end Goldsboro, No. 47 nnction with W. N. C.R. at SalUbur; he7UAe S"pdays excepted), and alsocon dayeKtfedM Branch (Sun PjUlRflTllTAr train. TETna IO o .k. .11 irM 2 and 48 make aU local SIS- J. 43.eonnecU i Salem Branch at Green . pope. JtpP between Charlotte and Richmond, exceut Salem Branch at Greens- Gen. Pass, and Ticket Agent nana juciirnaQci,va. ;le FLY FANS & TRAPS, BATB TUBS, SPBINJ LEBS, ICE CREAM FREEZERS, OIL STOVES AND THE 'Tor summer use, Just in. THE FINEST LINK OF Cook-Stoves and Sewing Machines DC THE CITY. Orders and correspondence solicited at the Hard- ware Store, i Sewing Machine House of fcajfe. fitreei cjiariojfe. . C, CoL & Wi BBA08HAW, so long and favorably known in correction wlta the Sewing Maohina bosness of tMs city and vicinity, u now with we todvrould be pleased to see his friends snd patrons and serve them as heretofore. may24 I P? IPN, igeat, 0 I I i I ad Successor le; J. Boair ft Co. FriiIi Qniipti Fore Medicines T kWautm SW ' .r? ' IiIm MKna4 !w a acvj- iu iiu wvjs eifjy luuei ouu .5 OA4JJf KSBOS of aDthe Dejtjrruiasi waimnted I tf I fl A Bevint io oiiSlvilhaei?tf pubiie patronaae I am, respectfully, feb W.XmaBVIN, Agt SEASONAB GOODS BICHAUD I HI f i Br 1 77v: f -

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