BlUaMaie3tfaaiBiaaH i if meeung every secona ana iouru nooaay nights. KlCXLSIOB hcnMtm No. 281. A.T.&1. If Ra nlnr meetlnff avnrr flrat aiul thlarl nywln iohf CHiBLona Cnxmst So. 89. R, A. M.-Begult meeting every second and fourth Friday night, j CHABixim ComLUfBABT Na 2, t T. Begtusf meeting every first and third Thursdays, j Kjnera0 oiroRegate iang Lvery second ana fourth Thursdays. . IK.- OF IP. Khights of Pythias. Regular meeting nights first and third Wednesdays, 7 o'clock p. m, atMa sonld Temple &jlL , !? taoKiAfBtme Declaration Lone Na a j Meets every Tuesday night. Dot Looex No, ,108. Meettferery Thursday, LATiWBi KIYXS nfllimaiT NO. 21. MMtv rirs$ ana uura xnursaay night tn each morHh. r Index to New Advertteementa. . t r "ir . 11 r CbariotteFenaie'QteBeTk: "R. Afkib- lj son. oraomS1 AfWt!rl4t of Maeon School-Barrier & Cohahn. UOITlE PENCILINGS, ifB E$KfVal 1 sihtiol-wiil begin on Sept. 5th. fW Exercises at the Charlotte Idsti tute for'Yoiirig Eadiea Twill begin on Sept. 5th. tiih.tUJlii;ip. tW Only an occasaiona) loprjger aski 1 aiJKuidlwhalirphibUnL.waJo ty will be. - &T The d'ouble'male quartette will not meet this week pn account ,o JLhe illness. of Pr,.3idezt:. ' . V. M - fW 'The bulletin board at the tele-' graph ofljice. which, tells thelPfident's condition has again become an attrac tion: - V ...7, t"If it hadn't been for the toreeW: yesterday would been have one of those days in which to unbutton after din-, ner and emerge only after dark. 1 . t3T The dry weather has sodried up tlie leaves whose foil growth it has also abridged, that the shade of an or dinary tree is not an excuse for a cow to stop and chew. her cud. The dry weather makes one atonement. '" It has not left the mis quitoes their hiding and hatching places. There are fewer for this time of year than known for a long time. Hf'Tbe Tall and winter schedule of . the westerh division, of the Carolina Central will.' be resumed to-day. . The trains will igo tip in the morning and return in tb aftethodn just reversing the summer schedule. ' tW One is reminded of., the inisfor tuues of the man in the pickpocket's' ulster or the animal in the lion's skin when one sees the hints in (he dreens bord Battle Ground, of the difficulties in which it was involved from itslivei wounds" article. t5P A mild winter is predicted from the fact that never before have the Charlotte people laid in each large sup plies of wood during i summer. They were induced to this by the rigidity of the last winter and the prices which wood reached. r Some idea of the increase of the Richmond trade from the South can be formed when it is known that the tele graph business through the Charlotte office, has increased 60 per cent, since the purchase of the Air Line by the Richmond & Danville. " , rWiien we hear of the PoplarTent fair and.its success andt knpw of .qur; buUdiugsgoing towreck and-oneof the best racetracks in, the State growri up in weeds,' the enterprise and life of Charlotte seem much like facts of ima gination. rrhetftanagertf ffie house has already- booked twenty-five companies for the coming season. The first date is . the ,12th, of September. Most of the engagements are for No vember, January ; nd February. Among those who will appear are John E. Owens, Gus Williams and Hiss An nie Pixley. . . B3T It is said that only one drummer in about every tWBfity who stops in Charlotte attempts to sell JBaxj: goods hf.rei. TW others laviover while work ing the country trader An' intelligent drummer yesteraay saia tms very close market, and few merchants of any importance bought except from manufacturers. Some SialOTmrt Swesurlna Before the mayor yesterday morning a young white man proved byf Out wit nesses that he had not drawn a pistol on a colored man, ; The t colored man proved by the same1 number "that he li ad. He w as acquitted ; whereupon he charged the colored man's wife with loud swearing on the occasion. He promptly proved by four witnesses that she had, 'and she' promptly proved by the same number to the contrary. She was acquitted. One or two other cases of small importance were disposed of. A RelUh tyraCi lfajfeui,,jij some smoUets of'e'l Hi: How leased' fa1 rettes will be on learning, from the LOCAL MTEUittEfltCE. ( THlqSDA AtTptflC lj 188, PnlT ivt Taiui. R? of I V . 1 U New York UtraWt article on "Stump inBes observer cannoi say, dub w Pickers," that " the succulent cigar rthis the visits wer Regular, jind the stumprdiscarded and trampled in the mud of the street, may reappear, neatly rolled in cigarette' taper and packed in a handsomely labelled bundle. ,J5Tot ev ery one can; afford a f uflaorWfl.1-' van a, so that there should be bliss in the thought that in paying cent for a cigarette it may be possible to have a wnin at a uenry- ciay w an jsscepcton titer ail. . ; ;,; tus sv. The PoplnxTetit -Full. 1 t I To-day and to-morrow are; the, days ior tne roplar Tent fair, (uite a num ber of the DeoDle ' f rom CharlOtto and vicinity wUl probably attenrXThis, it. 13 mpugnt, will Depne oi tne moss suc- cessrui fairs evereld y thia plucky association the onlv one of the kind Berry, John J.Mays, Miss J. H.Clarke, woen Mcctaizviiiwinafjaiaweii, y atspn Martin, Joseph Cappack, Thoa, nchardsi llinnlfrGoVemaniy b: (110911 M.JMW 'T ft Mrs. Marv wardsL issIamie Ma tilda Smith, PatrkJk GlalU,1 AV. It. Sto- vau. ciaric, Mcuiatton. Mrs, Rrnlf h( ftr. 2 fZZZ TOST 8mtth,G. L. Grubbs, Mrs. Jennie Wolf?, perne, Nellie Hilfhhma8 'Hayei coioreq,-CV iVJElayu' Mh JnJJynecsi SOU.. ;iutwini 'itttt 1 win xiftan ,WhenMlini;tt an of the hoVe 1 hi me siara ontsma oi a town, wilu uie i w ?vt- ."7 r,"rr.,;T."...i ourbriuFtokW to mention nomey v - VucalleVi'dr. ,tiil. i ,11 OthettanafabnWaw1! thetoysiina fr. ttafctterjrtHewprlMnarOiM The following is list of letUra re- pw.arswfeei wwjra, uncalled for, for the week ending .July Wme?a Jonroeyma 'srWtWa llth,1881iHjLp tt;if U .mii ym WlfeiM Miss MttoV tAahis,UCreWy1irabtey. MfMEWlik J. J. Brown, tt V.liAnfnrnHr. Renhftl Johir Ben 0. 7 Hope . UBca, . ..coiei. pieaae say advertised. W.W. JENKIHS,P. M. day from a visit to Morehwtd. City; lie . W)adet Midshipman ZJ & Vance.5 jr. ZrSKPPw -iSPW P tn flag ship -tAhcAster" which sails for tb no, of a week Vs. ' r- k i or so, betfnning tonprrpw. ne wui remain ror a few weeits. ' Wot DeaUmPtecraaUiiatod. , i ne reporter, oi the ubsssves yes- teraaytft a esperate mood, encounter edMr.Verniott Asburft u W iA "When does the Doctor's -shit) sail. bird -n.Tncirfs-TO5Mne emt.MrrjSir just as soon as he nan get tinyy rrom i Dnsmess. "O yes. there can be nodeubtof it. wai Wot' tntde to. stain here, and , crawl about the surfaoe. i He's bound to soar. &m people say 'that because a' rrran ever say such a railroadman, btittheiWck as teeth iP jai'fine; tooth comfe.ioHe-didn't make m ert am ph ibio na animals srMt Yet Ukeyvnm gd;8wimfnlnWi;;jM'4i some'of them wilX Se sent us into Ihe world: naked, but' we will wear lothes though f oymy part, I'm ready to give up the habit lust as soon as anvbodv thinks it advisable. "You might as well say because-, a man's eyes -were in front he ought never to turn found." ; ,; ' Tfre Water . Terk AMriired-Be4iurn 'f the Centractor Yhe JDelar invi4 table. . - - : Mr. Chas E. . Bobioson,: the water works contractor, returned to the city yesterday from New York. Jle is aor dbmpinred by Mobsts. Garwo-d!Irri an4 Jiyf. Soperof wersey Ciy, wfiolif iff Understood, are his associates in tn contract Mr. W. Jv'.jFlemmingMri Bobinson's attorney, who lias i alafl been in New York for some time, re turned with this party. A reporter of the Observer met Mr. Fleraming yes terday and inquired, anxiously .if the water works were coniing arrdwiien they wouki arrivevV: " . I I "They wer certainly cdmfrfglie said4anji coming right awaj too. Tbe pipea hajDS -already been made and--the engine and pbapiajicesi'wilF be, here IrJaf ee days r - J- T i -vYMHrnwBeerrtne occasiotrDt the detention?" ' "There have been several reasons ves several reasons.",flaid Mr. Plena- mingtentaUvtely, bat'smlling 'with' an "I could and if I would" air. ' "Does not this delay vitiate the con tract under the clause requiring work to be begun within sixty days after its ratification r s r . h . n . - "Actual delay would have done so but we did begin work within the time. The piping was ordered immediate ly but besides that we broke ground at one place for the pipes." (This place was, however, abandoned on account of, the failure of the trade for'twa land.-; Her-.) i i f ' . f You have then located the resevoir and stand pipe?" "Not the resevoir." "Where then is the stand pipe to be?" "Never mind that to-day. We are going out this evening to look for the location for both, and will tell you all about it to-morrow. Youhave had so much about it in the Observer that we don t want anything more until lliTe D n 'ter draped Ms wearv bodv across gt fln machine Ur- Asbury s inert flying machine, . - - . ' A Carlove CeurUblp. A somewhat interesting mairirge tvi 1 1 DAin frnlrA nla'-n in tKa tfir TKa bride bUnd but with that bhndness that does not impair the beauty of the eyes; the groom is dear ana dumb, hut has withal a handsome and intelligent face. They can be seen walking every evening in the suburbs, the young man carefully guiding her as she hangs up on his arm and looks up brightly into his face with her sightless but beauti fuleyes. The two are next door neighbors on one of the smallest streets or thp city. A gentleman who lives hear and has ob- oavrrarl 4-ViA ai fohi W Wns ff a Tin Annf i An fffiEt llSffSSiJSS? J5te32ftd .which she bad been traihed at an open window overlooking tn& mutes 'piazza She had a most curiptts taste, consider-; ing her infirmity for the brightest col ors, ana tne ouics eye 01 tne mute was attracted and delighted. He did not know at first, ana indeed no one initio neighbor hood tid; that the young lady was Wind, and the - gen tleman who watcnea inem says tne un fortunate iinani seemed terribly cast down when the expressive demonstra tions of his pleasure werd ntet day af ter day , with blajik sta res, or were al most ignored after graceful listening paseoTso, theteason for ' which, he was unconscious, liut nnaiiy ne iouna ut in some way that she was blind, and one evening he crossed over and knocked at the door, wnac occurred inside the observer cannot say, but at . in'Which he took e's5- ial delieht. in cultivating , flowers. n a week or &q the walks began and Ire now .almost daily, and is generally understood that they are "to be mar ried early in the fall-he families of both giving their full consents it - ) une evening a iauy wuo - w iiuini with these facts met the c6utle!on jane of their walks near the ,city She ad dressed the man,,making aome inquiry as to a point oi which sne pretcnaea to be in search' " The vountf lady answer ed as though thja question had been put directly to ner.--rne iaay aesirea me mace to be. nmnteo. 'joun i'xne- ouna irl turned andauicklvBDelt ori her fingers, and the young man pointed to thj pjaca, aesired? huaiOoes tno ouna hmH)li Ofuinli Ac Cna I lira prize, or no, za,o . " ceormaa. Vouordeaier; wok 45W2SS.JW 'im&KJ sSM iLBma.'a eil nown mhatfi Beater. TJnlon tare of Biebard , Morila, No. Mb oMvTifliW an imnn 1 V t'? & teia,T3sw aaa ifsewjt Awteais9is4 It la rwttbJteplear IhSeh?ehfenedT 1 bleaaluk. nd u suiiirem alkoald keen Un hand. i '-'.n 188 Cathedral Street. BalOmOre 80MbrL.B.WBI3TQiCX . ScJBUui&wai ia Jtha;tyesterday; I D. narsrraVe. of the iirm of .1 miinniKll amiiiiim a. uv a . ww .wvj"yi T I .,'. .life BaclUar DewB. -ii Vf To the Idltor of the OteerrBt 1J I I isane passed 6n in May in' our munici- pal election was iarriy , ana ; leguiry ae- ermined, ana our rnuniapai. authdrt lies are eiDected Jto J stand .ud ' to the- f mark; and we presume Will do' so.'' Thei county ana ouite issues oeiong xo ine county and t Statp. , How. .tb August election: can be regarded as having any thing to do with thei city jof Charlotte is what many of us cannot seev .Alder man g. bcott expresses tne manly senti ment and shows .what is the manly thing to do.' By every Mprcper means, by every parliamentary method the majority on the board, elected on th prohibition platform, are inlionozland anty do una co stana rx tneir principles "andto keep the doors of the city closed ion liquor. Moreover we hope that the mayor and aldermen will rigidly en force the law and prosecute to ita full extent every, violator of the' 0ity ordi Hahces on tne' subject of the' liqapt Dramc.: We haveTipticed the instructions 6f Tair Piav" to the citv conncU:. It has come to'a pretty pass when an antl-j prohibitionist ' undertakes to control; tne action oi men pieagea to proniDi tion. We are' willimt to.r let "Fair Play's" views jgo .for wliafcj, they, are worth, i We ciYei What wetold to be .jesuggeslJons.of, ,,Jb'AJRKaAT. UjrVKKETSBY TELEGEAjPH' -e- it ,1 f'T-al BAiTrJiOTW' Nooni-yiorfr HiroairJ'ti&iirA atraet fend Western opr 8UX)a4.5Q, exba S4.75a5.5a faialirS5.75a8.75; city mtujOTper" HOOaSoa extra $5.00aft.50, family 7.00a7.25L Bio nranda S6.75a70O, Fatapsco family 7.MWheat Sonthem BAiffnHJSB-Nlalit-Oala-rWeatem white 41a45 do mixed K88a87peM'lra ftatmemt peM pork 18.$ail8.75 nw,--r-; biilM metis loose; shoaldera, clear sWei dlttejbackl 7alW5 bJeHnwoldeni mkttetfjfesDswll, hama 1814. J Lard-eflned Oemef 12U. f. Coffee eanwes-Mdinai? le -fair lOallla. Bvaa-r- coranhtm noar-famnr R.anAin tonW e.40a7.00. Wheats-No. 2 red wlater i.20al.80. Co at 68. OaUat 87 Pork at 18.0a Lard at 1L20. ' Bulk ( meats hiiteia iqk rlba; ttj hac-ahoulders 7. Tibs 10. dear : J f 8ngar-hards O.VUIr H amw iuxk uuuiuem- nonr eteadr: ammvin to tab- extra fi.15a6.25. good to eholos 6.80a7.60. Wheat ungraded red M0al.81U. Com ungraded -filaAO. Oats , tnr Nr. nnf. fee Bio cargoes 101844. Ungar fair to good remiM ipm, prune ; renned standard A 9V. HolaasesMew Drleana HOaKfL' Ptwtn nim 8fta55. BoalD 2.05a2 07 TnrpentliM 48a44 Wool domestte neece ' 8246. polled 0a40, unwashed 1284.- Texas 14a81. Pork atl8.2& middies long elar ,8a, short eleef IOl lomt and short . - Lard 1757 ST eALtxaToa t)flefe middiina tlifa in'miAtiif lOVc; ' good -ordlnarr 614c; net ree'ta 880,grosa( ; sale 558; -stock 1777 j exp'ts ijoeitwlsfr 977tQQreMJBrttaJAeostineftt.4t 4akU. NnmnLI-Ollleti mMrTHKll' 1 1 lie- not nuwlnta 29: grew - stock 8,1 Rrl; f exports coastwise 202; sales exports t Cbeat Brttata. BiiTOKBja-rSteady; jrald. 11o; low tekfafg 1 1 arid: good ordinary 40e;nt receipts 200; gross ; splnneri ; exports tor Great Britain 672 to ysMoeiu r w v BOffKOH-Oolet: mlddHiut 12Uiet low fahMiliw: ; , sales r stock 7.945; exports to- Great onuun ; to f ranee. ; WrmniSTOH firm : mlddUns 11e: low mid. dllng 1014c; good ordinary 9c; receipts ; groat . sales ; stock 402; exports ooasV wise ; to Great Britain. . PmT.inar.raiA Dull; mlddllnc 12Uc: lew mlddllns 1 like: mod ordinary lOue: net reeelDU : gross 261? sales 608; spinners 198; stock j 7,286; exports to Great Britain AJXtO. ' . Batajwah Steady ; middling llVic: low mMPg 3c; good ordinary 9tta; net reeeipta 145; lOtftc; good ordinary 9ia; net receipts 1 gross ; sales 100; stock 4,264; exp. eoast- wise 145; to Great Britain ; continent New oblubs Steady: mldd'c llfce: lew ritld- dllruc 10: flood ord'y 10c: net reeeiDU : gross 242 sales 1.200; stock 66.180 exports to Great Britain ; to coastwlM 855. MOHni-bulet: tnlddllng lltte: low middling 10V&; good ordinary 914c; net receipt 9; gross ; sales 1.200; stock 8.758; exp. eoast 31; France .; to Great Britain. MsxpmB Quiet: middling: Utfae: receipts 140; ajUpmenu ; sales 40; stock 10,988. Aububta Dull: middling lie: low . mid dllng lOVfcc. good ordinary Wie; reoelpt 69; aalpmenta ; sales 8Iv - - - CHKUtSTOH SteaoriiUQ4hiig lllae; low mid dling Her good- ofdlnary-fOVie.: net receipts 16; gross : sales 25; stock 611; exports coastwise 105: Great Britain -T-;cnttltf nV. , NrwCVau-Cotton weak eases S02f middlrhg plands 12c; middling Orleans 124c; net receipts SI : rresa. 4.01 Kieonsolldated net Me'ta' tftfiS: exports Great Britain 1,67?; .continent 1-1 LiTSBBobt-lwmottim market nW tJtrHt mlddliner RDlanda 6 13-1 6d: mid.- erleana; 6dt sales 7, WO.' rpeculatioh 1 and exorr l,axf: rr eeipu yt;meTtean.7,T00. i;pUnWUwili' dllng clauaot AoguattlftUveTy.lH.teagtBg and gptenbet 6 18-16d, rpterhber S2id OotoBet 6 5-16MtlPv't?diS0Tani'and i&cecemneAaed J anuar r-r rutose LmsKov a b. nu eaiee or eatj eottoh 5,850 bales. Upland Joir clsnM delivery -d. July arid Augost October and o Temberwd, Fatdres4ou;.t: . FCTCBlS,;?: J , V.-J aieaa7n 12,0507 ll.17a.18 106465 10.49a. 50 ia49a.50 10.62 10.78a.74 10Jttla-R7 otares.etosed steady. 000. AugQSt . v. .. w.... September -f h...., mr. Norember..,.J...;...,.M...i December January Vebmary April. . . .."i .'...ivv.i0.9flalLOO jWU UU - e e-v May ll.10a.12 J11UNCLAX. 0h Money 1,205; RMri.8X menta steadr: new Ji's 1.021b. iVoor and 'S VI half f loot per ceau .liiegtats NewElork Central , w ." AV. . . 14! -wjujnggu 1C1I " .. . , --.i- goer. ..... . . rr. . Lake Shore..-.. Illinois Central.. Nashville and Chattanooga. Louisville and Itashrttle- . . Plttabnrg. Chicago ndMerthwestem..;. Wabash, 8t' totns 4 Paciflc. ...... .. Do nref erred Memphis and Charleston Bock Island... ...... .,r. .........,., Western Union.... ... . Alabama Class X, 2 to 5 ........ uiass a, small Class Bi5'a.. . . ClaasC.4,s.. taaesct Siib-treasary balances Gold 981,887.069 " ? if uirrency.... o,ueaj8 OTTV COTTOlf MABXKT. " ." OTno of mOHnrn, I ' Chaklott. August 11, 1881. 1 the market yesterday closed duIL Unchanged oood MlddllMi..... .-.J... Strictly middling . . I- low middling. . . ,0 10 9V 6a8 towmiddling.,.....- grades.... ... I Premstce Mswktet AUGUST 10.1881. ; Dig. pet' hbeiirf . i!. .-ft soass 1 i iThriMBV ik 1 ii-i imt 1 in erf rt t" " t " 8-00" .-'Baper. JUi'I .U1A& . JiJliiJatft 1 n nsV Ji i.i"f vro ;.(jt-rr AasWw it .-North Carolina,.. u vwi wazo , perdozen. ................. ... 810 Chickens...... 20a25 lOalS Bpnng .........4 531 L.28 1.87 88 1.26 188 50 , . "St 94 88 rarer 'BecelW aMrdyr, 4ba . Cbairlette i Kvuu. " T2V7KlVJ 9 TK hPpaehevefeMteS' fcw-lRaaO 1 rBarnemaH iPiri bwibwwpwibw t jrj.ri.tdV bUvm iu'i laa-Jia to iw sBBceasaw i;.j.;.;:... --rr "ei - f tfi 3 i?: is J.:a irr. Prime Bto. MMlttl 14167) .1 19Ua.ll 8AXAW JXStt fcwMili ' -Wrfwrwy w 1401U Peach. WBttfl liAan. MrlD....vik .v. . ... . . r. . ' : i. . . 3 1 i.ti TAi4wper"....t..;;;7 fr8ali I5 . norrtood.;:. . ,"ioai V-'? if" ' ''I'-"!" ftr w, jfei;i yBni fbbir 7 b teBtfcsetrioa 01 epea Septem er.5. 1881. s7ottlocDesaBtea either of the nndersianad. ' ,,7 - . Kbnn J'isii'.i t liOfXfflsHNLi Wadpela, llbLL ,:iii wsbiqbiAT. 8iPTXKnia 7, '81. : ,. y !' v fi ?i.itlJ. !.il CORPS OF TXACHXSt ,v . , . . ; WX. R ATKINSON; ' PrihdML ' LuD. Mathei m'ltlc&.&ndNntoralSilenoea. i ' '- Mbs HIUJK. LONti, Principal ef PrepBratorji Literature and History. :. '..'' i ,,.. , GMBS MART L. MAT. ZSiUSTk- nshBranebk '7i" '' : -' t.ITOPiCWAKPaiSI. 'i- PBbF:'A.'BrDM. LL. rA, Director.' ;J ., ASSISTANTS Mss .R. L. nVV. UiM WWy tnaU: AflAViOi, Art rpartmeat,. '. :' ' bNANtortNStXT. totendant of Innmv Skry. ' i.iiitvU; iiji- '- i Jstras ANNA; LUTXOK Head ef Boarding De- partment.1 rma. ete..' aAhW Inr ai MtnToamA tn MVM. DC. . i i ; aT. WK. B. ATKINSON, PrnwfpaL -r rr TT -r People's BaiiDgi to Jsso'l 5,000 sharea-SlOO each. Bnares, m this association be ohtninMl h a.n. Cag to the treasurer at the Trader's National k. PaymenU received every Monday evening at the Traders' NaT 1 Bank, from to 9 o'clock. No ponus reajolred far tne present. OFFICERS; President. R. tL Johnatsa: TiM-Prafltdnnt. J. W. WadsworthiTreasnrer and Seoretatr: K. F.Yoong. Directors R. TL Roehrane. T. W. Ahfeea. John Breokfleld; W. C. Morgan, 3. -R. Holland, J. J. Oormley, X. K. P. Oeborne, J. H. Heneersoa.W.C Max weu. logll.lw Magnificeiit Grapes and Peaek . GRAPES 10c ner pound. PZACHZS 10 and 60e per dexeh. Flneat display ol the season. Don UU t .'call aoglO pntara PUBLIC NOTICE. T HAVB just been lalormed that there has been registered in the ' office oi rhe Register of Deed tar aVriran.efaa.irt Ncalh Carolina, a deed at mert . i r gag execoled by A. a' Andrei P. Irm,' claiming to president aad aewetary.'wspoo- Utely. of tne Westettf NorOi OuoOnar ffr' poiporOiig terestan cetUm bonds of that eotnpav xui shot belsSrWs piaoe.'u ket by the perjooa n aze now ta peytfoal eoa-, ' ' Y, ',"' t t i.; .11 i- .I.' 'A Irel ot th cofepauy'a read, , :,. Notice la hereby given to the public that I claim (hat .the execution ot. Urn said deed of mortgage,: and the issue of the1 tfald toad are without an thority in law and absolute, void, and aiifQna are is.WBrhd agatost btoylnk ef ' sefllBg fWsild- V'.' i !.;.' -ii-o ' i: ; Wr? ,.. . iu) ri-i t have, already tnstttnted- legal proceedings tn the Superior Court oi Rpewmty, Nertb Caro: lUmw with the ytow.! among .other' things, f'Tr' the invalidity of said, mortgage ud bonds de- bylaw.' W.J.BXST, Presldeni western H C. Railroad Co. Raleigh., Angust5th, 188 1.. auglO,dlw ; " 4 -! r - 1 1 ! 1-.--L f i I i' .l r i'itKM; " -.i.i t. ATJTbMATCTMBrsJ-rP Mnale 4. eer. foot. . lllustr&ted cataloenes free. ugv,4w ouh m uuci b., jrniincnpme. T i i'.- 1 ,i.iiiiifft.i ' i--- vChance of Sehedale ' : 1 oyroac grnkral bUPjiNTRNngNfe ; t. .tTT. WnjnSTOH, N;a. JuM4,188f ' AF d" after Jane. 6, 1881. the loRosytmi J BohedBle win be operated on this raUiwadiTi! rAS9n4n. maxl'jxo jtotiisb TaDssrfuttT nil i . - . . , Niuiugi 'I f wj V'liTewnniington at.:... N :f Ayxtfe at Charlotte at. . ; . . 45 A nt ..... wt5yi 1 1 1 T i fTli JslMHIf I 4v-- MsTTrstl stw tak "l8 1 Arrive t wnattngtonatl xi ji t 25 p m I TratMNoiIsd2ttT f ly. and polnta deaignstea' wjp table. bitr, Mttti TkaHtnTMSI jti rr!iKrtt ii'.i'.;t;ij) J(1 ,j wlthtralBaNosc 8nd4-.lor OeeveleDd SprBaaV sgtaauaoiatsoathe assIbrdryUoa. . u-viZZI : 1 Leave wiirninKwa ax......,Mn: sausn- I No; 6. Arrnre f usbumm. . . m t i Kttia I Jt tfAi2Charat,..iM, w 1 a-a-amssls-atlartri: fff . n mj (L VArrnm ktOamletatia . u.mi f6a4' rZaarWflsafaiewaaTa .1 j am i& 1 V"" 3L i r Tin ni;suklk.( itim Ckadotta,-:......'.'.- SJ e Trklna NoaV kosl-E ind fiat closi ffTrmeettoa at JBiafdBaMElue Trains h& 1 aa arwww'' 1 way lotsswlthtbeAr.' '. srvt s r:vj m (Rates- -uesi wk th W.H. BJk --!fUf-t fO Trains Ros. 8 and 4 eoaneot oosery wita Chester and Lenoir Railroad at Lineolnton. V. Q. JOHNSON. Jun25 Gen'L SupO. IF KsxS sswa sr A et W. ' ADDieei fcbrthert.1 ne 1 ' a Trrrr. I ji ohIaita irATttnk WtmMv U :. t ( lared ORGrAiN :s;kI ul . : ..i '.fi io l-j; .I.. jni Kl :--r. - . W)AD9 j;c:it ui'.su ivii l. i! ) .' ; " fe;."i!i. 1 CAR LOAD bi:j I.QAD kll; .t i;d QECKLEIIBURG CHOICE, v . i. ,i: r& it i, :; ! T 1; 1 ; f : 100 PACKAGES or r. -y ! j ;r.. ALL SIZES AND NUMBERS. asses I Spps ALL GRADES. A FULL LINE OF . 1 , : I ! .... I -'it :i :ii 4DDRCPM11I33IOM HOUdS PAS XR6E SlTPr I -: . J ): '.'illii 0-.J t" .-i-: . '. :jl i I .iiifi.;. ;?UBpP;.;j..'ly 1 1 . ; , ,; ' 0ABBAGE ii jtv- .01:11 1 ' TOMATOES !) rj.. POTATQ1S, 5". VI i t CANTALOUPES t'. .(".. 1 : !.., CAM. EARIT AND SECURE BAMAINS. ;! : " . ,-; ' luWlx't ' i . i ,1 J3hJ Hi s; t ; i, . . :itsill .(.i:itji U he;' ! u. i u'. Aimit ii i i audi is-; 'ii :r-jfUi ni diuit i! ' ,aui! li.i.t-A:'i.i woti fi'Mi Vi3t 1 1 ; n 1 u k iu 10 i w'R io ftlvi W WJ f ? Hi' i .,-- .to Jiihi lJ-il M'S lf;u'' ' i t 'i 'jjrj:! kh:t e-;u 1 J;aJ ;i t !! !;..! .YlUilA? IftflJ J' Oil ,301 ill rJeai -1. . iiii.v.-! .Mitiiiso-4a:i ;i Lin; -;.(; . . a? .liir..; ; ,i i '- . :: ; WavepW MM 1 .'-.::, : iif'M!..; i'l'ir. i'J-ilUi .V'L' Vi '- 1 - : .:: ;!) ! . '." n:ji;; g, ; A' c . j-r . . .: .'.-. : '- 1 i ;.iq .. .. . .!'!.: i'ti - 3011 .V -!' j iiv, t: i:i '-TTT.; .f n; .v nit j i . : ' i ; .' ..:.,' fi l.'lvli' 'I '.! . jr j :, ; t-r ft '-rt-T-'t jf; V- .:ii- : I ;if 0;:.'!-.' 'T .;oui V.J.''s '' . vl wioa8Tf9 BjictPT6ir .'I iva:- -c'.'i v- -w.;' fiT: ;-:. -.I-. ' 'j -i!ia U i-.iv t.;;;i : n 79 ?f -tt ,iiy.:I ji it -(-v.- ,.:!iiiiV:.".-- : t uj Vi ' -v.-,..; i . ,v ...? !.i:.; ;-f 'Hi!'.;.: ?: " "XyLU -A-fia.wK-r AUA - Vi ,lHJlJ --rj!l)Ul TiiKi iwii."! j 1 :r..i it i i :'u : T.- W "o. ut oeeotuuitKixrrs, - - - -- 1 - -j- have reelyed noiaer lot ci tttelei ' Bjj(aSgiV 5-.Vi.jV'-':" V "r'-I,l,25 Iramt Iff the State, lansraiocoe. WAV1 8? 9 OBSETS. The Daisy tooaCS - j flu efftJyvn A- .a 40c 75c 3: . ' .af r-'-. yiAA8BBl-BC-1l,?gS Til 75th annual aetuinn hmrlns Anmiat H1aL Ten: teachers. Better prepared than ever for the best work. Offers every advantage of the most tnerougn ana liDerai eourse m teratare, Musld ana Art,1 at rates lower than any eaual school in the State. Board and literary tuition from $60 to 97S.50 per term. Hee Catalogue. July22,d2wks,wlmo a. W. REIN HART, principal. 01X- PROPERTY I "OR SALE. A DESIRABLE Residence, three blocks from (he peolio square In Charlotte, will be sold cheap and oa reasonable terms to the right kind of a porehaser. The dwelltoa is en a fuUtat. haantne eomf ortable room, brick kitehen, fine well ef wa ter, etc The house 1 admirably adapted for the residence 01 a lawyer, doctor or preacher,- having an admirable library or study room, built for the purpose. For farther particulars, mice, terms. etc- apply at THIS OFFICE. Joly20.dtf ;2 S W BTaaZ cr SIj s- mm Ft" dBaOUedS , tiaytiflltl iv.-' - Axn " SOUTHERN " CME KlU. lA far DSjiirstlvs fttos Uss. TH0. aCANTUH A Ortr IVAKBVILLB, pro. lyalyrTUfcwimo Union High School (MALE AND FEMALE) 5A8T BEST). YADmr 00.H. 0.; ' "Kurt Hmodim nnonii InnnBl A' 1 fit . TaafoaaAr Ti B. Whltaneton. A. L. MlndDaL Denartwients t-CoUeglate, Commerotai, Normal and Crrll Eng IC1C neenng. ..lerm, twenoT weeks, aoara rrom 94 tpfd permeBthi iHatloa' fro :S8-10125. East Bend is 22 mDes mrQrest! front ICmstoa. aad7 BfnersoBfh of Pilot Motintain. Torsartte- .sdaieexldreM the principal t EastBepd. T, : . I. 'PMMQ , 'T.' I . " '!' "') ' imi laaivlS, lSfs ' "w',waafcjririri.--.OTVv-T". . WE-tLL SEND. OM 30 fMYS' TRfAtl fleetrO'Voltaic Appliaocerr pafferlng from MervoweWeefccee ce, Of. ewml.PeMllty, loss of nerr force or vlxo, ior tar disease resultinc from Abosxs and Oraat 'luausas, or jo pe,aaiioted wiuijuiamma- ttem, NeuraMs. ftWprfc. Bylual WOcuMes, jiunvy or urer xruuuies, uung xiacs, ttup tares, end other Diseases of the Vital Organs. jAo womus troubled with dlscasea peculiar to 4Jtelr sex. ' Bjeedy'telef Sad-Complete restoration to health guaranteed.. I'te , ar.ate ily asteesrie japaUMseex uta svever ween qatckly auU udlemllx eaured b i r TOUAI PI1T 0QbraarL Wo. V&PETIA4 LIMITED 1-lifV 1 . .. e-j Crjoap Excursions l 1 n 11 1R U UUi.U Win. TN order to afford mple facnaies to visit the M. realenaef WestegkiNoitk QsroUoa from Eastem nd Middle North Carouna points, to iskevma art'oi sfc at Charlott naaerthfl 1$ tJpoaippiuoii ft fpersra,gorrjgfW esdyvOestforlOdays wmbeaoklatf4&5 ud. ea the eosdlUons named to'thls advertliement, and alse In the contract appearing on the tickets. jot runner uuormaaon apply to tne agent at Charlotte. run PR. juiyaa General Passenger Agent ir y! tos.U tiw ftdi til .-4 wsn t-Tre f li4 arBr . si . ssBv.kfc. ssa . sm 11'.BBi vn j saw. srasr- eaet-1 wr. ', :.'! ':', ' :: r?'' ji!?5 4WteAWiWUHiMlM t ... ... -r ra 1 fill! ?2L SB H MaaVJl f s--H P. a 1 I llff . SWi.L-S-:"" IIS VMbbsF . " ' ' m r T a ft n ays T-- wr a' ' eees, ewd thjr Uttv the feilsrkest ewaeneittettte tnn uedesa:iKl eww f- ' UsIesnesi.undTrom nnitdred whehsiTe.i k RxxavnftDAjrriiBAaADCi T J H 11 fTFABettoyj'ABTiwrJ fy i rtomAJfLi July 15, T8S1. t "' tara Bngry es any vj. tne companr regular tram Mthm the limit nameoV v.TheTnckets, however. wiUBMoeaeceptaacouTa-io Asnenuewceent a . JJ AV i. Aa inn 2 or oURXTfiLEBBATED 'Si . . . . a rmi .'-SvtikAkiJr uii UT r r , . - YTrrefTr - "Saftanb 11 tJ tuS joss leeelTed, only 7c per yard. t 1 r'"'iii"m.saiiiiiswLiaw jj 7avr!!3I -w w fl II IBl.ifll k A .ttitT4il Aakj kaajil the LaOOet ni our Ail styles sjid.tKssnbViaA. Ladles' Heffl- gtitrntftt inrr bfiantlnil qniiiitj W'STRICTLI CASH and ONE PRICE. . BT 8 J . h Kl I f S S.yOD!CB & CO. oth Foreign and Domestic, JUSt'eECIiVKD AT 'ABATOGA rICHt, f i toratoga Itfrlnp bllngth ImportedTv: larlaataekl: cures Jn em water - rsmetgled liilges. oon, is r powerful tonic ng diuretic, also, Hathorn NaturaMneral Water, Becoenoid very highly as cathaittc and al- t ve and In all f ormi of dyspepsia, g IB st v 6wAOJU9 vuaug 2Q CASE3 ROCK BB1DGK ALUM, ! ; 1 ft CASES irJFjf AtO iilTHIA. i 1 wn-jpfj 1 IMPORTED .AEOLUIIARIS t art a 1 H ffatei THE GREAT UROPEif NOVELTY ! H UNYADI T1N0S. Ti j..'i:J a ,rJ"rf - "Hunyi.Qi Janosvr Baron Lieblg af- , I rlrma that If rinhnu. In n.Jt. .t.. ni vi wi vuier iuvwd wmTHrn. . 1 British Medico! Journal "BxmjmOtaiU.t' . The most agreeable, safest, and moat ittiamrtnimf aperient water.'.' . Hf Pntjt .Tircftoto; BrUn.'InvaaltBly good and prompt success; most valuable." 'W. Bomoerfifer, Vienna. "I have prescribed these writers with remarkable success." , . , y. Beanaoni, Wurszburg. I prescribe none rAr . . v. KM. thl. l H 'fTjr. lMnoer jsrwuon, M. v., f. M, a., 1LO ndon. f-"More pleasant than, lte rivals them in efficacy." : f i.W.A"LA..l?. A, Roy , turn surp surpasses Prof. Allien M. TL. V. JL S . Roth Military TTnu- flwtal, NeOe-alerred to Pullna and Fried- ii vJl rlchAhalLI' Importing aod 1 . 1 . .1 using Pharmacist. on St, CHARLOTTE, N. C. DOftT G0W !MtrtA1t)GA When yw!i gf water ltt.fjsarlrparit-akwhenrVtfrotetp-nng atxSaratoev We reeelve this water tn lurra bloek tin immwW. Wfljce we ret ui u as soou "ST emptied to be KBliep HJuly28 asoTa- .vm: r ,WCK;dM'lM TURNTP'SEEB. -AA1 RED OR POR?JL Jii A I WfiltE TriiAT DUTCH, f v XJLBSZ WETXf jTOSmfcT rB9ij mixyx aA atxu isr t ti oi AMBER fllAUa.i EftlV ,TUJ ill,, GOLDEN BaXCT ti w is tiA I- tli y.i HI jr ..' . it a w()iatiili5ii:(piCii&ibV liANftlaft'S'lS J :; t.l ooUjm i ivi e.a aaiiat mt u; I', v?a . 1. I;:; iu ai U t; ' ' ."' ....! :i st . M. it, : ; jrrf -a.-----.-- l k. wRmi i;r BJolylO FRESH MINERAL WATER ? ... 1 anvn ALSO, t S. 6 i ft . S 1 I i ! 'HunfJdl !i ?WrWtRlIirAPdClttiI? 1! wi'tTriii l t?t