7 . . . .. - .11 mmmm aT ! in it 1 r r nmr-fHii 1 - w- j .191.10 1 APPETisgj:; in certain and efficient umiAjespecially lnaigrestion, .Dys pepsia, Intermittent Fevers, Want of Appetite, Loss of SteengTilr,rJ-,TlfrSri; etaTJU fiHflu beIkdL strengthens the maclM, Wrf new life to the nerve It acta like a charm on the Sold W all drorfS4fttUtH"Afi,s Bottk;l82 pp. of useful an ""iIuOWN" DHeSiICALi CO., Baltimore, Md. 1 uniai ihnill Wlllllll jiifcMal'BTfftfXIMiTKil'fcill D I 2 !'A .XAil.1 X'CO ! H 11"! TIT'jIfiT-l OOX.00XJ.Kex ft TOCBTHSTS.. .... . ) M -WM BMLL 7 Piedmont Patent AMP- I FLOURS. Just Received and to Arrive ! 1 CARLOAD 7 A8SOBTKD 8ACKS. . . .. i. ; ; X LiBGX LOT OF 1 '. lU ! ?') -.-.it r. MOLAMM : v. 0L4MS1S CTBUP8 Inclodlnf a few bbla . u; ;.ocu OlW0f9 o New Orieani. ( : -f-'ft 1" ' .r bbl5. OVQAB rGfrtx 'Jorrii ,:ti'i.n- ..r, , pro . .... XV ICS : Tfty-.'; TJACON -i i; : ACO T ABD J iABJD H AMS xu KAL T7 TO TO -rrocx ow- imi MiLLomr, ONS v -Vor Ladiaa anl CUUteb- ff Wa AH8, PAJUSOLS, TaucknfQd, HATS1 OE 'BONNETS tORXTZISZAD AXD poem or iirr. visa ass cbiia :: :! On rattan Hata atUrUwai'b, open aa axawDatlea of nr etock m mdum WinU teBDdtte atora U natt on bar trtaada tWaamieeaiMttiaaerTuWr v Ctaal, wb would be pleased to aea hU triendiand i i - r . fc aaaV-c ,aiaw.iM aWaWaV .aWDVaWaW"" aWaWaWSW AaWaVBBPam 1 mEZm CENDINE m F. F fiuibif r-.: ILLLIUIIIJIIjIJIJ P.. XI m ii i iii in nn ii i .i ii i I. I . WX MATS MM wsrrjiGoona, . T TKUbONGsI nr. tkti m rp n-r vo i b eontrarr. waa : 'OWirL ma which feaaa tut bit nstatsi tare irftlia Fonta. else ,MtM tt L&T 0on twiaa the la, iwf mill wwiK'wni' aojorad. RiPaMe If tfla Tonlfl has not don lha aetoCwrtatiaaygBrfran.rTraKO. gO.. II. Ill HAil STIT, J ,1' many localities, fos wnleb ednioe 4a r r notaie anudete. for the -gflgets uf 1 WMCB Hostetter'a Stomach Bitters Ig not oolr a tboroogb-tamedr; bat s reliable pre ventlva. To thu fdt there la, air orerwhelmtni array or tesUmonr, xtendLogovafi S period ot thlr rears. All disorder of CfteUven stomacti and boweU an aiaff. eooftilred ;bf y: I "TOIGOEMTOSS i. Only .Vegetable Compound that cts directlitoon the Liver, and cures Lrvrfiomplaints, Jaun dice, BiliousnesSy-MalariaCos-tiveness Headacbe. It assists di gestion, Strengthens tHe system, regulates the bowels, punfies the blood. A ;Book snt free. Dr. SanforU, t6;2"3rpaidtsay; N. Y. FOR BILK' av TT? rVntrrtnTaTa janjiH aooa,ow-X7. w1 won6xiul u -aaAxiyyTyat tat U tim. 1 H -.,i-f-L Jlitl ! V. . I n7.JBMMH.Tininwii. JmadlM, Coattu MDaffau w &k ifthMuutfaRa, Kauaigia, jri, lUdneT-Wort cared Mm after hwiiurtp tad bem trying for rourYQrr iff M. M. B. GM&ria,Miajjo In tliaron, Ohio, A aot azmctad to lire, being bloated una i, jktwi oi sootn Baiem, ji. I., mji i jmrw nseruis nom Kianeyiroaoiea, oompaotloa wmwiM by the tuw of ort, nMiu nil i ' .1 t. 1T T,ft Urer kian,tro6ble ana was nnablo ' 9mwotK uaney-wort made alia " weUaaerer.' PEIUNAMEHTLY-. CURES KIDNEtHDISBASES. UVERJOMPLAIMT5, I ConMtfbatfonajid PUa. uM Orit ie pofnp In 9tj TecetaMe TenaM OnoaaaV oafitAif9tt which makmtik tuarta wtnM, tor Uuwe. thkt itAnxSiim pre" - QErnAJTB3l)EUCH3IST3. PKICK, fV-J I WKIXaW4UCBAKnOIIAC0.:Pr0B'l. ZE IT IareJr27dirir"; tlrllaV oilaal T Tf.ttK &BA1EEM -,AVW)nieys ana uounseuoii of ri-jDi-.Ajson .4 . ; i CHABLOTT3CN.C. PrflfitlAA tiflnfiimAnnmt nf tha nnftad fttotaa bopiemeCoan ol North Carolhisi Federal i r - " - a "icaarta? and -eomrUeSd !3ttecIlBht. V 'i t 4jurf,-CabajriMt Union, Qaa-1'"' 1 " lOfllce, floors east of letdeillMd .MM , RO. 1). 1BRAHAH, - nensation. T3W39ft n$j$tf On 9d.ntelt ol tMtjffbd aate b8a i Mv-i tU f u.j i Siia muBi iJuj Mno. t i woo jBVAKwmuj novsK,waimer Kaln and Ifcpor street. Headersonvtn6,XC.. tttvorahla lTbe teuaeJaDleasanUT altoati uea rooms: and onlha lot ara. t Ma ' .w U t Wi ! deatredK JtirtlL be wr urwni ne sold nn U U 014 folknrad by 1 Mr mm r ; 1 - fin'7i? o; , t:o lii-'X Tsiw; Vi - ilA . t A Inn. wf IV-V' a .OSWJIJ It'jirTniM! ,di.1jl.:u. waWJH m I 4 mi IV the State-and United States Courts. CoUee ttiona. Home audi Itoretu aolletted. Ab- tneta of Tttlaa. Rnnon An . fnvnlahaa tnm an. aw U eoo oia jxaa pai U W 'MAC THUS9iiT7ST;lJf 1881. Khfc&Hn feal fcAiivaatolAfme motive. In England the error is sjoi aeepiy rootea uiat tne last anniyer of his birth was celebrated by over 000.000 misinformed Englishmen. Pro ably bat one in a hundred of these pai ticinants in the celebration ever hear of Oliver Evans, who. without doub was the father of the propelling power of all railroad trains in the-world. Ho v came Stephen son bv honors not fairl; his? will be the first Question aski No axwoa s tHatf ti eteroclaim theni fb mwselff n&hltorone sa that he ever exclusively wore them when alive, thousrh he lived nearly a score of years after the Socket mad its first and forever famous trip. Cleaif I,-tftvvr,afi i'i df IfiOt ttw4ate ab&bi6usCialkAl book issued in 1867. If Stepenson had never lived nor thought, the locomot tive could still be the world's servan to-day. But without the idea that first sprang into Eyans JralivaoWonly the locomet2&.t)dt in Kbxienie majority practically all of the steam engines ol the globe would be impossible. Evans it should be stated, was an American, In order to appreciate Evans' inven-l tion, it is necessary to consider what1 the steam engine was when he found; it. It was iheri tmivsrsalryvthe custom, to intrddfid-stearn otf Wut faeide the piston, to condense it with water, thus cooling the cylinder at each stroke, and to derive power, not from the steam, but from the vacuum produced weak, wasteful and immensely heavy. But what chiefly concerns us here is that they were only available when a Elentif ul supply of cold water could be ad for condensation. That was Watt's engine, and even in its most perfect ana later iorms, woen steam was usea on both sides of the piston, and when some use was maae oi its expansive force, when it was comparably a more rapidnd"irfiLaichine, it was as Impossible id ttstf it f qt land locomotion as for an elephant to drive a tricycle. With the Watt low-pressure engine, the locomotive was simply a sheer impossibility. What Evans did was to ceticeiye'39 construct rtX introduced alternately on either side of the piston, and which discharged the steam exhausted of its power not into a condenser, but into the atmosphere. Thus the-qrushing weight of7.be con denser became unnecessary, and the steam engine was divorced from the necessity of an abundant supply of water. In a word, Evans built the first practical engine that could be placed jon wheels. That was the moment of jthe birth of the locomotive, and it was also far more. The new motor was not only portable by its own power ; it 'was stroner. small, simple, cheap build, economical to operate, avu every wnera. Jit was the univ vatra 41 man it wia aiyMfi Mosl HlbaLfeterirfil d&im by hpmah brain. Every high pressure or compound engine in every locomo tive or manufactory, and in nearly every steamboat perhaps no excep tion need be made to-day is a throb bing witness to Evans' claim. PROFITABLE RESULT OF A BOYISH TRICK. : When a youthful apprentice Evans began his efforts to discover some sub stitute for animal power in moving wagons. As a boyisn trick, a gun-barrel partly filled with water and stopped at Dotn ends, was inserted in a black smith's forge, with results which may be imagined. It instantly occurred to Evans that this was the power he was in search of. Subsequently he found a book describing the atmospheric steam pump used in English mines, and in which rise at onceaioticed that the sol use el I Wtew In it waDTd3ueeV vaeuuw 6JTwiand two- wax feaickri put together, experiments followed, in which a piston was driven by steam, and in 1781 he announced that he could thus propel boats and wagons. He was 1 ! PROMPTLY DECLARED CRAZY, and a patent was denied him on that ground. But he persevered. In this country there were no rails, but in the English mines there were, and to ng land he seht hi " ideas.-' Itf "TrST one Capt Masters took drawings and speci fications to England, for the express purpose of exhibiting t&em to engineers, tin 1794-6 Mr. J. S. Sampson went over or the same purpose, and the first year M A. 1 A. AL. 2 ul hula century mo tsuKiuo was ezmoiir ea actually at wors to two untisn en aeonYokpi! gineers in this country- iN impreesianiv'B8 glory . which they whatever seems to havebW mM4? Worn the brows oroth England, except that, in 1802. Richard yCrevethick patented a high pressure Xg i of J engine, xne American edition 'Wood oil Railwava" distinctlv rharo-aa Hiioat he avajJed himseifOf Evans' ideas, LjriunM pit AeU notbe insisted on, mce Evans was, beyond dispute, the earlier and better. In this country, however, Evans pushed his concep- Litipnsto the incontestable records of piteats in Maryland (1787) and Penn-1 svlvania (1786), and to embodiment in iron and employmen caluse. Theidieaofl! locomotion was temporarily abandon ed, and, in 1801, concentrating his en tire financial resources for he had been too busy inventing to make woneyf thourh Vt eamejtohknr rapidly enonettwiiefibetortied hia Attention ltd it he built the first successful doub- W A -- a ieacung, mgn-pressure steam engine, tne archetype of the standard motor of he world to-day. The cost was $3,700. Lfi was not a model. It was a practical engine, and was put to nse in sawing and jmndinsr. goon after Evans re ceived an order from the Philadelphia 33oard of Health for an engine to be used in dredging docks. He built it in a scow iahif workshop, Ae,moanid it 04 wheels, and he drove it by his own power a mile and a half over the high way to the Schuylkill, when he launch- a wmm a a m t eq ic xnence it paacuea its own way y a stern wneeiio rniiaaeipma. bree years later 1? ubobi ouiit asetter boatii SINwwylfite yeam,ialer son MiiaWPHket B&fthis firs' t'idlfiatIdiliof aolibfeh-i team engine to land and water motion. !0NCEPTI0N OF THE FIRST PASSEN- GEE RAILROAD. In 1808: aEvan imposed to-, bniii nasseneer railroad the nrst ever con ceived to run between New York and hiladelphia. His idea, iibing his words, as "to lav a track so iuaiiv level aa not to deviate in any. pStce more than two degrees - from a horizontal line, maae or wooa or iron, on smootn porks of broken stone or gravel, with a rail to jgulde the carriages, so that they may fass each otbfttjfPTfl fBrtirgy Hofiered "toli?steltt drrtt?J "gy "ay I travel by that will run at the rate of fifteen miles fttai hour on crood. level railwava. on eon. jdliion that I have double price for it it u wim inat velocity, ana nothing for it If rt khairTfot come nn to ,t steed What can an inventor do re to insure the nerformance of hia eBidne?" 'WhaL indeed? He further sauiifj. TWtrr frtake of the stock beam SMffeftlf loco- or steam engines invented by me. for purpose iorty -years "aafr Rdill wirajinemw answer. Lne: purpose w ib sausxacuo even to- make twelve or fifteen back the emrtiie it tt v o w required." All would npt do iPeple dfcf not r&sb the Idea, and he could get the money. ''3 rtv r ...... " jw" Then Evans wished to Dlace.hims6l on-record, and in view-of all tfie i;i -etimstanees his words areshbsfremari Mfce: he.presentVgeiiyBnUioaMisai(j ue, win use canals; tne next witiua railooeda with horses . birtr-nhetr -mor je&Uktened sujcessors-wflImploy,m :veam carriages on rauways asine te jecuon ox tne art of conveyance; in t meanume tne steam carnages; inay. ww. oven on me nresenc .tumpix re ume will come when people wfll travelim staores moved hkteam enfffnea ff tfm one city to, aMUiej, almost-fasi n if rha atAfiriiAtfliM'Vfrrl :7riSffiW twssecuqfl. or, tne ? jlm..u -uiaeu ox raus wm- o- laia. traveieouov uiios wpu as py .oay ana.uif)asw win -sieep l bly as thev l" Eten sle6blnc catsj rlish mind has onl v iatei wsoffl ly-grasped, were thus foreseen -by I pee tne. erst .passenger, frainas ermoyea jfivaasestimateflthe value- what "he knew about steam at roop.000,000, a sum then narked tdlM' LVTHNUttY-W AK - From Senator Vance's Oration at Kington. tOontiioental battaliolas, f?3&.in NiWihltasmd 1 pateaindiearcell fought fields 6CPt JTce- tolSrBrandvwine. Uermantov MonnwuIBrvyien (nerarXinc tney accompamea mm.- uesraes these 2,000 militia had already been sent to the defence of Charleston. The Gov ernor waai'aathorizeti soon affrfto i raise 8,000 men I Stot&43arlina,J raise 8,000 men to. send to the id oi iaf whren: Btattf Ira Irastfien threatened with subjugation.These forces were-ptomptly; raTged and when added to those kept in the field at home, the whole. number flould not have been less than 20.000 men furnished by North Carolina.' When we consider ,$hafc her, population at that time could not hava exceeded '559,000, it will be seen that . a . a ;.!! lj 4 : ' . ' . --T 8ne"wasenaing ner iuu . guotft : to ine SBppottOf thfr wat'As4 D3uai3Sia1&U ed to receive credit for the value and extent of .1ttsefvieesP Others have ; written the Jhistorv of those, times, and they have,wriltu it in the narrow spir it of laudation of their own States.' f In: truth, JSorth. Carolina, constituted, by far the greater" part "of any Southern army whttttsrrundef How.' Lincoln. thedtBtaterwaa subduediancy Verrtf to enlist recruits In our borders.' f uer a letterofauthority from Govenrgr lenfetetf WM! bis1 WrgeVt comp pies in tjasweu county Anotnpr col- oneior his cottimand emlsted one of his largest companies in Caswell coun; ty.. Another eoarpany of his command was enusteoMri,Try on,: no wfeJ . Lincoln cdufli;ambrigbt. an&omeie. Williams and Chronicle bothuf ell glor iously at King's Mountain, and all the Sen of that command1 ate credited in e, current histories to South Carolina! Afe!thfe battle, of the )wpens:the motntdnmtlV who so gallantly stood by Hbtgatf a regulars and aided. Jhim in that i signal victory, are likewise credited to South Carolina; whereas every man, or them, including their commandBT, Col Joe McDonald, hailed frOm the counties of urke and Ettth- errora. ; Gen. Davidson, in conamandf about 700 Mecklenburg men,, fell; at Cowan's Ford. There being some delay and jealous as tothe filling of his place, QenI?ickens, of South Carolina who. was present with about thirty-stragglers from that State, was Jlaced m command.) 3Tg the deeds of t fat flav fi drMtard all tne aeeas oi inese MecKienourz men are also credited to South Carolina; I In the brilliant actions of Hanging Bocard 'Wckt Mount the IJortfi J Cwroiina troopa under' Irwin, Hnggins atad Davie constituted by far the great? erpart1 of the patriot forces; yet as QerArSamter was in commands South I ! MeBee,in bis life and lettewef Ire dell, affirms that it was .generally be lieved trad-1 imderst6odB that even the North Jarolina AontinantaLj, were dis tnbuted in the lines of other States to fill them up to the regulation to; and their, individuality being thus, lost all won went to era. T am in- clined to believe this is true. auuiu neutvu u.uxujg we war OI Indcpiehencei-lhntf it went on dt ring' the great civil warand thus it will air ways go on so long as our men of let- ters permit the reputation of our peo' pie to fall into the keeping of others. uur mrave sons nave lnaeea been able to snatch' vietorv from the enemvamid the.smokeof battle, but have not been, I able to w refit its laurels from the grasp of envy and -detractlcmt1 i- v.ibiielsi I It is truethat Jones and Swain. Mc- ttee, uranam ana otners nave tried to correct these errors-of' historians, but at too late a day; , They had,aiready been accepted by the public and passed" into history. Let every North Care- linian who loves, his State leara a4ea sqn Tignt "nere. intone your own we want, and Is precisely what we will net t fTjnWas re joontribute 'to the Oar Ten L,surgreet Cities. Wa8hlngon&putBcan. Neil orkl.IJi' rwiadelphia.. . . ...w ... 836,984 BkKklyn44iJa fa . .riu; j$Q6,?84 lBalUiaoasmt.t Mil" Z320w I&jPrancisco.. V:. . :;; . 233.956 aa a aWfftir-i. U t . !Wka u intiititinrr u vna ( - ia this aoaatkm 4 fmnnairfl aatlnwk ttn-olfl sIAk. Plrf aa that abeia aiadx wtoorto npfrd. W for tj feare, aaunflringly devoted her ttmeandl entsaa I!raaae:Pojaactai aadBaneui prirjefpalir t amongfhiideiw;aaviaue8scaaiU'.SM mod, as a result of this eflort-and practlcaJ knowl edga, obtained tn arnteume r ment as nurse and health, anat & Moreover vela, tn mnanminm nf thllf Br ttcMiBW faabw la becoming world-reeowned) as a benefactor of herraeijklraTi aertalnlvvto rlaj ' np aWeaa herj especialiy t ahla 4he-eaaaa Wflialoi p? JmpiortaiiTwl her naine.lw.tbto toi nwesesuuFeBaseenH pK.ii.vw rtii? icrin . now do iteam?0,ttad rSJSSiTOHS ffl25WH P I $imes it.wouldiieed tobe multipnetfto' aUi a a a itECWBt ! igxpress the fact tO-day ? m I -Na 814 Xast Glrard Aye. i --- ---i ii i m . - r ' Burnett' FlatorinJCxtcU always standard. majgn jLirysf Tuoaoie aracte, and we alneeiety Deueve uiooa ld h nffhlidaMi have been savedHDrrnB a-Bfly, nae, and, thatiBulUona jet an fi. benefits,. wd.oimBlnc I mother aas suiirnna-iiiiie l tn p'irpplnloB, until she, bu grrenrft cnet lv jrwiasiowrai "Sootbici' ie?!ytC:: i-Ladles, ton New foi-Utr." cei fbfla I jo9ti B .1 .-A Bill gdw i JESiiStftya eni&i a1 (ilcJUU84aea;VwolDal03,, aects, etc. cteared out by -Bough on BkWfi'r&oC' boxes at dragglstaVid -4Bo taiT. .ira;!n7i- 9 aa, e Wilmington MevUafi Mx. Jno. . Savaee. superintendent of Ktha county. poor ijouse, naa posswiy f we ri finest fpttt JtiiM jhchea.Jn ;d&me,tan yrCnesleVJCalhotin 'Bellamv.-'; a - vounflr . gentmanf great promise, died at the reiidelicof his father, Dr.: Jno. D-' Bel- JAnty. jwtday. mornirig''at 4'elocfc, after? ishoft bttVpalnful illuess.1 dtw f PCipede steamer of which The .spheres that do the DroneLIinci 'and Will' be made' as' lisht as possible t6t pifafak to or 'faair -auU. -J ;;;oif w jjoiBMn: v" can be prerented and beared by keeping the ito- maca. uver una Kirmnva in nrTn wnrtinc rtur I There ta no medlclne known ihsi jnIU dihlvas THEtJREAT Brickactie, Soreness of the Chest, bout, quinsy, Sore Throat, Swell 1 Scalds, General Bodily. Pains. i'ooih Ear and Headache, Frosted Feet and Ears, arid all other rams, and Achat: , Ko . preparation on earth equal St. Jacobs Ort A tare, ture. imla and daw btmul eraedy. A trial entails but the comparatiyelT ifltii oattaT of J CaBta, and btery one differing ith pahl can haTS dia and ivalHva nnf f it alaiini. . ; - .J . 7' ' " ! Direction to Jaeren liaDrtiaeea. BQUX, BI Ali DBTJGGISTS ABD DEALERS j " VdCrEUER & Ca; .' 4- AM OPEN AUOK&ISE LADIES The brilliant, faseiiifttins tints Of Complexion for trhich ladiea .striye are ehiefly arti flcial, and all who will tate tHo tro&lud may - secure themu IlieTOseato, bewiteMitg hnea , follow the use of Hagaa8 JLtg nolia Balmtf delicate, harm less and alwavg reliable airticla.. Sola, by tillvdnnrrist9 T ;v!-1 ' j TheMagnomi Balm conceals every blemih. removes 8al lowness, Tan, Bedness, Emp tions, all evidences of excite xnent and every ImrerfectfofjJ k Its effects are immediate and i so natural that no human being icaaLdgtect its appHcan.rx t il 01 . " ' ' 1 .01 IN ITS PIMHt SECONDARY OB TERTIARY STAGS. ' J - Benioves all traces of MercuryJ from tne system. Cures Berolula, old sores, rbeumatlsm, eczema, j" ? catarrh, or any blood disease.11 ' ' r j (CURES WHIN' HOT SPRINGS JAIL! Malvem.Arfcf M&y 2,1881. f",we have cases in our town who llrod at Hot prlngs and were finally cured with S. 8. &. . l V ! r JB OCAJOIOU & MUBBT. "''" Memphis.' Tennessee. May 12, 1881. we have sold 1,296 bottles of & s. a in a year. It has given universal satisfaction, Fair minded physicians now recommend it as a positive specif ic; j u,,V,'i ' 8. MaHaTDSLD ft CO. -'I : T.railmrlllai 1Tantin.lrv.i V . too .. S.'S. has alven better satisfaction than acr meuicuw i uave ever ouiu. . w. A- jnusxaSB. - JciOf Denver, CoL. May 2,1881. ' Xrery nurchaser sneaks In the hishest tom nf S.flk.' . L. MsiaasTZB. ' Richmond Va. Maw 11. t SBt tlTnn Mn rafAr anvhnriv tn na In mmkI tntiu Maria of a 8. a. Poli Millsb & Co7 T .It4f ..t..t .rri.nr . MOA Ot Syphilis, when prajwr fakeo.. H. L, t)KHNABD, U WaBBEH, Parrr. f5n i abora afamerskiw iemen of hieh ataiui. ia !sa, we wm take yont caM." to tn? ViTiri U WHIN CUBlrx Writ for'-riiaVrT ?iiP"PJRTrJiD win be paid to anyiemlst ivwii,jwub rvmsaiBRu or any SWUT 6PJKLV1C CO. 7opnetora, AUantaflaa uiukkimii aw swa i wm - v a a u uiMiLii. u m w . awi iiiiiiiii ! a ii aaaaasi a ..x.O!;-jv:J tirscf " w naarB nn fionnoitaa onn nniv na nnmna i i mot u. uita. ueeu f ueHiBTLeu.. i)i w men i fthiwtothe' IjajaSKJ KftRW-fry j?uW1 fflMfllS'l" 531 i njvAiix Aiwij iclb. iiaia inai at mm T-trr' a j.iQ Hj.it, .K.r mmmi MS I ' J Ai. Wi. lit : i ss? " "" j Tllfgraat specific enres that most loaXBsoSje : : (; .f disease . l"! ' ''" 1 : C ORGANS, 17 eto& Set Gkfli- Jt i aurgrTt4 MlWtfc.1 l Hill iooRiif Busurras uMivEBSigrr iAAM9WPll ft ai ,2 &&VJ53g5LSF It j . JI'UM'i 1 WW ! Ill III'".' i I I trfl ' PI ATIhCF SOLD ONlN3TALLlLNT8 and nbosriO I trr. F&ICX 8 LO W nd termMot In. JSP " wnnimiHut ur nuu dibht ana UT IOMIl'l SSin rT,"7:7; nm"Jm!nSrsi HOOT HXS. Bend for XaJMllTojxitoOaC JMfinacttw i UTerTJr. Jiklnajt Aodwhea K2ir5i11 tommoa aoj6a not nod wMinipoo-aWHlT ITAlULEBrB aiwwa legwates uteae impoitaat remedy. aug9,4w J : I E. M. ANDREWS, i . . .. , i i (Successor toS. Q. Rogers.) WbOLESALS & RETAIL FUBNTTUBI DZALKB CONSTANTLY ON HAND. DON'T FAIL TO GIVE ME A CALL BEFORE BUYING. Upholstering and repairing done tt the shop in connection with the store. ' 3il29 BY LU'HEtt BENSON. for sale at TIDDT & BBO'3 Book Store. auft8,tf I NOTICE. Oitict Ihwmohd dr Dajnrm BH.i I pl9EUeket onWoitnehmond arMnTllla l nauroaa uompanj.ui open , lor lnioimatton i from litse-p. m. dnttt 6 ti m. But aboold ISe paouo-oesue ,aaaiuon&i' infottnattoD aa tojratfcay rootea or connections, Capt. 8. a. Pegram wUlbo I w Duufflicji ur assist mem. umce 29 west Trade street, next door to ticket office, v . ! J. LIIARDIN; ' AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, ' CoiXMar..CHALoTr, N.C v rders for Oram, Hay, MealVkwr, Lardtlaoon. vsTooaeoo. sugar. Coffee. Motassea. Ae man-. cl xim) cneapest Htawais . ana reua represented. . Special Limited , fecumoB ; 1 MOREHEAD CITY. , ; PASStNGKlt t)IPABT10CirT, R. ft TJ. R, R. : i BiCHiioin, Va,. July 1st, 1881: ' In order to afford ample facilities to visit the sea ahore,' ' !; -- - Wj ROUND TRIP TICKETS, r ?! . &OOD FOR TIN DATS, art on sale at Charlotte under the following conditlonsi I For partlea of twelve, $11.15 each. ; . . t For further lmformatlon anniv tAfta Hv'at at.thdepofe - Vipi? inns Genl Passenger and Freight Agent J'ateW(!:id.;;:r;' -'A !" ' f n: st'cv. ) nn ,j SJL-.eiSSi yS5w 4hola or divided SLS,.?II.by SoJtaWe ehlrerfor Ftf viXaHILLIPS. ! II TTfr!ftlTrtM'Aw A. PubUshednMnlhWBiOa? urns n jncjaaamg na mteresi wr lea OH anb1ecta".e1" v1tT fnT aJrVil ml.' WSSlil A-151i . iLV.il !. C dLluati1 ao-l rage; circulation Advertisement are how5 one nuy, are free from, errora, and w, taste dUntayed. 7 Ita adferUsmai rates Tara not In ezoBsa of tts value to an adverUse,.i Advertlsfc S3r wa. ymmuaovi f W and to -trtngtheKaver paii oTm tonLc It haa cared hnadred et deptdiliiinTa Ida, j ASH low peUBbor about tt7vffaac0,4 MII1E A foil line of Coins and; Cask lutein IIC - yanauianaunaaj mnnog lfD XeetOB AW m on, UkTirOicSoUni. Lahcul aUMl llcanUon the Obi of DUX WISTSOUTH CAROLDf1. ws : the oldest inatltnaorilr Ihha Btate. Total experawferTmlkmBoBJd.ookavetaj need not 1 iezoeed MaJtoSeoltLi eonununlty X)pens firitataiday m Oototeir a oca raor.v idcalUy and tnteUicanC mtton tn any vfssua;T k 20th of ihajmrinthf? jtSdn t&UM iCrti?l hcu i-vci vAND LOOK AT HIS 7 ' . IARGE STOCK OK all of Which he sells broods .Tarranted aa Rep- ; K resented both ill Weight '! 1.1; ' t ui,::-,r : . and Quality, WATCH GLASSES "10 CENTS EACH. ! deelS i '. . i ... i ' i . . i , nunraaonre tobts. Date,Kvl5'81 N6.47 Datlr No. 49 Da7 Na48, Dally Lt.; Charlotte, : : ,4.06 axi 0.16 AMI '4.15 PM .7 . A-iu uepot . 41! 131 8.20 J 4.80 pm fl.07 pm 7.57 pm 8.18 pm -wHauatMuy,- . ' Arr.Oreenaboro : Lr.Oreensboro An.Balelith , . S.66 Uf 7.50 am 0.80 AM 8.08 AM 8.25 AH 1.40 pm 146 pm ,4.00 r 1 1 -111. 8.25 F ia2i am 102T am 10 58 am 12.87 pm 2.24 fm a20PM 4.05 fx 90 i for Bleh m'ndonlr linleoldBbatb Lt. OreeoBboro : ; for Richmond. ; Lt. Danville M V nanslllA 11.31 AX lt . 83 AM " Barkadale i . " Drak'aBfch Jetersvllle An. Tomahawk Arr. BeUe ble Lt. " AnJfanehdster Arr. Richmond . 12.01 PM 1.20 pm 2.55 pm 8.51 i 4.28 PM 4.85 PM 4.88 FM 4,10 PMl 4.13 PM 4.1B pm 4.43 amJ 7.28 am raina:eonr bodtev Data4larl6'80 No. 43 I Ho. 48 No. 60 Patty Patty, I Patty. Lt. Richmond Z i Barkerine ' Arr. M. DanrlUe - Lt. ' .,..,.. 10.45 pm 12.00 M 2.26 AMI Z43TM eesipai 7 Danville ' Arr. Greensboro Lt. 7.27 i 9.20 i Am 9.81 AM 1L16 AM 8.87 pm " SaUsbnrr . lU.aa PM Art. ArlfciiJunoOoBj 1345 PM 12.45 AM ' 'VUUAotaa; ,.q Lt. Rtehmood i " JetersTffle . : SrakBr'oU ' " BarkBdaleii L.00 PM112-20 AM jf : J 2.56 pm 441 PM apt pm 7.25 pm . . . .. . .f . ... ,f7i;PM. ' Greensboro ' SaUsbarr B.OO PM ST'pm 11.05 pm (&20AM. iX'ii.i'.v Am A.'Janetlon LT5ni:"iy,:P An. caiariotte . yt-iSJO am SALKM JE&AltaM- iKHW SO e:i j xioi .-: A 40111, eaxeptfoBdaty 3gRl JtSt. ltS::::.::::::u;:ftiI' ! . i . Na 47aflr except Sunday; " . LeaTeflaleni 'ii:.i.L jii'.-ji. - ! : t qa i : - - - www wrm wm w UM BBvaaW' AirtyeaQreensborf rt.M.H ,..; 900 am , :NO,)43-aUr, exeeDt8uBdar. i AnlToa Salem. . .iLfiaM " " NO. 48-Patty. ,. .'. AieaTB saiem km ArrtTe. Greensboro.. .......... . . t go PM pm: ' LH1 """ "L and CO will onry stake short atoppatw at pofata named on tbeietodnleT get aboard atlh B.Jk &.B.& depot , Tbla train resj ooMieoaon atQretostioroior BaleiX GoMaboro- Newoeme and ail points on Wllmkur 'ton Welitoiyallroajlre 1?STg Passenger trains Na 47 and 48 make aa toeal stops between Charlotta atui nhmrf JtfT Ween Greensboro, fialelab and Goldsbofo, No. 47 Aatterme (81infiart exptad)r nd SSabSo neatGreeiiabi rHeeBger; tritea Wr4af4 maka'aif Ibcar atona betvean Cbarkfa.ani nuh iliirrr A. POFK, Ota. Pass, and Ticket Aftent, RlohrnmdtVa. It? fLY FANS AJXRAPS, TDB if BINKLXB8, , ICE CREAfd FREEZERS. ' For sommer use, jiat ni. ' "" THXFIKXST iiiirl or Ordew and porreap9odrjof aoucited at the Hard- i ware Store and Sewing Machine House of RICHARD iifOGRE, 9 TVnda RtMat r!ha1ik M f : CoL .C W BBaDBaUW.aO .il wn' In connection with the .Sewlnar' Kahlne tnesa ef thla eir aiul wlrfnltv. l nnw with ma and would be; pleased t see hta . mends and TsnffXAna erwl in n Hi at lin a n f an awa viw whw. aroarP' across ew atpa Mjay au 5 7 iliiali. Go to 1 0 I H fi ! w. p. mum, igetit, to F. BcaaftCav lt.i!!j ibwiFtrfiiBegtiDrBaf .) u - 41 1 see AlM.Toaetand i Xancv Perfumeries, Oomba 1 Kli"RiiMkM .A aV ( "I'BnialK -liI4 Slfi! 5lIiV e?itff rttooaawilTaaanee-. ' .1Mt4fldl V--.. "it fefke iJ i . . Poui duicklok fc, and rnre ilemeui Dm. my Articles. KB AKD h.bekTari!amrarr A. jL .PhTKleiazi' Dreserl -riJontoeeefW1 shara'of publio patronaan, I am. reepeetfally. nr.'.1.. u ti all iAr a--nx.u j ..-cL't ,:.-3 a; - J 1 n i f - - -

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